Simona Zarini
Title | Senior Instructor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-MED |
Phone | 303/724-3968 |
Diaz-Vegas A, Madsen S, Cooke KC, Carroll L, Khor JXY, Turner N, Lim XY, Astore MA, Morris JC, Don AS, Garfield A, Zarini S, Zemski Berry KA, Ryan AP, Bergman BC, Brozinick JT, James DE, Burchfield JG. Mitochondrial electron transport chain, ceramide, and coenzyme Q are linked in a pathway that drives insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Elife. 2023 Dec 27; 12. PMID: 38149844.
Diaz-Vegas A, Madsen S, Cooke KC, Carroll L, Khor JXY, Turner N, Lim XY, Astore MA, Morris J, Don A, Garfield A, Zarini S, Zemski Berry KA, Ryan A, Bergman BC, Brozinick JT, James DE, Burchfield JG. Mitochondrial electron transport chain, ceramide and Coenzyme Q are linked in a pathway that drives insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. bioRxiv. 2023 Sep 19. PMID: 36945619.
Zarini S, Zemski Berry KA, Kahn DE, Garfield A, Perreault L, Kerege A, Bergman BC. Deoxysphingolipids: Atypical Skeletal Muscle Lipids Related to Insulin Resistance in Humans That Decrease Insulin Sensitivity In?Vitro. Diabetes. 2023 07 01; 72(7):884-897. PMID: 37186949.
Zarini S, Zemski Berry KA, Kahn DE, Garfield A, Perreault L, Kerege A, Bergman BC. Deoxysphingolipids - atypical skeletal muscle lipids related to insulin resistance in humans that decrease insulin sensitivity in vitro. Diabetes. 2023 Apr 24. PMID: 37094369.
Kahn D, Macias E, Zarini S, Garfield A, Zemski Berry K, MacLean P, Gerszten RE, Libby A, Solt C, Schoen J, Bergman BC. Exploring Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Secretomes in Human Obesity: Implications for Metabolic Disease. Endocrinology. 2022 10 11; 163(11). PMID: 36036084.
Zarini S, Brozinick JT, Zemski Berry KA, Garfield A, Perreault L, Kerege A, Bui HH, Sanders P, Siddall P, Kuo MS, Bergman BC. Serum dihydroceramides correlate with insulin sensitivity in humans and decrease insulin sensitivity in?vitro. J Lipid Res. 2022 10; 63(10):100270. PMID: 36030929.
Kahn D, Macias E, Zarini S, Garfield A, Zemski Berry K, Gerszten R, Schoen J, Cree-Green M, Bergman BC. Quantifying the inflammatory secretome of human intermuscular adipose tissue. Physiol Rep. 2022 08; 10(16):e15424. PMID: 35980018.
Bodkin SG, Smith AC, Bergman BC, Huo D, Weber KA, Zarini S, Kahn D, Garfield A, Macias E, Harris-Love MO. Utilization of Mid-Thigh Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Predict Lean Body Mass and Knee Extensor Strength in Obese Adults. Front Rehabil Sci. 2022; 3. PMID: 35419566.
Fridman V, Zarini S, Sillau S, Harrison K, Bergman BC, Feldman EL, Reusch JEB, Callaghan BC. Altered plasma serine and 1-deoxydihydroceramide profiles are associated with diabetic neuropathy in type 2 diabetes and obesity. J Diabetes Complications. 2021 04; 35(4):107852. PMID: 33485750.
Kahn D, Perreault L, Macias E, Zarini S, Newsom SA, Strauss A, Kerege A, Harrison K, Snell-Bergeon J, Bergman BC. Subcellular localisation and composition of intramuscular triacylglycerol influence insulin sensitivity in humans. Diabetologia. 2021 01; 64(1):168-180. PMID: 33128577.
Shook BA, Wasko RR, Mano O, Rutenberg-Schoenberg M, Rudolph MC, Zirak B, Rivera-Gonzalez GC, L?pez-Gir?ldez F, Zarini S, Rezza A, Clark DA, Rendl M, Rosenblum MD, Gerstein MB, Horsley V. Dermal Adipocyte Lipolysis and Myofibroblast Conversion Are Required for Efficient Skin Repair. Cell Stem Cell. 2020 06 04; 26(6):880-895.e6. PMID: 32302523.
