Donna L Bratton
Title | Affiliate - NJH |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PEDS |
Research R01AI141389 (BRATTON, DONNA L ;HENSON, PETER M)Sep 18, 2018 - Aug 31, 2023 NIH Neutrophil Nox2 controls mononuclear cell functions in inflammation; role in CGD Role: Principal Investigator |
| U01AI122269 (BRATTON, DONNA L)Mar 12, 2018 - Feb 28, 2022 NIH Treatment of CGD with the PPAR-gamma agonist, pioglitazone, enhances phagocyte anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial responses Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01AI110408 (BRATTON, DONNA L)Feb 15, 2014 - Jan 31, 2020 NIH Reversal of Inflammatory Processes in CGD Role: Principal Investigator |
| R56AI058228 (BRATTON, DONNA L)Aug 17, 2011 - Jul 31, 2013 NIH Macrophage PPARg signaling, efferocytosis, and exaggerated inflammation in CGD Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01AI058228 (BRATTON, DONNA L)Dec 15, 2003 - Nov 30, 2009 NIH Defective PS Exposure in Neutrophil Apoptosis in CGD Role: Principal Investigator |
Fini MA, Monks JA, Li M, Gerasimovskaya E, Paucek P, Wang K, Frid MG, Pugliese SC, Bratton D, Yu YR, Irwin D, Karin M, Wright RM, Stenmark KR. Macrophage Xanthine Oxidoreductase Links LPS Induced Lung Inflammatory Injury to NLRP3 Inflammasome Expression and Mitochondrial Respiration. bioRxiv. 2023 Jul 21. PMID: 37502951.
Gibbings SL, Haist KC, Nick H, Frasch SC, Glass TH, Vestal B, Danhorn T, Mould KJ, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Heightened turnover and failed maturation of monocyte-derived macrophages in murine chronic granulomatous disease. Blood. 2022 03 17; 139(11):1707-1721. PMID: 34699591.
McCubbrey AL, McManus SA, McClendon JD, Thomas SM, Chatwin HB, Reisz JA, D'Alessandro A, Mould KJ, Bratton DL, Henson PM, Janssen WJ. Polyamine import and accumulation causes immunomodulation in macrophages engulfing apoptotic cells. Cell Rep. 2022 01 11; 38(2):110222. PMID: 35021097.
Malcolm KC, Caceres SM, Pohl K, Poch KR, Bernut A, Kremer L, Bratton DL, Herrmann JL, Nick JA. Neutrophil killing of Mycobacterium abscessus by intra- and extracellular mechanisms. PLoS One. 2018; 13(4):e0196120. PMID: 29672589.
Mohning MP, Thomas SM, Barthel L, Mould KJ, McCubbrey AL, Frasch SC, Bratton DL, Henson PM, Janssen WJ. Phagocytosis of microparticles by alveolar macrophages during acute lung injury requires MerTK. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2018 01 01; 314(1):L69-L82. PMID: 28935638.
Mould KJ, Barthel L, Mohning MP, Thomas SM, McCubbrey AL, Danhorn T, Leach SM, Fingerlin TE, O'Connor BP, Reisz JA, D'Alessandro A, Bratton DL, Jakubzick CV, Janssen WJ. Cell Origin Dictates Programming of Resident versus Recruited Macrophages during Acute Lung Injury. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2017 09; 57(3):294-306. PMID: 28421818.
Wang M, Frasch SC, Li G, Feng D, Gao B, Xu L, Ir D, Frank DN, Bratton DL, Ju C. Role of gp91phox in hepatic macrophage programming and alcoholic liver disease. Hepatol Commun. 2017 10; 1(8):765-779. PMID: 29404493.
Gibbings SL, Thomas SM, Atif SM, McCubbrey AL, Desch AN, Danhorn T, Leach SM, Bratton DL, Henson PM, Janssen WJ, Jakubzick CV. Three Unique Interstitial Macrophages in the Murine Lung at Steady State. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2017 07; 57(1):66-76. PMID: 28257233.
