Marie Banich
Title | Distinguished Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Psych-Psychology |
Phone | 303/492-6655 |
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Cognitive Sci Institute-Admin |
Research R01MH129042 (BANICH, MARIE T)Aug 23, 2022 - Jul 31, 2026 NIH Neural and Cognitive Mechanisms for Removing Emotional Information from Working Memory Role: Principal Investigator |
| R56MH125642 (BANICH, MARIE T)Aug 1, 2021 - Jul 31, 2022 NIH Removing and Manipulating Emotional Information in Working Memory: Cognitive and Neural Representations Role: Principal Investigator |
| U01DA051018 (BANICH, MARIE T)Apr 15, 2020 - Mar 31, 2027 NIH 14/21 ABCD-USA Consortium: Research Project Site at CU Boulder Role: Principal Investigator |
| R21MH108848 (BANICH, MARIE T)Jun 20, 2016 - Mar 31, 2019 NIH Clearing the Contents of Working Memory: Mechanisms and Representations Role: Principal Investigator |
| U01DA041120 (LUCIANA, MONICA)Sep 30, 2015 - Mar 31, 2027 NIH 3/21 ABCD-USA CONSORTIUM: RESEARCH PROJECT SITE AT U MINNESOTA Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R01MH105501 (BANICH, MARIE T)Aug 17, 2015 - May 31, 2021 NIH Prefrontal Mechanisms of Selection: Disrupted in Internalizing Psychopathology? Role: Principal Investigator |
| R03HD062600 (BANICH, MARIE)Jan 15, 2010 - Dec 31, 2012 NIH Cognitive and Brain Processes in Individuals with Childhood Interpersonal Trauma Role: Principal Investigator |
| P50MH079485 (BANICH, MARIE T)Apr 22, 2008 - Jan 31, 2013 NIH IBSC Determinants of Executive Function and Dysfunction Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01MH070037 (BANICH, MARIE)Jun 1, 2004 - May 31, 2010 NIH Brain Mapping and Genetics of Executive Function in ADHD Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01MH054217 (BANICH, MARIE)Mar 1, 1997 - Feb 28, 2002 NIH ATTENTIONAL CAPACITY--MODULATION BY CEREBRAL DYNAMICS Role: Principal Investigator |
DeRosa J, Kim H, Lewis-Peacock J, Banich MT. Neural Systems Underlying the Implementation of Working Memory Removal Operations. J Neurosci. 2024 01 10; 44(2). PMID: 37963765.
Smolker HR, Banich MT, Friedman NP. Combining dimensional models of internalizing symptoms and repetitive negative thought: Systematic replication, model comparison, and external validation. J Psychopathol Clin Sci. 2023 Aug; 132(6):657-668. PMID: 37347919.
Smith LL, Snyder HR, Hankin BL, Banich MT. Composite Measures of Brain Activation Predict Individual Differences in Behavioral Stroop Interference. J Cogn Neurosci. 2023 05 01; 35(5):781-801. PMID: 36821398.
Snyder HR, Silton RL, Hankin BL, Smolker HR, Kaiser RH, Banich MT, Miller GA, Heller W. The dimensional structure of internalizing psychopathology: Relation to diagnostic categories. Clin Psychol Sci. 2023 Nov; 11(6):1044-1063. PMID: 37982000.
Fassett-Carman AN, Smolker H, Hankin BL, Snyder HR, Banich MT. Major gender differences in relations between life stressor frequency and gray matter in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Dev Psychol. 2023 Apr; 59(4):621-636. PMID: 36455022.
Maes HHM, Lapato DM, Schmitt JE, Luciana M, Banich MT, Bjork JM, Hewitt JK, Madden PA, Heath AC, Barch DM, Thompson WK, Iacono WG, Neale MC. Genetic and Environmental Variation in Continuous Phenotypes in the ABCD Study?. Behav Genet. 2023 02; 53(1):1-24. PMID: 36357558.
Kim H, Wang K, Cutting LE, Willcutt EG, Petrill SA, Leopold DR, Reineberg AE, Thompson LA, Banich MT. The Angular Gyrus as a Hub for Modulation of Language-related Cortex by Distinct Prefrontal Executive Control Regions. J Cogn Neurosci. 2022 11 01; 34(12):2275-2296. PMID: 36122356.
Banich M, Belger A. Neural mechanisms of adaptive change to stress and challenge: Introduction to the?special section. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2022 08; 22(4):641-642. PMID: 35799030.
Gust CJ, Moe EN, Seals DR, Banich MT, Andrews-Hanna JR, Hutchison KE, Bryan AD. Associations Between Age and Resting State Connectivity Are Partially Dependent Upon Cardiovascular Fitness. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022; 14:858405. PMID: 35527739.
Freis SM, Morrison CL, Smolker HR, Banich MT, Kaiser RH, Hewitt JK, Friedman NP. Executive Functions and Impulsivity as Transdiagnostic Correlates of Psychopathology in Childhood: A Behavioral Genetic Analysis. Front Hum Neurosci. 2022; 16:863235. PMID: 35431847.
Smolker HR, Snyder HR, Hankin BL, Banich MT. Gray-Matter Morphometry of Internalizing-Symptom Dimensions During Adolescence. Clin Psychol Sci. 2022 Sep; 10(5):941-959. PMID: 36211328.
Fassett-Carman AN, Smolker H, Hankin BL, Snyder HR, Banich MT. Neuroanatomical Correlates of Perceived Stress Controllability in Adolescents and Emerging Adults. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2022 08; 22(4):655-671. PMID: 35091987.
Anokhin AP, Luciana M, Banich M, Barch D, Bjork JM, Gonzalez MR, Gonzalez R, Haist F, Jacobus J, Lisdahl K, McGlade E, McCandliss B, Nagel B, Nixon SJ, Tapert S, Kennedy JT, Thompson W. Age-related changes and longitudinal stability of individual differences in ABCD Neurocognition measures. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2022 04; 54:101078. PMID: 35123342.
Reineberg AE, Banich MT, Wager TD, Friedman NP. Context-specific activations are a hallmark of the neural basis of individual differences in general executive function. Neuroimage. 2022 04 01; 249:118845. PMID: 34963651.
Smolker HR, Wang K, Luciana M, Bjork JM, Gonzalez R, Barch DM, McGlade EC, Kaiser RH, Friedman NP, Hewitt JK, Banich MT. The Emotional Word-Emotional Face Stroop task in the ABCD study: Psychometric validation and associations with measures of cognition and psychopathology. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2022 02; 53:101054. PMID: 34954668.
Menardi A, Reineberg AE, Smith LL, Favaretto C, Vallesi A, Banich MT, Santarnecchi E. Topographical functional correlates of interindividual differences in executive functions in young healthy twins. Brain Struct Funct. 2022 Jan; 227(1):49-62. PMID: 34865178.
Matyi MA, Cioaba SM, Banich MT, Spielberg JM. Identifying brain regions supporting amygdalar functionality: Application of a novel graph theory technique. Neuroimage. 2021 12 01; 244:118614. PMID: 34571162.
Ross JM, Rieselbach MM, Hewitt JK, Banich MT, Rhee SH. Children's Knowledge of Cannabis and Other Substances in States with Different Cannabis Use Regulations. Subst Use Misuse. 2021; 56(14):2126-2133. PMID: 34486481.
