Sharon Nell DeWitte
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Behavioral Sci Inst-Admin |
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Anthropology |
Wissler A, DeWitte SN. Frailty and survival in the 1918 influenza pandemic. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 10 17; 120(42):e2304545120. PMID: 37812724.
Yaussy SL, DeWitte SN, Hughes-Morey G. Survivorship and the second epidemiological transition in industrial-era London. Am J Biol Anthropol. 2023 08; 181(4):646-652. PMID: 37317643.
Vilgalys TP, Klunk J, Demeure CE, Cheng X, Shiratori M, Madej J, Beau R, Elli D, Patino MI, Redfern R, DeWitte SN, Gamble JA, Boldsen JL, Carmichael A, Varlik N, Eaton K, Grenier JC, Golding GB, Devault A, Rouillard JM, Yotova V, Sindeaux R, Ye CJ, Bikaran M, Dumaine A, Brinkworth JF, Missiakas D, Rouleau GA, Steinr?cken M, Pizarro-Cerd? J, Poinar HN, Barreiro LB. Reply to Barton et al: signatures of natural selection during the Black Death. bioRxiv. 2023 Apr 07. PMID: 37066254.
Eaton K, Sidhu RK, Klunk J, Gamble JA, Boldsen JL, Carmichael AG, Varlik N, Duchene S, Featherstone L, Grimes V, Golding GB, DeWitte SN, Holmes EC, Poinar HN. Emergence, continuity, and evolution of Yersinia pestis throughout medieval and early modern Denmark. Curr Biol. 2023 03 27; 33(6):1147-1152.e5. PMID: 36841239.
Robbins Schug G, Buikstra JE, DeWitte SN, Baker BJ, Berger E, Buzon MR, Davies-Barrett AM, Goldstein L, Grauer AL, Gregoricka LA, Halcrow SE, Knudson KJ, Larsen CS, Martin DL, Nystrom KC, Perry MA, Roberts CA, Santos AL, Stojanowski CM, Suby JA, Temple DH, Tung TA, Vlok M, Watson-Glen T, Zakrzewski SR. Climate change, human health, and resilience in the Holocene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 01 24; 120(4):e2209472120. PMID: 36649426.
Lewis CM, Akinyi MY, DeWitte SN, Stone AC. Ancient pathogens provide a window into health and well-being. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 01 24; 120(4):e2209476119. PMID: 36649410.
Klunk J, Vilgalys TP, Demeure CE, Cheng X, Shiratori M, Madej J, Beau R, Elli D, Patino MI, Redfern R, DeWitte SN, Gamble JA, Boldsen JL, Carmichael A, Varlik N, Eaton K, Grenier JC, Golding GB, Devault A, Rouillard JM, Yotova V, Sindeaux R, Ye CJ, Bikaran M, Dumaine A, Brinkworth JF, Missiakas D, Rouleau GA, Steinr?cken M, Pizarro-Cerd? J, Poinar HN, Barreiro LB. Evolution of immune genes is associated with the Black Death. Nature. 2022 Nov; 611(7935):312-319. PMID: 36261521.
Brennan EJ, DeWitte SN. Sexual stature difference fluctuations in pre- and post-Black Death London as an indicator of living standards. Am J Hum Biol. 2022 10; 34(10):e23783. PMID: 35851510.
Buikstra JE, DeWitte SN, Agarwal SC, Baker BJ, Bartelink EJ, Berger E, Blevins KE, Bolhofner K, Boutin AT, Brickley MB, Buzon MR, de la Cova C, Goldstein L, Gowland R, Grauer AL, Gregoricka LA, Halcrow SE, Hall SA, Hillson S, Kakaliouras AM, Klaus HD, Knudson KJ, Kn?sel CJ, Larsen CS, Martin DL, Milner GR, Novak M, Nystrom KC, Pacheco-For?s SI, Prowse TL, Robbins Schug G, Roberts CA, Rothwell JE, Santos AL, Stojanowski C, Stone AC, Stull KE, Temple DH, Torres CM, Toyne JM, Tung TA, Ullinger J, Wiltschke-Schrotta K, Zakrzewski SR. Twenty-first century bioarchaeology: Taking stock and moving forward. Am J Biol Anthropol. 2022 08; 178 Suppl 74:54-114. PMID: 36790761.
Betsinger TK, DeWitte SN. Toward a bioarchaeology of urbanization: Demography, health, and behavior in cities in the past. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2021 08; 175 Suppl 72:79-118. PMID: 33619721.
