Colorado PROFILES, The Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI)
Last Name

Martin Werner Breuss

TitleAssistant Professor
InstitutionUniversity of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus

    Collapse Biography 
    Collapse awards and honors
    2020ASCINA Young Scientist Award, ASCINA
    2022 - 2025Boettcher Investigator, Boettcher Foundation
    2024Translational Research Scholars Program, CU SOM

    Collapse Overview 

    Collapse Research 
    Collapse research activities and funding
    R01HG013472     (BREUSS, MARTIN WERNER)Jul 1, 2024 - Apr 30, 2029
    Genome-wide assessment of transcriptional state history
    Role: Principal Investigator

    TRSP 2024     (Martin Breuss)Jul 1, 2024
    CU SOM
    The Mosaicism Landscape of Aging and Disease in the Colorado Biobank
    Role: Principal Investigator

    Boettcher Investigator 2021     (Martin W. Breuss)Jun 2, 2022 - May 31, 2025
    Boettcher Foundation
    Elucidation of the features of germ cell mosaicism and its impact on human health
    Role: PI

    TM-T-22-117     (Martin W. Breuss)May 1, 2022 - Apr 30, 2023
    Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute
    Targeted long-read sequencing for parental haplotype determination of diagnostic variants
    Role: Principal Investigator

    Collapse Bibliographic 
    Collapse selected publications
    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
    List All   |   Timeline
    1. Doss RM, Breuss MW. A somatic view of the genomic impact of mitochondrial endosymbiosis. PLoS Biol. 2024 Aug; 22(8):e3002756. PMID: 39178182.
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    2. Chung C, Yang X, Hevner RF, Kennedy K, Vong KI, Liu Y, Patel A, Nedunuri R, Barton ST, Noel G, Barrows C, Stanley V, Mittal S, Breuss MW, Schlachetzki JCM, Kingsmore SF, Gleeson JG. Cell-type-resolved mosaicism reveals clonal dynamics of the human forebrain. Nature. 2024 May; 629(8011):384-392. PMID: 38600385.
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    3. Graham JH, Schlachetzki JCM, Yang X, Breuss MW. Genomic Mosaicism of the Brain: Origin, Impact, and Utility. Neurosci Bull. 2024 Jun; 40(6):759-776. PMID: 37898991.
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    4. Chung C, Yang X, Bae T, Vong KI, Mittal S, Donkels C, Westley Phillips H, Li Z, Marsh APL, Breuss MW, Ball LL, Garcia CAB, George RD, Gu J, Xu M, Barrows C, James KN, Stanley V, Nidhiry AS, Khoury S, Howe G, Riley E, Xu X, Copeland B, Wang Y, Kim SH, Kang HC, Schulze-Bonhage A, Haas CA, Urbach H, Prinz M, Limbrick DD, Gurnett CA, Smyth MD, Sattar S, Nespeca M, Gonda DD, Imai K, Takahashi Y, Chen HH, Tsai JW, Conti V, Guerrini R, Devinsky O, Silva WA, Machado HR, Mathern GW, Abyzov A, Baldassari S, Baulac S, Gleeson JG. Comprehensive multi-omic profiling of somatic mutations in malformations of cortical development. Nat Genet. 2023 02; 55(2):209-220. PMID: 36635388.
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    5. Yang X, Xu X, Breuss MW, Antaki D, Ball LL, Chung C, Shen J, Li C, George RD, Wang Y, Bae T, Cheng Y, Abyzov A, Wei L, Alexandrov LB, Sebat JL, Gleeson JG. Control-independent mosaic single nucleotide variant detection with DeepMosaic. Nat Biotechnol. 2023 06; 41(6):870-877. PMID: 36593400.
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    6. Breuss MW, Yang X, Stanley V, McEvoy-Venneri J, Xu X, Morales AJ, Gleeson JG. Unbiased mosaic variant assessment in sperm: a cohort study to test predictability of transmission. Elife. 2022 07 05; 11. PMID: 35787314.
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    7. Breuss MW, Yang X, Schlachetzki JCM, Antaki D, Lana AJ, Xu X, Chung C, Chai G, Stanley V, Song Q, Newmeyer TF, Nguyen A, O'Brien S, Hoeksema MA, Cao B, Nott A, McEvoy-Venneri J, Pasillas MP, Barton ST, Copeland BR, Nahas S, Van Der Kraan L, Ding Y, Glass CK, Gleeson JG. Somatic mosaicism reveals clonal distributions of neocortical development. Nature. 2022 04; 604(7907):689-696. PMID: 35444276.
