Steven R Lowenstein
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-EM MED Clinical |
Phone | 303/724-5355 |
Repine KM, Bawmann O, Mendlen M, Lowenstein SR. Investigating Wellness and Burnout Initiatives for Anesthesiology Resident Physicians: Time for Evidence-Based Investigation and Implementation. Anesthesiol Clin. 2022 Jun; 40(2):275-285. PMID: 35659400.
Saifee J, Franco-Paredes C, Lowenstein SR. Refugee Health During COVID-19 and Future Pandemics. Curr Trop Med Rep. 2021; 8(3):1-4. PMID: 34306967.
Lind KT, Osborne CM, Badesch B, Blood A, Lowenstein SR. Ending student mistreatment: early successes and continuing challenges. Med Educ Online. 2020 Dec; 25(1):1690846. PMID: 31787035.
Honigman B, Lowenstein SR, Valley M, Roach R. Rebuttal to Kious et al., re: "Editorial Comment on: Effect of Altitude on Veteran Suicide Rates by Sabic et al." High Alt Med Biol. 2020 06; 21(2):209. PMID: 32286885.
Honigman B, Valley M, Lowenstein SR. Editorial Comment on: Effect of Altitude on Veteran Suicide Rates by Sabic et al. (From: Sabic H, Kious B, Boxer D, Fitzgerald C, Riley C, Scholl L, McGlade E, Yurgelun-Todd D, Renshaw PF, Kondo DG. High Alt Med Biol 2019;20:171-177; DOI: 10.1089/ham.2018.0130). High Alt Med Biol. 2019 06; 20(2):178-180. PMID: 31233383.
Sriram I, Harland R, Lowenstein SR. I, EHR. J Hosp Med. 2020 02 01; 15(2):119-120. PMID: 31112500.
Schmid KM, Garc?a RQ, Fernandez MM, Mould-Millman NK, Lowenstein SR. Teaching Hands-Only CPR in Schools: A Program Evaluation in San Jos?, Costa Rica. Ann Glob Health. 2018 11 05; 84(4):612-617. PMID: 30779510.
Boatright D, Tunson J, Caruso E, Angerhofer C, Baker B, King R, Bakes K, Oberfoell S, Lowenstein S, Druck J. The Impact of the 2008 Council of Emergency Residency Directors (CORD) Panel on Emergency Medicine Resident Diversity. J Emerg Med. 2016 Nov; 51(5):576-583. PMID: 27595369.
Schmid KM, Mould-Millman NK, Hammes A, Kroehl M, Garc?a RQ, McDermott MU, Lowenstein SR. Barriers and Facilitators to Community CPR Education in San Jos?, Costa Rica. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2016 Oct; 31(5):509-15. PMID: 27491645.
Tunson J, Boatright D, Oberfoell S, Bakes K, Angerhofer C, Lowenstein S, Zane R, King R, Druck J. Increasing Resident Diversity in an Emergency Medicine Residency Program: A Pilot Intervention With Three Principal Strategies. Acad Med. 2016 07; 91(7):958-61. PMID: 26556294.
Krugman RD, Jones MD, Lowenstein SR. Can we learn civility? Reflections on the challenge of changing culture. Acad Med. 2014 Dec; 89(12):1586-8. PMID: 25054417.
Liao MM, Lezotte D, Lowenstein SR, Howard K, Finley Z, Feng Z, Byyny RL, Sankoff JD, Douglas IS, Haukoos JS. Sensitivity of systemic inflammatory response syndrome for critical illness among ED patients. Am J Emerg Med. 2014 Nov; 32(11):1319-25. PMID: 25205616.
Betz ME, Carr DB, DiGuiseppi C, Haukoos JS, Lowenstein SR, Schwartz R. Recruitment of older drivers from primary care clinics for on-road fitness-to-drive testing: results of a pilot study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Jul; 62(7):1388-90. PMID: 25039512.
