Colorado PROFILES, The Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI)
Last Name

Heather Michelle Moore

TitleSenior Instructor
InstitutionUniversity of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus

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    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
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    1. Jhaveri KL, Bellet M, Turner NC, Loi S, Bardia A, Boni V, Sohn J, Neilan TG, Villanueva-V?zquez R, Kabos P, Garc?a-Est?vez L, L?pez-Miranda E, P?rez-Fidalgo JA, P?rez-Garc?a JM, Yu J, Fredrickson J, Moore HM, Chang CW, Bond JW, Eng-Wong J, Gates MR, Lim E. Phase Ia/b Study of Giredestrant ? Palbociclib and ? Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone Agonists in Estrogen Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative, Locally Advanced/Metastatic Breast Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2024 02 16; 30(4):754-766. PMID: 37921755.
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    2. Hurvitz SA, Bardia A, Quiroga V, Park YH, Blancas I, Alonso-Romero JL, Vasiliev A, Adamchuk H, Salgado M, Yardley DA, Berzoy O, Zamora-Au??n P, Chan D, Spera G, Xue C, Ferreira E, Badovinac Crnjevic T, P?rez-Moreno PD, L?pez-Valverde V, Steinseifer J, Fernando TM, Moore HM, Fasching PA. Neoadjuvant palbociclib plus either giredestrant or anastrozole in oestrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative, early breast cancer (coopERA Breast Cancer): an open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 2 study. Lancet Oncol. 2023 09; 24(9):1029-1041. PMID: 37657462.
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    3. Chandarlapaty S, Dickler MN, Perez Fidalgo JA, Villanueva-V?zquez R, Giltnane J, Gates M, Chang CW, Cheeti S, Fredrickson J, Wang X, Collier A, Moore HM, Metcalfe C, Lauchle J, Humke EW, Bardia A. An Open-label Phase I Study of GDC-0927 in Postmenopausal Women with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2023 08 01; 29(15):2781-2790. PMID: 37261814.
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    4. Bardia A, Mayer I, Winer E, Linden HM, Ma CX, Parker BA, Bellet M, Arteaga CL, Cheeti S, Gates M, Chang CW, Fredrickson J, Spoerke JM, Moore HM, Giltnane J, Friedman LS, Chow Maneval E, Chan I, Jhaveri K. The oral selective estrogen receptor degrader GDC-0810 (ARN-810) in postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive HER2-negative (HR?+?/HER2?-) advanced/metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2023 Jan; 197(2):319-331. PMID: 36401732.
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    5. Liang J, Ingalla ER, Yao X, Wang BE, Tai L, Giltnane J, Liang Y, Daemen A, Moore HM, Aimi J, Chang CW, Gates MR, Eng-Wong J, Tam L, Bacarro N, Roose-Girma M, Bellet M, Hafner M, Metcalfe C. Giredestrant reverses progesterone hypersensitivity driven by estrogen receptor mutations in breast cancer. Sci Transl Med. 2022 Sep 21; 14(663):eabo5959. PMID: 36130016.
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    6. Baker JA, Moore HM, Brinton JT, Federico MJ. Comprehensive In-Patient Education Consult for Asthma Exacerbations. Respir Care. 2022 06; 67(6):682-687. PMID: 35228306.
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    7. Moore HM, Savage HM, O'Brien C, Zhou W, Sokol ES, Goldberg ME, Metcalfe C, Friedman LS, Lackner MR, Wilson TR. Predictive and Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers of Response to the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitor Taselisib in Breast Cancer Preclinical Models. Mol Cancer Ther. 2020 01; 19(1):292-303. PMID: 31534012.
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    8. Abramson VG, Oliveira M, Cervantes A, Wildiers H, Patel MR, Bauer TM, Bedard PL, Becerra C, Richey S, Wei MC, Reyner E, Bond J, Cui N, Wilson TR, Moore HM, Saura C, Krop IE. A phase Ib, open-label, dose-escalation study of the safety and pharmacology of taselisib (GDC-0032) in combination with either docetaxel or paclitaxel in patients with HER2-negative, locally advanced, or metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2019 Nov; 178(1):121-133. PMID: 31368034.
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    9. Thrasher J, Baker J, Ventre KM, Martin SE, Dawson J, Cox R, Moore HM, Brethouwer S, Sables-Baus S, Baker CD. Hospital to Home: A Quality Improvement Initiative to Implement High-fidelity Simulation Training for Caregivers of Children Requiring Long-term Mechanical Ventilation. J Pediatr Nurs. 2018 Jan - Feb; 38:114-121. PMID: 28943140.
