Michael Kirkwood
Co-Authors (21)
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This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of
Michael Kirkwood (red circle).
The size of a circle is proportional to the number of publications that author has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names
is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
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Name | Total Publications | Co-Authored Publications |
Connery, Amy | 30 | 14 | Peterson, Robin | 34 | 13 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | 42 | 9 | Howell, David | 218 | 11 | Wilson, Julie | 58 | 10 | Forster, Jeri | 141 | 1 | Wilson, Pamela | 19 | 4 | Bajaj, Lalit | 93 | 3 | Gold, Christine | 3 | 1 | Petranovich, Christine | 10 | 3 | Rosenthal, Scott | 4 | 1 | Lantagne, Ann | 4 | 2 | Hutaff-Lee, Christa | 15 | 2 | Wathen, Joe | 13 | 2 | Walker, Gregory | 22 | 1 | Tlustos-Carter, Sarah | 6 | 1 | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | 69 | 1 | Carry, Patrick | 115 | 1 | Simpson, Tess | 7 | 1 | Janusz, Jennifer | 15 | 1 | Laker, Scott | 28 | 1 |
Co-Authors of Co-AuthorsName | Total Publications |
Sweeney, Emily | 20 | Asturias, Edwin | 111 | Brenner, Lisa | 278 | Colbert, Alison | 18 | Armento, Aubrey | 16 | Lamb, Molly | 98 | Olson, Daniel | 38 | Searns, Justin | 18 | Chiesa, Antonia | 6 | Albright, Jay | 32 | Monteith, Lindsey | 110 | Bahraini, Nazanin | 72 | Boada, Richard | 40 | Carubia, Beau | 3 | Staab, Stephanie | 1 | Barnes, Alice | 1 | Ziniel, Sonja | 88 | Flood, Shannon | 3 | Kinney, Adam | 46 | Scott, Halden | 50 | Cheung, Dickson | 14 | Stevens Lapsley, Jennifer | 160 | Wang, George | 80 | Simon, Stacey | 65 | Wadsworth, Sally | 60 | Holliday, Ryan | 89 | Willcutt, Erik | 150 | Wiersma, Alexandria | 7 | Freeman, Julia | 6 | Baugh, Christine | 75 | Hoffmire, Claire | 79 | Schneider, Alexandra | 38 | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 39 | Bakel, Leigh | 19 | Brent, Alison | 9 | Kenny, Jessica | 4 | Kempe, Allison | 232 | Norris, Jill | 333 | Widmer, Kaitlin | 2 | Mendenhall, Marcela | 2 | Ambroggio, Lilliam | 102 | Brumbaugh, David | 28 | Parker, Sarah | 63 | Boguniewicz, Juri | 18 | Stenson, Erin | 24 | Derderian, Sarkis | 52 | Barnes, Sean | 37 | Messacar, Kevin | 90 | Lindberg, Daniel | 93 | Garg, Sumeet | 107 | Kechris, Katerina | 141 | Georgopoulos, Gaia | 35 | Younger, Bridget | 1 | Lockwood, Justin | 12 | Kirchberg, Tyler | 5 | Roosevelt, Genie | 64 | Betthauser, Lisa | 17 | Roback, Mark | 56 | Tartaglia, Nicole | 88 | Tyler, Amy | 26 | Lowry, Christopher | 249 | Kedia, Sita | 7 | Brostow, Diana | 20 | Hebert, Jeffrey | 21 | Moss, Marc | 235 | Hoisington, Andrew | 29 | Judd, Dana | 106 | Meron, Adele | 9 | Khodaee, Morteza | 120 | Barker, Jennifer | 36 | Stence, Nicholas | 82 | Halstead, Sarah | 2 | Knupp, Kelly | 76 | Kammeyer, Ryan | 24 | Hadley-Miller, Nancy | 24 | Reese, Jennifer | 10 | Homaifar, Beeta | 21 | Colborn, Kathryn | 119 | Chowanadisai, Montida | 1 | Nagamoto, Herbert | 17 |
Co-Author ConnectionsPerson 1 | Person 2 | Number of Co-Publications | Most Recent Co-Publication |
