Chris H Greene
Title | Affiliate |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | JILA |
Hvizdo? D, Forer J, Kokoouline V, Greene CH. Bound and autoionizing potential energy curves in the CH molecule. J Chem Phys. 2023 Dec 14; 159(22). PMID: 38084808.
Elkamshishy AA, Greene CH. Triatomic Photoassociation in an Ultracold Atom-Molecule Collision. J Phys Chem A. 2023 Jan 12; 127(1):18-28. PMID: 36584308.
Straub M, Ding T, Rebholz M, Borisova GD, Magunia A, Lindenblatt H, Meister S, Trost F, Wang Y, Palutke S, Braune M, D?sterer S, Treusch R, Greene CH, Moshammer R, Pfeifer T, Ott C. Differential Measurement of Electron Ejection after Two-Photon Two-Electron Excitation of Helium. Phys Rev Lett. 2022 Oct 28; 129(18):183204. PMID: 36374686.
Higgins MD, Greene CH, Kievsky A, Viviani M. Nonresonant Density of States Enhancement at Low Energies for Three or Four Neutrons. Phys Rev Lett. 2020 Jul 31; 125(5):052501. PMID: 32794850.
Cur?k R, Hvizdo? D, Greene CH. Dissociative Recombination of Cold HeH^{+} Ions. Phys Rev Lett. 2020 Jan 31; 124(4):043401. PMID: 32058740.
Giannakeas P, Khaykovich L, Rost JM, Greene CH. Nonadiabatic Molecular Association in Thermal Gases Driven by Radio-Frequency Pulses. Phys Rev Lett. 2019 Jul 26; 123(4):043204. PMID: 31491264.
Yudkin Y, Elbaz R, Giannakeas P, Greene CH, Khaykovich L. Coherent Superposition of Feshbach Dimers and Efimov Trimers. Phys Rev Lett. 2019 May 24; 122(20):200402. PMID: 31172769.
Price TJ, Greene CH. Semiclassical Treatment of High-Lying Electronic States of H2. J Phys Chem A. 2018 Nov 01; 122(43):8565-8575. PMID: 30299945.
Eiles MT, Greene CH. Extreme Correlation and Repulsive Interactions in Highly Excited Atomic Alkali Anions. Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Sep 28; 121(13):133401. PMID: 30312042.
Eiles MT, Tong Z, Greene CH. Theoretical Prediction of the Creation and Observation of a Ghost Trilobite Chemical Bond. Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Sep 14; 121(11):113203. PMID: 30265124.
Giannakeas P, Greene CH. Ultracold Heteronuclear Three-Body Systems: How Diabaticity Limits the Universality of Recombination into Shallow Dimers. Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Jan 12; 120(2):023401. PMID: 29376693.
Cur?k R, Greene CH. Inelastic low-energy collisions of electrons with HeH+: Rovibrational excitation and dissociative recombination. J Chem Phys. 2017 Aug 07; 147(5):054307. PMID: 28789531.
Ulmanis J, H?fner S, Pires R, Kuhnle ED, Wang Y, Greene CH, Weidem?ller M. Heteronuclear Efimov Scenario with Positive Intraspecies Scattering Length. Phys Rev Lett. 2016 Oct 07; 117(15):153201. PMID: 27768363.
Kr?kow A, Mohammadi A, H?rter A, Denschlag JH, P?rez-R?os J, Greene CH. Energy Scaling of Cold Atom-Atom-Ion Three-Body Recombination. Phys Rev Lett. 2016 May 13; 116(19):193201. PMID: 27232021.
Schlagm?ller M, Liebisch TC, Nguyen H, Lochead G, Engel F, B?ttcher F, Westphal KM, Kleinbach KS, L?w R, Hofferberth S, Pfau T, P?rez-R?os J, Greene CH. Probing an Electron Scattering Resonance using Rydberg Molecules within a Dense and Ultracold Gas. Phys Rev Lett. 2016 Feb 05; 116(5):053001. PMID: 26894707.
