Tai M Lockspeiser
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PEDS |
Zuckerman M, Flood R, Tan RJB, Kelp N, Ecker DJ, Menke J, Lockspeiser T. ChatGPT for assessment writing. Med Teach. 2023 11; 45(11):1224-1227. PMID: 37789636.
Collins JE, Ryan MS, Klein M, Kloster HM, Lockspeiser TM, Oddiri U, Madduri GB. A Narrative Review of Key Studies in Medical Education in 2022: Applying the Current Literature to Educational Practice and Scholarship. Acad Pediatr. 2024 03; 24(2):347-358. PMID: 37793606.
Adams JE, Ard C, Cunningham JM, Jim?nez S, Lockspeiser T, Hirsh DA, Kulasekaran V. Preliminary Workforce Outcomes of an Urban Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship. Acad Med. 2023 12 01; 98(12):1420-1427. PMID: 37643576.
Bullock JL, Sukhera J, Del Pino-Jones A, Dyster TG, Ilgen JS, Lockspeiser TM, Teunissen PW, Hauer KE. 'Yourself in all your forms': A grounded theory exploration of identity safety in medical students. Med Educ. 2024 03; 58(3):327-337. PMID: 37517809.
Held N, Jimenez S, Lockspeiser T, Adams JE. Designing a Shortened Preclinical Basic Science Curriculum: Expert-Derived Recommendations. Acad Med. 2023 08 01; 98(8):922-928. PMID: 36972132.
Madduri GB, Ryan MS, Collins J, Huber JN, Potisek NM, Wolbrink TA, Lockspeiser TM. A Narrative Review of Key Studies in Medical Education in 2021: Applying Current Literature to Educational Practice and Scholarship. Acad Pediatr. 2023 04; 23(3):550-561. PMID: 36572100.
Li ST, Abramson E, Hilgenberg S, Lichtenstein C, Lockspeiser T. Enhancing Learner Engagement Through Experiential Learning With Learner-Generated Data. Acad Pediatr. 2023 May-Jun; 23(4):846-848. PMID: 36356787.
Reppert A, Miravelle A, E Adams J, Lockspeiser T. Real-Time Preceptor Interviews to Improve Faculty Feedback to Students. Acad Med. 2022 Nov 01; 97(11S):S142. PMID: 37838875.
Held N, Jimenez S, Lockspeiser T, Adams JE. Redistribution of Basic Medical Science Content During Undergraduate Medical Education Curricular Reform: An Expert-Derived List of Recommendations. Acad Med. 2022 Nov 01; 97(11S):S164. PMID: 37838893.
Huber JN, Lockspeiser TM, D'Alessandro DM, Wolbrink TA, Ryan MS, Fromme HB, Potisek NM. An Annotated Bibliography of Key Studies in Medical Education in 2020: Applying the Current Literature to Educational Practice and Scholarship. Acad Pediatr. 2022 04; 22(3):374-384. PMID: 34896270.
Hauer KE, Lockspeiser TM, Chen HC. The COVID-19 Pandemic as an Imperative to Advance Medical Student Assessment: Three Areas for Change. Acad Med. 2021 02 01; 96(2):182-185. PMID: 33003038.
Potisek NM, D'Alessandro DM, Huber JN, Wolbrink TA, Lockspeiser TM, Fromme HB, Ryan MS. An Annotated Bibliography of Key Studies in Medical Education in 2019: Applying the Current Literature to Educational Practice and Scholarship. Acad Pediatr. 2021 04; 21(3):425-434. PMID: 33524623.
Khan EK, Liptzin DR, Baker J, Meier M, Baker CD, Lockspeiser TM. Pediatric Resident Education in Pulmonary (PREP): A Subspecialty Preparatory Boot Camp Curriculum for Pediatric Residents. MedEdPORTAL. 2021 01 07; 17:11066. PMID: 33473377.
Gifford KA, Thoreson L, Burke AE, Lockspeiser TM, Lockwood LZ, Reed S, Schumacher DJ, Mahan JD. Describing Overarching Curricular Goals for Individualized Education. Teach Learn Med. 2021 Jun-Jul; 33(3):282-291. PMID: 33356608.
Bullock JL, Lockspeiser T, Del Pino-Jones A, Richards R, Teherani A, Hauer KE. They Don't See a Lot of People My Color: A Mixed Methods Study of Racial/Ethnic Stereotype Threat Among Medical Students on Core Clerkships. Acad Med. 2020 11; 95(11S Association of American Medical Colleges Learn Serve Lead: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Research in Medical Education Presentations):S58-S66. PMID: 32769459.
Khan EK, Lockspeiser TM, Liptzin DR, Meier M, Baker CD. "When in Doubt, Change It out": A Case-Based Simulation for Pediatric Residents Caring for Hospitalized Tracheostomy-Dependent Children. MedEdPORTAL. 2020 10 01; 16:10994. PMID: 33015360.
Kiger ME, Riley C, Stolfi A, Morrison S, Burke A, Lockspeiser T. Use of Individualized Learning Plans to Facilitate Feedback Among Medical Students. Teach Learn Med. 2020 Aug-Sep; 32(4):399-409. PMID: 32141336.
