Michael W Klymkowsky
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Biology-MCD Instruction |
Phone | 303/492-8508 |
Research R01GM084133 (KLYMKOWSKY, MICHAEL WILLIAM)Jul 1, 2009 - Jun 30, 2012 NIH NFkB Targets and Neural Crest Development Role: Principal Investigator |
| R13AR044256 (KLYMKOWSKY, MICHAEL W)Jul 1, 1996 - Jun 30, 1997 NIH GORDON CONFERENCE ON INTERMEDIATE FILAMENTS Role: Principal Investigator |
Franovic CG, Williams NR, Noyes K, Klymkowsky MW, Cooper MM. How Do Instructors Explain The Mechanism by which ATP Drives Unfavorable Processes? CBE Life Sci Educ. 2023 12; 22(4):ar50. PMID: 37906689.
Klymkowsky MW. Rethinking (again) Hardy-Weinberg and genetic drift in undergraduate biology. Front Genet. 2023; 14:1199739. PMID: 37359366.
Klymkowsky MW. Making mechanistic sense: are we teaching students what they need to know? Dev Biol. 2021 08; 476:308-313. PMID: 33930394.
Klymkowsky MW. Filaments and phenotypes: cellular roles and orphan effects associated with mutations in cytoplasmic intermediate filament proteins. F1000Res. 2019; 8. PMID: 31602295.
Klymkowsky MW. Whole-Mount Immunocytochemistry in Xenopus. Cold Spring Harb Protoc. 2018 01 02; 2018(1). PMID: 29192091.
Lai MB, Zhang C, Shi J, Johnson V, Khandan L, McVey J, Klymkowsky MW, Chen Z, Junge HJ. TSPAN12 Is a Norrin Co-receptor that Amplifies Frizzled4 Ligand Selectivity and Signaling. Cell Rep. 2017 06 27; 19(13):2809-2822. PMID: 28658627.
McClure-Begley TD, Klymkowsky MW. Nuclear roles for cilia-associated proteins. Cilia. 2017; 6:8. PMID: 28560031.
Champagne Queloz A, Klymkowsky MW, Stern E, Hafen E, K?hler K. Diagnostic of students' misconceptions using the Biological Concepts Instrument (BCI): A method for conducting an educational needs assessment. PLoS One. 2017; 12(5):e0176906. PMID: 28493960.
Zhao Y, Shi J, Winey M, Klymkowsky MW. Identifying domains of EFHC1 involved in ciliary localization, ciliogenesis, and the regulation of Wnt signaling. Dev Biol. 2016 Mar 15; 411(2):257-265. PMID: 26783883.
Klymkowsky MW, Rentsch JD, Begovic E, Cooper MM. The Design and Transformation of Biofundamentals: A Nonsurvey Introductory Evolutionary and Molecular Biology Course. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2016; 15(4). PMID: 27909020.
Square T, Rom?ek M, Jandzik D, Cattell MV, Klymkowsky M, Medeiros DM. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis in the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus: a powerful tool for understanding ancestral gene functions in vertebrates. Development. 2015 Dec 01; 142(23):4180-7. PMID: 26511928.
Shi J, Zhao Y, Vonderfecht T, Winey M, Klymkowsky MW. Centrin-2 (Cetn2) mediated regulation of FGF/FGFR gene expression in Xenopus. Sci Rep. 2015 May 27; 5:10283. PMID: 26014913.
Shi J, Zhao Y, Galati D, Winey M, Klymkowsky MW. Chibby functions in Xenopus ciliary assembly, embryonic development, and the regulation of gene expression. Dev Biol. 2014 Nov 15; 395(2):287-98. PMID: 25220153.
Cooper MM, Klymkowsky MW. The trouble with chemical energy: why understanding bond energies requires an interdisciplinary systems approach. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2013 Jun 01; 12(2):306-12. PMID: 23737636.
Klymkowsky MW, Cooper MM. Now for the hard part: the path to coherent curricular design. Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 2012 Jul; 40(4):271-2. PMID: 22807431.
Trujillo C, Cooper MM, Klymkowsky MW. Using graph-based assessments within socratic tutorials to reveal and refine students' analytical thinking about molecular networks. Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 2012 Mar-Apr; 40(2):100-7. PMID: 22419590.
Henson K, Cooper MM, Klymkowsky MW. Turning randomness into meaning at the molecular level using Muller's morphs. Biol Open. 2012 Apr 15; 1(4):405-10. PMID: 23213431.
