Josef Ruzek
Title | Affiliate |
Institution | University of Colorado Colorado Springs |
Department | Chanc-Lyda Hill Inst - Hum Res |
Ghahghahi S, Cordova MJ, Ruzek JI, Bongar B. Anxiety sensitivity, finding the body, and posttraumatic stress disorder in suicide-bereaved treatment-seeking adults. Psychol Trauma. 2024 Jan 18. PMID: 38236228.
Peretz G, Taylor CB, Ruzek JI, Jefroykin S, Sadeh-Sharvit S. Machine Learning Model to Predict Assignment of Therapy Homework in Behavioral Treatments: Algorithm Development and Validation. JMIR Form Res. 2023 May 15; 7:e45156. PMID: 37184927.
Dworkin ER, Ruzek JI, Cordova MJ, Fitzpatrick S, Merchant L, Stewart T, Santos JP, Mohr J, Bedard-Gilligan M. Supporter-focused early intervention for recent sexual assault survivors: Study protocol for a pilot randomized clinical trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2022 08; 119:106848. PMID: 35817294.
Schnurr PP, Chard KM, Ruzek JI, Chow BK, Resick PA, Foa EB, Marx BP, Friedman MJ, Bovin MJ, Caudle KL, Castillo D, Curry KT, Hollifield M, Huang GD, Chee CL, Astin MC, Dickstein B, Renner K, Clancy CP, Collie C, Maieritsch K, Bailey S, Thompson K, Messina M, Franklin L, Lindley S, Kattar K, Luedtke B, Romesser J, McQuaid J, Sylvers P, Varkovitzky R, Davis L, MacVicar D, Shih MC. Comparison of Prolonged Exposure vs Cognitive Processing Therapy for Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among US Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 01 04; 5(1):e2136921. PMID: 35044471.
Boden M, Zimmerman L, Azevedo KJ, Ruzek JI, Gala S, Abdel Magid HS, Cohen N, Walser R, Mahtani ND, Hoggatt KJ, McLean CP. Addressing the mental health impact of COVID-19 through population health. Clin Psychol Rev. 2021 04; 85:102006. PMID: 33714167.
Hobfoll SE, Watson P, Bell CC, Bryant RA, Brymer MJ, Friedman MJ, Friedman M, Gersons BPR, de Jong J, Layne CM, Maguen S, Neria Y, Norwood AE, Pynoos RS, Reissman D, Ruzek JI, Shalev AY, Solomon Z, Steinberg AM, Ursano RJ. Five Essential Elements of Immediate and Mid-Term Mass Trauma Intervention: Empirical Evidence. Psychiatry. 2021; 84(4):311-346. PMID: 35061969.
Layne CM, Ruzek JI, Dixon K. From Resilience and Restoration to Resistance and Resource Caravans: A Developmental Framework for Advancing the Disaster Field. Psychiatry. 2021; 84(4):393-409. PMID: 35061961.
Ruzek JI, Landes SJ, McGee-Vincent P, Rosen CS, Crowley J, Calhoun PS, McGraw K, Walser RD, Smith JL, Barry DS, Schmidt J, Simon E, Runnals J, Liu NH, Shaw RK, Zimmerman L, Nottis D, Tiet QQ, Juhasz KM, Kirchner JE. Creating a Practice-Based Implementation Network: Facilitating Practice Change Across Health Care Systems. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2020 10; 47(4):449-463. PMID: 32363490.
Penix EA, Clarke-Walper KM, Trachtenberg FL, Magnavita AM, Simon E, Ortigo K, Coleman J, Marceau L, Ruzek JI, Rosen RC, Wilk JE. Risk of Secondary Traumatic Stress in Treating Traumatized Military Populations: Results from the PTSD Clinicians Exchange. Mil Med. 2020 09 18; 185(9-10):e1728-e1735. PMID: 32588891.
Clarke-Walper K, Penix EA, Trachtenberg F, Simon E, Coleman J, Magnavita A, Ortigo K, Regala S, Marceau L, Ruzek JI, Rosen RC, Wilk JE. Efficacy of a Web-Based Tool in Reducing Burnout Among Behavioral Health Clinicians: Results From the PTSD Clinicians Exchange. Psychiatr Res Clin Pract. 2020; 2(1):3-9. PMID: 36101889.
