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Search Results to Vernon M Holers

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Holers, Vernon

Item TypeName
Academic Article Mouse complement regulatory protein Crry/p65 uses the specific mechanisms of both human decay-accelerating factor and membrane cofactor protein.
Academic Article CD23 interacts with a new functional extracytoplasmic domain involving N-linked oligosaccharides on CD21.
Academic Article Complement receptor 3 (CR3, Mac-1, integrin alpha M beta 2, CD11b/CD18) is required for tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin in adherent and nonadherent neutrophils.
Academic Article Complement regulation in the rat glomerulus: Crry and CD59 regulate complement in glomerular mesangial and endothelial cells.
Academic Article Moesin, and not the murine functional homologue (Crry/p65) of human membrane cofactor protein (CD46), is involved in the entry of measles virus (strain Edmonston) into susceptible murine cell lines.
Academic Article Mouse Crry/p65. Characterization of monoclonal antibodies and the tissue distribution of a functional homologue of human MCP and DAF.
Academic Article Co-ligation of mouse complement receptors 1 and 2 with surface IgM rescues splenic B cells and WEHI-231 cells from anti-surface IgM-induced apoptosis.
Academic Article Induction of peri-insulitis but not diabetes in islet transplants expressing a single foreign antigen. A multi-stage model of disease.
Academic Article Expression and function of membrane regulators of complement on rat astrocytes in culture.
Academic Article The evolution of mouse and human complement C3-binding proteins: divergence of form but conservation of function.
Academic Article Characterization of C3 receptors on cultured rat glomerular endothelial cells.
Academic Article Characterization of C3-binding proteins on mouse neutrophils and platelets.
Academic Article Cross-linking CD21/CD35 or CD19 increases both B7-1 and B7-2 expression on murine splenic B cells.
Academic Article EBV binds to lymphocytes of transgenic mice that express the human CR2 gene.
Academic Article Blockade of antibody-induced glomerulonephritis with Crry-Ig, a soluble murine complement inhibitor.
Academic Article Epstein-Barr virus/C3d receptor (CR2, CD21) activated by its extracellular ligands regulates pp105 phosphorylation through two distinct pathways.
Academic Article Genetics of the complement system and rheumatic diseases.
Academic Article Characterization of rat complement receptors and regulatory proteins. CR2 and Crry are conserved, and the C3b receptor of neutrophils and platelets is distinct from CR1.
Academic Article Characterization of a complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21) ligand binding site for C3. An initial model of ligand interaction with two linked short consensus repeat modules.
Academic Article Renal, central nervous system and pancreatic overexpression of recombinant soluble Crry in transgenic mice. A novel means of protection from complement-mediated injury.
Academic Article Complement deficiency states, disease susceptibility, and infection risk in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Academic Article Expression of the murine complement regulatory protein crry by glial cells and neurons.
Academic Article Phenotypes of complement knockouts.
Academic Article Expression of a soluble complement inhibitor protects transgenic mice from antibody-induced acute renal failure.
Academic Article Inhibiting the complement system does not reduce injury in renal ischemia reperfusion.
Academic Article Expression of functional human Epstein-Barr virus/C3d receptor ([CR2] CD21) on insulinoma cell line. Induction of tumor rejection but not diabetes in syngeneic rats.
Academic Article Cr2, a candidate gene in the murine Sle1c lupus susceptibility locus, encodes a dysfunctional protein.
Academic Article T lymphocyte expression of complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21): a role in adhesive cell-cell interactions and dysregulation in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Academic Article Complement inhibitor, complement receptor 1-related gene/protein y-Ig attenuates intestinal damage after the onset of mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion injury in mice.
Academic Article The serum resistance of malaria-infected erythrocytes.
Academic Article CR2/CD21 proximal promoter activity is critically dependent on a cell type-specific repressor.
Academic Article Mouse complement receptors type 1 (CR1;CD35) and type 2 (CR2;CD21): expression on normal B cell subpopulations and decreased levels during the development of autoimmunity in MRL/lpr mice.
