Thomas Delong
Co-Authors (12)
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Thomas Delong (red circle).
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This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of
Thomas Delong (red circle).
The size of a circle is proportional to the number of publications that author has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names
is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
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Name | Total Publications | Co-Authored Publications |
Haskins, Kathryn | 110 | 20 | Baker, Rocky | 22 | 14 | Reisdorph, Nichole | 124 | 5 | Wenzlau, Janet | 54 | 2 | Gottlieb, Peter | 168 | 2 | Reisdorph, Richard | 36 | 3 | Nakayama, Maki | 32 | 3 | Michels, Aaron | 87 | 2 | Saba, Laura | 130 | 1 | Friedman, Rachel | 41 | 2 | Kappler, John | 415 | 1 | Marrack, Philippa | 406 | 1 |
Co-Authors of Co-AuthorsName | Total Publications |
Bergman, Bryan | 104 | Flores, Sonia | 57 | Wagner, David | 33 | Davidson, Howard | 82 | Akturk, Halis | 96 | Simmons, Kimberly | 30 | Anseth, Kristi | 329 | Yu, Liping | 74 | Garg, Satish | 255 | Krebs, Nancy | 346 | Smith, Mia | 22 | Kechris, Katerina | 141 | Gapin, Laurent | 95 | Reusch, Jane | 180 | Hill, Emily | 14 | Steck, Andrea | 121 | Holers, Vernon | 400 | Hume, Patrick | 19 | Petrache, Irina | 142 | Frank, Daniel | 203 | Lozupone, Catherine | 111 | Fritz, Kristofer | 62 | Rewers, Marian | 495 | Hendricks, Audrey | 56 | Jacobelli, Jordan | 43 | Seals, Douglas | 393 | Bauer, Alison | 46 | Triolo, Taylor | 22 | Simberg, Dmitri | 81 | Shearn, Colin | 53 | Baschal, Erin | 30 | Day, Brian | 106 | Crapo, James | 286 | Johnson, Randi | 31 | Norris, Jill | 333 | Weiser-Evans, Mary | 83 | Slansky, Jill | 66 | Vanderlinden, Lauren | 27 | Barker, Jennifer | 36 | Seibold, Max | 92 | Rabinovitch, Nathan | 37 | Wright, Kenneth | 141 | Waugh, Kathleen | 31 | Sussel, Lori | 103 | Gaikwad, Hanmant | 26 | Saxon, David | 25 | Aquilante, Christina | 87 | Marentette, John | 22 | Pollock, David | 97 | Liu, Edwin | 99 | Brown, Laura | 71 | Stremming, Jane | 12 | Agarwal, Rajesh | 280 | Couts, Kasey | 29 | Karakus, Kagan | 23 | Borgelt, Laura | 43 | Knight, Jefferson | 21 | Baker, Peter | 33 | Radcliffe, Richard | 64 | Davenport, Bennett | 37 | Tyagi, Alpna | 29 | Ehringer, Marissa | 89 | Haugen, Bryan | 148 | Roede, James | 57 | McQueen, Matthew | 117 | Jin, Niyun | 28 | Stenmark, Kurt | 357 | Dondzillo, Anna | 16 | Klug, Achim | 48 | Scheinman, Robert | 54 | White, Carl | 102 | Miao, Dong | 42 | Orlicky, David | 207 | Shah, Viralkumar | 123 | Phang, Tzu | 51 | Szefler, Stanley | 490 | Chonchol, Michel | 325 | Beatson, Christie | 6 | Mathias, Rasika | 240 | Dai, Shaodong | 58 |
Co-Author ConnectionsPerson 1 | Person 2 | Number of Co-Publications | Most Recent Co-Publication |
