Matthew James Sponheimer
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Anthropology |
Loudon JE, Smith BK, Bianchi S, Howells ME, Krowka MA, Gomez AM, Davison S, Paine OCC, Sponheimer M. Variable digestibility of captive northern greater galagos (Otolemur garnettii) fed experimental "frugivorous" and "invertebrate" diets. Zoo Biol. 2023 Sep-Oct; 42(5):644-650. PMID: 37218303.
Nixdorf D, Sponheimer M, Berghammer D, Engert F, Bader U, Philipp N, Kazerani M, Straub T, Rohrbacher L, Wange L, Dapa S, Atar D, Seitz CM, Brandstetter K, Linder A, von Bergwelt M, Leonhardt H, Mittelstaet J, Kaiser A, B?cklein V, Subklewe M. Adapter CAR T cells to counteract T-cell exhaustion and enable flexible targeting in AML. Leukemia. 2023 06; 37(6):1298-1310. PMID: 37106163.
Taylor WTT, Librado P, American Horse CJ, Shield Chief Gover C, Arterberry J, Afraid of Bear-Cook AL, Left Heron H, Yellow Hair RM, Gonzalez M, Means B, High Crane S, Yellow Bull WW, Dull Knife B, Afraid of Bear A, Tecumseh Collin C, Ward C, Pasqual TA, Chauvey L, Tonasso-Calviere L, Schiavinato S, Seguin-Orlando A, Fages A, Khan N, Der Sarkissian C, Liu X, Wagner S, Leonard BG, Manzano BL, O'Malley N, Leonard JA, Bern?ldez-S?nchez E, Barrey E, Charliquart L, Robbe E, Denoblet T, Gregersen K, Vershinina AO, Weinstock J, Rajic ?ikanjic P, Mashkour M, Shingiray I, Aury JM, Perdereau A, Alquraishi S, Alfarhan AH, Al-Rasheid KAS, Trbojevic Vukicevic T, Buric M, Sauer E, Lucas M, Brenner-Coltrain J, Bozell JR, Thornhill CA, Monagle V, Perri A, Newton C, Hall WE, Conver JL, Le Roux P, Buckser SG, Gabe C, Belardi JB, Barr?n-Ortiz CI, Hart IA, Ryder C, Sponheimer M, Shapiro B, Southon J, Hibbs J, Faulkner C, Outram A, Patterson Rosa L, Palermo K, Sol? M, William A, McCrory W, Lindgren G, Brooks S, Ech? C, Donnadieu C, Bouchez O, Wincker P, Hodgins G, Trabert S, Bethke B, Roberts P, Jones EL, Running Horse Collin Y, Orlando L. Early dispersal of domestic horses into the Great Plains and northern Rockies. Science. 2023 03 31; 379(6639):1316-1323. PMID: 36996225.
Davis LG, Madsen DB, Sisson DA, Becerra-Valdivia L, Higham T, Stueber D, Bean DW, Nyers AJ, Carroll A, Ryder C, Sponheimer M, Izuho M, Iizuka F, Li G, Epps CW, Halford FK. Dating of a large tool assemblage at the Cooper's Ferry site (Idaho, USA) to?~15,785 cal yr B.P. extends the age of stemmed points in the Americas. Sci Adv. 2022 12 23; 8(51):eade1248. PMID: 36563150.
Talamo S, Nowaczewska W, Picin A, Vazzana A, Binkowski M, Bosch MD, Cercatillo S, Diakowski M, Fewlass H, Marciszak A, Palecek D, Richards MP, Ryder CM, Sinet-Mathiot V, Smith GM, Socha P, Sponheimer M, Stefaniak K, Welker F, Winter H, Wisniewski A, Zarski M, Benazzi S, Nadachowski A, Hublin JJ. Author Correction: A 41,500?year-old decorated ivory pendant from Stajnia Cave (Poland). Sci Rep. 2022 Feb 01; 12(1):2000. PMID: 35105923.
Talamo S, Nowaczewska W, Picin A, Vazzana A, Binkowski M, Bosch MD, Cercatillo S, Diakowski M, Fewlass H, Marciszak A, Palecek D, Richards MP, Ryder CM, Sinet-Mathiot V, Smith GM, Socha P, Sponheimer M, Stefaniak K, Welker F, Winter H, Wisniewski A, Zarski M, Benazzi S, Nadachowski A, Hublin JJ. A 41,500?year-old decorated ivory pendant from Stajnia Cave (Poland). Sci Rep. 2021 11 25; 11(1):22078. PMID: 34837003.