Academic Article Arthritis critically dependent on innate immune system players.
Academic Article Analysis of the human regulators of complement activation (RCA) gene cluster with yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs).
Academic Article Analysis of Epstein-Barr virus-binding sites on complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) using human-mouse chimeras and peptides. At least two distinct sites are necessary for ligand-receptor interaction.
Academic Article Administration of a soluble recombinant complement C3 inhibitor protects against renal disease in MRL/lpr mice.
Academic Article The complement system as a therapeutic target in autoimmunity.
Academic Article Lack of a functional alternative complement pathway ameliorates ischemic acute renal failure in mice.
Academic Article Transgenic mice overexpressing the complement inhibitor crry as a soluble protein are protected from antibody-induced glomerular injury.
Academic Article Inhibition of complement activation decreases airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness.
Academic Article Complement receptor 2-mediated targeting of complement inhibitors to sites of complement activation.
Academic Article Activation of complement mediates antiphospholipid antibody-induced pregnancy loss.
Academic Article Administration of the soluble complement inhibitor, Crry-Ig, reduces inflammation and aquaporin 4 expression in lupus cerebritis.
Academic Article Complement activation is critical to airway hyperresponsiveness after acute ozone exposure.
Academic Article Complement receptor 2 and autoimmunity.
Academic Article A novel inhibitor of the alternative complement pathway prevents antiphospholipid antibody-induced pregnancy loss in mice.
Academic Article Increased serum C3 levels in Crry transgenic mice partially abrogates its complement inhibitory effects.
Academic Article Overexpression of complement inhibitor Crry does not prevent cryoglobulin-associated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.
Academic Article Complement receptors and the shaping of the natural antibody repertoire.
Academic Article B cells from mice prematurely expressing human complement receptor type 2 are unresponsive to T-dependent antigens.
Academic Article Anti-phospholipid antibodies restore mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury in complement receptor 2/complement receptor 1-deficient mice.
Academic Article Altered renal tubular expression of the complement inhibitor Crry permits complement activation after ischemia/reperfusion.
Academic Article Pharmacological complement inhibition at the C3 convertase level promotes neuronal survival, neuroprotective intracerebral gene expression, and neurological outcome after traumatic brain injury.
Academic Article Extended flexible linker structures in the complement chimaeric conjugate CR2-Ig by scattering, analytical ultracentrifugation and constrained modelling: implications for function and therapy.
Academic Article Factor B of the alternative complement pathway regulates development of airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation.
Academic Article Treatment with an inhibitory monoclonal antibody to mouse factor B protects mice from induction of apoptosis and renal ischemia/reperfusion injury.
Academic Article Characterization of human complement receptor type 2 (CR2/CD21) as a receptor for IFN-alpha: a potential role in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Academic Article Alternative complement pathway activation is essential for inflammation and joint destruction in the passive transfer model of collagen-induced arthritis.
Academic Article Polymorphisms of the regulators of complement activation gene cluster.
Academic Article Inhibition of complement component C3 reduces vein graft atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E3-Leiden transgenic mice.
Academic Article Candidate inhibitors of porcine complement.
Academic Article The alternative pathway of complement activation is critical for blister induction in experimental epidermolysis bullosa acquisita.
Academic Article Role for CD21 in the establishment of an extracellular HIV reservoir in lymphoid tissues.
Academic Article Pathogenic complement activation in collagen antibody-induced arthritis in mice requires amplification by the alternative pathway.
Academic Article Complement is an essential component of the immune response to adeno-associated virus vectors.
Academic Article Alternative complement pathway activation fragment Bb in early pregnancy as a predictor of preeclampsia.
Academic Article Evidence for non-traditional activation of complement factor C3 during murine liver regeneration.
Academic Article Complement receptor CR2/CR1 deficiency protects mice from collagen-induced arthritis and associates with reduced autoantibodies to type II collagen and citrullinated antigens.
