Scott A. Diddams
Title | Director-Faculty |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | College Engineering & App Sci |
Stef?nsson G, Mahadevan S, Miguel Y, Robertson P, Delamer M, Kanodia S, Ca?as CI, Winn JN, Ninan JP, Terrien RC, Holcomb R, Ford EB, Zawadzki B, Bowler BP, Bender CF, Cochran WD, Diddams S, Endl M, Fredrick C, Halverson S, Hearty F, Hill GJ, Lin ASJ, Metcalf AJ, Monson A, Ramsey L, Roy A, Schwab C, Wright JT, Zeimann G. A Neptune-mass exoplanet in close orbit around a very low-mass star challenges formation models. Science. 2023 12; 382(6674):1031-1035. PMID: 38033084.
Cole RK, Fredrick C, Nguyen NH, Diddams SA. Precision Doppler shift measurements with a frequency comb calibrated laser heterodyne radiometer. Opt Lett. 2023 Oct 15; 48(20):5185-5188. PMID: 37831823.
Kelleher ML, McLemore CA, Lee D, Davila-Rodriguez J, Diddams SA, Quinlan F. Compact, portable, thermal-noise-limited optical cavity with low acceleration sensitivity. Opt Express. 2023 Mar 27; 31(7):11954-11965. PMID: 37155818.
Guo J, McLemore CA, Xiang C, Lee D, Wu L, Jin W, Kelleher M, Jin N, Mason D, Chang L, Feshali A, Paniccia M, Rakich PT, Vahala KJ, Diddams SA, Quinlan F, Bowers JE. Chip-based laser with 1-hertz integrated linewidth. Sci Adv. 2022 Oct 28; 8(43):eabp9006. PMID: 36306350.
Hoghooghi N, Xing S, Chang P, Lesko D, Lind A, Rieker G, Diddams S. Broadband 1-GHz mid-infrared frequency comb. Light Sci Appl. 2022 Sep 07; 11(1):264. PMID: 36071054.
Newman ZL, Maurice V, Fredrick C, Fortier T, Leopardi H, Hollberg L, Diddams SA, Kitching J, Hummon MT. High-performance, compact optical standard. Opt Lett. 2021 Sep 15; 46(18):4702-4705. PMID: 34525086.
Lecocq F, Quinlan F, Cicak K, Aumentado J, Diddams SA, Teufel JD. Control and readout of a superconducting qubit using a photonic link. Nature. 2021 03; 591(7851):575-579. PMID: 33762768.
Diddams SA, Vahala K, Udem T. Optical frequency combs: Coherently uniting the electromagnetic spectrum. Science. 2020 07 17; 369(6501). PMID: 32675346.
Kowligy AS, Carlson DR, Hickstein DD, Timmers H, Lind AJ, Schunemann PG, Papp SB, Diddams SA. Mid-infrared frequency combs at 10??GHz. Opt Lett. 2020 Jul 01; 45(13):3677-3680. PMID: 32630928.
Nakamura T, Davila-Rodriguez J, Leopardi H, Sherman JA, Fortier TM, Xie X, Campbell JC, McGrew WF, Zhang X, Hassan YS, Nicolodi D, Beloy K, Ludlow AD, Diddams SA, Quinlan F. Coherent optical clock down-conversion for microwave frequencies with 10-18 instability. Science. 2020 05 22; 368(6493):889-892. PMID: 32439794.
Xing S, Kowligy AS, Lesko DMB, Lind AJ, Diddams SA. All-fiber frequency comb at 2???m providing 1.4-cycle pulses. Opt Lett. 2020 May 01; 45(9):2660-2663. PMID: 32356840.
Lind AJ, Kowligy A, Timmers H, Cruz FC, Nader N, Silfies MC, Allison TK, Diddams SA. Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb Generation and Spectroscopy with Few-Cycle Pulses and ?^{(2)} Nonlinear Optics. Phys Rev Lett. 2020 Apr 03; 124(13):133904. PMID: 32302192.
Chou CW, Collopy AL, Kurz C, Lin Y, Harding ME, Plessow PN, Fortier T, Diddams S, Leibfried D, Leibrandt DR. Frequency-comb spectroscopy on pure quantum states of a single molecular ion. Science. 2020 03 27; 367(6485):1458-1461. PMID: 32217722.
