David N Mastronarde
Title | Professor Adjoint |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Biology-MCD Instruction |
Phone | 303/492-4350 |
Research R01GM125074 (MASTRONARDE, DAVID N)Jun 1, 2005 - May 31, 2021 NIH Development and Maintenance of IMOD Software Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01EB005027 (MASTRONARDE, DAVID N)Jun 1, 2005 - Feb 29, 2016 NIH Development and Maintenance of IMOD Software Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01EY000998 (MASTRONARDE, DAVID N)Sep 1, 1976 - Nov 30, 1986 NIH RECEPTIVE FIELD ORGANIZATION IN THE VISUAL SYSTEM Role: Principal Investigator |
Mastronarde DN. Accurate, automatic determination of astigmatism and phase with Ctfplotter in IMOD. J Struct Biol. 2024 03; 216(1):108057. PMID: 38182035.
Schorb M, Haberbosch I, Hagen WJH, Schwab Y, Mastronarde DN. Software tools for automated transmission electron microscopy. Nat Methods. 2019 06; 16(6):471-477. PMID: 31086343.
Patwardhan A, Brandt R, Butcher SJ, Collinson L, Gault D, Gr?newald K, Hecksel C, Huiskonen JT, Iudin A, Jones ML, Korir PK, Koster AJ, Lagerstedt I, Lawson CL, Mastronarde D, McCormick M, Parkinson H, Rosenthal PB, Saalfeld S, Saibil HR, Sarntivijai S, Solanes Valero I, Subramaniam S, Swedlow JR, Tudose I, Winn M, Kleywegt GJ. Building bridges between cellular and molecular structural biology. Elife. 2017 07 06; 6. PMID: 28682240.
Marko M, Hsieh C, Leith E, Mastronarde D, Motoki S. Practical Experience with Hole-Free Phase Plates for Cryo Electron Microscopy. Microsc Microanal. 2016 12; 22(6):1316-1328. PMID: 27881198.
Mastronarde DN, Held SR. Automated tilt series alignment and tomographic reconstruction in IMOD. J Struct Biol. 2017 02; 197(2):102-113. PMID: 27444392.
Cheng A, Henderson R, Mastronarde D, Ludtke SJ, Schoenmakers RH, Short J, Marabini R, Dallakyan S, Agard D, Winn M. MRC2014: Extensions to the MRC format header for electron cryo-microscopy and tomography. J Struct Biol. 2015 Nov; 192(2):146-50. PMID: 25882513.
Briegel A, Pilhofer M, Mastronarde DN, Jensen GJ. The challenge of determining handedness in electron tomography and the use of DNA origami gold nanoparticle helices as molecular standards. J Struct Biol. 2013 Jul; 183(1):95-8. PMID: 23639902.
Patwardhan A, Carazo JM, Carragher B, Henderson R, Heymann JB, Hill E, Jensen GJ, Lagerstedt I, Lawson CL, Ludtke SJ, Mastronarde D, Moore WJ, Roseman A, Rosenthal P, Sorzano CO, Sanz-Garc?a E, Scheres SH, Subramaniam S, Westbrook J, Winn M, Swedlow JR, Kleywegt GJ. Data management challenges in three-dimensional EM. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2012 Dec; 19(12):1203-7. PMID: 23211764.
Heumann JM, Hoenger A, Mastronarde DN. Clustering and variance maps for cryo-electron tomography using wedge-masked differences. J Struct Biol. 2011 Sep; 175(3):288-99. PMID: 21616153.
Anderson JR, Jones BW, Watt CB, Shaw MV, Yang JH, Demill D, Lauritzen JS, Lin Y, Rapp KD, Mastronarde D, Koshevoy P, Grimm B, Tasdizen T, Whitaker R, Marc RE. Exploring the retinal connectome. Mol Vis. 2011 Feb 03; 17:355-79. PMID: 21311605.
Kang BH, Nielsen E, Preuss ML, Mastronarde D, Staehelin LA. Electron tomography of RabA4b- and PI-4K?1-labeled trans Golgi network compartments in Arabidopsis. Traffic. 2011 Mar; 12(3):313-29. PMID: 21134079.
Friedman JR, Webster BM, Mastronarde DN, Verhey KJ, Voeltz GK. ER sliding dynamics and ER-mitochondrial contacts occur on acetylated microtubules. J Cell Biol. 2010 Aug 09; 190(3):363-75. PMID: 20696706.
Cope J, Gilbert S, Rayment I, Mastronarde D, Hoenger A. Cryo-electron tomography of microtubule-kinesin motor complexes. J Struct Biol. 2010 May; 170(2):257-65. PMID: 20025975.
Xiong Q, Morphew MK, Schwartz CL, Hoenger AH, Mastronarde DN. CTF determination and correction for low dose tomographic tilt series. J Struct Biol. 2009 Dec; 168(3):378-87. PMID: 19732834.