Shi J, Zhang H, Dowell RD, Klymkowsky MW. sizzled function and secreted factor network dynamics. Biol Open. 2012 Mar 15; 1(3):286-94. PMID: 23213419.
Cattell MV, Garnett AT, Klymkowsky MW, Medeiros DM. A maternally established SoxB1/SoxF axis is a conserved feature of chordate germ layer patterning. Evol Dev. 2012 Jan-Feb; 14(1):104-15. PMID: 23016978.
Shi J, Severson C, Yang J, Wedlich D, Klymkowsky MW. Snail2 controls mesodermal BMP/Wnt induction of neural crest. Development. 2011 Aug; 138(15):3135-45. PMID: 21715424.
Klymkowsky MW. Mitochondrial activity, embryogenesis, and the dialogue between the big and little brains of the cell. Mitochondrion. 2011 Sep; 11(5):814-9. PMID: 21134489.
Hikasa H, Ezan J, Itoh K, Li X, Klymkowsky MW, Sokol SY. Regulation of TCF3 by Wnt-dependent phosphorylation during vertebrate axis specification. Dev Cell. 2010 Oct 19; 19(4):521-32. PMID: 20951344.
Klymkowsky MW, Rossi CC, Artinger KB. Mechanisms driving neural crest induction and migration in the zebrafish and Xenopus laevis. Cell Adh Migr. 2010 Oct-Dec; 4(4):595-608. PMID: 20962584.
Klymkowsky MW. Thinking about the conceptual foundations of the biological sciences. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2010; 9(4):405-7. PMID: 21123685.
Klymkowsky MW. Make room for computing. Science. 2009 Oct 09; 326(5950):227. PMID: 19815753.
Zhang C, Klymkowsky MW. Unexpected functional redundancy between Twist and Slug (Snail2) and their feedback regulation of NF-kappaB via Nodal and Cerberus. Dev Biol. 2009 Jul 15; 331(2):340-9. PMID: 19389392.
Klymkowsky MW, Savagner P. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition: a cancer researcher's conceptual friend and foe. Am J Pathol. 2009 May; 174(5):1588-93. PMID: 19342369.
Schlosser G, Awtry T, Brugmann SA, Jensen ED, Neilson K, Ruan G, Stammler A, Voelker D, Yan B, Zhang C, Klymkowsky MW, Moody SA. Eya1 and Six1 promote neurogenesis in the cranial placodes in a SoxB1-dependent fashion. Dev Biol. 2008 Aug 01; 320(1):199-214. PMID: 18571637.
Klymkowsky MW, Garvin-Doxas K. Recognizing student misconceptions through Ed's Tools and the Biology Concept Inventory. PLoS Biol. 2008 Jan; 6(1):e3. PMID: 18177207.
Garvin-Doxas K, Klymkowsky MW. Understanding randomness and its impact on student learning: lessons learned from building the Biology Concept Inventory (BCI). CBE Life Sci Educ. 2008; 7(2):227-33. PMID: 18519614.
Rossi CC, Hernandez-Lagunas L, Zhang C, Choi IF, Kwok L, Klymkowsky M, Artinger KB. Rohon-Beard sensory neurons are induced by BMP4 expressing non-neural ectoderm in Xenopus laevis. Dev Biol. 2008 Feb 15; 314(2):351-61. PMID: 18191829.
Zhang C, Klymkowsky MW. The Sox axis, Nodal signaling, and germ layer specification. Differentiation. 2007 Jul; 75(6):536-45. PMID: 17608734.
Garvin-Doxas K, Klymkowsky M, Elrod S. Building, using, and maximizing the impact of concept inventories in the biological sciences: report on a National Science Foundation sponsored conference on the construction of concept inventories in the biological sciences. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2007; 6(4):277-82. PMID: 18056297.
Klymkowsky MW. Teaching without a textbook: strategies to focus learning on fundamental concepts and scientific process. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2007; 6(3):190-3. PMID: 17785400.
Zhang C, Carl TF, Trudeau ED, Simmet T, Klymkowsky MW. An NF-kappaB and slug regulatory loop active in early vertebrate mesoderm. PLoS One. 2006 Dec 27; 1:e106. PMID: 17205110.
Wang TW, Stromberg GP, Whitney JT, Brower NW, Klymkowsky MW, Parent JM. Sox3 expression identifies neural progenitors in persistent neonatal and adult mouse forebrain germinative zones. J Comp Neurol. 2006 Jul 01; 497(1):88-100. PMID: 16680766.