Catanese A, Rutledge J, Silfies MC, Li X, Timmers H, Kowligy AS, Lind A, Diddams SA, Allison TK. Mid-infrared frequency comb with 6.7 W average power based on difference frequency generation. Opt Lett. 2020 Mar 01; 45(5):1248-1251. PMID: 32108817.
Stern L, Stone JR, Kang S, Cole DC, Suh MG, Fredrick C, Newman Z, Vahala K, Kitching J, Diddams SA, Papp SB. Direct Kerr frequency comb atomic spectroscopy and stabilization. Sci Adv. 2020 Feb; 6(9):eaax6230. PMID: 32158936.
Kowligy AS, Timmers H, Lind AJ, Elu U, Cruz FC, Schunemann PG, Biegert J, Diddams SA. Infrared electric field sampled frequency comb spectroscopy. Sci Adv. 2019 Jun; 5(6):eaaw8794. PMID: 31187063.
Yao J, Sherman JA, Fortier T, Leopardi H, Parker T, McGrew W, Zhang X, Nicolodi D, Fasano R, Sch?ffer S, Beloy K, Savory J, Romisch S, Oates C, Diddams S, Ludlow A, Levine J. Optical-Clock-Based Time Scale. Phys Rev Appl. 2019; 12(4). PMID: 33102625.
Suh MG, Yi X, Lai YH, Leifer S, Grudinin IS, Vasisht G, Martin EC, Fitzgerald MP, Doppmann G, Wang J, Mawet D, Papp SB, Diddams SA, Beichman C, Vahala K. Searching for Exoplanets Using a Microresonator Astrocomb. Nat Photonics. 2019; 13:25-30. PMID: 30740138.
Carlson DR, Hickstein DD, Zhang W, Metcalf AJ, Quinlan F, Diddams SA, Papp SB. Ultrafast electro-optic light with subcycle control. Science. 2018 09 28; 361(6409):1358-1363. PMID: 30262499.
Kowligy AS, Hickstein DD, Lind A, Carlson DR, Timmers H, Nader N, Maser DL, Westly D, Srinivasan K, Papp SB, Diddams SA. Tunable mid-infrared generation via wide-band four-wave mixing in silicon nitride waveguides. Opt Lett. 2018 Sep 01; 43(17):4220-4223. PMID: 30160756.
Stone JR, Briles TC, Drake TE, Spencer DT, Carlson DR, Diddams SA, Papp SB. Thermal and Nonlinear Dissipative-Soliton Dynamics in Kerr-Microresonator Frequency Combs. Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Aug 10; 121(6):063902. PMID: 30141662.
Carlson DR, Hickstein DD, Cole DC, Diddams SA, Papp SB. Dual-comb interferometry via repetition rate switching of a single frequency comb. Opt Lett. 2018 Aug 01; 43(15):3614-3617. PMID: 30067637.
Briles TC, Stone JR, Drake TE, Spencer DT, Fredrick C, Li Q, Westly D, Ilic BR, Srinivasan K, Diddams SA, Papp SB. Interlocking Kerr-microresonator frequency combs for microwave to optical synthesis. Opt Lett. 2018 Jun 15; 43(12):2933-2936. PMID: 29905727.
Spencer DT, Drake T, Briles TC, Stone J, Sinclair LC, Fredrick C, Li Q, Westly D, Ilic BR, Bluestone A, Volet N, Komljenovic T, Chang L, Lee SH, Oh DY, Suh MG, Yang KY, Pfeiffer MHP, Kippenberg TJ, Norberg E, Theogarajan L, Vahala K, Newbury NR, Srinivasan K, Bowers JE, Diddams SA, Papp SB. An optical-frequency synthesizer using integrated photonics. Nature. 2018 05; 557(7703):81-85. PMID: 29695870.
Kowligy AS, Lind A, Hickstein DD, Carlson DR, Timmers H, Nader N, Cruz FC, Ycas G, Papp SB, Diddams SA. Mid-infrared frequency comb generation via cascaded quadratic nonlinearities in quasi-phase-matched waveguides. Opt Lett. 2018 Apr 15; 43(8):1678-1681. PMID: 29652338.
Chiles J, Nader N, Hickstein DD, Yu SP, Briles TC, Carlson D, Jung H, Shainline JM, Diddams S, Papp SB, Nam SW, Mirin RP. Deuterated silicon nitride photonic devices for broadband optical frequency comb generation. Opt Lett. 2018 Apr 01; 43(7):1527-1530. PMID: 29601021.