Liang Y, Zhou Y, Ruzek JI, Liu Z. Patterns of childhood trauma and psychopathology among Chinese rural-to-urban migrant children. Child Abuse Negl. 2020 10; 108:104691. PMID: 32854057.
Taylor CB, Ruzek JI, Fitzsimmons-Craft EE, Sadeh-Sharvit S, Topooco N, Weissman RS, Eisenberg D, Mohr D, Graham A, Jacobi C, Oldenburg B. Using Digital Technology to Reduce the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders in Populations: Time for a New Approach. J Med Internet Res. 2020 07 24; 22(7):e17493. PMID: 32706665.
O'Donnell ML, Lau W, Fredrickson J, Gibson K, Bryant RA, Bisson J, Burke S, Busuttil W, Coghlan A, Creamer M, Gray D, Greenberg N, McDermott B, McFarlane AC, Monson CM, Phelps A, Ruzek JI, Schnurr PP, Ugsang J, Watson P, Whitton S, Williams R, Cowlishaw S, Forbes D. An Open Label Pilot Study of a Brief Psychosocial Intervention for Disaster and Trauma Survivors. Front Psychiatry. 2020; 11:483. PMID: 32670099.
Erbes CR, Kuhn E, Polusny MA, Ruzek JI, Spoont M, Meis LA, Gifford E, Weingardt KR, Campbell EH, Oleson H, Taylor BC. A Pilot Trial of Online Training for Family Well-Being and Veteran Treatment Initiation for PTSD. Mil Med. 2020 03 02; 185(3-4):401-408. PMID: 31621884.
Ruzek JI, Wilk J, Simon E, Marceau L, Trachtenberg FL, Magnavita AM, Coleman JL, Ortigo K, Ambrosoli J, Zincavage R, Clarke-Walper K, Penix E, Rosen RC. Randomized Controlled Trial of a Web-Based Intervention to Disseminate Clinical Practice Guidelines for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The PTSD Clinicians Exchange. J Trauma Stress. 2020 04; 33(2):190-196. PMID: 32103542.
Coleman JL, Marceau L, Zincavage R, Magnavita AM, Ambrosoli J, Shi L, Simon E, Ortigo K, Clarke-Walper K, Penix E, Wilk J, Ruzek JI, Rosen RC. Understanding How Clinicians Use a New Web-based Tool for Disseminating Evidence-Based Practices for the Treatment of PTSD: The PTSD Clinicians Exchange. Mil Med. 2020 01 07; 185(Suppl 1):286-295. PMID: 32074365.
Taylor CB, Graham AK, Fitzsimmons-Craft EE, Sadeh-Sharvit S, Balantekin KN, Flatt RE, Goel NJ, Monterubio GE, Topooco N, Karam AM, Firebaugh ML, Ruzek JI, Funk B, Oldenburg B, Wilfley DE, Jacobi C. Optimizing eating disorder treatment outcomes for individuals identified via screening: An idea worth researching. Int J Eat Disord. 2019 11; 52(11):1224-1228. PMID: 31502312.
Hermes EDA, Burrone L, Heapy A, Martino S, Perez E, Rosenheck R, Rowe M, Ruzek JI, Greene C. Beliefs and Attitudes About the Dissemination and Implementation of Internet-Based Self-Care Programs in a Large Integrated Healthcare System. Adm Policy Ment Health. 2019 05; 46(3):311-320. PMID: 30600402.
Schnurr PP, Chard KM, Ruzek JI, Chow BK, Shih MC, Resick PA, Foa EB, Marx BP, Huang GD, Lu Y. Corrigendum to "Design of VA Cooperative Study #591: CERV-PTSD, Comparative Effectiveness Research in Veterans with PTSD" [Contemp. Clin. Trials 41 (2015) 75-84]. Contemp Clin Trials. 2019 May; 80:61. PMID: 30962124.
Ruzek JI, Yeager CM. Mobile mental health interventions for trauma survivors. Mhealth. 2019; 5:9. PMID: 31019962.
Rosen CS, Bernardy NC, Chard KM, Clothier B, Cook JM, Crowley J, Eftekhari A, Kehle-Forbes SM, Mohr DC, Noorbaloochi S, Orazem RJ, Ruzek JI, Schnurr PP, Smith BN, Sayer NA. Which patients initiate cognitive processing therapy and prolonged exposure in department of veterans affairs PTSD clinics? J Anxiety Disord. 2019 03; 62:53-60. PMID: 30550959.
