Kevin Forbes Sullivan
Title | Assistant Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-MED |
Research R01GM039068 (SULLIVAN, KEVIN F)Feb 1, 1988 - Mar 31, 2006 NIH Assembly and Function of Human Centromere Chromatin Role: Principal Investigator |
| R29GM039068 (SULLIVAN, KEVIN F)Feb 1, 1988 - Jan 31, 1994 NIH MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF MAMMALIAN KINETOCHORE STRUCTURE Role: Principal Investigator |
Cappelletti E, Piras FM, Badiale C, Bambi M, Santagostino M, Vara C, Masterson TA, Sullivan KF, Nergadze SG, Ruiz-Herrera A, Giulotto E. CENP-A binding domains and recombination patterns in horse spermatocytes. Sci Rep. 2019 11 01; 9(1):15800. PMID: 31676881.
Sullivan KF, Mader TL. Managing Heat Stress Episodes in Confined Cattle. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract. 2018 Jul; 34(2):325-339. PMID: 29935720.
Nergadze SG, Piras FM, Gamba R, Corbo M, Cerutti F, McCarter JGW, Cappelletti E, Gozzo F, Harman RM, Antczak DF, Miller D, Scharfe M, Pavesi G, Raimondi E, Sullivan KF, Giulotto E. Birth, evolution, and transmission of satellite-free mammalian centromeric domains. Genome Res. 2018 06; 28(6):789-799. PMID: 29712753.
Giulotto E, Raimondi E, Sullivan KF. The Unique DNA Sequences Underlying Equine Centromeres. Prog Mol Subcell Biol. 2017; 56:337-354. PMID: 28840244.
Prendergast L, M?ller S, Liu Y, Huang H, Dingli F, Loew D, Vassias I, Patel DJ, Sullivan KF, Almouzni G. The CENP-T/-W complex is a binding partner of the histone chaperone FACT. Genes Dev. 2016 06 01; 30(11):1313-26. PMID: 27284163.
Purgato S, Belloni E, Piras FM, Zoli M, Badiale C, Cerutti F, Mazzagatti A, Perini G, Della Valle G, Nergadze SG, Sullivan KF, Raimondi E, Rocchi M, Giulotto E. Erratum to: Centromere sliding on a mammalian chromosome. Chromosoma. 2015 Jun; 124(2):289. PMID: 25432774.
Purgato S, Belloni E, Piras FM, Zoli M, Badiale C, Cerutti F, Mazzagatti A, Perini G, Della Valle G, Nergadze SG, Sullivan KF, Raimondi E, Rocchi M, Giulotto E. Centromere sliding on a mammalian chromosome. Chromosoma. 2015 Jun; 124(2):277-87. PMID: 25413176.
Kaczmarczyk A, Sullivan KF. CENP-W plays a role in maintaining bipolar spindle structure. PLoS One. 2014; 9(10):e106464. PMID: 25329824.
Dornblut C, Quinn N, Monajambashi S, Prendergast L, van Vuuren C, M?nch S, Deng W, Leonhardt H, Cardoso MC, Hoischen C, Diekmann S, Sullivan KF. A CENP-S/X complex assembles at the centromere in S and G2 phases of the human cell cycle. Open Biol. 2014 Feb 12; 4:130229. PMID: 24522885.
Earnshaw WC, Allshire RC, Black BE, Bloom K, Brinkley BR, Brown W, Cheeseman IM, Choo KH, Copenhaver GP, Deluca JG, Desai A, Diekmann S, Erhardt S, Fitzgerald-Hayes M, Foltz D, Fukagawa T, Gassmann R, Gerlich DW, Glover DM, Gorbsky GJ, Harrison SC, Heun P, Hirota T, Jansen LE, Karpen G, Kops GJ, Lampson MA, Lens SM, Losada A, Luger K, Maiato H, Maddox PS, Margolis RL, Masumoto H, McAinsh AD, Mellone BG, Meraldi P, Musacchio A, Oegema K, O'Neill RJ, Salmon ED, Scott KC, Straight AF, Stukenberg PT, Sullivan BA, Sullivan KF, Sunkel CE, Swedlow JR, Walczak CE, Warburton PE, Westermann S, Willard HF, Wordeman L, Yanagida M, Yen TJ, Yoda K, Cleveland DW. Esperanto for histones: CENP-A, not CenH3, is the centromeric histone H3 variant. Chromosome Res. 2013 Apr; 21(2):101-6. PMID: 23580138.
Prendergast L, van Vuuren C, Kaczmarczyk A, Doering V, Hellwig D, Quinn N, Hoischen C, Diekmann S, Sullivan KF. Premitotic assembly of human CENPs -T and -W switches centromeric chromatin to a mitotic state. PLoS Biol. 2011 Jun; 9(6):e1001082. PMID: 21695110.
Prendergast L, Sullivan KF. A GTPase switch maintains CENP-A at centromeric chromatin. Nat Cell Biol. 2010 Dec; 12(12):1128-30. PMID: 21124307.
