Aleksandra Luszczynska
Title | Assoc Professor Adjoint |
Institution | University of Colorado Colorado Springs |
Department | Chanc-Lyda Hill Inst - Hum Res |
Palacz-Poborczyk I, Chamberlain K, Naughton F, Baska A, Luszczynska A, Quested E, Hagger MS, Pagoto S, Verboon P, Robinson S, Kwasnicka D. 'A healthy lifestyle is a journey': exploring health perceptions and self-defined facilitators to health through photo-elicitation. Psychol Health. 2023 Sep 07; 1-29. PMID: 37675495.
Ulloa MA, Nesrallah S, Shafafi P, Lamar A, Gon?alves PC, Gon?alves M, Nylander KS, Luszczynska A, Lien N, Bergstr?m E, Rutter H, Marki H, Klepp KI, Bouillon C. Designing a youth-led Dialogue Forum tool: The CO-CREATE experience. Obes Rev. 2023 09; 24 Suppl 2:e13611. PMID: 37753600.
Conway-Moore K, Knai C, Finegood D, Johnston L, Brinsden H, Aguiar A, Kopainsky B, ?nal F, Helleve A, Klepp KI, Lien N, Luszczynska A, Rito AI, R?nnestad AM, Ulstein M, Blanchard L, Savona N, Rutter H. Co-creating obesity prevention policies with youth: Policy ideas generated through the CO-CREATE project. Obes Rev. 2023 09; 24 Suppl 2:e13623. PMID: 37753599.
Samdal O, Budin-Lj?sne I, Haug E, Helland T, Kjostarova-Unkovska L, Bouillon C, Br?er C, Corell M, Cosma A, Currie D, Eriksson C, Felder-Puig R, Gaspar T, Hagquist C, Harbron J, J?stad A, Kelly C, Knai C, Kleszczewska D, Kysnes BB, Lien N, Luszczynska A, Moerman G, Moreno-Maldonado C, NicGabhainn S, Pudule I, Rakic JG, Rito A, R?nnestad AM, Ulstein M, Rutter H, Klepp KI. Encouraging greater empowerment for adolescents in consent procedures in social science research and policy projects. Obes Rev. 2023 Sep; 24 Suppl 2:e13636. PMID: 37753605.
Banik A, Knai C, Klepp KI, Rutter H, Rito A, Lien N, Baillergeau E, Szczuka Z, Boberska M, Kulis E, Luszczynska A. What policies are there and what policies are missing? A Photovoice study of adolescents' perspectives on obesity-prevention policies in their local environment. Obes Rev. 2023 09; 24 Suppl 2:e13617. PMID: 37753603.
Knai C, Savona N, Finegood D, Aguiar A, Blanchard L, Conway-Moore K, Helleve A, Klepp KI, Lien N, Luszczynska A, Vlad I, R?nnestad AM, Rutter H. Learning from the CO-CREATE project: A protocol for systems thinking across research (STAR). Obes Rev. 2023 Sep; 24 Suppl 2:e13624. PMID: 37753598.
Herstad SH, Grewal NK, Banik A, Klepp KI, Knai C, Luszczynska A, Mendes S, Rito A, Rutter H, Lien N. Adolescents' capacity to take action on obesity: A concurrent controlled before-and-after study of the European CO-CREATE project. Obes Rev. 2023 09; 24 Suppl 2:e13622. PMID: 37753601.
Kulis E, Szczuka Z, Banik A, Siwa M, Boberska M, Zarychta K, Zaleskiewicz H, Knoll N, Radtke T, Scholz U, Schenkel K, Luszczynska A. Physical activity planning interventions, body fat and energy-dense food intake in dyads: ripple, spillover, or compensatory effects? Psychol Health. 2025 Mar; 40(3):433-453. PMID: 37424083.
Wendt J, Scheller DA, Banik A, Luszczynska A, Forberger S, Zeeb H, Scheidmeir M, Kubiak T, Lien N, Meshkovska B, Lobczowska K, Romaniuk P, Neumann-Podczaska A, Wieczorowska-Tobis K, Steinacker JM, Mueller-Stierlin AS. Good practice recommendations on implementation evaluation for policies targeting diet, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour. BMC Public Health. 2023 06 28; 23(1):1259. PMID: 37380979.
Wendt J, Scheller DA, Flechtner-Mors M, Meshkovska B, Luszczynska A, Lien N, Forberger S, Banik A, Lobczowska K, Steinacker JM. Barriers and facilitators to the adoption of physical activity policies in elementary schools from the perspective of principals: An application of the consolidated framework for implementation research-A cross-sectional study. Front Public Health. 2023; 11:935292. PMID: 36908436.
Siwa M, Szczuka Z, Banik A, Kulis E, Boberska M, Wietrzykowska D, Knoll N, DeLongis A, Kn?uper B, Luszczynska A. The Dyadic Interplay Between Relationship Satisfaction, Perceived Positive and Negative Social Control, and a Reduction of Sedentary Behavior Time. Ann Behav Med. 2023 02 04; 57(2):165-174. PMID: 35849339.
Nesrallah S, Klepp KI, Budin-Lj?sne I, Luszczynska A, Brinsden H, Rutter H, Bergstr?m E, Singh S, Debelian M, Bouillon C, Katanasho MB. Youth engagement in research and policy: The CO-CREATE framework to optimize power balance and mitigate risks of conflicts of interest. Obes Rev. 2023 02; 24 Suppl 1:e13549. PMID: 36633924.
Br?er C, Ayuandini S, Baillergeau E, Moerman G, Veltkamp G, Luszczynska A, Budin-Lj?sne I, Rito AI, Stensdal M, Lien N, Klepp KI. Recruiting and engaging adolescents in creating overweight and obesity prevention policies: The CO-CREATE project. Obes Rev. 2023 02; 24 Suppl 1:e13546. PMID: 36623291.
Klepp KI, Helleve A, Brinsden H, Br?er C, Budin-Lj?sne I, Harbron J, Knai C, Lien N, Luszczynska A, Nesrallah S, Oldridge-Turner K, Rito A, Samdal O, Savona N, Stensdal MK, Allender S, Hoelscher DM, Rutter H. Overweight and obesity prevention for and with adolescents: The "Confronting obesity: Co-creating policy with youth" (CO-CREATE) project. Obes Rev. 2023 02; 24 Suppl 1:e13540. PMID: 36623268.
Grewal NK, Klepp KI, Banik A, Br?er C, Holbaek H, Luszczynska A, Macauley T, Rutter H, Lien N. Assessing adolescents' readiness for action and attitudes toward obesity prevention: Instrument development and psychometric properties. Obes Rev. 2023 02; 24 Suppl 1:e13533. PMID: 36458441.