Liang Y, Cheng J, Ruzek JI, Liu Z. Posttraumatic stress disorder following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: A 10-year systematic review among highly exposed populations in China. J Affect Disord. 2019 01 15; 243:327-339. PMID: 30261448.
Taylor CB, Ruzek JI, Fitzsimmons-Craft EE, Graham AK, Balantekin KN. A systematic digital approach to implementation and dissemination of eating disorders interventions to large populations identified through online screening: implications for post-traumatic stress. Mhealth. 2018; 4:25. PMID: 30598986.
Mu?oz RF, Chavira DA, Himle JA, Koerner K, Muroff J, Reynolds J, Rose RD, Ruzek JI, Teachman BA, Schueller SM. Digital apothecaries: a vision for making health care interventions accessible worldwide. Mhealth. 2018; 4:18. PMID: 30050914.
Mohr DC, Rosen CS, Schnurr PP, Orazem RJ, Noorbaloochi S, Clothier BA, Eftekhari A, Bernardy NC, Chard KM, Crowley JJ, Cook JM, Kehle-Forbes SM, Ruzek JI, Sayer NA. The Influence of Team Functioning and Workload on Sustainability of Trauma-Focused Evidence-Based Psychotherapies. Psychiatr Serv. 2018 08 01; 69(8):879-886. PMID: 29793398.
Sayer NA, Rosen CS, Bernardy NC, Cook JM, Orazem RJ, Chard KM, Mohr DC, Kehle-Forbes SM, Eftekhari A, Crowley J, Ruzek JI, Smith BN, Schnurr PP. Context Matters: Team and Organizational Factors Associated with Reach of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for PTSD in the Veterans Health Administration. Adm Policy Ment Health. 2017 Nov; 44(6):904-918. PMID: 28597238.
Schnurr PP, Bryant R, Berliner L, Kilpatrick DG, Rizzo A, Ruzek JI. What I have changed my mind about and why: public health and technology perspectives in the field of trauma studies. Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2017; 8(sup5):1372007. PMID: 29075427.
Kuhn E, Kanuri N, Hoffman JE, Garvert DW, Ruzek JI, Taylor CB. A randomized controlled trial of a smartphone app for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2017 Mar; 85(3):267-273. PMID: 28221061.
Rosen CS, Eftekhari A, Crowley JJ, Smith BN, Kuhn E, Trent L, Martin N, Tran T, Ruzek JI. Maintenance and Reach of Exposure Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 18 Months After Training. J Trauma Stress. 2017 02; 30(1):63-70. PMID: 28103401.
Rosen RC, Ruzek JI, Karlin BE. Evidence-based training in the era of evidence-based practice: Challenges and opportunities for training of PTSD providers. Behav Res Ther. 2017 01; 88:37-48. PMID: 28110675.
Ruzek JI, Kuhn E, Jaworski BK, Owen JE, Ramsey KM. Mobile mental health interventions following war and disaster. Mhealth. 2016; 2:37. PMID: 28293610.
Carlson EB, Field NP, Ruzek JI, Bryant RA, Dalenberg CJ, Keane TM, Spain DA. Erratum to: Advantages and psychometric validation of proximal intensive assessments of patient-reported outcomes collected in daily life. Qual Life Res. 2016 Sep; 25(9):2399. PMID: 27060089.
Koffel E, Kuhn E, Petsoulis N, Erbes CR, Anders S, Hoffman JE, Ruzek JI, Polusny MA. A randomized controlled pilot study of CBT-I Coach: Feasibility, acceptability, and potential impact of a mobile phone application for patients in cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. Health Informatics J. 2018 03; 24(1):3-13. PMID: 27354394.
Kuhn E, Weiss BJ, Taylor KL, Hoffman JE, Ramsey KM, Manber R, Gehrman P, Crowley JJ, Ruzek JI, Trockel M. CBT-I Coach: A Description and Clinician Perceptions of a Mobile App for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. J Clin Sleep Med. 2016 Apr 15; 12(4):597-606. PMID: 26888586.
Groff EC, Ruzek JI, Bongar B, Cordova MJ. Social constraints, loss-related factors, depression, and posttraumatic stress in a treatment-seeking suicide bereaved sample. Psychol Trauma. 2016 11; 8(6):657-660. PMID: 26950011.
