Carlos E Catalano
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOP-DOPS General Operations |
Phone | 303/724-0011 |
Research R56AI186400 (CATALANO, CARLOS ENRIQUE)Aug 20, 2024 - Jul 31, 2025 NIH A Tunable Nanophage Platform for Vaccine Development Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01GM127365 (CATALANO, CARLOS ENRIQUE)May 1, 2018 - May 31, 2027 NIH Structure and Function of Essential Nucleoprotein Complexes Along a Viral Genome Packaging Pathway Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01GM088186 (SMITH, DOUGLAS E)May 1, 2011 - Apr 30, 2016 NIH Mechanisms of Viral DNA Packaging: Biophysical, Biochemical, & Genetic Analysis Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R21AI087487 (CATALANO, CARLOS ENRIQUE)Sep 1, 2010 - Feb 28, 2014 NIH Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of HIV Env Trimer Spikes using Nanod Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01GM063943 (CATALANO, CARLOS ENRIQUE)Sep 10, 2001 - Jan 31, 2011 NIH Mechanistic Studies on a Viral DNA Packaging Machine Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01GM050328 (CATALANO, CARLOS ENRIQUE)Aug 1, 1995 - Jul 31, 2000 NIH MECHANISTIC STUDIES ON VIRAL ASSEMBLY Role: Principal Investigator |
Prokhorov NS, Davis CR, Maruthi K, Yang Q, Sherman MB, Woodson M, White MA, Miller LM, Jarrold MF, Catalano CE, Morais MC. Biophysical and structural characterization of a multifunctional viral genome packaging motor. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 Jan 25; 52(2):831-843. PMID: 38084901.
Davis CR, Backos D, Morais MC, Churchill MEA, Catalano CE. Characterization of a Primordial Major Capsid-Scaffolding Protein Complex in Icosahedral Virus Shell Assembly. J Mol Biol. 2022 10 15; 434(19):167719. PMID: 35820453.
McClary WD, Catala A, Zhang W, Gamboni F, Dzieciatkowska M, Sidhu SS, D'Alessandro A, Catalano CE. A Designer Nanoparticle Platform for Controlled Intracellular Delivery of Bioactive Macromolecules: Inhibition of Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 7 in Breast Cancer Cells. ACS Chem Biol. 2022 07 15; 17(7):1853-1865. PMID: 35796308.
Davenport BJ, Catala A, Weston SM, Johnson RM, Ardanuy J, Hammond HL, Dillen C, Frieman MB, Catalano CE, Morrison TE. Phage-like particle vaccines are highly immunogenic and protect against pathogenic coronavirus infection and disease. NPJ Vaccines. 2022 May 26; 7(1):57. PMID: 35618725.
Witeof AE, McClary WD, Rea LT, Yang Q, Davis MM, Funke HH, Catalano CE, Randolph TW. Atomic-Layer Deposition Processes Applied to Phage ? and a Phage-like Particle Platform Yield Thermostable, Single-Shot Vaccines. J Pharm Sci. 2022 05; 111(5):1354-1362. PMID: 35081408.
Catalano CE, Morais MC. Viral genome packaging machines: Structure and enzymology. Enzymes. 2021; 50:369-413. PMID: 34861943.
Catala A, Dzieciatkowska M, Wang G, Gutierrez-Hartmann A, Simberg D, Hansen KC, D'Alessandro A, Catalano CE. Targeted Intracellular Delivery of Trastuzumab Using Designer Phage Lambda Nanoparticles Alters Cellular Programs in Human Breast Cancer Cells. ACS Nano. 2021 Jul 27; 15(7):11789-11805. PMID: 34189924.
Yang Q, Catalano CE. ATP serves as a nucleotide switch coupling the genome maturation and packaging motor complexes of a virus assembly machine. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 05 21; 48(9):5006-5015. PMID: 32255177.
delToro D, Ortiz D, Ordyan M, Pajak J, Sippy J, Catala A, Oh CS, Vu A, Arya G, Smith DE, Catalano CE, Feiss M. Functional Dissection of a Viral DNA?Packaging Machine's Walker B?Motif. J Mol Biol. 2019 11 08; 431(22):4455-4474. PMID: 31473160.
Ortiz D, delToro D, Ordyan M, Pajak J, Sippy J, Catala A, Oh CS, Vu A, Arya G, Feiss M, Smith DE, Catalano CE. Evidence that a catalytic glutamate and an 'Arginine Toggle'?act in concert to mediate ATP hydrolysis and mechanochemical coupling in a viral DNA packaging motor. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 02 20; 47(3):1404-1415. PMID: 30541105.
