Amy Beth Wachholtz
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Denver Campus |
Department | CLAS-Psychology |
Phone | 303/315-7051 |
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Denver Campus |
Department | CLAS-Psychology |
Research R33AT010806 (NOCK, NORA L.)Sep 28, 2019 - Nov 30, 2025 NIH Enhancing Exercise and Psychotherapy to Treat Comorbid Addiction and Pain for ImprovingAdherence to Medication Assisted Treatment in Opioid Use Disorders Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R61AT010806 (NOCK, NORA L.)Sep 28, 2019 - Aug 31, 2021 NIH Enhancing Exercise and Psychotherapy to Treat Comorbid Addiction and Pain for ImprovingAdherence to Medication Assisted Treatment in Opioid Use Disorders Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R34DA041549 (WACHHOLTZ, AMY B)Jul 1, 2017 - Apr 30, 2021 NIH Advancing STOP: Self-regulation/CBT Therapy for Opioid addiction and Pain Role: Principal Investigator |
| K23DA030397 (WACHHOLTZ, AMY B)Aug 15, 2011 - Dec 31, 2017 NIH Co-Morbid Opioid Addiction and Chronic Pain Role: Principal Investigator |
Nock NL, Hernandez E, Robinson D, Hoffer L, Wachholtz A. Barriers, perceived benefits and preferences to exercise in adults with an opioid use disorder in the U.S. Prev Med Rep. 2023 Dec; 36:102393. PMID: 37753380.
Goerlitz D, Hong A, Bailey V, Wachholtz A. Implications for a mindfulness-enhanced positive affect induction: A brief commentary toward acute pain management. J Health Psychol. 2024 01; 29(1):81-84. PMID: 37417455.
Wilson SC, Shaffer JA, Wachholtz AB. Distress Tolerance in the Comorbid Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Population. J Addict Med. 2023 May-Jun 01; 17(3):e164-e171. PMID: 37267174.
Lee J, Green BM, Palmarella G, McNamara K, Wachholtz A. Negative impact of chronic pain: The role of locus of control and perceived family validation of chronic pain. Health Psychol Open. 2022 Jul-Dec; 9(2):20551029221125170. PMID: 36091332.
Wachholtz A, Robinson D, Epstein E. Developing a novel treatment for patients with chronic pain and Opioid User Disorder. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2022 05 07; 17(1):35. PMID: 35525964.
Frers A, Shaffer J, Edinger J, Wachholtz A. The relationship between sleep and opioids in chronic pain patients. J Behav Med. 2021 06; 44(3):412-420. PMID: 33609232.
DeSanto-Madeya S, Tjia J, Fitch C, Wachholtz A. Feasibility and Acceptability of Digital Legacy-Making: An Innovative Story-Telling Intervention for Adults With Cancer. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2021 Jul; 38(7):772-777. PMID: 33167669.
Lee J, Ahn SW, Wachholtz A, Lee JH. Attentional Patterns Toward Pain-Related Information: Comparison Between Chronic Pain Patients and Non-pain Control Group. Front Psychol. 2020; 11:1990. PMID: 32849159.
Woelk J, Goerlitz D, Wachholtz A. I'm tired and it hurts! Sleep quality and acute pain response in a chronic pain population. Sleep Med. 2020 03; 67:28-32. PMID: 31884308.
Wachholtz A, Vohra R, Metzger A. A reanalysis of a randomized trial on meditation for migraine headaches: Distraction is not enough but meditation takes time. Complement Ther Med. 2019 Oct; 46:136-143. PMID: 31519270.
Wachholtz A, Gonzalez G, Ziedonis D. Psycho-physiological response to pain among individuals with comorbid pain and opioid use disorder: Implications for patients with prolonged abstinence. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2019; 45(5):495-505. PMID: 31246117.
Lee JE, Kim SH, Shin SK, Wachholtz A, Lee JH. Attentional Engagement for Pain-Related Information among Individuals with Chronic Pain: The Role of Pain Catastrophizing. Pain Res Manag. 2018; 2018:6038406. PMID: 30631387.