Ahrens W, Brenner H, Flechtner-Mors M, Harrington JM, Hebestreit A, Kamphuis CBM, Kelly L, Laxy M, Luszczynska A, Mazzocchi M, Murrin C, Poelman MP, Steenhuis I, Roos G, Steinacker JM, van Lenthe F, Zeeb H, Zukowska J, Lakerveld J, Woods CB. Dietary behaviour and physical activity policies in Europe: learnings from the Policy Evaluation Network (PEN). Eur J Public Health. 2022 11 28; 32(Suppl 4):iv114-iv125. PMID: 36444106.
Forberger S, Reisch LA, Meshkovska B, Lobczowska K, Scheller DA, Wendt J, Christianson L, Frense J, Steinacker JM, Woods CB, Luszczynska A, Zeeb H. What we know about the actual implementation process of public physical activity policies: results from a scoping review. Eur J Public Health. 2022 11 28; 32(Suppl 4):iv59-iv65. PMID: 36444100.
Kelly L, Twohig C, Woods CB, Luszczynska A, Murrin C, Lien N, Meshkovska B, Kamphuis CBM, Poelman MP, Terragani L, Forberger S, Hebestreit A, Ahrens W, Harrington JM. Reaching consensus on definitions for food and physical activity policies: experience from the Policy Evaluation Network. Eur J Public Health. 2022 11 28; 32(Suppl 4):iv10-iv20. PMID: 36444104.
Scheidmeir M, Kubiak T, Luszczynska A, Wendt J, Scheller DA, Meshkovska B, M?ller-Stierlin AS, Forberger S, Lobczowska K, Neumann-Podczaska A, Wieczorowska-Tobis K, Zeeb H, Steinacker JM, Woods CB, Lakerveld J. Acceptability of policies targeting dietary behaviours and physical activity: a systematic review of tools and outcomes. Eur J Public Health. 2022 11 28; 32(Suppl 4):iv32-iv49. PMID: 36444105.
Kamphuis CBM, Forberger S, Lien N, Rehfuess E, Luszczynska A. Development of a framework to guide research into policies promoting physical activity and healthy diets in the European context: the system-based Policy Evaluation Network (PEN) framework. Eur J Public Health. 2022 11 28; 32(Suppl 4):iv3-iv9. PMID: 36444110.
Zolfaghari M, Meshkovska B, Banik A, Kamphuis CBM, Kopainsky B, Luszczynska A, Murrin C, Lien N. Applying a systems perspective to understand the mechanisms of the European School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. Eur J Public Health. 2022 11 28; 32(Suppl 4):iv107-iv113. PMID: 36444113.
Budin-Lj?sne I, Ayuandini S, Baillergeau E, Br?er C, Helleve A, Klepp KI, Kysnes B, Lien N, Luszczynska A, Nesrallah S, Rito A, Rutter H, Samdal O, Savona N, Veltkamp G. Ethical considerations in engaging young people in European obesity prevention research: The CO-CREATE experience. Obes Rev. 2023 02; 24 Suppl 1:e13518. PMID: 36416177.
Savona N, Brown A, Macauley T, Aguiar A, Hayward J, Ayuandini S, Habron J, Grewal NK, Luszczynska A, Mendes S, Klepp KI, Rutter H, Allender S, Knai C. System mapping with adolescents: Using group model building to map the complexity of obesity. Obes Rev. 2023 02; 24 Suppl 1:e13506. PMID: 36825369.
Szczuka Z, Siwa M, Abraham C, Baban A, Brooks S, Cipolletta S, Danso E, Dombrowski SU, Gan Y, Gaspar T, Gaspar de Matos M, Griva K, Jongenelis M, Keller J, Knoll N, Ma J, Abdul Awal Miah M, Morgan K, Peraud W, Quintard B, Shah V, Schenkel K, Scholz U, Schwarzer R, Taut D, Tomaino SCM, Vilchinsky N, Wolf H, Luszczynska A. Handwashing adherence during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study based on protection motivation theory. Soc Sci Med. 2023 01; 317:115569. PMID: 36436259.
Pineda E, Poelman MP, Aasp?llu A, Bica M, Bouzas C, Carrano E, De Miguel-Etayo P, Djojosoeparto S, Blenku? MG, Graca P, Geffert K, Hebestreit A, Helldan A, Henjum S, Huseby CS, Greg?rio MJ, Kamphuis C, Laatikainen T, L?vhaug AL, Leydon C, Luszczynska A, M?ki P, Mart?nez JA, Raulio S, Romaniuk P, Roos G, Salvador C, Sassi F, Silano M, Sotlar I, Specchia ML, de Arriaga MT, Terragni L, Torheim LE, Tur JA, von Philipsborn P, Harrington JM, Vandevijvere S. Policy implementation and priorities to create healthy food environments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): A pooled level analysis across eleven European countries. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2022 Dec; 23:100522. PMID: 36405402.
Szczuka Z, Kulis E, Boberska M, Banik A, Siwa M, Zaleskiewicz H, Knoll N, Revenson TA, Luszczynska A. Dyadic reciprocal associations between self-efficacy and planning predict sedentary behaviour. Br J Health Psychol. 2023 05; 28(2):451-466. PMID: 36333942.
Kulis E, Szczuka Z, Banik A, Siwa M, Boberska M, Knoll N, Radtke T, Scholz U, Rhodes RE, Luszczynska A. Insights into effects of individual, dyadic, and collaborative planning interventions on automatic, conscious, and social process variables. Soc Sci Med. 2022 12; 314:115477. PMID: 36356331.
Palacz-Poborczyk I, Idziak P, Januszewicz A, Luszczynska A, Quested E, Naughton F, Hagger MS, Pagoto S, Verboon P, Robinson S, Kwasnicka D. Developing the "Choosing Health" Digital Weight Loss and Maintenance Intervention: Intervention Mapping Study. J Med Internet Res. 2022 10 18; 24(10):e34089. PMID: 36256827.
Romaniuk P, Kaczmarek K, Brukalo K, Grochowska-Niedworok E, Lobczowska K, Banik A, Luszczynska A, Poelman M, Harrington JM, Vandevijvere S. The Healthy Food Environment Policy Index in Poland: Implementation Gaps and Actions for Improvement. Foods. 2022 Jun 02; 11(11). PMID: 35681398.
Lobczowska K, Banik A, Forberger S, Kaczmarek K, Kubiak T, Neumann-Podczaska A, Romaniuk P, Scheidmeir M, Scheller DA, Steinacker JM, Wendt J, Bekker MPM, Zeeb H, Luszczynska A. Social, economic, political, and geographical context that counts: meta-review of implementation determinants for policies promoting healthy diet and physical activity. BMC Public Health. 2022 05 26; 22(1):1055. PMID: 35619065.