Catalano CE. Bacteriophage lambda: The path from biology to theranostic agent. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol. 2018 Sep; 10(5):e1517. PMID: 29536661.
Yang TC, Ortiz D, Yang Q, De Angelis RW, Sanyal SJ, Catalano CE. Physical and Functional Characterization of a Viral Genome Maturation Complex. Biophys J. 2017 Apr 25; 112(8):1551-1560. PMID: 28445747.
Lambert S, Yang Q, De Angeles R, Chang JR, Ortega M, Davis C, Catalano CE. Molecular Dissection of the Forces Responsible for Viral Capsid Assembly and Stabilization by Decoration Proteins. Biochemistry. 2017 02 07; 56(5):767-778. PMID: 28029785.
delToro D, Ortiz D, Ordyan M, Sippy J, Oh CS, Keller N, Feiss M, Catalano CE, Smith DE. Walker-A Motif Acts to Coordinate ATP Hydrolysis with Motor Output in Viral DNA Packaging. J Mol Biol. 2016 07 03; 428(13):2709-29. PMID: 27139643.
Yang TC, Ortiz D, Nosaka L, Lander GC, Catalano CE. Thermodynamic Interrogation of the Assembly of a Viral Genome Packaging Motor Complex. Biophys J. 2015 Oct 20; 109(8):1663-75. PMID: 26488657.
Nakatani-Webster E, Hu SL, Atkins WM, Catalano CE. Assembly and characterization of gp160-nanodiscs: A new platform for biochemical characterization of HIV envelope spikes. J Virol Methods. 2015 Dec 15; 226:15-24. PMID: 26424619.
Yang TC, Catalano CE, Maluf NK. Analytical Ultracentrifugation as a Tool to Study Nonspecific Protein-DNA Interactions. Methods Enzymol. 2015; 562:305-30. PMID: 26412658.
Sanyal SJ, Yang TC, Catalano CE. Integration host factor assembly at the cohesive end site of the bacteriophage lambda genome: implications for viral DNA packaging and bacterial gene regulation. Biochemistry. 2014 Dec 09; 53(48):7459-70. PMID: 25335823.
Chang JR, Song EH, Nakatani-Webster E, Monkkonen L, Ratner DM, Catalano CE. Phage lambda capsids as tunable display nanoparticles. Biomacromolecules. 2014 Dec 08; 15(12):4410-9. PMID: 25319793.
Sae-Ueng U, Liu T, Catalano CE, Huffman JB, Homa FL, Evilevitch A. Major capsid reinforcement by a minor protein in herpesviruses and phage. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Aug; 42(14):9096-107. PMID: 25053840.
Koudelka KJ, Ippoliti S, Medina E, Shriver LP, Trauger SA, Catalano CE, Manchester M. Lysine addressability and mammalian cell interactions of bacteriophage ? procapsids. Biomacromolecules. 2013 Dec 09; 14(12):4169-76. PMID: 24251756.
Singh P, Nakatani E, Goodlett DR, Catalano CE. A pseudo-atomic model for the capsid shell of bacteriophage lambda using chemical cross-linking/mass spectrometry and molecular modeling. J Mol Biol. 2013 Sep 23; 425(18):3378-88. PMID: 23811054.
Andrews BT, Catalano CE. Strong subunit coordination drives a powerful viral DNA packaging motor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Apr 09; 110(15):5909-14. PMID: 23530228.
Andrews BT, Catalano CE. The enzymology of a viral genome packaging motor is influenced by the assembly state of the motor subunits. Biochemistry. 2012 Nov 20; 51(46):9342-53. PMID: 23134123.
Medina E, Nakatani E, Kruse S, Catalano CE. Thermodynamic characterization of viral procapsid expansion into a functional capsid shell. J Mol Biol. 2012 May 04; 418(3-4):167-80. PMID: 22365932.
Chang JR, Andrews BT, Catalano CE. Energy-independent helicase activity of a viral genome packaging motor. Biochemistry. 2012 Jan 10; 51(1):391-400. PMID: 22191393.
Nurmemmedov E, Castelnovo M, Medina E, Catalano CE, Evilevitch A. Challenging packaging limits and infectivity of phage ?. J Mol Biol. 2012 Jan 13; 415(2):263-73. PMID: 22108169.
Medina EM, Andrews BT, Nakatani E, Catalano CE. The bacteriophage lambda gpNu3 scaffolding protein is an intrinsically disordered and biologically functional procapsid assembly catalyst. J Mol Biol. 2011 Sep 30; 412(4):723-36. PMID: 21821043.
Medina E, Wieczorek D, Medina EM, Yang Q, Feiss M, Catalano CE. Assembly and maturation of the bacteriophage lambda procapsid: gpC is the viral protease. J Mol Biol. 2010 Sep 03; 401(5):813-30. PMID: 20620152.
