Daniel Frank
Co-Authors (134)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
- Arruda, Jaime
- Asturias, Edwin
- Austin, Gregory
- Baker, Peter
- Banda, Nirmal
- Barbour, Linda
- Barron, Michelle
- Baschal, Erin
- Behbakht, Kian
- Bessesen, Mary
- Bratton, Donna
- Brumbaugh, David
- Bunik, Maya
- Burnham, Ellen
- Caplan, Liron
- Cass, Stephen
- Chonchol, Michel
- Clark, Sarah
- Clay, Michael
- Colborn, Kathryn
- Colgan, Sean
- Cree, Melanie
- Crume, Tessa
- Curtis, Donna
- Dabelea, Dana
- D'Alessandro, Angelo
- Deane, Kevin
- Demoruelle, Mary
- Dempsey, Edward
- Diaz del Valle, Fernando
- Dillon, Stephanie
- Dinarello, Charles
- Dobrinskikh, Evgenia
- Dominguez, Samuel
- Dowdell, Alexander
- Duerkop, Breck
- Ehringer, Marissa
- Erlandson, Kristine
- Evans, Christopher
- Fennimore, Blair
- Fong, Derek
- Friedman, Jacob
- Friedman, Norman
- Gerasimovskaya, Evgenia
- Gerich, Mark
- Getz, Anne
- Ghosh, Debashis
- Ghosh, Moumita
- Gitomer, Sarah
- Gottlieb, Peter
- Gubbels, Samuel
- Guo, Kejun
- Haines, Julie
- Harnke, Benjamin
- Harris, Jonathan
- Haukoos, Jason
- Hendricks, Audrey
- Hernandez, Mark
- Herrmann, Brian
- Higgins, Janine
- Hill, Emily
- Hippensteel, Joseph
- Hoffenberg, Edward
- Holers, Vernon
- Horswill, Alexander
- Idrovo, Juan
- Jankowski, Catherine
| - Janoff, Edward
- Jenkins, Timothy
- Karoor, Vijayalakshmi
- Kechris, Katerina
- Kelsey, Megan
- Kingdom, Todd
- Kinnamon, Sue
- Konigsberg, Iain
- Kovacs, Elizabeth
- Krebs, Nancy
- Kuhn, Kristine
- Lange, Ethan
- Lange, Leslie
- Larson, Eric
- Lenz, Laurel
- Leszczynski, Jori
- Libby, Andrew
- Lozupone, Catherine
- MacLaren, Robert
- MacLean, Paul
- Malcolm, Kenneth
- Manuel, Christopher
- MaWhinney, Samantha
- McCarter, Martin
- McCollister, Bruce
- McMahan, Rachel
- Melanson, Edward
- Min, Sung
- Miyazaki, Makoto
- Monks, Jenifer
- Nadeau, Kristen
- Narkewicz, Michael
- Orlicky, David
- Prager, Jeremy
- Radcliffe, Richard
- Reichlen, Matthew
- Reisdorph, Nichole
- Reisdorph, Richard
- Robertson, Charles
- Santiago, Mario
- Santorico, Stephanie
- Santos-Cortez, Regie Lyn
- Schurr, Michael
- Schwartz, David
- Sheeder, Jeanelle
- Silliman, Christopher
- Sokol, Ronald
- Stabler, Sally
- Stanislawski, Maggie
- Stenmark, Kurt
- Tang, Minghua
- Vandivier, Richard
- Voskuil, Martin
- Wagner, Brandie
- Walrath, Travis
- Wang, Dong
- Weinberg, Adriana
- Wieland, Amanda
- Wiktor, Arek
- Wilson, Cara
- Wine, Todd
- Wohlauer, Max
- Wood, Cheyret
- Yang, Ivana
- Yi, Jeniann
- Yoon, Patricia
- Zemanick, Edith
Frank's Networks
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Concepts  Derived automatically from this person's publications. _
Co-Authors  People in Profiles who have published with this person. _
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People who are also in this person's primary department.
Physical Neighbors  People whose addresses are nearby this person. _