Jayaraman D, Bratton DL, Harbeck RJ, Wolf M, Rabinovitch N. A case of recurrent facial angioedema associated with elevated tree pollen counts. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2017 Nov - Dec; 5(6):1771-1772. PMID: 28506423.
Janssen WJ, Bratton DL, Jakubzick CV, Henson PM. Myeloid Cell Turnover and Clearance. Microbiol Spectr. 2016 11; 4(6). PMID: 27837740.
Frasch SC, McNamee EN, Kominsky D, Jedlicka P, Jakubzick C, Zemski Berry K, Mack M, Furuta GT, Lee JJ, Henson PM, Colgan SP, Bratton DL. G2A Signaling Dampens Colitic Inflammation via Production of IFN-?. J Immunol. 2016 08 15; 197(4):1425-34. PMID: 27402702.
Desch AN, Gibbings SL, Goyal R, Kolde R, Bednarek J, Bruno T, Slansky JE, Jacobelli J, Mason R, Ito Y, Messier E, Randolph GJ, Prabagar M, Atif SM, Segura E, Xavier RJ, Bratton DL, Janssen WJ, Henson PM, Jakubzick CV. Flow Cytometric Analysis of Mononuclear Phagocytes in Nondiseased Human Lung and Lung-Draining Lymph Nodes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Mar 15; 193(6):614-26. PMID: 26551758.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli RF, Falcone EL, Zerbe CS, Marciano BE, Frasch SC, Henson PM, Holland SM, Bratton DL. Impaired efferocytosis in human chronic granulomatous disease is reversed by pioglitazone treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Nov; 136(5):1399-1401.e3. PMID: 26386811.
Gibbings SL, Goyal R, Desch AN, Leach SM, Prabagar M, Atif SM, Bratton DL, Janssen W, Jakubzick CV. Transcriptome analysis highlights the conserved difference between embryonic and postnatal-derived alveolar macrophages. Blood. 2015 Sep 10; 126(11):1357-66. PMID: 26232173.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli RF, Frasch SC, Thomas SM, Malcolm KC, Nicks M, Harbeck RJ, Jakubzick CV, Nemenoff R, Henson PM, Holland SM, Bratton DL. Pioglitazone restores phagocyte mitochondrial oxidants and bactericidal capacity in chronic granulomatous disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Feb; 135(2):517-527.e12. PMID: 25498313.
Eltzschig HK, Bratton DL, Colgan SP. Targeting hypoxia signalling for the treatment of ischaemic and inflammatory diseases. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2014 Nov; 13(11):852-69. PMID: 25359381.
Caceres SM, Malcolm KC, Taylor-Cousar JL, Nichols DP, Saavedra MT, Bratton DL, Moskowitz SM, Burns JL, Nick JA. Enhanced in vitro formation and antibiotic resistance of nonattached Pseudomonas aeruginosa aggregates through incorporation of neutrophil products. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014 Nov; 58(11):6851-60. PMID: 25182651.
Redente EF, Keith RC, Janssen W, Henson PM, Ortiz LA, Downey GP, Bratton DL, Riches DW. Tumor necrosis factor-a accelerates the resolution of established pulmonary fibrosis in mice by targeting profibrotic lung macrophages. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2014 Apr; 50(4):825-37. PMID: 24325577.
Janssen WJ, Yunt ZX, Muldrow A, Kearns MT, Kloepfer A, Barthel L, Bratton DL, Bowler RP, Henson PM. Circulating hematopoietic progenitor cells are decreased in COPD. COPD. 2014 Jun; 11(3):277-89. PMID: 24182349.
Xiong W, Frasch SC, Thomas SM, Bratton DL, Henson PM. Induction of TGF-?1 synthesis by macrophages in response to apoptotic cells requires activation of the scavenger receptor CD36. PLoS One. 2013; 8(8):e72772. PMID: 23936544.
Suram S, Silveira LJ, Mahaffey S, Brown GD, Bonventre JV, Williams DL, Gow NA, Bratton DL, Murphy RC, Leslie CC. Cytosolic phospholipase A(2)a and eicosanoids regulate expression of genes in macrophages involved in host defense and inflammation. PLoS One. 2013; 8(7):e69002. PMID: 23950842.
