Gordana Dukovic
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Chemistry |
Clinger A, Yang ZY, Pellows LM, King P, Mus F, Peters JW, Dukovic G, Seefeldt LC. Hole-scavenging in photo-driven N2 reduction catalyzed by a CdS-nitrogenase MoFe protein biohybrid system. J Inorg Biochem. 2024 04; 253:112484. PMID: 38219407.
Shulenberger KE, Sherman SJ, Jilek MR, Keller HR, Pellows LM, Dukovic G. Exciton and biexciton transient absorption spectra of CdSe quantum dots with varying diameters. J Chem Phys. 2024 Jan 07; 160(1). PMID: 38174790.
Pellows LM, Vansuch GE, Chica B, Yang ZY, Ruzicka JL, Willis MA, Clinger A, Brown KA, Seefeldt LC, Peters JW, Dukovic G, Mulder DW, King PW. Low-temperature trapping of N2 reduction reaction intermediates in nitrogenase MoFe protein-CdS quantum dot complexes. J Chem Phys. 2023 Dec 21; 159(23). PMID: 38117020.
Pellows LM, Willis MA, Ruzicka JL, Jagilinki BP, Mulder DW, Yang ZY, Seefeldt LC, King PW, Dukovic G, Peters JW. High Affinity Electrostatic Interactions Support the Formation of CdS Quantum Dot:Nitrogenase MoFe Protein Complexes. Nano Lett. 2023 Nov 22; 23(22):10466-10472. PMID: 37930772.
Vansuch GE, Mulder DW, Chica B, Ruzicka JL, Yang ZY, Pellows LM, Willis MA, Brown KA, Seefeldt LC, Peters JW, Dukovic G, King PW. Cryo-annealing of Photoreduced CdS Quantum Dot-Nitrogenase MoFe Protein Complexes Reveals the Kinetic Stability of the E4(2N2H) Intermediate. J Am Chem Soc. 2023 Oct 04; 145(39):21165-21169. PMID: 37729189.
Shulenberger KE, Jilek MR, Sherman SJ, Hohman BT, Dukovic G. Electronic Structure and Excited State Dynamics of Cadmium Chalcogenide Nanorods. Chem Rev. 2023 Apr 12; 123(7):3852-3903. PMID: 36881852.
Chica B, Ruzicka J, Pellows LM, Kallas H, Kisgeropoulos E, Vansuch GE, Mulder DW, Brown KA, Svedruzic D, Peters JW, Dukovic G, Seefeldt LC, King PW. Dissecting Electronic-Structural Transitions in the Nitrogenase MoFe Protein P-Cluster during Reduction. J Am Chem Soc. 2022 04 06; 144(13):5708-5712. PMID: 35315658.
Utterback JK, Cline RP, Shulenberger KE, Eaves JD, Dukovic G. The Motion of Trapped Holes on Nanocrystal Surfaces. J Phys Chem Lett. 2020 Nov 19; 11(22):9876-9885. PMID: 33170725.
Pearce OM, Duncan JS, Lama B, Dukovic G, Damrauer NH. Binding Orientation of a Ruthenium-Based Water Oxidation Catalyst on a CdS QD Surface Revealed by NMR Spectroscopy. J Phys Chem Lett. 2020 Nov 19; 11(22):9552-9556. PMID: 33118823.
Chica B, Ruzicka J, Kallas H, Mulder DW, Brown KA, Peters JW, Seefeldt LC, Dukovic G, King PW. Defining Intermediates of Nitrogenase MoFe Protein during N2 Reduction under Photochemical Electron Delivery from CdS Quantum Dots. J Am Chem Soc. 2020 08 19; 142(33):14324-14330. PMID: 32787260.
Utterback JK, Ruzicka JL, Keller HR, Pellows LM, Dukovic G. Electron Transfer from Semiconductor Nanocrystals to Redox Enzymes. Annu Rev Phys Chem. 2020 04 20; 71:335-359. PMID: 32074472.