Lisdahl KM, Tapert S, Sher KJ, Gonzalez R, Nixon SJ, Feldstein Ewing SW, Conway KP, Wallace A, Sullivan R, Hatcher K, Kaiver C, Thompson W, Reuter C, Bartsch H, Wade NE, Jacobus J, Albaugh MD, Allgaier N, Anokhin AP, Bagot K, Baker FC, Banich MT, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Breslin FJ, Brown SA, Calhoun V, Casey BJ, Chaarani B, Chang L, Clark DB, Cloak C, Constable RT, Cottler LB, Dagher RK, Dapretto M, Dick A, Do EK, Dosenbach NUF, Dowling GJ, Fair DA, Florsheim P, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG, Friedman NP, Garavan HP, Gee DG, Glantz MD, Glaser P, Gonzalez MR, Gray KM, Grant S, Haist F, Hawes S, Heeringa SG, Hermosillo R, Herting MM, Hettema JM, Hewitt JK, Heyser C, Hoffman EA, Howlett KD, Huber RS, Huestis MA, Hyde LW, Iacono WG, Isaiah A, Ivanova MY, James RS, Jernigan TL, Karcher NR, Kuperman JM, Laird AR, Larson CL, LeBlanc KH, Lopez MF, Luciana M, Luna B, Maes HH, Marshall AT, Mason MJ, McGlade E, Morris AS, Mulford C, Nagel BJ, Neigh G, Palmer CE, Paulus MP, Pecheva D, Prouty D, Potter A, Puttler LI, Rajapakse N, Ross JM, Sanchez M, Schirda C, Schulenberg J, Sheth C, Shilling PD, Sowell ER, Speer N, Squeglia L, Sripada C, Steinberg J, Sutherland MT, Tomko R, Uban K, Vrieze S, Weiss SRB, Wing D, Yurgelun-Todd DA, Zucker RA, Heitzeg MM. Substance use patterns in 9-10 year olds: Baseline findings from the adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) study. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 10 01; 227:108946. PMID: 34392051.
Friedman NP, Banich MT, Keller MC. Twin studies to GWAS: there and back again. Trends Cogn Sci. 2021 10; 25(10):855-869. PMID: 34312064.
Chaarani B, Hahn S, Allgaier N, Adise S, Owens MM, Juliano AC, Yuan DK, Loso H, Ivanciu A, Albaugh MD, Dumas J, Mackey S, Laurent J, Ivanova M, Hagler DJ, Cornejo MD, Hatton S, Agrawal A, Aguinaldo L, Ahonen L, Aklin W, Anokhin AP, Arroyo J, Avenevoli S, Babcock D, Bagot K, Baker FC, Banich MT, Barch DM, Bartsch H, Baskin-Sommers A, Bjork JM, Blachman-Demner D, Bloch M, Bogdan R, Bookheimer SY, Breslin F, Brown S, Calabro FJ, Calhoun V, Casey BJ, Chang L, Clark DB, Cloak C, Constable RT, Constable K, Corley R, Cottler LB, Coxe S, Dagher RK, Dale AM, Dapretto M, Delcarmen-Wiggins R, Dick AS, Do EK, Dosenbach NUF, Dowling GJ, Edwards S, Ernst TM, Fair DA, Fan CC, Feczko E, Feldstein-Ewing SW, Florsheim P, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG, Friedman NP, Friedman-Hill S, Fuemmeler BF, Galvan A, Gee DG, Giedd J, Glantz M, Glaser P, Godino J, Gonzalez M, Gonzalez R, Grant S, Gray KM, Haist F, Harms MP, Hawes S, Heath AC, Heeringa S, Heitzeg MM, Hermosillo R, Herting MM, Hettema JM, Hewitt JK, Heyser C, Hoffman E, Howlett K, Huber RS, Huestis MA, Hyde LW, Iacono WG, Infante MA, Irfanoglu O, Isaiah A, Iyengar S, Jacobus J, James R, Jean-Francois B, Jernigan T, Karcher NR, Kaufman A, Kelley B, Kit B, Ksinan A, Kuperman J, Laird AR, Larson C, LeBlanc K, Lessov-Schlagger C, Lever N, Lewis DA, Lisdahl K, Little AR, Lopez M, Luciana M, Luna B, Madden PA, Maes HH, Makowski C, Marshall AT, Mason MJ, Matochik J, McCandliss BD, McGlade E, Montoya I, Morgan G, Morris A, Mulford C, Murray P, Nagel BJ, Neale MC, Neigh G, Nencka A, Noronha A, Nixon SJ, Palmer CE, Pariyadath V, Paulus MP, Pelham WE, Pfefferbaum D, Pierpaoli C, Prescot A, Prouty D, Puttler LI, Rajapaske N, Rapuano KM, Reeves G, Renshaw PF, Riedel MC, Rojas P, de la Rosa M, Rosenberg MD, Ross MJ, Sanchez M, Schirda C, Schloesser D, Schulenberg J, Sher KJ, Sheth C, Shilling PD, Simmons WK, Sowell ER, Speer N, Spittel M, Squeglia LM, Sripada C, Steinberg J, Striley C, Sutherland MT, Tanabe J, Tapert SF, Thompson W, Tomko RL, Uban KA, Vrieze S, Wade NE, Watts R, Weiss S, Wiens BA, Williams OD, Wilbur A, Wing D, Wolff-Hughes D, Yang R, Yurgelun-Todd DA, Zucker RA, Potter A, Garavan HP. Baseline brain function in the preadolescents of the ABCD Study. Nat Neurosci. 2021 08; 24(8):1176-1186. PMID: 34099922.
Martin-Willett R, Morris B, Wilcox R, Giordano G, Andrews-Hanna J, Banich M, Bryan AB. The influence of a 16-week exercise program, APOE status, and age on executive function task performance: A randomized trial. Exp Gerontol. 2021 09; 152:111431. PMID: 34062261.
Li Y, Thompson WK, Reuter C, Nillo R, Jernigan T, Dale A, Sugrue LP, Brown J, Dougherty RF, Rauschecker A, Rudie J, Barch DM, Calhoun V, Hagler D, Hatton S, Tanabe J, Marshall A, Sher KJ, Heeringa S, Hermosillo R, Banich MT, Squeglia L, Bjork J, Zucker R, Neale M, Herting M, Sheth C, Huber R, Reeves G, Hettema JM, Howlett KD, Cloak C, Baskin-Sommers A, Rapuano K, Gonzalez R, Karcher N, Laird A, Baker F, James R, Sowell E, Dick A, Hawes S, Sutherland M, Bagot K, Bodurka J, Breslin F, Morris A, Paulus M, Gray K, Hoffman E, Weiss S, Rajapakse N, Glantz M, Nagel B, Ewing SF, Goldstone A, Pfefferbaum A, Prouty D, Rosenberg M, Bookheimer S, Tapert S, Infante M, Jacobus J, Giedd J, Shilling P, Wade N, Uban K, Haist F, Heyser C, Palmer C, Kuperman J, Hewitt J, Cottler L, Isaiah A, Chang L, Edwards S, Ernst T, Heitzeg M, Puttler L, Sripada C, Iacono W, Luciana M, Clark D, Luna B, Schirda C, Foxe J, Freedman E, Mason M, McGlade E, Renshaw P, Yurgelun-Todd D, Albaugh M, Allgaier N, Chaarani B, Potter A, Ivanova M, Lisdahl K, Do E, Maes H, Bogdan R, Anokhin A, Dosenbach N, Glaser P, Heath A, Casey BJ, Gee D, Garavan HP, Dowling G, Brown S. Rates of Incidental Findings in Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Children. JAMA Neurol. 2021 05 01; 78(5):578-587. PMID: 33749724.