Miner A, Kuhn E, Hoffman JE, Owen JE, Ruzek JI, Taylor CB. Feasibility, acceptability, and potential efficacy of the PTSD Coach app: A pilot randomized controlled trial with community trauma survivors. Psychol Trauma. 2016 05; 8(3):384-392. PMID: 27046668.
Kanuri N, Newman MG, Ruzek JI, Kuhn E, Manjula M, Jones M, Thomas N, Abbott JA, Sharma S, Taylor CB. The Feasibility, Acceptability, and Efficacy of Delivering Internet-Based Self-Help and Guided Self-Help Interventions for Generalized Anxiety Disorder to Indian University Students: Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2015 Dec 11; 4(4):e136. PMID: 26679295.
Carlson EB, Field NP, Ruzek JI, Bryant RA, Dalenberg CJ, Keane TM, Spain DA. Advantages and psychometric validation of proximal intensive assessments of patient-reported outcomes collected in daily life. Qual Life Res. 2016 Mar; 25(3):507-16. PMID: 26567018.
Ruzek JI, Eftekhari A, Rosen CS, Crowley JJ, Kuhn E, Foa EB, Hembree EA, Karlin BE. Effects of a comprehensive training program on clinician beliefs about and intention to use prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD. Psychol Trauma. 2016 05; 8(3):348-355. PMID: 26524541.
Eftekhari A, Crowley JJ, Ruzek JI, Garvert DW, Karlin BE, Rosen CS. Training in the implementation of prolonged exposure therapy: provider correlates of treatment outcome. J Trauma Stress. 2015 Feb; 28(1):65-8. PMID: 25630446.
Ruzek JI, Rosen RC, Garvert DW, Smith LD, Sears KC, Marceau L, Harty B, Stoddard AM. Online self-administered training of PTSD treatment providers in cognitive-behavioral intervention skills: results of a randomized controlled trial. J Trauma Stress. 2014 Dec; 27(6):703-11. PMID: 25522731.
Schnurr PP, Chard KM, Ruzek JI, Chow BK, Shih MC, Resick PA, Foa EB, Marx BP, Huang GD, Lu Y. Design of VA Cooperative Study #591: CERV-PTSD, comparative effectiveness research in veterans with PTSD. Contemp Clin Trials. 2015 Mar; 41:75-84. PMID: 25457792.
Kuhn E, Eftekhari A, Hoffman JE, Crowley JJ, Ramsey KM, Reger GM, Ruzek JI. Clinician perceptions of using a smartphone app with prolonged exposure therapy. Adm Policy Ment Health. 2014 Nov; 41(6):800-7. PMID: 24398700.
Erbes CR, Stinson R, Kuhn E, Polusny M, Urban J, Hoffman J, Ruzek JI, Stepnowsky C, Thorp SR. Access, utilization, and interest in mHealth applications among veterans receiving outpatient care for PTSD. Mil Med. 2014 Nov; 179(11):1218-22. PMID: 25373044.
Ruzek JI, Eftekhari A, Rosen CS, Crowley JJ, Kuhn E, Foa EB, Hembree EA, Karlin BE. Factors related to clinician attitudes toward prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD. J Trauma Stress. 2014 Aug; 27(4):423-9. PMID: 25158635.
Carlson EB, Garvert DW, Macia KS, Ruzek JI, Burling TA. Traumatic stressor exposure and post-traumatic symptoms in homeless veterans. Mil Med. 2013 Sep; 178(9):970-3. PMID: 24005545.
Eftekhari A, Ruzek JI, Crowley JJ, Rosen CS, Greenbaum MA, Karlin BE. Effectiveness of national implementation of prolonged exposure therapy in Veterans Affairs care. JAMA Psychiatry. 2013 Sep; 70(9):949-55. PMID: 23863892.
Brunet A, Des Groseilliers IB, Cordova MJ, Ruzek JI. Randomized controlled trial of a brief dyadic cognitive-behavioral intervention designed to prevent PTSD. Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2013; 4. PMID: 23986816.
Weaver CM, Joseph D, Dongon SN, Fairweather A, Ruzek JI. Enhancing services response to crisis incidents involving veterans: a role for law enforcement and mental health collaboration. Psychol Serv. 2013 Feb; 10(1):66-72. PMID: 23088401.
