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Search Results to Leslie Joan Berg

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Berg, Leslie

Item TypeName
Concept Jurkat Cells
Concept Lymphoma, T-Cell
Concept Cell Movement
Concept Hematopoietic Stem Cells
Concept Cell Death
Concept Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell, alpha-beta
Concept Cell Lineage
Concept Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell
Concept T-Cell Antigen Receptor Specificity
Concept HeLa Cells
Concept Cell Division
Concept Cell Survival
Concept Cell Cycle
Concept Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation
Concept Gene Rearrangement, gamma-Chain T-Cell Antigen Receptor
Concept Stem Cell Factor
Concept Clone Cells
Concept Cell Migration Inhibition
Concept K562 Cells
Concept Th1 Cells
Concept NIH 3T3 Cells
Concept Receptor-CD3 Complex, Antigen, T-Cell
Concept Dendritic Cells
Concept Resting Phase, Cell Cycle
Concept Gene Rearrangement, alpha-Chain T-Cell Antigen Receptor
Concept Genes, T-Cell Receptor
Concept Cell Aggregation
Concept CHO Cells
Concept Stromal Cells
Concept Th2 Cells
Concept Cell Line
Concept Tumor Cells, Cultured
Concept Cell Differentiation
Concept Cell Line, Transformed
Concept Bone Marrow Cells
Concept Mast Cells
Concept NK Cell Lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily C
Concept Receptors, Antigen, B-Cell
Concept Killer Cells, Natural
Concept Cell Line, Tumor
Concept Cell Polarity
Concept Cells, Cultured
Concept Stem Cells
Concept Cell Separation
Concept Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell, gamma-delta
Concept Natural Killer T-Cells
Concept Cell Proliferation
Academic Article Alterations in CD4 dependence accompany T cell development and differentiation.
Academic Article Innate PLZF+CD4+ a? T cells develop and expand in the absence of Itk.
Academic Article Induction of cytotoxic T-cell response by optimal-length peptides does not require CD4+ T-cell help.
Academic Article Regulatory intramolecular association in a tyrosine kinase of the Tec family.
Academic Article A Small Molecule Inhibitor of ITK and RLK Impairs Th1 Differentiation and Prevents Colitis Disease Progression.
Academic Article Antigen/MHC-specific T cells are preferentially exported from the thymus in the presence of their MHC ligand.
Academic Article Phenotypic differences between alpha beta versus beta T-cell receptor transgenic mice undergoing negative selection.
Academic Article The Tec family tyrosine kinases Itk and Rlk regulate the development of conventional CD8+ T cells.
Academic Article Generation of the T cell repertoire.
Academic Article Structurally similar TCRs differ in their efficiency of positive selection.
Academic Article T-cell development in T cell receptor alphabeta transgenic mice.
Academic Article Tec kinase signaling in T cells is regulated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and the Tec pleckstrin homology domain.
Academic Article The Tec kinases Itk and Rlk regulate conventional versus innate T-cell development.
Academic Article Cutting edge: two distinct mechanisms lead to impaired T cell homeostasis in Janus kinase 3- and CTLA-4-deficient mice.
Academic Article Itk and Th2 responses: action but no reaction.
Academic Article Do the CD4 and CD8 lineages represent parallel pathways?
Academic Article Molecular determinants of TCR expression and selection.
Academic Article T cells from Jak3-deficient mice have intact TCR signaling, but increased apoptosis.
Academic Article A peptide antigen antagonist prevents the differentiation of T cell receptor transgenic thymocytes.
Academic Article Itk is not essential for CD28 signaling in naive T cells.
Academic Article The Tec kinases Itk and Rlk regulate NKT cell maturation, cytokine production, and survival.
Academic Article IRF4 Regulates the Ratio of T-Bet to Eomesodermin in CD8+ T Cells Responding to Persistent LCMV Infection.
Academic Article Expression of T-cell receptor alpha-chain genes in transgenic mice.
Academic Article A network of high-mobility group box transcription factors programs innate interleukin-17 production.
Academic Article T cell development and activation in Jak3-deficient mice.
Academic Article Compartmentalized Eph receptor and ephrin expression in the thymus.
Academic Article Peptide Antigen Concentration Modulates Digital NFAT1 Activation in Primary Mouse Naive CD8+ T Cells as Measured by Flow Cytometry of Isolated Cell Nuclei.
Academic Article The Transcription Factor Runx2 Is Required for Long-Term Persistence of Antiviral CD8+ Memory T Cells.
