Steven Cundiff
Title | Affiliate |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | JILA |
Purz TL, Hipsley BT, Martin EW, Ulbricht R, Cundiff ST. Rapid multiplex ultrafast nonlinear microscopy for material characterization. Opt Express. 2022 Dec 05; 30(25):45008-45019. PMID: 36522912.
Purz TL, Martin EW, Holtzmann WG, Rivera P, Alfrey A, Bates KM, Deng H, Xu X, Cundiff ST. Imaging dynamic exciton interactions and coupling in transition metal dichalcogenides. J Chem Phys. 2022 Jun 07; 156(21):214704. PMID: 35676152.
Day MW, Bates KM, Smallwood CL, Owen RC, Schr?der T, Bielejec E, Ulbricht R, Cundiff ST. Coherent Interactions between Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Diamond. Phys Rev Lett. 2022 May 20; 128(20):203603. PMID: 35657853.
Purz TL, Cundiff ST, Martin EW. Lock-in detector for accelerated nonlinear imaging. Opt Lett. 2021 Oct 01; 46(19):4813-4816. PMID: 34598206.
Smith BC, Lomsadze B, Cundiff ST. High-speed hyperspectral four-wave-mixing microscopy with frequency combs. Opt Lett. 2021 Aug 01; 46(15):3556-3559. PMID: 34329223.
Smallwood CL, Ulbricht R, Day MW, Schr?der T, Bates KM, Autry TM, Diederich G, Bielejec E, Siemens ME, Cundiff ST. Hidden Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Diamond. Phys Rev Lett. 2021 May 28; 126(21):213601. PMID: 34114873.
Liu A, Nagamine G, Bonato LG, Almeida DB, Zagonel LF, Nogueira AF, Padilha LA, Cundiff ST. Toward Engineering Intrinsic Line Widths and Line Broadening in Perovskite Nanoplatelets. ACS Nano. 2021 Apr 27; 15(4):6499-6506. PMID: 33769788.
Munoz MF, Medina A, Autry TM, Moody G, Siemens ME, Bristow AD, Cundiff ST, Li H. Fast phase cycling in non-collinear optical two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy. Opt Lett. 2020 Oct 15; 45(20):5852-5855. PMID: 33057301.
Autry TM, Nardin G, Smallwood CL, Silverman K, Bajoni D, Lema?tre A, Bouchoule S, Bloch J, Cundiff S. Excitation Ladder of Cavity Polaritons. Phys Rev Lett. 2020 Aug 07; 125(6):067403. PMID: 32845682.
Zhang R, Gong Y, Day MW, Sun D, Cundiff ST. Radio frequency polarization modulation based on an optical frequency comb. Rev Sci Instrum. 2020 Aug 01; 91(8):083111. PMID: 32872924.
Dong M, Day MW, Winful HG, Cundiff ST. Quantum-well laser diodes for frequency comb spectroscopy. Opt Express. 2020 Jul 20; 28(15):21825-21834. PMID: 32752454.
Liu A, Bonato LG, Sessa F, Almeida DB, Isele E, Nagamine G, Zagonel LF, Nogueira AF, Padilha LA, Cundiff ST. Effect of dimensionality on the optical absorption properties of CsPbI3 perovskite nanocrystals. J Chem Phys. 2019 Nov 21; 151(19):191103. PMID: 31757140.
Liu A, Almeida DB, Bae WK, Padilha LA, Cundiff ST. Simultaneous Existence of Confined and Delocalized Vibrational Modes in Colloidal Quantum Dots. J Phys Chem Lett. 2019 Oct 17; 10(20):6144-6150. PMID: 31556615.
Cundiff ST. Rydberg spectroscopy of indirect excitons. Nat Mater. 2019 07; 18(7):658-659. PMID: 31217556.
Lomsadze B, Cundiff ST. Frequency-Comb Based Double-Quantum Two-Dimensional Spectrum Identifies Collective Hyperfine Resonances in Atomic Vapor Induced by Dipole-Dipole Interactions. Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Jun 08; 120(23):233401. PMID: 29932700.
Richter M, Singh R, Siemens M, Cundiff ST. Deconvolution of optical multidimensional coherent spectra. Sci Adv. 2018 06; 4(6):eaar7697. PMID: 29868644.
Smith BC, Lomsadze B, Cundiff ST. Optimum repetition rates for dual-comb spectroscopy. Opt Express. 2018 Apr 30; 26(9):12049-12056. PMID: 29716121.