Hickstein DD, Kerber GC, Carlson DR, Chang L, Westly D, Srinivasan K, Kowligy A, Bowers JE, Diddams SA, Papp SB. Quasi-Phase-Matched Supercontinuum Generation in Photonic Waveguides. Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Feb 02; 120(5):053903. PMID: 29481199.
Jennings J, Halverson S, Terrien R, Mahadevan S, Ycas G, Diddams SA. Frequency stability characterization of a broadband fiber Fabry-P?rot interferometer. Opt Express. 2017 Jul 10; 25(14):15599-15613. PMID: 28789075.
Carlson DR, Hickstein DD, Lind A, Droste S, Westly D, Nader N, Coddington I, Newbury NR, Srinivasan K, Diddams SA, Papp SB. Self-referenced frequency combs using high-efficiency silicon-nitride waveguides. Opt Lett. 2017 Jun 15; 42(12):2314-2317. PMID: 28614340.
Davila-Rodriguez J, Baynes FN, Ludlow AD, Fortier TM, Leopardi H, Diddams SA, Quinlan F. Compact, thermal-noise-limited reference cavity for ultra-low-noise microwave generation. Opt Lett. 2017 Apr 01; 42(7):1277-1280. PMID: 28362748.
Li Q, Briles TC, Westly DA, Drake TE, Stone JR, Ilic BR, Diddams SA, Papp SB, Srinivasan K. Stably accessing octave-spanning microresonator frequency combs in the soliton regime. Optica. 2017 Feb; 4(2):193-203. PMID: 28603754.
Yoon Oh D, Yang KY, Fredrick C, Ycas G, Diddams SA, Vahala KJ. Coherent ultra-violet to near-infrared generation in silica ridge waveguides. Nat Commun. 2017 01 09; 8:13922. PMID: 28067233.
Vieira FS, Cruz FC, Plusquellic DF, Diddams SA. Tunable resolution terahertz dual frequency comb spectrometer. Opt Express. 2016 Dec 26; 24(26):30100-30107. PMID: 28059288.
Jung H, Guo X, Zhu N, Papp SB, Diddams SA, Tang HX. Phase-dependent interference between frequency doubled comb lines in a ?(2) phase-matched aluminum nitride microring. Opt Lett. 2016 Aug 15; 41(16):3747-50. PMID: 27519079.
Loh W, Hummon MT, Leopardi HF, Fortier TM, Quinlan F, Kitching J, Papp SB, Diddams SA. Microresonator Brillouin laser stabilization using a microfabricated rubidium cell. Opt Express. 2016 Jun 27; 24(13):14513-24. PMID: 27410604.
Yi X, Vahala K, Li J, Diddams S, Ycas G, Plavchan P, Leifer S, Sandhu J, Vasisht G, Chen P, Gao P, Gagne J, Furlan E, Bottom M, Martin EC, Fitzgerald MP, Doppmann G, Beichman C. Demonstration of a near-IR line-referenced electro-optical laser frequency comb for precision radial velocity measurements in astronomy. Nat Commun. 2016 Jan 27; 7:10436. PMID: 26813804.
Del'Haye P, Coillet A, Loh W, Beha K, Papp SB, Diddams SA. Corrigendum: Phase steps and resonator detuning measurements in microresonator frequency combs. Nat Commun. 2015 Nov 16; 6:10011. PMID: 26568476.
Cruz FC, Maser DL, Johnson T, Ycas G, Klose A, Giorgetta FR, Coddington I, Diddams SA. Mid-infrared optical frequency combs based on difference frequency generation for molecular spectroscopy. Opt Express. 2015 Oct 05; 23(20):26814-24. PMID: 26480192.
Metcalf AJ, Quinlan F, Fortier TM, Diddams SA, Weiner AM. Broadly tunable, low timing jitter, high repetition rate optoelectronic comb generator. Electron Lett. 2015 Oct; 51(20):1596-1598. PMID: 26865734.
Del'Haye P, Coillet A, Loh W, Beha K, Papp SB, Diddams SA. Phase steps and resonator detuning measurements in microresonator frequency combs. Nat Commun. 2015 Jan 07; 6:5668. PMID: 25565467.
Klose A, Ycas G, Maser DL, Diddams SA. Tunable, stable source of femtosecond pulses near 2 ?m via supercontinuum of an Erbium mode-locked laser. Opt Express. 2014 Nov 17; 22(23):28400-11. PMID: 25402082.