Zhang C, Basta T, Klymkowsky MW. SOX7 and SOX18 are essential for cardiogenesis in Xenopus. Dev Dyn. 2005 Dec; 234(4):878-91. PMID: 16193513.
Klymkowsky MW. beta-catenin and its regulatory network. Hum Pathol. 2005 Mar; 36(3):225-7. PMID: 15791565.
Zhang C, Basta T, Fawcett SR, Klymkowsky MW. SOX7 is an immediate-early target of VegT and regulates Nodal-related gene expression in Xenopus. Dev Biol. 2005 Feb 15; 278(2):526-41. PMID: 15680368.
Klymkowsky MW. Points of view: content versus process: is this a fair choice? Can nonmajors courses lead to biological literacy? Do majors courses do any better? Cell Biol Educ. 2005; 4(3):196-8. PMID: 16240517.
Zhang C, Basta T, Hernandez-Lagunas L, Simpson P, Stemple DL, Artinger KB, Klymkowsky MW. Repression of nodal expression by maternal B1-type SOXs regulates germ layer formation in Xenopus and zebrafish. Dev Biol. 2004 Sep 01; 273(1):23-37. PMID: 15302595.
Fawcett SR, Klymkowsky MW. Embryonic expression of Xenopus laevis SOX7. Gene Expr Patterns. 2004 Jan; 4(1):29-33. PMID: 14678825.
Zhang C, Basta T, Jensen ED, Klymkowsky MW. The beta-catenin/VegT-regulated early zygotic gene Xnr5 is a direct target of SOX3 regulation. Development. 2003 Dec; 130(23):5609-24. PMID: 14522872.
Haubold K, Herrmann H, Langer SJ, Evans RM, Leinwand LA, Klymkowsky MW. Acute effects of desmin mutations on cytoskeletal and cellular integrity in cardiac myocytes. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. 2003 Feb; 54(2):105-21. PMID: 12529857.
Klymkowsky MW, Garvin-Doxas K, Zeilik M. Bioliteracy and teaching efficacy: what biologists can learn from physicists. Cell Biol Educ. 2003; 2(3):155-61. PMID: 14506504.
Hanken J, Carl TF, Richardson MK, Olsson L, Schlosser G, Osabutey CK, Klymkowsky MW. Limb development in a "nonmodel" vertebrate, the direct-developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui. J Exp Zool. 2001 Dec 15; 291(4):375-88. PMID: 11754016.
Schweitzer SC, Klymkowsky MW, Bellin RM, Robson RM, Capetanaki Y, Evans RM. Paranemin and the organization of desmin filament networks. J Cell Sci. 2001 Mar; 114(Pt 6):1079-89. PMID: 11228152.
St Amand AL, Klymkowsky MW. Cadherins and catenins, Wnts and SOXs: embryonic patterning in Xenopus. Int Rev Cytol. 2001; 203:291-355. PMID: 11131519.
Williams BO, Barish GD, Klymkowsky MW, Varmus HE. A comparative evaluation of beta-catenin and plakoglobin signaling activity. Oncogene. 2000 Nov 23; 19(50):5720-8. PMID: 11126358.
Klymkowsky MW, Williams BO, Barish GD, Varmus HE, Vourgourakis YE. Membrane-anchored plakoglobins have multiple mechanisms of action in Wnt signaling. Mol Biol Cell. 1999 Oct; 10(10):3151-69. PMID: 10512857.
Zorn AM, Barish GD, Williams BO, Lavender P, Klymkowsky MW, Varmus HE. Regulation of Wnt signaling by Sox proteins: XSox17 alpha/beta and XSox3 physically interact with beta-catenin. Mol Cell. 1999 Oct; 4(4):487-98. PMID: 10549281.
Carl TF, Dufton C, Hanken J, Klymkowsky MW. Inhibition of neural crest migration in Xenopus using antisense slug RNA. Dev Biol. 1999 Sep 01; 213(1):101-15. PMID: 10452849.
Klymkowsky MW. Weaving a tangled web: the interconnected cytoskeleton. Nat Cell Biol. 1999 Sep; 1(5):E121-3. PMID: 10559951.
Klymkowsky MW. Plakophilin, armadillo repeats, and nuclear localization. Microsc Res Tech. 1999 Apr 01; 45(1):43-54. PMID: 10206153.
Gard DL, Klymkowsky MW. Intermediate filament organization during oogenesis and early development in the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Subcell Biochem. 1998; 31:35-70. PMID: 9932489.
