Christopher Merrill Layne
Title | Research Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Colorado Springs |
Department | Chanc-Lyda Hill Inst - Hum Res |
Adams SW, Layne CM, Contractor AA, Allwood MA, Armour C, Inslicht SS, Maguen S. The Middle-Out Approach to reconceptualizing, assessing, and analyzing traumatic stress reactions. J Trauma Stress. 2024 Jun; 37(3):433-447. PMID: 38049964.
Dublin S, Abramovitz R, Katz L, Layne CM. Training experienced mental health practitioners to deliver foundational trauma education: The core curriculum on childhood trauma. Psychol Trauma. 2024 Apr; 16(Suppl 1):S313-S316. PMID: 35143220.
Markosian C, Layne CM, Petrosyan V, Shekherdimian S, Kennedy CA, Khachadourian V. War in the COVID-19 era: Mental health concerns in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2022 05; 68(3):481-483. PMID: 33736534.
Hobfoll SE, Watson P, Bell CC, Bryant RA, Brymer MJ, Friedman MJ, Friedman M, Gersons BPR, de Jong J, Layne CM, Maguen S, Neria Y, Norwood AE, Pynoos RS, Reissman D, Ruzek JI, Shalev AY, Solomon Z, Steinberg AM, Ursano RJ. Five Essential Elements of Immediate and Mid-Term Mass Trauma Intervention: Empirical Evidence. Psychiatry. 2021; 84(4):311-346. PMID: 35061969.
Layne CM, Ruzek JI, Dixon K. From Resilience and Restoration to Resistance and Resource Caravans: A Developmental Framework for Advancing the Disaster Field. Psychiatry. 2021; 84(4):393-409. PMID: 35061961.
Kaplow JB, Wamser-Nanney R, Layne CM, Burnside A, King C, Liang LJ, Steinberg A, Briggs E, Suarez L, Pynoos R. Identifying Bereavement-Related Markers of Mental and Behavioral Health Problems Among Clinic-Referred Adolescents. Psychiatr Res Clin Pract. 2021; 3(2):88-96. PMID: 36101665.
Alvis LM, Dodd CG, Oosterhoff B, Hill RM, Rolon-Arroyo B, Logsdon T, Layne CM, Kaplow JB. Caregiver behaviors and childhood maladaptive grief: Initial validation of the Grief Facilitation Inventory. Death Stud. 2022; 46(6):1307-1315. PMID: 33180687.
Dublin S, Abramovitz R, Katz L, Layne CM. How do we get to trauma-informed practice? Retention and application of learning by practitioners trained using the core curriculum on childhood trauma. Psychol Trauma. 2021 Feb; 13(2):258-262. PMID: 33104380.
Hill RM, Dodd C, Oosterhoff B, Layne CM, Pynoos RS, Staine MB, Kaplow JB. Measurement Invariance of the Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder Checklist With Respect to Youth Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Age. J Trauma Stress. 2020 10; 33(5):850-856. PMID: 32686226.
Dodd CG, Hill RM, Alvis LM, Rooney EE, Layne CM, Logsdon T, Sandler IN, Kaplow JB. Initial Validation and Measurement Invariance of the Active Inhibition Scale Among Traumatized and Grieving Youth. J Trauma Stress. 2020 10; 33(5):843-849. PMID: 32516471.
Dublin S, Abramovitz R, Layne CM, Katz L. Building a trauma-informed national mental health workforce: Learning outcomes from use of the core curriculum on childhood trauma in multidisciplinary practice settings. Psychol Trauma. 2022 Nov; 14(8):1383-1386. PMID: 31855008.
Rolon-Arroyo B, Oosterhoff B, Layne CM, Steinberg AM, Pynoos RS, Kaplow JB. The UCLA PTSD Reaction Index for DSM-5 Brief Form: A Screening Tool for Trauma-Exposed Youths. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 03; 59(3):434-443. PMID: 31376502.
Kaplow JB, Rolon-Arroyo B, Layne CM, Rooney E, Oosterhoff B, Hill R, Steinberg AM, Lotterman J, Gallagher KAS, Pynoos RS. Validation of the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index for DSM-5: A Developmentally Informed Assessment Tool for Youth. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 01; 59(1):186-194. PMID: 30953734.
Geronazzo-Alman L, Fan B, Duarte CS, Layne CM, Wicks J, Guffanti G, Musa GJ, Hoven CW. The Distinctiveness of Grief, Depression, and Posttraumatic Stress: Lessons From Children After 9/11. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2019 10; 58(10):971-982. PMID: 30877043.