Swora E, Boberska M, Kulis E, Knoll N, Keller J, Luszczynska A. Physical Activity, Positive and Negative Symptoms of Psychosis, and General Psychopathology among People with Psychotic Disorders: A Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med. 2022 May 11; 11(10). PMID: 35628845.
Luszczynska A, Szczuka Z, Abraham C, Baban A, Brooks S, Cipolletta S, Danso E, Dombrowski SU, Gan Y, Gaspar T, de Matos MG, Griva K, Jongenelis MI, Keller J, Knoll N, Ma J, Miah MAA, Morgan K, Peraud W, Quintard B, Shah V, Schenkel K, Scholz U, Schwarzer R, Siwa M, Taut D, Tomaino SCM, Vilchinsky N, Wolf H. The Interplay Between Strictness of Policies and Individuals' Self-Regulatory Efforts: Associations with Handwashing During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ann Behav Med. 2022 04 02; 56(4):368-380. PMID: 34871341.
Forberger S, Reisch L, Meshkovska B, Lobczowska K, Scheller DA, Wendt J, Christianson L, Frense J, Steinacker JM, Luszczynska A, Zeeb H. Sugar-sweetened beverage tax implementation processes: results of a scoping review. Health Res Policy Syst. 2022 Mar 24; 20(1):33. PMID: 35331245.
Lobczowska K, Banik A, Romaniuk P, Forberger S, Kubiak T, Meshkovska B, Neumann-Podczaska A, Kaczmarek K, Scheidmeir M, Wendt J, Scheller DA, Wieczorowska-Tobis K, Steinacker JM, Zeeb H, Luszczynska A. Frameworks for implementation of policies promoting healthy nutrition and physically active lifestyle: systematic review. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2022 Feb 12; 19(1):16. PMID: 35151330.
Lobczowska K, Banik A, Brukalo K, Forberger S, Kubiak T, Romaniuk P, Scheidmeir M, Scheller DA, Steinacker JM, Wendt J, Wieczorowska-Tobis K, Bekker MPM, Zeeb H, Luszczynska A. Meta-review of implementation determinants for policies promoting healthy diet and physically active lifestyle: application of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Implement Sci. 2022 01 06; 17(1):2. PMID: 34991624.
Kulis E, Szczuka Z, Keller J, Banik A, Boberska M, Kruk M, Knoll N, Radtke T, Scholz U, Rhodes RE, Luszczynska A. Collaborative, dyadic, and individual planning and physical activity: A dyadic randomized controlled trial. Health Psychol. 2022 Feb; 41(2):134-144. PMID: 34968130.
Banik A, Zarychta K, Knoll N, Luszczynska A. Cultivation and Enabling Effects of Social Support and Self-Efficacy in Parent-Child Dyads. Ann Behav Med. 2021 11 18; 55(12):1198-1210. PMID: 33772544.
Szczuka Z, Abraham C, Baban A, Brooks S, Cipolletta S, Danso E, Dombrowski SU, Gan Y, Gaspar T, de Matos MG, Griva K, Jongenelis M, Keller J, Knoll N, Ma J, Miah MAA, Morgan K, Peraud W, Quintard B, Shah V, Schenkel K, Scholz U, Schwarzer R, Siwa M, Szymanski K, Taut D, Tomaino SCM, Vilchinsky N, Wolf H, Luszczynska A. The trajectory of COVID-19 pandemic and handwashing adherence: findings from 14 countries. BMC Public Health. 2021 10 05; 21(1):1791. PMID: 34610808.
Szczuka Z, Kulis E, Boberska M, Banik A, Kruk M, Keller J, Knoll N, Scholz U, Abraham C, Luszczynska A. Can individual, dyadic, or collaborative planning reduce sedentary behavior? A randomized controlled trial. Soc Sci Med. 2021 10; 287:114336. PMID: 34482277.
Zheng L, Luszczynska A, Miao M, Chen Y, Gan Y. Effects of Environmental Worry on Fruit and Vegetable Intake. Int J Behav Med. 2022 Apr; 29(2):141-151. PMID: 34341955.
Schenkel K, Radtke T, Luszczynska A, L?scher J, Kulis E, Scholz U. From a mother's point of view: Psycho-social predictors of maternal monitoring strategy and adolescents' electronic media use. J Adolesc. 2021 04; 88:134-145. PMID: 33773334.
Kwasnicka D, Luszczynska A, Hagger MS, Quested E, Pagoto SL, Verboon P, Robinson S, Januszewicz A, Idziak P, Palacz I, Naughton F. Theory-based digital intervention to promote weight loss and weight loss maintenance (Choosing Health): protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2020 11 23; 10(11):e040183. PMID: 33234638.
Kwasnicka D, Ten Hoor GA, van Dongen A, Gruszczynska E, Hagger MS, Hamilton K, Hankonen N, Heino MTJ, Kotzur M, Noone C, Rothman AJ, Toomey E, Warner LM, Kok G, Peters GJ, Luszczynska A. Promoting scientific integrity through open science in health psychology: results of the Synergy Expert Meeting of the European health psychology society. Health Psychol Rev. 2021 09; 15(3):333-349. PMID: 33198583.
Zarychta K, Banik A, Kulis E, Boberska M, Radtke T, Chan CKY, Lobczowska K, Luszczynska A. Do Parent-Child Dyads with Excessive Body Mass Differ from Dyads with Normal Body Mass in Perceptions of Obesogenic Environment? Nutrients. 2020 Jul 19; 12(7). PMID: 32707698.
Szczuka Z, Banik A, Abraham C, Kulis E, Luszczynska A. Associations between self-efficacy and sedentary behaviour: a meta-analysis. Psychol Health. 2021 03; 36(3):271-289. PMID: 32597242.
Zarychta K, Banik A, Kulis E, Boberska M, Radtke T, Chan CKY, Luszczynska A. Parental Depression Predicts Child Body Mass via Parental Support Provision, Child Support Receipt, and Child Physical Activity: Findings From Parent/Caregiver-Child Dyads. Front Psychol. 2020; 11:161. PMID: 32116956.
Boberska M, Zarychta K, Knoll N, Keller J, Hohl DH, Horodyska K, Kruk M, Luszczynska A. Maternal practices and perceptions of child body mass status explain child energy expenditure behaviors and body mass. J Behav Med. 2020 12; 43(6):904-915. PMID: 32006299.
Luszczynska A. It's time for effectiveness-implementation hybrid research on behaviour change. Health Psychol Rev. 2020 03; 14(1):188-192. PMID: 31878842.