DeWitte SN, Lewis M. Medieval menarche: Changes in pubertal timing before and after the Black Death. Am J Hum Biol. 2021 03; 33(2):e23439. PMID: 32567154.
Walter BS, DeWitte SN, Dupras T, Beaumont J. Assessment of nutritional stress in famine burials using stable isotope analysis. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2020 06; 172(2):214-226. PMID: 32243588.
DeWitte SN, Yaussy SL. Sex differences in adult famine mortality in medieval London. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2020 01; 171(1):164-169. PMID: 31587269.
Redfern RC, DeWitte SN, Beaumont J, Millard AR, Hamlin C. A new method for investigating the relationship between diet and mortality: hazard analysis using dietary isotopes. Ann Hum Biol. 2019 Aug; 46(5):378-387. PMID: 31475587.
Klunk J, Duggan AT, Redfern R, Gamble J, Boldsen JL, Golding GB, Walter BS, Eaton K, Stangroom J, Rouillard JM, Devault A, DeWitte SN, Poinar HN. Genetic resiliency and the Black Death: No apparent loss of mitogenomic diversity due to the Black Death in medieval London and Denmark. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2019 06; 169(2):240-252. PMID: 30964548.
Yaussy SL, DeWitte SN. Calculus and survivorship in medieval London: The association between dental disease and a demographic measure of general health. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2019 03; 168(3):552-565. PMID: 30613949.
Yaussy SL, DeWitte SN. Patterns of frailty in non-adults from medieval London. Int J Paleopathol. 2018 09; 22:1-7. PMID: 29626661.
DeWitte SN. Demographic anthropology. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2018 04; 165(4):893-903. PMID: 29574836.
DeWitte SN. Stress, sex, and plague: Patterns of developmental stress and survival in pre- and post-Black Death London. Am J Hum Biol. 2018 01; 30(1). PMID: 29071763.
Betsinger TK, DeWitte S. Trends in mortality and biological stress in a medieval polish urban population. Int J Paleopathol. 2017 12; 19:24-36. PMID: 29198397.
DeWitte SN, Kurth MH, Allen CR, Linkov I. Disease epidemics: lessons for resilience in an increasingly connected world. J Public Health (Oxf). 2017 06 01; 39(2):254-257. PMID: 27226010.
Walter BS, DeWitte SN. Urban and rural mortality and survival in Medieval England. Ann Hum Biol. 2017 Jun; 44(4):338-348. PMID: 28006969.
Crespo FA, Klaes CK, Switala AE, DeWitte SN. Do leprosy and tuberculosis generate a systemic inflammatory shift? Setting the ground for a new dialogue between experimental immunology and bioarchaeology. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2017 01; 162(1):143-156. PMID: 27704524.
Yaussy SL, DeWitte SN, Redfern RC. Frailty and famine: Patterns of mortality and physiological stress among victims of famine in medieval London. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2016 Jun; 160(2):272-83. PMID: 26854255.
Walter BS, DeWitte SN, Redfern RC. Sex differentials in caries frequencies in Medieval London. Arch Oral Biol. 2016 Mar; 63:32-39. PMID: 26669215.
DeWitte SN. Setting the stage for medieval plague: Pre-black death trends in survival and mortality. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2015 Nov; 158(3):441-51. PMID: 26174498.
DeWitte SN, Hughes-Morey G, Bekvalac J, Karsten J. Wealth, health and frailty in industrial-era London. Ann Hum Biol. 2016 May; 43(3):241-54. PMID: 26073638.
Redfern RC, DeWitte SN, Pearce J, Hamlin C, Dinwiddy KE. Urban-rural differences in Roman Dorset, England: A bioarchaeological perspective on Roman settlements. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2015 May; 157(1):107-20. PMID: 25613696.
DeWitte SN. Differential survival among individuals with active and healed periosteal new bone formation. Int J Paleopathol. 2014 Dec; 7:38-44. PMID: 29539489.
DeWitte SN. Mortality risk and survival in the aftermath of the medieval Black Death. PLoS One. 2014; 9(5):e96513. PMID: 24806459.
DeWitte SN. Health in post-Black Death London (1350-1538): age patterns of periosteal new bone formation in a post-epidemic population. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2014 Oct; 155(2):260-7. PMID: 24740642.
