Matthew B McQueen
Title | Professor Adjoint |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Integrative Physiology |
Phone | 303/735-5158 |
Research R01AG066498 (KRAUTER, KENNETH S)Jun 15, 2020 - Mar 31, 2025 NIH The Microbiome and Biological Aging in the Add Health Study Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HD060726 (MCQUEEN, MATTHEW B)Sep 24, 2010 - May 31, 2016 NIH Social Demographic Moderation of Genome Wide Associations for Body Mass Index Role: Principal Investigator |
Saunders GRB, Wang X, Chen F, Jang SK, Liu M, Wang C, Gao S, Jiang Y, Khunsriraksakul C, Otto JM, Addison C, Akiyama M, Albert CM, Aliev F, Alonso A, Arnett DK, Ashley-Koch AE, Ashrani AA, Barnes KC, Barr RG, Bartz TM, Becker DM, Bielak LF, Benjamin EJ, Bis JC, Bjornsdottir G, Blangero J, Bleecker ER, Boardman JD, Boerwinkle E, Boomsma DI, Boorgula MP, Bowden DW, Brody JA, Cade BE, Chasman DI, Chavan S, Chen YI, Chen Z, Cheng I, Cho MH, Choquet H, Cole JW, Cornelis MC, Cucca F, Curran JE, de Andrade M, Dick DM, Docherty AR, Duggirala R, Eaton CB, Ehringer MA, Esko T, Faul JD, Fernandes Silva L, Fiorillo E, Fornage M, Freedman BI, Gabrielsen ME, Garrett ME, Gharib SA, Gieger C, Gillespie N, Glahn DC, Gordon SD, Gu CC, Gu D, Gudbjartsson DF, Guo X, Haessler J, Hall ME, Haller T, Harris KM, He J, Herd P, Hewitt JK, Hickie I, Hidalgo B, Hokanson JE, Hopfer C, Hottenga J, Hou L, Huang H, Hung YJ, Hunter DJ, Hveem K, Hwang SJ, Hwu CM, Iacono W, Irvin MR, Jee YH, Johnson EO, Joo YY, Jorgenson E, Justice AE, Kamatani Y, Kaplan RC, Kaprio J, Kardia SLR, Keller MC, Kelly TN, Kooperberg C, Korhonen T, Kraft P, Krauter K, Kuusisto J, Laakso M, Lasky-Su J, Lee WJ, Lee JJ, Levy D, Li L, Li K, Li Y, Lin K, Lind PA, Liu C, Lloyd-Jones DM, Lutz SM, Ma J, M?gi R, Manichaikul A, Martin NG, Mathur R, Matoba N, McArdle PF, McGue M, McQueen MB, Medland SE, Metspalu A, Meyers DA, Millwood IY, Mitchell BD, Mohlke KL, Moll M, Montasser ME, Morrison AC, Mulas A, Nielsen JB, North KE, Oelsner EC, Okada Y, Orr? V, Palmer ND, Palviainen T, Pandit A, Park SL, Peters U, Peters A, Peyser PA, Polderman TJC, Rafaels N, Redline S, Reed RM, Reiner AP, Rice JP, Rich SS, Richmond NE, Roan C, Rotter JI, Rueschman MN, Runarsdottir V, Saccone NL, Schwartz DA, Shadyab AH, Shi J, Shringarpure SS, Sicinski K, Skogholt AH, Smith JA, Smith NL, Sotoodehnia N, Stallings MC, Stefansson H, Stefansson K, Stitzel JA, Sun X, Syed M, Tal-Singer R, Taylor AE, Taylor KD, Telen MJ, Thai KK, Tiwari H, Turman C, Tyrfingsson T, Wall TL, Walters RG, Weir DR, Weiss ST, White WB, Whitfield JB, Wiggins KL, Willemsen G, Willer CJ, Winsvold BS, Xu H, Yanek LR, Yin J, Young KL, Young KA, Yu B, Zhao W, Zhou W, Z?llner S, Zuccolo L, Batini C, Bergen AW, Bierut LJ, David SP, Gagliano Taliun SA, Hancock DB, Jiang B, Munaf? MR, Thorgeirsson TE, Liu DJ, Vrieze S. Genetic diversity fuels gene discovery for tobacco and alcohol use. Nature. 2022 12; 612(7941):720-724. PMID: 36477530.
Ritter ML, Bohr AD, McQueen MB. Association of Cardiac Arrest With Opioid Overdose in Transport. Subst Abuse. 2022; 16:11782218221103582. PMID: 35800885.
Aukerman DF, Bohr AD, Poddar SK, Romano R, Petron DJ, Ghajar J, Giza CC, Lumba-Brown A, McQueen MB, Harmon KG. Risk of Concussion After a Targeting Foul in Collegiate American Football. Orthop J Sports Med. 2022 Feb; 10(2):23259671221074656. PMID: 35141342.
Woolard A, Hill NTM, McQueen M, Martin L, Milroy H, Wood FM, Bullman I, Lin A. The psychological impact of paediatric burn injuries: a systematic review. BMC Public Health. 2021 12 14; 21(1):2281. PMID: 34906121.
Bjorkman KK, Saldi TK, Lasda E, Bauer LC, Kovarik J, Gonzales PK, Fink MR, Tat KL, Hager CR, Davis JC, Ozeroff CD, Brisson GR, Larremore DB, Leinwand LA, McQueen MB, Parker R. Higher Viral Load Drives Infrequent Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Transmission Between Asymptomatic Residence Hall Roommates. J Infect Dis. 2021 10 28; 224(8):1316-1324. PMID: 34302469.
Yang Q, Saldi TK, Gonzales PK, Lasda E, Decker CJ, Tat KL, Fink MR, Hager CR, Davis JC, Ozeroff CD, Muhlrad D, Clark SK, Fattor WT, Meyerson NR, Paige CL, Gilchrist AR, Barbachano-Guerrero A, Worden-Sapper ER, Wu SS, Brisson GR, McQueen MB, Dowell RD, Leinwand L, Parker R, Sawyer SL. Just 2% of SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals carry 90% of the virus circulating in communities. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 05 25; 118(21). PMID: 33972412.
Bohr AD, Aukerman DF, Harmon KG, Romano R, Hern?ndez TD, Konstantinides N, Petron DJ, Ghajar J, Giza C, Poddar SK, McQueen MB. Pac-12 CARE-Affiliated Program: structure, methods and initial results. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2021; 7(2):e001055. PMID: 34079621.
Harmon KG, Whelan BM, Aukerman DF, Bohr AD, Nerrie JM, Elkinton HA, Holliday M, Poddar SK, Chrisman SPD, McQueen MB. Diagnostic accuracy and reliability of sideline concussion evaluation: a prospective, case-controlled study in college athletes comparing newer tools and established tests. Br J Sports Med. 2022 Feb; 56(3):144-150. PMID: 33883170.
Wijkman MO, Claggett BL, Pfeffer MA, Par? G, McQueen M, Hess S, Lee SF, Gerstein HC. NT-proBNP versus routine clinical risk factors as a predictor of cardiovascular events or death in people with dysglycemia - A brief report from the ORIGIN trial. J Diabetes Complications. 2021 07; 35(7):107928. PMID: 33906818.
Yang Q, Meyerson NR, Clark SK, Paige CL, Fattor WT, Gilchrist AR, Barbachano-Guerrero A, Healy BG, Worden-Sapper ER, Wu SS, Muhlrad D, Decker CJ, Saldi TK, Lasda E, Gonzales P, Fink MR, Tat KL, Hager CR, Davis JC, Ozeroff CD, Brisson GR, McQueen MB, Leinwand LA, Parker R, Sawyer SL. Saliva TwoStep for rapid detection of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers. Elife. 2021 03 29; 10. PMID: 33779548.
