Peter M. Henson
Title | Distinguished Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Biography Edinburgh University, Scotland | BVM&S | 06/1963 | Veterinary Medicine | Edinburgh University, Scotland | BSc Hons | 07/1964 | Bacteriology | University of Cambridge, UK | PhD | 02/1967 | Immunology | Scripps Clin & Res Foundation, La Jolla, CA | Postdoc | 06/1969 | Immunopathology |
2011 | Distinguished Professor, Univeristy of Colorado | 2005 | Burns Amberson Lecture, ATS Centenary Meeting | 2002 | Honary Doctor of Medicine, University of Edinburgh | 1980 | Parke Davis Award, American Association of Pathologists | 1991 | Margaret A. Regan Professor of Pulmonary inflammation, National Jewish Health |
Overview I have a longstanding interest in myeloid cells, mononuclear phagocytes and inflammation. Over more than 50 years these interests have, and do, include mechanisms of induction of the inflammatory process and in particular of its regulation and resolution, as well as defects in this that are associated with longer-term sequelae such as tissue remodeling, fibrosis, persistent injury and enhanced or deranged immunological responses. An emphasis on mononuclear phagocyte (monocyte, macrophage and dendritic cell) participation in these processes demonstrated roles and mechanisms for recognition and removal of apoptotic cells and tissue debris after injury and inflammation. Cell removal also occurs in normal cell turnover and maintenance of tissue homeostasis - by mechanisms we termed "efferocytosis" and showed to involve recognition of phosphatidylserine (PS) exposed on apoptotic cells as a result loss of membrane phospholipid asymmetry. In general these cell removal processes were shown to be accompanied by inflammosuppressive mediators that minimize tissue responses and lead to resolution of inflammation as well as active contribution to tissue remodeling and ideally, return to normal structure and function. Equally important were related studies of monocyte/macrophage programing towards a variety of reparative, tissue-modifying and immunomodulatory functions. These in turn were shown to be major players resolution of inflammation and return of tissues to normal structure and function, but also can contribute to abnormal repair as in fibrosis. Thus our studies have consistently addressed mechanisms and signal pathways involved in vivo during inflammation and fibroproliferative responses especially in the respiratory tract. Our research and translational interests in this regard have included ARDS, COPD, Asthma, airways inflammation and interstitial lung diseases (ILD), especially IPF.
Research R01HL149741 (HENSON, PETER M)Jun 1, 2020 - May 31, 2025 NIH Roles for interstitial and airspace macrophages in resolution of pulmonary inflammation Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01AI141389 (BRATTON, DONNA L ;HENSON, PETER M)Sep 18, 2018 - Aug 31, 2023 NIH Neutrophil Nox2 controls mononuclear cell functions in inflammation; role in CGD Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R01HL114381 (HENSON, PETER M)Aug 1, 2013 - May 31, 2019 NIH Macrophage endocytosis in resolving lung inflammation Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL088138 (HENSON, PETER M)Jan 1, 2008 - Dec 31, 2013 NIH Apoptosis and defective repair in COPD Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL081151 (HENSON, PETER M)Jul 1, 2005 - May 31, 2014 NIH Regulation of Pulmonary Inflammation Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL068864 (HENSON, PETER M)Sep 30, 2002 - Feb 28, 2014 NIH Regulation of inflammation by pulmonary collectins Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01GM061031 (HENSON, PETER M)Apr 1, 2000 - Dec 31, 2011 NIH Uptake of apoptotic cells Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL060980 (HENSON, PETER M)Aug 1, 1998 - Jul 31, 2002 NIH NEUTROPHIL APOPTOSIS IN RESOLUTION OF INFLAMMATION Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL050319 (HENSON, PETER M)Sep 1, 1993 - Aug 31, 1998 NIH CONTROL OF NEUTROPHIL FUNCTION BY VOLUME Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01GM048211 (HENSON, PETER M)May 1, 1993 - Apr 30, 2006 NIH Collectin-induced phagocytosis of apoptotic cells Role: Principal Investigator |
| G20RR006775 (HENSON, PETER M)Aug 1, 1991 - Jul 31, 1996 NIH DEVELOPING AND IMPROVING INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL RESOURCES Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15AI032163 (HENSON, PETER M)Jun 1, 1991 - May 31, 1992 NIH SMALL INSTRUMENTATION GRANT Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15AI030704 (HENSON, PETER M)Jul 1, 1990 - Jun 30, 1991 NIH SMALL INSTRUMENTATION PROGRAM Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15HL043995 (HENSON, PETER M)Sep 1, 1989 - Aug 31, 1990 NIH SMALL INSTRUMENTATION PROGRAM Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15AI027388 (HENSON, PETER M)Jul 1, 1988 - Jun 30, 1989 NIH SMALL INSTRUMENTATION PROGRAM Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15HL039500 (HENSON, PETER M)Sep 1, 1987 - Aug 31, 1988 NIH MULTI-FUNCTIONAL MICROSCOPE--SCINTILLATION COUNTER Role: Principal Investigator |
| R24RR003741 (HENSON, PETER M)Aug 1, 1987 - Jul 31, 1988 NIH ANIMAL RESOURCE PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS Role: Principal Investigator |
| R13HL035009 (HENSON, PETER M)Jul 21, 1986 - Jul 25, 1986 NIH CELLULAR MECHANISM IN PULMONARY INFLAMMATION Role: Principal Investigator |
| P01HL034303 (LESLIE, CHRISTINA CARROLL)Sep 30, 1985 - Jan 31, 2018 NIH Ether Lipids, Elcosanoids, and Lung Cell Pathophysiology Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| S03RR003020 (HENSON, PETER M)Mar 1, 1985 - Feb 28, 1986 NIH MINORITY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT RESEARCH APPRENTICE PROGRAM Role: Principal Investigator |
| S07RR005842 (HENSON, PETER M)Apr 1, 1980 - Sep 29, 1992 NIH BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH SUPPORT Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01GM024834 (HENSON, PETER M)Jun 1, 1977 - Nov 30, 1988 NIH RELEASE OF INJURIOUS CONSTITUENTS FROM CELLS Role: Principal Investigator |
| T32HL007085 (SCHWARTZ, DAVID ALBERT)Jul 1, 1975 - Jun 30, 2025 NIH Multi-Disciplinary Research Training in Respiratory Disease Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
Moore PK, Anderson KC, McManus SA, Tu TH, King EM, Mould KJ, Redente EF, Henson PM, Janssen WJ, McCubbrey AL. Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals unique monocyte-derived interstitial macrophage subsets during lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung inflammation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2023 04 01; 324(4):L536-L549. PMID: 36852927.
Hume PS, McClendon J, Kopf KW, Harral JW, Poczobutt JM, McCubbrey AL, Smith BJ, Henson PM, Majka SM, Petrache I, Janssen WJ. Cigarette smoke-induced airspace disease in mice develops independently of HIF-1a signaling in leukocytes. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2022 10 01; 323(4):L391-L399. PMID: 35943156.
Gibbings SL, Haist KC, Nick H, Frasch SC, Glass TH, Vestal B, Danhorn T, Mould KJ, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Heightened turnover and failed maturation of monocyte-derived macrophages in murine chronic granulomatous disease. Blood. 2022 03 17; 139(11):1707-1721. PMID: 34699591.
McCubbrey AL, McManus SA, McClendon JD, Thomas SM, Chatwin HB, Reisz JA, D'Alessandro A, Mould KJ, Bratton DL, Henson PM, Janssen WJ. Polyamine import and accumulation causes immunomodulation in macrophages engulfing apoptotic cells. Cell Rep. 2022 01 11; 38(2):110222. PMID: 35021097.
Mould KJ, Moore CM, McManus SA, McCubbrey AL, McClendon JD, Griesmer CL, Henson PM, Janssen WJ. Airspace Macrophages and Monocytes Exist in Transcriptionally Distinct Subsets in Healthy Adults. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 04 15; 203(8):946-956. PMID: 33079572.
Hume PS, Gibbings SL, Jakubzick CV, Tuder RM, Curran-Everett D, Henson PM, Smith BJ, Janssen WJ. Localization of Macrophages in the Human Lung via Design-based Stereology. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020 05 15; 201(10):1209-1217. PMID: 32197050.
Mould KJ, Jackson ND, Henson PM, Seibold M, Janssen WJ. Single cell RNA sequencing identifies unique inflammatory airspace macrophage subsets. JCI Insight. 2019 03 07; 4(5). PMID: 30721157.
Atif SM, Gibbings SL, Redente EF, Camp FA, Torres RM, Kedl RM, Henson PM, Jakubzick CV. Immune Surveillance by Natural IgM Is Required for Early Neoantigen Recognition and Initiation of Adaptive Immunity. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2018 11; 59(5):580-591. PMID: 29953261.
Jansing NL, Patel N, McClendon J, Redente EF, Henson PM, Tuder RM, Hyde DM, Nyengaard JR, Zemans RL. Flow Cytometry Underestimates and Planimetry Overestimates Alveolar Epithelial Type 2 Cell Expansion after Lung Injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 08 01; 198(3):390-392. PMID: 29533675.
McCubbrey AL, Barthel L, Mohning MP, Redente EF, Mould KJ, Thomas SM, Leach SM, Danhorn T, Gibbings SL, Jakubzick CV, Henson PM, Janssen WJ. Deletion of c-FLIP from CD11bhi Macrophages Prevents Development of Bleomycin-induced Lung Fibrosis. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2018 01; 58(1):66-78. PMID: 28850249.