Sun W, Quinlan F, Fortier TM, Deschenes JD, Fu Y, Diddams SA, Campbell JC. Broadband noise limit in the photodetection of ultralow jitter optical pulses. Phys Rev Lett. 2014 Nov 14; 113(20):203901. PMID: 25432042.
Li J, Yi X, Lee H, Diddams SA, Vahala KJ. Electro-optical frequency division and stable microwave synthesis. Science. 2014 Jul 18; 345(6194):309-13. PMID: 25035489.
Li J, Diddams S, Vahala KJ. Pump frequency noise coupling into a microcavity by thermo-optic locking. Opt Express. 2014 Jun 16; 22(12):14559-67. PMID: 24977551.
Quinlan F, Baynes FN, Fortier TM, Zhou Q, Cross A, Campbell JC, Diddams SA. Optical amplification and pulse interleaving for low-noise photonic microwave generation. Opt Lett. 2014 Mar 15; 39(6):1581-4. PMID: 24690843.
Oh DY, Sell D, Lee H, Yang KY, Diddams SA, Vahala KJ. Supercontinuum generation in an on-chip silica waveguide. Opt Lett. 2014 Feb 15; 39(4):1046-8. PMID: 24562274.
Del'Haye P, Beha K, Papp SB, Diddams SA. Self-injection locking and phase-locked states in microresonator-based optical frequency combs. Phys Rev Lett. 2014 Jan 31; 112(4):043905. PMID: 24580454.
Leibrandt DR, Thorpe MJ, Chou CW, Fortier TM, Diddams SA, Rosenband T. Absolute and relative stability of an optical frequency reference based on spectral hole burning in Eu3+:Y2SiO5. Phys Rev Lett. 2013 Dec 06; 111(23):237402. PMID: 24476301.
Hati A, Nelson CW, Barnes C, Lirette D, Fortier T, Quinlan F, DeSalvo JA, Ludlow A, Diddams SA, Howe DA. State-of-the-art RF signal generation from optical frequency division. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2013 Sep; 60(9):1796-803. PMID: 24658712.
Papp SB, Del'Haye P, Diddams SA. Parametric seeding of a microresonator optical frequency comb. Opt Express. 2013 Jul 29; 21(15):17615-24. PMID: 23938634.
Fortier TM, Quinlan F, Hati A, Nelson C, Taylor JA, Fu Y, Campbell J, Diddams SA. Photonic microwave generation with high-power photodiodes. Opt Lett. 2013 May 15; 38(10):1712-4. PMID: 23938920.
Lee H, Suh MG, Chen T, Li J, Diddams SA, Vahala KJ. Spiral resonators for on-chip laser frequency stabilization. Nat Commun. 2013; 4:2468. PMID: 24043134.
Del'Haye P, Papp SB, Diddams SA. Hybrid electro-optically modulated microcombs. Phys Rev Lett. 2012 Dec 28; 109(26):263901. PMID: 23368562.
Neely TW, Nugent-Glandorf L, Adler F, Diddams SA. Broadband mid-infrared frequency upconversion and spectroscopy with an aperiodically poled LiNbO3 waveguide. Opt Lett. 2012 Oct 15; 37(20):4332-4. PMID: 23073453.
Nugent-Glandorf L, Neely T, Adler F, Fleisher AJ, Cossel KC, Bjork B, Dinneen T, Ye J, Diddams SA. Mid-infrared virtually imaged phased array spectrometer for rapid and broadband trace gas detection. Opt Lett. 2012 Aug 01; 37(15):3285-7. PMID: 22859160.
Ycas G, Osterman S, Diddams SA. Generation of a 660-2100 nm laser frequency comb based on an erbium fiber laser. Opt Lett. 2012 Jun 15; 37(12):2199-201. PMID: 22739854.
Adler F, Diddams SA. High-power, hybrid Er:fiber/Tm:fiber frequency comb source in the 2 ?m wavelength region. Opt Lett. 2012 May 01; 37(9):1400-2. PMID: 22555684.
Ycas GG, Quinlan F, Diddams SA, Osterman S, Mahadevan S, Redman S, Terrien R, Ramsey L, Bender CF, Botzer B, Sigurdsson S. Demonstration of on-sky calibration of astronomical spectra using a 25 GHz near-IR laser frequency comb. Opt Express. 2012 Mar 12; 20(6):6631-43. PMID: 22418547.