Academic Article The spectrum of complement alternative pathway-mediated diseases.
Academic Article Initiation of the alternative pathway of murine complement by immune complexes is dependent on N-glycans in IgG antibodies.
Academic Article Complement activation fragment Bb in early pregnancy and spontaneous preterm birth.
Academic Article A novel targeted inhibitor of the alternative pathway of complement and its therapeutic application in ischemia/reperfusion injury.
Academic Article Solution structure of the complex formed between human complement C3d and full-length complement receptor type 2.
Academic Article Mapping of the C3d ligand binding site on complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) using nuclear magnetic resonance and chemical shift analysis.
Academic Article Defective B cell ontogeny and humoral immune response in mice prematurely expressing human complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21) is similar to that seen in aging wild type mice.
Academic Article Cloning and characterization of cDNAs encoding the complete sequence of decay-accelerating factor of human complement.
Academic Article The gene encoding decay-accelerating factor (DAF) is located in the complement-regulatory locus on the long arm of chromosome 1.
Academic Article Normal polymorphic variations and transcription of the decay accelerating factor gene in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria cells.
Academic Article Alternative pathway of complement in children with diarrhea-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Academic Article Complement activation pathways in murine immune complex-induced arthritis and in C3a and C5a generation in vitro.
Academic Article Renal inflammation: targeted iron oxide nanoparticles for molecular MR imaging in mice.
Academic Article Aseptic injury to epithelial cells alters cell surface complement regulation in a tissue specific fashion.
Academic Article Biophysical investigations of complement receptor 2 (CD21 and CR2)-ligand interactions reveal amino acid contacts unique to each receptor-ligand pair.
Academic Article The complement inhibitors Crry and factor H are critical for preventing autologous complement activation on renal tubular epithelial cells.
Academic Article Modulation of renal disease in MRL/lpr mice genetically deficient in the alternative complement pathway factor B.
Academic Article Complement receptors.
Academic Article Binding of factor H to tubular epithelial cells limits interstitial complement activation in ischemic injury.
Academic Article The regulators of complement activation (RCA) gene cluster.
Academic Article Structural studies in solution of the recombinant N-terminal pair of short consensus/complement repeat domains of complement receptor type 2 (CR2/CD21) and interactions with its ligand C3dg.
Academic Article Mice expressing human CR1/CD35 have an enhanced humoral immune response to T-dependent antigens but fail to correct the effect of premature human CR2 expression.
Academic Article Epithelial secretion of C3 promotes colonization of the upper urinary tract by Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Design and development of TT30, a novel C3d-targeted C3/C5 convertase inhibitor for treatment of human complement alternative pathway-mediated diseases.
Academic Article Mechanisms of mannose-binding lectin-associated serine proteases-1/3 activation of the alternative pathway of complement.
Academic Article CD4+ T cells and complement independently mediate graft ischemia in the rejection of mouse orthotopic tracheal transplants.
Academic Article Identification of a central role for complement in osteoarthritis.
Academic Article Complement C3 activation is required for antiphospholipid antibody-induced fetal loss.
Academic Article Pathogenic natural antibodies propagate cerebral injury following ischemic stroke in mice.
Academic Article Transgenic expression of a soluble complement inhibitor protects against renal disease and promotes survival in MRL/lpr mice.
Academic Article Characterization of the human complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21) promoter reveals sequences shared with regulatory regions of other developmentally restricted B cell proteins.
Academic Article Solution structure of TT30, a novel complement therapeutic agent, provides insight into its joint binding to complement C3b and C3d.
Academic Article The complement receptor 2/factor H fusion protein TT30 protects paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria erythrocytes from complement-mediated hemolysis and C3 fragment.
Academic Article Distinct receptor and regulatory properties of recombinant mouse complement receptor 1 (CR1) and Crry, the two genetic homologues of human CR1.