Jansing NL, McClendon J, Henson PM, Tuder RM, Hyde DM, Zemans RL. Unbiased Quantitation of Alveolar Type II to Alveolar Type I Cell Transdifferentiation during Repair after Lung Injury in Mice. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2017 11; 57(5):519-526. PMID: 28586241.
Mohning MP, Thomas SM, Barthel L, Mould KJ, McCubbrey AL, Frasch SC, Bratton DL, Henson PM, Janssen WJ. Phagocytosis of microparticles by alveolar macrophages during acute lung injury requires MerTK. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2018 01 01; 314(1):L69-L82. PMID: 28935638.
Neudecker V, Brodsky KS, Clambey ET, Schmidt EP, Packard TA, Davenport B, Standiford TJ, Weng T, Fletcher AA, Barthel L, Masterson JC, Furuta GT, Cai C, Blackburn MR, Ginde AA, Graner MW, Janssen WJ, Zemans RL, Evans CM, Burnham EL, Homann D, Moss M, Kreth S, Zacharowski K, Henson PM, Eltzschig HK. Neutrophil transfer of miR-223 to lung epithelial cells dampens acute lung injury in mice. Sci Transl Med. 2017 Sep 20; 9(408). PMID: 28931657.
Gibbings SL, Thomas SM, Atif SM, McCubbrey AL, Desch AN, Danhorn T, Leach SM, Bratton DL, Henson PM, Janssen WJ, Jakubzick CV. Three Unique Interstitial Macrophages in the Murine Lung at Steady State. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2017 07; 57(1):66-76. PMID: 28257233.
Henson PM. Cell Removal: Efferocytosis. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2017 10 06; 33:127-144. PMID: 28613937.
Jakubzick CV, Randolph GJ, Henson PM. Monocyte differentiation and antigen-presenting functions. Nat Rev Immunol. 2017 Jun; 17(6):349-362. PMID: 28436425.
Janssen WJ, Bratton DL, Jakubzick CV, Henson PM. Myeloid Cell Turnover and Clearance. Microbiol Spectr. 2016 11; 4(6). PMID: 27837740.
Frasch SC, McNamee EN, Kominsky D, Jedlicka P, Jakubzick C, Zemski Berry K, Mack M, Furuta GT, Lee JJ, Henson PM, Colgan SP, Bratton DL. G2A Signaling Dampens Colitic Inflammation via Production of IFN-?. J Immunol. 2016 08 15; 197(4):1425-34. PMID: 27402702.
Larson SR, Atif SM, Gibbings SL, Thomas SM, Prabagar MG, Danhorn T, Leach SM, Henson PM, Jakubzick CV. Ly6C(+) monocyte efferocytosis and cross-presentation of cell-associated antigens. Cell Death Differ. 2016 06; 23(6):997-1003. PMID: 26990659.
Desch AN, Gibbings SL, Goyal R, Kolde R, Bednarek J, Bruno T, Slansky JE, Jacobelli J, Mason R, Ito Y, Messier E, Randolph GJ, Prabagar M, Atif SM, Segura E, Xavier RJ, Bratton DL, Janssen WJ, Henson PM, Jakubzick CV. Flow Cytometric Analysis of Mononuclear Phagocytes in Nondiseased Human Lung and Lung-Draining Lymph Nodes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Mar 15; 193(6):614-26. PMID: 26551758.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli RF, Falcone EL, Zerbe CS, Marciano BE, Frasch SC, Henson PM, Holland SM, Bratton DL. Impaired efferocytosis in human chronic granulomatous disease is reversed by pioglitazone treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Nov; 136(5):1399-1401.e3. PMID: 26386811.
Fornetti J, Flanders KC, Henson PM, Tan AC, Borges VF, Schedin P. Mammary epithelial cell phagocytosis downstream of TGF-?3 is characterized by adherens junction reorganization. Cell Death Differ. 2016 Feb; 23(2):185-96. PMID: 26113040.
Atif SM, Nelsen MK, Gibbings SL, Desch AN, Kedl RM, Gill RG, Marrack P, Murphy KM, Grazia TJ, Henson PM, Jakubzick CV. Cutting Edge: Roles for Batf3-Dependent APCs in the Rejection of Minor Histocompatibility Antigen-Mismatched Grafts. J Immunol. 2015 Jul 01; 195(1):46-50. PMID: 26034174.
Zemans RL, Henson PM, Henson JE, Janssen WJ. Conceptual approaches to lung injury and repair. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2015 Mar; 12 Suppl 1:S9-15. PMID: 25830855.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli RF, Frasch SC, Thomas SM, Malcolm KC, Nicks M, Harbeck RJ, Jakubzick CV, Nemenoff R, Henson PM, Holland SM, Bratton DL. Pioglitazone restores phagocyte mitochondrial oxidants and bactericidal capacity in chronic granulomatous disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Feb; 135(2):517-527.e12. PMID: 25498313.
Yunt ZX, Mohning MP, Barthel L, Kearns MT, Tuder RM, Hyde DM, Henson PM, Janssen WJ. Kinetics of the angiogenic response in lung endothelium following acute inflammatory injury with bleomycin. Exp Lung Res. 2014 Oct; 40(8):415-25. PMID: 25153689.
Desch AN, Gibbings SL, Clambey ET, Janssen WJ, Slansky JE, Kedl RM, Henson PM, Jakubzick C. Dendritic cell subsets require cis-activation for cytotoxic CD8 T-cell induction. Nat Commun. 2014 Aug 19; 5:4674. PMID: 25135627.
Kearns MT, Barthel L, Bednarek JM, Yunt ZX, Henson PM, Janssen WJ. Fas ligand-expressing lymphocytes enhance alveolar macrophage apoptosis in the resolution of acute pulmonary inflammation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2014 Jul 01; 307(1):L62-70. PMID: 24838751.
Redente EF, Keith RC, Janssen W, Henson PM, Ortiz LA, Downey GP, Bratton DL, Riches DW. Tumor necrosis factor-a accelerates the resolution of established pulmonary fibrosis in mice by targeting profibrotic lung macrophages. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2014 Apr; 50(4):825-37. PMID: 24325577.
Aschner Y, Khalifah AP, Briones N, Yamashita C, Dolgonos L, Young SK, Campbell MN, Riches DW, Redente EF, Janssen WJ, Henson PM, Sap J, Vacaresse N, Kapus A, McCulloch CA, Zemans RL, Downey GP. Protein tyrosine phosphatase a mediates profibrotic signaling in lung fibroblasts through TGF-? responsiveness. Am J Pathol. 2014 May; 184(5):1489-502. PMID: 24650563.
Roy MG, Livraghi-Butrico A, Fletcher AA, McElwee MM, Evans SE, Boerner RM, Alexander SN, Bellinghausen LK, Song AS, Petrova YM, Tuvim MJ, Adachi R, Romo I, Bordt AS, Bowden MG, Sisson JH, Woodruff PG, Thornton DJ, Rousseau K, De la Garza MM, Moghaddam SJ, Karmouty-Quintana H, Blackburn MR, Drouin SM, Davis CW, Terrell KA, Grubb BR, O'Neal WK, Flores SC, Cota-Gomez A, Lozupone CA, Donnelly JM, Watson AM, Hennessy CE, Keith RC, Yang IV, Barthel L, Henson PM, Janssen WJ, Schwartz DA, Boucher RC, Dickey BF, Evans CM. Muc5b is required for airway defence. Nature. 2014 Jan 16; 505(7483):412-6. PMID: 24317696.
Janssen WJ, Yunt ZX, Muldrow A, Kearns MT, Kloepfer A, Barthel L, Bratton DL, Bowler RP, Henson PM. Circulating hematopoietic progenitor cells are decreased in COPD. COPD. 2014 Jun; 11(3):277-89. PMID: 24182349.
Jakubzick C, Gautier EL, Gibbings SL, Sojka DK, Schlitzer A, Johnson TE, Ivanov S, Duan Q, Bala S, Condon T, van Rooijen N, Grainger JR, Belkaid Y, Ma'ayan A, Riches DW, Yokoyama WM, Ginhoux F, Henson PM, Randolph GJ. Minimal differentiation of classical monocytes as they survey steady-state tissues and transport antigen to lymph nodes. Immunity. 2013 Sep 19; 39(3):599-610. PMID: 24012416.
Xiong W, Frasch SC, Thomas SM, Bratton DL, Henson PM. Induction of TGF-?1 synthesis by macrophages in response to apoptotic cells requires activation of the scavenger receptor CD36. PLoS One. 2013; 8(8):e72772. PMID: 23936544.
Henson PM, Bratton DL. Antiinflammatory effects of apoptotic cells. J Clin Invest. 2013 Jul; 123(7):2773-4. PMID: 23863635.
Desch AN, Henson PM, Jakubzick CV. Pulmonary dendritic cell development and antigen acquisition. Immunol Res. 2013 Mar; 55(1-3):178-86. PMID: 22968708.
Henson PM, Bratton DL. Allergy: airway epithelial Rac1 suppresses allergic inflammation. Curr Biol. 2013 Feb 04; 23(3):R104-6. PMID: 23391381.
