Christopher D Baker
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PEDS |
Phone | 720/777-6181 |
Research K23HL121090 (BAKER, CHRISTOPHER D)Dec 1, 2014 - Nov 30, 2018 NIH Impaired angiogenesis in preterm infants after maternal complications of pregnancy Role: Principal Investigator |
Prinzi AM, Baker CD. So tell me? does this tracheal aspirate culture indicate "infection" or "colonization"? Pediatr Pulmonol. 2023 09; 58(9):2439-2441. PMID: 37278550.
Kielt MJ, Hatch LD, Levin JC, Napolitano N, Abman SH, Baker CD, Eldredge LC, Collaco JM, McGrath-Morrow SA, Rose RS, Lai K, Keszler M, Sindelar R, Nelin LD, McKinney RL. Classifying multicenter approaches to invasive mechanical ventilation for infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia using hierarchical clustering analysis. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2023 Aug; 58(8):2323-2332. PMID: 37265416.
Afolabi FA, Liptzin DR, Sharma PB, Gelfand A, Baker CD. To trach or not to trach? Ethical considerations for medically complex children during a home nursing crisis. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2023 Aug; 58(8):2415-2416. PMID: 37154514.
Manimtim WM, Agarwal A, Alexiou S, Levin JC, Aoyama B, Austin ED, Bansal M, Bauer SE, Cristea AI, Fierro JL, Garey DM, Hayden LP, Kaslow JA, Miller AN, Moore PE, Nelin LD, Popova AP, Rice JL, Tracy MC, Baker CD, Dawson SK, Eldredge LC, Lai K, Rhein LM, Siddaiah R, Villafranco N, McGrath-Morrow SA, Collaco JM. Respiratory Outcomes for Ventilator-Dependent Children With Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatrics. 2023 05 01; 151(5). PMID: 37122061.
Collaco JM, Li Y, Rhein LM, Tracy MC, Sheils CA, Rice JL, Popova AP, Moore PE, Manimtim WM, Lai K, Kaslow JA, Hayden LP, Bansal M, Austin ED, Aoyama B, Alexiou S, Agarwal A, Villafranco N, Siddaiah R, Lagatta JM, Dawson SK, Cristea AI, Bauer SE, Baker CD, McGrath-Morrow SA. Validation of an outpatient questionnaire for bronchopulmonary dysplasia control. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2023 05; 58(5):1551-1561. PMID: 36793145.
Cristea AI, Tracy MC, Bauer SE, Guaman MC, Welty SE, Baker CD, Bhombal S, Collaco JM, Courtney SE, DiGeronimo RJ, Eldredge LC, Gibbs K, Hayden LP, Keszler M, Lai K, McGrath-Morrow SA, Moore PE, Rose R, Sindelar R, Truog WE, Nelin LD, Abman S. Approaches to Interdisciplinary Care for Infants with Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: A Survey of the Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Collaborative. Am J Perinatol. 2024 05; 41(S 01):e536-e544. PMID: 36477715.
Kanbar LJ, Dexheimer JW, Zahner J, Burrows EK, Chatburn R, Messinger A, Baker CD, Schuler CL, Benscoter D, Amin R, Pajor N. Standardizing electronic health record ventilation data in the pediatric long-term mechanical ventilator-dependent population. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2023 Feb; 58(2):433-440. PMID: 36226360.
McGrath-Morrow SA, Agarwal A, Alexiou S, Austin ED, Fierro JL, Hayden LP, Lai K, Levin JC, Manimtim WM, Moore PE, Rhein LM, Rice JL, Sheils CA, Tracy MC, Bansal M, Baker CD, Cristea AI, Popova AP, Siddaiah R, Villafranco N, Nelin LD, Collaco JM. Daycare Attendance is Linked to Increased Risk of Respiratory Morbidities in Children Born Preterm with Bronchopulmonary?Dysplasia. J Pediatr. 2022 10; 249:22-28.e1. PMID: 35803300.
Sobotka SA, Laudon S, Jackson AJ, Harendt SE, Baker CD. A Literature Review of Feeding Disorders in Children with Tracheostomies and Ventilators. Pediatr Ann. 2022 Jul; 51(7):e291-e296. PMID: 35858218.
Enzer KG, Wine TM, Gien J, Somme S, Prager JD, Baker CD. Posterior tracheopexy for preterm infants with severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia and severe tracheobronchomalacia: A case series. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2022 09; 57(9):2279-2281. PMID: 35666077.
Eldredge LC, Levin JC, Tracy MC, Cristea AI, Baker CD, Ruminjo JK, Thomson CC. Summary for Clinicians: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Outpatient Respiratory Management of Infants, Children, and Adolescents with Post-Prematurity Respiratory Disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2022 06; 19(6):873-879. PMID: 35239469.
