Alexandra Lindsay Waldbaum Schneider
Title | Clinical Instructor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PM&R General Operations |
Phone | 303/399-8020 |
Kinney AR, Schneider AL, King SE, Yan XD, Forster JE, Bahraini NH, Brenner LA. Identifying and Predicting Subgroups of Veterans With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Based on Distinct Configurations of Postconcussive Symptom Endorsement: A Latent Class Analysis. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2024 Jul-Aug 01; 39(4):247-257. PMID: 38259092.
Reis DJ, Schneider AL, King SE, Forster JE, Bahraini NH. Delivery of bright light therapy within the Veterans Health Administration. J Affect Disord. 2024 Mar 15; 349:1-7. PMID: 38154586.
Monteith LL, Kittel J, Miller C, Schneider AL, Holliday R, Gaeddert LA, Spark T, Brenner LA, Hoffmire CA. Identifying U.S. regions with the highest suicide rates and examining differences in suicide methods among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Veterans. Asian J Psychiatr. 2023 Nov; 89:103797. PMID: 37847965.
Monteith LL, Kittel JA, Schneider AL, Miller CN, Gaeddert LA, Holliday R, Brenner LA, Hoffmire CA. Suicide Among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Veterans: Rates and Methods, 2005-2019. Am J Prev Med. 2024 02; 66(2):243-251. PMID: 37703953.
Kittel JA, Monteith LL, Tock JL, Schneider AL, Holliday R, Barnes SM, Hoffmire CA. The perceived impact of pandemic scale (PIPS): Initial development and examination among U.S. military veterans. J Psychiatr Res. 2023 09; 165:123-131. PMID: 37494749.
Kinney AR, Yan XD, Schneider AL, Rickles E, King SE, O'Donnell F, Forster JE, Brenner LA. Unmet Need for Outpatient Occupational Therapy Services Among Veterans With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the Veterans Health Administration: The Role of Facility Characteristics. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2023 11; 104(11):1802-1811. PMID: 37116557.
Monteith LL, Miller CN, Polzer E, Holliday R, Hoffmire CA, Iglesias CD, Schneider AL, Brenner LA, Simonetti JA. "Feel the need to prepare for Armageddon even though I do not believe it will happen": Women Veterans' Firearm Beliefs and Behaviors during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Associations with Military Sexual Assault and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms. PLoS One. 2023; 18(2):e0280431. PMID: 36763646.
Spark TL, Reid CE, Adams RS, Schneider AL, Forster J, Denneson LM, Bollinger M, Brenner LA. Geography, rurality, and community distress: deaths due to suicide, alcohol-use, and drug-use among Colorado Veterans. Inj Epidemiol. 2023 Feb 10; 10(1):8. PMID: 36765427.
Monteith LL, Kittel JA, Schneider AL, Miller CN, Holliday R, Katon JG, Brenner LA, Hoffmire CA. Military Sexual Trauma Among Women Veterans Using Veterans Health Administration Reproductive Health Care: Screening Challenges and Associations with Post-Military Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts. J Interpers Violence. 2023 06; 38(11-12):7578-7601. PMID: 36695157.
Monteith LL, Kinney AR, Holliday R, Miller C, Schneider AL, Hoffmire CA, Simonetti JA, Brenner LA, Forster JE. Associations between deployment experiences, safety-related beliefs, and firearm ownership among women Veterans. J Psychiatr Res. 2023 01; 157:72-81. PMID: 36442409.
Kinney AR, Yan XD, Schneider AL, King S, Forster JE, Bahraini N, Brenner LA. Post-concussive symptoms mediate the relationship between sleep problems and participation restrictions among veterans with mild traumatic brain injury. Front Rehabil Sci. 2022; 3:964420. PMID: 36311204.
Monteith LL, Holliday R, Miller CN, Schneider AL, Brenner LA, Hoffmire CA. Prevalence and Correlates of Firearm Access Among Post-9/11 US Women Veterans Using Reproductive Healthcare: a Cross-Sectional Survey. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 09; 37(Suppl 3):714-723. PMID: 36042091.
