Judith C Shlay
Title | Affiliate - DHHA |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-FM General Operations |
Phone | 3036023714 |
Research U01IP000196 (SHLAY, JUDITH C)Aug 31, 2008 - Aug 30, 2012 NIH Examination of the feasibility of obtaining 3rd party payer reimbursements for ad Role: Principal Investigator |
| U01IP000199 (SHLAY, JUDITH C)Aug 31, 2008 - Aug 30, 2012 NIH Evaluating School-Based Influenza Vaccination Programs that Bill Health Insurance Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HD035037 (SHLAY, JUDITH C)Sep 1, 1996 - Aug 31, 2001 NIH INITIATING CONTRACEPTION IN AN STD CLINIC SETTING Role: Principal Investigator |
Rinehart DJ, Frost HM, Thomas-Gale T, Depue C, Shlay JC. Progress in the Use of Text-Messaging to Support Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health. Acad Pediatr. 2023 Jul; 23(5):866-868. PMID: 36572099.
Arifkhanova A, Prieto JT, Davidson AJ, Al-Tayyib A, Hawkins E, Kraus E, McEwen D, Podewils LJ, Foldy S, Gillespie E, Taub J, Shlay JC. Defining Opioid-related Problems Using a Health Care Safety Net Institution's Inpatient Electronic Health Records: Limitations of Diagnosis-based Definitions. J Addict Med. 2023 Jan-Feb 01; 17(1):79-84. PMID: 35914026.
Obafemi OA, Leichliter JS, Maravi M, Alfonsi GA, Shlay JC, Wendel KA, Rietmeijer CA. Successful Provision of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception in a Sexual Health Clinic. Sex Transm Dis. 2022 06 01; 49(6):443-447. PMID: 35608098.
Arifkhanova A, McCormick Kraus E, Al-Tayyib A, Taub J, Encinias A, McEwen D, Davidson A, Shlay JC. Estimating costs of hospitalizations associated with opioid use disorder or opioid misuse at a large, urban safety-net hospital-Denver, Colorado, 2017. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 01 01; 218:108306. PMID: 33160792.
Prieto JT, Scott K, McEwen D, Podewils LJ, Al-Tayyib A, Robinson J, Edwards D, Foldy S, Shlay JC, Davidson AJ. The Detection of Opioid Misuse and Heroin Use From Paramedic Response Documentation: Machine Learning for Improved Surveillance. J Med Internet Res. 2020 01 03; 22(1):e15645. PMID: 31899451.
Rinehart DJ, Leslie SE, Kuka K, Doyle R, Stowell M, Thomas-Gale T, Shlay JC, Havranek EP, Albright K. Adolescent Female Perspectives in an Urban Safety Net: Developing an Intervention Focusing on Sexual Health and Text-Messaging. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2020; 31(3):1379-1398. PMID: 33416701.
Rinehart DJ, Leslie S, Durfee MJ, Stowell M, Cox-Martin M, Thomas-Gale T, Shlay JC, Havranek EP. Acceptability and Efficacy of a Sexual Health Texting Intervention Designed to Support Adolescent Females. Acad Pediatr. 2020 May - Jun; 20(4):475-484. PMID: 31560971.
Prieto JT, McEwen D, Davidson AJ, Al-Tayyib A, Gawenus L, Papagari Sangareddy SR, Blum J, Foldy S, Shlay JC. Monitoring opioid addiction and treatment: Do you know if your population is engaged? Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019 09 01; 202:56-60. PMID: 31302412.
Bull S, Devine S, Schmiege SJ, Hammes A, Pickard L, Shlay JC. Text Messaging and Teen Sexual Health Behavior: Long-term Follow-up of a Cluster Randomized Trial. Comput Inform Nurs. 2017 Nov; 35(11):549-553. PMID: 29112536.
Bull S, Devine S, Schmiege SJ, Pickard L, Campbell J, Shlay JC. Text Messaging, Teen Outreach Program, and Sexual Health Behavior: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Am J Public Health. 2016 09; 106(S1):S117-S124. PMID: 27689478.