Bapputty R, Talahalli R, Zarini S, Samuels I, Murphy R, Gubitosi-Klug R. Montelukast Prevents Early Diabetic Retinopathy in Mice. Diabetes. 2019 10; 68(10):2004-2015. PMID: 31350303.
Sachs S, Zarini S, Kahn DE, Harrison KA, Perreault L, Phang T, Newsom SA, Strauss A, Kerege A, Schoen JA, Bessesen DH, Schwarzmayr T, Graf E, Lutter D, Krumsiek J, Hofmann SM, Bergman BC. Intermuscular adipose tissue directly modulates skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in humans. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2019 05 01; 316(5):E866-E879. PMID: 30620635.
Zarini S, Barkley RM, Gij?n MA, Murphy RC. Overview of Lipid Mass Spectrometry and Lipidomics. Methods Mol Biol. 2019; 1978:81-105. PMID: 31119658.
Okuno T, Gij?n MA, Zarini S, Martin SA, Barkley RM, Johnson CA, Ohba M, Yokomizo T, Murphy RC. Altered eicosanoid production and phospholipid remodeling during cell culture. J Lipid Res. 2018 03; 59(3):542-549. PMID: 29353239.
Sorgi CA, Zarini S, Martin SA, Sanchez RL, Scandiuzzi RF, Gij?n MA, Guijas C, Flamand N, Murphy RC, Faccioli LH. Dormant 5-lipoxygenase in inflammatory macrophages is triggered by exogenous arachidonic acid. Sci Rep. 2017 09 08; 7(1):10981. PMID: 28887514.
Turcotte C, Zarini S, Jean S, Martin C, Murphy RC, Marsolais D, Laviolette M, Blanchet MR, Flamand N. The Endocannabinoid Metabolite Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)-Glycerol Inhibits Human Neutrophil Functions: Involvement of Its Hydrolysis into PGE2 and EP Receptors. J Immunol. 2017 04 15; 198(8):3255-3263. PMID: 28258202.
Portillo JA, Schwartz I, Zarini S, Bapputty R, Kern TS, Gubitosi-Klug RA, Murphy RC, Subauste MC, Subauste CS. Proinflammatory responses induced by CD40 in retinal endothelial and M?ller cells are inhibited by blocking CD40-Traf2,3 or CD40-Traf6 signaling. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Dec 04; 55(12):8590-7. PMID: 25477319.
Montrose DC, Nakanishi M, Murphy RC, Zarini S, McAleer JP, Vella AT, Rosenberg DW. The role of PGE2 in intestinal inflammation and tumorigenesis. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2015 Jan-Mar; 116-117:26-36. PMID: 25460828.
Zarini S, Hankin JA, Murphy RC, Gij?n MA. Lysophospholipid acyltransferases and eicosanoid biosynthesis in zebrafish myeloid cells. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2014 Oct; 113-115:52-61. PMID: 25175316.
Le CH, Mulligan CM, Routh MA, Bouma GJ, Frye MA, Jeckel KM, Sparagna GC, Lynch JM, Moore RL, McCune SA, Bristow M, Zarini S, Murphy RC, Chicco AJ. Delta-6-desaturase links polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism with phospholipid remodeling and disease progression in heart failure. Circ Heart Fail. 2014 Jan; 7(1):172-83. PMID: 24284026.
Talahalli R, Zarini S, Tang J, Li G, Murphy R, Kern TS, Gubitosi-Klug RA. Leukocytes regulate retinal capillary degeneration in the diabetic mouse via generation of leukotrienes. J Leukoc Biol. 2013 Jan; 93(1):135-43. PMID: 23108096.
Eun JC, Moore EE, Mauchley DC, Johnson CA, Meng X, Banerjee A, Wohlauer MV, Zarini S, Gij?n MA, Murphy RC. The 5-lipoxygenase pathway is required for acute lung injury following hemorrhagic shock. Shock. 2012 Jun; 37(6):599-604. PMID: 22392149.
Mulligan CM, Sparagna GC, Le CH, De Mooy AB, Routh MA, Holmes MG, Hickson-Bick DL, Zarini S, Murphy RC, Xu FY, Hatch GM, McCune SA, Moore RL, Chicco AJ. Dietary linoleate preserves cardiolipin and attenuates mitochondrial dysfunction in the failing rat heart. Cardiovasc Res. 2012 Jun 01; 94(3):460-8. PMID: 22411972.