Mohatt NV, Hoffmire CA, Schneider AL, Goss CW, Shore JH, Spark TL, Kaufman CE. Suicide Among American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans Who Use Veterans Health Administration Care: 2004-2018. Med Care. 2022 Apr 01; 60(4):275-278. PMID: 35271514.
Hoffmire CA, Brenner LA, Katon J, Gaeddert LA, Miller CN, Schneider AL, Monteith LL. Women Veterans' Perspectives on Suicide Prevention in Reproductive Health Care Settings: An Acceptable, Desired, Unmet Opportunity. Womens Health Issues. 2022 Jul-Aug; 32(4):418-425. PMID: 35272885.
Kreisel CJ, Wilson LK, Schneider AL, Mohatt NV, Spark TL. Reducing rural veteran suicides: Navigating geospatial and community contexts for scaling up a national Veterans Affairs program. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2021 04; 51(2):344-351. PMID: 33876499.
Wyrwa JM, Shirel TM, Hostetter TA, Schneider AL, Hoffmire CA, Stearns-Yoder KA, Forster JE, Odom NE, Brenner LA. Suicide After Stroke in the United States Veteran Health Administration Population. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2021 09; 102(9):1729-1734. PMID: 33811852.
Monteith LL, Holliday R, Schneider AL, Miller CN, Bahraini NH, Forster JE. Institutional betrayal and help-seeking among women survivors of military sexual trauma. Psychol Trauma. 2021 Oct; 13(7):814-823. PMID: 33764096.
Holliday R, Schneider AL, Miller C, Forster JE, Monteith LL. Factor Structure of the Suicide Cognitions Scale in a National Sample of Female Veterans. Arch Suicide Res. 2022 Jul-Sep; 26(3):1349-1361. PMID: 33689600.
Holliday R, Forster JE, Schneider AL, Miller C, Monteith LL. Interpersonal Violence Throughout the Lifespan: Associations With Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempt Among a National Sample of Female Veterans. Med Care. 2021 02 01; 59:S77-S83. PMID: 33438887.
Monteith LL, Schneider AL, Holliday R, Bahraini NH. Assessing Institutional Betrayal Among Female Veterans Who Experienced Military Sexual Trauma: A Rasch Analysis of the Institutional Betrayal Questionnaire.2. J Interpers Violence. 2021 12; 36(23-24):10861-10883. PMID: 33403916.
Betthauser LM, Albanese BJ, Cochran KL, McGarity S, Schneider AL, Schmidt NB, Brenner LA, Barnes SM. Acceptability of cognitive anxiety sensitivity treatment among veterans with mTBI. Rehabil Psychol. 2021 May; 66(2):118-127. PMID: 33382335.
Brenner LA, Stamper CE, Hoisington AJ, Stearns-Yoder KA, Stanislawksi MA, Brostow DP, Hoffmire CA, Forster JE, Schneider AL, Postolache TT, Lowry CA. Microbial Diversity and Community Structures Among Those With Moderate to Severe TBI: A United States-Veteran Microbiome Project Study. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2020 Sep/Oct; 35(5):332-341. PMID: 32881767.
Gaeddert LA, Schneider AL, Miller CN, Monteith LL, Brenner LA, Katon J, Hoffmire CA. Recruitment of women veterans into suicide prevention research: Improving response rates with enhanced recruitment materials and multiple survey modalities. Res Nurs Health. 2020 09; 43(5):538-547. PMID: 32827237.
Monteith LL, Holliday R, Miller C, Schneider AL, Hoffmire CA, Bahraini NH, Forster JE. Suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and non-suicidal self-injury among female veterans: Prevalence, timing, and onset. J Affect Disord. 2020 08 01; 273:350-357. PMID: 32560928.
Monteith LL, Holliday R, Schneider AL, Forster JE, Bahraini NH. Identifying factors associated with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts following military sexual trauma. J Affect Disord. 2019 06 01; 252:300-309. PMID: 30991258.
Monteith LL, Bahraini NH, Gerber HR, Dorsey Holliman B, Schneider AL, Holliday R, Matarazzo BB. Military sexual trauma survivors' perceptions of veterans health administration care: A qualitative examination. Psychol Serv. 2020 May; 17(2):178-186. PMID: 30265071.
