Johannes Rudolph
Co-Authors (9)
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This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of
Johannes Rudolph (red circle).
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is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
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This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of
Johannes Rudolph (red circle).
The size of a circle is proportional to the number of publications that author has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names
is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
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Co-Authors of Co-AuthorsName | Total Publications |
Ebmeier, Christopher | 40 | Couts, Kasey | 29 | Falke, Joseph | 130 | Khanal, Akhileshwar | 2 | Schweppe, Rebecca | 45 | Jones, David | 25 | Eisenmesser, Elan | 70 | Anseth, Kristi | 329 | Messersmith, Wells | 199 | Lee, Eunjeong | 5 | Sousa, Marcelo | 34 | Whitehead, Timothy | 67 | Dowell-Deen, Robin | 43 | Shellman, Yiqun | 55 | Liu, Xuedong | 56 | Sartorius, Carol | 72 | Langer, Stephen | 21 | Kompella, Udaya | 167 | Awolade, Paul | 19 | Churchill, Mair | 96 | Batey, Robert | 118 | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 515 | Nemkov, Travis | 149 | Kugel, Jennifer | 65 | Fujita, Mayumi | 79 | Xu, Quanbin | 20 | Hansen, Kirk | 284 | Arcaroli, John | 63 | Kabos, Peter | 80 | Pozdeyev, Nikita | 44 | Miranda, Jose | 11 | Cech, Thomas | 378 | Goodrich, James | 56 | Goodwin, Andrew | 61 | Costello, James | 83 | Roede, James | 57 | Haugen, Bryan | 148 | Betterton, Meredith | 49 | Reigan, Philip | 73 | Weiser-Evans, Mary | 83 | Pitts, Todd | 74 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | 183 | Redzic, Jasmina | 35 | Zhao, Rui | 47 | Saviola, Anthony | 46 | Bowles, Daniel | 92 | Hamilton, Desmond | 5 | Raeburn, Christopher | 58 | Allen, Mary | 31 | Root, David | 45 | McCarter, Martin | 221 | Roop, Dennis | 280 | Liu, Weimin | 10 | Robinson, William | 211 | Watkins, Linda | 379 | Holland, Alexandra | 5 | Cha, Jennifer | 69 | MacLean, Kenneth | 65 | Marentette, John | 22 | Zaug, Arthur | 47 | Nemenoff, Raphael | 186 | Dubner, Allison | 7 | Spencer, Sabrina | 39 | Sharma, Vibha | 20 | Whiteley, Alexandra | 4 | Leinwand, Leslie | 331 | Fishbein, Lauren | 46 | Finlay-Schultz, Jessica | 20 | Randolph, Theodore | 210 | Moore, Kristin | 1 | Bortz, David | 51 | Schwartz, Daniel | 137 | Frank, Matthew | 64 | Kwilasz, Andrew | 17 | Baratta, Michael | 50 | Beckham, Gregg | 178 | Rinn, John | 169 | Park, Wounjhang | 20 |
Co-Author ConnectionsPerson 1 | Person 2 | Number of Co-Publications | Most Recent Co-Publication |