Academic Article Herpes simplex virus glycoproteins gC-1 and gC-2 bind to the third component of complement and provide protection against complement-mediated neutralization of viral infectivity.
Academic Article IgM contributes to glomerular injury in FSGS.
Academic Article Identification of a third component of complement-binding glycoprotein of human platelets.
Academic Article Roles of adipocytes and fibroblasts in activation of the alternative pathway of complement in inflammatory arthritis in mice.
Academic Article Prevention of collagen-induced arthritis in mice transgenic for the complement inhibitor complement receptor 1-related gene/protein y.
Academic Article Crry and CD59 regulate complement in rat glomerular epithelial cells and are inhibited by the nephritogenic antibody of passive Heymann nephritis.
Academic Article Excessive matrix accumulation in the kidneys of MRL/lpr lupus mice is dependent on complement activation.
Academic Article Analysis of C3b/C3d binding sites and factor I cofactor regions within mouse complement receptors 1 and 2.
Academic Article Mouse complement receptor-related gene y/p65-neutralized tumor vaccine induces antitumor activity in vivo.
Academic Article Mouse Crry/p65 is a regulator of the alternative pathway of complement activation.
Academic Article Markedly impaired humoral immune response in mice deficient in complement receptors 1 and 2.
Academic Article CD59 homologue regulates complement-dependent cytolysis of rat Schwann cells.
Academic Article Anti-C1q autoantibodies amplify pathogenic complement activation in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Academic Article CD21 augments antigen presentation in immune individuals.
Academic Article Mutational analysis of the complement receptor type 2 (CR2/CD21)-C3d interaction reveals a putative charged SCR1 binding site for C3d.
Academic Article Solution structure of the complex between CR2 SCR 1-2 and C3d of human complement: an X-ray scattering and sedimentation modelling study.
Academic Article Coligation of the B cell receptor with complement receptor type 2 (CR2/CD21) using its natural ligand C3dg: activation without engagement of an inhibitory signaling pathway.
Academic Article Complement component c5a is integral to the febrile response of mice to lipopolysaccharide.
Academic Article An intronic silencer regulates B lymphocyte cell- and stage-specific expression of the human complement receptor type 2 (CR2, CD21) gene.
Academic Article Expression of complement receptors 1 and 2 on follicular dendritic cells is necessary for the generation of a strong antigen-specific IgG response.
Academic Article Targeted complement inhibition by C3d recognition ameliorates tissue injury without apparent increase in susceptibility to infection.
Academic Article Complement opsonization is required for presentation of immune complexes by resting peripheral blood B cells.
Academic Article The structure of human CD23 and its interactions with IgE and CD21.
Academic Article A prototype pathogen bound ex vivo to human erythrocyte complement receptor 1 via bispecific monoclonal antibody complexes is cleared to the liver in a mouse model.
Academic Article The central role of the alternative complement pathway in human disease.
Academic Article CSMD1 is a novel multiple domain complement-regulatory protein highly expressed in the central nervous system and epithelial tissues.
Academic Article A critical role for murine complement regulator crry in fetomaternal tolerance.
Academic Article Complement receptors.
Academic Article Expression of human complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21) in Cr2-/- mice restores humoral immune function.
Academic Article Complement is activated in kidney by endotoxin but does not cause the ensuing acute renal failure.
Academic Article Reduced neuronal cell death after experimental brain injury in mice lacking a functional alternative pathway of complement activation.
Academic Article Complement activation induces dysregulation of angiogenic factors and causes fetal rejection and growth restriction.
Academic Article The 15 SCR flexible extracellular domains of human complement receptor type 2 can mediate multiple ligand and antigen interactions.
Academic Article A site in the complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) silencer is necessary for lineage specific transcriptional regulation.
Academic Article Complement component C3 is not required for full expression of immune complex glomerulonephritis in MRL/lpr mice.
Academic Article Structure of the Epstein-Barr virus major envelope glycoprotein.
Academic Article A molecular and immunochemical characterization of mouse CR2. Evidence for a single gene model of mouse complement receptors 1 and 2.