Hanken J, Klymkowsky MW, Alley KE, Jennings DH. Jaw muscle development as evidence for embryonic repatterning in direct-developing frogs. Proc Biol Sci. 1997 Sep 22; 264(1386):1349-54. PMID: 9332017.
Merriam JM, Rubenstein AB, Klymkowsky MW. Cytoplasmically anchored plakoglobin induces a WNT-like phenotype in Xenopus. Dev Biol. 1997 May 01; 185(1):67-81. PMID: 9169051.
Kofron M, Spagnuolo A, Klymkowsky M, Wylie C, Heasman J. The roles of maternal alpha-catenin and plakoglobin in the early Xenopus embryo. Development. 1997 Apr; 124(8):1553-60. PMID: 9108371.
Rubenstein A, Merriam J, Klymkowsky MW. Localizing the adhesive and signaling functions of plakoglobin. Dev Genet. 1997; 20(2):91-102. PMID: 9144920.
Klymkowsky MW. Intermediate filaments as dynamic structures. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 1996 Dec; 15(4):417-28. PMID: 9034601.
Bachant JB, Klymkowsky MW. A nontetrameric species is the major soluble form of keratin in Xenopus oocytes and rabbit reticulocyte lysates. J Cell Biol. 1996 Jan; 132(1-2):153-65. PMID: 8567720.
Klymkowsky MW, Parr B. The body language of cells: the intimate connection between cell adhesion and behavior. Cell. 1995 Oct 06; 83(1):5-8. PMID: 7553873.
Karnovsky A, Klymkowsky MW. Anterior axis duplication in Xenopus induced by the over-expression of the cadherin-binding protein plakoglobin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1995 May 09; 92(10):4522-6. PMID: 7753837.
Cary RB, Klymkowsky MW. Disruption of intermediate filament organization leads to structural defects at the intersomite junction in Xenopus myotomal muscle. Development. 1995 Apr; 121(4):1041-52. PMID: 7743920.
Klymkowsky MW. Intermediate filaments: new proteins, some answers, more questions. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 1995 Feb; 7(1):46-54. PMID: 7538773.
Klymkowsky MW. Intermediate filament organization, reorganization, and function in the clawed frog Xenopus. Curr Top Dev Biol. 1995; 31:455-86. PMID: 8746673.
Klymkowsky MW, Karnovsky A. Morphogenesis and the cytoskeleton: studies of the Xenopus embryo. Dev Biol. 1994 Oct; 165(2):372-84. PMID: 7525386.
Cary RB, Klymkowsky MW. Differential organization of desmin and vimentin in muscle is due to differences in their head domains. J Cell Biol. 1994 Jul; 126(2):445-56. PMID: 7518466.
Cary RB, Klymkowsky MW, Evans RM, Domingo A, Dent JA, Backhus LE. Vimentin's tail interacts with actin-containing structures in vivo. J Cell Sci. 1994 Jun; 107 ( Pt 6):1609-22. PMID: 7962201.
Cary RB, Klymkowsky MW. Desmin organization during the differentiation of the dorsal myotome in Xenopus laevis. Differentiation. 1994 Apr; 56(1-2):31-8. PMID: 8026644.
Doedens J, Maynell LA, Klymkowsky MW, Kirkegaard K. Secretory pathway function, but not cytoskeletal integrity, is required in poliovirus infection. Arch Virol Suppl. 1994; 9:159-72. PMID: 8032247.
Seufert DW, Hanken J, Klymkowsky MW. Type II collagen distribution during cranial development in Xenopus laevis. Anat Embryol (Berl). 1994 Jan; 189(1):81-9. PMID: 8192239.
Dent JA, Cary RB, Bachant JB, Domingo A, Klymkowsky MW. Host cell factors controlling vimentin organization in the Xenopus oocyte. J Cell Biol. 1992 Nov; 119(4):855-66. PMID: 1429840.
Klymkowsky MW, Shook DR, Maynell LA. Evidence that the deep keratin filament systems of the Xenopus embryo act to ensure normal gastrulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992 Sep 15; 89(18):8736-40. PMID: 1382297.
Maynell LA, Kirkegaard K, Klymkowsky MW. Inhibition of poliovirus RNA synthesis by brefeldin A. J Virol. 1992 Apr; 66(4):1985-94. PMID: 1312615.
Hanken J, Klymkowsky MW, Summers CH, Seufert DW, Ingebrigtsen N. Cranial ontogeny in the direct-developing frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui (Anura: Leptodactylidae), analyzed using whole-mount immunohistochemistry. J Morphol. 1992 Jan; 211(1):95-118. PMID: 1371162.