D'Alessandro, Angelo | Nemkov, Travis | 139 | 2024 | Hansen, Kirk | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 125 | 2024 | Hansen, Kirk | Nemkov, Travis | 73 | 2024 | Nemenoff, Raphael | Weiser-Evans, Mary | 56 | 2023 | Goodrich, James | Kugel, Jennifer | 51 | 2023 | Watkins, Linda | Frank, Matthew | 51 | 2023 | Zaug, Arthur | Cech, Thomas | 47 | 2024 | Pitts, Todd | Messersmith, Wells | 37 | 2023 | Arcaroli, John | Messersmith, Wells | 36 | 2018 | Goodwin, Andrew | Cha, Jennifer | 27 | 2023 | Sartorius, Carol | Kabos, Peter | 26 | 2022 | Arcaroli, John | Pitts, Todd | 25 | 2018 | Robinson, William | McCarter, Martin | 25 | 2023 | Eisenmesser, Elan | Redzic, Jasmina | 21 | 2023 | Leinwand, Leslie | Anseth, Kristi | 21 | 2022 | Leinwand, Leslie | Langer, Stephen | 19 | 2023 | Sartorius, Carol | Finlay-Schultz, Jessica | 18 | 2022 | Robinson, William | Shellman, Yiqun | 18 | 2023 | Shellman, Yiqun | Fujita, Mayumi | 17 | 2021 | Haugen, Bryan | Schweppe, Rebecca | 17 | 2019 | Robinson, William | Couts, Kasey | 17 | 2023 | Watkins, Linda | Baratta, Michael | 17 | 2023 | Robinson, William | Fujita, Mayumi | 15 | 2023 | Haugen, Bryan | Sharma, Vibha | 14 | 2019 | Schweppe, Rebecca | Pozdeyev, Nikita | 13 | 2023 | Haugen, Bryan | Pozdeyev, Nikita | 13 | 2024 | Watkins, Linda | Kwilasz, Andrew | 13 | 2023 | Hansen, Kirk | Saviola, Anthony | 12 | 2023 | McCarter, Martin | Couts, Kasey | 12 | 2024 | Wuttke, Deborah | Batey, Robert | 11 | 2023 | Eisenmesser, Elan | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 11 | 2022 | Hansen, Kirk | Eisenmesser, Elan | 11 | 2023 | Hansen, Kirk | Redzic, Jasmina | 11 | 2023 | Watkins, Linda | Leinwand, Leslie | 11 | 2009 | Finlay-Schultz, Jessica | Kabos, Peter | 10 | 2022 | Randolph, Theodore | Schwartz, Daniel | 10 | 2023 | LaBarbera, Daniel | Esquer, Hector | 9 | 2023 | Schweppe, Rebecca | Sharma, Vibha | 9 | 2023 | Roede, James | Marentette, John | 8 | 2023 | Raeburn, Christopher | Pozdeyev, Nikita | 8 | 2024 | McCarter, Martin | Messersmith, Wells | 8 | 2023 | Watkins, Linda | Langer, Stephen | 8 | 2009 | MacLean, Kenneth | Roede, James | 8 | 2023 | Frank, Matthew | Baratta, Michael | 8 | 2024 | Liu, Xuedong | Xu, Quanbin | 7 | 2022 | Weiser-Evans, Mary | Dubner, Allison | 7 | 2023 | Raeburn, Christopher | Haugen, Bryan | 7 | 2024 | Allen, Mary | Dowell-Deen, Robin | 7 | 2018 | Robinson, William | Roop, Dennis | 7 | 2020 | Nemenoff, Raphael | Dubner, Allison | 7 | 2023 | Falke, Joseph | Erbse, Annette | 6 | 2022 | Messersmith, Wells | LaBarbera, Daniel | 6 | 2022 | Shellman, Yiqun | Couts, Kasey | 6 | 2021 | Cech, Thomas | Rinn, John | 6 | 2024 | Ahn, Natalie | Couts, Kasey | 5 | 2014 | Schweppe, Rebecca | Ahn, Natalie | 5 | 2009 | Eisenmesser, Elan | Nemkov, Travis | 5 | 2022 | Shellman, Yiqun | McCarter, Martin | 5 | 2021 | Fujita, Mayumi | Liu, Weimin | 5 | 2012 | Redzic, Jasmina | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 5 | 2022 | Redzic, Jasmina | Lee, Eunjeong | 5 | 2023 | Zhao, Rui | Hansen, Kirk | 5 | 2023 | McCarter, Martin | Fujita, Mayumi | 5 | 2022 | Copley, Shelley | Rudolph, Johannes | 4 | 2014 | Copley, Shelley | Ebmeier, Christopher | 4 | 2019 | Wuttke, Deborah | Cech, Thomas | 4 | 2021 | Eisenmesser, Elan | Lee, Eunjeong | 4 | 2023 | Messersmith, Wells | Esquer, Hector | 4 | 2022 | Sartorius, Carol | LaBarbera, Daniel | 4 | 2017 | Fujita, Mayumi | Couts, Kasey | 4 | 2022 | Fujita, Mayumi | Roop, Dennis | 4 | 2020 | Hansen, Kirk | Messersmith, Wells | 4 | 2021 | Pozdeyev, Nikita | Fishbein, Lauren | 4 | 2021 | Cech, Thomas | Costello, James | 4 | 2020 | Costello, James | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 4 | 2020 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | Ebmeier, Christopher | 4 | 2023 | MacLean, Kenneth | Marentette, John | 4 | 2023 | Ahn, Natalie | Ebmeier, Christopher | 3 | 2023 | LaBarbera, Daniel | Pozdeyev, Nikita | 3 | 2021 | Wuttke, Deborah | Hamilton, Desmond | 3 | 2023 | Dragavon, Joseph | Holland, Alexandra | 3 | 2014 | Jones, David | Zhao, Rui | 3 | 2011 | Anseth, Kristi | Ahn, Natalie | 3 | 2015 | Anseth, Kristi | Allen, Mary | 3 | 2022 | Messersmith, Wells | Bowles, Daniel | 3 | 2014 | Shellman, Yiqun | Ahn, Natalie | 3 | 2009 | Batey, Robert | Allen, Mary | 3 | 2023 | Batey, Robert | Hamilton, Desmond | 3 | 2023 | D'Alessandro, Angelo | Saviola, Anthony | 3 | 2023 | Kabos, Peter | LaBarbera, Daniel | 3 | 2014 | Reigan, Philip | LaBarbera, Daniel | 3 | 2021 | Reigan, Philip | Roede, James | 3 | 2020 | Pitts, Todd | Kabos, Peter | 3 | 2018 | Pitts, Todd | Eisenmesser, Elan | 3 | 2021 | Pitts, Todd | Redzic, Jasmina | 3 | 2021 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | Hansen, Kirk | 3 | 2023 | Zhao, Rui | Eisenmesser, Elan | 3 | 2023 | Bowles, Daniel | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 3 | 2024 | Bowles, Daniel | Pozdeyev, Nikita | 3 | 2021 | Raeburn, Christopher | Fishbein, Lauren | 3 | 2021 | Watkins, Linda | Dragavon, Joseph | 3 | 2023 | Sharma, Vibha | Pozdeyev, Nikita | 3 | 2023 | Leinwand, Leslie | Sartorius, Carol | 3 | 2001 | Leinwand, Leslie | Allen, Mary | 3 | 2022 | Randolph, Theodore | Goodwin, Andrew | 3 | 2021 | Schwartz, Daniel | Goodwin, Andrew | 3 | 2019 | Baratta, Michael | Root, David | 3 | 2023 | Ahn, Natalie | Liu, Xuedong | 2 | 2009 | Ahn, Natalie | Sousa, Marcelo | 2 | 2013 | Ahn, Natalie | Hansen, Kirk | 2 | 2023 | Ahn, Natalie | Eisenmesser, Elan | 2 | 2023 | Ahn, Natalie | Rudolph, Johannes | 2 | 2019 | Ahn, Natalie | Xu, Quanbin | 2 | 2009 | Ahn, Natalie | Tay, Jian Wei | 2 | 2023 | Erbse, Annette | Rudolph, Johannes | 2 | 2021 | Erbse, Annette | Whitehead, Timothy | 2 | 2022 | LaBarbera, Daniel | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 2 | 2021 | LaBarbera, Daniel | Nemkov, Travis | 2 | 2021 | LaBarbera, Daniel | Awolade, Paul | 2 | 2023 | Esquer, Hector | Awolade, Paul | 2 | 2023 | Wuttke, Deborah | Zaug, Arthur | 2 | 2021 | Wuttke, Deborah | Randolph, Theodore | 2 | 2011 | Wuttke, Deborah | Allen, Mary | 2 | 2023 | Dragavon, Joseph | Root, David | 2 | 2023 | Dragavon, Joseph | Tay, Jian Wei | 2 | 2022 | Ebmeier, Christopher | Tay, Jian Wei | 2 | 2023 | Couts, Kasey | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 