Emily A Gibson
Title | Associate Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | CEDC-Bioengineering |
Phone | 303/724-3678 |
Title | Associate Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | CEDC-Bioengineering |
Research R01NS123665 (GIBSON, EMILY)Sep 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2024 NIH Development of 3D-FAST Optical Interface for Rapid Volumetric Neural Sensing and Modulation Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01NS118188 (WEIR, RICHARD FERGUS FFRENCH)Sep 30, 2020 - Jul 31, 2025 NIH Optimization of a Minimally-Invasive Bidirectional Optogenetic Peripheral Nerve Interface with Single Axon Read-in & Read-out Specificity Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
Thornton MA, Futia GL, Stockton ME, Budoff SA, Ramirez AN, Ozbay B, Tzang O, Kilborn K, Poleg-Polsky A, Restrepo D, Gibson EA, Hughes EG. Long-term in vivo three-photon imaging reveals region-specific differences in healthy and regenerative oligodendrogenesis. bioRxiv. 2023 Nov 01. PMID: 37961298.
Welton TA, George NM, Ozbay BN, Gentile Polese A, Osborne G, Futia GL, Kushner JK, Kleinschmidt-DeMasters B, Alexander AL, Abosch A, Ojemann S, Restrepo D, Gibson EA. Two-photon microendoscope for label-free imaging in stereotactic neurosurgery. Biomed Opt Express. 2023 Jul 01; 14(7):3705-3725. PMID: 37497482.
Kumar V, Behrman K, Speed F, Saladrigas CA, Supekar O, Huang Z, Bright VM, Welle CG, Restrepo D, Gopinath JT, Gibson EA, Kymissis I. MicroLED light source for optical sectioning structured illumination microscopy. Opt Express. 2023 May 08; 31(10):16709-16718. PMID: 37157744.
McCullough CM, Ramirez-Gordillo D, Hall M, Futia GL, Moran AK, Gibson EA, Restrepo D. GRINtrode: a neural implant for simultaneous two-photon imaging and extracellular electrophysiology in freely moving animals. Neurophotonics. 2022 Oct; 9(4):045009. PMID: 36466189.
Thornton MA, Futia GL, Stockton ME, Ozbay BN, Kilborn K, Restrepo D, Gibson EA, Hughes EG. Characterization of red fluorescent reporters for dual-color in vivo three-photon microscopy. Neurophotonics. 2022 Jul; 9(3):031912. PMID: 35496497.
Supekar OD, Sias A, Hansen SR, Martinez G, Peet GC, Peng X, Bright VM, Hughes EG, Restrepo D, Shepherd DP, Welle CG, Gopinath JT, Gibson EA. Miniature structured illumination microscope for in vivo 3D imaging of brain structures with optical sectioning. Biomed Opt Express. 2022 Apr 01; 13(4):2530-2541. PMID: 35519247.
Potcoava MC, Futia GL, Gibson EA, Schlaepfer IR. Raman Microscopy Techniques to Study Lipid Droplet Composition in Cancer Cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2022; 2413:193-209. PMID: 35044667.
Lange Simmons Y, Underwood KJ, Supekar OD, Heffernan BM, Welton TA, Gibson EA, Gopinath JT. Femtosecond diode-based time lens laser for multiphoton microscopy. Biomed Opt Express. 2021 Oct 01; 12(10):6269-6276. PMID: 34745735.
Potcoava MC, Futia GL, Gibson EA, Schlaepfer IR. Lipid profiling using Raman and a modified support vector machine algorithm. J Raman Spectrosc. 2021 Nov; 52(11):1910-1922. PMID: 35814195.
Fontaine AK, Futia GL, Rajendran PS, Littich SF, Mizoguchi N, Shivkumar K, Ardell JL, Restrepo D, Caldwell JH, Gibson EA, Weir RFF. Optical vagus nerve modulation of heart and respiration via heart-injected retrograde AAV. Sci Rep. 2021 02 11; 11(1):3664. PMID: 33574459.
Ma M, Futia GL, de Souza FMS, Ozbay BN, Llano I, Gibson EA, Restrepo D. Molecular layer interneurons in the cerebellum encode for valence in associative learning. Nat Commun. 2020 08 31; 11(1):4217. PMID: 32868778.