Shlay JC, Rodgers S, Lyons J, Romero S, Vogt TM, McCormick EV. Implementing a School-Located Vaccination Program in Denver Public Schools. J Sch Health. 2015 Aug; 85(8):536-43. PMID: 26149309.
Devine S, Leeds C, Shlay JC, Leytem A, Beum R, Bull S. Methods to assess youth engagement in a text messaging supplement to an effective teen pregnancy program. J Biomed Inform. 2015 Aug; 56:379-86. PMID: 26173038.
Albright K, Daley MF, Kempe A, Pyrzanowski J, Jimenez-Zambrano A, Campagna EJ, Shlay JC. Parent attitudes about adolescent school-located vaccination and billing. J Adolesc Health. 2014 Nov; 55(5):665-71. PMID: 25037893.
Thrun M, Shlay JC. Sexually transmitted disease clinics in the era of the affordable care act: is it time to tear down the walls? Sex Transm Dis. 2014 Jul; 41(7):461-2. PMID: 24922108.
Kempe A, Daley MF, Pyrzanowski J, Vogt T, Fang H, Rinehart DJ, Morgan N, Riis M, Rodgers S, McCormick E, Hammer A, Campagna EJ, Kile D, Dickinson M, Hambidge SJ, Shlay JC. School-located influenza vaccination with third-party billing: outcomes, cost, and reimbursement. Acad Pediatr. 2014 May-Jun; 14(3):234-40. PMID: 24767776.
Kempe A, Daley MF, Pyrzanowski J, Vogt TM, Campagna EJ, Dickinson LM, Hambidge SJ, Shlay JC. School-located influenza vaccination with third-party billing: what do parents think? Acad Pediatr. 2014 May-Jun; 14(3):241-8. PMID: 24767777.
Devine S, Bull S, Dreisbach S, Shlay J. Enhancing a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program with text messaging: engaging minority youth to develop TOP ? Plus Text. J Adolesc Health. 2014 Mar; 54(3 Suppl):S78-83. PMID: 24560081.
Daley MF, Kempe A, Pyrzanowski J, Vogt TM, Dickinson LM, Kile D, Fang H, Rinehart DJ, Shlay JC. School-located vaccination of adolescents with insurance billing: cost, reimbursement, and vaccination outcomes. J Adolesc Health. 2014 Mar; 54(3):282-8. PMID: 24560036.
Grund B, Wright EJ, Brew BJ, Price RW, Roediger MP, Bain MP, Hoy JF, Shlay JC, Vjecha MJ, Robertson KR. Improved neurocognitive test performance in both arms of the SMART study: impact of practice effect. J Neurovirol. 2013 Aug; 19(4):383-92. PMID: 23943468.
Shlay JC, McEwen D, Bell D, Maravi M, Rinehart D, Fang H, Devine S, Mickiewicz T, Dreisbach S. Integration of family planning services into a sexually transmitted disease clinic setting. Sex Transm Dis. 2013 Aug; 40(8):669-74. PMID: 23863517.
Smith JS, Brewer NT, Saslow D, Alexander K, Chernofsky MR, Crosby R, Derting L, Devlin L, Dunton CJ, Engle J, Fernandez M, Fouad M, Huh W, Kinney W, Pierce J, Rios E, Rothholz MC, Shlay JC, Shedd-Steele R, Vernon SW, Walker J, Wynn T, Zimet GD, Casey BR. Recommendations for a national agenda to substantially reduce cervical cancer. Cancer Causes Control. 2013 Aug; 24(8):1583-93. PMID: 23828553.
Chesson HW, Flagg EW, Koutsky L, Hsu K, Unger ER, Shlay JC, Kerndt P, Ghanem KG, Zenilman JM, Hagensee M, Weinstock H, Datta SD. Modeling the impact of quadrivalent HPV vaccination on the incidence of Pap test abnormalities in the United States. Vaccine. 2013 Jun 24; 31(29):3019-24. PMID: 23664991.
Hayes KA, Entzel P, Berger W, Caskey RN, Shlay JC, Stubbs BW, Smith JS, Brewer NT. Early lessons learned from extramural school programs that offer HPV vaccine. J Sch Health. 2013 Feb; 83(2):119-26. PMID: 23331272.