Barajas-Espinosa A, Ni NC, Yan D, Zarini S, Murphy RC, Funk CD. The cysteinyl leukotriene 2 receptor mediates retinal edema and pathological neovascularization in a murine model of oxygen-induced retinopathy. FASEB J. 2012 Mar; 26(3):1100-9. PMID: 22131271.
Kandasamy P, Zarini S, Chan ED, Leslie CC, Murphy RC, Voelker DR. Pulmonary surfactant phosphatidylglycerol inhibits Mycoplasma pneumoniae-stimulated eicosanoid production from human and mouse macrophages. J Biol Chem. 2011 Mar 11; 286(10):7841-7853. PMID: 21205826.
Chen M, Lam BK, Luster AD, Zarini S, Murphy RC, Bair AM, Soberman RJ, Lee DM. Joint tissues amplify inflammation and alter their invasive behavior via leukotriene B4 in experimental inflammatory arthritis. J Immunol. 2010 Nov 01; 185(9):5503-11. PMID: 20876351.
Montrose DC, Kadaveru K, Ilsley JN, Root SH, Rajan TV, Ramesh M, Nichols FC, Liang BT, Sonin D, Hand AR, Zarini S, Murphy RC, Belinsky GS, Nakanishi M, Rosenberg DW. cPLA2 is protective against COX inhibitor-induced intestinal damage. Toxicol Sci. 2010 Sep; 117(1):122-32. PMID: 20562220.
Talahalli R, Zarini S, Sheibani N, Murphy RC, Gubitosi-Klug RA. Increased synthesis of leukotrienes in the mouse model of diabetic retinopathy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010 Mar; 51(3):1699-708. PMID: 19834040.
Zarini S, Gij?n MA, Ransome AE, Murphy RC, Sala A. Transcellular biosynthesis of cysteinyl leukotrienes in vivo during mouse peritoneal inflammation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 May 19; 106(20):8296-301. PMID: 19416808.
Gij?n MA, Riekhof WR, Zarini S, Murphy RC, Voelker DR. Lysophospholipid acyltransferases and arachidonate recycling in human neutrophils. J Biol Chem. 2008 Oct 31; 283(44):30235-45. PMID: 18772128.
Riekhof WR, Wu J, Gij?n MA, Zarini S, Murphy RC, Voelker DR. Lysophosphatidylcholine metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: the role of P-type ATPases in transport and a broad specificity acyltransferase in acylation. J Biol Chem. 2007 Dec 21; 282(51):36853-61. PMID: 17951629.
Farias SE, Zarini S, Precht T, Murphy RC, Heidenreich KA. Transcellular biosynthesis of cysteinyl leukotrienes in rat neuronal and glial cells. J Neurochem. 2007 Nov; 103(4):1310-8. PMID: 17711426.
Gij?n MA, Zarini S, Murphy RC. Biosynthesis of eicosanoids and transcellular metabolism of leukotrienes in murine bone marrow cells. J Lipid Res. 2007 Mar; 48(3):716-25. PMID: 17179116.
Zarini S, Gij?n MA, Folco G, Murphy RC. Effect of arachidonic acid reacylation on leukotriene biosynthesis in human neutrophils stimulated with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. J Biol Chem. 2006 Apr 14; 281(15):10134-42. PMID: 16495221.
Murphy RC, Barkley RM, Zemski Berry K, Hankin J, Harrison K, Johnson C, Krank J, McAnoy A, Uhlson C, Zarini S. Electrospray ionization and tandem mass spectrometry of eicosanoids. Anal Biochem. 2005 Nov 01; 346(1):1-42. PMID: 15961057.
Nick JA, Coldren CD, Geraci MW, Poch KR, Fouty BW, O'Brien J, Gruber M, Zarini S, Murphy RC, Kuhn K, Richter D, Kast KR, Abraham E. Recombinant human activated protein C reduces human endotoxin-induced pulmonary inflammation via inhibition of neutrophil chemotaxis. Blood. 2004 Dec 15; 104(13):3878-85. PMID: 15339848.