Forster, Jeri | Brenner, Lisa | 67 | 2024 | Monteith, Lindsey | Holliday, Ryan | 52 | 2023 | Wilson, Julie | Howell, David | 48 | 2024 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Brenner, Lisa | 39 | 2024 | Lowry, Christopher | Brenner, Lisa | 37 | 2024 | Brenner, Lisa | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 36 | 2024 | Lamb, Molly | Asturias, Edwin | 34 | 2023 | Brenner, Lisa | Monteith, Lindsey | 32 | 2023 | Monteith, Lindsey | Hoffmire, Claire | 31 | 2023 | Forster, Jeri | Bahraini, Nazanin | 30 | 2024 | Brenner, Lisa | Hoffmire, Claire | 29 | 2024 | Brenner, Lisa | Hoisington, Andrew | 26 | 2024 | Lowry, Christopher | Hoisington, Andrew | 25 | 2024 | Brenner, Lisa | Holliday, Ryan | 24 | 2023 | Wadsworth, Sally | Willcutt, Erik | 23 | 2022 | Holliday, Ryan | Hoffmire, Claire | 23 | 2023 | Forster, Jeri | Monteith, Lindsey | 22 | 2023 | Howell, David | Walker, Gregory | 21 | 2023 | Asturias, Edwin | Olson, Daniel | 21 | 2023 | Brenner, Lisa | Schneider, Alexandra | 21 | 2024 | Georgopoulos, Gaia | Carry, Patrick | 21 | 2023 | Forster, Jeri | Schneider, Alexandra | 20 | 2024 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Monteith, Lindsey | 20 | 2023 | Brenner, Lisa | Kinney, Adam | 19 | 2024 | Lamb, Molly | Olson, Daniel | 19 | 2023 | Forster, Jeri | Hoffmire, Claire | 18 | 2024 | Forster, Jeri | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 18 | 2023 | Forster, Jeri | Kinney, Adam | 17 | 2024 | Betthauser, Lisa | Brenner, Lisa | 17 | 2022 | Forster, Jeri | Stevens Lapsley, Jennifer | 16 | 2021 | Schneider, Alexandra | Monteith, Lindsey | 16 | 2023 | Brenner, Lisa | Homaifar, Beeta | 15 | 2017 | Norris, Jill | Lamb, Molly | 15 | 2020 | Kirkwood, Michael | Connery, Amy | 14 | 2017 | Wilson, Julie | Walker, Gregory | 14 | 2022 | Sweeney, Emily | Howell, David | 14 | 2023 | Schneider, Alexandra | Holliday, Ryan | 14 | 2023 | Schneider, Alexandra | Hoffmire, Claire | 14 | 2023 | Norris, Jill | Kechris, Katerina | 14 | 2023 | Norris, Jill | Carry, Patrick | 14 | 2023 | Kirkwood, Michael | Peterson, Robin | 13 | 2024 | Forster, Jeri | Holliday, Ryan | 13 | 2023 | Stevens Lapsley, Jennifer | Judd, Dana | 13 | 2019 | Willcutt, Erik | Boada, Richard | 13 | 2019 | Bajaj, Lalit | Scott, Halden | 12 | 2023 | Kechris, Katerina | Carry, Patrick | 12 | 2023 | Lowry, Christopher | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 12 | 2023 | Hoisington, Andrew | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 12 | 2024 | Howell, David | Kirkwood, Michael | 11 | 2022 | Brenner, Lisa | Barnes, Sean | 11 | 2023 | Albright, Jay | Howell, David | 11 | 2023 | Connery, Amy | Peterson, Robin | 10 | 2024 | Connery, Amy | Colbert, Alison | 10 | 2023 | Howell, David | Armento, Aubrey | 10 | 2023 | Wilson, Julie | Kirkwood, Michael | 10 | 2022 | Brenner, Lisa | Brostow, Diana | 10 | 2023 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Schneider, Alexandra | 10 | 2024 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Barnes, Sean | 10 | 2021 