Carl White
Co-Authors (30)
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Carl White (red circle).
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This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of
Carl White (red circle).
The size of a circle is proportional to the number of publications that author has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names
is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
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Name | Total Publications | Co-Authored Publications |
Veress, Livia | 32 | 24 | Agarwal, Rajesh | 280 | 18 | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | 38 | 17 | Day, Brian | 106 | 11 | Houin, Paul | 9 | 3 | Bratcher, Preston | 36 | 3 | Stabler, Sally | 200 | 4 | Deterding, Robin | 115 | 1 | Orlicky, David | 207 | 9 | Ghosh, Moumita | 34 | 3 | Grover, Theresa | 63 | 1 | Agarwal, Chapla | 145 | 10 | Abman, Steven | 443 | 2 | Brinton, John | 64 | 1 | Cooper, Emily | 24 | 1 | Bebarta, Vikhyat | 228 | 1 | Neeves, Keith | 94 | 3 | Reisdorph, Nichole | 124 | 1 | Gerasimovskaya, Evgenia | 37 | 2 | Stenmark, Kurt | 357 | 2 | Malcolm, Kenneth | 47 | 1 | Bender, Bruce | 129 | 1 | Colgan, Sean | 261 | 1 | Bridges, James | 51 | 1 | Kinsella, John | 191 | 1 | Crapo, James | 286 | 1 | Maddry, Joseph | 122 | 1 | Ng, Patrick | 47 | 1 | Mandell, Erica | 26 | 1 | Seibold, Max | 92 | 1 |
Co-Authors of Co-AuthorsName | Total Publications |
Tyagi, Alpna | 29 | Petrash, Jonathan | 130 | Serkova, Natalie | 148 | DeBoer, Emily | 47 | Ivy, David | 315 | Schauer, Steven | 259 | Galambos, Csaba | 98 | Maroni, Paul | 79 | MacLean, Kenneth | 65 | Zeitlin, Pamela | 93 | Enzenauer, Robert | 126 | Mourani, Peter | 141 | Haberkorn, Christopher | 4 | Pantcheva, Mina | 56 | Kumar, Sushil | 11 | Gien, Jason | 76 | Shearn, Colin | 53 | Bodmer, Jenna | 4 | Brechbuhl, Heather | 16 | Baker, Christopher | 60 | Saba, Laura | 130 | Kroll, David | 78 | Tomar, Munendra | 16 | Maier, Lisa | 169 | Parker, Thomas | 44 | Wagner, Brandie | 175 | Mould-Millman, Nee-Kofi | 40 | Messinger, Amanda | 7 | Weinman, Jason | 48 | Narkewicz, Michael | 139 | Kelly, Sarah | 17 | Wolfe, Kelly | 35 | Nick, Jerry | 116 | Bayer, Karl | 75 | Rumian, Nicole | 12 | O'Bryant, Cindy | 51 | Tuder, Rubin | 341 | Vandivier, Richard | 72 | Glueck, Deborah | 142 | Sokol, Ronald | 336 | Reisdorph, Richard | 36 | Downey, Gregory | 140 | Taylor-Cousar, Jennifer | 112 | Ginde, Adit | 287 | Cartwright, Ian | 30 | Hu, Cheng | 44 | Fujita, Mayumi | 79 | Jiang, Hua | 14 | Jiang, Huan | 14 | Keith, Robert | 72 | Flaig, Thomas | 146 | Fini, Mehdi | 32 | Regan, Elizabeth | 139 | Kovacs, Elizabeth | 165 | Wright, Clyde | 112 | You, Zhiying | 79 | Palmer, Amy | 97 | Tabakoff, Boris | 315 | Johnson, Richard | 541 | McMahan, Rachel | 46 | Dowdell, Alexander | 16 | Pitts, Todd | 74 | Messersmith, Wells | 199 | Bowler, Russell | 297 | Yeager, Michael | 35 | Frank, Benjamin | 54 | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 515 | Lynch, David | 475 | Kheyfets, Vitaly | 52 | Monks, Jenifer | 30 | Karoor, Vijayalakshmi | 37 | Hall, Caroline | 10 | Heard, Kennon | 178 | Cramer, Scott | 70 | Acker, Shannon | 89 | Harris, Jonathan | 86 | Fritz, Kristofer | 62 | Delaney, Cassidy | 22 | Steiner, Calen | 25 | Dabelea, Dana | 533 |
