Charles C Benight
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Colorado Springs |
Department | LAS-Psychology |
Phone | 719/510-1950 |
Title | Director-Faculty |
Institution | University of Colorado Colorado Springs |
Department | Chanc-Lyda Hill Inst - Hum Res |
Research R42MH082498 (BENIGHT, CHARLES C)Mar 15, 2008 - Jan 31, 2015 NIH Web-based Empowerment Program for Disaster Survivors Role: Principal Investigator |
| R41MH082498 (BENIGHT, CHARLES C)Mar 15, 2008 - Aug 31, 2010 NIH Web-based Empowerment Program for Disaster Victims and First Responders Role: Principal Investigator |
| R03MH059621 (BENIGHT, CHARLES C)Jan 1, 2000 - Jun 30, 2003 NIH MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT TRAUMA AND COPING SELF-EFFICACY Role: Principal Investigator |
Allen AB, Littleton H, Bistricky S, Benson K, Cox T, Benight CC. Self-compassion reduces posttraumatic stress symptom severity in hurricane survivors via perceived social support. Psychol Trauma. 2024 Jan 22. PMID: 38252097.
Harwell AM, Pincus D, Ricca BP, Taylor E, Benight CC. Nonlinear Changes in Facial Affect and Posttraumatic Growth: Assessment of Ecological Momentary Assessment Video Data. Nonlinear Dynamics Psychol Life Sci. 2024 Jan; 28(1):19-54. PMID: 38153300.
Benight CC, Hurd JA, Morison M, Ricca BP. Big ideas series: self-regulation shift theory: trauma, suicide, and violence. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2024 01; 37(1):1-15. PMID: 37555655.
Littleton H, Dolezal ML, Allen AB, Benight CC. Random intercept cross-lagged relations among trauma coping self-Efficacy, trauma coping, and PTSD symptoms among rural hurricane survivors. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2024 01; 37(1):45-59. PMID: 37167294.
Sheehy KA, Hruska B, Waldrep EE, Pacella-LaBarbara ML, George RL, Benight CC, Delahanty DL. The mediating role of coping self-efficacy on social support and PTSD symptom severity among injury survivors. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2023 11; 36(6):770-780. PMID: 37128653.
Littleton H, Ricca B, Allen AB, Benight C. Recovery and adjustment trajectories among Hurricane Florence survivors: Analysis utilizing nonlinear dynamic system modeling. J Trauma Stress. 2023 06; 36(3):579-592. PMID: 36994696.
Weber MC, Smith AJ, Jones RT, Holmes GA, Johnson AL, Patrick RNC, Alexander MD, Miyazaki Y, Wright H, Ehman AC, Langenecker SA, Benight CC, Pyne JM, Harris JI, Usset TJ, Maguen S, Griffin BJ. Moral injury and psychosocial functioning in health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychol Serv. 2023 Feb; 20(1):19-29. PMID: 36355661.
Ehman AC, Smith AJ, Wright H, Langenecker SA, Benight CC, Maguen S, Pyne JM, Harris JI, Cooney N, Griffin BJ. Exposure to potentially morally injurious events and mental health outcomes among frontline workers affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Psychol Trauma. 2023 Mar; 15(3):524-535. PMID: 35925697.
Hurd JA, Powers TG, Benight CC. Not how often but when: Self-efficacy to control cannabis use and PTSS. Psychol Trauma. 2023 Sep; 15(6):979-987. PMID: 35925688.
Smith AJ, Shoji K, Griffin BJ, Sippel LM, Dworkin ER, Wright HM, Morrow E, Locke A, Love TM, Harris JI, Kaniasty K, Langenecker SA, Benight CC. Correction to: Social cognitive mechanisms in healthcare worker resilience across time during the pandemic. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2022 Jul; 57(7):1469. PMID: 35312829.
Yeager CM, Benight CC. Engagement, Predictors, and Outcomes of a Trauma Recovery Digital Mental Health Intervention: Longitudinal Study. JMIR Ment Health. 2022 May 02; 9(5):e35048. PMID: 35499857.
Morison M, Benight CC. Trauma Coping Self-Efficacy Mediates Associations Between Adult Attachment and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms. Front Psychol. 2022; 13:799608. PMID: 35330717.
Smith AJ, Shoji K, Griffin BJ, Sippel LM, Dworkin ER, Wright HM, Morrow E, Locke A, Love TM, Harris JI, Kaniasty K, Langenecker SA, Benight CC. Social cognitive mechanisms in healthcare worker resilience across time during the pandemic. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2022 Jul; 57(7):1457-1468. PMID: 35217891.