Yang Q, Saldi TK, Lasda E, Decker CJ, Paige CL, Muhlrad D, Gonzales PK, Fink MR, Tat KL, Hager CR, Davis JC, Ozeroff CD, Meyerson NR, Clark SK, Fattor WT, Gilchrist AR, Barbachano-Guerrero A, Worden-Sapper ER, Wu SS, Brisson GR, McQueen MB, Dowell RD, Leinwand L, Parker R, Sawyer SL. Just 2% of SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals carry 90% of the virus circulating in communities. medRxiv. 2021 Mar 05. PMID: 33688663.
Yang Q, Meyerson NR, Clark SK, Paige CL, Fattor WT, Gilchrist AR, Barbachano-Guerrero A, Healy BG, Worden-Sapper ER, Wu SS, Muhlrad D, Decker CJ, Saldi TK, Lasda E, Gonzales PK, Fink MR, Tat KL, Hager CR, Davis JC, Ozeroff CD, Brisson GR, McQueen MB, Leinwand L, Parker R, Sawyer SL. Saliva TwoStep for rapid detection of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers. medRxiv. 2021 Feb 16. PMID: 33619503.
Kavsak PA, Cerasuolo JO, Ko DT, Ma J, Sherbino J, Mondoux SE, Clayton N, Hill SA, McQueen M, Griffith LE, Mehta SR, Perez R, Seow H, Devereaux PJ, Worster A. Using the clinical chemistry score in the emergency department to detect adverse cardiac events: a diagnostic accuracy study. CMAJ Open. 2020 Oct-Dec; 8(4):E676-E684. PMID: 33139388.
Johnson EC, Demontis D, Thorgeirsson TE, Walters RK, Polimanti R, Hatoum AS, Sanchez-Roige S, Paul SE, Wendt FR, Clarke TK, Lai D, Reginsson GW, Zhou H, He J, Baranger DAA, Gudbjartsson DF, Wedow R, Adkins DE, Adkins AE, Alexander J, Bacanu SA, Bigdeli TB, Boden J, Brown SA, Bucholz KK, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Corley RP, Degenhardt L, Dick DM, Domingue BW, Fox L, Goate AM, Gordon SD, Hack LM, Hancock DB, Hartz SM, Hickie IB, Hougaard DM, Krauter K, Lind PA, McClintick JN, McQueen MB, Meyers JL, Montgomery GW, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Nordentoft M, Pearson JF, Peterson RE, Reynolds MD, Rice JP, Runarsdottir V, Saccone NL, Sherva R, Silberg JL, Tarter RE, Tyrfingsson T, Wall TL, Webb BT, Werge T, Wetherill L, Wright MJ, Zellers S, Adams MJ, Bierut LJ, Boardman JD, Copeland WE, Farrer LA, Foroud TM, Gillespie NA, Grucza RA, Harris KM, Heath AC, Hesselbrock V, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Horwood J, Iacono WG, Johnson EO, Kendler KS, Kennedy MA, Kranzler HR, Madden PAF, Maes HH, Maher BS, Martin NG, McGue M, McIntosh AM, Medland SE, Nelson EC, Porjesz B, Riley BP, Stallings MC, Vanyukov MM, Vrieze S, Davis LK, Bogdan R, Gelernter J, Edenberg HJ, Stefansson K, B?rglum AD, Agrawal A. A large-scale genome-wide association study meta-analysis of cannabis use disorder. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 12; 7(12):1032-1045. PMID: 33096046.
Renson A, Mullan Harris K, Dowd JB, Gaydosh L, McQueen MB, Krauter KS, Shannahan M, Aiello AE. Early Signs of Gut Microbiome Aging: Biomarkers of Inflammation, Metabolism, and Macromolecular Damage in Young Adulthood. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2020 06 18; 75(7):1258-1266. PMID: 32421783.
Munn-Chernoff MA, Johnson EC, Chou YL, Coleman JRI, Thornton LM, Walters RK, Yilmaz Z, Baker JH, H?bel C, Gordon S, Medland SE, Watson HJ, Gaspar HA, Bryois J, Hinney A, Lepp? VM, Mattheisen M, Ripke S, Yao S, Giusti-Rodr?guez P, Hanscombe KB, Adan RAH, Alfredsson L, Ando T, Andreassen OA, Berrettini WH, Boehm I, Boni C, Boraska Perica V, Buehren K, Burghardt R, Cassina M, Cichon S, Clementi M, Cone RD, Courtet P, Crow S, Crowley JJ, Danner UN, Davis OSP, de Zwaan M, Dedoussis G, Degortes D, DeSocio JE, Dick DM, Dikeos D, Dina C, Dmitrzak-Weglarz M, Docampo E, Duncan LE, Egberts K, Ehrlich S, Escaram?s G, Esko T, Estivill X, Farmer A, Favaro A, Fern?ndez-Aranda F, Fichter MM, Fischer K, F?cker M, Foretova L, Forstner AJ, Forzan M, Franklin CS, Gallinger S, Giegling I, Giuranna J, Gonidakis F, Gorwood P, Gratacos Mayora M, Guillaume S, Guo Y, Hakonarson H, Hatzikotoulas K, Hauser J, Hebebrand J, Helder SG, Herms S, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Herzog W, Huckins LM, Hudson JI, Imgart H, Inoko H, Janout V, Jim?nez-Murcia S, Juli? A, Kalsi G, Kaminsk? D, Karhunen L, Karwautz A, Kas MJH, Kennedy JL, Keski-Rahkonen A, Kiezebrink K, Kim YR, Klump KL, Knudsen GPS, La Via MC, Le Hellard S, Levitan RD, Li D, Lilenfeld L, Lin BD, Lissowska J, Luykx J, Magistretti PJ, Maj M, Mannik K, Marsal S, Marshall CR, Mattingsdal M, McDevitt S, McGuffin P, Metspalu A, Meulenbelt I, Micali N, Mitchell K, Monteleone AM, Monteleone P, Nacmias B, Navratilova M, Ntalla I, O'Toole JK, Ophoff RA, Padyukov L, Palotie A, Pantel J, Papezova H, Pinto D, Rabionet R, Raevuori A, Ramoz N, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ricca V, Ripatti S, Ritschel F, Roberts M, Rotondo A, Rujescu D, Rybakowski F, Santonastaso P, Scherag A, Scherer SW, Schmidt U, Schork NJ, Schosser A, Seitz J, Slachtova L, Slagboom PE, Slof-Op't Landt MCT, Slopien A, Sorbi S, Swiatkowska B, Szatkiewicz JP, Tachmazidou I, Tenconi E, Tortorella A, Tozzi F, Treasure J, Tsitsika A, Tyszkiewicz-Nwafor M, Tziouvas K, van Elburg AA, van Furth EF, Wagner G, Walton E, Widen E, Zeggini E, Zerwas S, Zipfel S, Bergen AW, Boden JM, Brandt H, Crawford S, Halmi KA, Horwood LJ, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Kaye WH, Mitchell J, Olsen CM, Pearson JF, Pedersen NL, Strober M, Werge T, Whiteman DC, Woodside DB, Grove J, Henders AK, Larsen JT, Parker R, Petersen LV, Jordan J, Kennedy MA, Birgeg?rd A, Lichtenstein P, Norring C, Land?n M, Mortensen PB, Polimanti R, McClintick JN, Adkins AE, Aliev F, Bacanu SA, Batzler A, Bertelsen S, Biernacka JM, Bigdeli TB, Chen LS, Clarke TK, Degenhardt F, Docherty AR, Edwards AC, Foo JC, Fox L, Frank J, Hack LM, Hartmann AM, Hartz SM, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Hodgkinson C, Hoffmann P, Hottenga JJ, Konte B, Lahti J, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Lai D, Ligthart L, Loukola A, Maher BS, Mbarek H, McIntosh AM, McQueen MB, Meyers JL, Milaneschi Y, Palviainen T, Peterson RE, Ryu E, Saccone NL, Salvatore JE, Sanchez-Roige S, Schwandt M, Sherva R, Streit F, Strohmaier J, Thomas N, Wang JC, Webb BT, Wedow R, Wetherill L, Wills AG, Zhou H, Boardman JD, Chen D, Choi DS, Copeland WE, Culverhouse RC, Dahmen N, Degenhardt L, Domingue BW, Frye MA, G?ebel W, Hayward C, Ising M, Keyes M, Kiefer F, Koller G, Kramer J, Kuperman S, Lucae S, Lynskey MT, Maier W, Mann K, M?nnist? S, M?ller-Myhsok B, Murray AD, Nurnberger JI, Preuss U, R?ikk?nen K, Reynolds MD, Ridinger M, Scherbaum N, Schuckit MA, Soyka M, Treutlein J, Witt SH, Wodarz N, Zill P, Adkins DE, Boomsma DI, Bierut LJ, Brown SA, Bucholz KK, Costello EJ, de Wit H, Diazgranados N, Eriksson JG, Farrer LA, Foroud TM, Gillespie NA, Goate AM, Goldman D, Grucza RA, Hancock DB, Harris KM, Hesselbrock V, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Iacono WG, Johnson EO, Karpyak VM, Kendler KS, Kranzler HR, Krauter K, Lind PA, McGue M, MacKillop J, Madden PAF, Maes HH, Magnusson PKE, Nelson EC, N?then MM, Palmer AA, Penninx BWJH, Porjesz B, Rice JP, Rietschel M, Riley BP, Rose RJ, Shen PH, Silberg J, Stallings MC, Tarter RE, Vanyukov MM, Vrieze S, Wall TL, Whitfield JB, Zhao H, Neale BM, Wade TD, et al. Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies. Addict Biol. 2021 01; 26(1):e12880. PMID: 32064741.