Academic Article Characterization of a novel interaction between transcription factor TFII-I and the inducible tyrosine kinase in T cells.
Academic Article Janus-kinase-3-dependent signals induce chromatin remodeling at the Ifng locus during T helper 1 cell differentiation.
Academic Article Cell cycle progression following naive T cell activation is independent of Jak3/common gamma-chain cytokine signals.
Academic Article In vivo priming of cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses in relation to in vitro up-regulation of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules by short synthetic peptides.
Academic Article Tec kinases in T cell and mast cell signaling.
Academic Article Defective Fas ligand expression and activation-induced cell death in the absence of IL-2-inducible T cell kinase.
Academic Article T Cells and Gene Regulation: The Switching On and Turning Up of Genes after T Cell Receptor Stimulation in CD8 T Cells.
Academic Article Strength of T cell receptor signaling strikes again.
Academic Article Signals that regulate lymphocyte development and differentiation.
Academic Article Signalling through TEC kinases regulates conventional versus innate CD8(+) T-cell development.
Academic Article Regulation of tissue-dependent differences in CD8+ T cell apoptosis during viral infection.
Academic Article Development of innate CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in Itk-deficient mice is regulated by distinct pathways.
Academic Article Defects in B lymphocyte maturation and T lymphocyte activation in mice lacking Jak3.
Academic Article The effects of MHC gene dosage and allelic variation on T cell receptor selection.
Academic Article Epigenetic modifications induced by Blimp-1 Regulate CD8? T cell memory progression during acute virus infection.
Academic Article p56Lck and p59Fyn regulate CD28 binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, growth factor receptor-bound protein GRB-2, and T cell-specific protein-tyrosine kinase ITK: implications for T-cell costimulation.
Academic Article Quantitative analysis of the efficiency of clonal deletion in the thymus.
Academic Article c-Abl, an additional tyrosine kinase required for T cell development and function.
Academic Article Asymmetric proteasome segregation as a mechanism for unequal partitioning of the transcription factor T-bet during T lymphocyte division.
Academic Article Genomic structure and promoter region of the murine Janus-family tyrosine kinase, Jak3.
Academic Article A profound deficiency in thymic progenitor cells in mice lacking Jak3.
Academic Article Jarid2 is induced by TCR signalling and controls iNKT cell maturation.
Academic Article CD28 and ITK signals regulate autoreactive T cell trafficking.
Academic Article The Tec kinase ITK regulates thymic expansion, emigration, and maturation of ?d NKT cells.
Academic Article T-cell signaling regulated by the Tec family kinase, Itk.
Academic Article Lck phosphorylates the activation loop tyrosine of the Itk kinase domain and activates Itk kinase activity.
Academic Article Tec family kinases in T lymphocyte development and function.
Academic Article Tec kinase Itk in gammadeltaT cells is pivotal for controlling IgE production in vivo.
Academic Article Developmental regulation of thymocyte susceptibility to deletion by "self"-peptide.
Academic Article Alterations in CD4-binding regions of the MHC class II molecule I-Ek do not impede CD4+ T cell development.
Academic Article Type 1 interferon licenses na?ve CD8 T cells to mediate anti-viral cytotoxicity.
Academic Article Developmental regulation of a murine T-cell-specific tyrosine kinase gene, Tsk.
Academic Article TCR signaling via Tec kinase ITK and interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4) regulates CD8+ T-cell differentiation.
Academic Article High pathogen burden in childhood promotes the development of unconventional innate-like CD8+ T cells.
Academic Article Graded levels of IRF4 regulate CD8+ T cell differentiation and expansion, but not attrition, in response to acute virus infection.
Academic Article Murine JAK3 is preferentially expressed in hematopoietic tissues and lymphocyte precursor cells.
Academic Article Multidomain Control Over TEC Kinase Activation State Tunes the T Cell Response.
Academic Article Activation loop dynamics determine the different catalytic efficiencies of B cell- and T cell-specific tec kinases.
Academic Article TCF1 Is Required for the T Follicular Helper Cell Response to Viral Infection.
Academic Article Homodimerization of interleukin-4 receptor alpha chain can induce intracellular signaling.
Academic Article Identification of Itk/Tsk Src homology 3 domain ligands.
Academic Article Down-regulation of the T cell receptor CD3 zeta chain in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and its influence on T cell responsiveness.
Academic Article Signaling through Itk promotes T helper 2 differentiation via negative regulation of T-bet.
Academic Article Signaling pathways that regulate T cell development and differentiation.