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    8. Yang X, Breuss MW, Xu X, Antaki D, James KN, Stanley V, Ball LL, George RD, Wirth SA, Cao B, Nguyen A, McEvoy-Venneri J, Chai G, Nahas S, Van Der Kraan L, Ding Y, Sebat J, Gleeson JG. Developmental and temporal characteristics of clonal sperm mosaicism. Cell. 2021 09 02; 184(18):4772-4783.e15. PMID: 34388390.
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    9. Breuss MW, Yang X, Gleeson JG. Sperm mosaicism: implications for genomic diversity and disease. Trends Genet. 2021 10; 37(10):890-902. PMID: 34158173.
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    10. Ghosh SG, Breuss MW, Schlachetzki Z, Chai G, Ross D, Stanley V, Sonmez FM, Topaloglu H, Zaki MS, Hosny H, Gad S, Gleeson JG. Biallelic hypomorphic mutations in HEATR5B, encoding HEAT repeat-containing protein 5B, in a neurological syndrome with pontocerebellar hypoplasia. Eur J Hum Genet. 2021 06; 29(6):957-964. PMID: 33824466.
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    11. Chai G, Webb A, Li C, Antaki D, Lee S, Breuss MW, Lang N, Stanley V, Anzenberg P, Yang X, Marshall T, Gaffney P, Wierenga KJ, Chung BH, Tsang MH, Pais LS, Lovgren AK, VanNoy GE, Rehm HL, Mirzaa G, Leon E, Diaz J, Neumann A, Kalverda AP, Manfield IW, Parry DA, Logan CV, Johnson CA, Bonthron DT, Valleley EMA, Issa MY, Abdel-Ghafar SF, Abdel-Hamid MS, Jennings P, Zaki MS, Sheridan E, Gleeson JG. Mutations in Spliceosomal Genes PPIL1 and PRP17 Cause Neurodegenerative Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia with Microcephaly. Neuron. 2021 01 20; 109(2):241-256.e9. PMID: 33220177.
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    12. Breuss MW, Mamerto A, Renner T, Waters ER. The Evolution of the Mammalian ABCA6-like Genes: Analysis of Phylogenetic, Expression, and Population Genetic Data Reveals Complex Evolutionary Histories. Genome Biol Evol. 2020 11 03; 12(11):2093-2106. PMID: 32877505.
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    13. Ghosh SG, Scala M, Beetz C, Helman G, Stanley V, Yang X, Breuss MW, Mazaheri N, Selim L, Hadipour F, Pais L, Stutterd CA, Karageorgou V, Begtrup A, Crunk A, Juusola J, Willaert R, Flore LA, Kennelly K, Spencer C, Brown M, Trapane P, Hurst ACE, Lane Rutledge S, Goodloe DH, McDonald MT, Shashi V, Schoch K, Tomoum H, Zaitoun R, Hadipour Z, Galehdari H, Pagnamenta AT, Mojarrad M, Sedaghat A, Dias P, Quintas S, Eslahi A, Shariati G, Bauer P, Simons C, Houlden H, Issa MY, Zaki MS, Maroofian R, Gleeson JG. A relatively common homozygous TRAPPC4 splicing variant is associated with an early-infantile neurodegenerative syndrome. Eur J Hum Genet. 2021 02; 29(2):271-279. PMID: 32901138.
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    14. Garcia CAB, Carvalho SCS, Yang X, Ball LL, George RD, James KN, Stanley V, Breuss MW, Thom? U, Santos MV, Saggioro FP, Neder Serafini L, Silva WA, Gleeson JG, Machado HR. mTOR pathway somatic variants and the molecular pathogenesis of hemimegalencephaly. Epilepsia Open. 2020 Mar; 5(1):97-106. PMID: 32140648.
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    15. Breuss MW, Antaki D, George RD, Kleiber M, James KN, Ball LL, Hong O, Mitra I, Yang X, Wirth SA, Gu J, Garcia CAB, Gujral M, Brandler WM, Musaev D, Nguyen A, McEvoy-Venneri J, Knox R, Sticca E, Botello MCC, Uribe Fenner J, P?rez MC, Arranz M, Moffitt AB, Wang Z, Herv?s A, Devinsky O, Gymrek M, Sebat J, Gleeson JG. Autism risk in offspring can be assessed through quantification of male sperm mosaicism. Nat Med. 2020 01; 26(1):143-150. PMID: 31873310.
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    16. Ghosh SG, Wang L, Breuss MW, Green JD, Stanley V, Yang X, Ross D, Traynor BJ, Alhashem AM, Azam M, Selim L, Bastaki L, Elbastawisy HI, Temtamy S, Zaki M, Gleeson JG. Recurrent homozygous damaging mutation in TMX2, encoding a protein disulfide isomerase, in four families with microlissencephaly. J Med Genet. 2020 04; 57(4):274-282. PMID: 31586943.