Breck J, Bohr A, Poddar S, McQueen MB, Casault T. Characteristics and Incidence of Concussion Among a US Collegiate Undergraduate Population. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 12 02; 2(12):e1917626. PMID: 31851345.
Bohr AD, Boardman JD, McQueen MB. Association of Adolescent Sport Participation With Cognition and Depressive Symptoms in Early Adulthood. Orthop J Sports Med. 2019 Sep; 7(9):2325967119868658. PMID: 31598525.
Conley D, Siegal ML, Domingue BW, Harris KM, McQueen MB, Boardman JD. Author Correction: Testing the key assumption of heritability estimates based on genome-wide genetic relatedness. J Hum Genet. 2019 06; 64(6):597-598. PMID: 30940889.
Border R, Smolen A, Corley RP, Stallings MC, Brown SA, Conger RD, Derringer J, Donnellan MB, Haberstick BC, Hewitt JK, Hopfer C, Krauter K, McQueen MB, Wall TL, Keller MC, Evans LM. Imputation of behavioral candidate gene repeat variants in 486,551 publicly-available UK Biobank individuals. Eur J Hum Genet. 2019 06; 27(6):963-969. PMID: 30723318.
Karlsson Linn?r R, Biroli P, Kong E, Meddens SFW, Wedow R, Fontana MA, Lebreton M, Tino SP, Abdellaoui A, Hammerschlag AR, Nivard MG, Okbay A, Rietveld CA, Timshel PN, Trzaskowski M, Vlaming R, Z?nd CL, Bao Y, Buzdugan L, Caplin AH, Chen CY, Eibich P, Fontanillas P, Gonzalez JR, Joshi PK, Karhunen V, Kleinman A, Levin RZ, Lill CM, Meddens GA, Muntan? G, Sanchez-Roige S, Rooij FJV, Taskesen E, Wu Y, Zhang F, Auton A, Boardman JD, Clark DW, Conlin A, Dolan CC, Fischbacher U, Groenen PJF, Harris KM, Hasler G, Hofman A, Ikram MA, Jain S, Karlsson R, Kessler RC, Kooyman M, MacKillop J, M?nnikk? M, Morcillo-Suarez C, McQueen MB, Schmidt KM, Smart MC, Sutter M, Thurik AR, Uitterlinden AG, White J, Wit H, Yang J, Bertram L, Boomsma DI, Esko T, Fehr E, Hinds DA, Johannesson M, Kumari M, Laibson D, Magnusson PKE, Meyer MN, Navarro A, Palmer AA, Pers TH, Posthuma D, Schunk D, Stein MB, Svento R, Tiemeier H, Timmers PRHJ, Turley P, Ursano RJ, Wagner GG, Wilson JF, Gratten J, Lee JJ, Cesarini D, Benjamin DJ, Koellinger PD, Beauchamp JP. Genome-wide association analyses of risk tolerance and risky behaviors in over 1 million individuals identify hundreds of loci and shared genetic influences. Nat Genet. 2019 02; 51(2):245-257. PMID: 30643258.
Liu M, Jiang Y, Wedow R, Li Y, Brazel DM, Chen F, Datta G, Davila-Velderrain J, McGuire D, Tian C, Zhan X, Choquet H, Docherty AR, Faul JD, Foerster JR, Fritsche LG, Gabrielsen ME, Gordon SD, Haessler J, Hottenga JJ, Huang H, Jang SK, Jansen PR, Ling Y, M?gi R, Matoba N, McMahon G, Mulas A, Orr? V, Palviainen T, Pandit A, Reginsson GW, Skogholt AH, Smith JA, Taylor AE, Turman C, Willemsen G, Young H, Young KA, Zajac GJM, Zhao W, Zhou W, Bjornsdottir G, Boardman JD, Boehnke M, Boomsma DI, Chen C, Cucca F, Davies GE, Eaton CB, Ehringer MA, Esko T, Fiorillo E, Gillespie NA, Gudbjartsson DF, Haller T, Harris KM, Heath AC, Hewitt JK, Hickie IB, Hokanson JE, Hopfer CJ, Hunter DJ, Iacono WG, Johnson EO, Kamatani Y, Kardia SLR, Keller MC, Kellis M, Kooperberg C, Kraft P, Krauter KS, Laakso M, Lind PA, Loukola A, Lutz SM, Madden PAF, Martin NG, McGue M, McQueen MB, Medland SE, Metspalu A, Mohlke KL, Nielsen JB, Okada Y, Peters U, Polderman TJC, Posthuma D, Reiner AP, Rice JP, Rimm E, Rose RJ, Runarsdottir V, Stallings MC, Stanc?kov? A, Stefansson H, Thai KK, Tindle HA, Tyrfingsson T, Wall TL, Weir DR, Weisner C, Whitfield JB, Winsvold BS, Yin J, Zuccolo L, Bierut LJ, Hveem K, Lee JJ, Munaf? MR, Saccone NL, Willer CJ, Cornelis MC, David SP, Hinds DA, Jorgenson E, Kaprio J, Stitzel JA, Stefansson K, Thorgeirsson TE, Abecasis G, Liu DJ, Vrieze S. Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol use. Nat Genet. 2019 02; 51(2):237-244. PMID: 30643251.