Menardi A, Reineberg AE, Vallesi A, Friedman NP, Banich MT, Santarnecchi E. Heritability of brain resilience to perturbation in humans. Neuroimage. 2021 07 15; 235:118013. PMID: 33794357.
Herting MM, Uban KA, Gonzalez MR, Baker FC, Kan EC, Thompson WK, Granger DA, Albaugh MD, Anokhin AP, Bagot KS, Banich MT, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Breslin FJ, Casey BJ, Chaarani B, Chang L, Clark DB, Cloak CC, Constable RT, Cottler LB, Dagher RK, Dapretto M, Dick AS, Dosenbach N, Dowling GJ, Dumas JA, Edwards S, Ernst T, Fair DA, Feldstein-Ewing SW, Freedman EG, Fuemmeler BF, Garavan H, Gee DG, Giedd JN, Glaser PEA, Goldstone A, Gray KM, Hawes SW, Heath AC, Heitzeg MM, Hewitt JK, Heyser CJ, Hoffman EA, Huber RS, Huestis MA, Hyde LW, Infante MA, Ivanova MY, Jacobus J, Jernigan TL, Karcher NR, Laird AR, LeBlanc KH, Lisdahl K, Luciana M, Luna B, Maes HH, Marshall AT, Mason MJ, McGlade EC, Morris AS, Nagel BJ, Neigh GN, Palmer CE, Paulus MP, Potter AS, Puttler LI, Rajapakse N, Rapuano K, Reeves G, Renshaw PF, Schirda C, Sher KJ, Sheth C, Shilling PD, Squeglia LM, Sutherland MT, Tapert SF, Tomko RL, Yurgelun-Todd D, Wade NE, Weiss SRB, Zucker RA, Sowell ER. Correspondence Between Perceived Pubertal Development and Hormone Levels in 9-10 Year-Olds From the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020; 11:549928. PMID: 33679599.
Kim H, Smolker HR, Smith LL, Banich MT, Lewis-Peacock JA. Changes to information in working memory depend on distinct removal operations. Nat Commun. 2020 12 07; 11(1):6239. PMID: 33288756.
Luo N, Sui J, Abrol A, Chen J, Turner JA, Damaraju E, Fu Z, Fan L, Lin D, Zhuo C, Xu Y, Glahn DC, Rodrigue AL, Banich MT, Pearlson GD, Calhoun VD. Structural Brain Architectures Match Intrinsic Functional Networks and Vary across Domains: A Study from 15?000+ Individuals. Cereb Cortex. 2020 09 03; 30(10):5460-5470. PMID: 32488253.
Wang K, Smolker HR, Brown MS, Snyder HR, Hankin BL, Banich MT. Association of ?-aminobutyric acid and glutamate/glutamine in the lateral prefrontal cortex with patterns of intrinsic functional connectivity in adults. Brain Struct Funct. 2020 Sep; 225(7):1903-1919. PMID: 32803293.
Reineberg AE, Hatoum AS, Hewitt JK, Banich MT, Friedman NP. Genetic and Environmental Influence on the Human Functional Connectome. Cereb Cortex. 2020 04 14; 30(4):2099-2113. PMID: 31711120.
Wang K, Banich MT, Reineberg AE, Leopold DR, Willcutt EG, Cutting LE, Del Tufo SN, Thompson LA, Opfer J, Kanayet FJ, Lu ZL, Petrill SA. Left posterior prefrontal regions support domain-general executive processes needed for both reading and math. J Neuropsychol. 2020 09; 14(3):467-495. PMID: 32034941.
Banich MT, Smith LL, Smolker HR, Hankin BL, Silton RL, Heller W, Snyder HR. Common and specific dimensions of internalizing disorders are characterized by unique patterns of brain activity on a task of emotional cognitive control. Int J Psychophysiol. 2020 05; 151:80-93. PMID: 32032623.
Friedman NP, Banich MT. Questionnaires and task-based measures assess different aspects of self-regulation: Both are needed. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 12 03; 116(49):24396-24397. PMID: 31719199.
Banich MT. The Stroop Effect Occurs at Multiple Points Along a Cascade of Control: Evidence From Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches. Front Psychol. 2019; 10:2164. PMID: 31681058.
Orr JM, Imburgio MJ, Bernard JA, Banich MT. Correction to: Striatal-frontal network activation during voluntary task selection under conditions of monetary reward. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2019 Oct; 19(5):1318. PMID: 30805849.
Hagler DJ, Hatton S, Cornejo MD, Makowski C, Fair DA, Dick AS, Sutherland MT, Casey BJ, Barch DM, Harms MP, Watts R, Bjork JM, Garavan HP, Hilmer L, Pung CJ, Sicat CS, Kuperman J, Bartsch H, Xue F, Heitzeg MM, Laird AR, Trinh TT, Gonzalez R, Tapert SF, Riedel MC, Squeglia LM, Hyde LW, Rosenberg MD, Earl EA, Howlett KD, Baker FC, Soules M, Diaz J, de Leon OR, Thompson WK, Neale MC, Herting M, Sowell ER, Alvarez RP, Hawes SW, Sanchez M, Bodurka J, Breslin FJ, Morris AS, Paulus MP, Simmons WK, Polimeni JR, van der Kouwe A, Nencka AS, Gray KM, Pierpaoli C, Matochik JA, Noronha A, Aklin WM, Conway K, Glantz M, Hoffman E, Little R, Lopez M, Pariyadath V, Weiss SR, Wolff-Hughes DL, DelCarmen-Wiggins R, Feldstein Ewing SW, Miranda-Dominguez O, Nagel BJ, Perrone AJ, Sturgeon DT, Goldstone A, Pfefferbaum A, Pohl KM, Prouty D, Uban K, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M, Galvan A, Bagot K, Giedd J, Infante MA, Jacobus J, Patrick K, Shilling PD, Desikan R, Li Y, Sugrue L, Banich MT, Friedman N, Hewitt JK, Hopfer C, Sakai J, Tanabe J, Cottler LB, Nixon SJ, Chang L, Cloak C, Ernst T, Reeves G, Kennedy DN, Heeringa S, Peltier S, Schulenberg J, Sripada C, Zucker RA, Iacono WG, Luciana M, Calabro FJ, Clark DB, Lewis DA, Luna B, Schirda C, Brima T, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG, Mruzek DW, Mason MJ, Huber R, McGlade E, Prescot A, Renshaw PF, Yurgelun-Todd DA, Allgaier NA, Dumas JA, Ivanova M, Potter A, Florsheim P, Larson C, Lisdahl K, Charness ME, Fuemmeler B, Hettema JM, Maes HH, Steinberg J, Anokhin AP, Glaser P, Heath AC, Madden PA, Baskin-Sommers A, Constable RT, Grant SJ, Dowling GJ, Brown SA, Jernigan TL, Dale AM. Image processing and analysis methods for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. Neuroimage. 2019 11 15; 202:116091. PMID: 31415884.