Steinberg AM, Layne CM, Briggs EC, Liang LJ, Brymer MJ, Belin TR, Fairbank JA, Pynoos RS. Benefits of Treatment Completion Over Premature Termination: Findings from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Psychiatry. 2019; 82(2):113-127. PMID: 30735480.
Hill RM, Kaplow JB, Oosterhoff B, Layne CM. Understanding grief reactions, thwarted belongingness, and suicide ideation in bereaved adolescents: Toward a unifying theory. J Clin Psychol. 2019 04; 75(4):780-793. PMID: 30636043.
Hulsey EG, Hill RM, Layne CM, Gaffney DA, Kaplow JB. Calculating the incidence rate of sibling bereavement among children and adolescents across the United States: A proposed method. Death Stud. 2020; 44(5):303-311. PMID: 30513272.
Roley-Roberts ME, Hill RM, Layne CM, Goldenthal H, Kaplow JB. Cause of Caregiver Death and Surviving Caregiver Coping Style Predict Thwarted Belongingness in Bereaved Youth. Arch Suicide Res. 2019 Jul-Sep; 23(3):455-470. PMID: 29791306.
Oosterhoff B, Kaplow JB, Layne CM. Links between bereavement due to sudden death and academic functioning: Results from a nationally representative sample of adolescents. Sch Psychol Q. 2018 Sep; 33(3):372-380. PMID: 30234360.
Kaplow JB, Wardecker BM, Layne CM, Kross E, Burnside A, Edelstein RS, Prossin AR. Out of the Mouths of Babes: Links Between Linguistic Structure of Loss Narratives and Psychosocial Functioning in Parentally Bereaved Children. J Trauma Stress. 2018 06; 31(3):342-351. PMID: 29870081.
Hodgdon HB, Spinazzola J, Briggs EC, Liang LJ, Steinberg AM, Layne CM. Maltreatment type, exposure characteristics, and mental health outcomes among clinic referred trauma-exposed youth. Child Abuse Negl. 2018 08; 82:12-22. PMID: 29852362.
Kaplow JB, Layne CM, Oosterhoff B, Goldenthal H, Howell KH, Wamser-Nanney R, Burnside A, Calhoun K, Marbury D, Johnson-Hughes L, Kriesel M, Staine MB, Mankin M, Porter-Howard L, Pynoos R. Validation of the Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) Checklist: A Developmentally Informed Assessment Tool for Bereaved Youth. J Trauma Stress. 2018 04; 31(2):244-254. PMID: 29669184.
Grassetti SN, Williamson AA, Herres J, Kobak R, Layne CM, Kaplow JB, Pynoos RS. Evaluating referral, screening, and assessment procedures for middle school trauma/grief-focused treatment groups. Sch Psychol Q. 2018 03; 33(1):10-20. PMID: 29629785.
Oosterhoff B, Kaplow JB, Layne CM, Pynoos RS. Civilization and its discontented: Links between youth victimization, beliefs about government, and political participation across seven American presidencies. Am Psychol. 2018 Apr; 73(3):230-242. PMID: 29355354.
Smith AJ, Layne CM, Coyle P, Kaplow JB, Brymer MJ, Pynoos RS, Jones RT. Predicting Grief Reactions One Year Following a Mass University Shooting: Evaluating Dose-Response and Contextual Predictors. Violence Vict. 2017 12 01; 32(6):1024-1043. PMID: 29017639.
Wardecker BM, Kaplow JB, Layne CM, Edelstein RS. Caregivers' positive emotional expression and children's psychological functioning after parental loss. J Child Fam Stud. 2017 Dec; 26(12):3490-3501. PMID: 29170615.
Betancourt TS, Newnham EA, Birman D, Lee R, Ellis BH, Layne CM. Comparing Trauma Exposure, Mental Health Needs, and Service Utilization Across Clinical Samples of Refugee, Immigrant, and U.S.-Origin Children. J Trauma Stress. 2017 06; 30(3):209-218. PMID: 28585740.
Claycomb MA, Charak R, Kaplow J, Layne CM, Pynoos R, Elhai JD. Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder Symptom Domains Relate Differentially to PTSD and Depression: A Study of War-Exposed Bosnian Adolescents. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2016 10; 44(7):1361-73. PMID: 26695010.
Contractor AA, Claycomb MA, Byllesby BM, Layne CM, Kaplow JB, Steinberg AM, Elhai JD. Hispanic ethnicity and Caucasian race: Relations with posttraumatic stress disorder's factor structure in clinic-referred youth. Psychol Trauma. 2015 Sep; 7(5):456-64. PMID: 26147448.
Howell KH, Shapiro DN, Layne CM, Kaplow JB. Individual and psychosocial mechanisms of adaptive functioning in parentally bereaved children. Death Stud. 2015 Jan-Jun; 39(1-5):296-306. PMID: 25848701.