Academic Article Epitope mapping using the X-ray crystallographic structure of complement receptor type 2 (CR2)/CD21: identification of a highly inhibitory monoclonal antibody that directly recognizes the CR2-C3d interface.
Academic Article Structural requirements for C3d,g/Epstein-Barr virus receptor (CR2/CD21) ligand binding, internalization, and viral infection.
Academic Article Mice deficient in complement receptors 1 and 2 lack a tissue injury-inducing subset of the natural antibody repertoire.
Academic Article The extended multidomain solution structures of the complement protein Crry and its chimeric conjugate Crry-Ig by scattering, analytical ultracentrifugation and constrained modelling: implications for function and therapy.
Academic Article Complement C5a receptors and neutrophils mediate fetal injury in the antiphospholipid syndrome.
Academic Article Effects of complement factor D deficiency on the renal disease of MRL/lpr mice.
Academic Article The alternative pathway of complement in disease: opportunities for therapeutic targeting.
Academic Article CR1/CR2 deficiency alters IgG3 autoantibody production and IgA glomerular deposition in the MRL/lpr model of SLE.
Academic Article Defective B cell ontogeny and immune response in human complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21) transgenic mice is partially recovered in the absence of C3.
Academic Article Acute tubular necrosis is characterized by activation of the alternative pathway of complement.
Academic Article The alternative pathway of complement is activated in the glomeruli and tubulointerstitium of mice with adriamycin nephropathy.
Academic Article A complement C3 inhibitor specifically targeted to sites of complement activation effectively ameliorates collagen-induced arthritis in DBA/1J mice.
Academic Article Complement receptor 2, natural antibodies and innate immunity: Inter-relationships in B cell selection and activation.
Academic Article Molecular basis of the interaction between complement receptor type 2 (CR2/CD21) and Epstein-Barr virus glycoprotein gp350.
Academic Article C3a is required for the production of CXC chemokines by tubular epithelial cells after renal ishemia/reperfusion.
Academic Article Oxidative stress renders retinal pigment epithelial cells susceptible to complement-mediated injury.
Academic Article Intrinsic B cell hypo-responsiveness in mice prematurely expressing human CR2/CD21 during B cell development.
Academic Article Inhibition of the alternative complement activation pathway in traumatic brain injury by a monoclonal anti-factor B antibody: a randomized placebo-controlled study in mice.
Academic Article Cutting edge: Complement (C3d)-linked antigens break B cell anergy.
Academic Article Isolating the Epstein-Barr virus gp350/220 binding site on complement receptor type 2 (CR2/CD21).
Academic Article Analysis of epitope expression and the functional repertoire of recombinant complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) in mouse and human cells.
Academic Article The interrelationship of complement-activation fragments and angiogenesis-related factors in early pregnancy and their association with pre-eclampsia.
Academic Article Structural gene for human membrane cofactor protein (MCP) of complement maps to within 100 kb of the 3' end of the C3b/C4b receptor gene.
Academic Article Increased B cell deletion and significantly reduced auto-antibody titre due to premature expression of human complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21).
Academic Article Pathogenic natural antibodies recognizing annexin IV are required to develop intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Academic Article Human complement receptor type 2 (CR2/CD21) transgenic mice provide an in vivo model to study immunoregulatory effects of receptor antagonists.
Academic Article A molecular insight into complement evasion by the staphylococcal complement inhibitor protein family.
Academic Article Targeted inhibition of the complement alternative pathway with complement receptor 2 and factor H attenuates collagen antibody-induced arthritis in mice.
Academic Article A targeted inhibitor of the complement alternative pathway reduces RPE injury and angiogenesis in models of age-related macular degeneration.
Academic Article B cell subsets contribute to renal injury and renal protection after ischemia/reperfusion.
Academic Article Essential role of complement mannose-binding lectin-associated serine proteases-1/3 in the murine collagen antibody-induced model of inflammatory arthritis.