Robinson JR, Rowan J, Barr WA, Sponheimer M. Intrataxonomic trends in herbivore enamel d13C are decoupled from ecosystem woody cover. Nat Ecol Evol. 2021 07; 5(7):995-1002. PMID: 33941906.
Wynn JG, Alemseged Z, Bobe R, Grine FE, Negash EW, Sponheimer M. Isotopic evidence for the timing of the dietary shift toward C4 foods in eastern African Paranthropus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 09 08; 117(36):21978-21984. PMID: 32839330.
Negash EW, Alemseged Z, Bobe R, Grine F, Sponheimer M, Wynn JG. Dietary trends in herbivores from the Shungura Formation, southwestern Ethiopia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 09 08; 117(36):21921-21927. PMID: 32839326.
Marston CG, Wilkinson DM, Sponheimer M, Codron D, Codron J, O'Regan HJ. 'Remote' behavioural ecology: do megaherbivores consume vegetation in proportion to its presence in the landscape? PeerJ. 2020; 8:e8622. PMID: 32117638.
Sponheimer M, Ryder CM, Fewlass H, Smith EK, Pestle WJ, Talamo S. Saving Old Bones: a non-destructive method for bone collagen prescreening. Sci Rep. 2019 09 26; 9(1):13928. PMID: 31558827.
Paine OCC, Koppa A, Henry AG, Leichliter JN, Codron D, Codron J, Lambert JE, Sponheimer M. Seasonal and habitat effects on the nutritional properties of savanna vegetation: Potential implications for early hominin dietary ecology. J Hum Evol. 2019 08; 133:99-107. PMID: 31358186.
Sponheimer M, Clauss M, Codron D. Dietary Evolution: The Panda Paradox. Curr Biol. 2019 06 03; 29(11):R417-R419. PMID: 31163146.
Paine OCC, Leichliter JN, Avenant N, Codron D, Lawrence A, Sponheimer M. The ecomorphology of southern African rodent incisors: Potential applications to the hominin fossil record. PLoS One. 2019; 14(2):e0205476. PMID: 30785886.
Paine OCC, Koppa A, Henry AG, Leichliter JN, Codron D, Codron J, Lambert JE, Sponheimer M. Grass leaves as potential hominin dietary resources. J Hum Evol. 2018 04; 117:44-52. PMID: 29544623.
Wynn JG, Reed KE, Sponheimer M, Kimbel WH, Alemseged Z, Bedaso ZK, Campisano CJ. Dietary flexibility of Australopithecus afarensis in the face of paleoecological change during the middle Pliocene: Faunal evidence from Hadar, Ethiopia. J Hum Evol. 2016 10; 99:93-106. PMID: 27650582.
Loudon JE, Sandberg PA, Wrangham RW, Fahey B, Sponheimer M. The stable isotope ecology of Pan in Uganda and beyond. Am J Primatol. 2016 Oct; 78(10):1070-85. PMID: 27188271.
Crowley BE, Reitsema LJ, Oelze VM, Sponheimer M. Advances in primate stable isotope ecology-Achievements and future prospects. Am J Primatol. 2016 Oct; 78(10):995-1003. PMID: 26683892.
Bender RL, Dufour DL, Valenzuela LO, Cerling TE, Sponheimer M, Reina JC, Ehleringer JR. Stable isotopes (carbon, nitrogen, sulfur), diet, and anthropometry in urban Colombian women: investigating socioeconomic differences. Am J Hum Biol. 2015 Mar-Apr; 27(2):207-18. PMID: 25308502.
Sandberg PA, Sponheimer M, Lee-Thorp J, Van Gerven D. Intra-tooth stable isotope analysis of dentine: a step toward addressing selective mortality in the reconstruction of life history in the archaeological record. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2014 Oct; 155(2):281-93. PMID: 25156177.
Loudon JE, Grobler JP, Sponheimer M, Moyer K, Lorenz JG, Turner TR. Using the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) to examine questions in ethnoprimatology. PLoS One. 2014; 9(7):e100758. PMID: 25010211.
Frost GS, Walton GE, Swann JR, Psichas A, Costabile A, Johnson LP, Sponheimer M, Gibson GR, Barraclough TG. Impacts of plant-based foods in ancestral hominin diets on the metabolism and function of gut microbiota in vitro. mBio. 2014 May 20; 5(3):e00853-14. PMID: 24846385.
Sponheimer M, Alemseged Z, Cerling TE, Grine FE, Kimbel WH, Leakey MG, Lee-Thorp JA, Manthi FK, Reed KE, Wood BA, Wynn JG. Reply to Fontes-Villalba et al.: On a reluctance to conjecture about animal food consumption. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Oct 22; 110(43):E4056. PMID: 24308036.