Neely TW, Johnson TA, Diddams SA. High-power broadband laser source tunable from 3.0 ?m to 4.4 ?m based on a femtosecond Yb:fiber oscillator. Opt Lett. 2011 Oct 15; 36(20):4020-2. PMID: 22002372.
Heinecke DC, Bartels A, Diddams SA. Offset frequency dynamics and phase noise properties of a self-referenced 10 GHz Ti:sapphire frequency comb. Opt Express. 2011 Sep 12; 19(19):18440-51. PMID: 21935212.
Quinlan F, Fortier TM, Kirchner MS, Taylor JA, Thorpe MJ, Lemke N, Ludlow AD, Jiang Y, Diddams SA. Ultralow phase noise microwave generation with an Er:fiber-based optical frequency divider. Opt Lett. 2011 Aug 15; 36(16):3260-2. PMID: 21847227.
Nugent-Glandorf L, Johnson TA, Kobayashi Y, Diddams SA. Impact of dispersion on amplitude and frequency noise in a Yb-fiber laser comb. Opt Lett. 2011 May 01; 36(9):1578-80. PMID: 21540933.
Kippenberg TJ, Holzwarth R, Diddams SA. Microresonator-based optical frequency combs. Science. 2011 Apr 29; 332(6029):555-9. PMID: 21527707.
Kirchner MS, Diddams SA. Grism-based pulse shaper for line-by-line control of more than 600 optical frequency comb lines. Opt Lett. 2010 Oct 01; 35(19):3264-6. PMID: 20890354.
Quinlan F, Ycas G, Osterman S, Diddams SA. A 12.5 GHz-spaced optical frequency comb spanning >400 nm for near-infrared astronomical spectrograph calibration. Rev Sci Instrum. 2010 Jun; 81(6):063105. PMID: 20590223.
Bartels A, Heinecke D, Diddams SA. 10-GHz self-referenced optical frequency comb. Science. 2009 Oct 30; 326(5953):681. PMID: 19900924.
Lemke ND, Ludlow AD, Barber ZW, Fortier TM, Diddams SA, Jiang Y, Jefferts SR, Heavner TP, Parker TE, Oates CW. Spin-1/2 optical lattice clock. Phys Rev Lett. 2009 Aug 07; 103(6):063001. PMID: 19792559.
Peters E, Diddams SA, Fendel P, Reinhardt S, H?nsch TW, Udem T. A deep-UV optical frequency comb at 205 nm. Opt Express. 2009 May 25; 17(11):9183-90. PMID: 19466167.
Braje D, Hollberg L, Diddams S. Brillouin-enhanced hyperparametric generation of an optical frequency comb in a monolithic highly nonlinear fiber cavity pumped by a cw laser. Phys Rev Lett. 2009 May 15; 102(19):193902. PMID: 19518952.
Campbell GK, Boyd MM, Thomsen JW, Martin MJ, Blatt S, Swallows MD, Nicholson TL, Fortier T, Oates CW, Diddams SA, Lemke ND, Naidon P, Julienne P, Ye J, Ludlow AD. Probing interactions between ultracold fermions. Science. 2009 Apr 17; 324(5925):360-3. PMID: 19372424.
Kirchner MS, Braje DA, Fortier TM, Weiner AM, Hollberg L, Diddams SA. Generation of 20 GHz, sub-40 fs pulses at 960 nm via repetition-rate multiplication. Opt Lett. 2009 Apr 01; 34(7):872-4. PMID: 19340155.
Diddams SA, Kirchner M, Fortier T, Braje D, Weiner AM, Hollberg L. Improved signal-to-noise ratio of 10 GHz microwave signals generated with a mode-filtered femtosecond laser frequency comb. Opt Express. 2009 Mar 02; 17(5):3331-40. PMID: 19259170.
Xiao S, Hollberg L, Diddams SA. Generation of a 20 GHz train of subpicosecond pulses with a stabilized optical-frequency-comb generator. Opt Lett. 2009 Jan 01; 34(1):85-7. PMID: 19109648.
Bartels A, Heinecke D, Diddams SA. Passively mode-locked 10 GHz femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser. Opt Lett. 2008 Aug 15; 33(16):1905-7. PMID: 18709128.
Xiao S, Hollberg L, Newbury NR, Diddams SA. Toward a low-jitter 10 GHz pulsed source with an optical frequency comb generator. Opt Express. 2008 Jun 09; 16(12):8498-508. PMID: 18545564.