Kn?uper B, Shireen H, Carri?re K, Frayn M, Ivanova E, Xu Z, Lowensteyn I, Sadikaj G, Luszczynska A, Grover S. The effects of if-then plans on weight loss: results of the 24-month follow-up of the McGill CHIP Healthy Weight Program randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2020 Jan 07; 21(1):40. PMID: 31910891.
Czekierda K, Zarychta K, Knoll N, Keller J, Luszczynska A. Links between meaning in life and physical quality of life after rehabilitation: Mediating effects of positive experiences with physical exercises and mobility. PLoS One. 2019; 14(10):e0224503. PMID: 31671147.
Radtke T, Liszewska N, Horodyska K, Boberska M, Schenkel K, Luszczynska A. Cooking together: The IKEA effect on family vegetable intake. Br J Health Psychol. 2019 11; 24(4):896-912. PMID: 31557370.
Zarychta K, Horodyska K, Gan Y, Chan CKY, Wiggers J, Wolfenden L, Boberska M, Luszczynska A. Associations of parental and child food and exercise aversion with child food intake and physical activity. Health Psychol. 2019 Dec; 38(12):1116-1127. PMID: 31512920.
Zarychta K, Kulis E, Gan Y, Chan CKY, Horodyska K, Luszczynska A. Why are you eating, mom? Maternal emotional, restrained, and external eating explaining children's eating styles. Appetite. 2019 10 01; 141:104335. PMID: 31254551.
Hohl DH, Schultze M, Keller J, Heuse S, Luszczynska A, Knoll N. Inter-Relations between Partner-Provided Support and Self-Efficacy: A Dyadic Longitudinal Analysis. Appl Psychol Health Well Being. 2019 11; 11(3):522-542. PMID: 31231970.
Horodyska K, Boberska M, Kruk M, Szczuka Z, Wiggers J, Wolfenden L, Scholz U, Radtke T, Luszczynska A. Perceptions of Physical Activity Promotion, Transportation Support, Physical Activity, and Body Mass: an Insight into Parent-Child Dyadic Processes. Int J Behav Med. 2019 Jun; 26(3):255-265. PMID: 30963518.
Czekierda K, Horodyska K, Banik A, Wilhelm L, Knoll N, Luszczynska A. Meaning in life and physical quality of life: Cross-lagged associations during inpatient rehabilitation. Rehabil Psychol. 2019 Nov; 64(4):425-434. PMID: 31144834.
Stanczykiewicz B, Banik A, Knoll N, Keller J, Hohl DH, Rosinczuk J, Luszczynska A. Sedentary behaviors and anxiety among children, adolescents and adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health. 2019 Apr 30; 19(1):459. PMID: 31039760.
Boberska M, Horodyska K, Kruk M, Knoll N, Hohl DH, Keller J, Luszczynska A. Parental strategies restricting screen use among children, screen home environment, and child screen use as predictors of child body fat: A?prospective parent-child study. Br J Health Psychol. 2019 05; 24(2):298-314. PMID: 30635967.
Berli C, L?scher J, Luszczynska A, Schwarzer R, Scholz U. Couples' daily self-regulation: The Health Action Process Approach at the dyadic level. PLoS One. 2018; 13(10):e0205887. PMID: 30372470.
Kruk M, Zarychta K, Horodyska K, Boberska M, Scholz U, Radtke T, Luszczynska A. From enjoyment to physical activity or from physical activity to enjoyment? Longitudinal associations in parent-child dyads. Psychol Health. 2018 10; 33(10):1269-1283. PMID: 30295078.
Zarychta K, Chan CKY, Kruk M, Luszczynska A. Gender-Specific Body Areas Satisfaction and Body Weight Status in Adolescents: Mediating Effects of Physical Activity, Fruit and Vegetable Intake, and Energy-Dense Food Intake. Appl Psychol Health Well Being. 2019 03; 11(1):80-101. PMID: 30288920.
Radtke T, Luszczynska A, Schenkel K, Biddle S, Scholz U. A cluster randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of an individual planning intervention with collaborative planning in adolescent friendship dyads to enhance physical activity (TWOgether). BMC Public Health. 2018 07 24; 18(1):911. PMID: 30041603.
Liszewska N, Scholz U, Radtke T, Horodyska K, Luszczynska A. Bi-directional associations between parental feeding practices and children's body mass in parent-child dyads. Appetite. 2018 10 01; 129:192-197. PMID: 30017947.
Kn?uper B, Carri?re K, Frayn M, Ivanova E, Xu Z, Ames-Bull A, Islam F, Lowensteyn I, Sadikaj G, Luszczynska A, Grover S. The Effects of If-Then Plans on Weight Loss: Results of the McGill CHIP Healthy Weight Program Randomized Controlled Trial. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2018 08; 26(8):1285-1295. PMID: 29956503.
Banik A, Schwarzer R, Knoll N, Czekierda K, Luszczynska A. Self-efficacy and quality of life among people with cardiovascular diseases: A meta-analysis. Rehabil Psychol. 2018 05; 63(2):295-312. PMID: 29878834.
Yeager CM, Shoji K, Luszczynska A, Benight CC. Engagement With a Trauma Recovery Internet Intervention Explained With the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA): Longitudinal Study. JMIR Ment Health. 2018 Apr 10; 5(2):e29. PMID: 29636323.
Zarychta K, Chan CKY, Kruk M, Luszczynska A. Body satisfaction and body weight in under- and healthy-weight adolescents: mediating effects of restrictive dieting, healthy and unhealthy food intake. Eat Weight Disord. 2020 Feb; 25(1):41-50. PMID: 29520585.
Hohl DH, L?scher J, Keller J, Heuse S, Scholz U, Luszczynska A, Knoll N. Inter-relations among negative social control, self-efficacy, and physical activity in healthy couples. Br J Health Psychol. 2018 09; 23(3):580-596. PMID: 29520947.
Liszewska N, Scholz U, Radtke T, Horodyska K, Liszewski M, Luszczynska A. Association between Children's Physical Activity and Parental Practices Enhancing Children's Physical Activity: The Moderating Effects of Children's BMI z-Score. Front Psychol. 2017; 8:2359. PMID: 29422877.
Muellmann S, Steenbock B, De Cocker K, De Craemer M, Hayes C, O'Shea MP, Horodyska K, Bell J, Luszczynska A, Roos G, Lang?ien LJ, Rugseth G, Terragni L, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J, Pischke CR. Views of policy makers and health promotion professionals on factors facilitating implementation and maintenance of interventions and policies promoting physical activity and healthy eating: results of the DEDIPAC project. BMC Public Health. 2017 Dec 06; 17(1):932. PMID: 29207993.
Boberska M, Szczuka Z, Kruk M, Knoll N, Keller J, Hohl DH, Luszczynska A. Sedentary behaviours and health-related quality of life. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychol Rev. 2018 06; 12(2):195-210. PMID: 29092686.