Devault AM, McLoughlin K, Jaing C, Gardner S, Porter TM, Enk JM, Thissen J, Allen J, Borucki M, DeWitte SN, Dhody AN, Poinar HN. Ancient pathogen DNA in archaeological samples detected with a Microbial Detection Array. Sci Rep. 2014 Mar 06; 4:4245. PMID: 24603850.
Wagner DM, Klunk J, Harbeck M, Devault A, Waglechner N, Sahl JW, Enk J, Birdsell DN, Kuch M, Lumibao C, Poinar D, Pearson T, Fourment M, Golding B, Riehm JM, Earn DJ, Dewitte S, Rouillard JM, Grupe G, Wiechmann I, Bliska JB, Keim PS, Scholz HC, Holmes EC, Poinar H. Yersinia pestis and the plague of Justinian 541-543 AD: a genomic analysis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2014 Apr; 14(4):319-26. PMID: 24480148.
DeWitte SN, Boulware JC, Redfern RC. Medieval monastic mortality: hazard analysis of mortality differences between monastic and nonmonastic cemeteries in England. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2013 Nov; 152(3):322-32. PMID: 24014273.
Bos KI, Stevens P, Nieselt K, Poinar HN, Dewitte SN, Krause J. Yersinia pestis: new evidence for an old infection. PLoS One. 2012; 7(11):e49803. PMID: 23209603.
Dewitte SN. Sex differences in periodontal disease in catastrophic and attritional assemblages from medieval London. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2012 Nov; 149(3):405-16. PMID: 22976824.
Dewitte SN, Hughes-Morey G. Stature and frailty during the Black Death: the effect of stature on risks of epidemic mortality in London, A.D. 1348-1350. J Archaeol Sci. 2012 May 01; 39(5). PMID: 24363485.
Dewitte SN, Bekvalac J. The association between periodontal disease and periosteal lesions in the St. Mary Graces cemetery, London, England A.D. 1350-1538. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2011 Dec; 146(4):609-18. PMID: 21997205.
Bos KI, Schuenemann VJ, Golding GB, Burbano HA, Waglechner N, Coombes BK, McPhee JB, DeWitte SN, Meyer M, Schmedes S, Wood J, Earn DJ, Herring DA, Bauer P, Poinar HN, Krause J. A draft genome of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death. Nature. 2011 Oct 12; 478(7370):506-10. PMID: 21993626.
Schuenemann VJ, Bos K, DeWitte S, Schmedes S, Jamieson J, Mittnik A, Forrest S, Coombes BK, Wood JW, Earn DJ, White W, Krause J, Poinar HN. Targeted enrichment of ancient pathogens yielding the pPCP1 plasmid of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Sep 20; 108(38):E746-52. PMID: 21876176.
Redfern RC, Dewitte SN. Status and health in Roman Dorset: the effect of status on risk of mortality in post-conquest populations. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2011 Oct; 146(2):197-208. PMID: 21826637.
Dewitte SN. Age Patterns of Mortality During the Black Death in London, A.D. 1349-1350. J Archaeol Sci. 2010 Dec 01; 37(12):3394-3400. PMID: 21572598.
Redfern RC, Dewitte SN. A new approach to the study of Romanization in Britain: a regional perspective of cultural change in late iron age and roman dorset using the siler and gompertz-makeham models of mortality. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2011 Feb; 144(2):269-85. PMID: 20925081.
DeWitte SN. Sex differentials in frailty in medieval England. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2010 Oct; 143(2):285-97. PMID: 20853482.
DeWitte SN, Bekvalac J. Oral health and frailty in the medieval English cemetery of St Mary Graces. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2010 Jul; 142(3):341-54. PMID: 19927365.
Gage TB, DeWitte S. What do we know about the agricultural demographic transition? Curr Anthropol. 2009 Oct; 50(5):649-55. PMID: 20642153.
DeWitte SN. The effect of sex on risk of mortality during the Black Death in London, A.D. 1349-1350. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2009 Jun; 139(2):222-34. PMID: 19140182.
DeWitte SN, Wood JW. Selectivity of black death mortality with respect to preexisting health. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Feb 05; 105(5):1436-41. PMID: 18227518.
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Year | Publications |
2008 | 1 | 2009 | 2 | 2010 | 4 | 2011 | 4 | 2012 | 3 | 2013 | 1 | 2014 | 5 | 2015 | 4 | 2016 | 2 | 2017 | 4 | 2018 | 2 | 2019 | 4 | 2020 | 2 | 2021 | 1 | 2022 | 3 | 2023 | 6 |
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