Walters RK, Polimanti R, Johnson EC, McClintick JN, Adams MJ, Adkins AE, Aliev F, Bacanu SA, Batzler A, Bertelsen S, Biernacka JM, Bigdeli TB, Chen LS, Clarke TK, Chou YL, Degenhardt F, Docherty AR, Edwards AC, Fontanillas P, Foo JC, Fox L, Frank J, Giegling I, Gordon S, Hack LM, Hartmann AM, Hartz SM, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Herms S, Hodgkinson C, Hoffmann P, Jan Hottenga J, Kennedy MA, Alanne-Kinnunen M, Konte B, Lahti J, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Lai D, Ligthart L, Loukola A, Maher BS, Mbarek H, McIntosh AM, McQueen MB, Meyers JL, Milaneschi Y, Palviainen T, Pearson JF, Peterson RE, Ripatti S, Ryu E, Saccone NL, Salvatore JE, Sanchez-Roige S, Schwandt M, Sherva R, Streit F, Strohmaier J, Thomas N, Wang JC, Webb BT, Wedow R, Wetherill L, Wills AG, Boardman JD, Chen D, Choi DS, Copeland WE, Culverhouse RC, Dahmen N, Degenhardt L, Domingue BW, Elson SL, Frye MA, G?bel W, Hayward C, Ising M, Keyes M, Kiefer F, Kramer J, Kuperman S, Lucae S, Lynskey MT, Maier W, Mann K, M?nnist? S, M?ller-Myhsok B, Murray AD, Nurnberger JI, Palotie A, Preuss U, R?ikk?nen K, Reynolds MD, Ridinger M, Scherbaum N, Schuckit MA, Soyka M, Treutlein J, Witt S, Wodarz N, Zill P, Adkins DE, Boden JM, Boomsma DI, Bierut LJ, Brown SA, Bucholz KK, Cichon S, Costello EJ, de Wit H, Diazgranados N, Dick DM, Eriksson JG, Farrer LA, Foroud TM, Gillespie NA, Goate AM, Goldman D, Grucza RA, Hancock DB, Harris KM, Heath AC, Hesselbrock V, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Horwood J, Iacono W, Johnson EO, Kaprio JA, Karpyak VM, Kendler KS, Kranzler HR, Krauter K, Lichtenstein P, Lind PA, McGue M, MacKillop J, Madden PAF, Maes HH, Magnusson P, Martin NG, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Nelson EC, N?then MM, Palmer AA, Pedersen NL, Penninx BWJH, Porjesz B, Rice JP, Rietschel M, Riley BP, Rose R, Rujescu D, Shen PH, Silberg J, Stallings MC, Tarter RE, Vanyukov MM, Vrieze S, Wall TL, Whitfield JB, Zhao H, Neale BM, Gelernter J, Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A. Transancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders. Nat Neurosci. 2018 12; 21(12):1656-1669. PMID: 30482948.
Santos-Parker JR, Santos-Parker KS, McQueen MB, Martens CR, Seals DR. Habitual aerobic exercise and circulating proteomic patterns in healthy adults: relation to indicators of healthspan. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2018 11 01; 125(5):1646-1659. PMID: 30236049.
Johnson LC, Martens CR, Santos-Parker JR, Bassett CJ, Strahler TR, Cruickshank-Quinn C, Reisdorph N, McQueen MB, Seals DR. Amino acid and lipid associated plasma metabolomic patterns are related to healthspan indicators with ageing. Clin Sci (Lond). 2018 08 31; 132(16):1765-1777. PMID: 29914938.
Kavsak PA, Neumann JT, Cullen L, Than M, Shortt C, Greenslade JH, Pickering JW, Ojeda F, Ma J, Clayton N, Sherbino J, Hill SA, McQueen M, Westermann D, S?rensen NA, Parsonage WA, Griffith L, Mehta SR, Devereaux PJ, Richards M, Troughton R, Pemberton C, Aldous S, Blankenberg S, Worster A. Clinical chemistry score versus high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I and T tests alone to identify patients at low or high risk for myocardial infarction or death at presentation to the emergency department. CMAJ. 2018 08 20; 190(33):E974-E984. PMID: 30127037.
Mente A, O'Donnell M, Rangarajan S, McQueen M, Dagenais G, Wielgosz A, Lear S, Ah STL, Wei L, Diaz R, Avezum A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Lanas F, Mony P, Szuba A, Iqbal R, Yusuf R, Mohammadifard N, Khatib R, Yusoff K, Ismail N, Gulec S, Rosengren A, Yusufali A, Kruger L, Tsolekile LP, Chifamba J, Dans A, Alhabib KF, Yeates K, Teo K, Yusuf S. Urinary sodium excretion, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and mortality: a community-level prospective epidemiological cohort study. Lancet. 2018 08 11; 392(10146):496-506. PMID: 30129465.
Goldmann E, Stark JH, Kapadia F, McQueen MB. Teaching Epidemiology at the Undergraduate Level: Considerations and Approaches. Am J Epidemiol. 2018 06 01; 187(6):1143-1148. PMID: 29546357.
Martens CR, Denman BA, Mazzo MR, Armstrong ML, Reisdorph N, McQueen MB, Chonchol M, Seals DR. Chronic?nicotinamide riboside supplementation is well-tolerated and elevates NAD+ in healthy middle-aged and older adults. Nat Commun. 2018 03 29; 9(1):1286. PMID: 29599478.
Hemmings SMJ, Malan-M?ller S, van den Heuvel LL, Demmitt BA, Stanislawski MA, Smith DG, Bohr AD, Stamper CE, Hyde ER, Morton JT, Marotz CA, Siebler PH, Braspenning M, Van Criekinge W, Hoisington AJ, Brenner LA, Postolache TT, McQueen MB, Krauter KS, Knight R, Seedat S, Lowry CA. The Microbiome in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma-Exposed Controls: An Exploratory Study. Psychosom Med. 2017 Oct; 79(8):936-946. PMID: 28700459.
Demmitt BA, Corley RP, Huibregtse BM, Keller MC, Hewitt JK, McQueen MB, Knight R, McDermott I, Krauter KS. Genetic influences on the human oral microbiome. BMC Genomics. 2017 Aug 24; 18(1):659. PMID: 28836939.
Schrock JB, Kraeutler MJ, Houck DA, McQueen MB, McCarty EC. A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Surgical Treatment Modalities for Chondral Lesions of the Knee: Microfracture, Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation, and Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation. Orthop J Sports Med. 2017 May; 5(5):2325967117704634. PMID: 28516106.
Sniderman AD, Islam S, McQueen M, Pencina M, Furberg CD, Thanassoulis G, Yusuf S. Age and Cardiovascular Risk Attributable to Apolipoprotein B, Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol or Non-High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 10 13; 5(10). PMID: 27737874.
Melroy-Greif WE, Vadasz C, Kamens HM, McQueen MB, Corley RP, Stallings MC, Hopfer CJ, Krauter KS, Brown SA, Hewitt JK, Ehringer MA. Test for association of common variants in GRM7 with alcohol consumption. Alcohol. 2016 09; 55:43-50. PMID: 27788777.
Kaplon RE, Hill SD, Bispham NZ, Santos-Parker JR, Nowlan MJ, Snyder LL, Chonchol M, LaRocca TJ, McQueen MB, Seals DR. Oral trehalose supplementation improves resistance artery endothelial function in healthy middle-aged and older adults. Aging (Albany NY). 2016 06; 8(6):1167-83. PMID: 27208415.
Mente A, O'Donnell M, Rangarajan S, Dagenais G, Lear S, McQueen M, Diaz R, Avezum A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Lanas F, Li W, Lu Y, Yi S, Rensheng L, Iqbal R, Mony P, Yusuf R, Yusoff K, Szuba A, Oguz A, Rosengren A, Bahonar A, Yusufali A, Schutte AE, Chifamba J, Mann JF, Anand SS, Teo K, Yusuf S. Associations of urinary sodium excretion with cardiovascular events in individuals with and without hypertension: a pooled analysis of data from four studies. Lancet. 2016 Jul 30; 388(10043):465-75. PMID: 27216139.
D'Mello MJJ, Ross SA, Anand SS, Gerstein H, McQueen M, Yusuf S, Par? G. Telomere Length and Risk of Myocardial Infarction in a MultiEthnic Population: The INTERHEART Study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 Apr 19; 67(15):1863-1865. PMID: 27081027.
Bohr AD, Laurson K, McQueen MB. A novel cutoff for the waist-to-height ratio predicting metabolic syndrome in young American adults. BMC Public Health. 2016 Apr 01; 16:295. PMID: 27036488.
Domingue BW, Wedow R, Conley D, McQueen M, Hoffmann TJ, Boardman JD. Genome-Wide Estimates of Heritability for Social Demographic Outcomes. Biodemography Soc Biol. 2016; 62(1):1-18. PMID: 27050030.
Bohr AD, Boardman JD, Domingue BW, McQueen MB. Breastfeeding is associated with waist-to-height ratio in young adults. BMC Public Health. 2015 Dec 23; 15:1281. PMID: 26700003.