Anderson JR, Jones BW, Yang JH, Shaw MV, Watt CB, Koshevoy P, Spaltenstein J, Jurrus E, U V K, Whitaker RT, Mastronarde D, Tasdizen T, Marc RE. A computational framework for ultrastructural mapping of neural circuitry. PLoS Biol. 2009 Mar; 7(3):e1000074. PMID: 19855814.
McIntosh JR, Grishchuk EL, Morphew MK, Efremov AK, Zhudenkov K, Volkov VA, Cheeseman IM, Desai A, Mastronarde DN, Ataullakhanov FI. Fibrils connect microtubule tips with kinetochores: a mechanism to couple tubulin dynamics to chromosome motion. Cell. 2008 Oct 17; 135(2):322-33. PMID: 18957206.
Mastronarde DN. Correction for non-perpendicularity of beam and tilt axis in tomographic reconstructions with the IMOD package. J Microsc. 2008 May; 230(Pt 2):212-7. PMID: 18445149.
H??g JL, Schwartz C, Noon AT, O'Toole ET, Mastronarde DN, McIntosh JR, Antony C. Organization of interphase microtubules in fission yeast analyzed by electron tomography. Dev Cell. 2007 Mar; 12(3):349-61. PMID: 17336902.
Mastronarde DN. Automated electron microscope tomography using robust prediction of specimen movements. J Struct Biol. 2005 Oct; 152(1):36-51. PMID: 16182563.
Caldwell JP, Mastronarde DN, Woods JL, Bryson WG. The three-dimensional arrangement of intermediate filaments in Romney wool cortical cells. J Struct Biol. 2005 Sep; 151(3):298-305. PMID: 16125413.
Winey M, Morgan GP, Straight PD, Giddings TH, Mastronarde DN. Three-dimensional ultrastructure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae meiotic spindles. Mol Biol Cell. 2005 Mar; 16(3):1178-88. PMID: 15635095.
McIntosh R, Nicastro D, Mastronarde D. New views of cells in 3D: an introduction to electron tomography. Trends Cell Biol. 2005 Jan; 15(1):43-51. PMID: 15653077.
Sandberg K, Mastronarde DN, Beylkin G. A fast reconstruction algorithm for electron microscope tomography. J Struct Biol. 2003 Oct-Nov; 144(1-2):61-72. PMID: 14643209.
Otegui MS, Mastronarde DN, Kang BH, Bednarek SY, Staehelin LA. Three-dimensional analysis of syncytial-type cell plates during endosperm cellularization visualized by high resolution electron tomography. Plant Cell. 2001 Sep; 13(9):2033-51. PMID: 11549762.
Marsh BJ, Mastronarde DN, Buttle KF, Howell KE, McIntosh JR. Organellar relationships in the Golgi region of the pancreatic beta cell line, HIT-T15, visualized by high resolution electron tomography. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Feb 27; 98(5):2399-406. PMID: 11226251.
Giddings TH, O'Toole ET, Morphew M, Mastronarde DN, McIntosh JR, Winey M. Using rapid freeze and freeze-substitution for the preparation of yeast cells for electron microscopy and three-dimensional analysis. Methods Cell Biol. 2001; 67:27-42. PMID: 11550475.
Ladinsky MS, Mastronarde DN, McIntosh JR, Howell KE, Staehelin LA. Golgi structure in three dimensions: functional insights from the normal rat kidney cell. J Cell Biol. 1999 Mar 22; 144(6):1135-49. PMID: 10087259.
Mastronarde DN. Dual-axis tomography: an approach with alignment methods that preserve resolution. J Struct Biol. 1997 Dec; 120(3):343-52. PMID: 9441937.
Winey M, Yarar D, Giddings TH, Mastronarde DN. Nuclear pore complex number and distribution throughout the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle by three-dimensional reconstruction from electron micrographs of nuclear envelopes. Mol Biol Cell. 1997 Nov; 8(11):2119-32. PMID: 9362057.
O'Toole ET, Mastronarde DN, Giddings TH, Winey M, Burke DJ, McIntosh JR. Three-dimensional analysis and ultrastructural design of mitotic spindles from the cdc20 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Biol Cell. 1997 Jan; 8(1):1-11. PMID: 9017591.
Schneider TD, Mastronarde DN. Fast multiple alignment of ungapped DNA sequences using information theory and a relaxation method. Discrete Appl Math. 1996 Dec 01; 71(1-3):259-268. PMID: 19953199.
McDonald K, O'Toole ET, Mastronarde DN, Winey M, Richard McIntosh J. Mapping the three-dimensional organization of microtubules in mitotic spindles of yeast. Trends Cell Biol. 1996 Jun; 6(6):235-9. PMID: 15157462.