Betz ME, Jones J, Genco E, Carr DB, DiGuiseppi C, Haukoos JS, Lowenstein SR, Schwartz R. Perspectives on Tiered Older Driver Assessment in Primary Care Settings. Gerontologist. 2016 Apr; 56(2):272-81. PMID: 24793645.
Betz ME, Jones VC, Lowenstein SR. Physicians and advance planning for 'driving retirement'. Am J Med. 2014 Aug; 127(8):689-90. PMID: 24704316.
Bucklin BA, Valley M, Welch C, Tran ZV, Lowenstein SR. Predictors of early faculty attrition at one Academic Medical Center. BMC Med Educ. 2014 Feb 10; 14:27. PMID: 24512629.
Vogel JA, Ginde AA, Lowenstein SR, Betz ME. Emergency department visits by older adults for motor vehicle collisions. West J Emerg Med. 2013 Nov; 14(6):576-81. PMID: 24381674.
Davis CB, Brownson MR, Levy BJ, Valley MA, Evans B, Lowenstein SR. Employee perception of a mandated helmet policy at Vail Resorts. Wilderness Environ Med. 2013 Dec; 24(4):402-6. PMID: 24001389.
Dhaliwal JS, Crane LA, Valley MA, Lowenstein SR. Student perspectives on the diversity climate at a U.S. medical school: the need for a broader definition of diversity. BMC Res Notes. 2013 Apr 17; 6:154. PMID: 23595029.
Zosel A, Bartelson BB, Bailey E, Lowenstein S, Dart R. Characterization of adolescent prescription drug abuse and misuse using the Researched Abuse Diversion and Addiction-related Surveillance (RADARS(?)) System. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2013 Feb; 52(2):196-204.e2. PMID: 23357446.
Betz ME, Schwartz R, Haukoos JS, DiGuiseppi C, Valley M, Johnson R, Lowenstein SR. A pilot study to develop a brief question-based screening tool to identify higher-risk older drivers. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Sep; 60(9):1791-4. PMID: 22985161.
Betz M, Valley MA, Lowenstein SR, Honigman B. Suicide at high altitude: the importance of sociodemographic and mental health care factors. High Alt Med Biol. 2012 Jun; 13(2):138. PMID: 22724617.
Reddi A, Lowenstein SR. It's time for faculty to disclose their industry financial ties to medical students. Acad Med. 2012 Jun; 87(6):682-3. PMID: 22643371.
Betz ME, Lowenstein SR, Schwartz R. Older adult opinions of "advance driving directives". J Prim Care Community Health. 2013 Jan; 4(1):14-27. PMID: 23799685.
Valley MA, Heard KJ, Ginde AA, Lezotte DC, Lowenstein SR. Observational studies of patients in the emergency department: a comparison of 4 sampling methods. Ann Emerg Med. 2012 Aug; 60(2):139-45.e1. PMID: 22401950.
Betz ME, Schwartz R, Valley M, Lowenstein SR. Older adult opinions about driving cessation: a role for advanced driving directives. J Prim Care Community Health. 2012 Jul 01; 3(3):150-4. PMID: 23803773.
Betz ME, Valley MA, Lowenstein SR, Hedegaard H, Thomas D, Stallones L, Honigman B. Elevated suicide rates at high altitude: sociodemographic and health issues may be to blame. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2011 Oct; 41(5):562-73. PMID: 21883411.
Betz ME, Krzyzaniak SM, Hedegaard H, Lowenstein SR. Completed suicides in Colorado: differences between Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2011 Aug; 41(4):445-52. PMID: 21631574.
Kestler A, Kestler M, Morchi R, Lowenstein S, Anderson B. Developing and testing a high-fidelity simulation scenario for an uncommon life-threatening disease: severe malaria. J Trop Med. 2011; 2011:310524. PMID: 21760807.
Betz ME, Lowenstein SR. Driving patterns of older adults: results from the Second Injury Control and Risk Survey. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010 Oct; 58(10):1931-5. PMID: 20670376.