Henson PM, Bratton DL. Antiinflammatory effects of apoptotic cells. J Clin Invest. 2013 Jul; 123(7):2773-4. PMID: 23863635.
Malcolm KC, Nichols EM, Caceres SM, Kret JE, Martiniano SL, Sagel SD, Chan ED, Caverly L, Solomon GM, Reynolds P, Bratton DL, Taylor-Cousar JL, Nichols DP, Saavedra MT, Nick JA. Mycobacterium abscessus induces a limited pattern of neutrophil activation that promotes pathogen survival. PLoS One. 2013; 8(2):e57402. PMID: 23451220.
Henson PM, Bratton DL. Allergy: airway epithelial Rac1 suppresses allergic inflammation. Curr Biol. 2013 Feb 04; 23(3):R104-6. PMID: 23391381.
Frasch SC, Fernandez-Boyanapalli RF, Berry KA, Murphy RC, Leslie CC, Nick JA, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Neutrophils regulate tissue Neutrophilia in inflammation via the oxidant-modified lipid lysophosphatidylserine. J Biol Chem. 2013 Feb 15; 288(7):4583-93. PMID: 23293064.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli R, Goleva E, Kolakowski C, Min E, Day B, Leung DY, Riches DW, Bratton DL, Sutherland ER. Obesity impairs apoptotic cell clearance in asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013 Apr; 131(4):1041-7, 1047.e1-3. PMID: 23154082.
Frasch SC, Bratton DL. Emerging roles for lysophosphatidylserine in resolution of inflammation. Prog Lipid Res. 2012 Jul; 51(3):199-207. PMID: 22465125.
Kearns MT, Dalal S, Horstmann SA, Richens TR, Tanaka T, Doe JM, Boe DM, Voelkel NF, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Janssen WJ, Lee CG, Elias JA, Bratton D, Tuder RM, Henson PM, Vandivier RW. Vascular endothelial growth factor enhances macrophage clearance of apoptotic cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012 Apr 01; 302(7):L711-8. PMID: 22307908.
Korns D, Frasch SC, Fernandez-Boyanapalli R, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Modulation of macrophage efferocytosis in inflammation. Front Immunol. 2011; 2:57. PMID: 22566847.
Kenyon KD, Cole C, Crawford F, Kappler JW, Thurman JM, Bratton DL, Boackle SA, Henson PM. IgG autoantibodies against deposited C3 inhibit macrophage-mediated apoptotic cell engulfment in systemic autoimmunity. J Immunol. 2011 Sep 01; 187(5):2101-11. PMID: 21813769.
Bratton DL, Henson PM. Neutrophil clearance: when the party is over, clean-up begins. Trends Immunol. 2011 Aug; 32(8):350-7. PMID: 21782511.
Gally F, Di YP, Smith SK, Minor MN, Liu Y, Bratton DL, Frasch SC, Michels NM, Case SR, Chu HW. SPLUNC1 promotes lung innate defense against Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in mice. Am J Pathol. 2011 May; 178(5):2159-67. PMID: 21514430.
Frasch SC, Fernandez-Boyanapalli RF, Berry KZ, Leslie CC, Bonventre JV, Murphy RC, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Signaling via macrophage G2A enhances efferocytosis of dying neutrophils by augmentation of Rac activity. J Biol Chem. 2011 Apr 08; 286(14):12108-22. PMID: 21297111.
Tollefson AK, Oberley-Deegan RE, Butterfield KT, Nicks ME, Weaver MR, Remigio LK, Decsesznak J, Chu HW, Bratton DL, Riches DW, Bowler RP. Endogenous enzymes (NOX and ECSOD) regulate smoke-induced oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med. 2010 Dec 15; 49(12):1937-46. PMID: 20887783.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli R, McPhillips KA, Frasch SC, Janssen WJ, Dinauer MC, Riches DW, Henson PM, Byrne A, Bratton DL. Impaired phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages in chronic granulomatous disease is reversed by IFN-? in a nitric oxide-dependent manner. J Immunol. 2010 Oct 01; 185(7):4030-41. PMID: 20805415.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli R, Frasch SC, Riches DW, Vandivier RW, Henson PM, Bratton DL. PPAR? activation normalizes resolution of acute sterile inflammation in murine chronic granulomatous disease. Blood. 2010 Nov 25; 116(22):4512-22. PMID: 20693431.