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Holliday, Ryan | 10 | 2023 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Kinney, Adam | 10 | 2024 | Hadley-Miller, Nancy | Carry, Patrick | 10 | 2023 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Kirkwood, Michael | 9 | 2022 | Bajaj, Lalit | Kempe, Allison | 9 | 2023 | Lamb, Molly | Colbert, Alison | 9 | 2023 | Kempe, Allison | Scott, Halden | 9 | 2023 | Parker, Sarah | Searns, Justin | 9 | 2023 | Garg, Sumeet | Carry, Patrick | 9 | 2022 | Roosevelt, Genie | Wang, George | 9 | 2019 | Forster, Jeri | Barnes, Sean | 8 | 2023 | Bajaj, Lalit | Roosevelt, Genie | 8 | 2017 | Asturias, Edwin | Connery, Amy | 8 | 2023 | Asturias, Edwin | Colbert, Alison | 8 | 2023 | Lamb, Molly | Connery, Amy | 8 | 2023 | Hoffmire, Claire | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 8 | 2023 | Tartaglia, Nicole | Janusz, Jennifer | 8 | 2022 | Bajaj, Lalit | Bakel, Leigh | 7 | 2022 | Bajaj, Lalit | Wang, George | 7 | 2022 | Wathen, Joe | Roback, Mark | 7 | 2009 | Olson, Daniel | Connery, Amy | 7 | 2023 | Olson, Daniel | Colbert, Alison | 7 | 2023 | Tartaglia, Nicole | Boada, Richard | 7 | 2022 | Forster, Jeri | Homaifar, Beeta | 6 | 2016 | Forster, Jeri | Brostow, Diana | 6 | 2023 | Bajaj, Lalit | Roback, Mark | 6 | 2012 | Walker, Gregory | Armento, Aubrey | 6 | 2023 | Holliday, Ryan | Kinney, Adam | 6 | 2023 | Kempe, Allison | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | 6 | 2021 | Parker, Sarah | Messacar, Kevin | 6 | 2021 | Brostow, Diana | Hoisington, Andrew | 6 | 2023 | Forster, Jeri | Nagamoto, Herbert | 5 | 2016 | Forster, Jeri | Hoisington, Andrew | 5 | 2023 | Wilson, Pamela | Wilson, Julie | 5 | 2021 | Bajaj, Lalit | Grubenhoff, Joseph | 5 | 2022 | Laker, Scott | Meron, Adele | 5 | 2023 | Brenner, Lisa | Nagamoto, Herbert | 5 | 2015 | Albright, Jay | Carry, Patrick | 5 | 2022 | Monteith, Lindsey | Barnes, Sean | 5 | 2023 | Monteith, Lindsey | Kinney, Adam | 5 | 2023 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Betthauser, Lisa | 5 | 2022 | Boada, Richard | Janusz, Jennifer | 5 | 2022 | Bakel, Leigh | Tyler, Amy | 5 | 2021 | Georgopoulos, Gaia | Hadley-Miller, Nancy | 5 | 2023 | Lowry, Christopher | Brostow, Diana | 5 | 2023 | Brostow, Diana | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 5 | 2023 | Knupp, Kelly | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | 5 | 2022 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Ziniel, Sonja | 4 | 2023 | Howell, David | Carry, Patrick | 4 | 2022 | Wilson, Julie | Sweeney, Emily | 4 | 2023 | Forster, Jeri | Lowry, Christopher | 4 | 2023 | Forster, Jeri | Betthauser, Lisa | 4 | 2022 | Wilson, Pamela | Howell, David | 4 | 2021 | Wilson, Pamela | Kirkwood, Michael | 4 | 2021 | Bajaj, Lalit | Wathen, Joe | 4 | 2008 | Bajaj, Lalit | Freeman, Julia | 4 | 2022 | Simpson, Tess | Peterson, Robin | 4 | 2024 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 4 | 2022 | Boada, Richard | Hutaff-Lee, Christa | 4 | 2012 | Boada, Richard | Peterson, Robin | 4 | 2022 | Willcutt, Erik | Peterson, Robin | 4 | 2023 | Schneider, Alexandra | Kinney, Adam | 4 | 2024 | Kempe, Allison | Asturias, Edwin | 4 | 2019 | Kempe, Allison | Colborn, Kathryn | 4 | 2023 | Norris, Jill | Barker, Jennifer | 4 | 2006 | Barnes, Sean | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 4 | 2022 | Tartaglia, Nicole | Hutaff-Lee, Christa | 4 | 2019 | Knupp, Kelly | Wang, George | 4 | 2022 | Homaifar, Beeta | Nagamoto, Herbert | 4 | 2015 | Kirkwood, Michael | Petranovich, Christine | 3 | 2015 | Wilson, Julie | Simon, Stacey | 3 | 2023 | Wilson, Julie | Carry, Patrick | 3 | 2022 | Wilson, Julie | Armento, Aubrey | 3 | 2022 | Forster, Jeri | Hebert, Jeffrey | 3 | 2018 | Bajaj, Lalit | Lindberg, Daniel | 3 | 2023 | Bajaj, Lalit | Kirkwood, Michael | 3 | 2016 | Asturias, Edwin | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | 3 | 2022 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Homaifar, Beeta | 3 | 2015 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Hoffmire, Claire | 3 | 2023 | Simon, Stacey | Howell, David | 3 | 2023 | Hoffmire, Claire | Hoisington, Andrew | 3 | 2022 | Parker, Sarah | Ziniel, Sonja | 3 | 2022 | Barnes, Sean | Holliday, Ryan | 3 | 2023 | Stence, Nicholas | Messacar, Kevin | 3 | 2020 | Stence, Nicholas | Lindberg, Daniel | 3 | 2022 | Reese, Jennifer | Tyler, Amy | 3 | 2019 | Reese, Jennifer | Lockwood, Justin | 3 | 2020 | Homaifar, Beeta | Schneider, Alexandra | 3 | 2016 | Homaifar, Beeta | Monteith, Lindsey | 3 | 2017 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Stence, Nicholas | 2 | 2021 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Wilson, Julie | 2 | 2022 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Wiersma, Alexandria | 2 | 2023 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Howell, David | 2 | 2022 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Searns, Justin | 2 | 2023 | Howell, David | Baugh, Christine | 2 | 2023 | Forster, Jeri | Moss, Marc | 2 | 2023 | Forster, Jeri | Judd, Dana | 2 | 2024 | Forster, Jeri | Peterson, Robin | 2 | 2021 | Wilson, Pamela | Simpson, Tess | 2 | 2023 | Wilson, Pamela | Peterson, Robin | 2 | 2023 | Bajaj, Lalit | Tyler, Amy | 2 | 2022 | Bajaj, Lalit | Knupp, Kelly | 2 | 2020 | Bajaj, Lalit | Halstead, Sarah | 2 | 2012 | Bajaj, Lalit | Colborn, Kathryn | 2 | 2021 | Bajaj, Lalit | Lockwood, Justin | 2 | 2021 | Lantagne, Ann | Kirkwood, Michael | 2 | 2023 | Hutaff-Lee, Christa | Kirkwood, Michael | 2 | 2014 | Wathen, Joe | Grubenhoff, Joseph | 2 | 2011 | Wathen, Joe | Kirkwood, Michael | 2 | 2011 | Walker, Gregory | Baugh, Christine | 2 | 2023 | Laker, Scott | Wilson, Julie | 2 | 2020 | Sweeney, Emily | Armento, Aubrey | 2 | 2022 | Asturias, Edwin | Colborn, Kathryn | 2 | 2023 | Armento, Aubrey | Baugh, Christine | 2 | 2023 | Lamb, Molly | Colborn, Kathryn | 2 | 2023 | Olson, Daniel | Colborn, Kathryn | 2 | 2023 | Searns, Justin | Ambroggio, Lilliam | 2 | 2023 | Albright, Jay | Sweeney, Emily | 2 | 2020 | Albright, Jay | Walker, Gregory | 2 | 2023 | Albright, Jay | Armento, Aubrey | 2 | 2023 | Monteith, Lindsey | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 2 | 