Wynn JG, Sponheimer M, Kimbel WH, Alemseged Z, Reed K, Bedaso ZK, Wilson JN. Diet of Australopithecus afarensis from the Pliocene Hadar Formation, Ethiopia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jun 25; 110(26):10495-500. PMID: 23733965.
Lee-Thorp J, Likius A, Mackaye HT, Vignaud P, Sponheimer M, Brunet M. Isotopic evidence for an early shift to C4 resources by Pliocene hominins in Chad. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Dec 11; 109(50):20369-72. PMID: 23150583.
Sandberg PA, Loudon JE, Sponheimer M. Stable isotope analysis in primatology: a critical review. Am J Primatol. 2012 Nov; 74(11):969-89. PMID: 23015270.
Henry AG, Ungar PS, Passey BH, Sponheimer M, Rossouw L, Bamford M, Sandberg P, de Ruiter DJ, Berger L. The diet of Australopithecus sediba. Nature. 2012 Jul 05; 487(7405):90-3. PMID: 22763449.
Campbell SE, Cuozzo FP, Sauther ML, Sponheimer M, Ferguson VL. Nanoindentation of lemur enamel: an ecological investigation of mechanical property variations within and between sympatric species. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2012 Jun; 148(2):178-90. PMID: 22610894.
Grine FE, Sponheimer M, Ungar PS, Lee-Thorp J, Teaford MF. Dental microwear and stable isotopes inform the paleoecology of extinct hominins. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2012 Jun; 148(2):285-317. PMID: 22610903.
Codron D, Sponheimer M, Codron J, Newton I, Lanham JL, Clauss M. The confounding effects of source isotopic heterogeneity on consumer-diet and tissue-tissue stable isotope relationships. Oecologia. 2012 Aug; 169(4):939-53. PMID: 22349754.
Codron J, Codron D, Sponheimer M, Kirkman K, Duffy KJ, Raubenheimer EJ, M?lice JL, Grant R, Clauss M, Lee-Thorp JA. Stable isotope series from elephant ivory reveal lifetime histories of a true dietary generalist. Proc Biol Sci. 2012 Jun 22; 279(1737):2433-41. PMID: 22337695.
Ungar PS, Sponheimer M. The diets of early hominins. Science. 2011 Oct 14; 334(6053):190-3. PMID: 21998380.
Copeland SR, Sponheimer M, de Ruiter DJ, Lee-Thorp JA, Codron D, le Roux PJ, Grimes V, Richards MP. Strontium isotope evidence for landscape use by early hominins. Nature. 2011 Jun 02; 474(7349):76-8. PMID: 21637256.
Cerling TE, Mbua E, Kirera FM, Manthi FK, Grine FE, Leakey MG, Sponheimer M, Uno KT. Diet of Paranthropus boisei in the early Pleistocene of East Africa. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jun 07; 108(23):9337-41. PMID: 21536914.
Codron J, Codron D, Lee-Thorp JA, Sponheimer M, Kirkman K, Duffy KJ, Sealy J. Landscape-scale feeding patterns of African elephant inferred from carbon isotope analysis of feces. Oecologia. 2011 Jan; 165(1):89-99. PMID: 21072541.
Lee-Thorp JA, Sponheimer M, Passey BH, de Ruiter DJ, Cerling TE. Stable isotopes in fossil hominin tooth enamel suggest a fundamental dietary shift in the Pliocene. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2010 Oct 27; 365(1556):3389-96. PMID: 20855312.
Grine FE, Judex S, Daegling DJ, Ozcivici E, Ungar PS, Teaford MF, Sponheimer M, Scott J, Scott RS, Walker A. Craniofacial biomechanics and functional and dietary inferences in hominin paleontology. J Hum Evol. 2010 Apr; 58(4):293-308. PMID: 20227747.
Sponheimer M, Codron D, Passey BH, de Ruiter DJ, Cerling TE, Lee-Thorp JA. Using carbon isotopes to track dietary change in modern, historical, and ancient primates. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2009 Dec; 140(4):661-70. PMID: 19890855.
Copeland SR, Sponheimer M, le Roux PJ, Grimes V, Lee-Thorp JA, de Ruiter DJ, Richards MP. Strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of tooth enamel: a comparison of solution and laser ablation multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry methods. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2008 Oct; 22(20):3187-94. PMID: 18803330.
de Ruiter DJ, Sponheimer M, Lee-Thorp JA. Indications of habitat association of Australopithecus robustus in the Bloubank Valley, South Africa. J Hum Evol. 2008 Dec; 55(6):1015-30. PMID: 18824254.