Orr JM, Imburgio MJ, Bernard JA, Banich MT. Striatal-frontal network activation during voluntary task selection under conditions of monetary reward. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2019 06; 19(3):568-585. PMID: 30697672.
Banich MT, Floresco S. Reward systems, cognition, and emotion: Introduction to the special issue. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2019 06; 19(3):409-414. PMID: 31124052.
Wang K, Leopold DR, Banich MT, Reineberg AE, Willcutt EG, Cutting LE, Del Tufo SN, Thompson LA, Opfer J, Kanayet FJ, Lu ZL, Petrill SA. Characterizing and decomposing the neural correlates of individual differences in reading ability among adolescents with task-based fMRI. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2019 06; 37:100647. PMID: 31059925.
Banich MT, Smolker HR, Snyder HR, Lewis-Peacock JA, Godinez DA, Wager TD, Hankin BL. Turning down the heat: Neural mechanisms of cognitive control for inhibiting task-irrelevant emotional information during adolescence. Neuropsychologia. 2019 03 04; 125:93-108. PMID: 30615898.
Gould JR, Reineberg AE, Cleland BT, Knoblauch KE, Clinton GK, Banich MT, Corboy JR, Enoka RM. Adjustments in Torque Steadiness During Fatiguing Contractions Are Inversely Correlated With IQ in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis. Front Physiol. 2018; 9:1404. PMID: 30386250.
de la Vega A, Yarkoni T, Wager TD, Banich MT. Large-scale Meta-analysis Suggests Low Regional Modularity in Lateral Frontal Cortex. Cereb Cortex. 2018 10 01; 28(10):3414-3428. PMID: 28968758.
Reineberg AE, Gustavson DE, Benca C, Banich MT, Friedman NP. The Relationship Between Resting State Network Connectivity and Individual Differences in Executive Functions. Front Psychol. 2018; 9:1600. PMID: 30233455.
Smolker HR, Friedman NP, Hewitt JK, Banich MT. Neuroanatomical Correlates of the Unity and Diversity Model of Executive Function in Young Adults. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018; 12:283. PMID: 30083098.
Smith LL, Banich MT, Friedman NP. Individual differences in mixing costs relate to general executive functioning. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn. 2019 Apr; 45(4):606-613. PMID: 29985039.
Vargas T, Snyder H, Banich M, Newberry R, Shankman SA, Strauss GP, Mittal VA. Altered selection during language processing in individuals at high risk for psychosis. Schizophr Res. 2018 12; 202:303-309. PMID: 29934248.
Mackiewicz Seghete KL, DePrince AP, Banich MT. Association Between Initial Age of Exposure to Childhood Abuse and Cognitive Control: Preliminary Evidence. J Trauma Stress. 2018 06; 31(3):437-447. PMID: 29786892.
Casey BJ, Cannonier T, Conley MI, Cohen AO, Barch DM, Heitzeg MM, Soules ME, Teslovich T, Dellarco DV, Garavan H, Orr CA, Wager TD, Banich MT, Speer NK, Sutherland MT, Riedel MC, Dick AS, Bjork JM, Thomas KM, Chaarani B, Mejia MH, Hagler DJ, Daniela Cornejo M, Sicat CS, Harms MP, Dosenbach NUF, Rosenberg M, Earl E, Bartsch H, Watts R, Polimeni JR, Kuperman JM, Fair DA, Dale AM. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study: Imaging acquisition across 21 sites. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2018 08; 32:43-54. PMID: 29567376.
Banich MT. Emerging themes in cognitive control: Commentary on the special issue of Psychophysiology entitled "Dynamics of Cognitive Control: A View Across Methodologies". Psychophysiology. 2018 03; 55(3). PMID: 29436040.
Luciana M, Bjork JM, Nagel BJ, Barch DM, Gonzalez R, Nixon SJ, Banich MT. Adolescent neurocognitive development and impacts of substance use: Overview of the adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) baseline neurocognition battery. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2018 08; 32:67-79. PMID: 29525452.
Yamamoto DJ, Banich MT, Regner MF, Sakai JT, Tanabe J. Behavioral approach and orbitofrontal cortical activity during decision-making in substance dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017 11 01; 180:234-240. PMID: 28934666.
Iacono WG, Heath AC, Hewitt JK, Neale MC, Banich MT, Luciana MM, Madden PA, Barch DM, Bjork JM. The utility of twins in developmental cognitive neuroscience research: How twins strengthen the ABCD research design. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2018 08; 32:30-42. PMID: 29107609.
Mackiewicz Seghete KL, Kaiser RH, DePrince AP, Banich MT. General and emotion-specific alterations to cognitive control in women with a history of childhood abuse. Neuroimage Clin. 2017; 16:151-164. PMID: 28794976.
Fogleman ND, Naaz F, Knight LK, Stoica T, Patton SC, Olson-Madden JH, Barnhart MC, Hostetter TA, Forster J, Brenner LA, Banich MT, Depue BE. Reduced lateral prefrontal cortical volume is associated with performance on the modified Iowa Gambling Task: A surface based morphometric analysis of previously deployed veterans. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging. 2017 Sep 30; 267:1-8. PMID: 28672256.
Crowley TJ, Dalwani MS, Sakai JT, Raymond KM, McWilliams SK, Banich MT, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK. Children's brain activation during risky decision-making: A contributor to substance problems? Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017 09 01; 178:57-65. PMID: 28641131.
Sakai JT, Dalwani MS, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Raymond K, McWilliams S, Tanabe J, Rojas D, Regner M, Banich MT, Crowley TJ. Imaging decision about whether to benefit self by harming others: Adolescents with conduct and substance problems, with or without callous-unemotionality, or developing typically. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging. 2017 May 30; 263:103-112. PMID: 28371655.
Godinez DA, McRae K, Andrews-Hanna JR, Smolker H, Banich MT. Differences in frontal and limbic brain activation in a small sample of?monozygotic twin pairs discordant for severe stressful life events. Neurobiol Stress. 2016 Dec; 5:26-36. PMID: 27981194.
Burdwood EN, Infantolino ZP, Crocker LD, Spielberg JM, Banich MT, Miller GA, Heller W. Resting-state functional connectivity differentiates anxious apprehension and anxious arousal. Psychophysiology. 2016 10; 53(10):1451-9. PMID: 27406406.
de la Vega A, Chang LJ, Banich MT, Wager TD, Yarkoni T. Large-Scale Meta-Analysis of Human Medial Frontal Cortex Reveals Tripartite Functional Organization. J Neurosci. 2016 06 15; 36(24):6553-62. PMID: 27307242.
Orr JM, Paschall CJ, Banich MT. Recreational marijuana use impacts white matter integrity and subcortical (but not cortical) morphometry. Neuroimage Clin. 2016; 12:47-56. PMID: 27408790.
Reineberg AE, Banich MT. Functional connectivity at rest is sensitive to individual differences in executive function: A network analysis. Hum Brain Mapp. 2016 08; 37(8):2959-75. PMID: 27167614.
Boulos PK, Dalwani MS, Tanabe J, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Banich MT, Crowley TJ, Sakai JT. Brain Cortical Thickness Differences in Adolescent Females with Substance Use Disorders. PLoS One. 2016; 11(4):e0152983. PMID: 27049765.