2020 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Nagamoto, Herbert | 2 | 2016 | Ziniel, Sonja | Lockwood, Justin | 2 | 2021 | Kinney, Adam | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 2 | 2023 | Scott, Halden | Lindberg, Daniel | 2 | 2023 | Scott, Halden | Colborn, Kathryn | 2 | 2021 | Scott, Halden | Lockwood, Justin | 2 | 2021 | Stevens Lapsley, Jennifer | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | 2 | 2022 | Stevens Lapsley, Jennifer | Colborn, Kathryn | 2 | 2021 | Hoffmire, Claire | Kinney, Adam | 2 | 2023 | Schneider, Alexandra | Barnes, Sean | 2 | 2023 | Schneider, Alexandra | Nagamoto, Herbert | 2 | 2014 | Schneider, Alexandra | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 2 | 2021 | Bakel, Leigh | Wang, George | 2 | 2021 | Bakel, Leigh | Lockwood, Justin | 2 | 2021 | Kempe, Allison | Kedia, Sita | 2 | 2013 | Kempe, Allison | Lindberg, Daniel | 2 | 2023 | Barnes, Sean | Hoffmire, Claire | 2 | 2023 | Roosevelt, Genie | Halstead, Sarah | 2 | 2012 | Betthauser, Lisa | Schneider, Alexandra | 2 | 2020 | Betthauser, Lisa | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 2 | 2022 | Lowry, Christopher | Hoffmire, Claire | 2 | 2020 | Brostow, Diana | Hoffmire, Claire | 2 | 2022 | Hebert, Jeffrey | Brenner, Lisa | 2 | 2018 | Moss, Marc | Brenner, Lisa | 2 | 2011 | Khodaee, Morteza | Howell, David | 2 | 2023 | Reese, Jennifer | Ziniel, Sonja | 2 | 2019 | Kirkwood, Michael | Rosenthal, Scott | 1 | 2024 | Peterson, Robin | Colbert, Alison | 1 | 2019 | Peterson, Robin | Kenny, Jessica | 1 | 2022 | Peterson, Robin | Rosenthal, Scott | 1 | 2024 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Brent, Alison | 1 | 2008 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Widmer, Kaitlin | 1 | 2023 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | 1 | 2016 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Messacar, Kevin | 1 | 2019 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Lindberg, Daniel | 1 | 2019 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Carubia, Beau | 1 | 2022 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Mendenhall, Marcela | 1 | 2023 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Flood, Shannon | 1 | 2020 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Cheung, Dickson | 1 | 2019 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Stenson, Erin | 1 | 2020 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Ambroggio, Lilliam | 1 | 2021 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Connery, Amy | 1 | 2014 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Peterson, Robin | 1 | 2014 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Staab, Stephanie | 1 | 2022 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Boguniewicz, Juri | 1 | 2020 | Grubenhoff, Joseph | Derderian, Sarkis | 1 | 2020 | Howell, David | Peterson, Robin | 1 | 2020 | Howell, David | Barnes, Alice | 1 | 2024 | Howell, David | Kirchberg, Tyler | 1 | 2019 | Wilson, Julie | Meron, Adele | 1 | 2016 | Wilson, Julie | Peterson, Robin | 1 | 2020 | Wilson, Julie | Baugh, Christine | 1 | 2022 | Wilson, Julie | Barnes, Alice | 1 | 2024 | Forster, Jeri | Laker, Scott | 1 | 2019 | Forster, Jeri | Simpson, Tess | 1 | 2021 | Forster, Jeri | Meron, Adele | 1 | 2021 | Forster, Jeri | Kirkwood, Michael | 1 | 2015 | Forster, Jeri | Connery, Amy | 1 | 2015 | Wilson, Pamela | Chowanadisai, Montida | 1 | 2013 | Wilson, Pamela | Kenny, Jessica | 1 | 2022 | Bajaj, Lalit | Reese, Jennifer | 1 | 2015 | Bajaj, Lalit | Barker, Jennifer | 1 | 2015 | Bajaj, Lalit | Boada, Richard | 1 | 2012 | Bajaj, Lalit | Stence, Nicholas | 1 | 2012 | Bajaj, Lalit | Brent, Alison | 1 | 2017 | Bajaj, Lalit | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | 1 | 2016 | Bajaj, Lalit | Ziniel, Sonja | 1 | 2019 | Bajaj, Lalit | Searns, Justin | 1 | 2021 | Bajaj, Lalit | Staab, Stephanie | 1 | 2022 | Bajaj, Lalit | Boguniewicz, Juri | 1 | 2020 | Gold, Christine | Carry, Patrick | 1 | 2014 | Gold, Christine | Kirkwood, Michael | 1 | 2014 | Gold, Christine | Connery, Amy | 1 | 2014 | Lantagne, Ann | Peterson, Robin | 1 | 2018 | Hutaff-Lee, Christa | Connery, Amy | 1 | 2014 | Hutaff-Lee, Christa | Kammeyer, Ryan | 1 | 2023 | Walker, Gregory | Carry, Patrick | 1 | 2022 | Walker, Gregory | Kirkwood, Michael | 1 | 2021 | Tlustos-Carter, Sarah | Kirkwood, Michael | 1 | 2016 | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | Lindberg, Daniel | 1 | 2015 | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | Lockwood, Justin | 1 | 2020 | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | Kirkwood, Michael | 1 | 2016 | Carry, Patrick | Kirkwood, Michael | 1 | 2014 | Carry, Patrick | Connery, Amy | 1 | 2014 | Simpson, Tess | Kirkwood, Michael | 1 | 2024 | Simpson, Tess | Kenny, Jessica | 1 | 2022 | Simpson, Tess | Rosenthal, Scott | 1 | 2024 | Janusz, Jennifer | Hutaff-Lee, Christa | 1 | 2009 | Janusz, Jennifer | Kirkwood, Michael | 1 | 2002 | Laker, Scott | Bahraini, Nazanin | 1 | 2019 | Laker, Scott | Brenner, Lisa | 1 | 2019 | Laker, Scott | Howell, David | 1 | 2020 | Laker, Scott | Hoffmire, Claire | 1 | 2020 | Laker, Scott | Kirkwood, Michael | 1 | 2020 | Laker, Scott | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 1 | 2019 | Sweeney, Emily | Walker, Gregory | 1 | 2022 | Sweeney, Emily | Carry, Patrick | 1 | 2021 | Asturias, Edwin | Messacar, Kevin | 1 | 2018 | Lamb, Molly | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | 1 | 2019 | Searns, Justin | Boguniewicz, Juri | 1 | 2020 | Chiesa, Antonia | Lindberg, Daniel | 1 | 2023 | Chiesa, Antonia | Connery, Amy | 1 | 2024 | Chiesa, Antonia | Peterson, Robin | 1 | 2024 | Monteith, Lindsey | Nagamoto, Herbert | 1 | 2015 | Monteith, Lindsey | Brostow, Diana | 1 | 2021 | Bahraini, Nazanin | Brostow, Diana | 1 | 2022 | Boada, Richard | Stence, Nicholas | 1 | 2012 | Ziniel, Sonja | Ambroggio, Lilliam | 1 | 2021 | Flood, Shannon | Stenson, Erin | 1 | 2020 | Flood, Shannon | Derderian, Sarkis | 1 | 2020 | Scott, Halden | Stenson, Erin | 1 | 2021 | Scott, Halden | Searns, Justin | 1 | 2017 | Stevens Lapsley, Jennifer | Moss, Marc | 1 | 2013 | Wang, George | Lindberg, Daniel | 