Gebs R, Dekorsy T, Diddams SA, Bartels A. 1-GHz repetition rate femtosecond OPO with stabilized offset between signal and idler frequency combs. Opt Express. 2008 Apr 14; 16(8):5397-405. PMID: 18542642.
Barber ZW, Stalnaker JE, Lemke ND, Poli N, Oates CW, Fortier TM, Diddams SA, Hollberg L, Hoyt CW, Taichenachev AV, Yudin VI. Optical lattice induced light shifts in an yb atomic clock. Phys Rev Lett. 2008 Mar 14; 100(10):103002. PMID: 18352181.
Rosenband T, Hume DB, Schmidt PO, Chou CW, Brusch A, Lorini L, Oskay WH, Drullinger RE, Fortier TM, Stalnaker JE, Diddams SA, Swann WC, Newbury NR, Itano WM, Wineland DJ, Bergquist JC. Frequency ratio of Al+ and Hg+ single-ion optical clocks; metrology at the 17th decimal place. Science. 2008 Mar 28; 319(5871):1808-12. PMID: 18323415.
Ludlow AD, Zelevinsky T, Campbell GK, Blatt S, Boyd MM, de Miranda MH, Martin MJ, Thomsen JW, Foreman SM, Ye J, Fortier TM, Stalnaker JE, Diddams SA, Le Coq Y, Barber ZW, Poli N, Lemke ND, Beck KM, Oates CW. Sr lattice clock at 1 x 10(-16) fractional uncertainty by remote optical evaluation with a Ca clock. Science. 2008 Mar 28; 319(5871):1805-8. PMID: 18276849.
Kim K, Nicholson JW, Yan M, Knight JC, Newbury NR, Diddams SA. Characterization of frequency noise on a broadband infrared frequency comb using optical heterodyne techniques. Opt Express. 2007 Dec 24; 15(26):17715-23. PMID: 19551068.
Foreman SM, Ludlow AD, de Miranda MH, Stalnaker JE, Diddams SA, Ye J. Coherent optical phase transfer over a 32-km fiber with 1 s instability at 10{-17}. Phys Rev Lett. 2007 Oct 12; 99(15):153601. PMID: 17995163.
Bartels A, Gebs R, Kirchner MS, Diddams SA. Spectrally resolved optical frequency comb from a self-referenced 5 GHz femtosecond laser. Opt Lett. 2007 Sep 01; 32(17):2553-5. PMID: 17767302.
Rosenband T, Schmidt PO, Hume DB, Itano WM, Fortier TM, Stalnaker JE, Kim K, Diddams SA, Koelemeij JC, Bergquist JC, Wineland DJ. Observation of the 1S0-->3P0 clock transition in 27Al+. Phys Rev Lett. 2007 Jun 01; 98(22):220801. PMID: 17677830.
Ivanov EN, McFerran JJ, Diddams SA, Hollberg L. Noise properties of microwave signals synthesized with femtosecond lasers. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2007 Apr; 54(4):736-45. PMID: 17441583.
Fortier TM, Ashby N, Bergquist JC, Delaney MJ, Diddams SA, Heavner TP, Hollberg L, Itano WM, Jefferts SR, Kim K, Levi F, Lorini L, Oskay WH, Parker TE, Shirley J, Stalnaker JE. Precision atomic spectroscopy for improved limits on variation of the fine structure constant and local position invariance. Phys Rev Lett. 2007 Feb 16; 98(7):070801. PMID: 17359009.
Diddams SA, Hollberg L, Mbele V. Molecular fingerprinting with the resolved modes of a femtosecond laser frequency comb. Nature. 2007 Feb 08; 445(7128):627-30. PMID: 17287805.
Fortier TM, Coq YL, Stalnaker JE, Ortega D, Diddams SA, Oates CW, Hollberg L. Kilohertz-resolution spectroscopy of cold atoms with an optical frequency comb. Phys Rev Lett. 2006 Oct 20; 97(16):163905. PMID: 17155398.
Kirchner MS, Fortier TM, Bartels A, Diddams SA. A low-threshold self-referenced Ti:Sapphire optical frequency comb. Opt Express. 2006 Oct 02; 14(20):9531-6. PMID: 19529340.