Han S, Patel B, Min M, Bocelli L, Kheder J, Wachholtz A, Wassef W. Quality of life comparison between smokers and non-smokers with chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatology. 2018 Apr; 18(3):269-274. PMID: 29500114.
Malone C, Wachholtz A. The Relationship of Anxiety and Depression to Subjective Well-Being in a Mainland Chinese Sample. J Relig Health. 2018 Feb; 57(1):266-278. PMID: 28702737.
Wachholtz A, Bhowmick A, Herbert LB, Marcus D. More is not Always Better: An Epidemiological Assessment of Migraine Frequency and the Impact on Relationships. J Pain Manag Med. 2017; 3(2). PMID: 30221257.
Han S, Kheder J, Bocelli L, Fahed J, Wachholtz A, Seward G, Wassef W. Smoking Cessation in a Chronic Pancreatitis Population. Pancreas. 2016 10; 45(9):1303-8. PMID: 27101574.
Lee J, Kim E, Wachholtz A. The effect of perceived stress on life satisfaction : The mediating effect of self-efficacy. Chongsonyonhak Yongu. 2016 Oct; 23(10):29-47. PMID: 27996059.
Bhattacharya R, Shen C, Wachholtz AB, Dwibedi N, Sambamoorthi U. Depression treatment decreases healthcare expenditures among working age patients with comorbid conditions and type 2 diabetes mellitus along with newly-diagnosed depression. BMC Psychiatry. 2016 07 19; 16:247. PMID: 27431801.
Lee J, Bhowmick A, Wachholtz A. Does complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use reduce negative life impact of headaches for chronic migraineurs? A national survey. Springerplus. 2016; 5(1):1006. PMID: 27398280.
Park CL, Masters KS, Salsman JM, Wachholtz A, Clements AD, Salmoirago-Blotcher E, Trevino K, Wischenka DM. Advancing our understanding of religion and spirituality in the context of behavioral medicine. J Behav Med. 2017 Feb; 40(1):39-51. PMID: 27342616.
Wachholtz AB, Fitch CE, Makowski S, Tjia J. A Comprehensive Approach to the Patient at End of Life: Assessment of Multidimensional Suffering. South Med J. 2016 Apr; 109(4):200-6. PMID: 27043799.
Wachholtz A, Malone C, Bhowmick A. The Chronic Migraineur and Health Services: National Survey Results. J Pain Manag Med. 2015 Nov; 1(1). PMID: 26807447.
Malone CD, Bhowmick A, Wachholtz AB. Migraine: treatments, comorbidities, and quality of life, in the USA. J Pain Res. 2015; 8:537-47. PMID: 26316804.
Wachholtz AB, Malone CD, Pargament KI. Effect of Different Meditation Types on Migraine Headache Medication Use. Behav Med. 2017 Jan-Mar; 43(1):1-8. PMID: 25864906.
Dharmawardene M, Givens J, Wachholtz A, Makowski S, Tjia J. A systematic review and meta-analysis of meditative interventions for informal caregivers and health professionals. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2016 Jun; 6(2):160-9. PMID: 25812579.
Porche MV, Fortuna LR, Wachholtz A, Stone RT. Distal and Proximal Religiosity as Protective Factors for Adolescent and Emerging Adult Alcohol Use. Religions (Basel). 2015; 6(2):365-384. PMID: 26146565.
Lee J, Kim JK, Wachholtz A. The benefit of heart rate variability biofeedback and relaxation training in reducing trait anxiety. Hanguk Simni Hakhoe Chi Kongang. 2015; 20(2):391-408. PMID: 27099546.
Dezutter J, Luyckx K, Wachholtz A. Meaning in life in chronic pain patients over time: associations with pain experience and psychological well-being. J Behav Med. 2015 Apr; 38(2):384-96. PMID: 25537924.
Wachholtz A, Foster S, Cheatle M. Psychophysiology of pain and opioid use: implications for managing pain in patients with an opioid use disorder. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2015 Jan 01; 146:1-6. PMID: 25468815.
Wachholtz A, Gonzalez G. Co-morbid pain and opioid addiction: long term effect of opioid maintenance on acute pain. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Dec 01; 145:143-9. PMID: 25456326.