Kruk M, Blecharz J, Boberska M, Zarychta K, Luszczynska A. Mental Strategies Predict Performance and Satisfaction with Performance among Soccer Players. J Hum Kinet. 2017 Oct; 59:79-90. PMID: 29134050.
Keller J, Fleig L, Hohl DH, Wiedemann AU, Burkert S, Luszczynska A, Knoll N. Which characteristics of planning matter? Individual and dyadic physical activity plans and their effects on plan enactment. Soc Sci Med. 2017 09; 189:53-62. PMID: 28783502.
Czekierda K, Banik A, Park CL, Luszczynska A. Meaning in life and physical health: systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychol Rev. 2017 12; 11(4):387-418. PMID: 28488471.
Zarychta K, Mullan B, Kruk M, Luszczynska A. A vicious cycle among cognitions and behaviors enhancing risk for eating disorders. BMC Psychiatry. 2017 04 28; 17(1):154. PMID: 28454571.
Banik A, Schwarzer R, Pawlowska I, Boberska M, Cieslak R, Luszczynska A. Women with family cancer history are at risk for poorer physical quality of life and lower self-efficacy: a longitudinal study among men and women with non-small cell lung cancer. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2017 Apr 04; 15(1):62. PMID: 28376887.
Banik A, Luszczynska A, Pawlowska I, Cieslak R, Knoll N, Scholz U. Enabling, Not Cultivating: Received Social Support and Self-Efficacy Explain Quality of Life After Lung Cancer Surgery. Ann Behav Med. 2017 Feb; 51(1):1-12. PMID: 27418357.
Pisanti R, Lombardo C, Luszczynska A, Poli L, Bennardi L, Giordanengo L, Berloco PB, Violani C. Appraisal of transplant-related stressors, coping strategies, and psychosocial adjustment following kidney transplantation. Stress Health. 2017 Oct; 33(4):437-447. PMID: 27862894.
Lis-Turlejska M, Luszczynska A, Szumial S. PTSD prevalence among Polish World War II survivors. Psychiatr Pol. 2016 Oct 31; 50(5):923-934. PMID: 27992886.
Knoll N, Hohl DH, Keller J, Schuez N, Luszczynska A, Burkert S. Effects of dyadic planning on physical activity in couples: A randomized controlled trial. Health Psychol. 2017 Jan; 36(1):8-20. PMID: 27642760.
Luszczynska A, Hagger MS, Banik A, Horodyska K, Knoll N, Scholz U. Self-Efficacy, Planning, or a Combination of Both? A Longitudinal Experimental Study Comparing Effects of Three Interventions on Adolescents' Body Fat. PLoS One. 2016; 11(7):e0159125. PMID: 27410961.
Paech J, Luszczynska A, Lippke S. A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss-The Long Way from Good Intentions to Physical Activity Mediated by Planning, Social Support, and Self-Regulation. Front Psychol. 2016; 7:1024. PMID: 27458417.
Cieslak R, Benight CC, Rogala A, Smoktunowicz E, Kowalska M, Zukowska K, Yeager C, Luszczynska A. Effects of Internet-Based Self-Efficacy Intervention on Secondary Traumatic Stress and Secondary Posttraumatic Growth among Health and Human Services Professionals Exposed to Indirect Trauma. Front Psychol. 2016; 7:1009. PMID: 27458407.
Hagger MS, Luszczynska A, de Wit J, Benyamini Y, Burkert S, Chamberland PE, Chater A, Dombrowski SU, van Dongen A, French DP, Gauchet A, Hankonen N, Karekla M, Kinney AY, Kwasnicka D, Hing Lo S, L?pez-Roig S, Meslot C, Marques MM, Neter E, Plass AM, Potthoff S, Rennie L, Scholz U, Stadler G, Stolte E, Ten Hoor G, Verhoeven A, Wagner M, Oettingen G, Sheeran P, Gollwitzer PM. Implementation intention and planning interventions in Health Psychology: Recommendations from the Synergy Expert Group for research and practice. Psychol Health. 2016 07; 31(7):814-39. PMID: 26892502.
Zarychta K, Mullan B, Luszczynska A. Am I Overweight? A Longitudinal Study on Parental and Peers Weight-Related Perceptions on Dietary Behaviors and Weight Status Among Adolescents. Front Psychol. 2016; 7:83. PMID: 26869979.
Rogala A, Shoji K, Luszczynska A, Kuna A, Yeager C, Benight CC, Cieslak R. From Exhaustion to Disengagement via Self-Efficacy Change: Findings from Two Longitudinal Studies among Human Services Workers. Front Psychol. 2015; 6:2032. PMID: 26779114.
Stok FM, de Ridder DT, de Vet E, Nureeva L, Luszczynska A, Wardle J, Gaspar T, de Wit JB. Hungry for an intervention? Adolescents' ratings of acceptability of eating-related intervention strategies. BMC Public Health. 2016 Jan 05; 16:5. PMID: 26729328.
Horodyska K, Luszczynska A, Hayes CB, O'Shea MP, Lang?ien LJ, Roos G, van den Berg M, Hendriksen M, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J. Implementation conditions for diet and physical activity interventions and policies: an umbrella review. BMC Public Health. 2015 Dec 17; 15:1250. PMID: 26678996.
Gaspar de Matos M, Palmeira AL, Gaspar T, De Wit JB, Luszczynska A. Social support influences on eating awareness in children and adolescents: the mediating effect of self-regulatory strategies. Glob Public Health. 2016; 11(4):437-48. PMID: 26564992.
Zarychta K, Mullan B, Luszczynska A. It doesn't matter what they say, it matters how they behave: Parental influences and changes in body mass among overweight and obese adolescents. Appetite. 2016 Jan 01; 96:47-55. PMID: 26341954.
Shoji K, Lesnierowska M, Smoktunowicz E, Bock J, Luszczynska A, Benight CC, Cieslak R. What Comes First, Job Burnout or Secondary Traumatic Stress? Findings from Two Longitudinal Studies from the U.S. and Poland. PLoS One. 2015; 10(8):e0136730. PMID: 26305222.
Luszczynska A, Horodyska K, Zarychta K, Liszewska N, Knoll N, Scholz U. Planning and self-efficacy interventions encouraging replacing energy-dense foods intake with fruit and vegetable: A longitudinal experimental study. Psychol Health. 2016; 31(1):40-64. PMID: 26160226.
Shoji K, Cieslak R, Smoktunowicz E, Rogala A, Benight CC, Luszczynska A. Associations between job burnout and self-efficacy: a meta-analysis. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2016 07; 29(4):367-86. PMID: 26080024.