Lomsadze B, Cundiff ST. Multi-heterodyne two dimensional coherent spectroscopy using frequency combs. Sci Rep. 2017 10 25; 7(1):14018. PMID: 29070889.
Lomsadze B, Cundiff ST. Frequency combs enable rapid and high-resolution multidimensional coherent spectroscopy. Science. 2017 09 29; 357(6358):1389-1391. PMID: 28963253.
Zhu W, Wang R, Zhang C, Wang G, Liu Y, Zhao W, Dai X, Wang X, Cerullo G, Cundiff S, Xiao M. Broadband two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy in an actively phase stabilized pump-probe configuration. Opt Express. 2017 Sep 04; 25(18):21115-21126. PMID: 29041519.
Moody G, Cundiff ST. Advances in multi-dimensional coherent spectroscopy of semiconductor nanostructures. Adv Phys X. 2017; 2(3):641-674. PMID: 28894306.
Lomsadze B, Cundiff ST. Frequency comb-based four-wave-mixing spectroscopy. Opt Lett. 2017 Jun 15; 42(12):2346-2349. PMID: 28614310.
Suzuki T, Singh R, Bayer M, Ludwig A, Wieck AD, Cundiff ST. Coherent Control of the Exciton-Biexciton System in an InAs Self-Assembled Quantum Dot Ensemble. Phys Rev Lett. 2016 Oct 07; 117(15):157402. PMID: 27768374.
Tollerud JO, Cundiff ST, Davis JA. Revealing and Characterizing Dark Excitons through Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy. Phys Rev Lett. 2016 Aug 26; 117(9):097401. PMID: 27610881.
Gao F, Cundiff ST, Li H. Probing dipole-dipole interaction in a rubidium gas via double-quantum 2D spectroscopy. Opt Lett. 2016 Jul 01; 41(13):2954-7. PMID: 27367074.
Bao C, Chang W, Yang C, Akhmediev N, Cundiff ST. Observation of Coexisting Dissipative Solitons in a Mode-Locked Fiber Laser. Phys Rev Lett. 2015 Dec 18; 115(25):253903. PMID: 26722922.
Spencer AP, Li H, Cundiff ST, Jonas DM. Pulse Propagation Effects in Optical 2D Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy: Theory. J Phys Chem A. 2015 Apr 30; 119(17):3936-60. PMID: 25880720.
Bao C, Funk AC, Yang C, Cundiff ST. Pulse dynamics in a mode-locked fiber laser and its quantum limited comb frequency uncertainty. Opt Lett. 2014 Jun 01; 39(11):3266-9. PMID: 24876029.
Cundiff ST. Optical three dimensional coherent spectroscopy. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2014 May 14; 16(18):8193-200. PMID: 24676396.
Nardin G, Moody G, Singh R, Autry TM, Li H, Morier-Genoud F, Cundiff ST. Coherent excitonic coupling in an asymmetric double InGaAs quantum well arises from many-body effects. Phys Rev Lett. 2014 Jan 31; 112(4):046402. PMID: 24580472.
Li H, Spencer AP, Kortyna A, Moody G, Jonas DM, Cundiff ST. Pulse propagation effects in optical 2D Fourier-transform spectroscopy: experiment. J Phys Chem A. 2013 Jul 25; 117(29):6279-87. PMID: 23565590.
Li H, Moody G, Cundiff ST. Reflection optical two-dimensional Fourier-transform spectroscopy. Opt Express. 2013 Jan 28; 21(2):1687-92. PMID: 23389154.
Roumpos G, Cundiff ST. Photon number distributions from a diode laser. Opt Lett. 2013 Jan 15; 38(2):139-41. PMID: 23454941.
Li H, Bristow AD, Siemens ME, Moody G, Cundiff ST. Unraveling quantum pathways using optical 3D Fourier-transform spectroscopy. Nat Commun. 2013; 4:1390. PMID: 23340430.
Dai X, Richter M, Li H, Bristow AD, Falvo C, Mukamel S, Cundiff ST. Two-dimensional double-quantum spectra reveal collective resonances in an atomic vapor. Phys Rev Lett. 2012 May 11; 108(19):193201. PMID: 23003037.
Hudson DD, Kutz JN, Schibli TR, Christodoulides DN, Morandotti R, Cundiff ST. Spatial distribution clamping of discrete spatial solitons due to three photon absorption in AlGaAs waveguide arrays. Opt Express. 2012 Jan 30; 20(3):1939-44. PMID: 22330434.