Carel K, Bratton DL, Miyazawa N, Gyorkos E, Kelsay K, Bender B, Strand M, Atkins D, Gelfand EW, Klinnert MD. The Atopic Dermatitis Quickscore (ADQ): validation of a new parent-administered atopic dermatitis scoring tool. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2008 Nov; 101(5):500-7. PMID: 19055204.
Fernandez-Boyanapalli RF, Frasch SC, McPhillips K, Vandivier RW, Harry BL, Riches DW, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Impaired apoptotic cell clearance in CGD due to altered macrophage programming is reversed by phosphatidylserine-dependent production of IL-4. Blood. 2009 Feb 26; 113(9):2047-55. PMID: 18952895.
Frasch SC, Berry KZ, Fernandez-Boyanapalli R, Jin HS, Leslie C, Henson PM, Murphy RC, Bratton DL. NADPH oxidase-dependent generation of lysophosphatidylserine enhances clearance of activated and dying neutrophils via G2A. J Biol Chem. 2008 Nov 28; 283(48):33736-49. PMID: 18824544.
Xiao YQ, Freire-de-Lima CG, Schiemann WP, Bratton DL, Vandivier RW, Henson PM. Transcriptional and translational regulation of TGF-beta production in response to apoptotic cells. J Immunol. 2008 Sep 01; 181(5):3575-85. PMID: 18714031.
Rothenberg SS, Bratton D. The effects of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication to enhance pulmonary function in the treatment of a patient with severe asthma and gastroesophageal reflux disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Apr; 121(4):1069-70. PMID: 18395555.
Bratton DL, Henson PM. Apoptotic cell recognition: will the real phosphatidylserine receptor(s) please stand up? Curr Biol. 2008 Jan 22; 18(2):R76-9. PMID: 18211846.
McPhillips K, Janssen WJ, Ghosh M, Byrne A, Gardai S, Remigio L, Bratton DL, Kang JL, Henson P. TNF-alpha inhibits macrophage clearance of apoptotic cells via cytosolic phospholipase A2 and oxidant-dependent mechanisms. J Immunol. 2007 Jun 15; 178(12):8117-26. PMID: 17548650.
Frasch SC, Zemski-Berry K, Murphy RC, Borregaard N, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Lysophospholipids of different classes mobilize neutrophil secretory vesicles and induce redundant signaling through G2A. J Immunol. 2007 May 15; 178(10):6540-8. PMID: 17475884.
Freire-de-Lima CG, Xiao YQ, Gardai SJ, Bratton DL, Schiemann WP, Henson PM. Apoptotic cells, through transforming growth factor-beta, coordinately induce anti-inflammatory and suppress pro-inflammatory eicosanoid and NO synthesis in murine macrophages. J Biol Chem. 2006 Dec 15; 281(50):38376-84. PMID: 17056601.
Gardai SJ, Bratton DL, Ogden CA, Henson PM. Recognition ligands on apoptotic cells: a perspective. J Leukoc Biol. 2006 May; 79(5):896-903. PMID: 16641135.
Xiao YQ, Freire-de-Lima CG, Janssen WJ, Morimoto K, Lyu D, Bratton DL, Henson PM. Oxidants selectively reverse TGF-beta suppression of proinflammatory mediator production. J Immunol. 2006 Jan 15; 176(2):1209-17. PMID: 16394011.
Gardai SJ, McPhillips KA, Frasch SC, Janssen WJ, Starefeldt A, Murphy-Ullrich JE, Bratton DL, Oldenborg PA, Michalak M, Henson PM. Cell-surface calreticulin initiates clearance of viable or apoptotic cells through trans-activation of LRP on the phagocyte. Cell. 2005 Oct 21; 123(2):321-34. PMID: 16239148.