DeVan AE, Johnson LC, Brooks FA, Evans TD, Justice JN, Cruickshank-Quinn C, Reisdorph N, Bryan NS, McQueen MB, Santos-Parker JR, Chonchol MB, Bassett CJ, Sindler AL, Giordano T, Seals DR. Effects of sodium nitrite supplementation on vascular function and related small metabolite signatures in middle-aged and older adults. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2016 Feb 15; 120(4):416-25. PMID: 26607249.
Justice JN, Johnson LC, DeVan AE, Cruickshank-Quinn C, Reisdorph N, Bassett CJ, Evans TD, Brooks FA, Bryan NS, Chonchol MB, Giordano T, McQueen MB, Seals DR. Improved motor and cognitive performance with sodium nitrite supplementation is related to small metabolite signatures: a pilot trial in middle-aged and older adults. Aging (Albany NY). 2015 Nov; 7(11):1004-21. PMID: 26626856.
Newell BL, Kechris K, McQueen MB, Johnson TE. Genetic analysis of a murine QTL for diet restriction on chromosome 15. Age (Dordr). 2015 Feb; 37(1):9740. PMID: 25651884.
Derringer J, Corley RP, Haberstick BC, Young SE, Demmitt BA, Howrigan DP, Kirkpatrick RM, Iacono WG, McGue M, Keller MC, Brown S, Tapert S, Hopfer CJ, Stallings MC, Crowley TJ, Rhee SH, Krauter K, Hewitt JK, McQueen MB. Genome-Wide Association Study of Behavioral Disinhibition in a Selected Adolescent Sample. Behav Genet. 2015 Jul; 45(4):375-81. PMID: 25637581.
McQueen MB, Boardman JD, Domingue BW, Smolen A, Tabor J, Killeya-Jones L, Halpern CT, Whitsel EA, Harris KM. The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) sibling pairs genome-wide data. Behav Genet. 2015 Jan; 45(1):12-23. PMID: 25378290.
Yusuf S, Rangarajan S, Teo K, Islam S, Li W, Liu L, Bo J, Lou Q, Lu F, Liu T, Yu L, Zhang S, Mony P, Swaminathan S, Mohan V, Gupta R, Kumar R, Vijayakumar K, Lear S, Anand S, Wielgosz A, Diaz R, Avezum A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Lanas F, Yusoff K, Ismail N, Iqbal R, Rahman O, Rosengren A, Yusufali A, Kelishadi R, Kruger A, Puoane T, Szuba A, Chifamba J, Oguz A, McQueen M, McKee M, Dagenais G. Cardiovascular risk and events in 17 low-, middle-, and high-income countries. N Engl J Med. 2014 08 28; 371(9):818-27. PMID: 25162888.
Schmieder RE, Schutte R, Schumacher H, B?hm M, Mancia G, Weber MA, McQueen M, Teo K, Yusuf S. Mortality and morbidity in relation to changes in albuminuria, glucose status and systolic blood pressure: an analysis of the ONTARGET and TRANSCEND studies. Diabetologia. 2014 Oct; 57(10):2019-29. PMID: 25037746.
Domingue BW, Belsky DW, Harris KM, Smolen A, McQueen MB, Boardman JD. Polygenic risk predicts obesity in both white and black young adults. PLoS One. 2014; 9(7):e101596. PMID: 24992585.
Justice JN, Carter CS, Beck HJ, Gioscia-Ryan RA, McQueen M, Enoka RM, Seals DR. Battery of behavioral tests in mice that models age-associated changes in human motor function. Age (Dordr). 2014 Apr; 36(2):583-92. PMID: 24122289.
Melroy WE, Stephens SH, Sakai JT, Kamens HM, McQueen MB, Corley RP, Stallings MC, Hopfer CJ, Krauter KS, Brown SA, Hewitt JK, Ehringer MA. Examination of genetic variation in GABRA2 with conduct disorder and alcohol abuse and dependence in a longitudinal study. Behav Genet. 2014 Jul; 44(4):356-67. PMID: 24687270.
Conley D, Siegal ML, Domingue BW, Mullan Harris K, McQueen MB, Boardman JD. Testing the key assumption of heritability estimates based on genome-wide genetic relatedness. J Hum Genet. 2014 Jun; 59(6):342-5. PMID: 24599117.
Botto F, Alonso-Coello P, Chan MT, Villar JC, Xavier D, Srinathan S, Guyatt G, Cruz P, Graham M, Wang CY, Berwanger O, Pearse RM, Biccard BM, Abraham V, Malaga G, Hillis GS, Rodseth RN, Cook D, Polanczyk CA, Szczeklik W, Sessler DI, Sheth T, Ackland GL, Leuwer M, Garg AX, Lemanach Y, Pettit S, Heels-Ansdell D, Luratibuse G, Walsh M, Sapsford R, Sch?nemann HJ, Kurz A, Thomas S, Mrkobrada M, Thabane L, Gerstein H, Paniagua P, Nagele P, Raina P, Yusuf S, Devereaux PJ, Devereaux PJ, Sessler DI, Walsh M, Guyatt G, McQueen MJ, Bhandari M, Cook D, Bosch J, Buckley N, Yusuf S, Chow CK, Hillis GS, Halliwell R, Li S, Lee VW, Mooney J, Polanczyk CA, Furtado MV, Berwanger O, Suzumura E, Santucci E, Leite K, Santo JA, Jardim CA, Cavalcanti AB, Guimaraes HP, Jacka MJ, Graham M, McAlister F, McMurtry S, Townsend D, Pannu N, Bagshaw S, Bessissow A, Bhandari M, Duceppe E, Eikelboom J, Ganame J, Hankinson J, Hill S, Jolly S, Lamy A, Ling E, Magloire P, Pare G, Reddy D, Szalay D, Tittley J, Weitz J, Whitlock R, Darvish-Kazim S, Debeer J, Kavsak P, Kearon C, Mizera R, O'Donnell M, McQueen M, Pinthus J, Ribas S, Simunovic M, Tandon V, Vanhelder T, Winemaker M, Gerstein H, McDonald S, O'Bryne P, Patel A, Paul J, Punthakee Z, Raymer K, Salehian O, Spencer F, Walter S, Worster A, Adili A, Clase C, Cook D, Crowther M, Douketis J, Gangji A, Jackson P, Lim W, Lovrics P, Mazzadi S, Orovan W, Rudkowski J, Soth M, Tiboni M, Acedillo R, Garg A, Hildebrand A, Lam N, Macneil D, Mrkobrada M, Roshanov PS, Srinathan SK, Ramsey C, John PS, Thorlacius L, Siddiqui FS, Grocott HP, McKay A, Lee TW, Amadeo R, Funk D, McDonald H, Zacharias J, Villar JC, Cort?s OL, Chaparro MS, V?squez S, Casta?eda A, Ferreira S, Coriat P, Monneret D, Goarin JP, Esteve CI, Royer C, Daas G, Chan MT, Choi GY, Gin T, Lit LC, Xavier D, Sigamani A, Faruqui A, Dhanpal R, Almeida S, Cherian J, Furruqh S, Abraham V, Afzal L, George P, Mala S, Sch?nemann H, Muti P, Vizza E, Wang CY, Ong GS, Mansor M, Tan AS, Shariffuddin II, Vasanthan V, Hashim NH, Undok AW, Ki U, Lai HY, Ahmad WA, Razack AH, Malaga G, Valderrama-Victoria V, Loza-Herrera JD, De Los Angeles Lazo M, Rotta-Rotta A, Szczeklik W, Sokolowska B, Musial J, Gorka J, Iwaszczuk P, Kozka M, Chwala M, Raczek M, Mrowiecki T, Kaczmarek B, Biccard B, Cassimjee H, Gopalan D, Kisten T, Mugabi A, Naidoo P, Naidoo R, Rodseth R, Skinner D, Torborg A, Paniagua P, Urrutia G, Maestre ML, Santal? M, Gonzalez R, Font A, Mart?nez C, Pelaez X, De Antonio M, Villamor JM, Garc?a JA, Ferr? MJ, Popova E, Alonso-Coello P, Garutti I, Cruz P, Fern?ndez C, Palencia M, D?az S, Del Castillo T, Varela A, de Miguel A, Mu?oz M, Pi?eiro P, Cusati G, Del Barrio M, Membrillo MJ, Orozco D, Reyes F, Sapsford RJ, Barth J, Scott J, Hall A, Howell S, Lobley M, Woods J, Howard S, Fletcher J, Dewhirst N, Williams C, Rushton A, Welters I, Leuwer M, Pearse R, Ackland G, Khan A, Niebrzegowska E, Benton S, Wragg A, Archbold A, Smith A, McAlees E, Ramballi C, Macdonald N, Januszewska M, Stephens R, Reyes A, Paredes LG, Sultan P, Cain D, Whittle J, Del Arroyo AG, Sessler DI, Kurz A, Sun Z, Finnegan PS, Egan C, Honar H, Shahinyan A, Panjasawatwong K, Fu AY, Wang S, Reineks E, Nagele P, Blood J, Kalin M, Gibson D, Wildes T. Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery: a large, international, prospective cohort study establishing diagnostic criteria, characteristics, predictors, and 30-day outcomes. Anesthesiology. 2014 Mar; 120(3):564-78. PMID: 24534856.