Panta SR, Wang R, Fries J, Kalyanam R, Speer N, Banich M, Kiehl K, King M, Milham M, Wager TD, Turner JA, Plis SM, Calhoun VD. A Tool for Interactive Data Visualization: Application to Over 10,000 Brain Imaging and Phantom MRI Data Sets. Front Neuroinform. 2016; 10:9. PMID: 27014049.
Banich MT. The future of CABN--A conceptual triad: Psychological theory, neurobiological approaches, computational methods. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2016 Feb; 16(1):1-2. PMID: 26785840.
Senholzi KB, Depue BE, Correll J, Banich MT, Ito TA. Brain activation underlying threat detection to targets of different races. Soc Neurosci. 2015; 10(6):651-62. PMID: 26357911.
Godinez DA, Willcutt EG, Burgess GC, Depue BE, Andrews-Hanna JR, Banich MT. Familial risk and ADHD-specific neural activity revealed by case-control, discordant twin pair design. Psychiatry Res. 2015 Sep 30; 233(3):458-65. PMID: 26256128.
Spielberg JM, Miller GA, Heller W, Banich MT. Flexible brain network reconfiguration supporting inhibitory control. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Aug 11; 112(32):10020-5. PMID: 26216985.
Crowley TJ, Dalwani MS, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Young SE, Sakai JT, Raymond KM, McWilliams SK, Roark MJ, Banich MT. Adolescents' Neural Processing of Risky Decisions: Effects of Sex and Behavioral Disinhibition. PLoS One. 2015; 10(7):e0132322. PMID: 26176860.
Krmpotich T, Mikulich-Gilbertson S, Sakai J, Thompson L, Banich MT, Tanabe J. Impaired Decision-Making, Higher Impulsivity, and Drug Severity in Substance Dependence and Pathological Gambling. J Addict Med. 2015 Jul-Aug; 9(4):273-80. PMID: 25918968.
Dalwani MS, McMahon MA, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Young SE, Regner MF, Raymond KM, McWilliams SK, Banich MT, Tanabe JL, Crowley TJ, Sakai JT. Female adolescents with severe substance and conduct problems have substantially less brain gray matter volume. PLoS One. 2015; 10(5):e0126368. PMID: 26000879.
Orr JM, Smolker HR, Banich MT. Organization of the Human Frontal Pole Revealed by Large-Scale DTI-Based Connectivity: Implications for Control of Behavior. PLoS One. 2015; 10(5):e0124797. PMID: 25945925.
Banich MT, Mackiewicz Seghete KL, Depue BE, Burgess GC. Multiple modes of clearing one's mind of current thoughts: overlapping and distinct neural systems. Neuropsychologia. 2015 Mar; 69:105-17. PMID: 25637772.
Depue BE, Orr JM, Smolker HR, Naaz F, Banich MT. The Organization of Right Prefrontal Networks Reveals Common Mechanisms of Inhibitory Regulation Across Cognitive, Emotional, and Motor Processes. Cereb Cortex. 2016 Apr; 26(4):1634-1646. PMID: 25601236.
Chumachenko SY, Sakai JT, Dalwani MS, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Dunn R, Tanabe J, Young S, McWilliams SK, Banich MT, Crowley TJ. Brain cortical thickness in male adolescents with serious substance use and conduct problems. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2015; 41(5):414-24. PMID: 26337200.
Woo CW, Koban L, Kross E, Lindquist MA, Banich MT, Ruzic L, Andrews-Hanna JR, Wager TD. Separate neural representations for physical pain and social rejection. Nat Commun. 2014 Nov 17; 5:5380. PMID: 25400102.
Reineberg AE, Andrews-Hanna JR, Depue BE, Friedman NP, Banich MT. Resting-state networks predict individual differences in common and specific aspects of executive function. Neuroimage. 2015 Jan 01; 104:69-78. PMID: 25281800.
Banich MT, Munakata Y. Modes of executive function and their coordination: introduction to the special section. Neuropsychologia. 2014 Sep; 62:319-20. PMID: 25132575.
Kaiser RH, Andrews-Hanna JR, Spielberg JM, Warren SL, Sutton BP, Miller GA, Heller W, Banich MT. Distracted and down: neural mechanisms of affective interference in subclinical depression. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2015 May; 10(5):654-63. PMID: 25062838.
de la Vega A, Brown MS, Snyder HR, Singel D, Munakata Y, Banich MT. Individual differences in the balance of GABA to glutamate in pFC predict the ability to select among competing options. J Cogn Neurosci. 2014 Nov; 26(11):2490-502. PMID: 24742191.
Snyder HR, Banich MT, Munakata Y. All competition is not alike: neural mechanisms for resolving underdetermined and prepotent competition. J Cogn Neurosci. 2014 Nov; 26(11):2608-23. PMID: 24742155.
Spielberg JM, Miller GA, Warren SL, Sutton BP, Banich M, Heller W. Transdiagnostic dimensions of anxiety and depression moderate motivation-related brain networks during goal maintenance. Depress Anxiety. 2014 Oct; 31(10):805-13. PMID: 24753242.
Depue BE, Olson-Madden JH, Smolker HR, Rajamani M, Brenner LA, Banich MT. Reduced amygdala volume is associated with deficits in inhibitory control: a voxel- and surface-based morphometric analysis of comorbid PTSD/mild TBI. Biomed Res Int. 2014; 2014:691505. PMID: 24724093.
Smolker HR, Depue BE, Reineberg AE, Orr JM, Banich MT. Individual differences in regional prefrontal gray matter morphometry and fractional anisotropy are associated with different constructs of executive function. Brain Struct Funct. 2015; 220(3):1291-306. PMID: 24562372.
Yamamoto DJ, Reynolds J, Krmpotich T, Banich MT, Thompson L, Tanabe J. Temporal profile of fronto-striatal-limbic activity during implicit decisions in drug dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Mar 01; 136:108-14. PMID: 24491458.
Andrews-Hanna JR, Kaiser RH, Turner AE, Reineberg AE, Godinez D, Dimidjian S, Banich MT. A penny for your thoughts: dimensions of self-generated thought content and relationships with individual differences in emotional wellbeing. Front Psychol. 2013; 4:900. PMID: 24376427.
Tanabe J, Reynolds J, Krmpotich T, Claus E, Thompson LL, Du YP, Banich MT. Reduced neural tracking of prediction error in substance-dependent individuals. Am J Psychiatry. 2013 Nov; 170(11):1356-63. PMID: 23897123.
Dalwani MS, Tregellas JR, Andrews-Hanna JR, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Raymond KM, Banich MT, Crowley TJ, Sakai JT. Default mode network activity in male adolescents with conduct and substance use disorder. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Jan 01; 134:242-250. PMID: 24210423.
Orr JM, Banich MT. The neural mechanisms underlying internally and externally guided task selection. Neuroimage. 2014 Jan 01; 84:191-205. PMID: 23994316.
Stollstorff M, Munakata Y, Jensen AP, Guild RM, Smolker HR, Devaney JM, Banich MT. Individual differences in emotion-cognition interactions: emotional valence interacts with serotonin transporter genotype to influence brain systems involved in emotional reactivity and cognitive control. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013; 7:327. PMID: 23847500.