Frasch SC, Fernandez-Boyanapalli RF, Berry KA, Murphy RC, Leslie CC, Nick JA, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Neutrophils regulate tissue Neutrophilia in inflammation via the oxidant-modified lipid lysophosphatidylserine. J Biol Chem. 2013 Feb 15; 288(7):4583-93. PMID: 23293064.
Lara AR, Cosgrove GP, Janssen WJ, Huie TJ, Burnham EL, Heinz DE, Curran-Everett D, Sahin H, Schwarz MI, Cool CD, Groshong SD, Geraci MW, Tuder RM, Hyde DM, Henson PM. Increased lymphatic vessel length is associated with the fibroblast reticulum and disease severity in usual interstitial pneumonia and nonspecific interstitial pneumonia. Chest. 2012 Dec; 142(6):1569-1576. PMID: 22797508.
Cole C, Thomas S, Filak H, Henson PM, Lenz LL. Nitric oxide increases susceptibility of Toll-like receptor-activated macrophages to spreading Listeria monocytogenes. Immunity. 2012 May 25; 36(5):807-20. PMID: 22542147.
Kearns MT, Dalal S, Horstmann SA, Richens TR, Tanaka T, Doe JM, Boe DM, Voelkel NF, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Janssen WJ, Lee CG, Elias JA, Bratton D, Tuder RM, Henson PM, Vandivier RW. Vascular endothelial growth factor enhances macrophage clearance of apoptotic cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012 Apr 01; 302(7):L711-8. PMID: 22307908.
Janssen WJ, Henson PM. Cellular regulation of the inflammatory response. Toxicol Pathol. 2012; 40(2):166-73. PMID: 22089838.
Korns D, Frasch SC, Fernandez-Boyanapalli R, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Modulation of macrophage efferocytosis in inflammation. Front Immunol. 2011; 2:57. PMID: 22566847.
Janssen WJ, Barthel L, Muldrow A, Oberley-Deegan RE, Kearns MT, Jakubzick C, Henson PM. Fas determines differential fates of resident and recruited macrophages during resolution of acute lung injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011 Sep 01; 184(5):547-60. PMID: 21471090.
Zemans RL, Briones N, Campbell M, McClendon J, Young SK, Suzuki T, Yang IV, De Langhe S, Reynolds SD, Mason RJ, Kahn M, Henson PM, Colgan SP, Downey GP. Neutrophil transmigration triggers repair of the lung epithelium via beta-catenin signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Sep 20; 108(38):15990-5. PMID: 21880956.
Desch AN, Randolph GJ, Murphy K, Gautier EL, Kedl RM, Lahoud MH, Caminschi I, Shortman K, Henson PM, Jakubzick CV. CD103+ pulmonary dendritic cells preferentially acquire and present apoptotic cell-associated antigen. J Exp Med. 2011 Aug 29; 208(9):1789-97. PMID: 21859845.
Kenyon KD, Cole C, Crawford F, Kappler JW, Thurman JM, Bratton DL, Boackle SA, Henson PM. IgG autoantibodies against deposited C3 inhibit macrophage-mediated apoptotic cell engulfment in systemic autoimmunity. J Immunol. 2011 Sep 01; 187(5):2101-11. PMID: 21813769.
Bratton DL, Henson PM. Neutrophil clearance: when the party is over, clean-up begins. Trends Immunol. 2011 Aug; 32(8):350-7. PMID: 21782511.
Redente EF, Jacobsen KM, Solomon JJ, Lara AR, Faubel S, Keith RC, Henson PM, Downey GP, Riches DW. Age and sex dimorphisms contribute to the severity of bleomycin-induced lung injury and fibrosis. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2011 Oct; 301(4):L510-8. PMID: 21743030.
Zoller EE, Lykens JE, Terrell CE, Aliberti J, Filipovich AH, Henson PM, Jordan MB. Hemophagocytosis causes a consumptive anemia of inflammation. J Exp Med. 2011 Jun 06; 208(6):1203-14. PMID: 21624938.
Berry KA, Li B, Reynolds SD, Barkley RM, Gij?n MA, Hankin JA, Henson PM, Murphy RC. MALDI imaging MS of phospholipids in the mouse lung. J Lipid Res. 2011 Aug; 52(8):1551-60. PMID: 21508254.
Frasch SC, Fernandez-Boyanapalli RF, Berry KZ, Leslie CC, Bonventre JV, Murphy RC, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Signaling via macrophage G2A enhances efferocytosis of dying neutrophils by augmentation of Rac activity. J Biol Chem. 2011 Apr 08; 286(14):12108-22. PMID: 21297111.
Park HJ, Choi YH, Cho YJ, Henson PM, Kang JL. RhoA-mediated signaling up-regulates hepatocyte growth factor gene and protein expression in response to apoptotic cells. J Leukoc Biol. 2011 Mar; 89(3):399-411. PMID: 21148681.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli R, McPhillips KA, Frasch SC, Janssen WJ, Dinauer MC, Riches DW, Henson PM, Byrne A, Bratton DL. Impaired phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages in chronic granulomatous disease is reversed by IFN-? in a nitric oxide-dependent manner. J Immunol. 2010 Oct 01; 185(7):4030-41. PMID: 20805415.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli R, Frasch SC, Riches DW, Vandivier RW, Henson PM, Bratton DL. PPAR? activation normalizes resolution of acute sterile inflammation in murine chronic granulomatous disease. Blood. 2010 Nov 25; 116(22):4512-22. PMID: 20693431.
Hong X, Zang J, White J, Wang C, Pan CH, Zhao R, Murphy RC, Dai S, Henson P, Kappler JW, Hagman J, Zhang G. Interaction of JMJD6 with single-stranded RNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Aug 17; 107(33):14568-72. PMID: 20679243.
Bo? DM, Richens TR, Horstmann SA, Burnham EL, Janssen WJ, Henson PM, Moss M, Vandivier RW. Acute and chronic alcohol exposure impair the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells and enhance the pulmonary inflammatory response. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2010 Oct; 34(10):1723-32. PMID: 20608904.
Henson PM, Downey GP, Irvin CG. It's much more than just pretty pictures. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2010 May; 42(5):515-6. PMID: 20393072.
Janssen WJ, Muldrow A, Kearns MT, Barthel L, Henson PM. Development and characterization of a lung-protective method of bone marrow transplantation in the mouse. J Immunol Methods. 2010 May 31; 357(1-2):1-9. PMID: 20347833.
Henson PM. Phagocytosis: invitation to a feast. Curr Biol. 2009 Nov 17; 19(21):R989-91. PMID: 19922857.
Borges VM, Vandivier RW, McPhillips KA, Kench JA, Morimoto K, Groshong SD, Richens TR, Graham BB, Muldrow AM, Van Heule L, Henson PM, Janssen WJ. TNFalpha inhibits apoptotic cell clearance in the lung, exacerbating acute inflammation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2009 Oct; 297(4):L586-95. PMID: 19648283.
Vandivier RW, Richens TR, Horstmann SA, deCathelineau AM, Ghosh M, Reynolds SD, Xiao YQ, Riches DW, Plumb J, Vachon E, Downey GP, Henson PM. Dysfunctional cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator inhibits phagocytosis of apoptotic cells with proinflammatory consequences. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2009 Oct; 297(4):L677-86. PMID: 19633071.
Monks J, Henson PM. Differentiation of the mammary epithelial cell during involution: implications for breast cancer. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2009 Jun; 14(2):159-70. PMID: 19408104.
Anwar A, Keating AK, Joung D, Sather S, Kim GK, Sawczyn KK, Brand?o L, Henson PM, Graham DK. Mer tyrosine kinase (MerTK) promotes macrophage survival following exposure to oxidative stress. J Leukoc Biol. 2009 Jul; 86(1):73-9. PMID: 19386698.
Guth AM, Janssen WJ, Bosio CM, Crouch EC, Henson PM, Dow SW. Lung environment determines unique phenotype of alveolar macrophages. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2009 Jun; 296(6):L936-46. PMID: 19304907.
Richens TR, Linderman DJ, Horstmann SA, Lambert C, Xiao YQ, Keith RL, Bo? DM, Morimoto K, Bowler RP, Day BJ, Janssen WJ, Henson PM, Vandivier RW. Cigarette smoke impairs clearance of apoptotic cells through oxidant-dependent activation of RhoA. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2009 Jun 01; 179(11):1011-21. PMID: 19264974.
Nakanishi Y, Henson PM, Shiratsuchi A. Pattern recognition in phagocytic clearance of altered self. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2009; 653:129-38. PMID: 19799116.
Yun JH, Henson PM, Tuder RM. Phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cells: role in lung disease. Expert Rev Respir Med. 2008 Dec; 2(6):753-65. PMID: 20477237.
Berry KA, Henson PM, Murphy RC. Effects of acrolein on leukotriene biosynthesis in human neutrophils. Chem Res Toxicol. 2008 Dec; 21(12):2424-32. PMID: 19548361.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli RF, Frasch SC, McPhillips K, Vandivier RW, Harry BL, Riches DW, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Impaired apoptotic cell clearance in CGD due to altered macrophage programming is reversed by phosphatidylserine-dependent production of IL-4. Blood. 2009 Feb 26; 113(9):2047-55. PMID: 18952895.