Collaco JM, Tracy MC, Sheils CA, Rice JL, Rhein LM, Nelin LD, Moore PE, Manimtim WM, Levin JC, Lai K, Hayden LP, Fierro JL, Austin ED, Alexiou S, Agarwal A, Villafranco N, Siddaiah R, Popova AP, Cristea IA, Baker CD, Bansal M, McGrath-Morrow SA. Insurance coverage and respiratory morbidities in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2022 07; 57(7):1735-1743. PMID: 35437911.
Ng CJ, Liu A, Venkataraman S, Ashworth KJ, Baker CD, O'Rourke R, Vibhakar R, Jones KL, Di Paola J. Single-cell transcriptional analysis of human endothelial colony-forming cells from patients with low VWF levels. Blood. 2022 04 07; 139(14):2240-2251. PMID: 35143643.
Cristea AI, Ren CL, Amin R, Eldredge LC, Levin JC, Majmudar PP, May AE, Rose RS, Tracy MC, Watters KF, Allen J, Austin ED, Cataletto ME, Collaco JM, Fleck RJ, Gelfand A, Hayes D, Jones MH, Kun SS, Mandell EW, McGrath-Morrow SA, Panitch HB, Popatia R, Rhein LM, Teper A, Woods JC, Iyer N, Baker CD. Outpatient Respiratory Management of Infants, Children, and Adolescents with Post-Prematurity Respiratory Disease: An Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 12 15; 204(12):e115-e133. PMID: 34908518.
McKinney RL, Napolitano N, Levin JJ, Kielt MJ, Abman SH, Guaman MC, Rose RS, Courtney SE, Matlock D, Agarwal A, Leeman KT, Sanlorenzo LA, Sindelar R, Collaco JM, Baker CD, Hannan KE, Douglass M, Eldredge LC, Lai K, McGrath-Morrow SA, Tracy MC, Truog W, Lewis T, Murillo AL, Keszler M. Ventilatory Strategies in Infants with Established Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: A Multicenter Point Prevalence Study. J Pediatr. 2022 Mar; 242:248-252.e1. PMID: 34710394.
Baker CD. Mechanical Ventilation During Chronic Lung Disease. Clin Perinatol. 2021 12; 48(4):881-893. PMID: 34774215.
Pigatto AV, Kao TJ, Mueller JL, Baker CD, DeBoer EM, Kupfer O. Electrical impedance tomography detects changes in ventilation after airway clearance in spinal muscular atrophy type I. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2021 12; 294:103773. PMID: 34400355.
Baker CD. Chronic respiratory failure in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2021 11; 56(11):3490-3498. PMID: 33666365.
Collaco JM, Agarwal A, Austin ED, Hayden LP, Lai K, Levin J, Manimtim WM, Moore PE, Sheils CA, Tracy MC, Alexiou S, Baker CD, Cristea AI, Fierro JL, Rhein LM, Villafranco N, Nelin LD, McGrath-Morrow SA. Characteristics of infants or children presenting to outpatient bronchopulmonary dysplasia clinics in the United States. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2021 06; 56(6):1617-1625. PMID: 33713587.
Khan EK, Liptzin DR, Baker J, Meier M, Baker CD, Lockspeiser TM. Pediatric Resident Education in Pulmonary (PREP): A Subspecialty Preparatory Boot Camp Curriculum for Pediatric Residents. MedEdPORTAL. 2021 01 07; 17:11066. PMID: 33473377.
Gross JE, McCown MY, Okorie C, Bishay LC, Dy FJ, Rettig JS, Baker CD, Balmes JR, Barber AT, Bose SK, Casey A, Hawkins SMM, Kass A, Keim G, Mokhallati N, Montgomery G, Peranteau WH, Serrano R, Vece TJ, Yehya N, Boyer D, Hayes MM. ATS Core Curriculum 2020. Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine. ATS Sch. 2020 Dec 30; 1(4):456-475. PMID: 33870313.
Khan EK, Lockspeiser TM, Liptzin DR, Meier M, Baker CD. "When in Doubt, Change It out": A Case-Based Simulation for Pediatric Residents Caring for Hospitalized Tracheostomy-Dependent Children. MedEdPORTAL. 2020 10 01; 16:10994. PMID: 33015360.
Khan EK, Baker CD. Differences in cross-sectional area and airflow resistance between pediatric endotracheal or tracheostomy tubes. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2020 09; 55(9):2194-2195. PMID: 32697866.