Bullock JL, Lai CJ, Lockspeiser T, O'Sullivan PS, Aronowitz P, Dellmore D, Fung CC, Knight C, Hauer KE. In Pursuit of Honors: A Multi-Institutional Study of Students' Perceptions of Clerkship Evaluation and Grading. Acad Med. 2019 11; 94(11S Association of American Medical Colleges Learn Serve Lead: Proceedings of the 58th Annual Research in Medical Education Sessions):S48-S56. PMID: 31365406.
Oza SK, van Schaik S, Boscardin CK, Pierce R, Miao E, Lockspeiser T, Tad-Y D, Aagaard E, Kuo AK. Leadership Observation and Feedback Tool: A Novel Instrument for Assessment of Clinical Leadership Skills. J Grad Med Educ. 2018 Oct; 10(5):573-582. PMID: 30386485.
Wolf SJ, Lockspeiser TM, Gong J, Guiton G. Identification of foundational non-clinical attributes necessary for successful transition to residency: a modified Delphi study with experienced medical educators. BMC Med Educ. 2018 Jun 22; 18(1):150. PMID: 29929502.
Jones MD, Lockspeiser TM. Proceed With Caution: Implementing Competency-Based Graduate Medical Education. J Grad Med Educ. 2018 Jun; 10(3):276-278. PMID: 29946383.
Abramson EL, Paul CR, Petershack J, Serwint J, Fischel JE, Rocha M, Treitz M, McPhillips H, Lockspeiser T, Hicks P, Tewksbury L, Vasquez M, Tancredi DJ, Li ST. Conducting Quantitative Medical Education Research: From Design to Dissemination. Acad Pediatr. 2018 03; 18(2):129-139. PMID: 29117573.
Larsen DP, Lockspeiser T. Translating Intentions Into Actions: A Missing Piece of the Puzzle in Improving Residents' Self-Regulated Learning. J Grad Med Educ. 2017 Aug; 9(4):458-460. PMID: 28824758.
Reid Burks A, Nicklas D, Owens J, Lockspeiser TM, Soranno D. Urinary Tract Infections: Pediatric Primary Care Curriculum Podcast. MedEdPORTAL. 2016 Aug 05; 12:10434. PMID: 31008213.
Lockspeiser TM, Li ST, Burke AE, Rosenberg AA, Dunbar AE, Gifford KA, Gorman GH, Mahan JD, McKenna MP, Reed S, Schwartz A, Harris I, Hanson JL. In Pursuit of Meaningful Use of Learning Goals in Residency: A Qualitative Study of Pediatric Residents. Acad Med. 2016 06; 91(6):839-46. PMID: 26630605.
Lockspeiser TM, Kaul P. Using Individualized Learning Plans to Facilitate Learner-Centered Teaching. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2016 Jun; 29(3):214-7. PMID: 26612117.
Reed S, Lockspeiser TM, Burke A, Gifford KA, Hanson JL, Mahan JD, McKenna M, Rosenberg A, Li ST. Practical Suggestions for the Creation and Use of Meaningful Learning Goals in Graduate Medical Education. Acad Pediatr. 2016 Jan-Feb; 16(1):20-4. PMID: 26505125.
Lockspeiser TM, Kaul P. Applying the one minute preceptor model to pediatric and adolescent gynecology education. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2015 Apr; 28(2):74-7. PMID: 25850586.
Wolf SJ, Lockspeiser TM, Gong J, Guiton G. Students' perspectives on the fourth year of medical school: a mixed-methods analysis. Acad Med. 2014 Apr; 89(4):602-7. PMID: 24556778.
Rosenberg AA, Lockspeiser T, Lane JL, Nomura Y, Schmitter P, Urban K, Jimenez S, Hanson J. A longitudinal career-focused block for third-year pediatrics residents. J Grad Med Educ. 2013 Dec; 5(4):639-45. PMID: 24455015.
Lockspeiser TM, Schmitter PA, Lane JL, Hanson JL, Rosenberg AA, Park YS. Assessing residents' written learning goals and goal writing skill: validity evidence for the learning goal scoring rubric. Acad Med. 2013 Oct; 88(10):1558-63. PMID: 23969364.
Burgis JC, Lockspeiser TM, Stumpf EC, Wilson SD. Resident perceptions of autonomy in a complex tertiary care environment improve when supervised by hospitalists. Hosp Pediatr. 2012 Oct; 2(4):228-34. PMID: 24313030.
O'Sullivan PS, Niehaus B, Lockspeiser TM, Irby DM. Becoming an academic doctor: perceptions of scholarly careers. Med Educ. 2009 Apr; 43(4):335-41. PMID: 19335575.
Lockspeiser TM, O'Sullivan P, Teherani A, Muller J. Understanding the experience of being taught by peers: the value of social and cognitive congruence. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2008 Aug; 13(3):361-72. PMID: 17124627.
Lockspeiser T, Hart A, Loeser H. Medical education fellowship: fostering early interest in education. Med Educ. 2005 Nov; 39(11):1158. PMID: 16262832.
Chase HP, Lockspeiser T, Peery B, Shepherd M, MacKenzie T, Anderson J, Garg SK. The impact of the diabetes control and complications trial and humalog insulin on glycohemoglobin levels and severe hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2001 Mar; 24(3):430-4. PMID: 11289463.
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