Heffernan BM, Meyer SA, Restrepo D, Siemens ME, Gibson EA, Gopinath JT. A Fiber-Coupled Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscope for Bend-Insensitive Through-Fiber Imaging. Sci Rep. 2019 07 31; 9(1):11137. PMID: 31366899.
Ozbay BN, Futia GL, Ma M, Bright VM, Gopinath JT, Hughes EG, Restrepo D, Gibson EA. Three dimensional two-photon brain imaging in freely moving mice using a miniature fiber coupled microscope with active axial-scanning. Sci Rep. 2018 05 25; 8(1):8108. PMID: 29802371.
Zohrabi M, Cormack RH, Mccullough C, Supekar OD, Gibson EA, Bright VM, Gopinath JT. Numerical analysis of wavefront aberration correction using multielectrode electrowetting-based devices. Opt Express. 2017 Dec 11; 25(25):31451-31461. PMID: 29245820.
Supekar OD, Ozbay BN, Zohrabi M, Nystrom PD, Futia GL, Restrepo D, Gibson EA, Gopinath JT, Bright VM. Two-photon laser scanning microscopy with electrowetting-based prism scanning. Biomed Opt Express. 2017 Dec 01; 8(12):5412-5426. PMID: 29296477.
Fontaine AK, Gibson EA, Caldwell JH, Weir RF. Optical Read-out of Neural Activity in Mammalian Peripheral Axons: Calcium Signaling at Nodes of Ranvier. Sci Rep. 2017 07 18; 7(1):4744. PMID: 28720792.
Futia GL, Schlaepfer IR, Qamar L, Behbakht K, Gibson EA. Statistical performance of image cytometry for DNA, lipids, cytokeratin, & CD45 in a model system for circulation tumor cell detection. Cytometry A. 2017 07; 91(7):662-674. PMID: 28608985.
Soltys JN, Meyer SA, Schumann H, Gibson EA, Restrepo D, Bennett JL. Determining the Spatial Relationship of?Membrane-Bound Aquaporin-4 Autoantibodies by STED Nanoscopy. Biophys J. 2017 Apr 25; 112(8):1692-1702. PMID: 28445760.
Niederriter RD, Ozbay BN, Futia GL, Gibson EA, Gopinath JT. Compact diode laser source for multiphoton biological imaging. Biomed Opt Express. 2017 Jan 01; 8(1):315-322. PMID: 28101420.
Meyer SA, Ozbay BN, Potcoava M, Salcedo E, Restrepo D, Gibson EA. Super-resolution imaging of ciliary microdomains in isolated olfactory sensory neurons using a custom two-color stimulated emission depletion microscope. J Biomed Opt. 2016 06 01; 21(6):66017. PMID: 27367253.
Ozbay BN, Losacco JT, Cormack R, Weir R, Bright VM, Gopinath JT, Restrepo D, Gibson EA. Miniaturized fiber-coupled confocal fluorescence microscope with an electrowetting variable focus lens using no moving parts. Opt Lett. 2015 Jun 01; 40(11):2553-6. PMID: 26030555.
Potcoava MC, Futia GL, Aughenbaugh J, Schlaepfer IR, Gibson EA. Raman and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy studies of changes in lipid content and composition in hormone-treated breast and prostate cancer cells. J Biomed Opt. 2014; 19(11):111605. PMID: 24933682.
Gonzalez-Silva C, Vera J, Bono MR, Gonz?lez-Billault C, Baxter B, Hansen A, Lopez R, Gibson EA, Restrepo D, Bacigalupo J. Ca2+-activated Cl- channels of the ClCa family express in the cilia of a subset of rat olfactory sensory neurons. PLoS One. 2013; 8(7):e69295. PMID: 23874937.
Masihzadeh O, Ammar DA, Kahook MY, Gibson EA, Lei TC. Direct trabecular meshwork imaging in porcine eyes through multiphoton gonioscopy. J Biomed Opt. 2013 Mar; 18(3):036009. PMID: 23515864.
Masihzadeh O, Lei TC, Ammar DA, Kahook MY, Gibson EA. A multiphoton microscope platform for imaging the mouse eye. Mol Vis. 2012; 18:1840-8. PMID: 22815637.