Bratton DL, Henson PM. Autoimmunity and apoptosis: refusing to go quietly. Nat Med. 2005 Jan; 11(1):26-7. PMID: 15635442.
Davies GM, Dasbach EJ, Santanello NC, Knorr BA, Bratton DL. The effect of montelukast versus usual care on health care resource utilization in children aged 2 to 5 years with asthma. Clin Ther. 2004 Nov; 26(11):1895-904. PMID: 15639701.
Duez C, Dakhama A, Tomkinson A, Marquillies P, Balhorn A, Tonnel AB, Bratton DL, Gelfand EW. Migration and accumulation of eosinophils toward regional lymph nodes after airway allergen challenge. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2004 Oct; 114(4):820-5. PMID: 15480321.
Fessler MB, Arndt PG, Frasch SC, Lieber JG, Johnson CA, Murphy RC, Nick JA, Bratton DL, Malcolm KC, Worthen GS. Lipid rafts regulate lipopolysaccharide-induced activation of Cdc42 and inflammatory functions of the human neutrophil. J Biol Chem. 2004 Sep 17; 279(38):39989-98. PMID: 15262974.
Silkoff PE, Bates CA, Meiser JB, Bratton DL. Single-breath exhaled nitric oxide in preschool children facilitated by a servo-controlled device maintaining constant flow. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2004 Jun; 37(6):554-8. PMID: 15114557.
Frasch SC, Henson PM, Nagaosa K, Fessler MB, Borregaard N, Bratton DL. Phospholipid flip-flop and phospholipid scramblase 1 (PLSCR1) co-localize to uropod rafts in formylated Met-Leu-Phe-stimulated neutrophils. J Biol Chem. 2004 Apr 23; 279(17):17625-33. PMID: 14766753.
Gardai SJ, Hildeman DA, Frankel SK, Whitlock BB, Frasch SC, Borregaard N, Marrack P, Bratton DL, Henson PM. Phosphorylation of Bax Ser184 by Akt regulates its activity and apoptosis in neutrophils. J Biol Chem. 2004 May 14; 279(20):21085-95. PMID: 14766748.
Gardai SJ, Hoontrakoon R, Goddard CD, Day BJ, Chang LY, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Oxidant-mediated mitochondrial injury in eosinophil apoptosis: enhancement by glucocorticoids and inhibition by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. J Immunol. 2003 Jan 01; 170(1):556-66. PMID: 12496443.
Bukstein DA, Bratton DL, Firriolo KM, Estojak J, Bird SR, Hustad CM, Edelman JM. Evaluation of parental preference for the treatment of asthmatic children aged 6 to 11 years with oral montelukast or inhaled cromolyn: a randomized, open-label, crossover study. J Asthma. 2003; 40(5):475-85. PMID: 14529097.
Price MR, Bratton DL, Klinnert MD. Caregiver negative affect is a primary determinant of caregiver report of pediatric asthma quality of life. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2002 Dec; 89(6):572-7. PMID: 12487222.
Hoontrakoon R, Chu HW, Gardai SJ, Wenzel SE, McDonald P, Fadok VA, Henson PM, Bratton DL. Interleukin-15 inhibits spontaneous apoptosis in human eosinophils via autocrine production of granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor and nuclear factor-kappaB activation. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2002 Apr; 26(4):404-12. PMID: 11919076.
Vandivier RW, Fadok VA, Hoffmann PR, Bratton DL, Penvari C, Brown KK, Brain JD, Accurso FJ, Henson PM. Elastase-mediated phosphatidylserine receptor cleavage impairs apoptotic cell clearance in cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis. J Clin Invest. 2002 Mar; 109(5):661-70. PMID: 11877474.
Gardai S, Whitlock BB, Helgason C, Ambruso D, Fadok V, Bratton D, Henson PM. Activation of SHIP by NADPH oxidase-stimulated Lyn leads to enhanced apoptosis in neutrophils. J Biol Chem. 2002 Feb 15; 277(7):5236-46. PMID: 11724799.
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