Romero CX, Romero TE, Shlay JC, Ogden LG, Dabelea D. Changing trends in the prevalence and disparities of obesity and other cardiovascular disease risk factors in three racial/ethnic groups of USA adults. Adv Prev Med. 2012; 2012:172423. PMID: 23243516.
McCormick EV, Durfee J, Vogt TM, Daley MF, Hambidge SJ, Shlay J. Physician attitudes regarding school-located vaccinations. Pediatrics. 2012 Nov; 130(5):887-96. PMID: 23027169.
Shlay JC, Barber B, Mickiewicz T, Maravi M, Drisko J, Estacio R, Gutierrez G, Urbina C. Reducing cardiovascular disease risk using patient navigators, Denver, Colorado, 2007-2009. Prev Chronic Dis. 2011 Nov; 8(6):A143. PMID: 22005636.
Ghanem KG, Datta SD, Unger ER, Hagensee M, Shlay JC, Kerndt P, Hsu K, Koutsky LA. The association of current hormonal contraceptive use with type-specific HPV detection. Sex Transm Infect. 2011 Aug; 87(5):385-8. PMID: 21772042.
Alfonsi GA, Datta SD, Mickiewicz T, Koutsky LA, Ghanem K, Hagensee M, Kerndt P, Hsu K, Weinstock H, Shlay JC. Prevalence of high-risk HPV types and abnormal cervical cytology in American Indian/Alaska Native women, 2003-2005. Public Health Rep. 2011 May-Jun; 126(3):330-7. PMID: 21553660.
Soliman EZ, Lundgren JD, Roediger MP, Duprez DA, Temesgen Z, Bickel M, Shlay JC, Somboonwit C, Reiss P, Stein JH, Neaton JD. Boosted protease inhibitors and the electrocardiographic measures of QT and PR durations. AIDS. 2011 Jan 28; 25(3):367-77. PMID: 21150558.
Martinez E, Visnegarwala F, Grund B, Thomas A, Gibert C, Shlay J, Drummond F, Pearce D, Edwards S, Reiss P, El-Sadr W, Carr A. The effects of intermittent, CD4-guided antiretroviral therapy on body composition and metabolic parameters. AIDS. 2010 Jan 28; 24(3):353-63. PMID: 20057309.
Shlay JC, Zolot L, Bell D, Maravi ME, Urbina C. Association between provision of initial family planning services and unintended pregnancy among women attending an STD clinic. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2009 Oct; 18(10):1693-9. PMID: 19785570.
Grund B, Peng G, Gibert CL, Hoy JF, Isaksson RL, Shlay JC, Martinez E, Reiss P, Visnegarwala F, Carr AD. Continuous antiretroviral therapy decreases bone mineral density. AIDS. 2009 Jul 31; 23(12):1519-29. PMID: 19531929.
Shlay JC, Sharma S, Peng G, Gibert CL, Grunfeld C. The effect of individual antiretroviral drugs on body composition in HIV-infected persons initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009 Jul 01; 51(3):298-304. PMID: 19412117.
Gibert CL, Shlay JC, Sharma S, Bartsch G, Peng G, Grunfeld C. Racial differences in changes of metabolic parameters and body composition in antiretroviral therapy-naive persons initiating antiretroviral therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009 Jan 01; 50(1):44-53. PMID: 19295334.
Shlay JC, Sharma S, Peng G, Gibert CL, Grunfeld C. Long-term subcutaneous tissue changes among antiretroviral-naive persons initiating stavudine, zidovudine, or abacavir with lamivudine. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2008 May 01; 48(1):53-62. PMID: 18491421.
Tedaldi EM, Absalon J, Thomas AJ, Shlay JC, van den Berg-Wolf M. Ethnicity, race, and gender. Differences in serious adverse events among participants in an antiretroviral initiation trial: results of CPCRA 058 (FIRST Study). J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2008 Apr 01; 47(4):441-8. PMID: 18176329.
Datta SD, Koutsky LA, Ratelle S, Unger ER, Shlay J, McClain T, Weaver B, Kerndt P, Zenilman J, Hagensee M, Suhr CJ, Weinstock H. Human papillomavirus infection and cervical cytology in women screened for cervical cancer in the United States, 2003-2005. Ann Intern Med. 2008 Apr 01; 148(7):493-500. PMID: 18378945.
