Deborah John Rinehart
Title | Affiliate - DHHA |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-MED |
Jenkins TC, Keith A, Stein AB, Hersh AL, Narayan R, Eggleston A, Rinehart DJ, Patel PK, Walter E, Hargraves IG, Frost HM. Interventions to de-implement unnecessary antibiotic prescribing for ear infections (DISAPEAR Trial): protocol for a cluster-randomized trial. BMC Infect Dis. 2024 Jan 24; 24(1):126. PMID: 38267837.
Keith A, Jenkins TC, O'Leary S, Stein AB, Katz SE, Newland J, Rinehart DJ, Gilbert A, Dodd S, Terrill CM, Frost HM. Reducing length of antibiotics for children with ear infections: protocol for a cluster-randomized trial in the USA. J Comp Eff Res. 2023 11; 12(11):e230088. PMID: 37855227.
Glanz JM, Xu S, Narwaney KJ, McClure DL, Rinehart DJ, Ford MA, Nguyen AP, Binswanger IA. Association Between Opioid Dose Reduction Rates and Overdose Among Patients Prescribed Long-Term Opioid Therapy. Subst Abus. 2023 07; 44(3):209-219. PMID: 37702046.
Tate CE, Mami G, McNulty M, Rinehart DJ, Yasui R, Rondinelli N, Treem J, Fairclough D, Matlock DD. Evaluation of a Novel Hospice-Specific Patient Decision Aid. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2024 Apr; 41(4):414-423. PMID: 37477279.
Reingold S, Tomcho M, Thomas-Gale T, Haynes C, O'Leary S, Warsh S, Rinehart D, Frost H. Survey of Adolescents' and Emerging Adults' Preferences for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Testing in Primary Care. Sex Transm Dis. 2023 05 01; 50(5):320-322. PMID: 36649601.
Rinehart DJ, Frost HM, Thomas-Gale T, Depue C, Shlay JC. Progress in the Use of Text-Messaging to Support Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health. Acad Pediatr. 2023 Jul; 23(5):866-868. PMID: 36572099.
Binswanger IA, Shetterly SM, Xu S, Narwaney KJ, McClure DL, Rinehart DJ, Nguyen AP, Glanz JM. Opioid Dose Trajectories and Associations With Mortality, Opioid Use Disorder, Continued Opioid Therapy, and Health Plan Disenrollment. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 10 03; 5(10):e2234671. PMID: 36197665.
Wagner NM, Kempe A, Barnard JG, Rinehart DJ, Havranek EP, Glasgow RE, Blum J, Morris MA. Qualitative exploration of public health vending machines in young adults who misuse opioids: A promising strategy to increase naloxone access in a high risk underserved population. Drug Alcohol Depend Rep. 2022 Dec; 5. PMID: 36687307.
Rinehart DJ, Stowell M, Barrett K, Langland K, Thomas-Gale T, Al-Tayyib A, O'Connell R. Exploring Family Planning Perspectives Among Men Receiving Medications for Opioid Use Disorder: Implications for Service Development. J Addict Med. 2023 Jan-Feb 01; 17(1):21-27. PMID: 35802689.
Loeb DF, Durfee J, Monson S, Bayliss EA, Garcia C, Kline D, Barrett K, Rinehart D. Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and post traumatic stress disorder symptoms in a primary care safety-net population: Implications for healthcare service needs. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2022 Jul-Aug; 77:102-108. PMID: 35596962.
Binswanger IA, Rinehart D, Mueller SR, Narwaney KJ, Stowell M, Wagner N, Xu S, Hanratty R, Blum J, McVaney K, Glanz JM. Naloxone Co-Dispensing with Opioids: a Cluster Randomized Pragmatic Trial. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 08; 37(11):2624-2633. PMID: 35132556.
McWhirter L, Lou Y, Reingold S, Warsh S, Thomas-Gale T, Haynes C, Rinehart D, Wendel KA, Frost HM. Rates of Appropriate Treatment and Follow-Up Testing After a Gonorrhea and/or Chlamydia Infection in an Urban Network of Federally Qualified Health Center Systems. Sex Transm Dis. 2022 05 01; 49(5):319-324. PMID: 35001017.