Frasch SC, Berry KZ, Fernandez-Boyanapalli R, Jin HS, Leslie C, Henson PM, Murphy RC, Bratton DL. NADPH oxidase-dependent generation of lysophosphatidylserine enhances clearance of activated and dying neutrophils via G2A. J Biol Chem. 2008 Nov 28; 283(48):33736-49. PMID: 18824544.
Xiao YQ, Freire-de-Lima CG, Schiemann WP, Bratton DL, Vandivier RW, Henson PM. Transcriptional and translational regulation of TGF-beta production in response to apoptotic cells. J Immunol. 2008 Sep 01; 181(5):3575-85. PMID: 18714031.
Janssen WJ, McPhillips KA, Dickinson MG, Linderman DJ, Morimoto K, Xiao YQ, Oldham KM, Vandivier RW, Henson PM, Gardai SJ. Surfactant proteins A and D suppress alveolar macrophage phagocytosis via interaction with SIRP alpha. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2008 Jul 15; 178(2):158-67. PMID: 18420961.
Bratton DL, Henson PM. Apoptotic cell recognition: will the real phosphatidylserine receptor(s) please stand up? Curr Biol. 2008 Jan 22; 18(2):R76-9. PMID: 18211846.
Henson PM, Tuder RM. Apoptosis in the lung: induction, clearance and detection. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2008 Apr; 294(4):L601-11. PMID: 18178675.
Monks J, Smith-Steinhart C, Kruk ER, Fadok VA, Henson PM. Epithelial cells remove apoptotic epithelial cells during post-lactation involution of the mouse mammary gland. Biol Reprod. 2008 Apr; 78(4):586-94. PMID: 18057312.
Babu AN, Murakawa T, Thurman JM, Miller EJ, Henson PM, Zamora MR, Voelkel NF, Nicolls MR. Microvascular destruction identifies murine allografts that cannot be rescued from airway fibrosis. J Clin Invest. 2007 Dec; 117(12):3774-85. PMID: 18060031.
Nix RN, Altschuler SE, Henson PM, Detweiler CS. Hemophagocytic macrophages harbor Salmonella enterica during persistent infection. PLoS Pathog. 2007 Dec; 3(12):e193. PMID: 18085823.
Erwig LP, Henson PM. Immunological consequences of apoptotic cell phagocytosis. Am J Pathol. 2007 Jul; 171(1):2-8. PMID: 17591947.
McPhillips K, Janssen WJ, Ghosh M, Byrne A, Gardai S, Remigio L, Bratton DL, Kang JL, Henson P. TNF-alpha inhibits macrophage clearance of apoptotic cells via cytosolic phospholipase A2 and oxidant-dependent mechanisms. J Immunol. 2007 Jun 15; 178(12):8117-26. PMID: 17548650.
Erwig LP, Henson PM. Clearance of apoptotic cells by phagocytes. Cell Death Differ. 2008 Feb; 15(2):243-50. PMID: 17571081.
Frasch SC, Zemski-Berry K, Murphy RC, Borregaard N, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Lysophospholipids of different classes mobilize neutrophil secretory vesicles and induce redundant signaling through G2A. J Immunol. 2007 May 15; 178(10):6540-8. PMID: 17475884.
Henson PM, Vandivier RW, Douglas IS. Cell death, remodeling, and repair in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Proc Am Thorac Soc. 2006 Nov; 3(8):713-7. PMID: 17065379.
Freire-de-Lima CG, Xiao YQ, Gardai SJ, Bratton DL, Schiemann WP, Henson PM. Apoptotic cells, through transforming growth factor-beta, coordinately induce anti-inflammatory and suppress pro-inflammatory eicosanoid and NO synthesis in murine macrophages. J Biol Chem. 2006 Dec 15; 281(50):38376-84. PMID: 17056601.
Sather S, Kenyon KD, Lefkowitz JB, Liang X, Varnum BC, Henson PM, Graham DK. A soluble form of the Mer receptor tyrosine kinase inhibits macrophage clearance of apoptotic cells and platelet aggregation. Blood. 2007 Feb 01; 109(3):1026-33. PMID: 17047157.
Erwig LP, McPhilips KA, Wynes MW, Ivetic A, Ridley AJ, Henson PM. Differential regulation of phagosome maturation in macrophages and dendritic cells mediated by Rho GTPases and ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Aug 22; 103(34):12825-30. PMID: 16908865.
Jehle AW, Gardai SJ, Li S, Linsel-Nitschke P, Morimoto K, Janssen WJ, Vandivier RW, Wang N, Greenberg S, Dale BM, Qin C, Henson PM, Tall AR. ATP-binding cassette transporter A7 enhances phagocytosis of apoptotic cells and associated ERK signaling in macrophages. J Cell Biol. 2006 Aug 14; 174(4):547-56. PMID: 16908670.
Henson PM, Cosgrove GP, Vandivier RW. State of the art. Apoptosis and cell homeostasis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Proc Am Thorac Soc. 2006 Aug; 3(6):512-6. PMID: 16921132.
Morimoto K, Janssen WJ, Fessler MB, Xiao YQ, McPhillips KA, Borges VM, Kench JA, Henson PM, Vandivier RW. Statins enhance clearance of apoptotic cells through modulation of Rho-GTPases. Proc Am Thorac Soc. 2006 Aug; 3(6):516-7. PMID: 16921133.
Cool CD, Groshong SD, Rai PR, Henson PM, Stewart JS, Brown KK. Fibroblast foci are not discrete sites of lung injury or repair: the fibroblast reticulum. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 Sep 15; 174(6):654-8. PMID: 16799077.
Morimoto K, Janssen WJ, Fessler MB, McPhillips KA, Borges VM, Bowler RP, Xiao YQ, Kench JA, Henson PM, Vandivier RW. Lovastatin enhances clearance of apoptotic cells (efferocytosis) with implications for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Immunol. 2006 Jun 15; 176(12):7657-65. PMID: 16751413.
Vandivier RW, Henson PM, Douglas IS. Burying the dead: the impact of failed apoptotic cell removal (efferocytosis) on chronic inflammatory lung disease. Chest. 2006 Jun; 129(6):1673-82. PMID: 16778289.
Gardai SJ, Bratton DL, Ogden CA, Henson PM. Recognition ligands on apoptotic cells: a perspective. J Leukoc Biol. 2006 May; 79(5):896-903. PMID: 16641135.
Skoberne M, Somersan S, Almodovar W, Truong T, Petrova K, Henson PM, Bhardwaj N. The apoptotic-cell receptor CR3, but not alphavbeta5, is a regulator of human dendritic-cell immunostimulatory function. Blood. 2006 Aug 01; 108(3):947-55. PMID: 16614246.
Henson PM, Hume DA. Apoptotic cell removal in development and tissue homeostasis. Trends Immunol. 2006 May; 27(5):244-50. PMID: 16584921.
Henson PM, Vandivier RW. The matrix degrades, neutrophils invade. Nat Med. 2006 Mar; 12(3):280-1. PMID: 16520772.
Xiao YQ, Freire-de-Lima CG, Janssen WJ, Morimoto K, Lyu D, Bratton DL, Henson PM. Oxidants selectively reverse TGF-beta suppression of proinflammatory mediator production. J Immunol. 2006 Jan 15; 176(2):1209-17. PMID: 16394011.
Stuart LM, Henson PM, Vandivier RW. Collectins: opsonins for apoptotic cells and regulators of inflammation. Curr Dir Autoimmun. 2006; 9:143-61. PMID: 16394659.
Henson PM. Dampening inflammation. Nat Immunol. 2005 Dec; 6(12):1179-81. PMID: 16369556.
Gardai SJ, McPhillips KA, Frasch SC, Janssen WJ, Starefeldt A, Murphy-Ullrich JE, Bratton DL, Oldenborg PA, Michalak M, Henson PM. Cell-surface calreticulin initiates clearance of viable or apoptotic cells through trans-activation of LRP on the phagocyte. Cell. 2005 Oct 21; 123(2):321-34. PMID: 16239148.
Murakawa T, Kerklo MM, Zamora MR, Wei Y, Gill RG, Henson PM, Grover FL, Nicolls MR. Simultaneous LFA-1 and CD40 ligand antagonism prevents airway remodeling in orthotopic airway transplantation: implications for the role of respiratory epithelium as a modulator of fibrosis. J Immunol. 2005 Apr 01; 174(7):3869-79. PMID: 15778341.
Hoffmann PR, Kench JA, Vondracek A, Kruk E, Daleke DL, Jordan M, Marrack P, Henson PM, Fadok VA. Interaction between phosphatidylserine and the phosphatidylserine receptor inhibits immune responses in vivo. J Immunol. 2005 Feb 01; 174(3):1393-404. PMID: 15661897.
Henson PM. Engulfment: ingestion and migration with Rac, Rho and TRIO. Curr Biol. 2005 Jan 11; 15(1):R29-30. PMID: 15649349.
Bratton DL, Henson PM. Autoimmunity and apoptosis: refusing to go quietly. Nat Med. 2005 Jan; 11(1):26-7. PMID: 15635442.
Henson PM. Fingering IL-12 with apoptotic cells. Immunity. 2004 Nov; 21(5):604-6. PMID: 15539147.