Oskay WH, Diddams SA, Donley EA, Fortier TM, Heavner TP, Hollberg L, Itano WM, Jefferts SR, Delaney MJ, Kim K, Levi F, Parker TE, Bergquist JC. Single-atom optical clock with high accuracy. Phys Rev Lett. 2006 Jul 14; 97(2):020801. PMID: 16907426.
Fortier TM, Bartels A, Diddams SA. Octave-spanning Ti:sapphire laser with a repetition rate >1 ghz for optical frequency measurements and comparisons. Opt Lett. 2006 Apr 01; 31(7):1011-3. PMID: 16599240.
Kim K, Diddams SA, Westbrook PS, Nicholson JW, Feder KS. Improved stabilization of a 1.3 microm femtosecond optical frequency comb by use of a spectrally tailored continuum from a nonlinear fiber grating. Opt Lett. 2006 Jan 15; 31(2):277-9. PMID: 16441055.
Hoyt CW, Barber ZW, Oates CW, Fortier TM, Diddams SA, Hollberg L. Observation and absolute frequency measurements of the 1S0-3P0 optical clock transition in neutral ytterbium. Phys Rev Lett. 2005 Aug 19; 95(8):083003. PMID: 16196856.
Ivanov EN, Diddams SA, Hollberg L. Study of the excess noise associated with demodulation of ultra-short infrared pulses. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2005 Jul; 52(7):1068-74. PMID: 16212245.
Gerginov V, Tanner CE, Diddams SA, Bartels A, Hollberg L. High-resolution spectroscopy with a femtosecond laser frequency comb. Opt Lett. 2005 Jul 01; 30(13):1734-6. PMID: 16075554.
Kim K, Washburn BR, Wilpers G, Oates CW, Hollberg L, Newbury NR, Diddams SA, Nicholson JW, Yan MF. Stabilized frequency comb with a self-referenced femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser. Opt Lett. 2005 Apr 15; 30(8):932-4. PMID: 15865403.
Bartels A, Diddams SA, Oates CW, Wilpers G, Bergquist JC, Oskay WH, Hollberg L. Femtosecond-laser-based synthesis of ultrastable microwave signals from optical frequency references. Opt Lett. 2005 Mar 15; 30(6):667-9. PMID: 15792011.
Fox RW, Diddams SA, Bartels A, Hollberg L. Optical frequency measurements with the global positioning system: tests with an iodine-stabilized He-Ne laser. Appl Opt. 2005 Jan 01; 44(1):113-20. PMID: 15662892.
Diddams SA, Bergquist JC, Jefferts SR, Oates CW. Standards of time and frequency at the outset of the 21st century. Science. 2004 Nov 19; 306(5700):1318-24. PMID: 15550659.
Bartels A, Oates CW, Hollberg L, Diddams SA. Stabilization of femtosecond laser frequency combs with subhertz residual linewidths. Opt Lett. 2004 May 15; 29(10):1081-3. PMID: 15181992.
Ma LS, Bi Z, Bartels A, Robertsson L, Zucco M, Windeler RS, Wilpers G, Oates C, Hollberg L, Diddams SA. Optical frequency synthesis and comparison with uncertainty at the 10(-19) level. Science. 2004 Mar 19; 303(5665):1843-5. PMID: 15031498.
Bartels A, Newbury NR, Thomann I, Hollberg L, Diddams SA. Broadband phase-coherent optical frequency synthesis with actively linked Ti:sapphire and Cr:forsterite femtosecond lasers. Opt Lett. 2004 Feb 15; 29(4):403-5. PMID: 14971767.
Corwin KL, Thomann I, Dennis T, Fox RW, Swann W, Curtis EA, Oates CW, Wilpers G, Bartels A, Gilbert SL, Hollberg L, Newbury NR, Diddams SA, Nicholson JW, Yan MF. Absolute-frequency measurements with a stabilized near-infrared optical frequency comb from a Cr:forsterite laser. Opt Lett. 2004 Feb 15; 29(4):397-9. PMID: 14971765.
Washburn BR, Diddams SA, Newbury NR, Nicholson JW, Yan MF, J?rgensen CG. Phase-locked, erbium-fiber-laser-based frequency comb in the near infrared. Opt Lett. 2004 Feb 01; 29(3):250-2. PMID: 14759041.
Thomann I, Bartels A, Corwin KL, Newbury NR, Hollberg L, Diddams SA, Nicholson JW, Yan MF. 420-MHz Cr:forsterite femtosecond ring laser and continuum generation in the 1-2-micrometre range. Opt Lett. 2003 Aug 01; 28(15):1368-70. PMID: 12906092.