Academic Article Delineation of the complement receptor type 2-C3d complex by site-directed mutagenesis and molecular docking.
Academic Article Genomic organization and polymorphisms of the human C3d/Epstein-Barr virus receptor.
Academic Article Early elevations of the complement activation fragment C3a and adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Academic Article The alternative pathway is required, but not alone sufficient, for retinal pathology in mouse laser-induced choroidal neovascularization.
Academic Article The critical role of complement alternative pathway regulator factor H in allergen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation.
Academic Article Systemic human CR2-targeted complement alternative pathway inhibitor ameliorates mouse laser-induced choroidal neovascularization.
Academic Article Prepregnancy obesity and complement system activation in early pregnancy and the subsequent development of preeclampsia.
Academic Article CR2-mediated targeting of complement inhibitors: bench-to-bedside using a novel strategy for site-specific complement modulation.
Academic Article The polymorphism of the C3b/C4b receptor in the normal population and in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Academic Article Identification of an alternative polyadenylation site in the human C3b/C4b receptor (complement receptor type 1) transcriptional unit and prediction of a secreted form of complement receptor type 1.
Academic Article Purification and functional analysis of the polymorphic variants of the C3b/C4b receptor (CR1) and comparison with H, C4b-binding protein (C4bp), and decay accelerating factor (DAF).
Academic Article Role of C3a receptors, C5a receptors, and complement protein C6 deficiency in collagen antibody-induced arthritis in mice.
Academic Article Challenging the role of adaptive immunity in neurotrauma: Rag1(-/-) mice lacking mature B and T cells do not show neuroprotection after closed head injury.
Academic Article Complement alternative pathway activation in the autologous phase of nephrotoxic serum nephritis.
Academic Article Human complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) as a receptor for DNA: implications for its roles in the immune response and the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Academic Article Therapeutic inhibition of the alternative complement pathway attenuates chronic EAE.
Academic Article Essential role of surface-bound complement factor H in controlling immune complex-induced arthritis.
Academic Article Oxidative stress sensitizes retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells to complement-mediated injury in a natural antibody-, lectin pathway-, and phospholipid epitope-dependent manner.
Academic Article Detection of complement activation using monoclonal antibodies against C3d.
Academic Article Analysis of C3b/C4b receptor (CR1) polymorphic variants by tryptic peptide mapping.
Academic Article Structural and functional studies on the human C3b/C4b receptor (CR1) purified by affinity chromatography using a monoclonal antibody.
Academic Article Human complement C3b/C4b receptor (CR1) mRNA polymorphism that correlates with the CR1 allelic molecular weight polymorphism.
Concept Complement Inactivating Agents
Concept Complement C4
Concept Complement C3 Convertase, Alternative Pathway
Concept Receptors, Complement 3b
Concept Complement Activating Enzymes
Concept Complement C5a
Concept Complement C3b Inactivator Proteins
Concept Complement C4a
Concept Complement Membrane Attack Complex
Concept Complement C4b-Binding Protein
Concept Complement Factor I
Concept Complement C9
Concept Complement Factor B
Concept Complement C3-C5 Convertases
Concept Complement C3b
Concept Complement Pathway, Classical
Concept Complement Pathway, Mannose-Binding Lectin
Concept Complement C3a
Concept Complement Activation
Concept Complement Pathway, Alternative
Concept Complement C1q
Concept Complement Factor D
Concept Complement C4b
Concept Complement Factor H
Concept Complement C5b
Concept Receptors, Complement 3d
Concept Complement Inactivator Proteins
Concept Complement C5
Concept Complement C3
Concept Complement C6
Concept Complement System Proteins
Concept Receptors, Complement
Concept Complement C8
Concept Complement C3d
Academic Article Human C3 glomerulopathy provides unique insights into complement factor H-related protein function.
Academic Article Complement activation and mortality during an acute episode of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
Academic Article C3 glomerulopathy: consensus report.