Littleton H, Haney L, Schoemann A, Allen A, Benight C. Received support in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence: reciprocal relations among perceived support, community solidarity, and PTSD. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2022 05; 35(3):270-283. PMID: 34314275.
Smith AJ, Wright H, Griffin BJ, Ehman AC, Shoji K, Love TM, Morrow E, Locke A, Call M, Kerig PK, Olff M, Benight CC, Langenecker SA. Mental health risks differentially associated with immunocompromised status among healthcare workers and family members at the pandemic outset. Brain Behav Immun Health. 2021 Aug; 15:100285. PMID: 34589783.
Samuelson KW, Engle K, Bartel A, Jordan JT, Powers T, Abadjian L, Benight CC. The power of appraisals in predicting PTSD symptom improvement following cognitive rehabilitation: A randomized clinical trial. J Affect Disord. 2021 03 01; 282:561-573. PMID: 33440301.
Samuelson KW, Engle K, Abadjian L, Jordan J, Bartel A, Talbot M, Powers T, Bryan L, Benight C. Cognitive Training for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Front Neurol. 2020; 11:569005. PMID: 33324318.
Wright HM, Griffin BJ, Shoji K, Love TM, Langenecker SA, Benight CC, Smith AJ. Pandemic-related mental health risk among front line personnel. J Psychiatr Res. 2021 05; 137:673-680. PMID: 33189356.
Benight CC, Shoji K, Harwell A, Felix E. Non-linear Dynamic Shifts in Distress After Wildfires: Further Tests of the Self-Regulation Shift Theory. Front Psychol. 2020; 11:551962. PMID: 33123037.
Shoji K, Smith AJ, Sano R, Samuelson KW, Benight CC. Social engagement, self-efficacy, and posttraumatic stress symptoms across 6 months of psychotherapy. J Clin Psychol. 2021 01; 77(1):60-77. PMID: 32761903.
Mahoney CT, Lynch SM, Benight CC. The Indirect Effect of Coping Self-Efficacy on the Relation Between Sexual Violence and PTSD Symptoms. J Interpers Violence. 2021 11; 36(21-22):9996-10012. PMID: 31608775.
Mahoney CT, Benight CC. The Temporal Relationship Between Coping Self-Efficacy and Dissociation in Undergraduate Students. J Trauma Dissociation. 2019 Jul-Sep; 20(4):471-487. PMID: 30924408.
Felix ED, Binmoeller C, Nylund-Gibson K, Benight CC, Benner AD, Terzieva A. Addressing Disaster Exposure Measurement Issues With Latent Class Analysis. J Trauma Stress. 2019 02; 32(1):56-66. PMID: 30698859.
Benight CC, Shoji K, Yeager CM, Weisman P, Boult TE. Predicting Change in Posttraumatic Distress Through Change in Coping Self-Efficacy After Using the My Trauma Recovery eHealth Intervention: Laboratory Investigation. JMIR Ment Health. 2018 Nov 29; 5(4):e10309. PMID: 30497992.
Benight CC, Harwell A, Shoji K. Self-Regulation Shift Theory: A Dynamic Personal Agency Approach to Recovery Capital and Methodological Suggestions. Front Psychol. 2018; 9:1738. PMID: 30298033.
Yeager CM, Benight CC. If we build it, will they come? Issues of engagement with digital health interventions for trauma recovery. Mhealth. 2018; 4:37. PMID: 30363749.
Streeb N, Shoji K, Benight CC. The Capability for Suicide in Firefighters. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2019 08; 49(4):980-995. PMID: 30079535.
Stearns S, Shoji K, Benight CC. Burnout Among US Military Behavioral Health Providers. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2018 06; 206(6):398-409. PMID: 29781896.
Yeager CM, Shoji K, Luszczynska A, Benight CC. Engagement With a Trauma Recovery Internet Intervention Explained With the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA): Longitudinal Study. JMIR Ment Health. 2018 Apr 10; 5(2):e29. PMID: 29636323.
Benight CC, Shoji K, Delahanty DL. Self-Regulation Shift Theory: A Dynamic Systems Approach to Traumatic Stress. J Trauma Stress. 2017 08; 30(4):333-342. PMID: 28741845.