Bize S, Diddams SA, Tanaka U, Tanner CE, Oskay WH, Drullinger RE, Parker TE, Heavner TP, Jefferts SR, Hollberg L, Itano WM, Bergquist JC. Testing the stability of fundamental constants with the 199Hg+ single-ion optical clock. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Apr 18; 90(15):150802. PMID: 12732024.
Bartels A, Diddams SA, Ramond TM, Hollberg L. Mode-locked laser pulse trains with subfemtosecond timing jitter synchronized to an optical reference oscillator. Opt Lett. 2003 Apr 15; 28(8):663-5. PMID: 12703934.
Ivanov EN, Diddams SA, Hollberg L. Experimental study of noise properties of a Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2003 Apr; 50(4):355-60. PMID: 12744390.
Corwin KL, Newbury NR, Dudley JM, Coen S, Diddams SA, Weber K, Windeler RS. Fundamental noise limitations to supercontinuum generation in microstructure fiber. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Mar 21; 90(11):113904. PMID: 12688929.
Thomann I, Hollberg L, Diddams SA, Equall R. Chromium-doped forsterite: dispersion measurement with white-light interferometry. Appl Opt. 2003 Mar 20; 42(9):1661-6. PMID: 12665096.
Diddams SA, Hollberg L, Ma LS, Robertsson L. Femtosecond-laser-based optical clockwork with instability= less than or equal to 6.3 X 10(-16) in 1 s. Opt Lett. 2002 Jan 01; 27(1):58-60. PMID: 18007715.
Ramond TM, Diddams SA, Hollberg L, Bartels A. Phase-coherent link from optical to microwave frequencies by means of the broadband continuum from a 1-GHz Ti:sapphire femtosecondoscillator. Opt Lett. 2002; 27(20):1842-4. PMID: 18033381.
Diddams SA, Udem T, Bergquist JC, Curtis EA, Drullinger RE, Hollberg L, Itano WM, Lee WD, Oates CW, Vogel KR, Wineland DJ. An optical clock based on a single trapped 199Hg+ ion. Science. 2001 Aug 03; 293(5531):825-8. PMID: 11452082.
Vogel KR, Diddams SA, Oates CW, Curtis EA, Rafac RJ, Itano WM, Bergquist JC, Fox RW, Lee WD, Wells JS, Hollberg L. Direct comparison of two cold-atom-based optical frequency standards by using a femtosecond-laser comb. Opt Lett. 2001 Jan 15; 26(2):102-4. PMID: 18033520.
Ye J, Hall JL, Diddams SA. Precision phase control of an ultrawide-bandwidth femtosecond laser: a network of ultrastable frequency marks across the visible spectrum. Opt Lett. 2000 Nov 15; 25(22):1675-7. PMID: 18066312.
Jones DJ, Diddams SA, Taubman MS, Cundiff ST, Ma LS, Hall JL. Frequency comb generation using femtosecond pulses and cross-phase modulation in optical fiber at arbitrary center frequencies. Opt Lett. 2000 Mar 01; 25(5):308-10. PMID: 18059863.
Golubovic B, Austin RR, Steiner-Shepard MK, Reed MK, Diddams SA, Jones DJ, Van Engen AG. Double Gires-Tournois interferometer negative-dispersion mirrors for use in tunable mode-locked lasers. Opt Lett. 2000 Feb 15; 25(4):275-7. PMID: 18059853.
Diddams SA, Jones DJ, Ma LS, Cundiff ST, Hall JL. Optical frequency measurement across a 104-THz gap with a femtosecond laser frequency comb. Opt Lett. 2000 Feb 01; 25(3):186-8. PMID: 18059824.
Diddams SA, Ma LS, Ye J, Hall JL. Broadband optical frequency comb generation with a phase-modulated parametric oscillator. Opt Lett. 1999 Dec 01; 24(23):1747-9. PMID: 18079922.
Zozulya A, Diddams S. Dynamics of self-focused femtosecond laser pulses in the near and far fields. Opt Express. 1999 Apr 26; 4(9):336-43. PMID: 19396290.
Van Engen AG, Diddams SA, Clement TS. Dispersion measurements of water with white-light interferometry. Appl Opt. 1998 Aug 20; 37(24):5679-86. PMID: 18286054.
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