Bahraini NH, Hostetter TA, Forster JE, Schneider AL, Brenner LA. A Rasch analysis of the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory in a national cohort of Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom veterans with mild traumatic brain injury. Psychol Assess. 2018 08; 30(8):1013-1027. PMID: 29878819.
Kessler RC, Hwang I, Hoffmire CA, McCarthy JF, Petukhova MV, Rosellini AJ, Sampson NA, Schneider AL, Bradley PA, Katz IR, Thompson C, Bossarte RM. Developing a practical suicide risk prediction model for targeting high-risk patients in the Veterans health Administration. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2017 09; 26(3). PMID: 28675617.
Pitchika A, Hampel R, Wolf K, Kraus U, Cyrys J, Babisch W, Peters A, Schneider A. Long-term associations of modeled and self-reported measures of exposure to air pollution and noise at residence on prevalent hypertension and blood pressure. Sci Total Environ. 2017 Sep 01; 593-594:337-346. PMID: 28346907.
Stafoggia M, Schneider A, Cyrys J, Samoli E, Andersen ZJ, Bedada GB, Bellander T, Cattani G, Eleftheriadis K, Faustini A, Hoffmann B, Jacquemin B, Katsouyanni K, Massling A, Pekkanen J, Perez N, Peters A, Quass U, Yli-Tuomi T, Forastiere F. Association Between Short-term Exposure to Ultrafine Particles and Mortality in Eight European Urban Areas. Epidemiology. 2017 03; 28(2):172-180. PMID: 27922535.
Schneider AL, Hostetter TA, Homaifar BY, Forster JE, Olson-Madden JH, Matarazzo BB, Huggins J, Brenner LA. Responses to Traumatic Brain Injury Screening Questions and Suicide Attempts among Those Seeking Veterans Health Administration Mental Health Services. Front Psychiatry. 2016; 7:59. PMID: 27148088.
Betthauser LM, Brenner LA, Forster JE, Hostetter TA, Schneider AL, Hern?ndez TD. A factor analysis and exploration of attitudes and beliefs toward complementary and conventional medicine in veterans. Med Care. 2014 Dec; 52(12 Suppl 5):S50-6. PMID: 25397824.
Bahraini NH, Breshears RE, Hern?ndez TD, Schneider AL, Forster JE, Brenner LA. Traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2014 Mar; 37(1):55-75. PMID: 24529423.
Olson-Madden JH, Homaifar BY, Hostetter TA, Matarazzo BB, Huggins J, Forster JE, Schneider AL, Nagamoto HT, Corrigan JD, Brenner LA. Validating the traumatic brain injury-4 screening measure for veterans seeking mental health treatment with psychiatric inpatient and outpatient service utilization data. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 May; 95(5):925-9. PMID: 24480334.
Analitis A, Michelozzi P, D'Ippoliti D, De'Donato F, Menne B, Matthies F, Atkinson RW, I?iguez C, Basaga?a X, Schneider A, Lefranc A, Paldy A, Bisanti L, Katsouyanni K. Effects of heat waves on mortality: effect modification and confounding by air pollutants. Epidemiology. 2014 Jan; 25(1):15-22. PMID: 24162013.
Brenner LA, Homaifar BY, Olson-Madden JH, Nagamoto HT, Huggins J, Schneider AL, Forster JE, Matarazzo B, Corrigan JD. Prevalence and screening of traumatic brain injury among veterans seeking mental health services. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2013 Jan-Feb; 28(1):21-30. PMID: 23288308.
Olson-Madden JH, Forster JE, Huggins J, Schneider A. Psychiatric diagnoses, mental health utilization, high-risk behaviors, and self-directed violence among veterans with comorbid history of traumatic brain injury and substance use disorders. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2012 Sep-Oct; 27(5):370-8. PMID: 22955102.
Tecic T, Schneider A, Althaus A, Schmidt Y, Bierbaum C, Lefering R, Mueller D, Bouillon B, Janssen C, Pfaff H, Erli HJ, Rangger C, Neugebauer EA. Early short-term inpatient psychotherapeutic treatment versus continued outpatient psychotherapy on psychosocial outcome: a randomized controlled trial in trauma patients. J Trauma. 2011 Feb; 70(2):433-41. PMID: 21057336.
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