Kaplow JB, Layne CM. Sudden loss and psychiatric disorders across the life course: toward a developmental lifespan theory of bereavement-related risk and resilience. Am J Psychiatry. 2014 Aug; 171(8):807-10. PMID: 25082485.
Grassetti SN, Herres J, Williamson AA, Yarger HA, Layne CM, Kobak R. Narrative Focus Predicts Symptom Change Trajectories in Group Treatment for Traumatized and Bereaved Adolescents. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2015; 44(6):933-41. PMID: 24927497.
Howell KH, Kaplow JB, Layne CM, Benson MA, Compas BE, Katalinski R, Pasalic H, Bosankic N, Pynoos R. Predicting adolescent posttraumatic stress in the aftermath of war: differential effects of coping strategies across trauma reminder, loss reminder, and family conflict domains. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2015; 28(1):88-104. PMID: 24697198.
Layne CM, Strand V, Popescu M, Kaplow JB, Abramovitz R, Stuber M, Amaya-Jackson L, Ross L, Pynoos RS. Using the core curriculum on childhood trauma to strengthen clinical knowledge in evidence-based practitioners. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2014; 43(2):286-300. PMID: 24484506.
Kaplow JB, Howell KH, Layne CM. Do circumstances of the death matter? Identifying socioenvironmental risks for grief-related psychopathology in bereaved youth. J Trauma Stress. 2014 Feb; 27(1):42-9. PMID: 24478197.
Greeson JK, Briggs EC, Layne CM, Belcher HM, Ostrowski SA, Kim S, Lee RC, Vivrette RL, Pynoos RS, Fairbank JA. Traumatic childhood experiences in the 21st century: broadening and building on the ACE studies with data from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. J Interpers Violence. 2014 Feb; 29(3):536-56. PMID: 24144720.
Contractor AA, Layne CM, Steinberg AM, Ostrowski SA, Ford JD, Elhai JD. Do gender and age moderate the symptom structure of PTSD? Findings from a national clinical sample of children and adolescents. Psychiatry Res. 2013 Dec 30; 210(3):1056-64. PMID: 24103907.
Saltzman WR, Pynoos RS, Lester P, Layne CM, Beardslee WR. Enhancing family resilience through family narrative co-construction. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2013 Sep; 16(3):294-310. PMID: 23797387.
Kaplow JB, Layne CM, Saltzman WR, Cozza SJ, Pynoos RS. Using multidimensional grief theory to explore the effects of deployment, reintegration, and death on military youth and families. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2013 Sep; 16(3):322-40. PMID: 23760905.
Elhai JD, Layne CM, Steinberg AM, Brymer MJ, Briggs EC, Ostrowski SA, Pynoos RS. Psychometric properties of the UCLA PTSD reaction index. part II: investigating factor structure findings in a national clinic-referred youth sample. J Trauma Stress. 2013 Feb; 26(1):10-8. PMID: 23417874.
Betancourt TS, Newnham EA, Layne CM, Kim S, Steinberg AM, Ellis H, Birman D. Trauma history and psychopathology in war-affected refugee children referred for trauma-related mental health services in the United States. J Trauma Stress. 2012 Dec; 25(6):682-90. PMID: 23225034.
Kaplow JB, Layne CM, Pynoos RS, Cohen JA, Lieberman A. DSM-V diagnostic criteria for bereavement-related disorders in children and adolescents: developmental considerations. Psychiatry. 2012; 75(3):243-66. PMID: 22913501.
Saltzman WR, Lester P, Beardslee WR, Layne CM, Woodward K, Nash WP. Mechanisms of risk and resilience in military families: theoretical and empirical basis of a family-focused resilience enhancement program. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2011 Sep; 14(3):213-30. PMID: 21655938.
Armour C, Elhai JD, Layne CM, Shevlin M, Durakovic-Belko E, Djapo N, Pynoos RS. Gender differences in the factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in war-exposed adolescents. J Anxiety Disord. 2011 May; 25(4):604-11. PMID: 21377317.
Layne CM. Developing interventions for trauma-exposed children: a comment on progress to date, and 3 recommendations for further advancing the field. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2011 Jan; 165(1):89-90. PMID: 21199987.
Warren JS, Brown CR, Layne CM, Nelson PL. Parenting self-efficacy as a predictor of child psychotherapy outcomes in usual care: a multi-dimensional approach. Psychother Res. 2011 Jan; 21(1):112-23. PMID: 21331978.
