Ethan U. Cumbler
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-MED |
Phone | 720/848-4289 |
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-MED |
O'Brien E, Vemuru S, Leonard L, Himelhoch B, Adams M, Taft N, Jaiswal K, Sams S, Cumbler E, Wolverton D, Ahrendt G, Yi J, Lin CT, Miles R, Hampanda K, Tevis S. Information transparency with immediate release: Oncology clinician and patient perceptions. Am J Surg. 2024 01; 227:165-174. PMID: 37863801.
Dyas AR, Kelleher AD, Cumbler EU, Barker AR, McCabe KO, Bata KE, Abrams BA, Randhawa SK, Mitchell JD, Meguid RA. Quality Review Committee Audit Improves Thoracic Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol Compliance. J Surg Res. 2024 01; 293:144-151. PMID: 37774591.
Mott NM, Huynh V, Vemuru S, Parris HJ, Colborn K, Ahrendt G, Christian N, Kim S, Matlock DD, Cumbler E, Tevis SEA. Barriers and facilitators to measuring patient reported outcomes in an academic breast cancer clinic: An application of the RE-AIM framework. Am J Surg. 2024 02; 228:180-184. PMID: 37741803.
Murthy VK, Boscardin C, Cumbler E, Irobunda C, McQuillan MA, Phillips LG, Suneja M, Wright SM, Dhaliwal G. Learning from the early careers of master clinicians. J Eval Clin Pract. 2024 02; 30(1):129-136. PMID: 37555473.
Iguidbashian J, Lun Z, Bata K, King RW, Gunn-Sandell L, Crosby D, Stoebner K, Tharp D, Lin CT, Cumbler E, Wiler J, Yi J. Novel Electronic Health Records-Based Consultation Workflow Improves Time to Operating Room for Vascular Surgery Patients in an Acute Setting. Ann Vasc Surg. 2023 Nov; 97:139-146. PMID: 37495093.
Billings JD, Huynh V, Leonard LD, Kovar A, Jones TS, Cumbler E, Christian N, Rojas KE, Meacham R, Tevis SE. Addressing an epidemic: Improving guideline-concordant opioid prescribing in surgical patients. Surgery. 2022 11; 172(5):1407-1414. PMID: 36088172.
Driscoll B, Leonard LD, Kovar A, Billings J, Tevis SE, Kim SP, Cumbler E. Surgeon Perceptions of the Integration of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures into Clinical?Practice. J Surg Res. 2022 12; 280:486-494. PMID: 36067535.
Dyas AR, Kelleher AD, Erickson CJ, Voss JA, Cumbler EU, Lambert-Kerzner A, Vizena AS, Robinson-Chavez C, Kee BL, Barker AR, Fuller MS, Miller SA, McCabe KO, Cook KM, Randhawa SK, Mitchell JD, Meguid RA. Development of a universal thoracic enhanced recover after surgery protocol for implementation across a diverse multi-hospital health system. J Thorac Dis. 2022 Aug; 14(8):2855-2863. PMID: 36071784.
Verosky A, Leonard LD, Quinn C, Vemuru S, Warncke E, Himelhoch B, Huynh V, Wolverton D, Jaiswal K, Ahrendt G, Sams S, Lin CT, Cumbler E, Schulick R, Tevis SE. Patient comprehension of breast pathology report terminology: The need for patient-centered resources. Surgery. 2022 09; 172(3):831-837. PMID: 35715235.
Kovar A, Joiner K, Leonard LD, Cumbler E, Tevis S. Variability in Surgical Site Preparation Technique: An Opportunity for Improvement. AORN J. 2022 04; 115(4):341-345. PMID: 35333395.
Glasheen JJ, Cumbler E, Hyman D, Kneeland P, Armstrong G, Caffrey S, Wiler J, Fuhlbrigge A, Jones D, Pierce RG. The Institute for Health care Quality, Safety, and Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach to Improving Organization-Level Quality Performance. Am J Med Qual. 2022 Mar-Apr 01; 37(2):111-117. PMID: 34225273.
Nouh A, Amin-Hanjani S, Furie KL, Kernan WN, Olson DM, Testai FD, Alberts MJ, Hussain MA, Cumbler EU. Identifying Best Practices to Improve Evaluation and Management of In-Hospital Stroke: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Stroke. 2022 04; 53(4):e165-e175. PMID: 35137601.