Stowell MA, Thomas-Gale T, Jones HE, Binswanger I, Rinehart DJ. Perspectives among women receiving medications for opioid use disorder: Implications for development of a peer navigation intervention to improve access to family planning services. Subst Abus. 2022; 43(1):722-732. PMID: 35100081.
Tomcho MM, Lou Y, O'Leary SC, Rinehart DJ, Thomas-Gale T, Penny L, Frost HM. Closing the Equity Gap: An Intervention to Improve Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Testing for Adolescents and Young Adults in Primary Care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2022 Jan-Dec; 13:21501319221131382. PMID: 36300428.
Simpson SA, Hordes M, Blum J, Rinehart D, Al-Tayyib A. Barriers to Engagement in Opioid Use Disorder Treatment After Buprenorphine Induction. J Addict Med. 2022 Jul-Aug 01; 16(4):479-482. PMID: 34954744.
Tomcho MM, Lou Y, O'Leary SC, Rinehart DJ, Thomas-Gale T, Douglas CM, Wu FJ, Penny L, Federico SG, Frost HM. An Intervention to Improve Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Testing Among Adolescents in Primary Care. Pediatrics. 2021 11; 148(5). PMID: 34675130.
Wagner NM, Binswanger IA, Shetterly SM, Rinehart DJ, Wain KF, Hopfer C, Glanz JM. Development and validation of a prediction model for opioid use disorder among youth. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 10 01; 227:108980. PMID: 34482048.
Douglas CM, O'Leary SC, Tomcho MM, Wu FJ, Penny L, Federico SG, Wilson ML, Rinehart DJ, Frost HM. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Rates Among 12- to 24-Year-Old Patients in an Urban Health System. Sex Transm Dis. 2021 03 01; 48(3):161-166. PMID: 33003186.
Rinehart DJ, Stowell M, Collings A, Durfee MJ, Thomas-Gale T, Jones HE, Binswanger I. Increasing access to family planning services among women receiving medications for opioid use disorder: A pilot randomized trial examining a peer-led navigation intervention. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2021 07; 126:108318. PMID: 34116817.
Mueller SR, Glanz JM, Nguyen AP, Stowell M, Koester S, Rinehart DJ, Binswanger IA. Restrictive opioid prescribing policies and evolving risk environments: A qualitative study of the perspectives of patients who experienced an accidental opioid overdose. Int J Drug Policy. 2021 06; 92:103077. PMID: 33423916.
Rinehart DJ, Leslie SE, Kuka K, Doyle R, Stowell M, Thomas-Gale T, Shlay JC, Havranek EP, Albright K. Adolescent Female Perspectives in an Urban Safety Net: Developing an Intervention Focusing on Sexual Health and Text-Messaging. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2020; 31(3):1379-1398. PMID: 33416701.
Hoffman MC, Rinehart DJ, Jochens LK, Valdez C, Durfee J, Mazzoni SE. Maternal and child delivery charges, postpartum charges, and utilization of care among women with bipolar disorder: a cohort study. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2020 08; 23(4):565-572. PMID: 31720790.
Rinehart DJ, Leslie S, Durfee MJ, Stowell M, Cox-Martin M, Thomas-Gale T, Shlay JC, Havranek EP. Acceptability and Efficacy of a Sexual Health Texting Intervention Designed to Support Adolescent Females. Acad Pediatr. 2020 May - Jun; 20(4):475-484. PMID: 31560971.
Rinehart DJ, Al-Tayyib AA, Sionean C, Whitesell NR, Dreisbach S, Bull S. Assessing the Theory of Gender and Power: HIV Risk Among Heterosexual Minority Dyads. AIDS Behav. 2018 Jun; 22(6):1944-1954. PMID: 29164353.
Rinehart DJ, Oronce C, Durfee MJ, Ranby KW, Batal HA, Hanratty R, Vogel J, Johnson TL. Identifying Subgroups of Adult Superutilizers in an Urban Safety-Net System Using Latent Class Analysis: Implications for Clinical Practice. Med Care. 2018 01; 56(1):e1-e9. PMID: 27632768.