Academic Article Disrupting the intermolecular self-association of Itk enhances T cell signaling.
Academic Article Enhanced T cell maturation and altered lineage commitment in T cell receptor/CD4-transgenic mice.
Academic Article Subtle defects in pre-TCR signaling in the absence of the Tec kinase Itk.
Academic Article The role of Tec family kinases in T cell development and function.
Academic Article Intrathymic programming of effector fates in three molecularly distinct ?d T cell subtypes.
Academic Article Induction of autoimmune disease in mice by germline alteration of the T cell receptor gene expression.
Academic Article Itk phosphorylation sites are required for functional activity in primary T cells.
Academic Article IFN-alpha beta and self-MHC divert CD8 T cells into a distinct differentiation pathway characterized by rapid acquisition of effector functions.
Academic Article Gene-enhancer variants reveal diverse TCR-mediated differentiation.
Academic Article Herpes simplex virus infection downmodulates NKG2D ligand expression.
Academic Article T cell receptor-initiated calcium release is uncoupled from capacitative calcium entry in Itk-deficient T cells.
Academic Article Characterization of long-term mixed donor-donor chimerism after double cord blood transplantation.
Academic Article The signal transduction of motion and antigen recognition: factors affecting T cell function and differentiation.
Academic Article Biochemical interactions integrating Itk with the T cell receptor-initiated signaling cascade.
Academic Article Interleukin 7 receptor control of T cell receptor gamma gene rearrangement: role of receptor-associated chains and locus accessibility.
Academic Article The role of cytokine receptor signaling in lymphocyte development.
Academic Article Suppression of systemic autoimmunity by the innate immune adaptor STING.
Academic Article Tec kinases Itk and Rlk are required for CD8+ T cell responses to virus infection independent of their role in CD4+ T cell help.
Academic Article Chromophore-assisted laser inactivation of subunits of the T-cell receptor in living cells is spatially restricted.
Academic Article The Jak family tyrosine kinase Jak3 is required for IL-2 synthesis by naive/resting CD4+ T cells.
Academic Article The "bubble boy" paradox: an answer that led to a question.
Academic Article NKG2C/E Marks the Unique Cytotoxic CD4 T Cell Subset, ThCTL, Generated by Influenza Infection.
Academic Article A monoclonal antibody reactive with a 40-kDa molecule on fetal thymocytes and tumor cells blocks proliferation and stimulates aggregation and apoptosis.
Academic Article Analysis of the individual role of the TCRzeta chain in transgenic mice after conditional activation with chemical inducers of dimerization.
Academic Article Cutting edge: an alternative pathway of CD4+ T cell differentiation is induced following activation in the absence of gamma-chain-dependent cytokine signals.
Academic Article Transient expression of ZBTB32 in anti-viral CD8+ T cells limits the magnitude of the effector response and the generation of memory.
Grant Immunobiology of Jak3 Deficient Mice
Grant Regulation of anti-viral T cell responses by IRF4
Grant Response to viral infection in immunodeficient mice
Grant Tec family tyrosine kinases in T cell signaling
Grant Tec Kinases ltk and RlK in Mast Cell Signaling
Grant Regulation of conventional versus innate CD8+ T cell development
Grant Plasticity of T helper cell differentiation
Grant Screening for inhibitors of the T cell Tec kinase, ltk
Grant FASEB SRC on Signal Transduction in the Immune System
Grant FASEB Summer Research Conference: Lymphocytes/Antibodies
Grant ITK: an emerging target for treatment of T cell-mediated autoimmune disease
Academic Article The Tec kinase ITK is essential for ILC2 survival and epithelial integrity in the intestine.
Concept Th17 Cells
Concept Sf9 Cells
Academic Article TCR signaling: it's all about the numbers.
Academic Article CD8+ T Cells Require ITK-Mediated TCR Signaling for Migration to the Intestine.
Academic Article Activation of the Tec Kinase ITK Controls Graded IRF4 Expression in Response to Variations in TCR Signal Strength.
Academic Article Hierarchy of signaling thresholds downstream of the T cell receptor and the Tec kinase ITK.
Academic Article Interplay between IL-10, IFN-?, IL-17A and PD-1 Expressing EBNA1-Specific CD4+ and CD8+ T Cell Responses in the Etiologic Pathway to Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma.
Academic Article Analysis of T-cell Receptor-Induced Calcium Influx in Primary Murine T-cells by Full Spectrum Flow Cytometry.
Grant Structural Studies of a T cell Specific Tyrosine Kinase

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  • Cells

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