Leonard LD, Himelhoch B, Huynh V, Wolverton D, Jaiswal K, Ahrendt G, Sams S, Cumbler E, Schulick R, Tevis SE. Patient and clinician perceptions of the immediate release of electronic health information. Am J Surg. 2022 07; 224(1 Pt A):27-34. PMID: 34903369.
Gupta R, Tat Q, O'Brien J, Shaw M, Cumbler E, McPherson R, de la Cruz D, Dua A, Yi JA. Utilization of lean project management principles and health informatics to reduce operating room delays in a vascular surgery practice. Am J Surg. 2022 Jan; 223(1):176-181. PMID: 34465448.
Cumbler E, Wittig M, Jacobson N, McClain H, Treat A, Radin J, Stowell S, Harry E. Contingency planning for health care worker masks in case of medical supply chain failure: Lessons learned in novel mask manufacturing from COVID-19 pandemic. Am J Infect Control. 2021 10; 49(10):1215-1220. PMID: 34363872.
Leonard LD, Shaw M, Moyer A, Tevis S, Schulick R, McIntyre R, Ballou M, Reiter K, Lace C, Weitzel N, Wiler J, Meacham R, Cumbler E, Steward L. The surgical debrief: Just another checklist or an instrument to drive cultural change? Am J Surg. 2022 Jan; 223(1):120-125. PMID: 34407917.
Naderi R, Oberndorfer TA, Jordan SR, Dollar B, Cumbler EU, Jones CD. Resident perspectives on the value of interdisciplinary conference calls for geriatric patients. BMC Med Educ. 2021 Jun 03; 21(1):314. PMID: 34082723.
Leonard LD, Cumbler E, Schulick R, Tevis SE. From paternalistic to patient-centered: Strategies to support patients with the immediate release of medical records. Am J Surg. 2021 11; 222(5):909-910. PMID: 33933209.
Huynh V, Colborn K, Rojas KE, Christian N, Ahrendt G, Cumbler E, Schulick R, Tevis S. Evaluation of opioid prescribing preferences among surgical residents and faculty. Surgery. 2021 10; 170(4):1066-1073. PMID: 33858683.
Davis C, Faruki A, Breyer D, Cumbler E, Fisher B, Hassell A, Hess S, Pierce R, Wiler J, Zane R. The Case for Virtual Sepsis Surveillance and Intervention. Telemed J E Health. 2022 01; 28(1):102-106. PMID: 33826409.
Valverde PA, Ayele R, Leonard C, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Burke RE. Gaps in Hospital and Skilled Nursing Facility Responsibilities During Transitions of Care: a Comparison of Hospital and SNF Clinicians' Perspectives. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 08; 36(8):2251-2258. PMID: 33532965.
Lessing JN, Yazdani Farsad Y, Cumbler E. Letter to the Editor: Eradicating Jargon-Oblivion-A Proposed Classification System of Medical Jargon. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 04; 36(4):1111. PMID: 33506389.
Huynh V, Colborn K, Christian N, Rojas K, Nehler M, Bronsert M, Cumbler E, Ahrendt G, Tevis S. Resident Opioid Prescribing Habits Do Not Reflect Best Practices in Post-Operative Pain Management: An Assessment of the Knowledge and Education Gap. J Surg Educ. 2021 Jul-Aug; 78(4):1286-1294. PMID: 33386285.
Bruny J, Inge T, Rannie M, Acker S, Levitt G, Cumbler E, Brumbaugh D. Transforming surgical morbidity and mortality into a systematic case review. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Jan; 56(1):80-84. PMID: 33139023.
Lawrence E, Casler JJ, Jones J, Leonard C, Ladebue A, Ayele R, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Burke RE. Variability in skilled nursing facility screening and admission processes: Implications for value-based purchasing. Health Care Manage Rev. 2020 Oct/Dec; 45(4):353-363. PMID: 30418292.
Huynh V, Rojas K, Ahrendt G, Murphy C, Jaiswal K, Cumbler E, Christian N, Tevis S. Reassessing Opioid Use in Breast Surgery. J Surg Res. 2020 10; 254:232-241. PMID: 32474196.