Willits JT, Weiner AM, Cundiff ST. Line-by-line pulse shaping with spectral resolution below 890 MHz. Opt Express. 2012 Jan 30; 20(3):3110-7. PMID: 22330548.
Scherger B, Scheller M, Vieweg N, Cundiff ST, Koch M. Paper terahertz wave plates. Opt Express. 2011 Dec 05; 19(25):24884-9. PMID: 22273881.
Boulanger B, Cundiff ST, Gauthier DJ, Karlsson M, Lu YQ, Norwood RA, Skryabin D, Taira T. Focus issue introduction: nonlinear optics. Opt Express. 2011 Nov 07; 19(23):23561-6. PMID: 22109235.
Bristow AD, Zhang T, Siemens ME, Cundiff ST, Mirin RP. Separating homogeneous and inhomogeneous line widths of heavy- and light-hole excitons in weakly disordered semiconductor quantum wells. J Phys Chem B. 2011 May 12; 115(18):5365-71. PMID: 21384940.
Siemens ME, Moody G, Li H, Bristow AD, Cundiff ST. Resonance lineshapes in two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy. Opt Express. 2010 Aug 16; 18(17):17699-708. PMID: 20721156.
Feng M, Silverman KL, Mirin RP, Cundiff ST. Dark pulse quantum dot diode laser. Opt Express. 2010 Jun 21; 18(13):13385-95. PMID: 20588468.
Karaiskaj D, Bristow AD, Yang L, Dai X, Mirin RP, Mukamel S, Cundiff ST. Two-quantum many-body coherences in two-dimensional fourier-transform spectra of exciton resonances in semiconductor quantum wells. Phys Rev Lett. 2010 Mar 19; 104(11):117401. PMID: 20366499.
Cundiff ST, Zhang T, Bristow AD, Karaiskaj D, Dai X. Optical two-dimensional fourier transform spectroscopy of semiconductor quantum wells. Acc Chem Res. 2009 Sep 15; 42(9):1423-32. PMID: 19555068.
Stone KW, Turner DB, Gundogdu K, Cundiff ST, Nelson KA. Exciton-exciton correlations revealed by two-quantum, two-dimensional fourier transform optical spectroscopy. Acc Chem Res. 2009 Sep 15; 42(9):1452-61. PMID: 19691277.
Stone KW, Gundogdu K, Turner DB, Li X, Cundiff ST, Nelson KA. Two-quantum 2D FT electronic spectroscopy of biexcitons in GaAs quantum wells. Science. 2009 May 29; 324(5931):1169-73. PMID: 19478176.
Yang L, Zhang T, Bristow AD, Cundiff ST, Mukamel S. Isolating excitonic Raman coherence in semiconductors using two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy. J Chem Phys. 2008 Dec 21; 129(23):234711. PMID: 19102556.
Bristow AD, Karaiskaj D, Dai X, Cundiff ST. All-optical retrieval of the global phase for two-dimensional Fourier-transform spectroscopy. Opt Express. 2008 Oct 27; 16(22):18017-27. PMID: 18958080.
Hudson DD, Shish K, Schibli TR, Kutz JN, Christodoulides DN, Morandotti R, Cundiff ST. Nonlinear femtosecond pulse reshaping in waveguide arrays. Opt Lett. 2008 Jul 01; 33(13):1440-2. PMID: 18594658.
Cundiff S, Ye J, Hall J. Rulers of light. Sci Am. 2008 Apr; 298(4):74-81. PMID: 18380144.
Cundiff ST. Coherent spectroscopy of semiconductors. Opt Express. 2008 Mar 31; 16(7):4639-64. PMID: 18542562.
Willits JT, Weiner AM, Cundiff ST. Theory of rapid-update line-by-line pulse shaping. Opt Express. 2008 Jan 07; 16(1):315-27. PMID: 18521163.
Smith RP, Roos PA, Wahlstrand JK, Pipis JA, Rivas MB, Cundiff ST. Optical Frequency Metrology of an Iodine-Stabilized He-Ne Laser Using the Frequency Comb of a Quantum-Interference-Stabilized Mode-Locked Laser. J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol. 2007 Nov-Dec; 112(6):289-96. PMID: 27110472.
Zhang T, Kuznetsova I, Meier T, Li X, Mirin RP, Thomas P, Cundiff ST. Polarization-dependent optical 2D Fourier transform spectroscopy of semiconductors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Sep 04; 104(36):14227-32. PMID: 17630286.