Lee-Thorp JA, Sponheimer M, Luyt J. Tracking changing environments using stable carbon isotopes in fossil tooth enamel: an example from the South African hominin sites. J Hum Evol. 2007 Nov; 53(5):595-601. PMID: 17920103.
Loudon JE, Sponheimer M, Sauther ML, Cuozzo FP. Intraspecific variation in hair delta(13)C and delta(15)N values of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) with known individual histories, behavior, and feeding ecology. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2007 Jul; 133(3):978-85. PMID: 17455284.
Codron D, Lee-Thorp JA, Sponheimer M, Codron J, DE Ruiter D, Brink JS. Significance of diet type and diet quality for ecological diversity of African ungulates. J Anim Ecol. 2007 May; 76(3):526-37. PMID: 17439469.
Sponheimer M, Passey BH, de Ruiter DJ, Guatelli-Steinberg D, Cerling TE, Lee-Thorp JA. Isotopic evidence for dietary variability in the early hominin Paranthropus robustus. Science. 2006 Nov 10; 314(5801):980-2. PMID: 17095699.
Sponheimer M, Loudon JE, Codron D, Howells ME, Pruetz JD, Codron J, de Ruiter DJ, Lee-Thorp JA. Do "savanna" chimpanzees consume C4 resources? J Hum Evol. 2006 Aug; 51(2):128-33. PMID: 16630647.
Codron D, Lee-Thorp JA, Sponheimer M, de Ruiter D, Codron J. Inter- and intrahabitat dietary variability of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in South African savannas based on fecal delta13C, delta15N, and %N. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2006 Feb; 129(2):204-14. PMID: 16247809.
Sponheimer M, Robinson TF, Cerling TE, Tegland L, Roeder BL, Ayliffe L, Dearing MD, Ehleringer JR. Turnover of stable carbon isotopes in the muscle, liver, and breath CO2 of alpacas (Lama pacos). Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2006; 20(9):1395-9. PMID: 16572383.
Lee-Thorp J, Sponheimer M. Contributions of biogeochemistry to understanding hominin dietary ecology. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2006; Suppl 43:131-48. PMID: 17103429.
Robbins CT, Felicetti LA, Sponheimer M. The effect of dietary protein quality on nitrogen isotope discrimination in mammals and birds. Oecologia. 2005 Aug; 144(4):534-40. PMID: 15800751.
Sponheimer M, Lee-Thorp J, de Ruiter D, Codron D, Codron J, Baugh AT, Thackeray F. Hominins, sedges, and termites: new carbon isotope data from the Sterkfontein valley and Kruger National Park. J Hum Evol. 2005 Mar; 48(3):301-12. PMID: 15737395.
Sponheimer M, de Ruiter D, Lee-Thorp J, Sp?th A. Sr/Ca and early hominin diets revisited: new data from modern and fossil tooth enamel. J Hum Evol. 2005 Feb; 48(2):147-56. PMID: 15701528.
Ayliffe LK, Cerling TE, Robinson T, West AG, Sponheimer M, Passey BH, Hammer J, Roeder B, Dearing MD, Ehleringer JR. Turnover of carbon isotopes in tail hair and breath CO2 of horses fed an isotopically varied diet. Oecologia. 2004 Mar; 139(1):11-22. PMID: 14730442.
Botha J, Lee-Thorp J, Sponheimer M. An examination of triassic cynodont tooth enamel chemistry using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Calcif Tissue Int. 2004 Feb; 74(2):162-9. PMID: 14668967.
Sponheimer M, Lee-Thorp JA. Differential resource utilization by extant great apes and australopithecines: towards solving the C4 conundrum. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2003 Sep; 136(1):27-34. PMID: 14527627.
Sponheimer M, Lee-Thorp JA. The oxygen isotope composition of mammalian enamel carbonate from Morea Estate, South Africa. Oecologia. 2001 Jan; 126(2):153-157. PMID: 28547612.
Sponheimer M, Reed KE, Lee-Thorp JA. Combining isotopic and ecomorphological data to refine bovid paleodietary reconstruction: a case study from the Makapansgat Limeworks hominin locality. J Hum Evol. 1999 Jun; 36(6):705-18. PMID: 10330334.
Sponheimer M, Lee-Thorp JA. Isotopic evidence for the diet of an early hominid, Australopithecus africanus. Science. 1999 Jan 15; 283(5400):368-70. PMID: 9888848.
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