Warren SL, Crocker LD, Spielberg JM, Engels AS, Banich MT, Sutton BP, Miller GA, Heller W. Cortical organization of inhibition-related functions and modulation by psychopathology. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013; 7:271. PMID: 23781192.
Perry RI, Krmpotich T, Thompson LL, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Banich MT, Tanabe J. Sex modulates approach systems and impulsivity in substance dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013 Nov 01; 133(1):222-7. PMID: 23725607.
Depue BE, Ketz N, Mollison MV, Nyhus E, Banich MT, Curran T. ERPs and neural oscillations during volitional suppression of memory retrieval. J Cogn Neurosci. 2013 Oct; 25(10):1624-33. PMID: 23647560.
Banich MT, De La Vega A, Andrews-Hanna JR, Mackiewicz Seghete K, Du Y, Claus ED. Developmental trends and individual differences in brain systems involved in intertemporal choice during adolescence. Psychol Addict Behav. 2013 Jun; 27(2):416-30. PMID: 23586454.
Dal Molin A, Marzi CA, Banich MT, Girelli M. Interhemispheric transfer of spatial and semantic information: electrophysiological evidence. Psychophysiology. 2013 Apr; 50(4):377-87. PMID: 23461424.
Krmpotich TD, Tregellas JR, Thompson LL, Banich MT, Klenk AM, Tanabe JL. Resting-state activity in the left executive control network is associated with behavioral approach and is increased in substance dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013 Apr 01; 129(1-2):1-7. PMID: 23428318.
Whitmer AJ, Banich MT. Brain activity related to the ability to inhibit previous task sets: an fMRI study. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2012 Dec; 12(4):661-70. PMID: 22956332.
Tanabe J, York P, Krmpotich T, Miller D, Dalwani M, Sakai JT, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Thompson L, Claus E, Banich M, Rojas DC. Insula and orbitofrontal cortical morphology in substance dependence is modulated by sex. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2013 Jun-Jul; 34(6):1150-6. PMID: 23153869.
Crocker LD, Heller W, Spielberg JM, Warren SL, Bredemeier K, Sutton BP, Banich MT, Miller GA. Neural mechanisms of attentional control differentiate trait and state negative affect. Front Psychol. 2012; 3:298. PMID: 22934089.
Spielberg JM, Miller GA, Warren SL, Engels AS, Crocker LD, Banich MT, Sutton BP, Heller W. A brain network instantiating approach and avoidance motivation. Psychophysiology. 2012 Sep; 49(9):1200-14. PMID: 22845892.
Henderson RK, Snyder HR, Gupta T, Banich MT. When does stress help or harm? The effects of stress controllability and subjective stress response on stroop performance. Front Psychol. 2012; 3:179. PMID: 22701442.
Chatham CH, Claus ED, Kim A, Curran T, Banich MT, Munakata Y. Cognitive control reflects context monitoring, not motoric stopping, in response inhibition. PLoS One. 2012; 7(2):e31546. PMID: 22384038.
Thompson LL, Claus ED, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Banich MT, Crowley T, Krmpotich T, Miller D, Tanabe J. Negative reinforcement learning is affected in substance dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2012 Jun 01; 123(1-3):84-90. PMID: 22079143.
Munakata Y, Herd SA, Chatham CH, Depue BE, Banich MT, O'Reilly RC. A unified framework for inhibitory control. Trends Cogn Sci. 2011 Oct; 15(10):453-9. PMID: 21889391.
Andrews-Hanna JR, Mackiewicz Seghete KL, Claus ED, Burgess GC, Ruzic L, Banich MT. Cognitive control in adolescence: neural underpinnings and relation to self-report behaviors. PLoS One. 2011; 6(6):e21598. PMID: 21738725.
Depue BE, Banich MT. Increased inhibition and enhancement of memory retrieval are associated with reduced hippocampal volume. Hippocampus. 2012 Apr; 22(4):651-5. PMID: 21656873.
Dalwani M, Sakai JT, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Tanabe J, Raymond K, McWilliams SK, Thompson LL, Banich MT, Crowley TJ. Reduced cortical gray matter volume in male adolescents with substance and conduct problems. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011 Nov 01; 118(2-3):295-305. PMID: 21592680.
Silton RL, Heller W, Engels AS, Towers DN, Spielberg JM, Edgar JC, Sass SM, Stewart JL, Sutton BP, Banich MT, Miller GA. Depression and anxious apprehension distinguish frontocingulate cortical activity during top-down attentional control. J Abnorm Psychol. 2011 May; 120(2):272-85. PMID: 21553941.
Snyder HR, Banich MT, Munakata Y. Choosing our words: retrieval and selection processes recruit shared neural substrates in left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. J Cogn Neurosci. 2011 Nov; 23(11):3470-82. PMID: 21452939.
Crowley TJ, Dalwani MS, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Du YP, Lejuez CW, Raymond KM, Banich MT. Risky decisions and their consequences: neural processing by boys with Antisocial Substance Disorder. PLoS One. 2010 Sep 22; 5(9):e12835. PMID: 20877644.
Depue BE, Burgess GC, Willcutt EG, Ruzic L, Banich MT. Inhibitory control of memory retrieval and motor processing associated with the right lateral prefrontal cortex: evidence from deficits in individuals with ADHD. Neuropsychologia. 2010 Nov; 48(13):3909-17. PMID: 20863843.
Snyder HR, Hutchison N, Nyhus E, Curran T, Banich MT, O'Reilly RC, Munakata Y. Neural inhibition enables selection during language processing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Sep 21; 107(38):16483-8. PMID: 20813959.
Spielberg JM, Miller GA, Engels AS, Herrington JD, Sutton BP, Banich MT, Heller W. Trait approach and avoidance motivation: lateralized neural activity associated with executive function. Neuroimage. 2011 Jan 01; 54(1):661-70. PMID: 20728552.
Gee DG, Biswal BB, Kelly C, Stark DE, Margulies DS, Shehzad Z, Uddin LQ, Klein DF, Banich MT, Castellanos FX, Milham MP. Low frequency fluctuations reveal integrated and segregated processing among the cerebral hemispheres. Neuroimage. 2011 Jan 01; 54(1):517-27. PMID: 20570737.
Depue BE, Burgess GC, Willcutt EG, Bidwell LC, Ruzic L, Banich MT. Symptom-correlated brain regions in young adults with combined-type ADHD: their organization, variability, and relation to behavioral performance. Psychiatry Res. 2010 May 30; 182(2):96-102. PMID: 20399622.
Depue BE, Burgess GC, Bidwell LC, Willcutt EG, Banich MT. Behavioral performance predicts grey matter reductions in the right inferior frontal gyrus in young adults with combined type ADHD. Psychiatry Res. 2010 Jun 30; 182(3):231-7. PMID: 20493669.
Engels AS, Heller W, Spielberg JM, Warren SL, Sutton BP, Banich MT, Miller GA. Co-occurring anxiety influences patterns of brain activity in depression. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2010 Mar; 10(1):141-56. PMID: 20233962.
Burgess GC, Depue BE, Ruzic L, Willcutt EG, Du YP, Banich MT. Attentional control activation relates to working memory in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2010 Apr 01; 67(7):632-40. PMID: 20060961.