Eiles MT, Greene CH. Ultracold Long-Range Rydberg Molecules with Complex Multichannel Spectra. Phys Rev Lett. 2015 Nov 06; 115(19):193201. PMID: 26588378.
P?rez-R?os J, Greene CH. Communication: Classical threshold law for ion-neutral-neutral three-body recombination. J Chem Phys. 2015 Jul 28; 143(4):041105. PMID: 26233100.
Colussi VE, Greene CH, D'Incao JP. Three-body physics in strongly correlated spinor condensates. Phys Rev Lett. 2014 Jul 25; 113(4):045302. PMID: 25105628.
P?rez-R?os J, Ragole S, Wang J, Greene CH. Comparison of classical and quantal calculations of helium three-body recombination. J Chem Phys. 2014 Jan 28; 140(4):044307. PMID: 25669523.
Wang J, Greene CH. Rydberg states of triatomic hydrogen and deuterium. J Phys Chem A. 2013 Oct 03; 117(39):9761-5. PMID: 23557399.
Wang Y, Wang J, D'Incao JP, Greene CH. Universal three-body parameter in heteronuclear atomic systems. Phys Rev Lett. 2012 Dec 14; 109(24):243201. PMID: 23368316.
Wang J, D'Incao JP, Esry BD, Greene CH. Origin of the three-body parameter universality in Efimov physics. Phys Rev Lett. 2012 Jun 29; 108(26):263001. PMID: 23004972.
Douguet N, Orel AE, Greene CH, Kokoouline V. Dissociative recombination of highly symmetric polyatomic ions. Phys Rev Lett. 2012 Jan 13; 108(2):023202. PMID: 22324682.
Wang Y, D'Incao JP, Greene CH. Universal three-body physics for fermionic dipoles. Phys Rev Lett. 2011 Dec 02; 107(23):233201. PMID: 22182085.
Loh H, Wang J, Grau M, Yahn TS, Field RW, Greene CH, Cornell EA. Laser-induced fluorescence studies of HfF+ produced by autoionization. J Chem Phys. 2011 Oct 21; 135(15):154308. PMID: 22029314.
Wang Y, D'Incao JP, Greene CH. Efimov effect for three interacting bosonic dipoles. Phys Rev Lett. 2011 Jun 10; 106(23):233201. PMID: 21770501.
Saykally RJ, Michael EA, Wang J, Greene CH. Recombination-pumped triatomic hydrogen infrared lasers. J Chem Phys. 2010 Dec 21; 133(23):234302. PMID: 21186866.
Kotr?k T, Dohnal P, Korolov I, Plasil R, Roucka S, Glos?k J, Greene CH, Kokoouline V. Temperature dependence of binary and ternary recombination of D3+ ions with electrons. J Chem Phys. 2010 Jul 21; 133(3):034305. PMID: 20649328.
Rittenhouse ST, Cavagnero MJ, Greene CH. Collective coordinate description of anisotropically trapped degenerate Fermi gases. J Phys Chem A. 2009 Dec 31; 113(52):15016-23. PMID: 19899802.
Mehta NP, Rittenhouse ST, D'Incao JP, von Stecher J, Greene CH. General theoretical description of N-body recombination. Phys Rev Lett. 2009 Oct 09; 103(15):153201. PMID: 19905635.
D'Incao JP, von Stecher J, Greene CH. Universal four-Boson states in ultracold molecular gases: resonant effects in dimer-dimer collisions. Phys Rev Lett. 2009 Jul 17; 103(3):033004. PMID: 19659275.
Walters ZB, Tonzani S, Greene CH. Limits of the plane wave approximation in the measurement of molecular properties. J Phys Chem A. 2008 Oct 02; 112(39):9439-47. PMID: 18729430.