Co-Author ConnectionsPerson 1 | Person 2 | Number of Co-Publications | Most Recent Co-Publication |
Agarwal, Chapla | Agarwal, Rajesh | 142 | 2024 | Abman, Steven | Kinsella, John | 113 | 2023 | Abman, Steven | Ivy, David | 78 | 2022 | Crapo, James | Regan, Elizabeth | 76 | 2024 | Glueck, Deborah | Dabelea, Dana | 70 | 2023 | Crapo, James | Lynch, David | 67 | 2024 | Bowler, Russell | Crapo, James | 66 | 2023 | Maddry, Joseph | Schauer, Steven | 51 | 2024 | Maddry, Joseph | Bebarta, Vikhyat | 50 | 2024 | Bebarta, Vikhyat | Schauer, Steven | 47 | 2024 | Narkewicz, Michael | Sokol, Ronald | 45 | 2022 | Bowler, Russell | Lynch, David | 40 | 2023 | Harris, Jonathan | Wagner, Brandie | 39 | 2023 | Ivy, David | Kinsella, John | 38 | 2022 | Tabakoff, Boris | Saba, Laura | 37 | 2023 | Pitts, Todd | Messersmith, Wells | 37 | 2023 | Lynch, David | Regan, Elizabeth | 37 | 2023 | Bowler, Russell | Regan, Elizabeth | 36 | 2023 | Abman, Steven | Parker, Thomas | 34 | 2007 | Gerasimovskaya, Evgenia | Stenmark, Kurt | 32 | 2023 | Orlicky, David | Shearn, Colin | 31 | 2023 | Nick, Jerry | Malcolm, Kenneth | 31 | 2023 | Stenmark, Kurt | Tuder, Rubin | 29 | 2023 | Abman, Steven | Mourani, Peter | 28 | 2020 | Abman, Steven | Gien, Jason | 28 | 2023 | Bebarta, Vikhyat | Ng, Patrick | 26 | 2024 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Reisdorph, Richard | 26 | 2023 | Kinsella, John | Parker, Thomas | 25 | 2007 | Maddry, Joseph | Ng, Patrick | 25 | 2024 | White, Carl | Veress, Livia | 24 | 2024 | Abman, Steven | Galambos, Csaba | 24 | 2023 | Agarwal, Rajesh | Tyagi, Alpna | 23 | 2019 | Ivy, David | Frank, Benjamin | 23 | 2023 | Deterding, Robin | DeBoer, Emily | 22 | 2024 | Mourani, Peter | Wagner, Brandie | 22 | 2024 | Bebarta, Vikhyat | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | 21 | 2023 | McMahan, Rachel | Kovacs, Elizabeth | 20 | 2023 | Abman, Steven | Mandell, Erica | 19 | 2024 | Kinsella, John | Gien, Jason | 19 | 2023 | Ginde, Adit | Schauer, Steven | 19 | 2023 | Bowler, Russell | Reisdorph, Nichole | 19 | 2022 | White, Carl | Agarwal, Rajesh | 18 | 2015 | Stabler, Sally | MacLean, Kenneth | 18 | 2021 | Agarwal, Chapla | Tyagi, Alpna | 18 | 2019 | Abman, Steven | Grover, Theresa | 18 | 2011 | White, Carl | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | 17 | 2020 | Abman, Steven | Baker, Christopher | 17 | 2023 | Stenmark, Kurt | Fini, Mehdi | 17 | 2023 | Ivy, David | Stenmark, Kurt | 17 | 2023 | Ginde, Adit | Bebarta, Vikhyat | 17 | 2023 | Nick, Jerry | Taylor-Cousar, Jennifer | 16 | 2022 | Stenmark, Kurt | Hu, Cheng | 15 | 2024 | Colgan, Sean | Cartwright, Ian | 15 | 2023 | Shearn, Colin | Fritz, Kristofer | 15 | 2019 | Weinman, Jason | Galambos, Csaba | 15 | 2023 | Glueck, Deborah | Brinton, John | 15 | 2019 | Orlicky, David | Johnson, Richard | 14 | 2023 | Orlicky, David | Agarwal, Rajesh | 14 | 2022 | Stenmark, Kurt | Karoor, Vijayalakshmi | 14 | 2021 | Stenmark, Kurt | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 14 | 2023 | Colgan, Sean | Dowdell, Alexander | 14 | 2023 | Ginde, Adit | Mould-Millman, Nee-Kofi | 14 | 2023 | Jiang, Hua | Jiang, Huan | 14 | 2023 | Yeager, Michael | Stenmark, Kurt | 14 | 2017 | Stenmark, Kurt | Kheyfets, Vitaly | 13 | 2023 | Veress, Livia | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | 12 | 2018 | Deterding, Robin | Weinman, Jason | 12 | 2024 | Deterding, Robin | Wagner, Brandie | 12 | 2023 | Grover, Theresa | Gien, Jason | 12 | 2021 | Abman, Steven | Tuder, Rubin | 12 | 2009 | Abman, Steven | Wagner, Brandie | 12 | 2020 | Ng, Patrick | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | 12 | 2023 | Ivy, David | Kheyfets, Vitaly | 12 | 2021 | MacLean, Kenneth | Jiang, Hua | 12 | 2021 | MacLean, Kenneth | Jiang, Huan | 12 | 2021 | White, Carl | Day, Brian | 11 | 2016 | Orlicky, David | McMahan, Rachel | 11 | 2023 | Mould-Millman, Nee-Kofi | Schauer, Steven | 11 | 2023 | Heard, Kennon | Bebarta, Vikhyat | 11 | 2019 | White, Carl | Agarwal, Chapla | 10 | 2015 | Deterding, Robin | Galambos, Csaba | 10 | 2022 | Gerasimovskaya, Evgenia | Karoor, Vijayalakshmi | 10 | 2021 | Petrash, Jonathan | Agarwal, Rajesh | 10 | 2024 | Serkova, Natalie | Agarwal, Rajesh | 10 | 2019 | Mould-Millman, Nee-Kofi | Bebarta, Vikhyat | 10 | 2023 | Sokol, Ronald | Orlicky, David | 10 | 2023 | Stabler, Sally | Jiang, Hua | 9 | 2021 | Stabler, Sally | Jiang, Huan | 9 | 2021 | Orlicky, David | White, Carl | 9 | 2015 | Orlicky, David | Fritz, Kristofer | 9 | 2021 | Colgan, Sean | Hall, Caroline | 9 | 2023 | Ivy, David | Yeager, Michael | 9 | 2021 | Ivy, David | Parker, Thomas | 9 | 2004 | Zeitlin, Pamela | Bratcher, Preston | 9 | 2022 | Bayer, Karl | Rumian, Nicole | 9 | 2023 | Harris, Jonathan | Mourani, Peter | 9 | 2023 | Dabelea, Dana | Brinton, John | 9 | 2016 | Agarwal, Rajesh | Kroll, David | 8 | 2012 | Orlicky, David | Saba, Laura | 8 | 2019 | Orlicky, David | Agarwal, Chapla | 8 | 2022 | Abman, Steven | Stenmark, Kurt | 8 | 2021 | Abman, Steven | Frank, Benjamin | 8 | 2023 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Fritz, Kristofer | 8 | 2023 | Malcolm, Kenneth | Taylor-Cousar, Jennifer | 8 | 2022 | Ivy, David | Wagner, Brandie | 8 | 2019 | Saba, Laura | Shearn, Colin | 8 | 2019 | Monks, Jenifer | Orlicky, David | 8 | 2022 | Acker, Shannon | Cooper, Emily | 8 | 2023 | Orlicky, David | MacLean, Kenneth | 7 | 2019 | Grover, Theresa | Parker, Thomas | 7 | 2006 | Petrash, Jonathan | Agarwal, Chapla | 7 | 2024 | Maroni, Paul | Flaig, Thomas | 7 | 2023 | Maroni, Paul | Agarwal, Rajesh | 7 | 2023 | Weinman, Jason | DeBoer, Emily | 7 | 2024 | Kelly, Sarah | Wolfe, Kelly | 7 | 2023 | Sokol, Ronald | Abman, Steven | 7 | 1992 | Sokol, Ronald | Shearn, Colin | 7 | 2023 | Keith, Robert | Ghosh, Moumita | 7 | 2023 | Fini, Mehdi | Johnson, Richard | 7 | 2023 | Yeager, Michael | Tuder, Rubin | 7 | 2004 | Orlicky, David | Wright, Clyde | 6 | 2023 | Orlicky, David | Kovacs, Elizabeth | 6 | 2023 | Grover, Theresa | Kinsella, John | 6 | 2007 | Crapo, James | Day, Brian | 6 | 2003 | Ng, Patrick | Schauer, Steven | 6 | 2024 | Petrash, Jonathan | Enzenauer, Robert | 6 | 2019 | Enzenauer, Robert | Agarwal, Rajesh | 6 | 2021 | Gien, Jason | Acker, Shannon | 6 | 2022 | Baker, Christopher | Gien, Jason | 6 | 2022 | Maier, Lisa | Day, Brian | 6 | 2017 | Wagner, Brandie | DeBoer, Emily | 6 | 2023 | Vandivier, Richard | Ghosh, Moumita | 6 | 2022 | Bowler, Russell | Reisdorph, Richard | 6 | 2018 | Lynch, David | Taylor-Cousar, Jennifer | 6 | 2023 | Delaney, Cassidy | Wright, Clyde | 6 | 2022 | Day, Brian | Downey, Gregory | 5 | 2023 | Day, Brian | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | 5 | 2016 | Abman, Steven | Kheyfets, Vitaly | 5 | 2021 | Maddry, Joseph | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | 5 | 2023 | Serkova, Natalie | Agarwal, Chapla | 5 | 2019 | Maroni, Paul | Agarwal, Chapla | 5 | 2023 | MacLean, Kenneth | Shearn, Colin | 5 | 2018 | Mourani, Peter | Brinton, John | 5 | 2022 | Saba, Laura | Fritz, Kristofer | 5 | 2019 | Sokol, Ronald | Ivy, David | 5 | 2018 | Cartwright, Ian | Dowdell, Alexander | 5 | 2022 | Pitts, Todd | Serkova, Natalie | 5 | 2018 | Heard, Kennon | Maddry, Joseph | 5 | 2016 | Fritz, Kristofer | Reisdorph, Richard | 5 | 2023 | Dabelea, Dana | Wagner, Brandie | 5 | 2019 | Veress, Livia | Houin, Paul | 4 | 2021 | Day, Brian | Brechbuhl, Heather | 4 | 2011 | Stabler, Sally | White, Carl | 4 | 2009 | Orlicky, David | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 4 | 2021 | Abman, Steven | Acker, Shannon | 4 | 2015 | Colgan, Sean | Steiner, Calen | 4 | 2023 | Kinsella, John | Mandell, Erica | 4 | 2023 | Petrash, Jonathan | Pantcheva, Mina | 4 | 2024 | Ivy, David | Mourani, Peter | 4 | 2008 | Mourani, Peter | Baker, Christopher | 4 | 2017 | Wagner, Brandie | Enzenauer, Robert | 4 | 2017 | Wagner, Brandie | Nick, Jerry | 4 | 2023 | Vandivier, Richard | Tuder, Rubin | 4 | 2013 | Cartwright, Ian | Hall, Caroline | 4 | 2023 | Cartwright, Ian | Steiner, Calen | 4 | 2023 | Bowler, Russell | Day, Brian | 4 | 2013 | Karoor, Vijayalakshmi | Fini, Mehdi | 4 | 2021 | Heard, Kennon | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 4 | 2023 | Harris, Jonathan | Deterding, Robin | 4 | 2019 | Harris, Jonathan | DeBoer, Emily | 4 | 2022 | White, Carl | Houin, Paul | 3 | 2018 | White, Carl | Bratcher, Preston | 3 | 2024 | White, Carl | Neeves, Keith | 3 | 2014 | White, Carl | Ghosh, Moumita | 3 | 2017 | Agarwal, Rajesh | Day, Brian | 3 | 2014 | Agarwal, Rajesh | Kumar, Sushil | 3 | 2014 | Day, Brian | Veress, Livia | 3 | 2016 | Houin, Paul | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | 3 | 2018 | Deterding, Robin | Lynch, David | 3 | 2024 | Deterding, Robin | Messinger, Amanda | 3 | 2019 | Orlicky, David | Jiang, Hua | 3 | 2015 | Orlicky, David | Colgan, Sean | 3 | 2021 | Orlicky, David | Petrash, Jonathan | 3 | 2021 | Orlicky, David | Jiang, Huan | 3 | 2015 | Agarwal, Chapla | Day, Brian | 3 | 2014 | Agarwal, Chapla | Kumar, Sushil | 3 | 2014 | Abman, Steven | Delaney, Cassidy | 3 | 2015 | Brinton, John | Cooper, Emily | 3 | 2022 | Gerasimovskaya, Evgenia | Fini, Mehdi | 3 | 2023 | Stenmark, Kurt | Bowler, Russell | 3 | 2019 | Stenmark, Kurt | Johnson, Richard | 3 | 2021 | Maddry, Joseph | Mould-Millman, Nee-Kofi | 3 | 2023 | Ivy, David | Galambos, Csaba | 3 | 2019 | Galambos, Csaba | Bodmer, Jenna | 3 | 2023 | Enzenauer, Robert | Agarwal, Chapla | 3 | 2021 | Pantcheva, Mina | Agarwal, Chapla | 3 | 2024 | Pantcheva, Mina | Agarwal, Rajesh | 3 | 2024 | Gien, Jason | Galambos, Csaba | 3 | 2014 | Gien, Jason | Mandell, Erica | 3 | 2015 | Brechbuhl, Heather | Ghosh, Moumita | 3 | 2012 | Saba, Laura | Reisdorph, Nichole | 3 | 2021 | Saba, Laura | Agarwal, Chapla | 3 | 2024 | Saba, Laura | Agarwal, Rajesh | 3 | 2024 | Weinman, Jason | Brinton, John | 3 | 2022 | Tuder, Rubin | Lynch, David | 3 | 2021 | Tuder, Rubin | Kheyfets, Vitaly | 3 | 2023 | Vandivier, Richard | Keith, Robert | 3 | 2021 | Sokol, Ronald | Stenmark, Kurt | 3 | 2014 | Sokol, Ronald | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 3 | 2021 | Taylor-Cousar, Jennifer | Bratcher, Preston | 3 | 2018 | Ginde, Adit | Maddry, Joseph | 3 | 2023 | Hu, Cheng | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 3 | 2021 | Flaig, Thomas | Agarwal, Rajesh | 3 | 2010 | Fini, Mehdi | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 3 | 2021 | Messersmith, Wells | O'Bryant, Cindy | 3 | 2020 | Lynch, David | DeBoer, Emily | 3 | 2024 | Lynch, David | Downey, Gregory | 3 | 2023 | Harris, Jonathan | Abman, Steven | 3 | 2017 | Delaney, Cassidy | Neeves, Keith | 3 | 2023 | Agarwal, Rajesh | Tomar, Munendra | 2 | 2022 | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | Rumian, Nicole | 2 | 2023 | Bratcher, Preston | Seibold, Max | 2 | 2022 | Deterding, Robin | Brinton, John | 2 | 2020 | Deterding, Robin | Acker, Shannon | 2 | 2015 | Orlicky, David | Day, Brian | 2 | 2014 | Grover, Theresa | Delaney, Cassidy | 2 | 2018 | Abman, Steven | Deterding, Robin | 2 | 2019 | Abman, Steven | Weinman, Jason | 2 | 2021 | Abman, Steven | White, Carl | 2 | 2020 | Abman, Steven | Bodmer, Jenna | 2 | 2023 | Bebarta, Vikhyat | Rumian, Nicole | 2 | 2023 | Gerasimovskaya, Evgenia | White, Carl | 2 | 2005 | Stenmark, Kurt | Delaney, Cassidy | 2 | 2020 | Stenmark, Kurt | White, Carl | 2 | 2005 | Malcolm, Kenneth | Bratcher, Preston | 2 | 2018 | Colgan, Sean | Shearn, Colin | 2 | 2020 | Colgan, Sean | Downey, Gregory | 2 | 2011 | Kinsella, John | Mourani, Peter | 2 | 2015 | Kinsella, John | Baker, Christopher | 2 | 2016 | Kinsella, John | Delaney, Cassidy | 2 | 2019 | Kinsella, John | Wagner, Brandie | 2 | 2023 | Kinsella, John | Frank, Benjamin | 2 | 2023 | Mandell, Erica | Acker, Shannon | 2 | 2023 | Petrash, Jonathan | Johnson, Richard | 2 | 2014 | DeBoer, Emily | Brinton, John | 2 | 2021 | Mourani, Peter | Mandell, Erica | 2 | 2020 | Gien, Jason | Frank, Benjamin | 2 | 2023 | Weinman, Jason | Lynch, David | 2 | 2024 | Nick, Jerry | Bratcher, Preston | 2 | 2018 | Bayer, Karl | Bebarta, Vikhyat | 2 | 2023 | Bayer, Karl | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | 2 | 2023 | O'Bryant, Cindy | Agarwal, Rajesh | 2 | 2021 | Tuder, Rubin | Hu, Cheng | 2 | 2023 | Vandivier, Richard | Bowler, Russell | 2 | 2009 | Vandivier, Richard | Downey, Gregory | 2 | 2009 | Sokol, Ronald | Wagner, Brandie | 2 | 2015 | Sokol, Ronald | Ginde, Adit | 2 | 2022 | Hu, Cheng | Kheyfets, Vitaly | 2 | 2023 | Fujita, Mayumi | Agarwal, Rajesh | 2 | 2020 | McMahan, Rachel | Johnson, Richard | 2 | 2018 | Dowdell, Alexander | Hall, Caroline | 2 | 2023 | Monks, Jenifer | Fini, Mehdi | 2 | 2023 | Hall, Caroline | Steiner, Calen | 2 | 2023 | Cramer, Scott | Agarwal, Rajesh | 2 | 2015 | Harris, Jonathan | Sokol, Ronald | 2 | 2014 | Delaney, Cassidy | Gien, Jason | 2 | 2013 | Dabelea, Dana | Maier, Lisa | 2 | 2017 | White, Carl | Bender, Bruce | 1 | 2012 | White, Carl | Malcolm, Kenneth | 1 | 2013 | White, Carl | Maddry, Joseph | 1 | 2020 | White, Carl | Brinton, John | 1 | 2022 | White, Carl | Mandell, Erica | 1 | 2020 | White, Carl | Bebarta, Vikhyat | 1 | 2020 | White, Carl | Ng, Patrick | 1 | 2020 | White, Carl | Seibold, Max | 1 | 2013 | White, Carl | Bridges, James | 1 | 2009 | White, Carl | Cooper, Emily | 1 | 2022 | Veress, Livia | Galambos, Csaba | 1 | 2023 | Veress, Livia | Kelly, Sarah | 1 | 2018 | Veress, Livia | Wolfe, Kelly | 1 | 2018 | Veress, Livia | Neeves, Keith | 1 | 2014 | Veress, Livia | Bodmer, Jenna | 1 | 2023 | Agarwal, Rajesh | Reisdorph, Richard | 1 | 2024 | Agarwal, Rajesh | You, Zhiying | 1 | 2022 | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | Schauer, Steven | 1 | 2023 | Hendry-Hofer, Tara | Haberkorn, Christopher | 1 | 2023 | Day, Brian | Bratcher, Preston | 1 | 2019 | Day, Brian | Seibold, Max | 1 | 2021 | Stabler, Sally | Colgan, Sean | 1 | 2019 | Deterding, Robin | Baker, Christopher | 1 | 2018 | Deterding, Robin | White, Carl | 1 | 2014 | Deterding, Robin | Houin, Paul | 1 | 2015 | Orlicky, David | Flaig, Thomas | 1 | 2021 | Grover, Theresa | White, Carl | 1 | 2007 | Abman, Steven | MacLean, Kenneth | 1 | 2014 | Abman, Steven | Cramer, Scott | 1 | 2015 | Abman, Steven | Wright, Clyde | 1 | 2013 | Abman, Steven | Brinton, John | 1 | 2019 | Brinton, John | Wolfe, Kelly | 1 | 2019 | Bebarta, Vikhyat | Haberkorn, Christopher | 1 | 2023 | Reisdorph, Nichole | White, Carl | 1 | 2015 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Agarwal, Rajesh | 1 | 2021 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Tyagi, Alpna | 1 | 2018 | Reisdorph, Nichole | Seibold, Max | 1 | 2020 | Stenmark, Kurt | Serkova, Natalie | 1 | 2016 | Colgan, Sean | White, Carl | 1 | 2009 | Kinsella, John | White, Carl | 1 | 2007 | Kinsella, John | Acker, Shannon | 1 | 2014 | Crapo, James | White, Carl | 1 | 2006 | Maddry, Joseph | Haberkorn, Christopher | 1 | 2023 | Ng, Patrick | Haberkorn, Christopher | 1 | 2023 | Seibold, Max | Ghosh, Moumita | 1 | 2013 | Tyagi, Alpna | Fritz, Kristofer | 1 | 2018 | Serkova, Natalie | Flaig, Thomas | 1 | 2013 | Serkova, Natalie | Messersmith, Wells | 1 | 2018 | Schauer, Steven | Haberkorn, Christopher | 1 | 2023 | Galambos, Csaba | DeBoer, Emily | 1 | 2021 | Galambos, Csaba | Mandell, Erica | 1 | 2014 | Galambos, Csaba | Acker, Shannon | 1 | 2014 | Maroni, Paul | Tyagi, Alpna | 1 | 2019 | Mourani, Peter | Ginde, Adit | 1 | 2013 | Mourani, Peter | Galambos, Csaba | 1 | 2014 | Gien, Jason | Brinton, John | 1 | 2021 | Shearn, Colin | Jiang, Huan | 1 | 2013 | Baker, Christopher | Mandell, Erica | 1 | 2021 | Maier, Lisa | Taylor-Cousar, Jennifer | 1 | 2020 | Parker, Thomas | Brinton, John | 1 | 2018 | Wagner, Brandie | Petrash, Jonathan | 1 | 2021 | Wagner, Brandie | Messinger, Amanda | 1 | 2019 | Weinman, Jason | Houin, Paul | 1 | 2020 | Weinman, Jason | Bodmer, Jenna | 1 | 2023 | Narkewicz, Michael | Stenmark, Kurt | 1 | 2005 | Narkewicz, Michael | Wagner, Brandie | 1 | 2015 | Narkewicz, Michael | Veress, Livia | 1 | 2018 | Narkewicz, Michael | Acker, Shannon | 1 | 2013 | Nick, Jerry | Lynch, David | 1 | 2022 | Nick, Jerry | Day, Brian | 1 | 2013 | Tuder, Rubin | Serkova, Natalie | 1 | 2015 | Tuder, Rubin | Delaney, Cassidy | 1 | 2020 | Tuder, Rubin | D'Alessandro, Angelo | 1 | 2018 | Sokol, Ronald | Wright, Clyde | 1 | 2018 | Taylor-Cousar, Jennifer | Downey, Gregory | 1 | 2020 | Taylor-Cousar, Jennifer | Zeitlin, Pamela | 1 | 2017 | Ginde, Adit | Ng, Patrick | 1 | 2022 | Fujita, Mayumi | Messersmith, Wells | 1 | 2018 | Jiang, Hua | Shearn, Colin | 1 | 2013 | Wright, Clyde | Galambos, Csaba | 1 | 2014 | Palmer, Amy | Agarwal, Rajesh | 1 | 2022 | Tabakoff, Boris | Glueck, Deborah | 1 | 2019 | Tabakoff, Boris | Agarwal, Rajesh | 1 | 2021 | Johnson, Richard | You, Zhiying | 1 | 2016 | Pitts, Todd | Agarwal, Rajesh | 1 | 2020 | Messersmith, Wells | Agarwal, Rajesh | 1 | 2020 | Bowler, Russell | Seibold, Max | 1 | 2017 | Yeager, Michael | Frank, Benjamin | 1 | 2021 | Monks, Jenifer | Stenmark, Kurt | 1 | 2023 | Heard, Kennon | Ng, Patrick | 1 | 2020 | Cramer, Scott | Mandell, Erica | 1 | 2015 | Harris, Jonathan | Tuder, Rubin | 1 | 2014 | Harris, Jonathan | Zeitlin, Pamela | 1 | 2017 |
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