Herrington JD, Heller W, Mohanty A, Engels AS, Banich MT, Webb AG, Miller GA. Localization of asymmetric brain function in emotion and depression. Psychophysiology. 2010 May 01; 47(3):442-54. PMID: 20070577.
Cauffman E, Shulman EP, Steinberg L, Claus E, Banich MT, Graham S, Woolard J. Age differences in affective decision making as indexed by performance on the Iowa Gambling Task. Dev Psychol. 2010 Jan; 46(1):193-207. PMID: 20053017.
Silton RL, Heller W, Towers DN, Engels AS, Spielberg JM, Edgar JC, Sass SM, Stewart JL, Sutton BP, Banich MT, Miller GA. The time course of activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex during top-down attentional control. Neuroimage. 2010 Apr 15; 50(3):1292-302. PMID: 20035885.
Steinberg L, Cauffman E, Woolard J, Graham S, Banich M. Are adolescents less mature than adults?: minors' access to abortion, the juvenile death penalty, and the alleged APA "flip-flop". Am Psychol. 2009 Oct; 64(7):583-94. PMID: 19824745.
Banich MT, Burgess GC, Depue BE, Ruzic L, Bidwell LC, Hitt-Laustsen S, Du YP, Willcutt EG. The neural basis of sustained and transient attentional control in young adults with ADHD. Neuropsychologia. 2009 Dec; 47(14):3095-104. PMID: 19619566.
Scalf PE, Banich MT, Erickson AB. Interhemispheric interaction expands attentional capacity in an auditory selective attention task. Exp Brain Res. 2009 Apr; 194(2):317-22. PMID: 19252903.
Steinberg L, Graham S, O'Brien L, Woolard J, Cauffman E, Banich M. Age differences in future orientation and delay discounting. Child Dev. 2009 Jan-Feb; 80(1):28-44. PMID: 19236391.
Stark DE, Margulies DS, Shehzad ZE, Reiss P, Kelly AM, Uddin LQ, Gee DG, Roy AK, Banich MT, Castellanos FX, Milham MP. Regional variation in interhemispheric coordination of intrinsic hemodynamic fluctuations. J Neurosci. 2008 Dec 17; 28(51):13754-64. PMID: 19091966.
Steinberg L, Albert D, Cauffman E, Banich M, Graham S, Woolard J. Age differences in sensation seeking and impulsivity as indexed by behavior and self-report: evidence for a dual systems model. Dev Psychol. 2008 Nov; 44(6):1764-78. PMID: 18999337.
Hutchinson AD, Mathias JL, Jacobson BL, Ruzic L, Bond AN, Banich MT. Relationship between intelligence and the size and composition of the corpus callosum. Exp Brain Res. 2009 Jan; 192(3):455-64. PMID: 18949469.
Banich MT, Mackiewicz KL, Depue BE, Whitmer AJ, Miller GA, Heller W. Cognitive control mechanisms, emotion and memory: a neural perspective with implications for psychopathology. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2009 May; 33(5):613-30. PMID: 18948135.
Tanabe J, Tregellas JR, Dalwani M, Thompson L, Owens E, Crowley T, Banich M. Medial orbitofrontal cortex gray matter is reduced in abstinent substance-dependent individuals. Biol Psychiatry. 2009 Jan 15; 65(2):160-4. PMID: 18801475.
Hutchinson AD, Mathias JL, Banich MT. Corpus callosum morphology in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a meta-analytic review. Neuropsychology. 2008 May; 22(3):341-9. PMID: 18444712.
Tanabe J, Thompson L, Claus E, Dalwani M, Hutchison K, Banich MT. Prefrontal cortex activity is reduced in gambling and nongambling substance users during decision-making. Hum Brain Mapp. 2007 Dec; 28(12):1276-86. PMID: 17274020.
Filbey FM, Claus E, Audette AR, Niculescu M, Banich MT, Tanabe J, Du YP, Hutchison KE. Exposure to the taste of alcohol elicits activation of the mesocorticolimbic neurocircuitry. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008 May; 33(6):1391-401. PMID: 17653109.
Depue BE, Curran T, Banich MT. Prefrontal regions orchestrate suppression of emotional memories via a two-phase process. Science. 2007 Jul 13; 317(5835):215-9. PMID: 17626877.
Whitmer AJ, Banich MT. Inhibition versus switching deficits in different forms of rumination. Psychol Sci. 2007 Jun; 18(6):546-53. PMID: 17576269.
Banich MT, Crowley TJ, Thompson LL, Jacobson BL, Liu X, Raymond KM, Claus ED. Brain activation during the Stroop task in adolescents with severe substance and conduct problems: A pilot study. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2007 Oct 08; 90(2-3):175-82. PMID: 17499456.
Mohanty A, Engels AS, Herrington JD, Heller W, Ho MH, Banich MT, Webb AG, Warren SL, Miller GA. Differential engagement of anterior cingulate cortex subdivisions for cognitive and emotional function. Psychophysiology. 2007 May; 44(3):343-51. PMID: 17433093.
Engels AS, Heller W, Mohanty A, Herrington JD, Banich MT, Webb AG, Miller GA. Specificity of regional brain activity in anxiety types during emotion processing. Psychophysiology. 2007 May; 44(3):352-63. PMID: 17433094.
Yoshizaki K, Weissman DH, Banich MT. A hemispheric division of labor aids mental rotation. Neuropsychology. 2007 May; 21(3):326-36. PMID: 17484596.
Scalf PE, Banich MT, Kramer AF, Narechania K, Simon CD. Double take: parallel processing by the cerebral hemispheres reduces attentional blink. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 2007 Apr; 33(2):298-329. PMID: 17469970.
Lopez M, Kosson DS, Weissman DH, Banich MT. Interhemispheric integration in psychopathic offenders. Neuropsychology. 2007 Jan; 21(1):82-93. PMID: 17201532.
Depue BE, Banich MT, Curran T. Suppression of emotional and nonemotional content in memory: effects of repetition on cognitive control. Psychol Sci. 2006 May; 17(5):441-7. PMID: 16683933.
Herd SA, Banich MT, O'Reilly RC. Neural mechanisms of cognitive control: an integrative model of stroop task performance and FMRI data. J Cogn Neurosci. 2006 Jan; 18(1):22-32. PMID: 16417680.
Liu X, Banich MT, Jacobson BL, Tanabe JL. Functional dissociation of attentional selection within PFC: response and non-response related aspects of attentional selection as ascertained by fMRI. Cereb Cortex. 2006 Jun; 16(6):827-34. PMID: 16135781.
Spencer KM, Banich MT. Hemispheric biases and the control of visuospatial attention: an ERP study. BMC Neurosci. 2005 Aug 24; 6:51. PMID: 16120226.
Milham MP, Banich MT. Anterior cingulate cortex: an fMRI analysis of conflict specificity and functional differentiation. Hum Brain Mapp. 2005 Jul; 25(3):328-35. PMID: 15834861.
Herrington JD, Mohanty A, Koven NS, Fisher JE, Stewart JL, Banich MT, Webb AG, Miller GA, Heller W. Emotion-modulated performance and activity in left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Emotion. 2005 Jun; 5(2):200-207. PMID: 15982085.