Blume D, von Stecher J, Greene CH. Universal properties of a trapped two-component fermi gas at unitarity. Phys Rev Lett. 2007 Dec 07; 99(23):233201. PMID: 18233361.
dos Santos SF, Kokoouline V, Greene CH. Dissociative recombination of H(3)(+) in the ground and excited vibrational states. J Chem Phys. 2007 Sep 28; 127(12):124309. PMID: 17902905.
von Stecher J, Greene CH. Spectrum and dynamics of the BCS-BEC crossover from a few-body perspective. Phys Rev Lett. 2007 Aug 31; 99(9):090402. PMID: 17930994.
Greene CH, Hamilton EL, Crowell H, Vadla C, Niemax K. Experimental verification of minima in excited long-range Rydberg states of Rb2. Phys Rev Lett. 2006 Dec 08; 97(23):233002. PMID: 17280199.
Greene CH, Kokoouline V. Theoretical progress and challenges in H3+ dissociative recombination. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2006 Nov 15; 364(1848):2965-78; discussion 2978-80. PMID: 17015388.
Tonzani S, Greene CH. Radiation damage to DNA: electron scattering from the backbone subunits. J Chem Phys. 2006 Sep 07; 125(9):094504. PMID: 16965094.
Esry BD, Greene CH. Quantum physics: a m?nage ? trois laid bare. Nature. 2006 Mar 16; 440(7082):289-90. PMID: 16541059.
Tonzani S, Greene CH. Low-energy electron scattering from DNA and RNA bases: shape resonances and radiation damage. J Chem Phys. 2006 Feb 07; 124(5):054312. PMID: 16468874.
Cooper JW, Greene CH, Langhoff PW, Starace AF, Winstead C. Comment on "Fano line shapes reconsidered: symmetric photoionization peaks from pure continuum excitation". Phys Rev Lett. 2005 Jun 10; 94(22):229301; author reply 229302. PMID: 16090441.
Santra R, Arimondo E, Ido T, Greene CH, Ye J. High-accuracy optical clock via three-level coherence in neutral bosonic 88Sr. Phys Rev Lett. 2005 May 06; 94(17):173002. PMID: 15904285.
Tonzani S, Greene CH. Electron-molecule scattering calculations in a 3D finite element R-matrix approach. J Chem Phys. 2005 Jan 01; 122(1):14111. PMID: 15638646.
Kokoouline V, Greene CH. Triatomic dissociative recombination theory: Jahn-Teller coupling among infinitely many Born-Oppenheimer surfaces. Faraday Discuss. 2004; 127:413-23. PMID: 15471357.
Santra R, Greene CH. Xenon clusters in intense VUV laser fields. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Dec 05; 91(23):233401. PMID: 14683182.
Borca B, Dunn JW, Kokoouline V, Greene CH. Atom-molecule laser fed by stimulated three-body recombination. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Aug 15; 91(7):070404. PMID: 12934999.
Kokoouline V, Santra R, Greene CH. Multichannel cold collisions between metastable Sr atoms. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Jun 27; 90(25 Pt 1):253201. PMID: 12857129.
Xu X, Loftus TH, Dunn JW, Greene CH, Hall JL, Gallagher A, Ye J. Single-stage sub-Doppler cooling of alkaline earth atoms. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 May 16; 90(19):193002. PMID: 12785942.
Kokoouline V, Greene CH. Theory of dissociative recombination of d(3h) triatomic ions applied to h+3. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Apr 04; 90(13):133201. PMID: 12689283.
Suno H, Esry BD, Greene CH. Recombination of three ultracold fermionic atoms. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Feb 07; 90(5):053202. PMID: 12633352.
Granger BE, Greene CH. Nonclassical paths in the recurrence spectrum of diamagnetic atoms. Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Jan 31; 90(4):043002. PMID: 12570415.
Hamilton EL, Greene CH. Competition among molecular fragmentation channels described with Siegert channel pseudostates. Phys Rev Lett. 2002 Dec 23; 89(26):263003. PMID: 12484815.
Bartels RA, Weinacht TC, Wagner N, Baertschy M, Greene CH, Murnane MM, Kapteyn HC. Phase modulation of ultrashort light pulses using molecular rotational wave packets. Phys Rev Lett. 2002 Jan 07; 88(1):013903. PMID: 11800946.
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