Hamby H, Li B, Shinopoulos KE, Keller HR, Elliott SJ, Dukovic G. Light-driven carbon-carbon bond formation via CO2 reduction catalyzed by complexes of CdS nanorods and a 2-oxoacid oxidoreductase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 01 07; 117(1):135-140. PMID: 31852819.
Utterback JK, Ruzicka JL, Hamby H, Eaves JD, Dukovic G. Temperature-Dependent Transient Absorption Spectroscopy Elucidates Trapped-Hole Dynamics in CdS and CdSe Nanorods. J Phys Chem Lett. 2019 Jun 06; 10(11):2782-2787. PMID: 31067408.
Cline RP, Utterback JK, Strong SE, Dukovic G, Eaves JD. On the Nature of Trapped-Hole States in CdS Nanocrystals and the Mechanism of Their Diffusion. J Phys Chem Lett. 2018 Jun 21; 9(12):3532-3537. PMID: 29856225.
Schnitzenbaumer KJ, Dukovic G. Comparison of Phonon Damping Behavior in Quantum Dots Capped with Organic and Inorganic Ligands. Nano Lett. 2018 06 13; 18(6):3667-3674. PMID: 29781281.
Ratzloff MW, Wilker MB, Mulder DW, Lubner CE, Hamby H, Brown KA, Dukovic G, King PW. Activation Thermodynamics and H/D Kinetic Isotope Effect of the Hox to HredH+ Transition in [FeFe] Hydrogenase. J Am Chem Soc. 2017 09 20; 139(37):12879-12882. PMID: 28851216.
Tongying P, Lu YG, Hall LMG, Lee K, Sulima M, Ciston J, Dukovic G. Control of Elemental Distribution in the Nanoscale Solid-State Reaction That Produces (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) Nanocrystals. ACS Nano. 2017 08 22; 11(8):8401-8412. PMID: 28759200.
Grennell AN, Utterback JK, Pearce OM, Wilker MB, Dukovic G. Relationships between Exciton Dissociation and Slow Recombination within ZnSe/CdS and CdSe/CdS Dot-in-Rod Heterostructures. Nano Lett. 2017 06 14; 17(6):3764-3774. PMID: 28534406.
Utterback JK, Grennell AN, Wilker MB, Pearce OM, Eaves JD, Dukovic G. Observation of trapped-hole diffusion on the surfaces of CdS nanorods. Nat Chem. 2016 11; 8(11):1061-1066. PMID: 27768112.
Brown KA, Harris DF, Wilker MB, Rasmussen A, Khadka N, Hamby H, Keable S, Dukovic G, Peters JW, Seefeldt LC, King PW. Light-driven dinitrogen reduction catalyzed by a CdS:nitrogenase MoFe protein biohybrid. Science. 2016 Apr 22; 352(6284):448-50. PMID: 27102481.
Ellis JL, Hickstein DD, Xiong W, Dollar F, Palm BB, Keister KE, Dorney KM, Ding C, Fan T, Wilker MB, Schnitzenbaumer KJ, Dukovic G, Jimenez JL, Kapteyn HC, Murnane MM. Materials Properties and Solvated Electron Dynamics of Isolated Nanoparticles and Nanodroplets Probed with Ultrafast Extreme Ultraviolet Beams. J Phys Chem Lett. 2016 Feb 18; 7(4):609-15. PMID: 26807653.
Chuang CH, Lu YG, Lee K, Ciston J, Dukovic G. Strong Visible Absorption and Broad Time Scale Excited-State Relaxation in (Ga(1-x)Zn(x))(N(1-x)O(x)) Nanocrystals. J Am Chem Soc. 2015 May 27; 137(20):6452-5. PMID: 25936370.
Ellis JL, Hickstein DD, Schnitzenbaumer KJ, Wilker MB, Palm BB, Jimenez JL, Dukovic G, Kapteyn HC, Murnane MM, Xiong W. Solvents effects on charge transfer from quantum dots. J Am Chem Soc. 2015 Mar 25; 137(11):3759-62. PMID: 25751367.
Utterback JK, Wilker MB, Brown KA, King PW, Eaves JD, Dukovic G. Competition between electron transfer, trapping, and recombination in CdS nanorod-hydrogenase complexes. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2015 Feb 28; 17(8):5538-42. PMID: 25623885.