Klymkowsky MW. Intermediate filaments. Getting under the skin. Nature. 1991 Nov 28; 354(6351):264. PMID: 1720200.
Klymkowsky MW, Maynell LA, Nislow C. Cytokeratin phosphorylation, cytokeratin filament severing and the solubilization of the maternal mRNA Vg1. J Cell Biol. 1991 Aug; 114(4):787-97. PMID: 1714462.
Klymkowsky MW, Hanken J. Whole-mount staining of Xenopus and other vertebrates. Methods Cell Biol. 1991; 36:419-41. PMID: 1725802.
Chu DT, Klymkowsky MW. The appearance of acetylated alpha-tubulin during early development and cellular differentiation in Xenopus. Dev Biol. 1989 Nov; 136(1):104-17. PMID: 2680681.
Marazzi G, Bard F, Klymkowsky MW, Rubin LL. Microinjection of a monoclonal antibody against a 37-kD protein (tropomyosin 2) prevents the formation of new acetylcholine receptor clusters. J Cell Biol. 1989 Nov; 109(5):2337-44. PMID: 2808531.
Klymkowsky MW, Maynell LA. MPF-induced breakdown of cytokeratin filament organization in the maturing Xenopus oocyte depends upon the translation of maternal mRNAs. Dev Biol. 1989 Aug; 134(2):479-85. PMID: 2472987.
Dent JA, Polson AG, Klymkowsky MW. A whole-mount immunocytochemical analysis of the expression of the intermediate filament protein vimentin in Xenopus. Development. 1989 Jan; 105(1):61-74. PMID: 2806118.
Klymkowsky MW, Bachant JB, Domingo A. Functions of intermediate filaments. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. 1989; 14(3):309-31. PMID: 2684432.
Klymkowsky MW. Metabolic inhibitors and intermediate filament organization in human fibroblasts. Exp Cell Res. 1988 Jan; 174(1):282-90. PMID: 3275545.
Murti KG, Goorha R, Klymkowsky MW. A functional role for intermediate filaments in the formation of frog virus 3 assembly sites. Virology. 1988 Jan; 162(1):264-9. PMID: 2892313.
Klymkowsky MW, Maynell LA, Polson AG. Polar asymmetry in the organization of the cortical cytokeratin system of Xenopus laevis oocytes and embryos. Development. 1987 Jul; 100(3):543-57. PMID: 2443336.
Rubin LL, Chalfin NA, Adamo A, Klymkowsky MW. Cellular and secreted forms of acetylcholinesterase in mouse muscle cultures. J Neurochem. 1985 Dec; 45(6):1932-40. PMID: 4056799.
Klymkowsky MW, Plummer DJ. Giant axonal neuropathy: a conditional mutation affecting cytoskeletal organization. J Cell Biol. 1985 Jan; 100(1):245-50. PMID: 3880753.
Klymkowsky MW, Miller RH, Lane EB. Morphology, behavior, and interaction of cultured epithelial cells after the antibody-induced disruption of keratin filament organization. J Cell Biol. 1983 Feb; 96(2):494-509. PMID: 6187752.
Lane EB, Klymkowsky MW. Epithelial tonofilaments: investigating their form and function using monoclonal antibodies. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1982; 46 Pt 1:387-402. PMID: 6179696.
Kistler J, Stroud RM, Klymkowsky MW, Lalancette RA, Fairclough RH. Structure and function of an acetylcholine receptor. Biophys J. 1982 Jan; 37(1):371-83. PMID: 7055628.
Klymkowsky MW. Vimentin and keratin intermediate filament systems in cultured PtK2 epithelial cells are interrelated. EMBO J. 1982; 1(2):161-5. PMID: 6201355.
Klymkowsky MW. Intermediate filaments in 3T3 cells collapse after intracellular injection of a monoclonal anti-intermediate filament antibody. Nature. 1981 May 21; 291(5812):249-51. PMID: 6785655.
Klymkowsky MW, Heuser JE, Stroud RM. Protease effects on the structure of acetylcholine receptor membranes from Torpedo californica. J Cell Biol. 1980 Jun; 85(3):823-38. PMID: 6993498.
Klymkowsky MW, Stroud RM. Immunospecific identification and three-dimensional structure of a membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica. J Mol Biol. 1979 Mar 05; 128(3):319-34. PMID: 439138.
Ross MJ, Klymkowsky MW, Agard DA, Stroud RM. Structural studies of a membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica. J Mol Biol. 1977 Nov; 116(4):635-59. PMID: 563472.
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