Ma H, Gibson EA, Dittmer PJ, Jimenez R, Palmer AE. High-throughput examination of fluorescence resonance energy transfer-detected metal-ion response in mammalian cells. J Am Chem Soc. 2012 Feb 08; 134(5):2488-91. PMID: 22260720.
Lei TC, Ammar DA, Masihzadeh O, Gibson EA, Kahook MY. Label-free imaging of trabecular meshwork cells using Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) microscopy. Mol Vis. 2011; 17:2628-33. PMID: 22025898.
Ammar DA, Lei TC, Masihzadeh O, Gibson EA, Kahook MY. Trans-scleral imaging of the human trabecular meshwork by two-photon microscopy. Mol Vis. 2011 Feb 24; 17:583-90. PMID: 21386924.
Masihzadeh O, Ammar DA, Lei TC, Gibson EA, Kahook MY. Real-time measurements of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in live human trabecular meshwork cells: effects of acute oxidative stress. Exp Eye Res. 2011 Sep; 93(3):316-20. PMID: 21354135.
Gibson EA, Masihzadeh O, Lei TC, Ammar DA, Kahook MY. Multiphoton microscopy for ophthalmic imaging. J Ophthalmol. 2011; 2011:870879. PMID: 21274261.
Ammar DA, Lei TC, Gibson EA, Kahook MY. Two-photon imaging of the trabecular meshwork. Mol Vis. 2010 May 29; 16:935-44. PMID: 20596237.
McCombs JE, Gibson EA, Palmer AE. Using a genetically targeted sensor to investigate the role of presenilin-1 in ER Ca2+ levels and dynamics. Mol Biosyst. 2010 Sep; 6(9):1640-9. PMID: 20379593.
Schafer D, Gibson EA, Salim EA, Palmer AE, Jimenez R, Squier J. Microfluidic cell counter with embedded optical fibers fabricated by femtosecond laser ablation and anodic bonding. Opt Express. 2009 Apr 13; 17(8):6068-73. PMID: 19365429.
Gibson EA, Shen Z, Jimenez R. Three-pulse photon echo peak shift spectroscopy as a probe of flexibility and conformational heterogeneity in protein folding. Chem Phys Lett. 2009 Jan 01; 473(4-6):330-335. PMID: 21103002.
Schafer D, Gibson EA, Amir W, Erikson R, Lawrence J, Vestad T, Squier J, Jimenez R, Marr DW. Three-dimensional chemical concentration maps in a microfluidic device using two-photon absorption fluorescence imaging. Opt Lett. 2007 Sep 01; 32(17):2568-70. PMID: 17767307.
Gibson EA, Gaudiosi DM, Kapteyn HC, Jimenez R, Kane S, Huff R, Durfee C, Squier J. Efficient reflection grisms for pulse compression and dispersion compensation of femtosecond pulses. Opt Lett. 2006 Nov 15; 31(22):3363-5. PMID: 17072424.
Gaudiosi DM, Gagnon E, Lytle AL, Fiore JL, Gibson EA, Kane S, Squier J, Murnane MM, Kapteyn HC, Jimenez R, Backus S. Multi-kilohertz repetition rate Ti:sapphire amplifier based on down-chirped pulse amplification. Opt Express. 2006 Oct 02; 14(20):9277-83. PMID: 19529310.
Wagner NL, Gibson EA, Popmintchev T, Christov IP, Murnane MM, Kapteyn HC. Self-compression of ultrashort pulses through ionization-induced spatiotemporal reshaping. Phys Rev Lett. 2004 Oct 22; 93(17):173902. PMID: 15525078.
Gibson EA, Paul A, Wagner N, Tobey R, Backus S, Christov IP, Murnane MM, Kapteyn HC. High-order harmonic generation up to 250 eV from highly ionized argon. Phys Rev Lett. 2004 Jan 23; 92(3):033001. PMID: 14753868.
Gibson EA, Paul A, Wagner N, Tobey R, Gaudiosi D, Backus S, Christov IP, Aquila A, Gullikson EM, Attwood DT, Murnane MM, Kapteyn HC. Coherent soft x-ray generation in the water window with quasi-phase matching. Science. 2003 Oct 03; 302(5642):95-8. PMID: 14526077.
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