Golpon HA, Fadok VA, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Scerbavicius R, Sauer C, Welte T, Henson PM, Voelkel NF. Life after corpse engulfment: phagocytosis of apoptotic cells leads to VEGF secretion and cell growth. FASEB J. 2004 Nov; 18(14):1716-8. PMID: 15345697.
Manaka J, Kuraishi T, Shiratsuchi A, Nakai Y, Higashida H, Henson P, Nakanishi Y. Draper-mediated and phosphatidylserine-independent phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by Drosophila hemocytes/macrophages. J Biol Chem. 2004 Nov 12; 279(46):48466-76. PMID: 15342648.
Gardai SJ, Whitlock BB, Xiao YQ, Bratton DB, Henson PM. Oxidants inhibit ERK/MAPK and prevent its ability to delay neutrophil apoptosis downstream of mitochondrial changes and at the level of XIAP. J Biol Chem. 2004 Oct 22; 279(43):44695-703. PMID: 15292176.
Suratt BT, Petty JM, Young SK, Malcolm KC, Lieber JG, Nick JA, Gonzalo JA, Henson PM, Worthen GS. Role of the CXCR4/SDF-1 chemokine axis in circulating neutrophil homeostasis. Blood. 2004 Jul 15; 104(2):565-71. PMID: 15054039.
Gardai SJ, Hildeman DA, Frankel SK, Whitlock BB, Frasch SC, Borregaard N, Marrack P, Bratton DL, Henson PM. Phosphorylation of Bax Ser184 by Akt regulates its activity and apoptosis in neutrophils. J Biol Chem. 2004 May 14; 279(20):21085-95. PMID: 14766748.
Frasch SC, Henson PM, Nagaosa K, Fessler MB, Borregaard N, Bratton DL. Phospholipid flip-flop and phospholipid scramblase 1 (PLSCR1) co-localize to uropod rafts in formylated Met-Leu-Phe-stimulated neutrophils. J Biol Chem. 2004 Apr 23; 279(17):17625-33. PMID: 14766753.
Wang X, Wu YC, Fadok VA, Lee MC, Gengyo-Ando K, Cheng LC, Ledwich D, Hsu PK, Chen JY, Chou BK, Henson P, Mitani S, Xue D. Cell corpse engulfment mediated by C. elegans phosphatidylserine receptor through CED-5 and CED-12. Science. 2003 Nov 28; 302(5650):1563-6. PMID: 14645848.
Gardai SJ, Xiao YQ, Dickinson M, Nick JA, Voelker DR, Greene KE, Henson PM. By binding SIRPalpha or calreticulin/CD91, lung collectins act as dual function surveillance molecules to suppress or enhance inflammation. Cell. 2003 Oct 03; 115(1):13-23. PMID: 14531999.
Henson PM. Possible roles for apoptosis and apoptotic cell recognition in inflammation and fibrosis. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2003 Sep; 29(3 Suppl):S70-6. PMID: 14503559.
Fadok VA, Henson PM. Apoptosis: giving phosphatidylserine recognition an assist--with a twist. Curr Biol. 2003 Aug 19; 13(16):R655-7. PMID: 12932346.
Tuder RM, Petrache I, Elias JA, Voelkel NF, Henson PM. Apoptosis and emphysema: the missing link. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2003 May; 28(5):551-4. PMID: 12707010.
Sala A, Profita M, Siena L, Henson PM, Murphy RC, Patern? A, Bonanno A, Riccobono L, Mirabella A, Bonsignore G, Vignola AM. Il-4-induced lipid mediators class switching in human normal mononuclear phagocytes. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2003; 525:15-8. PMID: 12751729.
Gardai SJ, Hoontrakoon R, Goddard CD, Day BJ, Chang LY, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Oxidant-mediated mitochondrial injury in eosinophil apoptosis: enhancement by glucocorticoids and inhibition by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. J Immunol. 2003 Jan 01; 170(1):556-66. PMID: 12496443.
deCathelineau AM, Henson PM. The final step in programmed cell death: phagocytes carry apoptotic cells to the grave. Essays Biochem. 2003; 39:105-17. PMID: 14585077.
Teder P, Vandivier RW, Jiang D, Liang J, Cohn L, Pur? E, Henson PM, Noble PW. Resolution of lung inflammation by CD44. Science. 2002 Apr 05; 296(5565):155-8. PMID: 11935029.
Hoontrakoon R, Chu HW, Gardai SJ, Wenzel SE, McDonald P, Fadok VA, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Interleukin-15 inhibits spontaneous apoptosis in human eosinophils via autocrine production of granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor and nuclear factor-kappaB activation. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2002 Apr; 26(4):404-12. PMID: 11919076.
Vandivier RW, Fadok VA, Hoffmann PR, Bratton DL, Penvari C, Brown KK, Brain JD, Accurso FJ, Henson PM. Elastase-mediated phosphatidylserine receptor cleavage impairs apoptotic cell clearance in cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis. J Clin Invest. 2002 Mar; 109(5):661-70. PMID: 11877474.
Profita M, Sala A, Siena L, Henson PM, Murphy RC, Patern? A, Bonanno A, Riccobono L, Mirabella A, Bonsignore G, Vignola AM. Leukotriene B4 production in human mononuclear phagocytes is modulated by interleukin-4-induced 15-lipoxygenase. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2002 Mar; 300(3):868-75. PMID: 11861792.
Vandivier RW, Fadok VA, Ogden CA, Hoffmann PR, Brain JD, Accurso FJ, Fisher JH, Greene KE, Henson PM. Impaired clearance of apoptotic cells from cystic fibrosis airways. Chest. 2002 Mar; 121(3 Suppl):89S. PMID: 11893715.
Huynh ML, Fadok VA, Henson PM. Phosphatidylserine-dependent ingestion of apoptotic cells promotes TGF-beta1 secretion and the resolution of inflammation. J Clin Invest. 2002 Jan; 109(1):41-50. PMID: 11781349.
Su HP, Nakada-Tsukui K, Tosello-Trampont AC, Li Y, Bu G, Henson PM, Ravichandran KS. Interaction of CED-6/GULP, an adapter protein involved in engulfment of apoptotic cells with CED-1 and CD91/low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP). J Biol Chem. 2002 Apr 05; 277(14):11772-9. PMID: 11729193.
Gardai S, Whitlock BB, Helgason C, Ambruso D, Fadok V, Bratton D, Henson PM. Activation of SHIP by NADPH oxidase-stimulated Lyn leads to enhanced apoptosis in neutrophils. J Biol Chem. 2002 Feb 15; 277(7):5236-46. PMID: 11724799.
Hoffmann PR, deCathelineau AM, Ogden CA, Leverrier Y, Bratton DL, Daleke DL, Ridley AJ, Fadok VA, Henson PM. Phosphatidylserine (PS) induces PS receptor-mediated macropinocytosis and promotes clearance of apoptotic cells. J Cell Biol. 2001 Nov 12; 155(4):649-59. PMID: 11706053.
Suratt BT, Young SK, Lieber J, Nick JA, Henson PM, Worthen GS. Neutrophil maturation and activation determine anatomic site of clearance from circulation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2001 Oct; 281(4):L913-21. PMID: 11557595.
Ogden CA, deCathelineau A, Hoffmann PR, Bratton D, Ghebrehiwet B, Fadok VA, Henson PM. C1q and mannose binding lectin engagement of cell surface calreticulin and CD91 initiates macropinocytosis and uptake of apoptotic cells. J Exp Med. 2001 Sep 17; 194(6):781-95. PMID: 11560994.
Fadok VA, Bratton DL, Guthrie L, Henson PM. Differential effects of apoptotic versus lysed cells on macrophage production of cytokines: role of proteases. J Immunol. 2001 Jun 01; 166(11):6847-54. PMID: 11359844.
Fadok VA, Daleke DL, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Loss of phospholipid asymmetry and surface exposure of phosphatidylserine is required for phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages and fibroblasts. J Biol Chem. 2001 Jan 12; 276(2):1071-7. PMID: 10986279.
Whitlock BB, Gardai S, Fadok V, Bratton D, Henson PM. Differential roles for alpha(M)beta(2) integrin clustering or activation in the control of apoptosis via regulation of akt and ERK survival mechanisms. J Cell Biol. 2000 Dec 11; 151(6):1305-20. PMID: 11121444.
Avdi NJ, Nick JA, Whitlock BB, Billstrom MA, Henson PM, Johnson GL, Worthen GS. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway in human neutrophils. Integrin involvement in a pathway leading from cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases apoptosis. J Biol Chem. 2001 Jan 19; 276(3):2189-99. PMID: 11053415.
Bowers RC, Hevko J, Henson PM, Murphy RC. A novel glutathione containing eicosanoid (FOG7) chemotactic for human granulocytes. J Biol Chem. 2000 Sep 29; 275(39):29931-4. PMID: 10924496.
Henson P. Complementing asthma. Nat Immunol. 2000 Sep; 1(3):190-2. PMID: 10973272.
Taylor PR, Carugati A, Fadok VA, Cook HT, Andrews M, Carroll MC, Savill JS, Henson PM, Botto M, Walport MJ. A hierarchical role for classical pathway complement proteins in the clearance of apoptotic cells in vivo. J Exp Med. 2000 Aug 07; 192(3):359-66. PMID: 10934224.