Menyuk CR, Wahlstrand JK, Willits J, Smith RP, Schibli TR, Cundiff ST. Pulse dynamics in mode-locked lasers: relaxation oscillations and frequency pulling. Opt Express. 2007 May 28; 15(11):6677-89. PMID: 19546978.
Hudson DD, Foreman SM, Cundiff ST, Ye J. Synchronization of mode-locked femtosecond lasers through a fiber link. Opt Lett. 2006 Jul 01; 31(13):1951-3. PMID: 16770395.
Ablowitz MJ, Ilan B, Cundiff ST. Noise-induced linewidth in frequency combs. Opt Lett. 2006 Jun 15; 31(12):1875-7. PMID: 16729100.
Li X, Zhang T, Borca CN, Cundiff ST. Many-body interactions in semiconductors probed by optical two-dimensional fourier transform spectroscopy. Phys Rev Lett. 2006 Feb 10; 96(5):057406. PMID: 16486986.
Hudson DD, Holman KW, Jones RJ, Cundiff ST, Ye J, Jones DJ. Mode-locked fiber laser frequency-controlled with an intracavity electro-optic modulator. Opt Lett. 2005 Nov 01; 30(21):2948-50. PMID: 16279478.
Zhang T, Borca C, Li X, Cundiff S. Optical two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy with active interferometric stabilization. Opt Express. 2005 Sep 19; 13(19):7432-41. PMID: 19498768.
Chen Z, Bratschitsch R, Cundiff ST. Interference effects in transient Kerr spectra of a semiconductor multilayer structure. Opt Lett. 2005 Sep 01; 30(17):2320-2. PMID: 16190457.
Wahlstrand JK, Merlin R, Li X, Cundiff ST, Martinez OE. Impulsive stimulated Raman scattering: comparison between phase-sensitive and spectrally filtered techniques. Opt Lett. 2005 Apr 15; 30(8):926-8. PMID: 15865401.
Roos P, Li X, Pipis J, Cundiff S. Solid-state carrier-envelope-phase noise measurements with intrinsically balanced detection. Opt Express. 2004 Sep 06; 12(18):4255-60. PMID: 19483971.
Ablowitz MJ, Ilan B, Cundiff ST. Carrier-envelope phase slip of ultrashort dispersion-managed solitons. Opt Lett. 2004 Aug 01; 29(15):1808-10. PMID: 15352377.
Goorjian PM, Cundiff ST. Nonlinear effects on the carrier-envelope phase. Opt Lett. 2004 Jun 15; 29(12):1363-5. PMID: 15233436.
Roos P, Quraishi Q, Cundiff S, Bhat R, Sipe J. Characterization of quantum interference control of injected currents in LT-GaAs for carrier-envelope phase measurements. Opt Express. 2003 Aug 25; 11(17):2081-90. PMID: 19466094.
Rauschenberger J, Fortier T, Jones D, Ye J, Cundiff S. Control of the frequency comb from a mode-locked Erbium-doped fiber laser: Errata. Opt Express. 2003 Jun 02; 11(11):1345. PMID: 19466003.
Holman KW, Jones RJ, Marian A, Cundiff ST, Ye J. Intensity-related dynamics of femtosecond frequency combs. Opt Lett. 2003 May 15; 28(10):851-3. PMID: 12779168.
Spivey AG, Cundiff ST. Brewster's angle attenuator for terahertz pulses. Appl Opt. 2002 Dec 20; 41(36):7637-43. PMID: 12510932.
Rauschenberger J, Fortier T, Jones D, Ye J, Cundiff S. Control of the frequency comb from a modelocked Erbium-doped fiber laser. Opt Express. 2002 Dec 02; 10(24):1404-10. PMID: 19452006.
Fortier TM, Jones DJ, Ye J, Cundiff ST, Windeler RS. Long-term carrier-envelope phase coherence. Opt Lett. 2002 Aug 15; 27(16):1436-8. PMID: 18026471.
Fortier TM, Ye J, Cundiff ST, Windeler RS. Nonlinear phase noise generated in air-silica microstructure fiber and its effect on carrier-envelope phase. Opt Lett. 2002 Mar 15; 27(6):445-7. PMID: 18007829.
Cundiff ST, Soto-Crespo JM, Akhmediev N. Experimental evidence for soliton explosions. Phys Rev Lett. 2002 Feb 18; 88(7):073903. PMID: 11863898.
Cundiff ST, Collings BC, Bergman K. Polarization locked vector solitons and axis instability in optical fiber. Chaos. 2000 Sep; 10(3):613-624. PMID: 12779411.
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