Wallace MA, Hammes A, Rothman MS, Trizno AA, Jones CD, Cumbler E, McDevitt K, Carlson NE, Stoneback JW. Fixing a Fragmented System: Impact of a Comprehensive Geriatric Hip Fracture Program on Long-Term Mortality. Perm J. 2019; 23. PMID: 31702983.
Pahwa AK, Qureshi I, Cumbler E. Things We Do For No Reason?: Use of Antipsychotic Medications in Patients with Delirium. J Hosp Med. 2019 Sep; 14(9):565-567. PMID: 30897059.
Falvey JR, Mangione KK, Nordon-Craft A, Cumbler E, Burrows KL, Forster JE, Stevens-Lapsley JE. Progressive Multicomponent Intervention for Older Adults in Home Health Settings Following Acute Hospitalization: Randomized Clinical Trial Protocol. Phys Ther. 2019 09 01; 99(9):1141-1149. PMID: 31004493.
Burke RE, Leonard C, Lee M, Ayele R, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Greysen SR. Cognitive Biases Influence Decision-Making Regarding Postacute Care in a Skilled Nursing Facility. J Hosp Med. 2020 01 01; 15(1):22-27. PMID: 31433771.
Wilson J, Maloney K, Bookman K, Stoneback JW, Browne VA, Ginde A, Wallace M, Jacknin G, Cumbler E, Lewiss RE. Training Emergency Physicians in Ultrasound-guided Fascia Iliaca Compartment Blocks: Lessons in Change Management. Cureus. 2019 May 28; 11(5):e4773. PMID: 31363454.
Ayele R, Jones J, Ladebue A, Lawrence E, Valverde P, Leonard C, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Burke RE. Perceived Costs of Care Influence Post-Acute Care Choices by Clinicians, Patients, and Caregivers. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 04; 67(4):703-710. PMID: 30707766.
Cumbler E, Kutner JS. Random Drug Testing of Physicians: A Complex Issue Framed in 7 Questions. J Hosp Med. 2019 01 08; 14(1):56-57. PMID: 30379142.
Cheung D, Cumbler E, Hale G, Pell J. Reining in the QTc: reducing the risk of Torsades de Pointes across a major health system. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018 09 01; 25(9):1202-1205. PMID: 29961858.
Cumbler E, Rend?n P, Yirdaw E, Kneeland P, Pierce R, Jones CD, Herzke C. Keys to career success: resources and barriers identified by early career academic hospitalists. J Gen Intern Med. 2018 05; 33(5):588-589. PMID: 29423628.
Burke RE, Jones J, Lawrence E, Ladebue A, Ayele R, Leonard C, Lippmann B, Matlock DD, Allyn R, Cumbler E. Evaluating the Quality of Patient Decision-Making Regarding Post-Acute Care. J Gen Intern Med. 2018 05; 33(5):678-684. PMID: 29427179.
Cumbler E, Yirdaw E, Kneeland P, Pierce R, Rendon P, Herzke C, Jones CD. What Is Career Success for Academic Hospitalists? A Qualitative Analysis of Early-Career Faculty Perspectives. J Hosp Med. 2018 06 01; 13(6):372-377. PMID: 29350223.
Burke RE, Lawrence E, Ladebue A, Ayele R, Lippmann B, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Jones J. How Hospital Clinicians Select Patients for Skilled Nursing Facilities. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017 Nov; 65(11):2466-2472. PMID: 28682456.
Cumbler E, Pierce R. The Search for Perpetual Motion: Fatigue, Friction, and Drag in Quality Improvement. Qual Manag Health Care. 2017 Jul/Sep; 26(3):129-130. PMID: 28665902.
Moutsoglou DM, Merritt F, Cumbler E. Disseminated Mycobacterium chimaera Presenting as Vertebral Osteomyelitis. Case Rep Infect Dis. 2017; 2017:9893743. PMID: 28523197.
Burke RE, Cumbler E, Coleman EA, Levy C. Post-acute care reform: Implications and opportunities for hospitalists. J Hosp Med. 2017 01; 12(1):46-51. PMID: 28125831.
Anderson ME, Mcdevitt K, Cumbler E, Bennett H, Robison Z, Gomez B, Stoneback JW. Geriatric Hip Fracture Care: Fixing a Fragmented System. Perm J. 2017; 21:16-104. PMID: 28488991.