Frasch SC, Henson PM, Kailey JM, Richter DA, Janes MS, Fadok VA, Bratton DL. Regulation of phospholipid scramblase activity during apoptosis and cell activation by protein kinase Cdelta. J Biol Chem. 2000 Jul 28; 275(30):23065-73. PMID: 10770950.
Yujiri T, Ware M, Widmann C, Oyer R, Russell D, Chan E, Zaitsu Y, Clarke P, Tyler K, Oka Y, Fanger GR, Henson P, Johnson GL. MEK kinase 1 gene disruption alters cell migration and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase regulation but does not cause a measurable defect in NF-kappa B activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Jun 20; 97(13):7272-7. PMID: 10852963.
Fadok VA, Bratton DL, Rose DM, Pearson A, Ezekewitz RA, Henson PM. A receptor for phosphatidylserine-specific clearance of apoptotic cells. Nature. 2000 May 04; 405(6782):85-90. PMID: 10811223.
Nick JA, Young SK, Brown KK, Avdi NJ, Arndt PG, Suratt BT, Janes MS, Henson PM, Worthen GS. Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in a murine model of pulmonary inflammation. J Immunol. 2000 Feb 15; 164(4):2151-9. PMID: 10657669.
McDonald PP, Fadok VA, Bratton D, Henson PM. Transcriptional and translational regulation of inflammatory mediator production by endogenous TGF-beta in macrophages that have ingested apoptotic cells. J Immunol. 1999 Dec 01; 163(11):6164-72. PMID: 10570307.
Bratton DL, Fadok VA, Richter DA, Kailey JM, Frasch SC, Nakamura T, Henson PM. Polyamine regulation of plasma membrane phospholipid flip-flop during apoptosis. J Biol Chem. 1999 Oct 01; 274(40):28113-20. PMID: 10497162.
Sala A, Zarini S, Folco G, Murphy RC, Henson PM. Differential metabolism of exogenous and endogenous arachidonic acid in human neutrophils. J Biol Chem. 1999 Oct 01; 274(40):28264-9. PMID: 10497182.
Kench JA, Russell DM, Fadok VA, Young SK, Worthen GS, Jones-Carson J, Henson JE, Henson PM, Nemazee D. Aberrant wound healing and TGF-beta production in the autoimmune-prone MRL/+ mouse. Clin Immunol. 1999 Sep; 92(3):300-10. PMID: 10479535.
Nick JA, Avdi NJ, Young SK, McDonald PP, Billstrom MA, Henson PM, Johnson GL, Worthen GS. An intracellular signaling pathway linking lipopolysaccharide stimulation to cellular responses of the human neutrophil: the p38 MAP kinase cascade and its functional significance. Chest. 1999 Jul; 116(1 Suppl):54S-55S. PMID: 10424591.
Hildeman DA, Mitchell T, Teague TK, Henson P, Day BJ, Kappler J, Marrack PC. Reactive oxygen species regulate activation-induced T cell apoptosis. Immunity. 1999 Jun; 10(6):735-44. PMID: 10403648.
Nick JA, Avdi NJ, Young SK, Lehman LA, McDonald PP, Frasch SC, Billstrom MA, Henson PM, Johnson GL, Worthen GS. Selective activation and functional significance of p38alpha mitogen-activated protein kinase in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated neutrophils. J Clin Invest. 1999 Mar; 103(6):851-8. PMID: 10079106.
Thomas G, Selak M, Henson PM. Effects of the aqueous fraction of the ethanol extract of the leaves of Cissampelos sympodialis Eichl. in human neutrophils. Phytother Res. 1999 Feb; 13(1):9-13. PMID: 10189943.
Fadok VA, Warner ML, Bratton DL, Henson PM. CD36 is required for phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by human macrophages that use either a phosphatidylserine receptor or the vitronectin receptor (alpha v beta 3). J Immunol. 1998 Dec 01; 161(11):6250-7. PMID: 9834113.
Fadok VA, McDonald PP, Bratton DL, Henson PM. Regulation of macrophage cytokine production by phagocytosis of apoptotic and post-apoptotic cells. Biochem Soc Trans. 1998 Nov; 26(4):653-6. PMID: 10047800.
Fiedler J, Wheelan P, Henson PM, Murphy RC. Exogenous leukotriene B4 (LTB4) inhibits human neutrophil generation of LTB4 from endogenous arachidonic acid during opsonized zymosan phagocytosis. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1998 Oct; 287(1):150-6. PMID: 9765334.
Fadok VA, Henson PM. Apoptosis: getting rid of the bodies. Curr Biol. 1998 Sep 24; 8(19):R693-5. PMID: 9768356.
Nakamura T, Henson PM, Murphy RC. Occurrence of oxidized metabolites of arachidonic acid esterified to phospholipids in murine lung tissue. Anal Biochem. 1998 Aug 15; 262(1):23-32. PMID: 9735144.
Fadok VA, Bratton DL, Frasch SC, Warner ML, Henson PM. The role of phosphatidylserine in recognition of apoptotic cells by phagocytes. Cell Death Differ. 1998 Jul; 5(7):551-62. PMID: 10200509.
Frasch SC, Nick JA, Fadok VA, Bratton DL, Worthen GS, Henson PM. p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent and -independent intracellular signal transduction pathways leading to apoptosis in human neutrophils. J Biol Chem. 1998 Apr 03; 273(14):8389-97. PMID: 9525949.
Fadok VA, Bratton DL, Konowal A, Freed PW, Westcott JY, Henson PM. Macrophages that have ingested apoptotic cells in vitro inhibit proinflammatory cytokine production through autocrine/paracrine mechanisms involving TGF-beta, PGE2, and PAF. J Clin Invest. 1998 Feb 15; 101(4):890-8. PMID: 9466984.
Brown KK, Henson PM, Maclouf J, Moyle M, Ely JA, Worthen GS. Neutrophil-platelet adhesion: relative roles of platelet P-selectin and neutrophil beta2 (DC18) integrins. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1998 Jan; 18(1):100-10. PMID: 9448051.
Fournier T, Fadok V, Henson PM. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha inversely regulates prostaglandin D2 and prostaglandin E2 production in murine macrophages. Synergistic action of cyclic AMP on cyclooxygenase-2 expression and prostaglandin E2 synthesis. J Biol Chem. 1997 Dec 05; 272(49):31065-72. PMID: 9388257.
Bratton DL, Fadok VA, Richter DA, Kailey JM, Guthrie LA, Henson PM. Appearance of phosphatidylserine on apoptotic cells requires calcium-mediated nonspecific flip-flop and is enhanced by loss of the aminophospholipid translocase. J Biol Chem. 1997 Oct 17; 272(42):26159-65. PMID: 9334182.
Rose DM, Winston BW, Chan ED, Riches DW, Henson PM. Interferon-gamma and transforming growth factor-beta modulate the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and tumor necrosis factor-alpha production induced by Fc gamma-receptor stimulation in murine macrophages. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1997 Sep 08; 238(1):256-60. PMID: 9299489.
Rose DM, Winston BW, Chan ED, Riches DW, Gerwins P, Johnson GL, Henson PM. Fc gamma receptor cross-linking activates p42, p38, and JNK/SAPK mitogen-activated protein kinases in murine macrophages: role for p42MAPK in Fc gamma receptor-stimulated TNF-alpha synthesis. J Immunol. 1997 Apr 01; 158(7):3433-8. PMID: 9120304.
Sala A, Folco G, Henson PM, Murphy RC. Pharmacological modulation of human platelet leukotriene C4-synthase. Biochem Pharmacol. 1997 Mar 21; 53(6):905-8. PMID: 9113110.
Hyde DM, Downey GP, Tablin F, Rosengren S, Giclas PC, Henson PM, Worthen GS. Age-dependent neutrophil and blood flow responsiveness in acute pulmonary inflammation in rabbits. Am J Physiol. 1997 Mar; 272(3 Pt 1):L471-8. PMID: 9124604.
Henson P. A complement to host defence. Nature. 1996 Sep 05; 383(6595):25-6. PMID: 8779710.
Rose DM, Fadok VA, Riches DW, Clay KL, Henson PM. Autocrine/paracrine involvement of platelet-activating factor and transforming growth factor-beta in the induction of phosphatidylserine recognition by murine macrophages. J Immunol. 1995 Dec 15; 155(12):5819-25. PMID: 7499871.
Fournier T, Riches DW, Winston BW, Rose DM, Young SK, Noble PW, Lake FR, Henson PM. Divergence in macrophage insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) synthesis induced by TNF-alpha and prostaglandin E2. J Immunol. 1995 Aug 15; 155(4):2123-33. PMID: 7636260.
Hellewell PG, Young SK, Henson PM, Worthen GS. Paradoxic effect of ibuprofen on neutrophil accumulation in pulmonary and cutaneous inflammation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1995 Apr; 151(4):1218-27. PMID: 7697256.
Hill E, MacMillan D, Sala A, Henson PM, Murphy RC. Properties of LTA4 synthase in human neutrophil preparations. Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukot Res. 1995; 23:155-7. PMID: 7732823.
Rosengren S, Henson PM, Worthen GS. Migration-associated volume changes in neutrophils facilitate the migratory process in vitro. Am J Physiol. 1994 Dec; 267(6 Pt 1):C1623-32. PMID: 7810604.