Boardman JD, Domingue BW, Blalock CL, Haberstick BC, Harris KM, McQueen MB. Is the gene-environment interaction paradigm relevant to genome-wide studies? The case of education and body mass index. Demography. 2014 Feb; 51(1):119-39. PMID: 24281739.
Simonson MA, McQueen MB, Keller MC. Whole-genome pathway analysis on 132,497 individuals identifies novel gene-sets associated with body mass index. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1):e78546. PMID: 24497910.
Muchimba M, Burton M, Yeatman S, Chilungo A, Haberstick BC, Young SE, Corley RP, McQueen MB. Behavioral disinhibition and sexual risk behavior among adolescents and young adults in Malawi. PLoS One. 2013; 8(9):e73574. PMID: 24039987.
Thurstone C, Salomonsen-Sautel S, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Hartman CA, Sakai JT, Hoffenberg AS, McQueen MB, Min SJ, Crowley TJ, Corley RP, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ. Prevalence and predictors of injection drug use and risky sexual behaviors among adolescents in substance treatment. Am J Addict. 2013 Nov-Dec; 22(6):558-65. PMID: 24131163.
Loughridge AB, Greenwood BN, Day HE, McQueen MB, Fleshner M. Microarray analyses reveal novel targets of exercise-induced stress resistance in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Front Behav Neurosci. 2013; 7:37. PMID: 23717271.
Muchimba M, Haberstick BC, Corley RP, McQueen MB. Frequency of alcohol use in adolescence as a marker for subsequent sexual risk behavior in adulthood. J Adolesc Health. 2013 Aug; 53(2):215-21. PMID: 23587785.
Hopfer C, Salomonsen-Sautel S, Mikulich-Gilbertson S, Min SJ, McQueen M, Crowley T, Young S, Corley R, Sakai J, Thurstone C, Hoffenberg A, Hartman C, Hewitt J. Conduct disorder and initiation of substance use: a prospective longitudinal study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2013 May; 52(5):511-518.e4. PMID: 23622852.
Rudroff T, Kelsey MM, Melanson EL, McQueen MB, Enoka RM. Associations between neuromuscular function and levels of physical activity differ for boys and girls during puberty. J Pediatr. 2013 Aug; 163(2):349-54. PMID: 23415611.
Kamens HM, Corley RP, McQueen MB, Stallings MC, Hopfer CJ, Crowley TJ, Brown SA, Hewitt JK, Ehringer MA. Nominal association with CHRNA4 variants and nicotine dependence. Genes Brain Behav. 2013 Apr; 12(3):297-304. PMID: 23350800.
Biggins SW, Trotter J, Gralla J, Burton JR, Bambha KM, Dodge J, Brocato M, Cheng L, McQueen M, Forman L, Chang M, Kam I, Everson G, Spritz RA, Klintmalm G, Rosen HR. Differential effects of donor and recipient IL28B and DDX58 SNPs on severity of HCV after liver transplantation. J Hepatol. 2013 May; 58(5):969-76. PMID: 23333445.
Jablonski KL, Racine ML, Geolfos CJ, Gates PE, Chonchol M, McQueen MB, Seals DR. Dietary sodium restriction reverses vascular endothelial dysfunction in middle-aged/older adults with moderately elevated systolic blood pressure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013 Jan 22; 61(3):335-43. PMID: 23141486.
Boardman JD, Roettger ME, Domingue BW, McQueen MB, Haberstick BC, Harris KM. Gene-environment interactions related to body mass: School policies and social context as environmental moderators. J Theor Polit. 2012 Jul 01; 24(3):370-388. PMID: 23236222.
Sakai JT, Crowley TJ, Stallings MC, McQueen M, Hewitt JK, Hopfer C, Hoft NR, Ehringer MA. Test of association between 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms in the oxytocin receptor gene and conduct disorder. Psychiatr Genet. 2012 Apr; 22(2):99-102. PMID: 21934640.
Lill CM, Roehr JT, McQueen MB, Kavvoura FK, Bagade S, Schjeide BM, Schjeide LM, Meissner E, Zauft U, Allen NC, Liu T, Schilling M, Anderson KJ, Beecham G, Berg D, Biernacka JM, Brice A, DeStefano AL, Do CB, Eriksson N, Factor SA, Farrer MJ, Foroud T, Gasser T, Hamza T, Hardy JA, Heutink P, Hill-Burns EM, Klein C, Latourelle JC, Maraganore DM, Martin ER, Martinez M, Myers RH, Nalls MA, Pankratz N, Payami H, Satake W, Scott WK, Sharma M, Singleton AB, Stefansson K, Toda T, Tung JY, Vance J, Wood NW, Zabetian CP, Young P, Tanzi RE, Khoury MJ, Zipp F, Lehrach H, Ioannidis JP, Bertram L. Comprehensive research synopsis and systematic meta-analyses in Parkinson's disease genetics: The PDGene database. PLoS Genet. 2012; 8(3):e1002548. PMID: 22438815.
Munn-Chernoff MA, McQueen MB, Stetler GL, Haberstick BC, Rhee SH, Sobik LE, Corley RP, Smolen A, Hewitt JK, Stallings MC. Examining associations between disordered eating and serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms. Int J Eat Disord. 2012 May; 45(4):556-61. PMID: 22271047.
Howrigan DP, Simonson MA, Kamens HM, Stephens SH, Wills AG, Ehringer MA, Keller MC, McQueen MB. Mutational load analysis of unrelated individuals. BMC Proc. 2011 Nov 29; 5 Suppl 9:S55. PMID: 22373138.
Stephens SH, Hoft NR, Schlaepfer IR, Young SE, Corley RC, McQueen MB, Hopfer C, Crowley T, Stallings M, Hewitt J, Ehringer MA. Externalizing behaviors are associated with SNPs in the CHRNA5/CHRNA3/CHRNB4 gene cluster. Behav Genet. 2012 May; 42(3):402-14. PMID: 22042234.
Simonson MA, Wills AG, Keller MC, McQueen MB. Recent methods for polygenic analysis of genome-wide data implicate an important effect of common variants on cardiovascular disease risk. BMC Med Genet. 2011 Oct 26; 12:146. PMID: 22029572.
Power MC, Weuve J, Gagne JJ, McQueen MB, Viswanathan A, Blacker D. The association between blood pressure and incident Alzheimer disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Epidemiology. 2011 Sep; 22(5):646-59. PMID: 21705906.
Howrigan DP, Laird NM, Smoller JW, Devlin B, McQueen MB. Using linkage information to weight a genome-wide association of bipolar disorder. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2011 Jun; 156B(4):462-71. PMID: 21480485.