Tsay JM, Sippy J, DelToro D, Andrews BT, Draper B, Rao V, Catalano CE, Feiss M, Smith DE. Mutations altering a structurally conserved loop-helix-loop region of a viral packaging motor change DNA translocation velocity and processivity. J Biol Chem. 2010 Jul 30; 285(31):24282-9. PMID: 20525695.
Yang Q, Catalano CE, Maluf NK. Kinetic analysis of the genome packaging reaction in bacteriophage lambda. Biochemistry. 2009 Nov 17; 48(45):10705-15. PMID: 19788336.
Yang Q, Maluf NK, Catalano CE. Packaging of a unit-length viral genome: the role of nucleotides and the gpD decoration protein in stable nucleocapsid assembly in bacteriophage lambda. J Mol Biol. 2008 Nov 28; 383(5):1037-48. PMID: 18801370.
Nurmemmedov E, Castelnovo M, Catalano CE, Evilevitch A. Biophysics of viral infectivity: matching genome length with capsid size. Q Rev Biophys. 2007 Nov; 40(4):327-56. PMID: 18423102.
Fuller DN, Raymer DM, Rickgauer JP, Robertson RM, Catalano CE, Anderson DL, Grimes S, Smith DE. Measurements of single DNA molecule packaging dynamics in bacteriophage lambda reveal high forces, high motor processivity, and capsid transformations. J Mol Biol. 2007 Nov 09; 373(5):1113-22. PMID: 17919653.
Ortega ME, Gaussier H, Catalano CE. The DNA maturation domain of gpA, the DNA packaging motor protein of bacteriophage lambda, contains an ATPase site associated with endonuclease activity. J Mol Biol. 2007 Nov 02; 373(4):851-65. PMID: 17870092.
Khrapunov S, Brenowitz M, Rice PA, Catalano CE. Binding then bending: a mechanism for wrapping DNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Dec 19; 103(51):19217-8. PMID: 17159146.
Maluf NK, Gaussier H, Bogner E, Feiss M, Catalano CE. Assembly of bacteriophage lambda terminase into a viral DNA maturation and packaging machine. Biochemistry. 2006 Dec 26; 45(51):15259-68. PMID: 17176048.
Ortega ME, Catalano CE. Bacteriophage lambda gpNu1 and Escherichia coli IHF proteins cooperatively bind and bend viral DNA: implications for the assembly of a genome-packaging motor. Biochemistry. 2006 Apr 25; 45(16):5180-9. PMID: 16618107.
Gaussier H, Yang Q, Catalano CE. Building a virus from scratch: assembly of an infectious virus using purified components in a rigorously defined biochemical assay system. J Mol Biol. 2006 Apr 07; 357(4):1154-66. PMID: 16476446.
Gaussier H, Ortega ME, Maluf NK, Catalano CE. Nucleotides regulate the conformational state of the small terminase subunit from bacteriophage lambda: implications for the assembly of a viral genome-packaging motor. Biochemistry. 2005 Jul 19; 44(28):9645-56. PMID: 16008350.
Maluf NK, Yang Q, Catalano CE. Self-association properties of the bacteriophage lambda terminase holoenzyme: implications for the DNA packaging motor. J Mol Biol. 2005 Apr 01; 347(3):523-42. PMID: 15755448.
Wang H, Wu I, Yang Q, Catalano CE, Serwer P. Single-particle visualization of assembly: I. Dimerization in a planar zone. J Microsc. 2005 Jan; 217(Pt 1):83-92. PMID: 15655066.
Yang Q, Catalano CE. A minimal kinetic model for a viral DNA packaging machine. Biochemistry. 2004 Jan 20; 43(2):289-99. PMID: 14717582.
Yang Q, Catalano CE. Biochemical characterization of bacteriophage lambda genome packaging in vitro. Virology. 2003 Jan 20; 305(2):276-87. PMID: 12573573.
Bain DL, Berton N, Ortega M, Baran J, Yang Q, Catalano CE. Biophysical characterization of the DNA binding domain of gpNu1, a viral DNA packaging protein. J Biol Chem. 2001 Jun 08; 276(23):20175-81. PMID: 11279084.
de Beer T, Ortega M, Berton N, Yang Q, Overduin M, Catalano CE. Assignment of the 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances of the DNA binding domain of gpNu1, a genome packaging protein from bacteriophage lambda. J Biomol NMR. 2000 Sep; 18(1):69-70. PMID: 11061230.
Catalano CE. The terminase enzyme from bacteriophage lambda: a DNA-packaging machine. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2000 Jan 20; 57(1):128-48. PMID: 10949585.