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Hall SE, Savill JS, Henson PM, Haslett C. Apoptotic neutrophils are phagocytosed by fibroblasts with participation of the fibroblast vitronectin receptor and involvement of a mannose/fucose-specific lectin. J Immunol. 1994 Oct 01; 153(7):3218-27. PMID: 7522254.
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Cotter TG, Keeling PJ, Henson PM. A monoclonal antibody-inhibiting FMLP-induced chemotaxis of human neutrophils. J Immunol. 1981 Dec; 127(6):2241-5. PMID: 7053244.
Henson PM. Platelet-activating factor (PAF) as a mediator of neutrophil-platelet interactions in inflammation. Agents Actions. 1981 Dec; 11(6-7):545-7. PMID: 6803533.
Daniele RP, Henson PM, Fantone JC, Ward PA, Dreisin RB. Immune complex injury of the lung. Symposium held at the 74th annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 1979. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1981 Dec; 124(6):738-55. PMID: 6459046.
Cotter TG, Spears P, Henson PM. A monoclonal antibody inhibiting human neutrophil chemotaxis and degranulation. J Immunol. 1981 Oct; 127(4):1355-60. PMID: 6268706.
Henson PM, Schwartzman NA, Zanolari B. Intracellular control of human neutrophil secretion. II. Stimulus specificity of desensitization induced by six different soluble and particulate stimuli. J Immunol. 1981 Aug; 127(2):754-9. PMID: 7019331.
Harrington-Fowler L, Henson PM, Wilder MS. Fate of Listeria monocytogenes in resident and activated macrophages. Infect Immun. 1981 Jul; 33(1):11-6. PMID: 6790438.
Wiggins RC, Giclas PC, Henson PM. Chemotactic activity generated from the fifth component of complement by plasma kallikrein of the rabbit. J Exp Med. 1981 Jun 01; 153(6):1391-404. PMID: 6910482.
Larsen GL, Mitchell BC, Henson PM. The pulmonary response of C5 sufficient and deficient mice to immune complexes. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1981 Apr; 123(4 Pt 1):434-9. PMID: 6452843.
McPhail LC, Henson PM, Johnston RB. Respiratory burst enzyme in human neutrophils. Evidence for multiple mechanisms of activation. J Clin Invest. 1981 Mar; 67(3):710-6. PMID: 6259208.
Perez HD, Goldstein IM, Webster RO, Henson PM. Enhancement of the chemotactic activity of human C5a des Arg by an anionic polypeptide ("cochemotaxin") in normal serum and plasma. J Immunol. 1981 Feb; 126(2):800-4. PMID: 7451994.
Henson PM, Betz SJ. Neutrophil and platelet interactions in "allergic" and inflammatory reactions: a role for acetyl glyceryl ether phosphorylcholine (platelet-activating factor). Kroc Found Ser. 1981; 14:51-66. PMID: 6947075.
Betz SJ, Lotner GZ, Henson PM. Generation and release of platelet-activating factor (PAF) from enriched preparations of rabbit basophils; failure of human basophils to release PAF. J Immunol. 1980 Dec; 125(6):2749-55. PMID: 6159420.
Henson PM. Mechanisms of exocytosis in phagocytic inflammatory cells. Parke-Davis Award Lecture. Am J Pathol. 1980 Dec; 101(3):494-511. PMID: 7004205.
Betz SJ, Henson PM. Production and release of platelet-activating factor (PAF); dissociation from degranulation and superoxide production in the human neutrophil. J Immunol. 1980 Dec; 125(6):2756-63. PMID: 6253571.
Newman SL, Musson RA, Henson PM. Development of functional complement receptors during in vitro maturation of human monocytes into macrophages. J Immunol. 1980 Nov; 125(5):2236-44. PMID: 7430626.
Musson RA, Shafran H, Henson PM. Intracellular levels and stimulated release of lysosomal enzymes from human peripheral blood monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages. J Reticuloendothel Soc. 1980 Sep; 28(3):249-64. PMID: 6251217.
Webster RO, Zanolari B, Henson PM. Neutrophil chemotaxis in response to surface-bound C5A. Exp Cell Res. 1980 Sep; 129(1):55-62. PMID: 7428814.
Larsen GL, McCarthy K, Webster RO, Henson J, Henson PM. A differential effect of C5a and C5a des Arg in the induction of pulmonary inflammation. Am J Pathol. 1980 Jul; 100(1):179-92. PMID: 7395964.
Webster RO, Hong SR, Johnston RB, Henson PM. Biologial effects of the human complement fragments C5a and C5ades Arg on neutrophil function. Immunopharmacology. 1980 Jun; 2(3):201-19. PMID: 6254906.
Chan-Yeung M, Giclas PC, Henson PM. Activation of complement by plicatic acid, the chemical compound responsible for asthma due to western red cedar (Thuja plicata). J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1980 May; 65(5):333-7. PMID: 6768786.
Shaw JO, Henson PM, Henson J, Webster RO. Lung inflammation induced by complement-derived chemotactic fragments in the alveolus. Lab Invest. 1980 May; 42(5):547-58. PMID: 7382429.
Shaw JO, Henson PM. The binding of rabbit basophil-derived platelet-activating factor to rabbit platelets. Am J Pathol. 1980 Mar; 98(3):791-810. PMID: 6987890.
Lotner GZ, Lynch JM, Betz SJ, Henson PM. Human neutrophil-derived platelet activating factor. J Immunol. 1980 Feb; 124(2):676-84. PMID: 7356708.
Bentwood BJ, Henson PM. The sequential release of granule constitutents from human neutrophils. J Immunol. 1980 Feb; 124(2):855-62. PMID: 6153206.
Perez HD, Goldstein IM, Chernoff D, Webster RO, Henson PM. Chemotactic activity of C5ades Arg: evidence of a requirement for an anionic peptide 'helper factor' and inhibition by a cationic protein in serum from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Mol Immunol. 1980 Feb; 17(2):163-9. PMID: 7393228.
McCarthy K, Henson PM. Induction of lysosomal enzyme secretion by alveolar macrophages in response to the purified complement fragments C5a and C5a des-arg. J Immunol. 1979 Dec; 123(6):2511-7. PMID: 574148.
Doe WF, Henson PM. Macrophage stimulation by bacterial lipopolysaccharides. III. Selective unresponsiveness of C3H/HeJ macrophages to the lipid A differentiation signal. J Immunol. 1979 Nov; 123(5):2304-10. PMID: 385780.
Henson PM, McCarthy K, Larsen GL, Webster RO, Giclas PC, Dreisin RB, King TE, Shaw JO. Complement fragments, alveolar macrophages, and alveolitis. Am J Pathol. 1979 Oct; 97(1):93-110. PMID: 495697.
Lynch JM, Lotner GZ, Betz SJ, Henson PM. The release of a platelet-activating factor by stimulated rabbit neutrophils. J Immunol. 1979 Sep; 123(3):1219-26. PMID: 469247.
Musson RA, Henson PM. Humoral and formed elements of blood modulate the response of peripheral blood monocytes. I. Plasma and serum inhibit and platelets enhance monocyte adherence. J Immunol. 1979 May; 122(5):2026-31. PMID: 448114.
Orr W, Phan SH, Varani J, Ward PA, Kreutzer DL, Webster RO, Henson PM. Chemotactic factor for tumor cells derived from the C5a fragment of complement component C5. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Apr; 76(4):1986-9. PMID: 287038.
Ginsberg M, Henson P, Henson J, Kozin F. Mechanisms of platelet response to monosodium urate crystals. Am J Pathol. 1979 Mar; 94(3):549-68. PMID: 426039.
O'Donnell MC, Henson PM, Fiedel BA. Activation of human platelets by platelet activating factor (PAF) derived from sensitized rabbit basophils. Immunology. 1978 Dec; 35(6):953-8. PMID: 738767.
Shaw JO, Printz MP, Hirabayashi K, Henson PM. Role of prostaglandin synthesis in rabbit platelet activation induced by basophil-derived platelet-activating factor. J Immunol. 1978 Nov; 121(5):1939-45. PMID: 712073.
Henson PM, Zanolari B, Schwartzman NA, Hong SR. Intracellular control of human neutrophil secretion. I. C5a-induced stimulus-specific desensitization and the effects of cytochalasin B. J Immunol. 1978 Sep; 121(3):851-5. PMID: 211165.
Doe WF, Henson PM. Macrophage stimulation by bacterial lipopolysaccharides. I. Cytolytic effect on tumor target cells. J Exp Med. 1978 Aug 01; 148(2):544-56. PMID: 568163.
Shaw JO, Roberts MF, Ulevitch RJ, Henson P, Dennis EA. Phospholipase A2 contamination of cobra venom factor preparations. Biologic role in complement-dependent in vivo reactions and inactivation with p-bromophenacyl bromide. Am J Pathol. 1978 Jun; 91(3):517-30. PMID: 655262.
Ginsberg MH, Henson PM. Enhancement of platelet response to immune complexes and IgG aggregates by lipid A-rich bacterial lipopolysaccharides. J Exp Med. 1978 Jan 01; 147(1):207-17. PMID: 627836.
Henson PM, Pinckard RN. Basophil-derived platelet-activating factor (PAF) as an in vivo mediator of acute allergic reactions: demonstration of specific desensitization of platelets to PAF during IgE-induced anaphylaxis in the rabbit. J Immunol. 1977 Dec; 119(6):2179-84. PMID: 915294.