Smith AJ, Felix ED, Benight CC, Jones RT. Protective Factors, Coping Appraisals, and Social Barriers Predict Mental Health Following Community Violence: A Prospective Test of Social Cognitive Theory. J Trauma Stress. 2017 06; 30(3):245-253. PMID: 28644538.
Cieslak R, Benight CC, Rogala A, Smoktunowicz E, Kowalska M, Zukowska K, Yeager C, Luszczynska A. Effects of Internet-Based Self-Efficacy Intervention on Secondary Traumatic Stress and Secondary Posttraumatic Growth among Health and Human Services Professionals Exposed to Indirect Trauma. Front Psychol. 2016; 7:1009. PMID: 27458407.
Rogala A, Shoji K, Luszczynska A, Kuna A, Yeager C, Benight CC, Cieslak R. From Exhaustion to Disengagement via Self-Efficacy Change: Findings from Two Longitudinal Studies among Human Services Workers. Front Psychol. 2015; 6:2032. PMID: 26779114.
Benight CC, Shoji K, James LE, Waldrep EE, Delahanty DL, Cieslak R. Trauma Coping Self-Efficacy: A Context-Specific Self-Efficacy Measure for Traumatic Stress. Psychol Trauma. 2015 Nov; 7(6):591-599. PMID: 26524542.
Shoji K, Lesnierowska M, Smoktunowicz E, Bock J, Luszczynska A, Benight CC, Cieslak R. What Comes First, Job Burnout or Secondary Traumatic Stress? Findings from Two Longitudinal Studies from the U.S. and Poland. PLoS One. 2015; 10(8):e0136730. PMID: 26305222.
Shoji K, Cieslak R, Smoktunowicz E, Rogala A, Benight CC, Luszczynska A. Associations between job burnout and self-efficacy: a meta-analysis. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2016 07; 29(4):367-86. PMID: 26080024.
Shrira A, Shmotkin D, Palgi Y, Soffer Y, Hamama Raz Y, Tal-Katz P, Ben-Ezra M, Benight CC. How Do Meaning in Life and Positive Affect Relate to Adaptation to Stress? The Case of Firefighters Following the Mount Carmel Forest Fire. Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 2015; 52(3):68-70. PMID: 27357557.
Shoji K, Bock J, Cieslak R, Zukowska K, Luszczynska A, Benight CC. Cultivating secondary traumatic growth among healthcare workers: the role of social support and self-efficacy. J Clin Psychol. 2014 Sep; 70(9):831-46. PMID: 24420964.
Cieslak R, Anderson V, Bock J, Moore BA, Peterson AL, Benight CC. Secondary traumatic stress among mental health providers working with the military: prevalence and its work- and exposure-related correlates. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2013 Nov; 201(11):917-25. PMID: 24177477.
Cieslak R, Shoji K, Douglas A, Melville E, Luszczynska A, Benight CC. A meta-analysis of the relationship between job burnout and secondary traumatic stress among workers with indirect exposure to trauma. Psychol Serv. 2014 Feb; 11(1):75-86. PMID: 23937082.
Cieslak R, Shoji K, Luszczynska A, Taylor S, Rogala A, Benight CC. Secondary trauma self-efficacy: concept and its measurement. Psychol Assess. 2013 Sep; 25(3):917-28. PMID: 23647049.
Bosmans MW, Benight CC, van der Knaap LM, Winkel FW, van der Velden PG. The associations between coping self-efficacy and posttraumatic stress symptoms 10 years postdisaster: differences between men and women. J Trauma Stress. 2013 Apr; 26(2):184-91. PMID: 23526650.
van der Velden PG, van Loon P, Benight CC, Eckhardt T. Mental health problems among search and rescue workers deployed in the Ha?ti earthquake 2010: a pre-post comparison. Psychiatry Res. 2012 Jun 30; 198(1):100-5. PMID: 22469424.
Steinmetz SE, Benight CC, Bishop SL, James LE. My Disaster Recovery: a pilot randomized controlled trial of an Internet intervention. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2012; 25(5):593-600. PMID: 21834731.
Lambert JE, Benight CC, Harrison E, Cieslak R. The firefighter coping self-efficacy scale: measure development and validation. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2012 Jan; 25(1):79-91. PMID: 21476153.
Reilly KH, Clark RA, Schmidt N, Benight CC, Kissinger P. The effect of post-traumatic stress disorder on HIV disease progression following hurricane Katrina. AIDS Care. 2009 Oct; 21(10):1298-305. PMID: 20024706.