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    10. Jia G, Chandriani S, Abbas AR, DePianto DJ, N'Diaye EN, Yaylaoglu MB, Moore HM, Peng I, DeVoss J, Collard HR, Wolters PJ, Egen JG, Arron JR. CXCL14 is a candidate biomarker for Hedgehog signalling in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Thorax. 2017 09; 72(9):780-787. PMID: 28250200.
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    11. Fulkerson JS, Moore HM, Anderson TS, Lowe RF. Ultrasonography in the preoperative difficult airway assessment. J Clin Monit Comput. 2017 Jun; 31(3):513-530. PMID: 27156094.
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    12. Baker CD, Martin S, Thrasher J, Moore HM, Baker J, Abman SH, Gien J. A Standardized Discharge Process Decreases Length of Stay for Ventilator-Dependent Children. Pediatrics. 2016 04; 137(4). PMID: 26966133.
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    13. Gonzalez ME, Moore HM, Li X, Toy KA, Huang W, Sabel MS, Kidwell KM, Kleer CG. EZH2 expands breast stem cells through activation of NOTCH1 signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Feb 25; 111(8):3098-103. PMID: 24516139.
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    14. Moore HM, Gonzalez ME, Toy KA, Cimino-Mathews A, Argani P, Kleer CG. EZH2 inhibition decreases p38 signaling and suppresses breast cancer motility and metastasis. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2013 Apr; 138(3):741-52. PMID: 23539298.
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    15. Venter JC, Adams MD, Myers EW, Li PW, Mural RJ, Sutton GG, Smith HO, Yandell M, Evans CA, Holt RA, Gocayne JD, Amanatides P, Ballew RM, Huson DH, Wortman JR, Zhang Q, Kodira CD, Zheng XH, Chen L, Skupski M, Subramanian G, Thomas PD, Zhang J, Gabor Miklos GL, Nelson C, Broder S, Clark AG, Nadeau J, McKusick VA, Zinder N, Levine AJ, Roberts RJ, Simon M, Slayman C, Hunkapiller M, Bolanos R, Delcher A, Dew I, Fasulo D, Flanigan M, Florea L, Halpern A, Hannenhalli S, Kravitz S, Levy S, Mobarry C, Reinert K, Remington K, Abu-Threideh J, Beasley E, Biddick K, Bonazzi V, Brandon R, Cargill M, Chandramouliswaran I, Charlab R, Chaturvedi K, Deng Z, Di Francesco V, Dunn P, Eilbeck K, Evangelista C, Gabrielian AE, Gan W, Ge W, Gong F, Gu Z, Guan P, Heiman TJ, Higgins ME, Ji RR, Ke Z, Ketchum KA, Lai Z, Lei Y, Li Z, Li J, Liang Y, Lin X, Lu F, Merkulov GV, Milshina N, Moore HM, Naik AK, Narayan VA, Neelam B, Nusskern D, Rusch DB, Salzberg S, Shao W, Shue B, Sun J, Wang Z, Wang A, Wang X, Wang J, Wei M, Wides R, Xiao C, Yan C, Yao A, Ye J, Zhan M, Zhang W, Zhang H, Zhao Q, Zheng L, Zhong F, Zhong W, Zhu S, Zhao S, Gilbert D, Baumhueter S, Spier G, Carter C, Cravchik A, Woodage T, Ali F, An H, Awe A, Baldwin D, Baden H, Barnstead M, Barrow I, Beeson K, Busam D, Carver A, Center A, Cheng ML, Curry L, Danaher S, Davenport L, Desilets R, Dietz S, Dodson K, Doup L, Ferriera S, Garg N, Gluecksmann A, Hart B, Haynes J, Haynes C, Heiner C, Hladun S, Hostin D, Houck J, Howland T, Ibegwam C, Johnson J, Kalush F, Kline L, Koduru S, Love A, Mann F, May D, McCawley S, McIntosh T, McMullen I, Moy M, Moy L, Murphy B, Nelson K, Pfannkoch C, Pratts E, Puri V, Qureshi H, Reardon M, Rodriguez R, Rogers YH, Romblad D, Ruhfel B, Scott R, Sitter C, Smallwood M, Stewart E, Strong R, Suh E, Thomas R, Tint NN, Tse S, Vech C, Wang G, Wetter J, Williams S, Williams M, Windsor S, Winn-Deen E, Wolfe K, Zaveri J, Zaveri K, Abril JF, Guig? R, Campbell MJ, Sjolander KV, Karlak B, Kejariwal A, Mi H, Lazareva B, Hatton T, Narechania A, Diemer K, Muruganujan A, Guo N, Sato S, Bafna V, Istrail S, Lippert R, Schwartz R, Walenz B, Yooseph S, Allen D, Basu A, Baxendale J, Blick L, Caminha M, Carnes-Stine J, Caulk P, Chiang YH, Coyne M, Dahlke C, Deslattes Mays A, Dombroski M, Donnelly M, Ely D, Esparham S, Fosler C, Gire H, Glanowski S, Glasser K, Glodek A, Gorokhov M, Graham K, Gropman B, Harris M, Heil J, Henderson S, Hoover J, Jennings D, Jordan C, Jordan J, Kasha J, Kagan L, Kraft C, Levitsky A, Lewis M, Liu X, Lopez J, Ma D, Majoros W, McDaniel J, Murphy S, Newman M, Nguyen T, Nguyen N, Nodell M, Pan S, Peck J, Peterson M, Rowe W, Sanders R, Scott J, Simpson M, Smith T, Sprague A, Stockwell T, Turner R, Venter E, Wang M, Wen M, Wu D, Wu M, Xia A, Zandieh A, Zhu X. The sequence of the human genome. Science. 2001 02 16; 291(5507):1304-51. PMID: 11181995.
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