Academic Article Complement and its receptors: new insights into human disease.
Academic Article Deficiency of complement receptors CR2/CR1 in Cr2?/? mice reduces the extent of secondary brain damage after closed head injury.
Academic Article Essential role for the lectin pathway in collagen antibody-induced arthritis revealed through use of adenovirus programming complement inhibitor MAp44 expression.
Academic Article Biomarkers of terminal complement activation confirm the diagnosis of aHUS and differentiate aHUS from TTP.
Academic Article Clinical utility of complement biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of acute thrombotic microangiopathies.
Academic Article A new mouse anti-mouse complement receptor type 2 and 1 (CR2/CR1) monoclonal antibody as a tool to study receptor involvement in chronic models of immune responses and disease.
Academic Article Targeting pathogenic postischemic self-recognition by natural IgM to protect against posttransplantation cardiac reperfusion injury.
Academic Article A New Approach for the Treatment of Arthritis in Mice with a Novel Conjugate of an Anti-C5aR1 Antibody and C5 Small Interfering RNA.
Academic Article Analysis of tandem E-box motifs within human Complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) promoter reveals cell specific roles for RP58, E2A, USF and localized chromatin accessibility.
Academic Article IgM exacerbates glomerular disease progression in complement-induced glomerulopathy.
Academic Article Modulatory Role of Surface Coating of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoworms in Complement Opsonization and Leukocyte Uptake.
Academic Article Annexin A2 Enhances Complement Activation by Inhibiting Factor H.
Academic Article The Relationship of Longitudinal Levels of Complement Bb During Pregnancy with Preeclampsia.
Academic Article Site-targeted complement inhibition by a complement receptor 2-conjugated inhibitor (mTT30) ameliorates post-injury neuropathology in mouse brains.
Academic Article Targeting mechanisms at sites of complement activation for imaging and therapy.
Academic Article Distinct roles for the complement regulators factor H and Crry in protection of the kidney from injury.
Academic Article New therapeutic and diagnostic opportunities for injured tissue-specific targeting of complement inhibitors and imaging modalities.
Academic Article Mannan-Binding Lectin-Associated Serine Protease 1/3 Cleavage of Pro-Factor D into Factor D In Vivo and Attenuation of Collagen Antibody-Induced Arthritis through Their Targeted Inhibition by RNA Interference-Mediated Gene Silencing.
Academic Article Activation of Human Complement System by Dextran-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Is Not Affected by Dextran/Fe Ratio, Hydroxyl Modifications, and Crosslinking.
Academic Article Mapping the Complement Factor H-Related Protein 1 (CFHR1):C3b/C3d Interactions.
Academic Article Complement proteins bind to nanoparticle protein corona and undergo dynamic exchange in vivo.
Academic Article Protein arginine deiminase 4 inhibition is sufficient for the amelioration of collagen-induced arthritis.
Academic Article In Vitro and In Vivo Differences in Murine Third Complement Component (C3) Opsonization and Macrophage/Leukocyte Responses to Antibody-Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoworms.
Grant Mouse Membrane RCA Proteins in the Immune Response
Grant C3d/EBV Receptor Ligand Binding Sites
Grant Disconnecting CR2/CD21 from Its C3d Ligand to Ameliorate Lupus
Grant Complement in the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Arthritis
Grant Denver Autoimmunity Center of Excellence
Academic Article Natural IgM antibodies that bind neoepitopes exposed as a result of spinal cord injury , drive secondary injury by activating complement.
Academic Article Deconstructing the Lectin Pathway in the Pathogenesis of Experimental Inflammatory Arthritis: Essential Role of the Lectin Ficolin B and Mannose-Binding Protein-Associated Serine Protease 2.
Academic Article The Evolving Landscape for Complement Therapeutics in Rheumatic and Autoimmune Diseases.
Academic Article A novel C3d-containing oligomeric vaccine provides insight into the viability of testing human C3d-based vaccines in mice.