Taube C, Wei X, Swasey CH, Joetham A, Zarini S, Lively T, Takeda K, Loader J, Miyahara N, Kodama T, Shultz LD, Donaldson DD, Hamelmann EH, Dakhama A, Gelfand EW. Mast cells, Fc epsilon RI, and IL-13 are required for development of airway hyperresponsiveness after aerosolized allergen exposure in the absence of adjuvant. J Immunol. 2004 May 15; 172(10):6398-406. PMID: 15128831.
Di Gennaro A, Carnini C, Buccellati C, Ballerio R, Zarini S, Fumagalli F, Viappiani S, Librizzi L, Hernandez A, Murphy RC, Constantin G, De Curtis M, Folco G, Sala A. Cysteinyl-leukotrienes receptor activation in brain inflammatory reactions and cerebral edema formation: a role for transcellular biosynthesis of cysteinyl-leukotrienes. FASEB J. 2004 May; 18(7):842-4. PMID: 15001558.
Tedeschi A, Ciceri P, Zarini S, Lorini M, Di Donato M, Nicosia S, Miadonna A, Sala A. Role of sodium in intracellular calcium elevation and leukotriene B4 formation by receptor-mediated activation of human neutrophils. Biochem Pharmacol. 2004 Jan 15; 67(2):385-93. PMID: 14698050.
Zarini S, Murphy RC. Biosynthesis of 5-oxo-6,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid from 5-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid in the murine macrophage. J Biol Chem. 2003 Mar 28; 278(13):11190-6. PMID: 12547823.
Centanni S, Santus P, Di Marco F, Fumagalli F, Zarini S, Sala A. The potential role of tocopherol in asthma and allergies: modification of the leukotriene pathway. BioDrugs. 2001; 15(2):81-6. PMID: 11437677.
Bonazzi A, Bolla M, Buccellati C, Hernandez A, Zarini S, Vigan? T, Fumagalli F, Viappiani S, Ravasi S, Zannini P, Chiesa G, Folco G, Sala A. Effect of endogenous and exogenous prostaglandin E(2) on interleukin-1 beta-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human airway smooth-muscle cells. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000 Dec; 162(6):2272-7. PMID: 11112151.
Profita M, Sala A, Riccobono L, Pace E, Patern? A, Zarini S, Siena L, Mirabella A, Bonsignore G, Vignola AM. 15(S)-HETE modulates LTB(4) production and neutrophil chemotaxis in chronic bronchitis. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2000 Oct; 279(4):C1249-58. PMID: 11003605.
Vidal A, Durand T, Vidal JP, Rossi JC, Ravasi S, Zarini S, Sala A. Synthesis of 19-[(2-azido-5-iodo)-benzoyloxy]-LTA4 and enzymatic conversion to the LTC4 analogue. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2000 Apr 03; 10(7):665-8. PMID: 10762049.
Sala A, Zarini S, Folco G, Murphy RC, Henson PM. Differential metabolism of exogenous and endogenous arachidonic acid in human neutrophils. J Biol Chem. 1999 Oct 01; 274(40):28264-9. PMID: 10497182.
Visioli F, Romani A, Mulinacci N, Zarini S, Conte D, Vincieri FF, Galli C. Antioxidant and other biological activities of olive mill waste waters. J Agric Food Chem. 1999 Aug; 47(8):3397-401. PMID: 10552663.
Sala A, Zarini S, Bolla M. Leukotrienes: lipid bioeffectors of inflammatory reactions. Biochemistry (Mosc). 1998 Jan; 63(1):84-92. PMID: 9526099.
Sala A, Buccellati C, Zarini S, Bolla M, Bonazzi A, Folco GC. The polymorphonuclear leukocyte: a cell tuned for transcellular biosynthesis of cys-leukotrienes. J Physiol Pharmacol. 1997 Dec; 48(4):665-73. PMID: 9444615.
Sala A, Garcia M, Zarini S, Rossi JC, Folco G, Durand T. 14,15-Dehydroleukotriene A4: a specific substrate for leukotriene C4 synthase. Biochem J. 1997 Nov 15; 328 ( Pt 1):225-9. PMID: 9359857.
Sala A, Bolla M, Zarini S, M?ller-Peddinghaus R, Folco G. Release of leukotriene A4 versus leukotriene B4 from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. J Biol Chem. 1996 Jul 26; 271(30):17944-8. PMID: 8663438.
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