Hickstein DD, Dollar F, Ellis JL, Schnitzenbaumer KJ, Keister KE, Petrov GM, Ding C, Palm BB, Gaffney JA, Foord ME, Libby SB, Dukovic G, Jimenez JL, Kapteyn HC, Murnane MM, Xiong W. Mapping nanoscale absorption of femtosecond laser pulses using plasma explosion imaging. ACS Nano. 2014 Sep 23; 8(9):8810-8. PMID: 25100104.
Wilker MB, Shinopoulos KE, Brown KA, Mulder DW, King PW, Dukovic G. Electron transfer kinetics in CdS nanorod-[FeFe]-hydrogenase complexes and implications for photochemical H2 generation. J Am Chem Soc. 2014 Mar 19; 136(11):4316-24. PMID: 24564271.
Xiong W, Hickstein DD, Schnitzenbaumer KJ, Ellis JL, Palm BB, Keister KE, Ding C, Miaja-Avila L, Dukovic G, Jimenez JL, Murnane MM, Kapteyn HC. Photoelectron spectroscopy of CdSe nanocrystals in the gas phase: a direct measure of the evanescent electron wave function of quantum dots. Nano Lett. 2013 Jun 12; 13(6):2924-30. PMID: 23688290.
Tseng HW, Wilker MB, Damrauer NH, Dukovic G. Charge transfer dynamics between photoexcited CdS nanorods and mononuclear Ru water-oxidation catalysts. J Am Chem Soc. 2013 Mar 06; 135(9):3383-6. PMID: 23406271.
Wilker MB, Schnitzenbaumer KJ, Dukovic G. Recent Progress in Photocatalysis Mediated by Colloidal II-VI Nanocrystals. Isr J Chem. 2012 Dec; 52(11-12):1002-1015. PMID: 24115781.
Lee K, Tienes BM, Wilker MB, Schnitzenbaumer KJ, Dukovic G. (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) nanocrystals: visible absorbers with tunable composition and absorption spectra. Nano Lett. 2012 Jun 13; 12(6):3268-72. PMID: 22621468.
Brown KA, Wilker MB, Boehm M, Dukovic G, King PW. Characterization of photochemical processes for H2 production by CdS nanorod-[FeFe] hydrogenase complexes. J Am Chem Soc. 2012 Mar 28; 134(12):5627-36. PMID: 22352762.
Song D, Wang F, Dukovic G, Zheng M, Semke ED, Brus LE, Heinz TF. Direct measurement of the lifetime of optical phonons in single-walled carbon nanotubes. Phys Rev Lett. 2008 Jun 06; 100(22):225503. PMID: 18643430.
Dukovic G, Balaz M, Doak P, Berova ND, Zheng M, McLean RS, Brus LE. Racemic single-walled carbon nanotubes exhibit circular dichroism when wrapped with DNA. J Am Chem Soc. 2006 Jul 19; 128(28):9004-5. PMID: 16834352.
Dukovic G, Wang F, Song D, Sfeir MY, Heinz TF, Brus LE. Structural dependence of excitonic optical transitions and band-gap energies in carbon nanotubes. Nano Lett. 2005 Nov; 5(11):2314-8. PMID: 16277475.
Wang F, Dukovic G, Brus LE, Heinz TF. The optical resonances in carbon nanotubes arise from excitons. Science. 2005 May 06; 308(5723):838-41. PMID: 15879212.
Dukovic G, White BE, Zhou Z, Wang F, Jockusch S, Steigerwald ML, Heinz TF, Friesner RA, Turro NJ, Brus LE. Reversible surface oxidation and efficient luminescence quenching in semiconductor single-wall carbon nanotubes. J Am Chem Soc. 2004 Nov 24; 126(46):15269-76. PMID: 15548024.
Wang F, Dukovic G, Brus LE, Heinz TF. Time-resolved fluorescence of carbon nanotubes and its implication for radiative lifetimes. Phys Rev Lett. 2004 Apr 30; 92(17):177401. PMID: 15169189.
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