Pinckard RN, Halonen M, Palmer JD, Butler C, Shaw JO, Henson PM. Intravascular aggregation and pulmonary sequestration of platelets during IgE-induced systemic anaphylaxis in the rabbit: abrogation of lethal anaphylactic shock by platelet depletion. J Immunol. 1977 Dec; 119(6):2185-93. PMID: 915295.
Henson PM. Activation of rabbit platelets by platelet-activating factor derived from IgE-sensitized basophils. Characteristics of the aggregation and its dissociation from secretion. J Clin Invest. 1977 Aug; 60(2):481-90. PMID: 874106.
Kravis TC, Henson PM. Accumulation of platelets at sites of antigen-antibody-mediated injury: a possible role for IgE antibody and mast cells. J Immunol. 1977 May; 118(5):1569-73. PMID: 140191.
Henson PM, Pinckard RN. Platelet activating factor (PAF). A possible direct mediator of anaphylaxis in the rabbit and a trigger for the vascular deposition of circulating immune complexes. Monogr Allergy. 1977; 12:13-26. PMID: 335211.
Henson PM, Gould D, Becker EL. Activation of stimulus-specific serine esterases (proteases) in the initiation of platelet secretion. I. Demonstration with organophosphorus inhibitors. J Exp Med. 1976 Dec 01; 144(6):1657-73. PMID: 1003107.
Henson PM, Landes RR. Activation of platelets by platelet activating factor (PAF) derived from IgE-sensitized basophils. IV. PAF does not activate platelet factor 3 (PF3). Br J Haematol. 1976 Oct; 34(2):269-82. PMID: 974040.
Ulevitch RJ, Morrison DC, Cochrane CG, Henson PM. Complement independent lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced hypotension and disseminated intravascular coagulation: a correlation of LPS structure with in vivo and in vitro biological activities. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1976; 73 PT-A:339-49. PMID: 793350.
Henson PM. Membrane receptors on neutrophils. Immunol Commun. 1976; 5(9):757-74. PMID: 799616.
Henson PM. Secretion of lysosomal enzymes induced by immune complexes and complement. Front Biol. 1976; 45:99-126. PMID: 789129.
Ulevitch RJ, Cochrane CG, Henson PM, Morrison DC, Doe WF. Mediation systems in bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced hypotension and disseminated intravascular coagulation. I. The role of complement. J Exp Med. 1975 Dec 01; 142(6):1570-90. PMID: 1104750.
Kravis TC, Henson PM. IgE-induced release of a platelet-activating factor from rabbit lung. J Immunol. 1975 Dec; 115(6):1677-81. PMID: 52674.
Henson PM, Oades ZG. Stimulation of human neutrophils by soluble and insoluble immunoglobulin aggregates. Secretion of granule constituents and increased oxidation of glucose. J Clin Invest. 1975 Oct; 56(4):1053-61. PMID: 51031.
Henson PM, Cochrane CG. The effect of complement depletion on experimental tissue injury. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1975 Jun 13; 256:426-40. PMID: 126034.
Morrison DC, Roser JF, Cochrane CG, Henson PM. The initiation of mast cell degranulation: activation at the cell membrane. J Immunol. 1975 Mar; 114(3):966-70. PMID: 163282.
Becker EL, Showell HJ, Henson PM, Hsu LS. The ability of chemotactic factors to induce lysosomal enzyme release. I. The characteristics of the release, the importance of surfaces and the relation of enzyme release to chemotactic responsiveness. J Immunol. 1974 Jun; 112(6):2047-54. PMID: 4596695.
Ulevitch RJ, Henson P, Holmes B, Good RA. An in vitro study of exocytosis of neutrophil granule enzymes in chronic granulomatous disease neutrophils. J Immunol. 1974 Apr; 112(4):1383-6. PMID: 4131165.
Henson PM. Complement-dependent platelet and polymorphonuclear leukocyte reactions. Transplant Proc. 1974 Mar; 6(1):27-31. PMID: 4817056.
Morrison DC, Roser JF, Henson PM, Cochrane CG. Activation of rat mast cells by low molecular weight stimuli. J Immunol. 1974 Feb; 112(2):573-82. PMID: 4130691.
Spiegelberg HL, Lawrence DA, Henson P. Cytophilic properties of IgA to human neutrophils. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1974; 45(0):67-74. PMID: 4213018.
Henson PM, Spiegelberg HL. Release of serotonin from human platelets induced by aggregated immunoglobulins of different classes and subclasses. J Clin Invest. 1973 May; 52(5):1282-8. PMID: 4700496.
Henson PM. Mechanisms of release of granule enzymes from human neutrophils phagocytosing aggregated immunoglobulin. An electron microscopic study. Arthritis Rheum. 1973 Mar-Apr; 16(2):208-16. PMID: 4123761.
Becker EL, Henson PM. In vitro studies of immunologically induced secretion of mediators from cells and related phenomena. Adv Immunol. 1973; 17:93-193. PMID: 4131638.
Henson PM, Oades ZG. Enhancement of immunologically induced granule exocytosis from neutrophils by cytochalasin B. J Immunol. 1973 Jan; 110(1):290-3. PMID: 4685405.
Benveniste J, Henson PM, Cochrane CG. Leukocyte-dependent histamine release from rabbit platelets. The role of IgE, basophils, and a platelet-activating factor. J Exp Med. 1972 Dec 01; 136(6):1356-77. PMID: 4118412.
Henson PM, Johnson HB, Spiegelberg HL. The release of granule enzymes from human neutrophils stimulated by aggregated immunoglobulins of different classes and subclasses. J Immunol. 1972 Dec; 109(6):1182-92. PMID: 4628704.
Henson PM. Pathologic mechanisms in neutrophil-mediated injury. Am J Pathol. 1972 Sep; 68(3):593-612. PMID: 4262347.
DeShazo CV, McGrade MT, Henson PM, Cochrane CG. The effect of complement depletion on neutrophil migration in acute immunologic arthritis. J Immunol. 1972 May; 108(5):1414-9. PMID: 4260455.
DeShazo CV, Henson PM, Cochrane CG. Acute immunologic arthritis in rabbits. J Clin Invest. 1972 Jan; 51(1):50-7. PMID: 4257028.
Henson PM. The immunologic release of constituents from neutrophil leukocytes. I. The role of antibody and complement on nonphagocytosable surfaces or phagocytosable particles. J Immunol. 1971 Dec; 107(6):1535-46. PMID: 5120396.
Henson PM. The immunologic release of constituents from neutrophil leukocytes. II. Mechanisms of release during phagocytosis, and adherence to nonphagocytosable surfaces. J Immunol. 1971 Dec; 107(6):1547-57. PMID: 5120397.
Henson PM. Interaction of cells with immune complexes: adherence, release of constituents, and tissue injury. J Exp Med. 1971 Sep 01; 134(3):114-35. PMID: 19867361.
Henson PM. Interaction of cells with immune complexes: adherence, release of constituents, and tissue injury. J Exp Med. 1971 Sep 01; 134(3 Pt 2):114s-135s. PMID: 4255113.
Henson PM, Cochrane CG. Acute immune complex disease in rabbits. The role of complement and of a leukocyte-dependent release of vasoactive amines from platelets. J Exp Med. 1971 Mar 01; 133(3):554-71. PMID: 4106804.
Henson PM, Cochrane CG. Cellular mediators of immunological tissue injury. J Reticuloendothel Soc. 1970 Aug; 8(2):124-38. PMID: 4097088.
Henson PM. Mechanisms of release of constituents from rabbit platelets by antigen-antibody complexes and complement. II. Interaction of platelets with neutrophils. J Immunol. 1970 Aug; 105(2):490-501. PMID: 4393563.
Henson PM. Mechanisms of release of constituents from rabbit platelets by antigen-antibody complexes and complement. I. Lytic and nonlytic reactions. J Immunol. 1970 Aug; 105(2):476-89. PMID: 5433702.
Henson PM. Release of vasoactive amines from rabbit platelets induced by antiplatelet antibody in the presence and absence of complement. J Immunol. 1970 Apr; 104(4):924-34. PMID: 4191863.
Henson PM. Release of vasoactive amines from rabbit platelets induced by sensitized mononuclear leukocytes and antigen. J Exp Med. 1970 Feb; 131(2):287-306. PMID: 5419850.
Henson PM, Cochrane CG. Immunological induction of increased vascular permeability. I. A rabbit passive cutaneous anaphylactic reaction requiring complement, platelets, and neutrophils. J Exp Med. 1969 Jan 01; 129(1):153-65. PMID: 5774114.
Henson PM, Cochrane CG. Immunological induction of increased vascular permeability. II. Two mechanisms of histamine release from rabbit platelets involving complement. J Exp Med. 1969 Jan 01; 129(1):167-84. PMID: 4178112.
Henson PM. The adherence of leucocytes and platelets induced by fixed IgG antibody or complement. Immunology. 1969 Jan; 16(1):107-21. PMID: 4977002.
Henson PM. Immunoconglutinins of different immunoglobulin classes demonstrated by the antiglobulin reaction. Immunology. 1968 May; 14(5):697-705. PMID: 4872346.
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