Marr KM, Mastronarde DN, Lyon MK. Two-dimensional crystals of photosystem II: biochemical characterization, cryoelectron microscopy and localization of the D1 and cytochrome b559 polypeptides. J Cell Biol. 1996 Mar; 132(5):823-33. PMID: 8603915.
Kremer JR, Mastronarde DN, McIntosh JR. Computer visualization of three-dimensional image data using IMOD. J Struct Biol. 1996 Jan-Feb; 116(1):71-6. PMID: 8742726.
Winey M, Mamay CL, O'Toole ET, Mastronarde DN, Giddings TH, McDonald KL, McIntosh JR. Three-dimensional ultrastructural analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitotic spindle. J Cell Biol. 1995 Jun; 129(6):1601-15. PMID: 7790357.
O'Toole E, Mastronarde D, McIntosh JR, Porter ME. Computer-assisted analysis of flagellar structure. Methods Cell Biol. 1995; 47:183-91. PMID: 7476486.
Mastronarde DN, McDonald KL, Ding R, McIntosh JR. Interpolar spindle microtubules in PTK cells. J Cell Biol. 1993 Dec; 123(6 Pt 1):1475-89. PMID: 8253845.
Mastronarde DN, O'Toole ET, McDonald KL, McIntosh JR, Porter ME. Arrangement of inner dynein arms in wild-type and mutant flagella of Chlamydomonas. J Cell Biol. 1992 Sep; 118(5):1145-62. PMID: 1387403.
Wilson CJ, Mastronarde DN, McEwen B, Frank J. Measurement of neuronal surface area using high-voltage electron microscope tomography. Neuroimage. 1992 Aug; 1(1):11-22. PMID: 9343554.
McDonald KL, O'Toole ET, Mastronarde DN, McIntosh JR. Kinetochore microtubules in PTK cells. J Cell Biol. 1992 Jul; 118(2):369-83. PMID: 1629239.
Mastronarde DN. Nonlagged relay cells and interneurons in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus: receptive-field properties and retinal inputs. Vis Neurosci. 1992 May; 8(5):407-41. PMID: 1586644.
Mastronarde DN, Humphrey AL, Saul AB. Lagged Y cells in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus. Vis Neurosci. 1991 Sep; 7(3):191-200. PMID: 1751414.
Mastronarde DN. Correlated firing of retinal ganglion cells. Trends Neurosci. 1989 Feb; 12(2):75-80. PMID: 2469215.
Mastronarde DN. Two classes of single-input X-cells in cat lateral geniculate nucleus. II. Retinal inputs and the generation of receptive-field properties. J Neurophysiol. 1987 Feb; 57(2):381-413. PMID: 3559685.
Mastronarde DN. Two classes of single-input X-cells in cat lateral geniculate nucleus. I. Receptive-field properties and classification of cells. J Neurophysiol. 1987 Feb; 57(2):357-80. PMID: 3559684.
Mastronarde DN. Two types of cat retinal ganglion cells that are suppressed by contrast. Vision Res. 1985; 25(9):1195-6. PMID: 4071998.
Mastronarde DN, Thibeault MA, Dubin MW. Non-uniform postnatal growth of the cat retina. J Comp Neurol. 1984 Oct 01; 228(4):598-608. PMID: 6490971.
Mastronarde DN. Organization of the cat's optic tract as assessed by single-axon recordings. J Comp Neurol. 1984 Jul 20; 227(1):14-22. PMID: 6470207.
George SA, Mastronarde DN, Dubin MW. Prior activity influences the velocity of impulses in frog and cat optic nerve fibers. Brain Res. 1984 Jun 18; 304(1):121-6. PMID: 6331576.
Mastronarde DN. Interactions between ganglion cells in cat retina. J Neurophysiol. 1983 Feb; 49(2):350-65. PMID: 6300342.
Mastronarde DN. Correlated firing of cat retinal ganglion cells. II. Responses of X- and Y-cells to single quantal events. J Neurophysiol. 1983 Feb; 49(2):325-49. PMID: 6300341.
Mastronarde DN. Correlated firing of cat retinal ganglion cells. I. Spontaneously active inputs to X- and Y-cells. J Neurophysiol. 1983 Feb; 49(2):303-24. PMID: 6300340.
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Year | Publications |
1995 | 2 | 1996 | 4 | 1997 | 3 | 1999 | 1 | 2001 | 3 | 2003 | 1 | 2005 | 4 | 2007 | 1 | 2008 | 2 | 2009 | 3 | 2010 | 1 | 2011 | 3 | 2012 | 1 | 2013 | 1 | 2015 | 1 | 2016 | 2 | 2017 | 1 | 2019 | 1 | 2024 | 1 |
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