Cieslak R, Benight C, Schmidt N, Luszczynska A, Curtin E, Clark RA, Kissinger P. Predicting posttraumatic growth among Hurricane Katrina survivors living with HIV: the role of self-efficacy, social support, and PTSD symptoms. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2009 Jul; 22(4):449-63. PMID: 19296264.
Benight CC, Ruzek JI, Waldrep E. Internet interventions for traumatic stress: a review and theoretically based example. J Trauma Stress. 2008 Dec; 21(6):513-20. PMID: 19107724.
Benight CC, Cieslak R, Molton IR, Johnson LE. Self-evaluative appraisals of coping capability and posttraumatic distress following motor vehicle accidents. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2008 Aug; 76(4):677-85. PMID: 18665695.
Hyre AD, Benight CC, Tynes LL, Rice J, DeSalvo KB, Muntner P. Psychometric properties of the Hurricane Coping Self-Efficacy measure following Hurricane Katrina. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2008 Jul; 196(7):562-7. PMID: 18626297.
Lis-Turlejska M, Luszczynska A, Plichta A, Benight CC. Jewish and non-Jewish World War II child and adolescent survivors at 60 years after war: effects of parental loss and age at exposure on well-being. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2008 Jul; 78(3):369-77. PMID: 19123756.
Cieslak R, Benight CC, Caden Lehman V. Coping self-efficacy mediates the effects of negative cognitions on posttraumatic distress. Behav Res Ther. 2008 Jul; 46(7):788-98. PMID: 18456241.
Qualls SH, Segal DL, Benight CC, Kenny MP. Geropsychology training in a specialist geropsychology doctoral program. Gerontol Geriatr Educ. 2005; 25(4):21-40. PMID: 16048874.
Benight CC, Harding-Taylor AS, Midboe AM, Durham RL. Development and psychometric validation of a Domestic Violence Coping Self-efficacy Measure (DV-CSE). J Trauma Stress. 2004 Dec; 17(6):505-8. PMID: 15730069.
Coolidge FL, Segal DL, Benight CC, Danielian J. The predictive power of Horney's psychoanalytic approach: an empirical study. Am J Psychoanal. 2004 Dec; 64(4):363-74. PMID: 15577282.
Benight CC, Bandura A. Social cognitive theory of posttraumatic recovery: the role of perceived self-efficacy. Behav Res Ther. 2004 Oct; 42(10):1129-48. PMID: 15350854.
Johnson LE, Benight CC. Effects of trauma-focused research on recent domestic violence survivors. J Trauma Stress. 2003 Dec; 16(6):567-71. PMID: 14690354.
Benight CC, Harper ML. Coping self-efficacy perceptions as a mediator between acute stress response and long-term distress following natural disasters. J Trauma Stress. 2002 Jun; 15(3):177-86. PMID: 12092909.
Benight CC, Flores J, Tashiro T. Bereavement coping self-efficacy in cancer widows. Death Stud. 2001 Mar; 25(2):97-125. PMID: 11708355.
Benight CC, Ironson G, Durham RL. Psychometric properties of a hurricane coping self-efficacy measure. J Trauma Stress. 1999 Apr; 12(2):379-86. PMID: 10378175.
Burnett K, Ironson G, Benight C, Wynings C, Greenwood D, Carver CS, Cruess D, Baum A, Schneiderman N. Measurement of perceived disruption during rebuilding following Hurricane Andrew. J Trauma Stress. 1997 Oct; 10(4):673-81. PMID: 9391950.
Benight CC, Antoni MH, Kilbourn K, Ironson G, Kumar MA, Fletcher MA, Redwine L, Baum A, Schneiderman N. Coping self-efficacy buffers psychological and physiological disturbances in HIV-infected men following a natural disaster. Health Psychol. 1997 May; 16(3):248-55. PMID: 9152703.
Ironson G, Wynings C, Schneiderman N, Baum A, Rodriguez M, Greenwood D, Benight C, Antoni M, LaPerriere A, Huang HS, Klimas N, Fletcher MA. Posttraumatic stress symptoms, intrusive thoughts, loss, and immune function after Hurricane Andrew. Psychosom Med. 1997 Mar-Apr; 59(2):128-41. PMID: 9088048.
Benight CC, Segall GM, Ford ME, Goetsch VL, Hays MT, Taylor CB. Psychological stress and myocardial perfusion in coronary disease patients and healthy controls. J Psychosom Res. 1997 Feb; 42(2):137-44. PMID: 9076641.
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