Stenehjem E, Shlay JC. Sex-specific differences in treatment outcomes for patients with HIV and AIDS. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res. 2008 Feb; 8(1):51-63. PMID: 20528356.
Visnegarwala F, Shlay JC, Barry V, Gibert CL, Xiang Y, Wang J, Kotler D, Raghavan S, El-Sadr WM. Effects of HIV infection on body composition changes among men of different racial/ethnic origins. HIV Clin Trials. 2007 May-Jun; 8(3):145-54. PMID: 17621461.
Shlay JC, Bartsch G, Peng G, Wang J, Grunfeld C, Gibert CL, Visnegarwala F, Raghavan SS, Xiang Y, Farrough M, Perry HE, Kotler D, El-Sadr WM. Long-term body composition and metabolic changes in antiretroviral naive persons randomized to protease inhibitor-, nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-, or protease inhibitor plus nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based strategy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2007 Apr 15; 44(5):506-17. PMID: 17325603.
Visnegarwala F, Raghavan SS, Mullin CM, Bartsch G, Wang J, Kotler D, Gibert CL, Shlay J, Grunfeld C, Carr A, El-Sadr W. Sex differences in the associations of HIV disease characteristics and body composition in antiretroviral-naive persons. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Oct; 82(4):850-6. PMID: 16210716.
Hughes AA, Glazner J, Barton P, Shlay JC. A cost-effectiveness analysis of four management strategies in the determination and follow-up of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. Diagn Cytopathol. 2005 Feb; 32(2):125-32. PMID: 15637677.
Shlay JC, Visnegarwala F, Bartsch G, Wang J, Peng G, El-Sadr WM, Gibert C, Kotler D, Grunfeld C, Raghavan S. Body composition and metabolic changes in antiretroviral-naive patients randomized to didanosine and stavudine vs. abacavir and lamivudine. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2005 Feb 01; 38(2):147-55. PMID: 15671799.
Bull SS, Shlay JC. Promoting "dual protection" from pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease: a social ecological approach. Health Promot Pract. 2005 Jan; 6(1):72-80. PMID: 15574531.
Shlay JC, McClung MW, Patnaik JL, Douglas JM. Comparison of sexually transmitted disease prevalence by reported condom use: errors among consistent condom users seen at an urban sexually transmitted disease clinic. Sex Transm Dis. 2004 Sep; 31(9):526-32. PMID: 15480113.
Alfonsi GA, Shlay JC, Parker S, Neher JO. Clinical inquiries. What is the best approach for managing recurrent bacterial vaginosis? J Fam Pract. 2004 Aug; 53(8):650-2. PMID: 15298840.
Breese P, Burman W, Shlay J, Guinn D. The effectiveness of a verbal opt-out system for human immunodeficiency virus screening during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Jul; 104(1):134-7. PMID: 15229012.
Shlay JC, McClung MW, Patnaik JL, Douglas JM. Comparison of sexually transmitted disease prevalence by reported level of condom use among patients attending an urban sexually transmitted disease clinic. Sex Transm Dis. 2004 Mar; 31(3):154-60. PMID: 15076927.
Dunn TS, Shlay J, Forshner D. Are in-dwelling catheters necessary for 24 hours after hysterectomy? Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003 Aug; 189(2):435-7. PMID: 14520213.
Shlay JC, Mayhugh B, Foster M, Maravi ME, Bar?n AE, Douglas JM. Initiating contraception in sexually transmitted disease clinic setting: a randomized trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003 Aug; 189(2):473-81. PMID: 14520221.
Shlay JC, Mayhugh B, Foster M, Maravi ME. Predicting pregnancy risk in women attending an STD clinic. Sex Transm Dis. 2002 Aug; 29(8):491-6. PMID: 12172536.
Ramstrom KC, Bar?n AE, Crane LA, Shlay JC. Predictors of contraceptive discontinuation in a sexually transmitted disease clinic population. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2002 May-Jun; 34(3):146-52. PMID: 12137128.
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