Keller J, Burkert S, Wiedemann AU, Luszczynska A, Schrader M, Knoll N. Individual and dyadic planning predicting pelvic floor exercise among prostate cancer survivors. Rehabil Psychol. 2015 Aug; 60(3):222-31. PMID: 26147239.
Ochsner S, Knoll N, Stadler G, Luszczynska A, Hornung R, Scholz U. Interacting effects of receiving social control and social support during smoking cessation. Ann Behav Med. 2015 Feb; 49(1):141-6. PMID: 25212507.
Horodyska K, Luszczynska A, van den Berg M, Hendriksen M, Roos G, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J. Good practice characteristics of diet and physical activity interventions and policies: an umbrella review. BMC Public Health. 2015 Jan 21; 15:19. PMID: 25604454.
de Wit JB, Stok FM, Smolenski DJ, de Ridder DD, de Vet E, Gaspar T, Johnson F, Nureeva L, Luszczynska A. Food culture in the home environment: family meal practices and values can support healthy eating and self-regulation in young people in four European countries. Appl Psychol Health Well Being. 2015 Mar; 7(1):22-40. PMID: 25346476.
Abraham C, Johnson BT, de Bruin M, Luszczynska A. Enhancing reporting of behavior change intervention evaluations. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014 Aug 15; 66 Suppl 3:S293-9. PMID: 25007199.
Blecharz J, Luszczynska A, Tenenbaum G, Scholz U, Cieslak R. Self-efficacy moderates but collective efficacy mediates between motivational climate and athletes' well-being. Appl Psychol Health Well Being. 2014 Nov; 6(3):280-99. PMID: 24941923.
Bukowska-Durawa A, Luszczynska A. Cervical cancer screening and psychosocial barriers perceived by patients. A systematic review. Contemp Oncol (Pozn). 2014; 18(3):153-9. PMID: 25520573.
Stok FM, de Vet E, de Wit JB, Luszczynska A, Safron M, de Ridder DT. The proof is in the eating: subjective peer norms are associated with adolescents' eating behaviour. Public Health Nutr. 2015 Apr; 18(6):1044-51. PMID: 24940622.
Kn?uper B, Ivanova E, Xu Z, Chamandy M, Lowensteyn I, Joseph L, Luszczynska A, Grover S. Increasing the effectiveness of the Diabetes Prevention Program through if-then plans: study protocol for the randomized controlled trial of the McGill CHIP Healthy Weight Program. BMC Public Health. 2014 May 18; 14:470. PMID: 24885388.
Gaspar T, de Matos MG, Luszczynska A, Baban A, Wit J. The impact of a rural or urban context in eating awareness and self-regulation strategies in children and adolescents from eight European countries. Int J Psychol. 2014 Jun; 49(3):158-66. PMID: 24821504.
Zarychta K, Luszczynska A, Scholz U. The association between automatic thoughts about eating, the actual-ideal weight discrepancies, and eating disorders symptoms: a longitudinal study in late adolescence. Eat Weight Disord. 2014 Jun; 19(2):199-207. PMID: 24510736.
Shoji K, Bock J, Cieslak R, Zukowska K, Luszczynska A, Benight CC. Cultivating secondary traumatic growth among healthcare workers: the role of social support and self-efficacy. J Clin Psychol. 2014 Sep; 70(9):831-46. PMID: 24420964.
Hagger MS, Luszczynska A. Implementation intention and action planning interventions in health contexts: state of the research and proposals for the way forward. Appl Psychol Health Well Being. 2014 Mar; 6(1):1-47. PMID: 24591064.
Blecharz J, Luszczynska A, Scholz U, Schwarzer R, Siekanska M, Cieslak R. Predicting performance and performance satisfaction: mindfulness and beliefs about the ability to deal with social barriers in sport. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2014 May; 27(3):270-87. PMID: 24093639.
Cieslak R, Shoji K, Douglas A, Melville E, Luszczynska A, Benight CC. A meta-analysis of the relationship between job burnout and secondary traumatic stress among workers with indirect exposure to trauma. Psychol Serv. 2014 Feb; 11(1):75-86. PMID: 23937082.
Ochsner S, Luszczynska A, Stadler G, Knoll N, Hornung R, Scholz U. The interplay of received social support and self-regulatory factors in smoking cessation. Psychol Health. 2013 Jan; 29(1):16-31. PMID: 23875937.
Cieslak R, Shoji K, Luszczynska A, Taylor S, Rogala A, Benight CC. Secondary trauma self-efficacy: concept and its measurement. Psychol Assess. 2013 Sep; 25(3):917-28. PMID: 23647049.
Luszczynska A, de Wit JB, de Vet E, Januszewicz A, Liszewska N, Johnson F, Pratt M, Gaspar T, de Matos MG, Stok FM. At-home environment, out-of-home environment, snacks and sweetened beverages intake in preadolescence, early and mid-adolescence: the interplay between environment and self-regulation. J Youth Adolesc. 2013 Dec; 42(12):1873-83. PMID: 23354418.
de Vet E, de Wit JB, Luszczynska A, Stok FM, Gaspar T, Pratt M, Wardle J, de Ridder DT. Access to excess: how do adolescents deal with unhealthy foods in their environment? Eur J Public Health. 2013 Oct; 23(5):752-6. PMID: 23329704.
Gholami M, Lange D, Luszczynska A, Knoll N, Schwarzer R. A dietary planning intervention increases fruit consumption in Iranian women. Appetite. 2013 Apr; 63:1-6. PMID: 23266280.
Luszczynska A, Pawlowska I, Cieslak R, Knoll N, Scholz U. Social support and quality of life among lung cancer patients: a systematic review. Psychooncology. 2013 Oct; 22(10):2160-8. PMID: 23097417.
Szczepanska WK, Scholz U, Liszewska N, Luszczynska A. Social and cognitive predictors of fruit and vegetable intake among adolescents: the context of changes in body weight. J Health Psychol. 2013 May; 18(5):667-79. PMID: 22933578.
Scholz U, Kliegel M, Luszczynska A, Knoll N. Associations between received social support and positive and negative affect: evidence for age differences from a daily-diary study. Eur J Ageing. 2012 Dec; 9(4):361-371. PMID: 28804434.
Scholz U, Ochsner S, Luszczynska A. Comparing different boosters of planning interventions on changes in fat consumption in overweight and obese individuals: a randomized controlled trial. Int J Psychol. 2013; 48(4):604-15. PMID: 22519565.
Piko BF, Luszczynska A, Fitzpatrick KM. Social inequalities in adolescent depression: the role of parental social support and optimism. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2013 Aug; 59(5):474-81. PMID: 22491755.