Combs KM, Begun S, Rinehart DJ, Taussig H. Pregnancy and Childbearing Among Young Adults Who Experienced Foster Care. Child Maltreat. 2018 05; 23(2):166-174. PMID: 29034732.
Durfee J, Johnson T, Batal H, Long J, Rinehart D, Everhart R, Oronce CI, Douglas I, Moore K, Atherly A. The impact of tailored intervention services on charges and mortality for adult super-utilizers. Healthc (Amst). 2018 Dec; 6(4):253-258. PMID: 28847571.
Johnson TL, Rinehart DJ, Durfee J, Brewer D, Batal H, Blum J, Oronce CI, Melinkovich P, Gabow P. For many patients who use large amounts of health care services, the need is intense yet temporary. Health Aff (Millwood). 2015 Aug; 34(8):1312-9. PMID: 26240244.
Kempe A, Daley MF, Pyrzanowski J, Vogt T, Fang H, Rinehart DJ, Morgan N, Riis M, Rodgers S, McCormick E, Hammer A, Campagna EJ, Kile D, Dickinson M, Hambidge SJ, Shlay JC. School-located influenza vaccination with third-party billing: outcomes, cost, and reimbursement. Acad Pediatr. 2014 May-Jun; 14(3):234-40. PMID: 24767776.
Daley MF, Kempe A, Pyrzanowski J, Vogt TM, Dickinson LM, Kile D, Fang H, Rinehart DJ, Shlay JC. School-located vaccination of adolescents with insurance billing: cost, reimbursement, and vaccination outcomes. J Adolesc Health. 2014 Mar; 54(3):282-8. PMID: 24560036.
Shlay JC, McEwen D, Bell D, Maravi M, Rinehart D, Fang H, Devine S, Mickiewicz T, Dreisbach S. Integration of family planning services into a sexually transmitted disease clinic setting. Sex Transm Dis. 2013 Aug; 40(8):669-74. PMID: 23863517.
Thurstone C, Binswanger IA, Corsi KF, Rinehart DJ, Booth RE. Medical Marijuana Use and Parenting: A Qualitative Study. Adolesc Psychiatry (Hilversum). 2013; 3(2):190-194. PMID: 31440441.
Corsi KF, Rinehart DJ, Kwiatkowski CF, Booth RE. Case management outcomes for women who use crack. J Evid Based Soc Work. 2010 Jan; 7(1):30-40. PMID: 20178023.
Hennigan KM, O'Keefe M, Noether CD, Rinehart DJ, Russell LA. Through a mother's eyes: Sources of bias when mothers with co-occurring disorders assess their children. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2006 Jan; 33(1):87-104. PMID: 16636910.
Rinehart DJ, Becker MA, Buckley PR, Dailey K, Reichardt CS, Graeber C, VanDeMark NR, Brown E. The relationship between mothers' child abuse potential and current mental health symptoms: implications for screening and referral. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2005 Apr-Jun; 32(2):155-66. PMID: 15834265.
Giard J, Hennigan K, Huntington N, Vogel W, Rinehart D, Mazelis,R, Nadlicki T & Veysey B . Development and Implementation of a Multisite Evaluation for the Women, Co-Occurring Disorders and Violence Study. Journal of Community Psychology. 2005; 4(33):411-427.
John D, Kwiatkowski C & Booth R. Differences Among Out of Treatment Drug Injectors who use Stimulants Only, Opiates Only, or Both. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2001; (64):165-172.
Baldwin J, Trotter R, Martinez D, Stevens S, John D & Brems C . HIV/AIDS Risks among Native American Drug Users: Key Findings from Focus Group Interviews and Implications for Intervention Strategies. AIDS Education and Prevention. 1999; (11):279-292.
Booth R, Kwiatkowski C, Iguchi M, Pinto F & John D. Facilitating Treatment Entry among Out-of-Treatment Injection Drug Users. Public Health Report. 1998; (113):116-128.
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