Mayer PH, Yaron M, Lowenstein SR. Impact on length of stay after introduction of emergency department information system. West J Emerg Med. 2010 Sep; 11(4):329-32. PMID: 21079703.
Spalding SC, Mayer PH, Ginde AA, Lowenstein SR, Yaron M. Impact of computerized physician order entry on ED patient length of stay. Am J Emerg Med. 2011 Feb; 29(2):207-11. PMID: 20825803.
Stone SC, Abbott J, McClung CD, Colwell CB, Eckstein M, Lowenstein SR. Paramedic knowledge, attitudes, and training in end-of-life care. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2009 Nov-Dec; 24(6):529-34. PMID: 20301072.
Druck J, Valley MA, Lowenstein SR. Procedural skills training during emergency medicine residency: are we teaching the right things? West J Emerg Med. 2009 Aug; 10(3):152-6. PMID: 19718375.
Richason TP, Paulson SM, Lowenstein SR, Heard KJ. Case reports describing treatments in the emergency medicine literature: missing and misleading information. BMC Emerg Med. 2009 Jun 15; 9:10. PMID: 19527500.
Evans B, Gervais JT, Heard K, Valley M, Lowenstein SR. Ski patrollers: reluctant role models for helmet use. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot. 2009 Mar; 16(1):9-14. PMID: 19225971.
Lowenstein SR. Tuesdays to write ... A guide to time management in academic emergency medicine. Acad Emerg Med. 2009 Feb; 16(2):165-7. PMID: 19133847.
Lowenstein SR, Fernandez G, Crane LA. Medical school faculty discontent: prevalence and predictors of intent to leave academic careers. BMC Med Educ. 2007 Oct 14; 7:37. PMID: 17935631.
Godfrey J, Hamman R, Lowenstein S, Briggs K, Kocher M. Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the simple shoulder test: psychometric properties by age and injury type. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2007 May-Jun; 16(3):260-7. PMID: 17188906.
Abboud PA, Heard K, Al-Marshad AA, Lowenstein SR. What determines whether patients are willing to participate in resuscitation studies requiring exception from informed consent? J Med Ethics. 2006 Aug; 32(8):468-72. PMID: 16877627.
Bailey JE, Barton PL, Lezotte D, Lowenstein SR, Dart RC. The effect of FDA approval of a generic competitor to OxyContin (oxycodone HCl controlled-release) tablets on the abuse of oxycodone. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2006 Sep 15; 84(2):182-7. PMID: 16510252.
Heard K, Bebarta VS, Lowenstein SR. Methodological standards in human vs animal clinical trials. JAMA. 2005 Jul 06; 294(1):40; author reply 40-1. PMID: 15998885.
Lowenstein SR. Medical record reviews in emergency medicine: the blessing and the curse. Ann Emerg Med. 2005 Apr; 45(4):452-5. PMID: 15795730.
Gonzales MM, Dickinson LM, DiGuiseppi C, Lowenstein SR. Student drivers: a study of fatal motor vehicle crashes involving 16-year-old drivers. Ann Emerg Med. 2005 Feb; 45(2):140-6. PMID: 15671969.
Houry D, Feldhaus K, Peery B, Abbott J, Lowenstein SR, al-Bataa-de-Montero S, Levine S. A positive domestic violence screen predicts future domestic violence. J Interpers Violence. 2004 Sep; 19(9):955-66. PMID: 15296611.
Abbott J, Feldhaus KM, Houry D, Lowenstein SR. Emergency contraception: what do our patients know? Ann Emerg Med. 2004 03; 43(3):376-81. PMID: 14985666.
Keller MB, Lowenstein SR. Epidemiology of asthma. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2002 Aug; 23(4):317-29. PMID: 16088625.
Dimatteo LA, Lowenstein SR, Brimhall B, Reiquam W, Gonzales R. The relationship between the clinical features of pharyngitis and the sensitivity of a rapid antigen test: evidence of spectrum bias. Ann Emerg Med. 2001 Dec; 38(6):648-52. PMID: 11719744.