Baker CD. Take Me Home to the Place I Belong: Discharging the Tracheostomy-Dependent Child. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2020 07; 17(7):809-810. PMID: 32609029.
Prager JD, Baker CD. The Multidisciplinary Tracheostomy Team: A Parachute for Tracheostomy-Dependent Children. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Nov 01; 145(11):1042-1043. PMID: 31536100.
Cristea AI, Baker CD. To PSG or not to PSG: That is the question. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2020 01; 55(1):9-10. PMID: 31496130.
Wisniewski BL, Jensen EL, Prager JD, Wine TM, Baker CD. Pediatric tracheocutaneous fistula closure following tracheostomy decannulation. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Oct; 125:122-127. PMID: 31299421.
Baker CD. Long-term ventilation for children with chronic lung disease of infancy. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2019 06; 31(3):357-366. PMID: 31090577.
Liptzin DR, Baker CD, Darst JR, Weinman JP, Dishop MK, Galambos C, Brinton JT, Deterding RR. Pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis: Diagnostic evaluation and clinical course. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2018 12; 53(12):1651-1658. PMID: 30019520.
Khan EK, Baker CD. Endotracheal or tracheostomy tube occlusion during pediatric flexible bronchoscopy. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2018 08; 53(8):1004-1005. PMID: 29696825.
Brockel M, Chatfield K, Mirsky D, Baker CD, Janosy N. Anesthetic Considerations for a Child With Rare B3GALT6 Mutations: A Case Report. A A Pract. 2018 Feb 15; 10(4):83-86. PMID: 28968258.
Baker CD. Biomarkers of pulmonary hypertension after preterm birth: The IMPROV study. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2018 02; 53(2):124-125. PMID: 29266849.
Thrasher J, Baker J, Ventre KM, Martin SE, Dawson J, Cox R, Moore HM, Brethouwer S, Sables-Baus S, Baker CD. Hospital to Home: A Quality Improvement Initiative to Implement High-fidelity Simulation Training for Caregivers of Children Requiring Long-term Mechanical Ventilation. J Pediatr Nurs. 2018 Jan - Feb; 38:114-121. PMID: 28943140.
Lutz SM, Thwing A, Schmiege S, Kroehl M, Baker CD, Starling AP, Hokanson JE, Ghosh D. Examining the role of unmeasured confounding in mediation analysis with genetic and genomic applications. BMC Bioinformatics. 2017 Jul 19; 18(1):344. PMID: 28724417.
Goss KN, Everett AD, Mourani PM, Baker CD, Abman SH. Addressing the challenges of phenotyping pediatric pulmonary vascular disease. Pulm Circ. 2017 Mar; 7(1):7-19. PMID: 28680562.
Baker CD, Halbower AC, Sterni LM, Sockrider M. Using a Home Ventilator with a Child. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 12 15; 194(12):P21-P22. PMID: 27976944.
Abman SH, Collaco JM, Shepherd EG, Keszler M, Cuevas-Guaman M, Welty SE, Truog WE, McGrath-Morrow SA, Moore PE, Rhein LM, Kirpalani H, Zhang H, Gratny LL, Lynch SK, Curtiss J, Stonestreet BS, McKinney RL, Dysart KC, Gien J, Baker CD, Donohue PK, Austin E, Fike C, Nelin LD. Interdisciplinary Care of Children with Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. J Pediatr. 2017 02; 181:12-28.e1. PMID: 27908648.
Gumina DL, Black CP, Balasubramaniam V, Winn VD, Baker CD. Umbilical Cord Blood Circulating Progenitor Cells and Endothelial Colony-Forming Cells Are Decreased in Preeclampsia. Reprod Sci. 2017 07; 24(7):1088-1096. PMID: 27879452.
Moore PE, Boyer D, O'Connor MG, Baker CD, Rettig JS, Sterni L, Halbower A, Wilson KC, Thomson CC. Pediatric Chronic Home Invasive Ventilation. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 07; 13(7):1170-2. PMID: 27388405.
Gien J, Kinsella J, Thrasher J, Grenolds A, Abman SH, Baker CD. Retrospective Analysis of an Interdisciplinary Ventilator Care Program Intervention on Survival of Infants with Ventilator-Dependent Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Am J Perinatol. 2017 01; 34(2):155-163. PMID: 27355979.
Boyer D, Thomson CC, Cohen R, Rao D, Dell S, Rayment J, Wang R, Dy FJ, Wambach J, Tam-Williams J, Simon D, Price E, Oermann CM, Singh A, Rettig JS, Duncan ED, Baker CD, Liptzin DR, Moore PE. ATS Core Curriculum 2016: Part III. Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 06; 13(6):955-66. PMID: 27295156.