Lee J, Wachholtz A, Choi KH. A Review of the Korean Cultural Syndrome Hwa-Byung: Suggestions for Theory and Intervention. Asia Taepyongyang Sangdam Yongu. 2014 Jan; 4(1):49. PMID: 25408922.
Wachholtz AB, Sambamthoori U. National trends in prayer use as a coping mechanism for depression: changes from 2002 to 2007. J Relig Health. 2013 Dec; 52(4):1356-68. PMID: 23054479.
Dezutter J, Casalin S, Wachholtz A, Luyckx K, Hekking J, Vandewiele W. Meaning in life: an important factor for the psychological well-being of chronically ill patients? Rehabil Psychol. 2013 Nov; 58(4):334-41. PMID: 24295525.
Wachholtz A, Rogoff M. The relationship between spirituality and burnout among medical students. J Contemp Med Educ. 2013; 1(2):83-91. PMID: 25485165.
Tonelli ME, Wachholtz AB. Meditation-based treatment yielding immediate relief for meditation-na?ve migraineurs. Pain Manag Nurs. 2014 Mar; 15(1):36-40. PMID: 24602422.
Wachholtz A, Gonzalez G, Boyer E, Naqvi ZN, Rosenbaum C, Ziedonis D. Intersection of chronic pain treatment and opioid analgesic misuse: causes, treatments, and policy strategies. Subst Abuse Rehabil. 2011; 2:145-62. PMID: 24474854.
Wachholtz A, Ziedonis D, Gonzalez G. Comorbid pain and opioid addiction: psychosocial and pharmacological treatments. Subst Use Misuse. 2011; 46(12):1536-52. PMID: 21756033.
Rosmarin DH, Wachholtz A, Ai A. Beyond descriptive research: advancing the study of spirituality and health. J Behav Med. 2011 Dec; 34(6):409-13. PMID: 21751040.
Dezutter J, Wachholtz A, Corveleyn J. Prayer and pain: the mediating role of positive re-appraisal. J Behav Med. 2011 Dec; 34(6):542-9. PMID: 21516338.
Wachholtz A, Binks M, Eisenson H, Kolotkin R, Suzuki A. Does pain predict interference with daily functioning and weight loss in an obese residential treatment-seeking population? Int J Behav Med. 2010 Jun; 17(2):118-24. PMID: 20387027.
Suzuki A, Binks M, Sha R, Wachholtz A, Eisenson H, Diehl AM. Serum aminotransferase changes with significant weight loss: sex and age effects. Metabolism. 2010 Feb; 59(2):177-85. PMID: 19765777.
Wachholtz A, Binks M, Suzuki A, Eisenson H. Sleep disturbance and pain in an obese residential treatment-seeking population. Clin J Pain. 2009 Sep; 25(7):584-9. PMID: 19692799.
Wachholtz AB, Pearce MJ. Does spirituality as a coping mechanism help or hinder coping with chronic pain? Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2009 Apr; 13(2):127-32. PMID: 19272278.
Wachholtz AB, Pargament KI. Migraines and meditation: does spirituality matter? J Behav Med. 2008 Aug; 31(4):351-66. PMID: 18551362.
Wachholtz AB, Pearce MJ, Koenig H. Exploring the relationship between spirituality, coping, and pain. J Behav Med. 2007 Aug; 30(4):311-8. PMID: 17541817.
Wachholtz AB, Keefe FJ. What physicians should know about spirituality and chronic pain. South Med J. 2006 Oct; 99(10):1174-5. PMID: 17100061.
Wachholtz AB, Pargament KI. Is spirituality a critical ingredient of meditation? Comparing the effects of spiritual meditation, secular meditation, and relaxation on spiritual, psychological, cardiac, and pain outcomes. J Behav Med. 2005 Aug; 28(4):369-84. PMID: 16049627.
Pargament KI, McCarthy S, Shah P, Ano G, Tarakeshwar N, Wachholtz A, Sirrine N, Vasconcelles E, Murray-Swank N, Locher A, Duggan J. Religion and HIV: a review of the literature and clinical implications. South Med J. 2004 Dec; 97(12):1201-9. PMID: 15646758.
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