1 | 2022 | Wang, George | Stenson, Erin | 1 | 2022 | Wadsworth, Sally | Peterson, Robin | 1 | 2014 | Holliday, Ryan | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 1 | 2020 | Wiersma, Alexandria | Mendenhall, Marcela | 1 | 2023 | Schneider, Alexandra | Brostow, Diana | 1 | 2020 | Schneider, Alexandra | Hoisington, Andrew | 1 | 2020 | Bakel, Leigh | Grubenhoff, Joseph | 1 | 2023 | Bakel, Leigh | Scott, Halden | 1 | 2021 | Bakel, Leigh | Searns, Justin | 1 | 2023 | Bakel, Leigh | Boguniewicz, Juri | 1 | 2020 | Kempe, Allison | Grubenhoff, Joseph | 1 | 2013 | Kempe, Allison | Tyler, Amy | 1 | 2017 | Kempe, Allison | Knupp, Kelly | 1 | 2017 | Kempe, Allison | Hadley-Miller, Nancy | 1 | 2013 | Kempe, Allison | Ambroggio, Lilliam | 1 | 2022 | Widmer, Kaitlin | Wiersma, Alexandria | 1 | 2023 | Widmer, Kaitlin | Mendenhall, Marcela | 1 | 2023 | Brumbaugh, David | Bajaj, Lalit | 1 | 2020 | Brumbaugh, David | Bakel, Leigh | 1 | 2020 | Brumbaugh, David | Grubenhoff, Joseph | 1 | 2021 | Brumbaugh, David | Lockwood, Justin | 1 | 2020 | Brumbaugh, David | Boguniewicz, Juri | 1 | 2020 | Parker, Sarah | Grubenhoff, Joseph | 1 | 2020 | Parker, Sarah | Scott, Halden | 1 | 2017 | Parker, Sarah | Ambroggio, Lilliam | 1 | 2022 | Parker, Sarah | Boguniewicz, Juri | 1 | 2020 | Stenson, Erin | Derderian, Sarkis | 1 | 2020 | Barnes, Sean | Nagamoto, Herbert | 1 | 2016 | Barnes, Sean | Kinney, Adam | 1 | 2021 | Messacar, Kevin | Olson, Daniel | 1 | 2016 | Messacar, Kevin | Searns, Justin | 1 | 2019 | Messacar, Kevin | Carry, Patrick | 1 | 2014 | Garg, Sumeet | Messacar, Kevin | 1 | 2014 | Georgopoulos, Gaia | Wathen, Joe | 1 | 2007 | Younger, Bridget | Howell, David | 1 | 2020 | Lockwood, Justin | Searns, Justin | 1 | 2023 | Lockwood, Justin | Boguniewicz, Juri | 1 | 2020 | Roosevelt, Genie | Grubenhoff, Joseph | 1 | 2011 | Roosevelt, Genie | Brent, Alison | 1 | 2017 | Betthauser, Lisa | Homaifar, Beeta | 1 | 2011 | Betthauser, Lisa | Barnes, Sean | 1 | 2020 | Betthauser, Lisa | Nagamoto, Herbert | 1 | 2011 | Betthauser, Lisa | Kinney, Adam | 1 | 2021 | Tyler, Amy | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | 1 | 2017 | Tyler, Amy | Ziniel, Sonja | 1 | 2019 | Lowry, Christopher | Schneider, Alexandra | 1 | 2020 | Kedia, Sita | Grubenhoff, Joseph | 1 | 2013 | Kedia, Sita | Stence, Nicholas | 1 | 2012 | Brostow, Diana | Holliday, Ryan | 1 | 2021 | Hebert, Jeffrey | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 1 | 2018 | Stence, Nicholas | Carry, Patrick | 1 | 2020 | Stence, Nicholas | Derderian, Sarkis | 1 | 2019 | Knupp, Kelly | Colborn, Kathryn | 1 | 2016 | Reese, Jennifer | Parker, Sarah | 1 | 2017 | Reese, Jennifer | Bakel, Leigh | 1 | 2014 | Reese, Jennifer | Scott, Halden | 1 | 2017 | Reese, Jennifer | Juarez-Colunga, Elizabeth | 1 | 2020 | Reese, Jennifer | Searns, Justin | 1 | 2017 | Homaifar, Beeta | Barnes, Sean | 1 | 2017 | Colborn, Kathryn | Connery, Amy | 1 | 2023 | Colborn, Kathryn | Colbert, Alison | 1 | 2023 | Nagamoto, Herbert | Stearns-Yoder, Kelly | 1 | 2016 |
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