Bidwell LC, Willcutt EG, McQueen MB, DeFries JC, Olson RK, Smith SD, Pennington BF. A family based association study of DRD4, DAT1, and 5HTT and continuous traits of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Behav Genet. 2011 Jan; 41(1):165-74. PMID: 21207241.
Gerstein HC, Islam S, Anand S, Almahmeed W, Damasceno A, Dans A, Lang CC, Luna MA, McQueen M, Rangarajan S, Rosengren A, Wang X, Yusuf S. Dysglycaemia and the risk of acute myocardial infarction in multiple ethnic groups: an analysis of 15,780 patients from the INTERHEART study. Diabetologia. 2010 Dec; 53(12):2509-17. PMID: 20711717.
Rikke BA, Liao CY, McQueen MB, Nelson JF, Johnson TE. Genetic dissection of dietary restriction in mice supports the metabolic efficiency model of life extension. Exp Gerontol. 2010 Sep; 45(9):691-701. PMID: 20452416.
Lill CM, Schjeide BM, Roehr JT, Zauft U, Allen NC, Zipp F, McQueen MB, Kavvoura FK, Ioannidis JP, Khoury MJ, Tanzi RE, Bertram L. Correspondence to Sand et Al. "Critical reappraisal of a catechol-o-methyltransferase transversion variant in schizophrenia". Biol Psychiatry. 2010 Apr 01; 67(7):e45-8. PMID: 20303423.
Ehringer MA, McQueen MB, Hoft NR, Saccone NL, Stitzel JA, Wang JC, Bierut LJ. Association of CHRN genes with "dizziness" to tobacco. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2010 Mar 05; 153B(2):600-609. PMID: 19760673.
Haberstick BC, Lessem JM, McQueen MB, Boardman JD, Hopfer CJ, Smolen A, Hewitt JK. Stable genes and changing environments: body mass index across adolescence and young adulthood. Behav Genet. 2010 Jul; 40(4):495-504. PMID: 20087641.
Lasky-Su J, Murphy A, McQueen MB, Weiss S, Lange C. An omnibus test for family-based association studies with multiple SNPs and multiple phenotypes. Eur J Hum Genet. 2010 Jun; 18(6):720-5. PMID: 20087406.
Fan J, Ionita-Laza I, McQueen MB, Devlin B, Purcell S, Faraone SV, Allen MH, Bowden CL, Calabrese JR, Fossey MD, Friedman ES, Gyulai L, Hauser P, Ketter TB, Marangell LB, Miklowitz DJ, Nierenberg AA, Patel JK, Sachs GS, Thase ME, Molay FB, Escamilla MA, Nimgaonkar VL, Sklar P, Laird NM, Smoller JW. Linkage disequilibrium mapping of the chromosome 6q21-22.31 bipolar I disorder susceptibility locus. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2010 Jan 05; 153B(1):29-37. PMID: 19308960.
Boardman JD, Blalock CL, Corley RP, Stallings MC, Domingue BW, Mcqueen MB, Crowley TJ, Hewitt JK, Lu Y, Field SH. Ethnicity, body mass, and genome-wide data. Biodemography Soc Biol. 2010; 56(2):123-36. PMID: 21387985.
Karthikeyan G, Moncur RA, Levine O, Heels-Ansdell D, Chan MT, Alonso-Coello P, Yusuf S, Sessler D, Villar JC, Berwanger O, McQueen M, Mathew A, Hill S, Gibson S, Berry C, Yeh HM, Devereaux PJ. Is a pre-operative brain natriuretic peptide or N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide measurement an independent predictor of adverse cardiovascular outcomes within 30 days of noncardiac surgery? A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009 Oct 20; 54(17):1599-606. PMID: 19833258.
Sakai JT, Stallings MC, Crowley TJ, Gelhorn HL, McQueen MB, Ehringer MA. Test of association between GABRA2 (SNP rs279871) and adolescent conduct/alcohol use disorders utilizing a sample of clinic referred youth with serious substance and conduct problems, controls and available first degree relatives. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2010 Jan 15; 106(2-3):199-203. PMID: 19783384.
Hoft NR, Corley RP, McQueen MB, Huizinga D, Menard S, Ehringer MA. SNPs in CHRNA6 and CHRNB3 are associated with alcohol consumption in a nationally representative sample. Genes Brain Behav. 2009 Aug; 8(6):631-7. PMID: 19500157.
Saposnik G, Ray JG, Sheridan P, McQueen M, Lonn E. Homocysteine-lowering therapy and stroke risk, severity, and disability: additional findings from the HOPE 2 trial. Stroke. 2009 Apr; 40(4):1365-72. PMID: 19228852.
Schjeide BM, McQueen MB, Mullin K, DiVito J, Hogan MF, Parkinson M, Hooli B, Lange C, Blacker D, Tanzi RE, Bertram L. Assessment of Alzheimer's disease case-control associations using family-based methods. Neurogenetics. 2009 Feb; 10(1):19-25. PMID: 18830724.
Kavvoura FK, McQueen MB, Khoury MJ, Tanzi RE, Bertram L, Ioannidis JP. Evaluation of the potential excess of statistically significant findings in published genetic association studies: application to Alzheimer's disease. Am J Epidemiol. 2008 Oct 15; 168(8):855-65. PMID: 18779388.
Collins AC, McQueen M, Ehringer M. Guest editorial. Genes and lung cancer. Hum Genomics. 2008 Sep; 3(1):3-6. PMID: 19129085.
Hoft NR, Corley RP, McQueen MB, Schlaepfer IR, Huizinga D, Ehringer MA. Genetic association of the CHRNA6 and CHRNB3 genes with tobacco dependence in a nationally representative sample. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2009 Feb; 34(3):698-706. PMID: 18704094.
Allen NC, Bagade S, McQueen MB, Ioannidis JP, Kavvoura FK, Khoury MJ, Tanzi RE, Bertram L. Systematic meta-analyses and field synopsis of genetic association studies in schizophrenia: the SzGene database. Nat Genet. 2008 Jul; 40(7):827-34. PMID: 18583979.
Lasky-Su J, Lyon HN, Emilsson V, Heid IM, Molony C, Raby BA, Lazarus R, Klanderman B, Soto-Quiros ME, Avila L, Silverman EK, Thorleifsson G, Thorsteinsdottir U, Kronenberg F, Vollmert C, Illig T, Fox CS, Levy D, Laird N, Ding X, McQueen MB, Butler J, Ardlie K, Papoutsakis C, Dedoussis G, O'Donnell CJ, Wichmann HE, Celed?n JC, Schadt E, Hirschhorn J, Weiss ST, Stefansson K, Lange C. On the replication of genetic associations: timing can be everything! Am J Hum Genet. 2008 Apr; 82(4):849-58. PMID: 18387595.
Corley RP, Zeiger JS, Crowley T, Ehringer MA, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Lessem J, McQueen MB, Rhee SH, Smolen A, Stallings MC, Young SE, Krauter K. Association of candidate genes with antisocial drug dependence in adolescents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2008 Jul 01; 96(1-2):90-8. PMID: 18384978.
Sklar P, Smoller JW, Fan J, Ferreira MA, Perlis RH, Chambert K, Nimgaonkar VL, McQueen MB, Faraone SV, Kirby A, de Bakker PI, Ogdie MN, Thase ME, Sachs GS, Todd-Brown K, Gabriel SB, Sougnez C, Gates C, Blumenstiel B, Defelice M, Ardlie KG, Franklin J, Muir WJ, McGhee KA, MacIntyre DJ, McLean A, VanBeck M, McQuillin A, Bass NJ, Robinson M, Lawrence J, Anjorin A, Curtis D, Scolnick EM, Daly MJ, Blackwood DH, Gurling HM, Purcell SM. Whole-genome association study of bipolar disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2008 Jun; 13(6):558-69. PMID: 18317468.