Greeson JK, Briggs EC, Kisiel CL, Layne CM, Ake GS, Ko SJ, Gerrity ET, Steinberg AM, Howard ML, Pynoos RS, Fairbank JA. Complex trauma and mental health in children and adolescents placed in foster care: findings from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Child Welfare. 2011; 90(6):91-108. PMID: 22533044.
Armour C, Layne CM, Naifeh JA, Shevlin M, Durakovic-Belko E, Djapo N, Pynoos RS, Elhai JD. Assessing the factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in war-exposed youths with and without Criterion A2 endorsement. J Anxiety Disord. 2011 Jan; 25(1):80-7. PMID: 20822881.
Layne CM, Olsen JA, Baker A, Legerski JP, Isakson B, Pasalic A, Durakovic-Belko E, Dapo N, Campara N, Arslanagic B, Saltzman WR, Pynoos RS. Unpacking trauma exposure risk factors and differential pathways of influence: predicting postwar mental distress in Bosnian adolescents. Child Dev. 2010 Jul-Aug; 81(4):1053-76. PMID: 20636682.
Pynoos RS, Steinberg AM, Layne CM, Briggs EC, Ostrowski SA, Fairbank JA. DSM-V PTSD diagnostic criteria for children and adolescents: a developmental perspective and recommendations. J Trauma Stress. 2009 Oct; 22(5):391-8. PMID: 19780125.
Layne CM, Saltzman WR, Poppleton L, Burlingame GM, Pasalic A, Durakovic E, Music M, Campara N, Dapo N, Arslanagic B, Steinberg AM, Pynoos RS. Effectiveness of a school-based group psychotherapy program for war-exposed adolescents: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2008 Sep; 47(9):1048-62. PMID: 18664995.
Brymer MJ, Steinberg AM, Sornborger J, Layne CM, Pynoos RS. Acute interventions for refugee children and families. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2008 Jul; 17(3):625-40, ix. PMID: 18558316.
Cox J, Davies DR, Burlingame GM, Campbell JE, Layne CM, Katzenbach RJ. Effectiveness of a trauma/grief-focused group intervention: a qualitative study with war-exposed Bosnian adolescents. Int J Group Psychother. 2007 Jul; 57(3):319-45. PMID: 17661546.
Hobfoll SE, Watson P, Bell CC, Bryant RA, Brymer MJ, Friedman MJ, Friedman M, Gersons BP, de Jong JT, Layne CM, Maguen S, Neria Y, Norwood AE, Pynoos RS, Reissman D, Ruzek JI, Shalev AY, Solomon Z, Steinberg AM, Ursano RJ. Five essential elements of immediate and mid-term mass trauma intervention: empirical evidence. Psychiatry. 2007; 70(4):283-315; discussion 316-69. PMID: 18181708.
Saltzman WR, Layne CM, Steinberg AM, Arslanagic B, Pynoos RS. Developing a culturally and ecologically sound intervention program for youth exposed to war and terrorism. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2003 Apr; 12(2):319-42, x. PMID: 12725014.
Layne C. Sex and the Barnum effect: rationality versus helpfulness. Psychol Rep. 1999 Aug; 85(1):187-8. PMID: 10575985.
Astin MC, Layne CM, Camilleri AJ, Foy DW. Posttraumatic stress disorder in victimization-related trauma. New Dir Ment Health Serv. 1994; (64):39-51. PMID: 7870015.
Heitkemper T, Layne C, Sullivan DM. Brief treatment of children's dental pain and anxiety. Percept Mot Skills. 1993 Feb; 76(1):192-4. PMID: 8451128.
Layne C, Heitkemper T, Roehrig RA, Speer TK. Motivational deficit in depressed cancer patients. J Clin Psychol. 1985 Mar; 41(2):139-44. PMID: 3980735.
Layne C. Painful truths about depressives' cognitions. J Clin Psychol. 1983 Nov; 39(6):848-53. PMID: 6662935.
Layne C, Berry E. Motivational deficit in childhood depression and hyperactivity. J Clin Psychol. 1983 Jul; 39(4):523-31. PMID: 6874991.
Layne C, Wallace LT. Impaired preferences for praise in schizophrenic adolescents. J Clin Psychol. 1982 Jan; 38(1):51-5. PMID: 7056875.
Layne C. Motivational deficit in depression: people's expectations x outcomes' impacts. J Clin Psychol. 1980 Jul; 36(3):647-52. PMID: 7410560.
Layne C, Gross RS, Buckley MF. Ratio scales of the reward values and punisher aversions of depressed undergraduates. J Clin Psychol. 1980 Jul; 36(3):640-6. PMID: 7410559.
Layne C. Relationship between the "Barnum effect" and personality inventory responses. J Clin Psychol. 1978 Jan; 34(1):94-7. PMID: 641192.
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