2 | 2023 | Schweppe, Rebecca | LaBarbera, Daniel | 2 | 2019 | Schweppe, Rebecca | Bowles, Daniel | 2 | 2020 | Schweppe, Rebecca | Fishbein, Lauren | 2 | 2018 | Jones, David | Ahn, Natalie | 2 | 2023 | Jones, David | Eisenmesser, Elan | 2 | 2020 | Eisenmesser, Elan | Saviola, Anthony | 2 | 2023 | Anseth, Kristi | Spencer, Sabrina | 2 | 2023 | Messersmith, Wells | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 2 | 2021 | Messersmith, Wells | Nemkov, Travis | 2 | 2021 | Dowell-Deen, Robin | Ebmeier, Christopher | 2 | 2017 | Shellman, Yiqun | Roop, Dennis | 2 | 2020 | Liu, Xuedong | Bortz, David | 2 | 2021 | Sartorius, Carol | Pitts, Todd | 2 | 2017 | Langer, Stephen | Ahn, Natalie | 2 | 2009 | Langer, Stephen | Frank, Matthew | 2 | 2006 | Kompella, Udaya | LaBarbera, Daniel | 2 | 2023 | Kompella, Udaya | Esquer, Hector | 2 | 2023 | Kompella, Udaya | Awolade, Paul | 2 | 2023 | Churchill, Mair | Hansen, Kirk | 2 | 2018 | D'Alessandro, Angelo | Marentette, John | 2 | 2021 | D'Alessandro, Angelo | Esquer, Hector | 2 | 2021 | Nemkov, Travis | Esquer, Hector | 2 | 2021 | Hansen, Kirk | Kabos, Peter | 2 | 2020 | Hansen, Kirk | Ebmeier, Christopher | 2 | 2023 | Hansen, Kirk | Lee, Eunjeong | 2 | 2023 | Arcaroli, John | Robinson, William | 2 | 2018 | Arcaroli, John | LaBarbera, Daniel | 2 | 2016 | Goodrich, James | Ahn, Natalie | 2 | 2013 | Goodwin, Andrew | Park, Wounjhang | 2 | 2017 | Roede, James | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 2 | 2021 | Haugen, Bryan | LaBarbera, Daniel | 2 | 2019 | Reigan, Philip | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 2 | 2022 | Reigan, Philip | Pozdeyev, Nikita | 2 | 2021 | Pitts, Todd | Couts, Kasey | 2 | 2018 | Pitts, Todd | Hansen, Kirk | 2 | 2019 | Redzic, Jasmina | Nemkov, Travis | 2 | 2022 | Redzic, Jasmina | Saviola, Anthony | 2 | 2023 | Zhao, Rui | Redzic, Jasmina | 2 | 2023 | Bowles, Daniel | Fishbein, Lauren | 2 | 2021 | Raeburn, Christopher | Schweppe, Rebecca | 2 | 2019 | Raeburn, Christopher | Sharma, Vibha | 2 | 2019 | Raeburn, Christopher | Reigan, Philip | 2 | 2021 | Raeburn, Christopher | LaBarbera, Daniel | 2 | 2021 | McCarter, Martin | Pitts, Todd | 2 | 2018 | McCarter, Martin | Roop, Dennis | 2 | 2012 | McCarter, Martin | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 2 | 2023 | Roop, Dennis | Bowles, Daniel | 2 | 2015 | Robinson, William | Pitts, Todd | 2 | 2018 | Robinson, William | Messersmith, Wells | 2 | 2018 | Robinson, William | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 2 | 2023 | Watkins, Linda | Falke, Joseph | 2 | 2010 | Cha, Jennifer | Park, Wounjhang | 2 | 2017 | MacLean, Kenneth | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 2 | 2021 | Leinwand, Leslie | Frank, Matthew | 2 | 2006 | Leinwand, Leslie | Dowell-Deen, Robin | 2 | 2017 | Bortz, David | Tay, Jian Wei | 2 | 2020 | Rudolph, Johannes | LaBarbera, Daniel | 1 | 2023 | Rudolph, Johannes | Schnizer-Luger, Karoline | 1 | 2020 | Rudolph, Johannes | Dragavon, Joseph | 1 | 2019 | Rudolph, Johannes | Tay, Jian Wei | 1 | 2019 | Rudolph, Johannes | Esquer, Hector | 1 | 2023 | Copley, Shelley | Erbse, Annette | 1 | 2014 | Copley, Shelley | Dowell-Deen, Robin | 1 | 2014 | Copley, Shelley | Khanal, Akhileshwar | 1 | 2014 | Ahn, Natalie | Zhao, Rui | 1 | 2023 | Ahn, Natalie | McCarter, Martin | 1 | 2012 | Ahn, Natalie | Fujita, Mayumi | 1 | 2012 | Ahn, Natalie | Roop, Dennis | 1 | 2012 | Ahn, Natalie | Liu, Weimin | 1 | 2012 | Ahn, Natalie | Miranda, Jose | 1 | 2009 | Ahn, Natalie | Redzic, Jasmina | 1 | 2023 | Ahn, Natalie | Betterton, Meredith | 1 | 2005 | Ahn, Natalie | Nemkov, Travis | 1 | 2016 | Ahn, Natalie | Lee, Eunjeong | 1 | 2023 | Ahn, Natalie | Saviola, Anthony | 1 | 2023 | Erbse, Annette | Goodwin, Andrew | 1 | 2018 | Erbse, Annette | Cha, Jennifer | 1 | 2018 | LaBarbera, Daniel | Bowles, Daniel | 1 | 2018 | LaBarbera, Daniel | Roede, James | 1 | 2022 | LaBarbera, Daniel | Costello, James | 1 | 2022 | LaBarbera, Daniel | Fishbein, Lauren | 1 | 2018 | LaBarbera, Daniel | Marentette, John | 1 | 2022 | LaBarbera, Daniel | Dubner, Allison | 1 | 2020 | Wuttke, Deborah | Rudolph, Johannes | 1 | 2019 | Wuttke, Deborah | Spencer, Sabrina | 1 | 2023 | Wuttke, Deborah | Rinn, John | 1 | 2020 | Dragavon, Joseph | Park, Wounjhang | 1 | 2016 | Tay, Jian Wei | Beckham, Gregg | 1 | 2022 | Tay, Jian Wei | Whiteley, Alexandra | 1 | 2023 | Tay, Jian Wei | Moore, Kristin | 1 | 2020 | Ebmeier, Christopher | Redzic, Jasmina | 1 | 2023 | Ebmeier, Christopher | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 1 | 2022 | Ebmeier, Christopher | Nemkov, Travis | 1 | 2022 | Ebmeier, Christopher | Whiteley, Alexandra | 1 | 2023 | Ebmeier, Christopher | Lee, Eunjeong | 1 | 2023 | Ebmeier, Christopher | Saviola, Anthony | 1 | 2023 | Schweppe, Rebecca | Pitts, Todd | 1 | 2018 | Schweppe, Rebecca | Fujita, Mayumi | 1 | 2021 | Schweppe, Rebecca | Hansen, Kirk | 1 | 2023 | Schweppe, Rebecca | Reigan, Philip | 1 | 2019 | Schweppe, Rebecca | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 1 | 2023 | Schweppe, Rebecca | Nemkov, Travis | 1 | 2023 | Jones, David | Redzic, Jasmina | 1 | 2011 | Eisenmesser, Elan | Reigan, Philip | 1 | 2014 | Eisenmesser, Elan | Ebmeier, Christopher | 1 | 2023 | Anseth, Kristi | Langer, Stephen | 1 | 2013 | Anseth, Kristi | Liu, Xuedong | 1 | 2018 | Anseth, Kristi | Cha, Jennifer | 1 | 2013 | Messersmith, Wells | Kompella, Udaya | 1 | 2022 | Messersmith, Wells | Costello, James | 1 | 2021 | Messersmith, Wells | Awolade, Paul | 1 | 2022 | Lee, Eunjeong | Saviola, Anthony | 1 | 2023 | Sousa, Marcelo | Tay, Jian Wei | 1 | 2023 | Dowell-Deen, Robin | Xu, Quanbin | 1 | 2018 | Shellman, Yiqun | Langer, Stephen | 1 | 2009 | Shellman, Yiqun | Pitts, Todd | 1 | 2017 | Liu, Xuedong | Dowell-Deen, Robin | 1 | 2018 | Liu, Xuedong | Goodwin, Andrew | 1 | 2021 | Liu, Xuedong | Cha, Jennifer | 1 | 2021 | Liu, Xuedong | Ebmeier, Christopher | 1 | 2022 | Liu, Xuedong | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 1 | 2022 | Liu, Xuedong | Nemkov, Travis | 1 | 2022 | Sartorius, Carol | Haugen, Bryan | 1 | 2020 | Sartorius, Carol | Robinson, William | 1 | 2016 | Sartorius, Carol | Hansen, Kirk | 1 | 2020 | Langer, Stephen | Sousa, Marcelo | 1 | 2009 | Langer, Stephen | Dragavon, Joseph | 1 | 2016 | Churchill, Mair | Ahn, Natalie | 1 | 2016 | Churchill, Mair | Nemkov, Travis | 1 | 2016 | Batey, Robert | Spencer, Sabrina | 1 | 2023 | Batey, Robert | Rinn, John | 1 | 2020 | D'Alessandro, Angelo | Lee, Eunjeong | 1 | 2021 | Nemkov, Travis | Saviola, Anthony | 1 | 2022 | Kugel, Jennifer | Ahn, Natalie | 1 | 2013 | Fujita, Mayumi | Messersmith, Wells | 1 | 2018 | Fujita, Mayumi | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 1 | 2021 | Hansen, Kirk | LaBarbera, Daniel | 1 | 2019 | Hansen, Kirk | Costello, James | 1 | 2021 | Hansen, Kirk | Esquer, Hector | 1 | 2019 | Arcaroli, John | McCarter, Martin | 1 | 2017 | Arcaroli, John | Fujita, Mayumi | 1 | 2018 | Arcaroli, John | Roop, Dennis | 1 | 2016 | Arcaroli, John | Bowles, Daniel | 1 | 2013 | Kabos, Peter | Costello, James | 1 | 2021 | Kabos, Peter | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 1 | 2023 | Kabos, Peter | Nemkov, Travis | 1 | 2020 | Cech, Thomas | Erbse, Annette | 1 | 2019 | Cech, Thomas | LaBarbera, Daniel | 1 | 2021 | Cech, Thomas | Ebmeier, Christopher | 1 | 2012 | Goodrich, James | Cech, Thomas | 1 | 2023 | Goodrich, James | Betterton, Meredith | 1 | 2007 | Goodwin, Andrew | Dragavon, Joseph | 1 | 2016 | Costello, James | Nemkov, Travis | 1 | 2020 | Costello, James | Esquer, Hector | 1 | 2022 | Roede, James | Esquer, Hector | 1 | 2022 | Haugen, Bryan | McCarter, Martin | 1 | 2013 | Haugen, Bryan | Finlay-Schultz, Jessica | 1 | 2020 | Haugen, Bryan | Reigan, Philip | 1 | 2019 | Haugen, Bryan | Bowles, Daniel | 1 | 2018 | Haugen, Bryan | Fishbein, Lauren | 1 | 2018 | Reigan, Philip | Marentette, John | 1 | 2020 | Weiser-Evans, Mary | Churchill, Mair | 1 | 2016 | Weiser-Evans, Mary | LaBarbera, Daniel | 1 | 2020 | Pitts, Todd | LaBarbera, Daniel | 1 | 2020 | Pitts, Todd | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 1 | 2018 | Pitts, Todd | Pozdeyev, Nikita | 1 | 2018 | Pitts, Todd | Fishbein, Lauren | 1 | 2018 | Pitts, Todd | Esquer, Hector | 1 | 2020 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | Churchill, Mair | 1 | 2014 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | Ahn, Natalie | 1 | 2023 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | Zhao, Rui | 1 | 2023 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | Eisenmesser, Elan | 1 | 2023 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | Redzic, Jasmina | 1 | 2023 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | Costello, James | 1 | 2016 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | Lee, Eunjeong | 1 | 2023 | Kutateladze, Tatiana | Saviola, Anthony | 1 | 2023 | Zhao, Rui | Reigan, Philip | 1 | 2014 | Zhao, Rui | Ebmeier, Christopher | 1 | 2023 | Zhao, Rui | Costello, James | 1 | 2018 | Zhao, Rui | Lee, Eunjeong | 1 | 2023 | Zhao, Rui | Saviola, Anthony | 1 | 2023 | Raeburn, Christopher | Robinson, William | 1 | 2021 | Raeburn, Christopher | McCarter, Martin | 1 | 2021 | Raeburn, Christopher | Pitts, Todd | 1 | 2018 | Raeburn, Christopher | Couts, Kasey | 1 | 2021 | Allen, Mary | Ebmeier, Christopher | 1 | 2017 | Allen, Mary | Spencer, Sabrina | 1 | 2023 | Root, David | Tay, Jian Wei | 1 | 2022 | McCarter, Martin | Hansen, Kirk | 1 | 2021 | McCarter, Martin | Liu, Weimin | 1 | 2012 | McCarter, Martin | Costello, James | 1 | 2021 | Roop, Dennis | Messersmith, Wells | 1 | 2016 | Roop, Dennis | Liu, Weimin | 1 | 2012 | Robinson, William | Ahn, Natalie | 1 | 2012 | Robinson, William | Finlay-Schultz, Jessica | 1 | 2016 | Robinson, William | Kabos, Peter | 1 | 2016 | Robinson, William | Eisenmesser, Elan | 1 | 2013 | Robinson, William | Liu, Weimin | 1 | 2012 | Robinson, William | Bowles, Daniel | 1 | 2013 | Robinson, William | Redzic, Jasmina | 1 | 2013 | Watkins, Linda | Root, David | 1 | 2023 | Cha, Jennifer | Dragavon, Joseph | 1 | 2016 | MacLean, Kenneth | Reigan, Philip | 1 | 2014 | MacLean, Kenneth | LaBarbera, Daniel | 1 | 2022 | MacLean, Kenneth | Nemkov, Travis | 1 | 2018 | MacLean, Kenneth | Esquer, Hector | 1 | 2022 | Marentette, John | Esquer, Hector | 1 | 2022 | Zaug, Arthur | Leinwand, Leslie | 1 | 2012 | Zaug, Arthur | Costello, James | 1 | 2015 | Nemenoff, Raphael | Churchill, Mair | 1 | 2016 | Nemenoff, Raphael | LaBarbera, Daniel | 1 | 2020 | Nemenoff, Raphael | Costello, James | 1 | 2014 | Sharma, Vibha | Pitts, Todd | 1 | 2018 | Sharma, Vibha | Reigan, Philip | 1 | 2019 | Sharma, Vibha | LaBarbera, Daniel | 1 | 2019 | Sharma, Vibha | Fishbein, Lauren | 1 | 2018 | Leinwand, Leslie | Falke, Joseph | 1 | 2009 | Leinwand, Leslie | Cech, Thomas | 1 | 2012 | Leinwand, Leslie | Dragavon, Joseph | 1 | 2016 | Leinwand, Leslie | Rinn, John | 1 | 2021 | Leinwand, Leslie | Tay, Jian Wei | 1 | 2022 | Finlay-Schultz, Jessica | Hansen, Kirk | 1 | 2020 | Finlay-Schultz, Jessica | LaBarbera, Daniel | 1 | 2017 | Randolph, Theodore | Anseth, Kristi | 1 | 2005 | Bortz, David | Moore, Kristin | 1 | 2020 | Schwartz, Daniel | Sousa, Marcelo | 1 | 2023 | Schwartz, Daniel | Cha, Jennifer | 1 | 2019 | Schwartz, Daniel | Tay, Jian Wei | 1 | 2023 | Frank, Matthew | Kwilasz, Andrew | 1 | 2023 | Frank, Matthew | Dragavon, Joseph | 1 | 2023 | Kwilasz, Andrew | Dragavon, Joseph | 1 | 2023 | Baratta, Michael | Dragavon, Joseph | 1 | 2023 | Rinn, John | Hamilton, Desmond | 1 | 2020 |
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Concepts  Derived automatically from this person's publications. _
Co-Authors  People in Profiles who have published with this person. _
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People who are also in this person's primary department.
Physical Neighbors  People whose addresses are nearby this person. _