Jones CD, Cumbler E, Honigman B, Burke RE, Boxer RS, Levy C, Coleman EA, Wald HL. Hospital to Post-Acute Care Facility Transfers: Identifying Targets for Information Exchange Quality Improvement. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2017 01; 18(1):70-73. PMID: 27815110.
Cumbler E, Herzke C, Smalligan R, Glasheen JJ, O'Malley C, Pierce JR. Visiting professorship in hospital medicine: An innovative twist for a growing specialty. J Hosp Med. 2016 10; 11(10):714-718. PMID: 27334568.
Rigual D, Rove M, Robison Z, Nordenholz K, Cumbler E, Dodd G, Borgstede J. Emergency Department CT Expediency: A?Time Reduction by Redesign. J Am Coll Radiol. 2016 Feb; 13(2):178-81. PMID: 26507822.
Stevens-Lapsley JE, Loyd BJ, Falvey JR, Figiel GJ, Kittelson AJ, Cumbler EU, Mangione KK. Progressive multi-component home-based physical therapy for deconditioned older adults following acute hospitalization: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2016 Aug; 30(8):776-85. PMID: 26337626.
Cumbler E. In-Hospital Ischemic Stroke. Neurohospitalist. 2015 Jul; 5(3):173-81. PMID: 26288675.
Cumbler E, Simpson J. Code stroke: multicenter experience with in-hospital stroke alerts. J Hosp Med. 2015 Mar; 10(3):179-83. PMID: 25537887.
Mramor B, Hagman J, Ford D, Oman KS, Cumbler E. Purposeful visits for hospitalized older adult patients. J Gerontol Nurs. 2015 Mar; 41(3):42-8. PMID: 25486113.
Wald H, Cumbler E. Regarding the acute care of the elderly model. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Oct; 174(10):1709. PMID: 25285744.
Pell JM, Cheung D, Jones MA, Cumbler E. Don't fuel the fire: decreasing intravenous haloperidol use in high risk patients via a customized electronic alert. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Nov-Dec; 21(6):1109-12. PMID: 24928174.
Hudak ML, Graves A, Reichelt KA, Sweigart J, Harry E, Glasheen J, Jones W, Cumbler E. What makes a positive deviant: utilizing common themes in best practice stroke hospitals to influence institutional quality improvement. Am J Med Qual. 2014 Mar-Apr; 29(2):170. PMID: 24381146.
Cumbler E, Wald H, Bhatt DL, Cox M, Xian Y, Reeves M, Smith EE, Schwamm L, Fonarow GC. Quality of care and outcomes for in-hospital ischemic stroke: findings from the National Get With The Guidelines-Stroke. Stroke. 2014 Jan; 45(1):231-8. PMID: 24253540.
Cumbler EU, Simpson JR, Rosenthal LD, Likosky DJ. Inpatient Falls: Defining the Problem and Identifying Possible Solutions. Part II: Application of Quality Improvement Principles to Hospital Falls. Neurohospitalist. 2013 Oct; 3(4):203-8. PMID: 24198902.
Cumbler E, Castillo L, Satorie L, Ford D, Hagman J, Hodge T, Price L, Wald H. Culture change in infection control: applying psychological principles to improve hand hygiene. J Nurs Care Qual. 2013 Oct-Dec; 28(4):304-11. PMID: 23669615.
Cumbler EU, Simpson JR, Rosenthal LD, Likosky DJ. Inpatient falls: defining the problem and identifying possible solutions. Part I: an evidence-based review. Neurohospitalist. 2013 Jul; 3(3):135-43. PMID: 24167647.
Cheung D, Wolfe B, Wald H, Cumbler E. Unsafe use of intravenous haloperidol: evaluation of recommendation-concordant care in hospitalized elderly adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Jan; 61(1):160-1. PMID: 23311558.
Cumbler EU, Herman C, Pierce JR. The electronic health record and improving quality for hospitalized elderly adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Nov; 60(11):2177-8. PMID: 23148427.
Guerrasio J, Cumbler E, Trosterman A, Wald H, Brandenburg S, Aagaard E. Determining need for remediation through postrotation evaluations. J Grad Med Educ. 2012 Mar; 4(1):47-51. PMID: 23451306.
Cumbler E, Zaemisch R, Graves A, Brega K, Jones W. Improving stroke alert response time: applying quality improvement methodology to the inpatient neurologic emergency. J Hosp Med. 2012 Feb; 7(2):137-41. PMID: 22105989.