Liptzin DR, Connell EA, Marable J, Marks J, Thrasher J, Baker CD. Weaning nocturnal ventilation and decannulation in a pediatric ventilator care program. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2016 08; 51(8):825-9. PMID: 27111393.
Sterni LM, Collaco JM, Baker CD, Carroll JL, Sharma GD, Brozek JL, Finder JD, Ackerman VL, Arens R, Boroughs DS, Carter J, Daigle KL, Dougherty J, Gozal D, Kevill K, Kravitz RM, Kriseman T, MacLusky I, Rivera-Spoljaric K, Tori AJ, Ferkol T, Halbower AC. An Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline: Pediatric Chronic Home Invasive Ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Apr 15; 193(8):e16-35. PMID: 27082538.
Cristea AI, Baker CD. Ventilator weaning and tracheostomy decannulation in children: More than one way. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2016 08; 51(8):773-4. PMID: 27061157.
Baker CD. Diffusing Capacity in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Can Function Determine Structure? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Apr 01; 193(7):709-10. PMID: 27035779.
Baker CD, Martin S, Thrasher J, Moore HM, Baker J, Abman SH, Gien J. A Standardized Discharge Process Decreases Length of Stay for Ventilator-Dependent Children. Pediatrics. 2016 04; 137(4). PMID: 26966133.
Baker CD, Abman SH. Impaired pulmonary vascular development in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Neonatology. 2015; 107(4):344-51. PMID: 26044102.
Guaman MC, Gien J, Baker CD, Zhang H, Austin ED, Collaco JM. Point Prevalence, Clinical Characteristics, and Treatment Variation for Infants with Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Am J Perinatol. 2015 Aug; 32(10):960-7. PMID: 25738785.
Mourani PM, Sontag MK, Younoszai A, Miller JI, Kinsella JP, Baker CD, Poindexter BB, Ingram DA, Abman SH. Early pulmonary vascular disease in preterm infants at risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015 Jan 01; 191(1):87-95. PMID: 25389562.
Gien J, Abman SH, Baker CD. Interdisciplinary care for ventilator-dependent infants with chronic lung disease. J Pediatr. 2014 Dec; 165(6):1274-5. PMID: 25258147.
Baker CD, Alvira CM. Disrupted lung development and bronchopulmonary dysplasia: opportunities for lung repair and regeneration. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2014 Jun; 26(3):306-14. PMID: 24739494.
Baker CD, Abman SH, Mourani PM. Pulmonary Hypertension in Preterm Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatr Allergy Immunol Pulmonol. 2014 Mar 01; 27(1):8-16. PMID: 24669351.
Baker CD, Black CP, Ryan SL, Balasubramaniam V, Abman SH. Cord blood endothelial colony-forming cells from newborns with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Pediatr. 2013 Sep; 163(3):905-7. PMID: 23684109.
Baker CD, Seedorf GJ, Wisniewski BL, Black CP, Ryan SL, Balasubramaniam V, Abman SH. Endothelial colony-forming cell conditioned media promote angiogenesis in vitro and prevent pulmonary hypertension in experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2013 Jul 01; 305(1):L73-81. PMID: 23666751.
Baker CD, Abman SH. Umbilical cord stem cell therapy for bronchopulmonary dysplasia: ready for prime time? Thorax. 2013 May; 68(5):402-4. PMID: 23321604.
Baker CD, Accurso FJ. Preterm birth and airway inflammation in childhood. J Pediatr. 2012 Dec; 161(6):979-80. PMID: 22981953.
Baker CD, Balasubramaniam V, Mourani PM, Sontag MK, Black CP, Ryan SL, Abman SH. Cord blood angiogenic progenitor cells are decreased in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Eur Respir J. 2012 Dec; 40(6):1516-22. PMID: 22496315.
Fujinaga H, Baker CD, Ryan SL, Markham NE, Seedorf GJ, Balasubramaniam V, Abman SH. Hyperoxia disrupts vascular endothelial growth factor-nitric oxide signaling and decreases growth of endothelial colony-forming cells from preterm infants. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2009 Dec; 297(6):L1160-9. PMID: 19734318.
Baker CD, Ryan SL, Ingram DA, Seedorf GJ, Abman SH, Balasubramaniam V. Endothelial colony-forming cells from preterm infants are increased and more susceptible to hyperoxia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2009 Sep 01; 180(5):454-61. PMID: 19483112.
Baker CD, Federico MJ, Accurso FJ. Case report: skin discoloration following administration of colloidal silver in cystic fibrosis. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2007 Dec; 19(6):733-5. PMID: 18025945.
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