Koziol-McLain J, Coates CJ, Lowenstein SR. Predictive validity of a screen for partner violence against women. Am J Prev Med. 2001 Aug; 21(2):93-100. PMID: 11457628.
Lowenstein SR, Burke TG, Stone S, Orzel JA. Images in preventive medicine. Cause and effect. Am J Prev Med. 2001 Feb; 20(2):173. PMID: 11165462.
Lowenstein SR, Koziol-McLain J. Drugs and traffic crash responsibility: a study of injured motorists in Colorado. J Trauma. 2001 Feb; 50(2):313-20. PMID: 11242298.
Harper JS, Marine WM, Garrett CJ, Lezotte D, Lowenstein SR. Motor vehicle crash fatalities: A comparison of Hispanic and non-Hispanic motorists in Colorado. Ann Emerg Med. 2000 Dec; 36(6):589-96. PMID: 11097699.
Stone S, Gonzales R, Maselli J, Lowenstein SR. Antibiotic prescribing for patients with colds, upper respiratory tract infections, and bronchitis: A national study of hospital-based emergency departments. Ann Emerg Med. 2000 Oct; 36(4):320-7. PMID: 11020678.
Koziol-McLain J, Brand D, Morgan D, Leff M, Lowenstein SR. Measuring injury risk factors: question reliability in a statewide sample. Inj Prev. 2000 Jun; 6(2):148-50. PMID: 10875674.
Lowenstein SR, Koziol-McLain J, Thompson M, Bernstein E, Greenberg K, Gerson LW, Buczynsky P, Blanda M. Behavioral risk factors in emergency department patients: a multisite survey. Acad Emerg Med. 1998 Aug; 5(8):781-7. PMID: 9715239.
Davidson P, Koziol-McLain J, Harrison L, Timken D, Lowenstein SR. Intoxicated ED patients: a 5-year follow-up of morbidity and mortality. Ann Emerg Med. 1997 Nov; 30(5):593-7. PMID: 9360567.
Lowenstein SR, Koziol-McLain J, Glazner J. The Colorado motorcycle safety survey: public attitudes and beliefs. J Trauma. 1997 Jun; 42(6):1124-8. PMID: 9210553.
Feldhaus KM, Koziol-McLain J, Amsbury HL, Norton IM, Lowenstein SR, Abbott JT. Accuracy of 3 brief screening questions for detecting partner violence in the emergency department. JAMA. 1997 May 07; 277(17):1357-61. PMID: 9134940.
Koziol-McLain J, Lowenstein SR. Testing a test. J Emerg Nurs. 1997 Apr; 23(2):179-81. PMID: 9216296.
Dart RC, Stark Y, Fulton B, Koziol-McLain J, Lowenstein SR. Insufficient stocking of poisoning antidotes in hospital pharmacies. JAMA. 1996 Nov 13; 276(18):1508-10. PMID: 8903263.
Gilbert EH, Lowenstein SR, Koziol-McLain J, Barta DC, Steiner J. Chart reviews in emergency medicine research: Where are the methods? Ann Emerg Med. 1996 Mar; 27(3):305-8. PMID: 8599488.
Lowenstein S. Trauma registries: Tarnished gold. Ann Emerg Med. 1996 Mar; 27(3):389-91. PMID: 8599509.
Lowenstein SR, Halperin BD, Reiter MJ. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias. J Emerg Med. 1996 Jan-Feb; 14(1):39-51. PMID: 8655936.
Yaron M, Lowenstein SR, Koziol-McLain J. Measuring the accuracy of the infrared tympanic thermometer: correlation does not signify agreement. J Emerg Med. 1995 Sep-Oct; 13(5):617-21. PMID: 8530778.
Abbott J, Johnson R, Koziol-McLain J, Lowenstein SR. Domestic violence against women. Incidence and prevalence in an emergency department population. JAMA. 1995 Jun 14; 273(22):1763-7. PMID: 7769770.