Rosen CS, Nguyen T, Bernardy NC, Hamblen JL, Ruzek JI, Friedman MJ. Evaluation of a mentoring program for PTSD clinic managers in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Psychiatr Serv. 2012 Oct; 63(10):1047-50. PMID: 23032678.
Cook JM, O'Donnell C, Dinnen S, Coyne JC, Ruzek JI, Schnurr PP. Measurement of a model of implementation for health care: toward a testable theory. Implement Sci. 2012 Jul 03; 7:59. PMID: 22759451.
Ruzek JI, Rosen RC, Marceau L, Larson MJ, Garvert DW, Smith L, Stoddard A. Online self-administered training for post-traumatic stress disorder treatment providers: design and methods for a randomized, prospective intervention study. Implement Sci. 2012 May 14; 7:43. PMID: 22583520.
Pfefferbaum B, Flynn BW, Schonfeld D, Brown LM, Jacobs GA, Dodgen D, Donato D, Kaul RE, Stone B, Norwood AE, Reissman DB, Herrmann J, Hobfoll SE, Jones RT, Ruzek JI, Ursano RJ, Taylor RJ, Lindley D. The integration of mental and behavioral health into disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2012 Mar; 6(1):60-6. PMID: 22490938.
Pfefferbaum B, Schonfeld D, Flynn BW, Norwood AE, Dodgen D, Kaul RE, Donato D, Stone B, Brown LM, Reissman DB, Jacobs GA, Hobfoll SE, Jones RT, Herrmann J, Ursano RJ, Ruzek JI. The H1N1 crisis: a case study of the integration of mental and behavioral health in public health crises. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2012 Mar; 6(1):67-71. PMID: 22490939.
Rauch SA, Eftekhari A, Ruzek JI. Review of exposure therapy: a gold standard for PTSD treatment. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2012; 49(5):679-87. PMID: 23015579.
Susskind O, Ruzek JI, Friedman MJ. The VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Post-Traumatic Stress (update 2010): development and methodology. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2012; 49(5):xvii-xxviii. PMID: 23015590.
Ruzek JI, Hoffman J, Ciulla R, Prins A, Kuhn E, Gahm G. Bringing Internet-based education and intervention into mental health practice: Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2011; 2. PMID: 22893824.
Alvarez J, McLean C, Harris AH, Rosen CS, Ruzek JI, Kimerling R. The comparative effectiveness of cognitive processing therapy for male veterans treated in a VHA posttraumatic stress disorder residential rehabilitation program. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2011 Oct; 79(5):590-9. PMID: 21744946.
Carlson EB, Smith SR, Palmieri PA, Dalenberg C, Ruzek JI, Kimerling R, Burling TA, Spain DA. Development and validation of a brief self-report measure of trauma exposure: the Trauma History Screen. Psychol Assess. 2011 Jun; 23(2):463-77. PMID: 21517189.
Forbes D, Lewis V, Varker T, Phelps A, O'Donnell M, Wade DJ, Ruzek JI, Watson P, Bryant RA, Creamer M. Psychological first aid following trauma: implementation and evaluation framework for high-risk organizations. Psychiatry. 2011; 74(3):224-39. PMID: 21916629.
Forbes D, Fletcher S, Wolfgang B, Varker T, Creamer M, Brymer MJ, Ruzek JI, Watson P, Bryant RA. Practitioner perceptions of Skills for Psychological Recovery: a training programme for health practitioners in the aftermath of the Victorian bushfires. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2010 Dec; 44(12):1105-11. PMID: 21070106.
Karlin BE, Ruzek JI, Chard KM, Eftekhari A, Monson CM, Hembree EA, Resick PA, Foa EB. Dissemination of evidence-based psychological treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder in the Veterans Health Administration. J Trauma Stress. 2010 Dec; 23(6):663-73. PMID: 21171126.
Ruzek JI, Rosen RC. Disseminating evidence-based treatments for PTSD in organizational settings: A high priority focus area. Behav Res Ther. 2009 Nov; 47(11):980-9. PMID: 19632668.
Watson PJ, Ruzek JI. Academic/State/Federal collaborations and the improvement of practices in disaster mental health services and evaluation. Adm Policy Ment Health. 2009 May; 36(3):215-20. PMID: 19381796.