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    17. Tripathy R, Leca I, van Dijk T, Weiss J, van Bon BW, Sergaki MC, Gstrein T, Breuss M, Tian G, Bahi-Buisson N, Paciorkowski AR, Pagnamenta AT, Wenninger-Weinzierl A, Martinez-Reza MF, Landler L, Lise S, Taylor JC, Terrone G, Vitiello G, Del Giudice E, Brunetti-Pierri N, D'Amico A, Reymond A, Voisin N, Bernstein JA, Farrelly E, Kini U, Leonard TA, Valence S, Burglen L, Armstrong L, Hiatt SM, Cooper GM, Aldinger KA, Dobyns WB, Mirzaa G, Pierson TM, Baas F, Chelly J, Cowan NJ, Keays DA. Mutations in MAST1 Cause Mega-Corpus-Callosum Syndrome with Cerebellar Hypoplasia and Cortical Malformations. Neuron. 2018 12 19; 100(6):1354-1368.e5. PMID: 30449657.
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    18. Breuss MW, Nguyen A, Song Q, Nguyen T, Stanley V, James KN, Musaev D, Chai G, Wirth SA, Anzenberg P, George RD, Johansen A, Ali S, Zia-Ur-Rehman M, Sultan T, Zaki MS, Gleeson JG. Mutations in LNPK, Encoding the Endoplasmic Reticulum Junction Stabilizer Lunapark, Cause a Recessive Neurodevelopmental Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 08 02; 103(2):296-304. PMID: 30032983.
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    19. Schaffer AE, Breuss MW, Caglayan AO, Al-Sanaa N, Al-Abdulwahed HY, Kaymak?alan H, Yilmaz C, Zaki MS, Rosti RO, Copeland B, Baek ST, Musaev D, Scott EC, Ben-Omran T, Kariminejad A, Kayserili H, Mojahedi F, Kara M, Cai N, Silhavy JL, Elsharif S, Fenercioglu E, Barshop BA, Kara B, Wang R, Stanley V, James KN, Nachnani R, Kalur A, Megahed H, Incecik F, Danda S, Alanay Y, Faqeih E, Melikishvili G, Mansour L, Miller I, Sukhudyan B, Chelly J, Dobyns WB, Bilguvar K, Jamra RA, Gunel M, Gleeson JG. Biallelic loss of human CTNNA2, encoding aN-catenin, leads to ARP2/3 complex overactivity and disordered cortical neuronal migration. Nat Genet. 2018 08; 50(8):1093-1101. PMID: 30013181.
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    20. Gstrein T, Edwards A, Pristoupilov? A, Leca I, Breuss M, Pilat-Carotta S, Hansen AH, Tripathy R, Traunbauer AK, Hochstoeger T, Rosoklija G, Repic M, Landler L, Str?neck? V, D?rnberger G, Keane TM, Zuber J, Adams DJ, Flint J, Honzik T, Gut M, Beltran S, Mechtler K, Sherr E, Kmoch S, Gut I, Keays DA. Mutations in Vps15 perturb neuronal migration in mice and are associated with neurodevelopmental disease in humans. Nat Neurosci. 2018 02; 21(2):207-217. PMID: 29311744.
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    21. Breuss MW, Leca I, Gstrein T, Hansen AH, Keays DA. Tubulins and brain development - The origins of functional specification. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2017 10; 84:58-67. PMID: 28347630.
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    22. Breuss MW, Hansen AH, Landler L, Keays DA. Brain-specific knockin of the pathogenic Tubb5 E401K allele causes defects in motor coordination and prepulse inhibition. Behav Brain Res. 2017 04 14; 323:47-55. PMID: 28130172.
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    23. Breuss MW, Nguyen T, Srivatsan A, Leca I, Tian G, Fritz T, Hansen AH, Musaev D, McEvoy-Venneri J, James KN, Rosti RO, Scott E, Tan U, Kolodner RD, Cowan NJ, Keays DA, Gleeson JG. Uner Tan syndrome caused by a homozygous TUBB2B mutation affecting microtubule stability. Hum Mol Genet. 2017 01 15; 26(2):258-269. PMID: 28013290.
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    24. Breuss MW, Gleeson JG. When size matters: CHD8 in autism. Nat Neurosci. 2016 10 26; 19(11):1430-1432. PMID: 27786184.