Hunt DK, Lowenstein SR, Badgett RG, Steiner JF. Safety belt nonuse by internal medicine patients: a missed opportunity in clinical preventive medicine. Am J Med. 1995 Apr; 98(4):343-8. PMID: 7709946.
Lowenstein SR, Tomlinson D, Koziol-McLain J, Prochazka A. Smoking habits of emergency department patients: an opportunity for disease prevention. Acad Emerg Med. 1995 Mar; 2(3):165-71. PMID: 7497028.
Prochazka A, Koziol-McLain J, Tomlinson D, Lowenstein SR. Smoking cessation counseling by emergency physicians: opinions, knowledge, and training needs. Acad Emerg Med. 1995 Mar; 2(3):211-6. PMID: 7497036.
Schwartz M, Rodman D, Lowenstein SR. Recognition and treatment of multifocal atrial tachycardia: a critical review. J Emerg Med. 1994 May-Jun; 12(3):353-60. PMID: 8040593.
Gerhart KA, Koziol-McLain J, Lowenstein SR, Whiteneck GG. Quality of life following spinal cord injury: knowledge and attitudes of emergency care providers. Ann Emerg Med. 1994 Apr; 23(4):807-12. PMID: 8161051.
Lowenstein SR, Koziol-McLain J, Satterfield G, Orleans M. Facts versus values: why legislators vote against injury control laws. J Trauma. 1993 Nov; 35(5):786-92; discussion 792-3. PMID: 8230347.
Mize J, Koziol-McLain J, Lowenstein SR. The forgotten vital sign: temperature patterns and associations in 642 trauma patients at an urban level I trauma center. J Emerg Nurs. 1993 Aug; 19(4):303-5. PMID: 8350548.
Olsen EB, Lowenstein SR, Koziol-McLain J, Summers JG. Do-not-resuscitate order. What happens after hospital discharge? West J Med. 1993 May; 158(5):484-7. PMID: 8123091.
Lowenstein SR, Koziol-McLain J, Badgett RG. Concordance versus correlation. Ann Emerg Med. 1993 Feb; 22(2):269. PMID: 8427451.
Wogan JM, Lowenstein SR, Gordon GS. Second-degree atrioventricular block: Mobitz type II. J Emerg Med. 1993 Jan-Feb; 11(1):47-54. PMID: 8445186.
Hunt DK, Lowenstein SR, Badgett RG, Marine WM, Garrett CJ, Steiner JF. Detection of injury-prone behaviors among internal medicine patients. J Gen Intern Med. 1992 Nov-Dec; 7(6):573-82. PMID: 1453240.
Bodenhamer J, Bergstrom R, Brown D, Gabow P, Marx JA, Lowenstein SR. Frequently nebulized beta-agonists for asthma: effects on serum electrolytes. Ann Emerg Med. 1992 Nov; 21(11):1337-42. PMID: 1416329.
Stiegmann GV, Goff JS, Michaletz-Onody PA, Korula J, Lieberman D, Saeed ZA, Reveille RM, Sun JH, Lowenstein SR. Endoscopic sclerotherapy as compared with endoscopic ligation for bleeding esophageal varices. N Engl J Med. 1992 Jun 04; 326(23):1527-32. PMID: 1579136.
Honigman B, Lowenstein SR, Moore EE, Roweder K, Pons P. The role of the pneumatic antishock garment in penetrating cardiac wounds. JAMA. 1991 Nov 06; 266(17):2398-401. PMID: 1920746.
Koziol-McLain J, Lowenstein SR, Fuller B. Orthostatic vital signs in emergency department patients. Ann Emerg Med. 1991 Jun; 20(6):606-10. PMID: 2039097.
Israel RS, Lowenstein SR, Marx JA, Koziol-McLain J, Svoboda L, Ranniger S. Management of acute pyelonephritis in an emergency department observation unit. Ann Emerg Med. 1991 Mar; 20(3):253-7. PMID: 1996819.