Mohanty A, Herrington JD, Koven NS, Fisher JE, Wenzel EA, Webb AG, Heller W, Banich MT, Miller GA. Neural mechanisms of affective interference in schizotypy. J Abnorm Psychol. 2005 Feb; 114(1):16-27. PMID: 15709808.
Liu X, Banich MT, Jacobson BL, Tanabe JL. Common and distinct neural substrates of attentional control in an integrated Simon and spatial Stroop task as assessed by event-related fMRI. Neuroimage. 2004 Jul; 22(3):1097-106. PMID: 15219581.
Erickson KI, Milham MP, Colcombe SJ, Kramer AF, Banich MT, Webb A, Cohen NJ. Behavioral conflict, anterior cingulate cortex, and experiment duration: implications of diverging data. Hum Brain Mapp. 2004 Feb; 21(2):98-107. PMID: 14755597.
Milham MP, Banich MT, Barad V. Competition for priority in processing increases prefrontal cortex's involvement in top-down control: an event-related fMRI study of the stroop task. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res. 2003 Jul; 17(2):212-22. PMID: 12880892.
Compton RJ, Banich MT, Mohanty A, Milham MP, Herrington J, Miller GA, Scalf PE, Webb A, Heller W. Paying attention to emotion: an fMRI investigation of cognitive and emotional stroop tasks. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2003 Jun; 3(2):81-96. PMID: 12943324.
Milham MP, Banich MT, Claus ED, Cohen NJ. Practice-related effects demonstrate complementary roles of anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortices in attentional control. Neuroimage. 2003 Feb; 18(2):483-93. PMID: 12595201.
Milham MP, Erickson KI, Banich MT, Kramer AF, Webb A, Wszalek T, Cohen NJ. Attentional control in the aging brain: insights from an fMRI study of the stroop task. Brain Cogn. 2002 Aug; 49(3):277-96. PMID: 12139955.
Passarotti AM, Banich MT, Sood RK, Wang JM. A generalized role of interhemispheric interaction under attentionally demanding conditions: evidence from the auditory and tactile modality. Neuropsychologia. 2002; 40(7):1082-96. PMID: 11900759.
DiGirolamo GJ, Kramer AF, Barad V, Cepeda NJ, Weissman DH, Milham MP, Wszalek TM, Cohen NJ, Banich MT, Webb A, Belopolsky AV, McAuley E. General and task-specific frontal lobe recruitment in older adults during executive processes: a fMRI investigation of task-switching. Neuroreport. 2001 Jul 03; 12(9):2065-71. PMID: 11435947.
Banich MT, Milham MP, Jacobson BL, Webb A, Wszalek T, Cohen NJ, Kramer AF. Attentional selection and the processing of task-irrelevant information: insights from fMRI examinations of the Stroop task. Prog Brain Res. 2001; 134:459-70. PMID: 11702561.
Banich MT, Milham MP, Atchley R, Cohen NJ, Webb A, Wszalek T, Kramer AF, Liang ZP, Wright A, Shenker J, Magin R. fMri studies of Stroop tasks reveal unique roles of anterior and posterior brain systems in attentional selection. J Cogn Neurosci. 2000 Nov; 12(6):988-1000. PMID: 11177419.
Banich MT, Milham MP, Atchley RA, Cohen NJ, Webb A, Wszalek T, Kramer AF, Liang Z, Barad V, Gullett D, Shah C, Brown C. Prefrontal regions play a predominant role in imposing an attentional 'set': evidence from fMRI. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res. 2000 Sep; 10(1-2):1-9. PMID: 10978687.
Compton RJ, Heller W, Banich MT, Palmieri PA, Miller GA. Responding to threat: hemispheric asymmetries and interhemispheric division of input. Neuropsychology. 2000 Apr; 14(2):254-64. PMID: 10791865.
Weissman DH, Banich MT, Puente EI. An unbalanced distribution of inputs across the hemispheres facilitates interhemispheric interaction. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2000 Mar; 6(3):313-21. PMID: 10824503.
Banich MT, Weissman DH. One of twenty questions for the twenty-first century: how do brain regions interact and integrate information? Brain Cogn. 2000 Feb; 42(1):29-32. PMID: 10739590.
Banich MT, Passarotti AM, Janes D. Interhemispheric interaction during childhood: I. Neurologically intact children. Dev Neuropsychol. 2000; 18(1):33-51. PMID: 11143803.
Banich MT, Brown WS. A life-span perspective on interaction between the cerebral hemispheres. Dev Neuropsychol. 2000; 18(1):1-10. PMID: 11143800.
Banich MT, Passarotti AM, White DA, Nortz MJ, Steiner RD. Interhemispheric interaction during childhood: II. Children with early-treated phenylketonuria. Dev Neuropsychol. 2000; 18(1):53-71. PMID: 11143804.
Weissman DH, Banich MT. The cerebral hemispheres cooperate to perform complex but not simple tasks. Neuropsychology. 2000 Jan; 14(1):41-59. PMID: 10674797.
Weissman DH, Banich MT. Global-local interference modulated by communication between the hemispheres. J Exp Psychol Gen. 1999 Sep; 128(3):283-308. PMID: 10513397.
Kerns JG, Berenbaum H, Barch DM, Banich MT, Stolar N. Word production in schizophrenia and its relationship to positive symptoms. Psychiatry Res. 1999 Jul 30; 87(1):29-37. PMID: 10512152.
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Banich MT, Federmeier KD. Categorical and metric spatial processes distinguished by task demands and practice. J Cogn Neurosci. 1999 Mar; 11(2):153-66. PMID: 10198131.
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Levine SC, Huttenlocher P, Banich MT, Duda E. Factors affecting cognitive functioning of hemiplegic children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1987 Feb; 29(1):27-35. PMID: 3556798.
Levine SC, Banich MT, Koch-Weser M. Variations in patterns of lateral asymmetry among dextrals. Brain Cogn. 1984 Jul; 3(3):317-34. PMID: 6536331.
Levine SC, Banich MT. Possible effects of forced report order on tachistoscopic recognition of bilaterally presented stimuli: a response to Young and Ellis. Brain Lang. 1984 Mar; 21(2):364-74. PMID: 6704708.
Levy J, Heller W, Banich MT, Burton LA. Asymmetry of perception in free viewing of chimeric faces. Brain Cogn. 1983 Oct; 2(4):404-19. PMID: 6546034.
Levy J, Heller W, Banich MT, Burton LA. Are variations among right-handed individuals in perceptual asymmetries caused by characteristic arousal differences between hemispheres? J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 1983 Jun; 9(3):329-59. PMID: 6223975.
Levine SC, Banich MT. Lateral asymmetries in the naming of words and corresponding line drawings. Brain Lang. 1982 Sep; 17(1):34-45. PMID: 7139269.
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Year | Publications |
1998 | 2 | 1999 | 4 | 2000 | 9 | 2001 | 2 | 2002 | 2 | 2003 | 3 | 2004 | 2 | 2005 | 5 | 2006 | 2 | 2007 | 10 | 2008 | 6 | 2009 | 5 | 2010 | 11 | 2011 | 7 | 2012 | 6 | 2013 | 11 | 2014 | 10 | 2015 | 10 | 2016 | 8 | 2017 | 6 | 2018 | 10 | 2019 | 8 | 2020 | 6 | 2021 | 12 | 2022 | 10 | 2023 | 2 | 2024 | 1 |
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