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    25. Breuss MW, Sultan T, James KN, Rosti RO, Scott E, Musaev D, Furia B, Reis A, Sticht H, Al-Owain M, Alkuraya FS, Reuter MS, Abou Jamra R, Trotta CR, Gleeson JG. Autosomal-Recessive Mutations in the tRNA Splicing Endonuclease Subunit TSEN15 Cause Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia and Progressive Microcephaly. Am J Hum Genet. 2016 Jul 07; 99(1):228-35. PMID: 27392077.
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    26. Breuss M, Fritz T, Gstrein T, Chan K, Ushakova L, Yu N, Vonberg FW, Werner B, Elling U, Keays DA. Mutations in the murine homologue of TUBB5 cause microcephaly by perturbing cell cycle progression and inducing p53-associated apoptosis. Development. 2016 Apr 01; 143(7):1126-33. PMID: 26903504.
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    27. Isrie M, Breuss M, Tian G, Hansen AH, Cristofoli F, Morandell J, Kupchinsky ZA, Sifrim A, Rodriguez-Rodriguez CM, Dapena EP, Doonanco K, Leonard N, Tinsa F, Moortgat S, Ulucan H, Koparir E, Karaca E, Katsanis N, Marton V, Vermeesch JR, Davis EE, Cowan NJ, Keays DA, Van Esch H. Mutations in Either TUBB or MAPRE2 Cause Circumferential Skin Creases Kunze Type. Am J Hum Genet. 2015 Dec 03; 97(6):790-800. PMID: 26637975.
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    28. Breuss M, Morandell J, Nimpf S, Gstrein T, Lauwers M, Hochstoeger T, Braun A, Chan K, S?nchez Guajardo ER, Zhang L, Suplata M, Heinze KG, Elsayad K, Keays DA. The Expression of Tubb2b Undergoes a Developmental Transition in Murine Cortical Neurons. J Comp Neurol. 2015 Oct 15; 523(15):2161-86. PMID: 26105993.
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    29. Ngo L, Haas M, Qu Z, Li SS, Zenker J, Teng KS, Gunnersen JM, Breuss M, Habgood M, Keays DA, Heng JI. TUBB5 and its disease-associated mutations influence the terminal differentiation and dendritic spine densities of cerebral cortical neurons. Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Oct 01; 23(19):5147-58. PMID: 24833723.
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    30. Breuss M, Keays DA. Microtubules and neurodevelopmental disease: the movers and the makers. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014; 800:75-96. PMID: 24243101.
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    31. Treiber CD, Salzer M, Breuss M, Ushakova L, Lauwers M, Edelman N, Keays DA. High resolution anatomical mapping confirms the absence of a magnetic sense system in the rostral upper beak of pigeons. Commun Integr Biol. 2013 Jul 01; 6(4):e24859. PMID: 23940826.
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    32. Breuss M, Heng JI, Poirier K, Tian G, Jaglin XH, Qu Z, Braun A, Gstrein T, Ngo L, Haas M, Bahi-Buisson N, Moutard ML, Passemard S, Verloes A, Gressens P, Xie Y, Robson KJ, Rani DS, Thangaraj K, Clausen T, Chelly J, Cowan NJ, Keays DA. Mutations in the ?-tubulin gene TUBB5 cause microcephaly with structural brain abnormalities. Cell Rep. 2012 Dec 27; 2(6):1554-62. PMID: 23246003.
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    33. Treiber CD, Salzer MC, Riegler J, Edelman N, Sugar C, Breuss M, Pichler P, Cadiou H, Saunders M, Lythgoe M, Shaw J, Keays DA. Clusters of iron-rich cells in the upper beak of pigeons are macrophages not magnetosensitive neurons. Nature. 2012 Apr 11; 484(7394):367-70. PMID: 22495303.
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    34. Edwards A, Treiber CD, Breuss M, Pidsley R, Huang GJ, Cleak J, Oliver PL, Flint J, Keays DA. Cytoarchitectural disruption of the superior colliculus and an enlarged acoustic startle response in the Tuba1a mutant mouse. Neuroscience. 2011 Nov 10; 195:191-200. PMID: 21875651.
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    35. Braun A, Breuss M, Salzer MC, Flint J, Cowan NJ, Keays DA. Tuba8 is expressed at low levels in the developing mouse and human brain. Am J Hum Genet. 2010 May 14; 86(5):819-22; author reply 822-3. PMID: 20466094.
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