Marrack, Philippa | Kappler, John | 360 | 2022 | Norris, Jill | Rewers, Marian | 127 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Steck, Andrea | 60 | 2023 | Norris, Jill | Holers, Vernon | 47 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Liu, Edwin | 39 | 2023 | Yu, Liping | Miao, Dong | 33 | 2022 | Yu, Liping | Rewers, Marian | 32 | 2023 | Orlicky, David | Shearn, Colin | 31 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Waugh, Kathleen | 29 | 2023 | Seals, Douglas | Chonchol, Michel | 27 | 2023 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Reisdorph, Richard | 26 | 2023 | Wenzlau, Janet | Davidson, Howard | 23 | 2020 | Kappler, John | Dai, Shaodong | 23 | 2021 | Agarwal, Rajesh | Tyagi, Alpna | 23 | 2019 | Shah, Viralkumar | Akturk, Halis | 23 | 2024 | Norris, Jill | Johnson, Randi | 22 | 2023 | Haskins, Kathryn | Baker, Rocky | 21 | 2022 | Rewers, Marian | Miao, Dong | 21 | 2022 | Norris, Jill | Steck, Andrea | 21 | 2022 | Haskins, Kathryn | Delong, Thomas | 20 | 2023 | Saba, Laura | Kechris, Katerina | 20 | 2023 | Friedman, Rachel | Jacobelli, Jordan | 19 | 2022 | Gapin, Laurent | Marrack, Philippa | 19 | 2020 | Gottlieb, Peter | Rewers, Marian | 18 | 2022 | Gottlieb, Peter | Michels, Aaron | 18 | 2022 | Garg, Satish | Shah, Viralkumar | 18 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Johnson, Randi | 18 | 2023 | White, Carl | Agarwal, Rajesh | 18 | 2015 | Marrack, Philippa | Dai, Shaodong | 17 | 2021 | Yu, Liping | Liu, Edwin | 16 | 2023 | Garg, Satish | Akturk, Halis | 16 | 2023 | Frank, Daniel | Krebs, Nancy | 16 | 2023 | Liu, Edwin | Miao, Dong | 16 | 2020 | Ehringer, Marissa | McQueen, Matthew | 16 | 2022 | Gapin, Laurent | Kappler, John | 15 | 2020 | Shearn, Colin | Fritz, Kristofer | 15 | 2019 | Baker, Rocky | Delong, Thomas | 14 | 2022 | Gottlieb, Peter | Steck, Andrea | 14 | 2023 | Simberg, Dmitri | Gaikwad, Hanmant | 14 | 2023 | Norris, Jill | Liu, Edwin | 14 | 2022 | Norris, Jill | Kechris, Katerina | 14 | 2023 | Scheinman, Robert | Simberg, Dmitri | 14 | 2023 | Orlicky, David | Agarwal, Rajesh | 14 | 2022 | Gottlieb, Peter | Garg, Satish | 13 | 2018 | Nakayama, Maki | Michels, Aaron | 13 | 2023 | Yu, Liping | Steck, Andrea | 13 | 2023 | Krebs, Nancy | Hendricks, Audrey | 13 | 2023 | Norris, Jill | Waugh, Kathleen | 13 | 2023 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Kechris, Katerina | 12 | 2021 | Rewers, Marian | Barker, Jennifer | 12 | 2011 | Haskins, Kathryn | Marrack, Philippa | 11 | 2010 | Haskins, Kathryn | Kappler, John | 11 | 2010 | Yu, Liping | Gottlieb, Peter | 11 | 2021 | Kechris, Katerina | Johnson, Randi | 11 | 2023 | Steck, Andrea | Waugh, Kathleen | 11 | 2022 | Rewers, Marian | Garg, Satish | 11 | 2018 | Rewers, Marian | Kechris, Katerina | 11 | 2023 | White, Carl | Day, Brian | 11 | 2016 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Petrache, Irina | 10 | 2021 | Michels, Aaron | Simmons, Kimberly | 10 | 2022 | Saba, Laura | Vanderlinden, Lauren | 10 | 2020 | Fritz, Kristofer | Roede, James | 10 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Michels, Aaron | 10 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Baschal, Erin | 10 | 2023 | Kappler, John | Jin, Niyun | 9 | 2022 | Akturk, Halis | Karakus, Kagan | 9 | 2024 | Yu, Liping | Wenzlau, Janet | 9 | 2023 | Yu, Liping | Michels, Aaron | 9 | 2023 | Kechris, Katerina | Petrache, Irina | 9 | 2021 | Steck, Andrea | Simmons, Kimberly | 9 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Bergman, Bryan | 9 | 2018 | Slansky, Jill | Kappler, John | 9 | 2021 | Brown, Laura | Stremming, Jane | 9 | 2023 | Miao, Dong | Steck, Andrea | 9 | 2021 | Orlicky, David | White, Carl | 9 | 2015 | Orlicky, David | Fritz, Kristofer | 9 | 2021 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Fritz, Kristofer | 8 | 2023 | Gottlieb, Peter | Smith, Mia | 8 | 2023 | Michels, Aaron | Akturk, Halis | 8 | 2024 | Saba, Laura | Shearn, Colin | 8 | 2019 | Yu, Liping | Barker, Jennifer | 8 | 2012 | Holers, Vernon | Scheinman, Robert | 8 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Wenzlau, Janet | 8 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Simmons, Kimberly | 8 | 2023 | Seals, Douglas | McQueen, Matthew | 8 | 2018 | Weiser-Evans, Mary | Stenmark, Kurt | 8 | 2012 | Roede, James | Marentette, John | 8 | 2023 | Orlicky, David | Saba, Laura | 8 | 2019 | Orlicky, David | Roede, James | 8 | 2021 | Gottlieb, Peter | Triolo, Taylor | 7 | 2022 | Saba, Laura | Scheinman, Robert | 7 | 2022 | Saba, Laura | Simberg, Dmitri | 7 | 2022 | Steck, Andrea | Michels, Aaron | 7 | 2022 | Steck, Andrea | Johnson, Randi | 7 | 2023 | Holers, Vernon | Simberg, Dmitri | 7 | 2023 | Shearn, Colin | Roede, James | 7 | 2018 | Gottlieb, Peter | Barker, Jennifer | 6 | 2012 | Michels, Aaron | Kappler, John | 6 | 2018 | Marrack, Philippa | Jin, Niyun | 6 | 2021 | Davidson, Howard | Kappler, John | 6 | 2020 | Yu, Liping | Norris, Jill | 6 | 2016 | Yu, Liping | Waugh, Kathleen | 6 | 2021 | Kechris, Katerina | Vanderlinden, Lauren | 6 | 2020 | Steck, Andrea | Triolo, Taylor | 6 | 2024 | Frank, Daniel | Orlicky, David | 6 | 2023 | Frank, Daniel | Hendricks, Audrey | 6 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Triolo, Taylor | 6 | 2023 | Crapo, James | Day, Brian | 6 | 2003 | Johnson, Randi | Waugh, Kathleen | 6 | 2023 | Barker, Jennifer | Triolo, Taylor | 6 | 2011 | Klug, Achim | Dondzillo, Anna | 6 | 2020 | Scheinman, Robert | Gaikwad, Hanmant | 6 | 2023 | Haskins, Kathryn | Flores, Sonia | 5 | 2011 | Haskins, Kathryn | Nakayama, Maki | 5 | 2019 | Haskins, Kathryn | Reisdorph, Nichole | 5 | 2019 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Delong, Thomas | 5 | 2019 | Gottlieb, Peter | Miao, Dong | 5 | 2016 | Gottlieb, Peter | Davidson, Howard | 5 | 2017 | Gottlieb, Peter | Baschal, Erin | 5 | 2022 | Gottlieb, Peter | Simmons, Kimberly | 5 | 2022 | Nakayama, Maki | Jin, Niyun | 5 | 2019 | Michels, Aaron | Baschal, Erin | 5 | 2023 | Saba, Laura | Radcliffe, Richard | 5 | 2020 | Saba, Laura | Fritz, Kristofer | 5 | 2019 | Bergman, Bryan | Haskins, Kathryn | 5 | 2000 | Yu, Liping | Davidson, Howard | 5 | 2011 | Yu, Liping | Nakayama, Maki | 5 | 2023 | Garg, Satish | Beatson, Christie | 5 | 2017 | Krebs, Nancy | Reisdorph, Nichole | 5 | 2023 | Kechris, Katerina | Radcliffe, Richard | 5 | 2020 | Steck, Andrea | Baschal, Erin | 5 | 2022 | Lozupone, Catherine | Reisdorph, Nichole | 5 | 2022 | Fritz, Kristofer | Reisdorph, Richard | 5 | 2023 | Fritz, Kristofer | Marentette, John | 5 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Holers, Vernon | 5 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Vanderlinden, Lauren | 5 | 2020 | Johnson, Randi | Vanderlinden, Lauren | 5 | 2020 | Norris, Jill | Vanderlinden, Lauren | 5 | 2020 | Barker, Jennifer | Miao, Dong | 5 | 2009 | Barker, Jennifer | Baschal, Erin | 5 | 2011 | Liu, Edwin | Waugh, Kathleen | 5 | 2021 | Chonchol, Michel | McQueen, Matthew | 5 | 2018 | Haskins, Kathryn | Friedman, Rachel | 4 | 2019 | Reisdorph, Nichole | McQueen, Matthew | 4 | 2018 | Wenzlau, Janet | Haskins, Kathryn | 4 | 2023 | Nakayama, Maki | Kappler, John | 4 | 2019 | Michels, Aaron | Waugh, Kathleen | 4 | 2022 | Flores, Sonia | Lozupone, Catherine | 4 | 2013 | Davidson, Howard | Michels, Aaron | 4 | 2019 | Anseth, Kristi | Hume, Patrick | 4 | 2012 | Krebs, Nancy | Reisdorph, Richard | 4 | 2023 | Frank, Daniel | Reisdorph, Nichole | 4 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Chonchol, Michel | 4 | 2014 | Rewers, Marian | Davidson, Howard | 4 | 2017 | Seals, Douglas | Reisdorph, Nichole | 4 | 2018 | Baschal, Erin | Triolo, Taylor | 4 | 2011 | Norris, Jill | Barker, Jennifer | 4 | 2006 | Norris, Jill | Miao, Dong | 4 | 2005 | Weiser-Evans, Mary | Wenzlau, Janet | 4 | 2006 | Liu, Edwin | Barker, Jennifer | 4 | 2009 | Liu, Edwin | Steck, Andrea | 4 | 2021 | Miao, Dong | Michels, Aaron | 4 | 2019 | Miao, Dong | Waugh, Kathleen | 4 | 2021 | Delong, Thomas | Reisdorph, Richard | 3 | 2016 | Haskins, Kathryn | Michels, Aaron | 3 | 2023 | Haskins, Kathryn | Reisdorph, Richard | 3 | 2016 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Baker, Rocky | 3 | 2016 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Rabinovitch, Nathan | 3 | 2013 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Hendricks, Audrey | 3 | 2023 | Wenzlau, Janet | Stenmark, Kurt | 3 | 2006 | Gottlieb, Peter | Wenzlau, Janet | 3 | 2012 | Gottlieb, Peter | Nakayama, Maki | 3 | 2019 | Gottlieb, Peter | Baker, Peter | 3 | 2012 | Gottlieb, Peter | Waugh, Kathleen | 3 | 2022 | Reisdorph, Richard | Petrache, Irina | 3 | 2018 | Reisdorph, Richard | Hendricks, Audrey | 3 | 2023 | Nakayama, Maki | Baker, Rocky | 3 | 2019 | Nakayama, Maki | Delong, Thomas | 3 | 2019 | Saba, Laura | Reisdorph, Nichole | 3 | 2021 | Saba, Laura | Agarwal, Rajesh | 3 | 2024 | Saba, Laura | Aquilante, Christina | 3 | 2021 | Saba, Laura | Roede, James | 3 | 2021 | Saba, Laura | Marentette, John | 3 | 2021 | Saba, Laura | Gaikwad, Hanmant | 3 | 2022 | Bergman, Bryan | Wright, Kenneth | 3 | 2021 | Bergman, Bryan | Agarwal, Rajesh | 3 | 2020 | Wagner, David | Haskins, Kathryn | 3 | 2008 | Davidson, Howard | Nakayama, Maki | 3 | 2019 | Anseth, Kristi | Haskins, Kathryn | 3 | 2012 | Yu, Liping | Baschal, Erin | 3 | 2023 | Yu, Liping | Simmons, Kimberly | 3 | 2023 | Gapin, Laurent | Nakayama, Maki | 3 | 2019 | Gapin, Laurent | Jin, Niyun | 3 | 2019 | Reusch, Jane | Bergman, Bryan | 3 | 2021 | Reusch, Jane | Sussel, Lori | 3 | 2021 | Steck, Andrea | Kechris, Katerina | 3 | 2022 | Petrache, Irina | Hume, Patrick | 3 | 2023 | Frank, Daniel | Lozupone, Catherine | 3 | 2021 | Frank, Daniel | Kechris, Katerina | 3 | 2022 | Frank, Daniel | Baschal, Erin | 3 | 2021 | Rewers, Marian | Baker, Peter | 3 | 2012 | Bauer, Alison | Reisdorph, Nichole | 3 | 2023 | Baschal, Erin | Baker, Peter | 3 | 2011 | Day, Brian | Petrache, Irina | 3 | 2023 | Crapo, James | Mathias, Rasika | 3 | 2023 | Barker, Jennifer | Baker, Peter | 3 | 2012 | Rabinovitch, Nathan | Szefler, Stanley | 3 | 2014 | Wright, Kenneth | Reisdorph, Nichole | 3 | 2023 | Liu, Edwin | Nakayama, Maki | 3 | 2008 | Agarwal, Rajesh | Day, Brian | 3 | 2014 | Miao, Dong | Nakayama, Maki | 3 | 2005 | Shah, Viralkumar | Karakus, Kagan | 3 | 2023 | Chonchol, Michel | Reisdorph, Nichole | 3 | 2018 | Delong, Thomas | Michels, Aaron | 2 | 2019 | Delong, Thomas | Friedman, Rachel | 2 | 2018 | Haskins, Kathryn | Gapin, Laurent | 2 | 2012 | Baker, Rocky | Michels, Aaron | 2 | 2019 | Baker, Rocky | Friedman, Rachel | 2 | 2018 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Marrack, Philippa | 2 | 2010 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Shearn, Colin | 2 | 2020 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Mathias, Rasika | 2 | 2022 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Marentette, John | 2 | 2019 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Johnson, Randi | 2 | 2022 | Wenzlau, Janet | Baker, Rocky | 2 | 2022 | Wenzlau, Janet | Delong, Thomas | 2 | 2022 | Wenzlau, Janet | Baker, Peter | 2 | 2015 | Gottlieb, Peter | Wagner, David | 2 | 2019 | Gottlieb, Peter | Haskins, Kathryn | 2 | 2019 | Gottlieb, Peter | Baker, Rocky | 2 | 2019 | Gottlieb, Peter | Beatson, Christie | 2 | 2009 | Gottlieb, Peter | Delong, Thomas | 2 | 2019 | Reisdorph, Richard | Marentette, John | 2 | 2023 | Nakayama, Maki | Baschal, Erin | 2 | 2023 | Michels, Aaron | Shah, Viralkumar | 2 | 2018 | Michels, Aaron | Karakus, Kagan | 2 | 2024 | Saba, Laura | Reisdorph, Richard | 2 | 2024 | Kappler, John | Reisdorph, Richard | 2 | 2016 | Marrack, Philippa | Friedman, Rachel | 2 | 2015 | Marrack, Philippa | Jacobelli, Jordan | 2 | 2015 | Davidson, Howard | Gapin, Laurent | 2 | 2019 | Davidson, Howard | Jin, Niyun | 2 | 2019 | Davidson, Howard | Sussel, Lori | 2 | 2022 | Davidson, Howard | Dai, Shaodong | 2 | 2020 | Simmons, Kimberly | Waugh, Kathleen | 2 | 2022 | Simmons, Kimberly | Triolo, Taylor | 2 | 2023 | Yu, Liping | Triolo, Taylor | 2 | 2021 | Garg, Satish | Michels, Aaron | 2 | 2018 | Krebs, Nancy | Baker, Peter | 2 | 2018 | Smith, Mia | Simmons, Kimberly | 2 | 2021 | Kechris, Katerina | Pollock, David | 2 | 2021 | Kechris, Katerina | Reisdorph, Richard | 2 | 2013 | Kechris, Katerina | Waugh, Kathleen | 2 | 2022 | Gapin, Laurent | Couts, Kasey | 2 | 2024 | Gapin, Laurent | Dai, Shaodong | 2 | 2019 | Reusch, Jane | Haskins, Kathryn | 2 | 2004 | Reusch, Jane | Reisdorph, Nichole | 2 | 2021 | Reusch, Jane | Saxon, David | 2 | 2022 | Holers, Vernon | Frank, Daniel | 2 | 2023 | Holers, Vernon | Reisdorph, Nichole | 2 | 2021 | Frank, Daniel | Reisdorph, Richard | 2 | 2023 | Frank, Daniel | Hill, Emily | 2 | 2023 | Rewers, Marian | Shah, Viralkumar | 2 | 2020 | Bauer, Alison | Saba, Laura | 2 | 2019 | Shearn, Colin | Reisdorph, Richard | 2 | 2020 | Baschal, Erin | Simmons, Kimberly | 2 | 2022 | Norris, Jill | Reisdorph, Nichole | 2 | 2021 | Slansky, Jill | Dai, Shaodong | 2 | 2022 | Vanderlinden, Lauren | Waugh, Kathleen | 2 | 2020 | Sussel, Lori | Triolo, Taylor | 2 | 2021 | Aquilante, Christina | Mathias, Rasika | 2 | 2024 | Brown, Laura | Baker, Peter | 2 | 2020 | Couts, Kasey | Michels, Aaron | 2 | 2024 | Couts, Kasey | Akturk, Halis | 2 | 2024 | Couts, Kasey | Karakus, Kagan | 2 | 2024 | Baker, Peter | Vanderlinden, Lauren | 2 | 2017 | Baker, Peter | Triolo, Taylor | 2 | 2011 | Ehringer, Marissa | Saba, Laura | 2 | 2022 | Ehringer, Marissa | Mathias, Rasika | 2 | 2013 | Jin, Niyun | Dai, Shaodong | 2 | 2019 | Stenmark, Kurt | White, Carl | 2 | 2005 | Orlicky, David | Reisdorph, Nichole | 2 | 2022 | Orlicky, David | Day, Brian | 2 | 2014 | Orlicky, David | Marentette, John | 2 | 2019 | Mathias, Rasika | Johnson, Randi | 2 | 2022 | Delong, Thomas | Marrack, Philippa | 1 | 2010 | Delong, Thomas | Kappler, John | 1 | 2010 | Haskins, Kathryn | Crapo, James | 1 | 2002 | Haskins, Kathryn | Day, Brian | 1 | 2002 | Haskins, Kathryn | Sussel, Lori | 1 | 2014 | Haskins, Kathryn | Hume, Patrick | 1 | 2012 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Knight, Jefferson | 1 | 2020 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Klug, Achim | 1 | 2015 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Dondzillo, Anna | 1 | 2015 | Reisdorph, Nichole | White, Carl | 1 | 2015 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Borgelt, Laura | 1 | 2021 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Agarwal, Rajesh | 1 | 2021 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Tyagi, Alpna | 1 | 2018 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Simberg, Dmitri | 1 | 2021 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Szefler, Stanley | 1 | 2013 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Seibold, Max | 1 | 2020 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Stremming, Jane | 1 | 2021 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Hill, Emily | 1 | 2023 | Wenzlau, Janet | Steck, Andrea | 1 | 2013 | Wenzlau, Janet | Michels, Aaron | 1 | 2023 | Reisdorph, Richard | Hill, Emily | 1 | 2023 | Nakayama, Maki | Pollock, David | 1 | 2012 | Nakayama, Maki | Simmons, Kimberly | 1 | 2015 | Nakayama, Maki | Dai, Shaodong | 1 | 2019 | Michels, Aaron | Saxon, David | 1 | 2016 | Michels, Aaron | Triolo, Taylor | 1 | 2022 | Saba, Laura | Delong, Thomas | 1 | 2020 | Friedman, Rachel | Seibold, Max | 1 | 2019 | Marrack, Philippa | Davenport, Bennett | 1 | 2014 | Wagner, David | Baker, Rocky | 1 | 2008 | Yu, Liping | Haskins, Kathryn | 1 | 2023 | Yu, Liping | Baker, Peter | 1 | 2012 | Yu, Liping | Shah, Viralkumar | 1 | 2015 | Krebs, Nancy | Hill, Emily | 1 | 2023 | Kechris, Katerina | Hendricks, Audrey | 1 | 2019 | Gapin, Laurent | Baker, Rocky | 1 | 2012 | Reusch, Jane | Brown, Laura | 1 | 2021 | Reusch, Jane | Orlicky, David | 1 | 2018 | Reusch, Jane | Tyagi, Alpna | 1 | 2018 | Reusch, Jane | Stremming, Jane | 1 | 2021 | Steck, Andrea | Baker, Peter | 1 | 2011 | Holers, Vernon | Haskins, Kathryn | 1 | 2013 | Holers, Vernon | Stenmark, Kurt | 1 | 2020 | Holers, Vernon | Marrack, Philippa | 1 | 2017 | Petrache, Irina | Seibold, Max | 1 | 2021 | Frank, Daniel | Radcliffe, Richard | 1 | 2018 | Hendricks, Audrey | Hill, Emily | 1 | 2023 | Bauer, Alison | Vanderlinden, Lauren | 1 | 2019 | Simberg, Dmitri | Dai, Shaodong | 1 | 2022 | Baschal, Erin | Akturk, Halis | 1 | 2022 | Day, Brian | Seibold, Max | 1 | 2021 | Weiser-Evans, Mary | Scheinman, Robert | 1 | 2009 | Slansky, Jill | Nakayama, Maki | 1 | 2020 | Liu, Edwin | Michels, Aaron | 1 | 2014 | Liu, Edwin | Simmons, Kimberly | 1 | 2015 | Brown, Laura | Krebs, Nancy | 1 | 2021 | Brown, Laura | Reisdorph, Nichole | 1 | 2021 | Agarwal, Rajesh | Reisdorph, Richard | 1 | 2024 | Knight, Jefferson | Shearn, Colin | 1 | 2020 | Knight, Jefferson | Reisdorph, Richard | 1 | 2020 | Radcliffe, Richard | Agarwal, Rajesh | 1 | 2009 | Radcliffe, Richard | Tyagi, Alpna | 1 | 2009 | Tyagi, Alpna | Fritz, Kristofer | 1 | 2018 | Ehringer, Marissa | Seals, Douglas | 1 | 2022 | Ehringer, Marissa | Radcliffe, Richard | 1 | 2013 | Haugen, Bryan | Slansky, Jill | 1 | 2013 | Haugen, Bryan | Michels, Aaron | 1 | 2010 | Haugen, Bryan | Agarwal, Rajesh | 1 | 2014 | Miao, Dong | Simmons, Kimberly | 1 | 2019 | Miao, Dong | Triolo, Taylor | 1 | 2009 | Orlicky, David | Gapin, Laurent | 1 | 2023 | Orlicky, David | Lozupone, Catherine | 1 | 2022 | Orlicky, David | Davenport, Bennett | 1 | 2018 | Phang, Tzu | Reisdorph, Nichole | 1 | 2013 | Phang, Tzu | Radcliffe, Richard | 1 | 2013 | Dai, Shaodong | Gaikwad, Hanmant | 1 | 2022 |
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Concepts  Derived automatically from this person's publications. _
Co-Authors  People in Profiles who have published with this person. _
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People who are also in this person's primary department.
Physical Neighbors  People whose addresses are nearby this person. _