Glynn M, Kaczmarczyk A, Prendergast L, Quinn N, Sullivan KF. Centromeres: assembling and propagating epigenetic function. Subcell Biochem. 2010; 50:223-49. PMID: 20012585.
Dobbie IM, Lowndes NF, Sullivan KF. Autofluorescent proteins. Methods Cell Biol. 2008; 85:1-22. PMID: 18155456.
Monier K, Mouradian S, Sullivan KF. DNA methylation promotes Aurora-B-driven phosphorylation of histone H3 in chromosomal subdomains. J Cell Sci. 2007 Jan 01; 120(Pt 1):101-14. PMID: 17164288.
Wanninkhof R, Sullivan KF, Dammann WP, Proni JR, Bloetscher F, Soloviev AV, Carsey TP. Farfield tracing of a point source discharge plume in the coastal ocean using sulfur hexafluoride. Environ Sci Technol. 2005 Nov 15; 39(22):8883-90. PMID: 16323790.
Coale KH, Johnson KS, Chavez FP, Buesseler KO, Barber RT, Brzezinski MA, Cochlan WP, Millero FJ, Falkowski PG, Bauer JE, Wanninkhof RH, Kudela RM, Altabet MA, Hales BE, Takahashi T, Landry MR, Bidigare RR, Wang X, Chase Z, Strutton PG, Friederich GE, Gorbunov MY, Lance VP, Hilting AK, Hiscock MR, Demarest M, Hiscock WT, Sullivan KF, Tanner SJ, Gordon RM, Hunter CN, Elrod VA, Fitzwater SE, Jones JL, Tozzi S, Koblizek M, Roberts AE, Herndon J, Brewster J, Ladizinsky N, Smith G, Cooper D, Timothy D, Brown SL, Selph KE, Sheridan CC, Twining BS, Johnson ZI. Southern Ocean iron enrichment experiment: carbon cycling in high- and low-Si waters. Science. 2004 Apr 16; 304(5669):408-14. PMID: 15087542.
Cleveland DW, Mao Y, Sullivan KF. Centromeres and kinetochores: from epigenetics to mitotic checkpoint signaling. Cell. 2003 Feb 21; 112(4):407-21. PMID: 12600307.
Zeitlin SG, Shelby RD, Sullivan KF. CENP-A is phosphorylated by Aurora B kinase and plays an unexpected role in completion of cytokinesis. J Cell Biol. 2001 Dec 24; 155(7):1147-57. PMID: 11756469.
Zeitlin SG, Sullivan KF. Animal cytokinesis: breaking up is hard to do. Curr Biol. 2001 Jul 10; 11(13):R514-6. PMID: 11470423.
Sullivan KF. A solid foundation: functional specialization of centromeric chromatin. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2001 Apr; 11(2):182-8. PMID: 11250142.
Zeitlin SG, Barber CM, Allis CD, Sullivan KF, Sullivan K. Differential regulation of CENP-A and histone H3 phosphorylation in G2/M. J Cell Sci. 2001 Feb; 114(Pt 4):653-61. PMID: 11171370.
Shelby RD, Monier K, Sullivan KF. Chromatin assembly at kinetochores is uncoupled from DNA replication. J Cell Biol. 2000 Nov 27; 151(5):1113-8. PMID: 11086012.
Lomonte P, Sullivan KF, Everett RD. Degradation of nucleosome-associated centromeric histone H3-like protein CENP-A induced by herpes simplex virus type 1 protein ICP0. J Biol Chem. 2001 Feb 23; 276(8):5829-35. PMID: 11053442.
Monier K, Armas JC, Etteldorf S, Ghazal P, Sullivan KF. Annexation of the interchromosomal space during viral infection. Nat Cell Biol. 2000 Sep; 2(9):661-5. PMID: 10980708.
Yao X, Abrieu A, Zheng Y, Sullivan KF, Cleveland DW. CENP-E forms a link between attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochores and the mitotic checkpoint. Nat Cell Biol. 2000 Aug; 2(8):484-91. PMID: 10934468.
Van Hooser AA, Mancini MA, Allis CD, Sullivan KF, Brinkley BR. The mammalian centromere: structural domains and the attenuation of chromatin modeling. FASEB J. 1999 Dec; 13 Suppl 2:S216-20. PMID: 10619130.
Vafa O, Shelby RD, Sullivan KF. CENP-A associated complex satellite DNA in the kinetochore of the Indian muntjac. Chromosoma. 1999 Nov; 108(6):367-74. PMID: 10591996.
Sullivan KF. Enlightening mitosis: construction and expression of green fluorescent fusion proteins. Methods Cell Biol. 1999; 61:113-35. PMID: 9891311.
Sullivan KF, Shelby RD. Using time-lapse confocal microscopy for analysis of centromere dynamics in human cells. Methods Cell Biol. 1999; 58:183-202. PMID: 9891382.