Burkert S, Knoll N, Luszczynska A, Gralla O. The interplay of dyadic and individual planning of pelvic-floor exercise in prostate-cancer patients following radical prostatectomy. J Behav Med. 2012 Jun; 35(3):305-17. PMID: 22454228.
Luszczynska A, Durawa AB, Dudzinska M, Kwiatkowska M, Knysz B, Knoll N. The effects of mortality reminders on posttraumatic growth and finding benefits among patients with life-threatening illness and their caregivers. Psychol Health. 2012; 27(10):1227-43. PMID: 22397512.
Jackowska M, von Wagner C, Wardle J, Juszczyk D, Luszczynska A, Waller J. Cervical screening among migrant women: a qualitative study of Polish, Slovak and Romanian women in London, UK. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care. 2012 Oct; 38(4):229-38. PMID: 22219504.
Luszczynska A, Durawa AB, Scholz U, Knoll N. Empowerment beliefs and intention to uptake cervical cancer screening: three psychosocial mediating mechanisms. Women Health. 2012; 52(2):162-81. PMID: 22458292.
Derakhshan N, Luszczynska A. Impact factor on the rise. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2012 Jan; 25(1):1-2. PMID: 22149877.
Schwarzer R, Lippke S, Luszczynska A. Mechanisms of health behavior change in persons with chronic illness or disability: the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA). Rehabil Psychol. 2011 Aug; 56(3):161-70. PMID: 21767036.
Cislak A, Safron M, Pratt M, Gaspar T, Luszczynska A. Family-related predictors of body weight and weight-related behaviours among children and adolescents: a systematic umbrella review. Child Care Health Dev. 2012 May; 38(3):321-31. PMID: 21752064.
Safron M, Cislak A, Gaspar T, Luszczynska A. Micro-environmental characteristics related to body weight, diet, and physical activity of children and adolescents: a systematic umbrella review. Int J Environ Health Res. 2011 Oct; 21(5):317-30. PMID: 21547807.
Knoll N, Burkert S, Luszczynska A, Roigas J, Gralla O. Predictors of support provision: a study with couples adapting to incontinence following radical prostatectomy. Br J Health Psychol. 2011 Sep; 16(3):472-87. PMID: 21722271.
Kwiatkowska M, Knysz B, Gasiorowski J, Luszczynska A, Gladysz A. The role of mechanisms of buffering anxiety in HIV carriers. A study within the terror management theory paradigm. Postepy Hig Med Dosw (Online). 2011 Feb 28; 65:133-42. PMID: 21415458.
Luszczynska A, Goc G, Scholz U, Kowalska M, Knoll N. Enhancing intentions to attend cervical cancer screening with a stage-matched intervention. Br J Health Psychol. 2011 Feb; 16(Pt 1):33-46. PMID: 21226782.
Luszczynska A, Schwarzer R, Lippke S, Mazurkiewicz M. Self-efficacy as a moderator of the planning-behaviour relationship in interventions designed to promote physical activity. Psychol Health. 2011 Feb; 26(2):151-66. PMID: 21318927.
Safron M, Cislak A, Gaspar T, Luszczynska A. Effects of school-based interventions targeting obesity-related behaviors and body weight change: a systematic umbrella review. Behav Med. 2011 Jan; 37(1):15-25. PMID: 21347906.
Piko BF, Skult?ti D, Luszczynska A, Gibbons FX. Social orientations and adolescent health behaviours in Hungary. Int J Psychol. 2010 Feb; 45(1):12-20. PMID: 22043844.
Luszczynska A, Haynes C. Changing nutrition, physical activity and body weight among student nurses and midwives: effects of a planning intervention and self-efficacy beliefs. J Health Psychol. 2009 Nov; 14(8):1075-84. PMID: 19858328.
Turner SA, Luszczynska A, Warner L, Schwarzer R. Emotional and uncontrolled eating styles and chocolate chip cookie consumption. A controlled trial of the effects of positive mood enhancement. Appetite. 2010 Feb; 54(1):143-9. PMID: 19815044.
Luszczynska A, Stoeber J. Strengths and needs of Hurricane Katrina survivors: cognitions, coping, family stressors. Introduction. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2009 Jul; 22(4):411-2. PMID: 19937501.
Cieslak R, Benight C, Schmidt N, Luszczynska A, Curtin E, Clark RA, Kissinger P. Predicting posttraumatic growth among Hurricane Katrina survivors living with HIV: the role of self-efficacy, social support, and PTSD symptoms. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2009 Jul; 22(4):449-63. PMID: 19296264.
Scholz U, Nagy G, G?hner W, Luszczynska A, Kliegel M. Changes in self-regulatory cognitions as predictors of changes in smoking and nutrition behaviour. Psychol Health. 2009 Jun; 24(5):545-61. PMID: 20205011.
Luszczynska A, Stoeber J. Editorial. Happy new year! Anxiety Stress Coping. 2009 Jan; 22(1):1-3. PMID: 19096958.
Luszczynska A, Cieslak R. Mediated effects of social support for healthy nutrition: fruit and vegetable intake across 8 months after myocardial infarction. Behav Med. 2009; 35(1):30-8. PMID: 19297302.
Webb TL, Sheeran P, Luszczynska A. Planning to break unwanted habits: habit strength moderates implementation intention effects on behaviour change. Br J Soc Psychol. 2009 Sep; 48(Pt 3):507-23. PMID: 18851764.
Lis-Turlejska M, Luszczynska A, Plichta A, Benight CC. Jewish and non-Jewish World War II child and adolescent survivors at 60 years after war: effects of parental loss and age at exposure on well-being. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2008 Jul; 78(3):369-77. PMID: 19123756.
Stoeber J, Luszczynska A. 2007--a very successful year for "Anxiety, Stress and Coping". Anxiety Stress Coping. 2008 Jan; 21(1):1-2. PMID: 18041594.
Schwarzer R, Luszczynska A, Ziegelmann JP, Scholz U, Lippke S. Social-cognitive predictors of physical exercise adherence: three longitudinal studies in rehabilitation. Health Psychol. 2008 Jan; 27(1S):S54-63. PMID: 18248106.
Luszczynska A, Scholz U, Sutton S. Planning to change diet: a controlled trial of an implementation intentions training intervention to reduce saturated fat intake among patients after myocardial infarction. J Psychosom Res. 2007 Nov; 63(5):491-7. PMID: 17980221.
Luszczynska A, Sobczyk A, Abraham C. Planning to lose weight: randomized controlled trial of an implementation intention prompt to enhance weight reduction among overweight and obese women. Health Psychol. 2007 Jul; 26(4):507-12. PMID: 17605571.
Luszczynska A, Gunson KS. Predictors of asking medical personnel about handwashing: the moderating role of patients' age and MRSA infection status. Patient Educ Couns. 2007 Sep; 68(1):79-85. PMID: 17582725.