Academic Article Modulation of the Alternative Pathway of Complement by Murine Factor H-Related Proteins.
Academic Article Complement factor H protects mice from ischemic acute kidney injury but is not critical for controlling complement activation by glomerular IgM.
Academic Article The relationship between complement C3 expression and the MUC5B genotype in pulmonary fibrosis.
Academic Article Specific Inhibition of Complement Activation Significantly Ameliorates Autoimmune Blistering Disease in Mice.
Academic Article Complement in the Initiation and Evolution of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Academic Article Endothelial Microparticles and Systemic Complement Activation in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease.
Academic Article Preface to the Special issue for the 27th International complement workshop.
Academic Article Complement therapeutics meets nanomedicine: overcoming human complement activation and leukocyte uptake of nanomedicines with soluble domains of CD55.
Academic Article Systemic activation of the complement system in patients with advanced age-related macular degeneration.
Academic Article Complement and its environmental determinants in the progression of human rheumatoid arthritis.
Academic Article Immunoglobulin-driven Complement Activation Regulates Proinflammatory Remodeling in Pulmonary Hypertension.
Academic Article Targeting the Immune Complex-Bound Complement C3d Ligand as a Novel Therapy for Lupus.
Academic Article Key Components of the Complement Lectin Pathway Are Not Only Required for the Development of Inflammatory Arthritis but Also Regulate the Transcription of Factor D.
Academic Article Complement factors and reticular pseudodrusen in intermediate age-related macular degeneration staged by multimodal imaging.
Academic Article Complement Activation in the Vitreous of Patients With Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy.
Grant Complement in the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Arthritis
Academic Article C2 IgM Natural Antibody Enhances Inflammation and Its Use in the Recombinant Single Chain Antibody-Fused Complement Inhibitor C2-Crry to Target Therapeutics to Joints Attenuates Arthritis in Mice.
Academic Article A novel injury site-natural antibody targeted complement inhibitor protects against lung transplant injury.
Academic Article Complement component factor B has thrombin-like activity.
Academic Article Natural antibody and complement activation characterize patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome.
Academic Article Insights Into the Structure-Function Relationships of Dimeric C3d Fragments.
Academic Article Elevated plasma complement components in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy.
Academic Article A Potential New Mouse Model of Axial Spondyloarthritis Involving the Complement System.
Academic Article Marginal zone B cells acquire dendritic cell functions by trogocytosis.
Academic Article Correlation of Complement Activation in Aqueous and Vitreous in Patients With Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy.
Academic Article Analysis of Complement Gene Expression, Clinical Associations, and Biodistribution of Complement Proteins in the Synovium of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Reveals Unique Pathophysiologic Features.
Academic Article Sex and Age-Related Differences in Complement Factors Among Patients With Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
Academic Article Development and Optimization of Bifunctional Fusion Proteins to Locally Modulate Complement Activation in Diseased Tissue.
Academic Article Factor H related proteins modulate complement activation on kidney cells.
Academic Article Complement: The Road Less Traveled.
Academic Article Contributions of animal models to mechanistic understandings of antibody-dependent disease and roles of the amplification loop.
Academic Article Systematic review of type 1 diabetes biomarkers reveals regulation in circulating proteins related to complement, lipid metabolism, and immune response.
Academic Article Noninvasive Detection of iC3b/C3d Deposits in the Kidney Using a Novel Bioluminescent Imaging Probe.
Academic Article Potential causal role of synovial complement system activation in the development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate ligament injury or meniscus tear.
Academic Article Complement therapeutics are coming of age in rheumatology.
Academic Article Decrease in multiple complement protein levels is associated with the development of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Genetic variants in the complement system and their potential link in the aetiology of type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Systematic review of type 1 diabetes biomarkers reveals regulation in circulating proteins related to complement, lipid metabolism, and immune response.
Academic Article Inhibition of acute complement responses towards bolus-injected nanoparticles using targeted short-circulating regulatory proteins.

Search Criteria
  • Complement C6

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