Abbott J, Emmans LS, Lowenstein SR. Ectopic pregnancy: ten common pitfalls in diagnosis. Am J Emerg Med. 1990 Nov; 8(6):515-22. PMID: 2222596.
Lowenstein SR, Weissberg MP, Terry D. Alcohol intoxication, injuries, and dangerous behaviors--and the revolving emergency department door. J Trauma. 1990 Oct; 30(10):1252-8. PMID: 2213933.
Rodman DM, Lowenstein SR, Rodman T. The electrocardiogram in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Emerg Med. 1990 Sep-Oct; 8(5):607-15. PMID: 2254610.
Lowenstein SR, Hunt D. Injury prevention in primary care. Ann Intern Med. 1990 Aug 15; 113(4):261-3. PMID: 2197913.
Honigman B, Rohweder K, Moore EE, Lowenstein SR, Pons PT. Prehospital advanced trauma life support for penetrating cardiac wounds. Ann Emerg Med. 1990 Feb; 19(2):145-50. PMID: 2301791.
Richardson R, Lowenstein S, Weissberg M. Coping with the suicidal elderly: a physician's guide. Geriatrics. 1989 Sep; 44(9):43-7, 51. PMID: 2767443.
Lowenstein SR, Yaron M, Carrero R, Devereux D, Jacobs LM. Vertical trauma: injuries to patients who fall and land on their feet. Ann Emerg Med. 1989 Feb; 18(2):161-5. PMID: 2916780.
Modrall JG, Lowenstein SR, Pearce WH. Unusual causes of lower extremity ischemia. Am J Emerg Med. 1989 Jan; 7(1):83-7. PMID: 2643964.
Israel RS, Marx JA, Moore EE, Lowenstein SR. Hemodynamic effect of mannitol in a canine model of concomitant increased intracranial pressure and hemorrhagic shock. Ann Emerg Med. 1988 Jun; 17(6):560-6. PMID: 3132065.
Lowenstein SR, Harken AH. A wide, complex look at cardiac dysrhythmias. J Emerg Med. 1987 Nov-Dec; 5(6):519-31. PMID: 3323302.
Lee K, Mize R, Lowenstein SR. Glyburide-induced hypoglycemia and ranitidine. Ann Intern Med. 1987 Aug; 107(2):261-2. PMID: 3111324.
Weissberg MP, Heitner M, Lowenstein SR, Keefer G. Patients who leave without being seen. Ann Emerg Med. 1986 Jul; 15(7):813-7. PMID: 3729104.
Lowenstein SR, Crescenzi CA, Kern DC, Steel K. Care of the elderly in the emergency department. Ann Emerg Med. 1986 May; 15(5):528-35. PMID: 3963531.
Lowenstein SR, Sabyan EM, Lassen CF, Kern DC. Benefits of training physicians in advanced cardiac life support. Chest. 1986 Apr; 89(4):512-6. PMID: 3956277.
Lowenstein SR, Iezzoni LI, Moskowitz MA. Prospective payment for physician services. Impact on medical consultation practices. JAMA. 1985 Nov 08; 254(18):2632-7. PMID: 3932692.
Lowenstein SR. Suicidal behavior. Recognition and intervention. Hosp Pract (Off Ed). 1985 Oct 30; 20(10A):52-5, 58, 61-71. PMID: 3932379.
Lowenstein SR, Hansbrough JF, Libby LS, Hill DM, Mountain RD, Scoggin CH. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation by medical and surgical house-officers. Lancet. 1981 Sep 26; 2(8248):679-81. PMID: 6116054.
Stratton CW, Lichtenstein KA, Lowenstein SR, Phelps DB, Reller LB. Granulomatous tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel syndrome caused by Sporothrix schenckii. Am J Med. 1981 Jul; 71(1):161-4. PMID: 7246574.
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