Woods L, Catalano CE. Kinetic characterization of the GTPase activity of phage lambda terminase: evidence for communication between the two "NTPase" catalytic sites of the enzyme. Biochemistry. 1999 Nov 02; 38(44):14624-30. PMID: 10545186.
Yang Q, Berton N, Manning MC, Catalano CE. Domain structure of gpNu1, a phage lambda DNA packaging protein. Biochemistry. 1999 Oct 26; 38(43):14238-47. PMID: 10571997.
Hang Q, Woods L, Feiss M, Catalano CE. Cloning, expression, and biochemical characterization of hexahistidine-tagged terminase proteins. J Biol Chem. 1999 May 28; 274(22):15305-14. PMID: 10336415.
Yang Q, de Beer T, Woods L, Meyer JD, Manning MC, Overduin M, Catalano CE. Cloning, expression, and characterization of a DNA binding domain of gpNu1, a phage lambda DNA packaging protein. Biochemistry. 1999 Jan 05; 38(1):465-77. PMID: 9890930.
Meyer JD, Hanagan A, Manning MC, Catalano CE. The phage lambda terminase enzyme: 1. Reconstitution of the holoenzyme from the individual subunits enhances the thermal stability of the small subunit. Int J Biol Macromol. 1998 Jul; 23(1):27-36. PMID: 9644594.
Hanagan A, Meyer JD, Johnson L, Manning MC, Catalano CE. The phage lambda terminase enzyme: 2. Refolding of the gpNu1 subunit from the detergent-denatured and guanidinium hydrochloride-denatured state yields different oligomerization states and altered protein stabilities. Int J Biol Macromol. 1998 Jul; 23(1):37-48. PMID: 9644595.
Yang Q, Catalano CE. Kinetic characterization of the strand separation ("helicase") activity of the DNA packaging enzyme from bacteriophage lambda. Biochemistry. 1997 Sep 02; 36(35):10638-45. PMID: 9271494.
Woods L, Terpening C, Catalano CE. Kinetic analysis of the endonuclease activity of phage lambda terminase: assembly of a catalytically competent nicking complex is rate-limiting. Biochemistry. 1997 May 13; 36(19):5777-85. PMID: 9153418.
Cai ZH, Hwang Y, Cue D, Catalano C, Feiss M. Mutations in Nu1, the gene encoding the small subunit of bacteriophage lambda terminase, suppress the postcleavage DNA packaging defect of cosB mutations. J Bacteriol. 1997 Apr; 179(8):2479-85. PMID: 9098042.
Yang Q, Hanagan A, Catalano CE. Assembly of a nucleoprotein complex required for DNA packaging by bacteriophage lambda. Biochemistry. 1997 Mar 11; 36(10):2744-52. PMID: 9062101.
Hwang Y, Catalano CE, Feiss M. Kinetic and mutational dissection of the two ATPase activities of terminase, the DNA packaging enzyme of bacteriophage Chi. Biochemistry. 1996 Feb 27; 35(8):2796-803. PMID: 8611586.
Catalano CE, Kuchta RD. Inactivation of DNA polymerase alpha-primase by acrolein: loss of activity depends on the DNA substrate. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1995 Sep 25; 214(3):971-7. PMID: 7575571.
Catalano CE, Tomka MA. Role of gpFI protein in DNA packaging by bacteriophage lambda. Biochemistry. 1995 Aug 08; 34(31):10036-42. PMID: 7632676.
Catalano CE, Cue D, Feiss M. Virus DNA packaging: the strategy used by phage lambda. Mol Microbiol. 1995 Jun; 16(6):1075-86. PMID: 8577244.
Tomka MA, Catalano CE. Kinetic characterization of the ATPase activity of the DNA packaging enzyme from bacteriophage lambda. Biochemistry. 1993 Nov 16; 32(45):11992-7. PMID: 8218275.
Tomka MA, Catalano CE. Physical and kinetic characterization of the DNA packaging enzyme from bacteriophage lambda. J Biol Chem. 1993 Feb 15; 268(5):3056-65. PMID: 8428984.
Catalano CE, Allen DJ, Benkovic SJ. Interaction of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I with azidoDNA and fluorescent DNA probes: identification of protein-DNA contacts. Biochemistry. 1990 Apr 17; 29(15):3612-21. PMID: 2187527.
Catalano CE, Benkovic SJ. Inactivation of DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment) by adenosine 2',3'-epoxide 5'-triphosphate: evidence for the formation of a tight-binding inhibitor. Biochemistry. 1989 May 16; 28(10):4374-82. PMID: 2669951.
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