Cumbler E, Likosky D. In-hospital falls: evaluation and response. Continuum (Minneap Minn). 2011 Oct; 17(5 Neurologic Consultation in the Hospital):1063-76. PMID: 22809982.
Murphy P, Smith D, Vislosky M, Tripputi M, Cumbler E, Blakie J, Wilde M, Jones W, Zachrich C, Elser P, Leonard K. The impact of a statewide stroke quality improvement program: Colorado Stroke Alliance and Colorado Stroke Registry. J Neurosci Nurs. 2011 Oct; 43(5):246-52. PMID: 21926519.
Wald HL, Glasheen JJ, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth JM, Cumbler EU. Evaluation of a hospitalist-run acute care for the elderly service. J Hosp Med. 2011 Jul-Aug; 6(6):313-21. PMID: 21834112.
Borne R, Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Reducing polypharmacy: is hospitalization the right time? Arch Intern Med. 2011 May 09; 171(9):869; author reply 870. PMID: 21555674.
Johnston SC, Albers GW, Gorelick PB, Cumbler E, Klingman J, Ross MA, Briggs M, Carlton J, Sloan EP, Vaince U. National Stroke Association recommendations for systems of care for transient ischemic attack. Ann Neurol. 2011 May; 69(5):872-7. PMID: 21391236.
Levin D, Smith DB, Cumbler E, Carter J, Glasheen JJ, Jones W. Warfarin therapy does not increase risk of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage in eligible patients after intravenous thrombolysis. Arch Neurol. 2011 Jan; 68(1):135; author reply 135-6. PMID: 21220688.
Cumbler E, Murphy P, Jones WJ, Wald HL, Kutner JS, Smith DB. Quality of care for in-hospital stroke: analysis of a statewide registry. Stroke. 2011 Jan; 42(1):207-10. PMID: 21127301.
Cumbler E, Anderson T, Neumann R, Jones WJ, Brega K. Stroke alert program improves recognition and evaluation time of in-hospital ischemic stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2010 Nov-Dec; 19(6):494-6. PMID: 20538480.
Cumbler E, Wald H, Kutner J. Lack of patient knowledge regarding hospital medications. J Hosp Med. 2010 Feb; 5(2):83-6. PMID: 20013875.
Cumbler E. Curriculum for the Hospitalized Aging Medical Patient review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009 Oct; 57(10):1915-6. PMID: 19702615.
Stickrath CR, Cumbler EU, Glasheen JJ. Improving stroke outcomes through collaboration and hospitalist-focused training. J Hosp Med. 2009 May; 4(5):327. PMID: 19504583.
Cumbler E, Lyle H, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Wald H. Vulnerability assessment on hospital admission predicts need for placement upon discharge for elderly patients. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009 May; 57(5):944-6. PMID: 19470031.
Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Risk stratification tools for transient ischemic attack: which patients require hospital admission? J Hosp Med. 2009 Apr; 4(4):247-51. PMID: 19388066.
Cumbler E, Furfari K, Guerrasio J. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease presenting as severe depression: a case report. Cases J. 2009 Feb 04; 2(1):122. PMID: 19193205.
Glasheen JJ, Cumbler EU. Tailoring internal medicine training to improve hospitalist outcomes. Arch Intern Med. 2009 Jan 26; 169(2):204-5. PMID: 19171821.
Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ, Wald H. Alternative solutions to geriatric workforce deficit. Am J Med. 2008 Oct; 121(10):e21; author reply e23. PMID: 18823838.
Cumbler E, Carter J, Kutner J. Failure at the transition of care: challenges in the discharge of the vulnerable elderly patient. J Hosp Med. 2008 Jul; 3(4):349-52. PMID: 18698595.
Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Kim J, Glasheen J. Use of medications for insomnia in the hospitalized geriatric population. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008 Mar; 56(3):579-81. PMID: 18315681.
Chen CS, Cumbler EU, Triebling AT. Coagulopathy due to celiac disease presenting as intramuscular hemorrhage. J Gen Intern Med. 2007 Nov; 22(11):1608-12. PMID: 17768663.
Cumbler E, Glasheen J. Management of blood pressure after acute ischemic stroke: An evidence-based guide for the hospitalist. J Hosp Med. 2007 Jul; 2(4):261-7. PMID: 17705177.
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