Kathryn Colborn
Co-Authors (116)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
- Afghahi, Anosheh
- Ahrendt, Steven
- Allen, Larry
- Allison, Mandy
- Arnett, Kelly
- Asturias, Edwin
- Bajaj, Lalit
- Barker, Alison
- Beaty, Brenda
- Beaty, Laurel
- Bebarta, Vikhyat
- Bender, Bruce
- Binswanger, Ingrid
- Blair, Irene
- Bortz, David
- Bull, Sheana
- Burlew, Clay
- Burnham, Ellen
- Cain, Michael
- Calcaterra, Susan
- Campbell, David
- Carlton, Elizabeth
- Chavez, Catia
- Cleveland, Joseph
- Colbert, Alison
- Connery, Amy
- Crane, Lori
- Crume, Tessa
- Cumbler, Ethan
- Cunningham, Maureen
- Daley, Matthew
- Daugherty, Stacie
- David, Elizabeth
- Del Chiaro, Marco
- DiGuiseppi, Carolyn
- Dixon, Julia
- Federico, Steven
- Feinstein, James
- Frank, Daniel
- Ghosh, Debashis
- Ginde, Adit
- Glasgow, Russell
- Gleisner, Ana
- Gritz, Robert
- Harnke, Benjamin
- Havranek, Edward
- Henao Martinez, Andres
- Henderson, William
- Hoffman, Jordan
- Huang, Christene
- Idrovo, Juan
- Jaggers, James
- Jolley, Sarah
- Kao, David
- Kempe, Allison
- Kennealey, Peter
- Khazanie, Prateeti
- Knupp, Kelly
| - Kovacs, Elizabeth
- Kutner, Jean
- Kwan, Bethany
- Lamb, Molly
- Leal, Alexis
- Lieu, Christopher
- Lindrooth, Richard
- Linnebur, Sunny
- Lum, Hillary
- Matlock, Daniel
- McCarter, Martin
- McKenzie, Lisa
- McLemore, Lauren
- McMahan, Rachel
- Meguid, Cheryl
- Meguid, Robert
- Messersmith, Wells
- Mitchell, John
- Mitchell, Max
- Morrison, Katherine
- Mould-Millman, Nee-Kofi
- Myers, William
- Navarro Alvarez, Nalu
- Nehler, Mark
- Nichols, James
- Nowels, David
- O'Bryant, Cindy
- Olson, Daniel
- Ong, Toan
- Orth, Lucas
- Parris, Hannah
- Peterson, Pamela
- Pomfret, Elizabeth
- Randhawa, Simran
- Reed, Sean
- Rodriguez Franco, Salvador
- Rosenberg, Michael
- Rosenberg, Steven
- Rothchild, Kevin
- Rove, Jessica
- Scherer, Laura
- Schilling, Lisa
- Schroeppel, Thomas
- Schulick, Richard
- Scott, Halden
- Scott, Maurice
- Sevick, Carter
- Stevens Lapsley, Jennifer
- Stone, Matthew
- Studts, Christina
- Tevis, Sarah
- Tomcho, Margaret
- Treat, Lauren
- Velopulos, Catherine
- Wiktor, Arek
- Wohlauer, Max
- Xing, Fuyong
- Zhuang, Yaxu
Colborn's Networks
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Concepts  Derived automatically from this person's publications. _
Co-Authors  People in Profiles who have published with this person. _
Similar People  People who share similar concepts with this person. _
Same Department
People who are also in this person's primary department.
Physical Neighbors  People whose addresses are nearby this person. _