Benight CC, Ruzek JI, Waldrep E. Internet interventions for traumatic stress: a review and theoretically based example. J Trauma Stress. 2008 Dec; 21(6):513-20. PMID: 19107724.
Weitlauf JC, Finney JW, Ruzek JI, Lee TT, Thrailkill A, Jones S, Frayne SM. Distress and pain during pelvic examinations: effect of sexual violence. Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Dec; 112(6):1343-1350. PMID: 19037045.
Ruzek J, Walser RD, Naugle AE, Litz B, Mennin DS, Polusny MA, Ronell DM, Ruggiero KJ, Yehuda R, Scotti JR. Cognitive-behavioral psychology: implications for disaster and terrorism response. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2008 Sep-Oct; 23(5):397-410. PMID: 19189609.
Whealin JM, Ruzek JI, Southwick S. Cognitive-behavioral theory and preparation for professionals at risk for trauma exposure. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2008 Apr; 9(2):100-13. PMID: 18367753.
Ruzek JI. Wanted: a theory of post-trauma information delivery. Psychiatry. 2008; 71(4):332-8. PMID: 19152282.
Lee TT, Westrup DA, Ruzek JI, Keller J, Weitlauf JC. Impact of clinician gender on examination anxiety among female veterans with sexual trauma: a pilot study. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2007 Nov; 16(9):1291-9. PMID: 18001185.
Weitlauf JC, Ruzek JI, Westrup DA, Lee T, Keller J. Empirically Assessing Participant Perceptions of the Research Experience in a Randomized Clinical Trial: The Women's Self-Defense Project as a Case Example. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. 2007 Jun; 2(2):11-24. PMID: 19385792.
Hobfoll SE, Watson P, Bell CC, Bryant RA, Brymer MJ, Friedman MJ, Friedman M, Gersons BP, de Jong JT, Layne CM, Maguen S, Neria Y, Norwood AE, Pynoos RS, Reissman D, Ruzek JI, Shalev AY, Solomon Z, Steinberg AM, Ursano RJ. Five essential elements of immediate and mid-term mass trauma intervention: empirical evidence. Psychiatry. 2007; 70(4):283-315; discussion 316-69. PMID: 18181708.
Gard BA, Ruzek JI. Community mental health response to crisis. J Clin Psychol. 2006 Aug; 62(8):1029-41. PMID: 16700021.
Cook JM, Walser RD, Kane V, Ruzek JI, Woody G. Dissemination and feasibility of a cognitive-behavioral treatment for substance use disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder in the Veterans Administration. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2006 Mar; 38(1):89-92. PMID: 16681179.
Cook JM, Elhai JD, Cassidy EL, Ruzek JI, Ram GD, Sheikh JI. Assessment of trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress in long-term care veterans: preliminary data on psychometrics and post-traumatic stress disorder prevalence. Mil Med. 2005 Oct; 170(10):862-6. PMID: 16435760.
Cordova MJ, Walser R, Neff J, Ruzek JI. Predictors of emotional adjustment following traumatic injury: personal, social, and material resources. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2005 Jan-Feb; 20(1):7-13. PMID: 15748009.
Walser RD, Ruzek JI, Naugle AE, Padesky C, Ronell DM, Ruggiero K. Disaster and terrorism: Cognitive-Behavioral interventions. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2004 Jan-Mar; 19(1):54-63. PMID: 15453160.
Ruzek JI, Young BH, Cordova MJ, Flynn BW. Integration of disaster mental health services with emergency medicine. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2004 Jan-Mar; 19(1):46-53. PMID: 15453159.
Cook JM, Ruzek JI, Cassidy E. Practical geriatrics: possible association of posttraumatic stress disorder with cognitive impairment among older adults. Psychiatr Serv. 2003 Sep; 54(9):1223-5. PMID: 12954937.
Foy DW, Ruzek JI, Glynn SM, Riney SJ, Gusman FD. Trauma focus group therapy for combat-related PTSD: an update. J Clin Psychol. 2002 Aug; 58(8):907-18. PMID: 12115714.
Watson PJ, Friedman MJ, Ruzek JI, Norris F. Managing acute stress response to major trauma. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2002 Aug; 4(4):247-53. PMID: 12126592.
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