Schwarzer R, Schuz B, Ziegelmann JP, Lippke S, Luszczynska A, Scholz U. Adoption and maintenance of four health behaviors: theory-guided longitudinal studies on dental flossing, seat belt use, dietary behavior, and physical activity. Ann Behav Med. 2007 Apr; 33(2):156-66. PMID: 17447868.
Boehmer S, Luszczynska A, Schwarzer R. Coping and quality of life after tumor surgery: personal and social resources promote different domains of quality of life. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2007 Mar; 20(1):61-75. PMID: 17999215.
Knoll N, Kienle R, Bauer K, Pf?ller B, Luszczynska A. Affect and enacted support in couples undergoing in-vitro fertilization: when providing is better than receiving. Soc Sci Med. 2007 May; 64(9):1789-801. PMID: 17320259.
Luszczynska A, Gregajtys A, Abraham C. Effects of a self-efficacy intervention on initiation of recommended exercises in patients with spondylosis. J Aging Phys Act. 2007 Jan; 15(1):26-40. PMID: 17387227.
Luszczynska A, Boehmer S, Knoll N, Schulz U, Schwarzer R. Emotional support for men and women with cancer: do patients receive what their partners provide? Int J Behav Med. 2007; 14(3):156-63. PMID: 17854287.
Luszczynska A, Sarkar Y, Knoll N. Received social support, self-efficacy, and finding benefits in disease as predictors of physical functioning and adherence to antiretroviral therapy. Patient Educ Couns. 2007 Apr; 66(1):37-42. PMID: 17097259.
Luszczynska A, Tryburcy M, Schwarzer R. Improving fruit and vegetable consumption: a self-efficacy intervention compared with a combined self-efficacy and planning intervention. Health Educ Res. 2007 Oct; 22(5):630-8. PMID: 17060349.
Schwarzer R, Luszczynska A, Boehmer S, Taubert S, Knoll N. Changes in finding benefit after cancer surgery and the prediction of well-being one year later. Soc Sci Med. 2006 Sep; 63(6):1614-24. PMID: 16765495.
Boehmer S, Luszczynska A. Two kinds of items in quality of life instruments: 'indicator and causal variables' in the EORTC qlq-c30. Qual Life Res. 2006 Feb; 15(1):131-41. PMID: 16411037.
Skoczen S, Balwierz W, Moryl-Bujakowska A, Pawinska K, Luszczynska A, Balcerska A, Ploszynska A, Chybicka A, Dobaczewski G, Juszczak K, Wachowiak J, Derwich K, Kowalczyk J, Wisniewska-Slusarz H, Matysiak M, Krauze A, Pawelec K, Sonta-Jakimczyk D, Tomaszewska R, Wysocki M, Styczynskii J, Swiatkiewicz V. [Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children with initial leucocytosis above 50,000/mm3: summary of treatment results of Polish Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group]. Przegl Lek. 2006; 63(1):11-4. PMID: 16892892.
Luszczynska A, Scholz U, Schwarzer R. The general self-efficacy scale: multicultural validation studies. J Psychol. 2005 Sep; 139(5):439-57. PMID: 16285214.
Luszczynska A, Schwarzer R. Multidimensional health locus of control: comments on the construct and its measurement. J Health Psychol. 2005 Sep; 10(5):633-42. PMID: 16033785.
Luszczynska A. An implementation intentions intervention, the use of a planning strategy, and physical activity after myocardial infarction. Soc Sci Med. 2006 Feb; 62(4):900-8. PMID: 16095786.
Piko BF, Luszczynska A, Gibbons FX, Tek?zel M. A culture-based study of personal and social influences of adolescent smoking. Eur J Public Health. 2005 Aug; 15(4):393-8. PMID: 15996973.
Sniehotta FF, Luszczynska A, Scholz U, Lippke S. Discontinuity patterns in stages of the precaution adoption process model: meat consumption during a livestock epidemic. Br J Health Psychol. 2005 May; 10(Pt 2):221-35. PMID: 15969851.
Luszczynska A. Change in breast self-examination behavior: effects of intervention on enhancing self-efficacy. Int J Behav Med. 2004; 11(2):95-103. PMID: 15456678.
Balwierz W, Moryl-Bujakowska A, Skoczen S, Pawinska K, Balcerska A, Ploszynska A, Chybicka A, Dobaczewski G, Juszczak K, Wachowiak J, Derwich K, Kowalczyk J, Wisniewska-Slusarz H, Matysiak M, Krauze A, Rokicka-Milewska R, Pawelec K, Sonta-Jakimczyk D, Luszczynska A, Tomaszewska R, Wysocki M, Styczynski J, Swiatkiewicz V. [Advances in the treatment of children with high risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) treated with modified "NEW YORK" protocols between 1987 and 2002]. Przegl Lek. 2003; 60 Suppl 5:13-6. PMID: 14575002.
Pluskiewicz W, Luszczynska A, Halaba Z, Drozdzowska B, Sonta-Jakimczyk D. Skeletal status in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia assessed by quantitative ultrasound: a pilot cross-sectional study. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2002 Oct; 28(10):1279-84. PMID: 12467854.
Luszczynska A. Sense of coherence and smoking in a sample of abused women. Psychol Rep. 2002 Jun; 90(3 Pt 2):1123-8. PMID: 12150396.
Skoczen S, Klus K, Armata J, Kowalczyk J, Wisniewska-Slusarz H, Kolecki P, Derwich K, Matysiak M, Krauze A, Rokicka-Milewska R, Pawelec K, Boguslawska-Jaworska J, Juszczak K, Pisarek J, Sonta-Jakimczyk D, Tomaszewska R, Luszczynska A, Wysocki M, Styczynski J. [High risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in children. Preliminary report after introducing a new version of New York (1997) protocol adjusted to the age of the patients. Report of the Polish Paediatric Leukaemia/Lymphoma Study Group]. Med Wieku Rozwoj. 2000; 4(1 Suppl 2):23-32. PMID: 12021459.
Sonta-Jakimczyk D, Balcerska A, Luszczynska A, Bubala H, Kapuscinska L, Ploszynska A. [A palatine tonsil as an origin site of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a report of two cases]. Wiad Lek. 1999; 52(7-8):420-3. PMID: 10540592.
Steckiewicz W, Suplacz J, Luszczynska A. [Blood zinc levels in allergic children with recurrent infections]. Wiad Lek. 1987 Mar 01; 40(5):315-8. PMID: 3617757.
Steckiewicz W, Luszczynska A, Suplacz J. [Zinc levels in the blood of healthy children in Plock]. Pol Tyg Lek. 1985 Dec 09; 40(49):1388-9. PMID: 3831986.
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