Martinez A, Sun D, Billings PB, Swiderek KM, Sullivan KF, Hoch SO. Isolation and comparison of natural and recombinant human CENP-A autoantigen. J Autoimmun. 1998 Dec; 11(6):611-9. PMID: 9878083.
Kanda T, Sullivan KF, Wahl GM. Histone-GFP fusion protein enables sensitive analysis of chromosome dynamics in living mammalian cells. Curr Biol. 1998 Mar 26; 8(7):377-85. PMID: 9545195.
Vafa O, Sullivan KF. Chromatin containing CENP-A and alpha-satellite DNA is a major component of the inner kinetochore plate. Curr Biol. 1997 Nov 01; 7(11):897-900. PMID: 9382804.
Warburton PE, Cooke CA, Bourassa S, Vafa O, Sullivan BA, Stetten G, Gimelli G, Warburton D, Tyler-Smith C, Sullivan KF, Poirier GG, Earnshaw WC. Immunolocalization of CENP-A suggests a distinct nucleosome structure at the inner kinetochore plate of active centromeres. Curr Biol. 1997 Nov 01; 7(11):901-4. PMID: 9382805.
Shelby RD, Vafa O, Sullivan KF. Assembly of CENP-A into centromeric chromatin requires a cooperative array of nucleosomal DNA contact sites. J Cell Biol. 1997 Feb 10; 136(3):501-13. PMID: 9024683.
Shelby RD, Hahn KM, Sullivan KF. Dynamic elastic behavior of alpha-satellite DNA domains visualized in situ in living human cells. J Cell Biol. 1996 Nov; 135(3):545-57. PMID: 8909532.
Sun D, Martinez A, Sullivan KF, Sharp GC, Hoch SO. Detection of anticentromere antibodies using recombinant human CENP-A protein. Arthritis Rheum. 1996 May; 39(5):863-7. PMID: 8639184.
Sullivan KF, Hechenberger M, Masri K. Human CENP-A contains a histone H3 related histone fold domain that is required for targeting to the centromere. J Cell Biol. 1994 Nov; 127(3):581-92. PMID: 7962047.
Sullivan KF, Glass CA. CENP-B is a highly conserved mammalian centromere protein with homology to the helix-loop-helix family of proteins. Chromosoma. 1991 Jul; 100(6):360-70. PMID: 1893793.
Huff JP, Roos G, Peebles CL, Houghten R, Sullivan KF, Tan EM. Insights into native epitopes of proliferating cell nuclear antigen using recombinant DNA protein products. J Exp Med. 1990 Aug 01; 172(2):419-29. PMID: 1695666.
Ben-Chetrit E, Gandy BJ, Tan EM, Sullivan KF. Isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone encoding the 60-kD component of the human SS-A/Ro ribonucleoprotein autoantigen. J Clin Invest. 1989 Apr; 83(4):1284-92. PMID: 2649513.
Chan EK, Sullivan KF, Tan EM. Ribonucleoprotein SS-B/La belongs to a protein family with consensus sequences for RNA-binding. Nucleic Acids Res. 1989 Mar 25; 17(6):2233-44. PMID: 2468131.
Sullivan KF. Structure and utilization of tubulin isotypes. Annu Rev Cell Biol. 1988; 4:687-716. PMID: 3058169.
Earnshaw WC, Sullivan KF, Machlin PS, Cooke CA, Kaiser DA, Pollard TD, Rothfield NF, Cleveland DW. Molecular cloning of cDNA for CENP-B, the major human centromere autoantigen. J Cell Biol. 1987 Apr; 104(4):817-29. PMID: 2435739.
Sullivan KF, Havercroft JC, Machlin PS, Cleveland DW. Sequence and expression of the chicken beta 5- and beta 4-tubulin genes define a pair of divergent beta-tubulins with complementary patterns of expression. Mol Cell Biol. 1986 Dec; 6(12):4409-18. PMID: 3025656.
Sullivan KF, Machlin PS, Ratrie H, Cleveland DW. Sequence and expression of the chicken beta 3 tubulin gene. A vertebrate testis beta-tubulin isotype. J Biol Chem. 1986 Oct 05; 261(28):13317-22. PMID: 3759966.
Sullivan KF, Cleveland DW. Identification of conserved isotype-defining variable region sequences for four vertebrate beta tubulin polypeptide classes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1986 Jun; 83(12):4327-31. PMID: 3459176.
Sullivan KF, Lau JT, Cleveland DW. Apparent gene conversion between beta-tubulin genes yields multiple regulatory pathways for a single beta-tubulin polypeptide isotype. Mol Cell Biol. 1985 Sep; 5(9):2454-65. PMID: 3837190.
Cleveland DW, Sullivan KF. Molecular biology and genetics of tubulin. Annu Rev Biochem. 1985; 54:331-65. PMID: 3896122.
Sullivan KF, Cleveland DW. Sequence of a highly divergent beta tubulin gene reveals regional heterogeneity in the beta tubulin polypeptide. J Cell Biol. 1984 Nov; 99(5):1754-60. PMID: 6490718.
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