Schlaepfer IR, Hoft NR, Collins AC, Corley RP, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Lessem JM, McQueen MB, Rhee SH, Ehringer MA. The CHRNA5/A3/B4 gene cluster variability as an important determinant of early alcohol and tobacco initiation in young adults. Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Jun 01; 63(11):1039-46. PMID: 18163978.
McQueen MB, Bertram L, Lange C, Becker KD, Albert MS, Tanzi RE, Blacker D. Exploring candidate gene associations with neuropsychological performance. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2007 Dec 05; 144B(8):987-91. PMID: 17579348.
Zeiger JS, Haberstick BC, Schlaepfer I, Collins AC, Corley RP, Crowley TJ, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Lessem J, McQueen MB, Rhee SH, Ehringer MA. The neuronal nicotinic receptor subunit genes (CHRNA6 and CHRNB3) are associated with subjective responses to tobacco. Hum Mol Genet. 2008 Mar 01; 17(5):724-34. PMID: 18055561.
Vansteelandt S, Demeo DL, Lasky-Su J, Smoller JW, Murphy AJ, McQueen M, Schneiter K, Celedon JC, Weiss ST, Silverman EK, Lange C. Testing and estimating gene-environment interactions in family-based association studies. Biometrics. 2008 Jun; 64(2):458-67. PMID: 17970814.
Ionita-Laza I, McQueen MB, Laird NM, Lange C. Genomewide weighted hypothesis testing in family-based association studies, with an application to a 100K scan. Am J Hum Genet. 2007 Sep; 81(3):607-14. PMID: 17701906.
Razak F, Anand SS, Shannon H, Vuksan V, Davis B, Jacobs R, Teo KK, McQueen M, Yusuf S. Defining obesity cut points in a multiethnic population. Circulation. 2007 Apr 24; 115(16):2111-8. PMID: 17420343.
McQueen MB, Weiss S, Laird NM, Lange C. On the parsing of statistical information in family-based association testing. Nat Genet. 2007 Mar; 39(3):281-2. PMID: 17325672.
Bertram L, McQueen MB, Mullin K, Blacker D, Tanzi RE. Systematic meta-analyses of Alzheimer disease genetic association studies: the AlzGene database. Nat Genet. 2007 Jan; 39(1):17-23. PMID: 17192785.
Balion C, Santaguida PL, Hill S, Worster A, McQueen M, Oremus M, McKelvie R, Booker L, Fagbemi J, Reichert S, Raina P. Testing for BNP and NT-proBNP in the diagnosis and prognosis of heart failure. Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep). 2006 Sep; (142):1-147. PMID: 17764210.
Herbert A, Gerry NP, McQueen MB, Heid IM, Pfeufer A, Illig T, Wichmann HE, Meitinger T, Hunter D, Hu FB, Colditz G, Hinney A, Hebebrand J, Koberwitz K, Zhu X, Cooper R, Ardlie K, Lyon H, Hirschhorn JN, Laird NM, Lenburg ME, Lange C, Christman MF. A common genetic variant is associated with adult and childhood obesity. Science. 2006 Apr 14; 312(5771):279-83. PMID: 16614226.
McQueen MB, Blacker D, Laird NM. Variance calculations for identity-by-descent estimation. Am J Hum Genet. 2006 Jun; 78(6):914-21. PMID: 16685643.
Murphy A, McQueen MB, Su J, Kraft P, Lazarus R, Laird NM, Lange C, Van Steen K. Genomic screening in family-based association testing. BMC Genet. 2005 Dec 30; 6 Suppl 1:S115. PMID: 16451572.
McQueen MB, Murphy A, Kraft P, Su J, Lazarus R, Laird NM, Lange C, Van Steen K. Comparison of linkage and association strategies for quantitative traits using the COGA dataset. BMC Genet. 2005 Dec 30; 6 Suppl 1:S96. PMID: 16451712.
Bertram L, Hsiao M, McQueen MB, Parkinson M, Mullin K, Blacker D, Tanzi RE. The LDLR locus in Alzheimer's disease: a family-based study and meta-analysis of case-control data. Neurobiol Aging. 2007 Jan; 28(1):18.e1-4. PMID: 16378661.
Bertram L, Parkinson M, McQueen MB, Mullin K, Hsiao M, Menon R, Moscarillo TJ, Blacker D, Tanzi RE. Further evidence for LBP-1c/CP2/LSF association in Alzheimer's disease families. J Med Genet. 2005 Nov; 42(11):857-62. PMID: 16272261.
McQueen MB, Devlin B, Faraone SV, Nimgaonkar VL, Sklar P, Smoller JW, Abou Jamra R, Albus M, Bacanu SA, Baron M, Barrett TB, Berrettini W, Blacker D, Byerley W, Cichon S, Coryell W, Craddock N, Daly MJ, Depaulo JR, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Gill M, Gilliam TC, Hamshere M, Jones I, Jones L, Juo SH, Kelsoe JR, Lambert D, Lange C, Lerer B, Liu J, Maier W, Mackinnon JD, McInnis MG, McMahon FJ, Murphy DL, Nothen MM, Nurnberger JI, Pato CN, Pato MT, Potash JB, Propping P, Pulver AE, Rice JP, Rietschel M, Scheftner W, Schumacher J, Segurado R, Van Steen K, Xie W, Zandi PP, Laird NM. Combined analysis from eleven linkage studies of bipolar disorder provides strong evidence of susceptibility loci on chromosomes 6q and 8q. Am J Hum Genet. 2005 Oct; 77(4):582-95. PMID: 16175504.
Van Steen K, McQueen MB, Herbert A, Raby B, Lyon H, Demeo DL, Murphy A, Su J, Datta S, Rosenow C, Christman M, Silverman EK, Laird NM, Weiss ST, Lange C. Genomic screening and replication using the same data set in family-based association testing. Nat Genet. 2005 Jul; 37(7):683-91. PMID: 15937480.
McQueen MB, Bertram L, Rimm EB, Blacker D, Santangelo SL. A QTL genome scan of the metabolic syndrome and its component traits. BMC Genet. 2003 Dec 31; 4 Suppl 1:S96. PMID: 14975164.
Grahn RE, Will MJ, Hammack SE, Maswood S, McQueen MB, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Activation of serotonin-immunoreactive cells in the dorsal raphe nucleus in rats exposed to an uncontrollable stressor. Brain Res. 1999 Apr 24; 826(1):35-43. PMID: 10216194.
Grahn RE, Maswood S, McQueen MB, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Opioid-dependent effects of inescapable shock on escape behavior and conditioned fear responding are mediated by the dorsal raphe nucleus. Behav Brain Res. 1999 Mar; 99(2):153-67. PMID: 10512582.
Anand SS, Yusuf S, Vuksan V, Devanesen S, Montague P, Kelemen L, Bosch J, Sigouin C, Teo KK, Lonn E, Gerstein HC, Hegele RA, McQueen M. The Study of Health Assessment and Risk in Ethnic groups (SHARE): rationale and design. The SHARE Investigators. Can J Cardiol. 1998 Nov; 14(11):1349-57. PMID: 9854515.
Roberts MS, Lipschitz S, Campbell AJ, Wanwimolruk S, McQueen EG, McQueen M. Modeling of subcutaneous absorption kinetics of infusion solutions in the elderly using technetium. J Pharmacokinet Biopharm. 1997 Feb; 25(1):1-21. PMID: 9353691.
McPherson R, Bedard J, Connelly P, Curnew G, Davignon J, Echenberg D, Lavin P, Leiter L, Lenis J, McQueen M, et al. Comparison of the short-term efficacy and tolerability of lovastatin and pravastatin in the management of primary hypercholesterolemia. Clin Ther. 1992 Mar-Apr; 14(2):276-91. PMID: 1611649.
Lipschitz S, Campbell AJ, Roberts MS, Wanwimolruk S, McQueen EG, McQueen M, Firth LA. Subcutaneous fluid administration in elderly subjects: validation of an under-used technique. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1991 Jan; 39(1):6-9. PMID: 1846157.
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