Kevin Scott Masters
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Denver Campus |
Department | CLAS-Psychology |
Phone | 303/315-7062 |
Research (Powell, Lynda)Oct 1, 2018 - Sep 1, 2024 William G. McGowan Charitable Fund A National Trial of the ELM Lifestyle Program and Remission of the Metabolic Syndrome Role: Site- Principal Investigator |
| 3R01DK111622-02S1 (Catenacci, Vicki)Oct 1, 2018 - Sep 30, 2020 NIH - Science of Behavior Change Network Comparison of Weight Loss Induced by Intermittent Fasting Versus Daily Caloric Restriction in Individuals with Obesity: A 1-Year Randomized Trial Role: Co-Investigator |
| (Masters, Kevin S)Oct 1, 2017 - Dec 31, 2018 Rush University Medical Center from William G. McGowan Charitable Fund Eat, Love, Move - Pilot Study of Lifestyle Intervention for Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome Role: Principal Investigator |
| (Hooker, Stephanie A.)Jan 1, 2014 - Dec 31, 2015 American Heart Association Meaning and Purpose as Predictors of Physical Activity Maintenance Role: Faculty Mentor |
| (Bekelman, David B.)Jul 1, 2011 - Jun 30, 2012 US Veterans Administration Healthcare Agency Implementing a Meaning-Based Psychospiritual Palliative Care Intervention in Outpatients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Pilot Study Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| (Masters, Kevin S.)Jul 1, 2011 - Jun 30, 2012 University of Colorado Denver Program In Palliative Care Research Implementing a Meaning-Based palliative Care Intervention for Improving Quality of Life in Outpatients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Pilot Study Role: Principal Investigator |
| (Masters, Kevin S.)Mar 1, 2007 - Jan 31, 2008 US Veterans Administration Healthcare Agency Pain in Primary Care at the Veterans Health Administration: Exploratory Study of the Implementation of Pain as the Fifth Vital Sign Role: Principal Investigator |
| R03AG018554 (MASTERS, KEVIN S)Sep 1, 2000 - Aug 31, 2001 NIH AGING, RELIGIOSITY, AND REACTIVITY TO VARYING STRESSORS Role: Principal Investigator |
Enhancing Lifestyles in the Metabolic syndrome (ELM) multisite behavioral efficacy trial. Design and baseline cohort. Am Heart J. 2024 04; 270:136-155. PMID: 38215918.
Boylan JM, Biggane C, Shaffer JA, Wilson CL, Vagnini KM, Masters KS. Do Purpose in Life and Social Support Mediate the Association between Religiousness/Spirituality and Mortality? Evidence from the MIDUS National Sample. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 06 13; 20(12). PMID: 37372699.
Boylan JM, Vagnini KM, Rush CL, Larson EK, Adams M, Wilson CL, Shaffer JA, Masters KS. Meaning Salience and Meaning in Life Prospectively Predict Lower Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ann Behav Med. 2023 05 23; 57(6):483-488. PMID: 36940243.
Lohse B, Ramirez A, Hickey J, Bailey-Davis L, Drees B, Masters KS, Ruder EH, Trabold N. Changes in Depressive Symptoms, Perceived Stress, and Food Security Among Study Participants With Metabolic Syndrome During a COVID-19-Mandated Research Pause. Prev Chronic Dis. 2022 12 29; 19:E88. PMID: 36580415.
Deng LR, Doyon KJ, Masters KS, Steinhauser KE, Langner PR, Siler S, Bekelman DB. How Does Spiritual Well-Being Change Over Time Among US Patients with Heart Failure and What Predicts Change? J Relig Health. 2024 Aug; 63(4):3050-3065. PMID: 36478542.
Whipple MO, Pinto AJ, Abushamat LA, Bergouignan A, Chapman K, Huebschmann AG, Masters KS, Nadeau KJ, Scalzo RL, Schauer IE, Rafferty D, Reusch JEB, Regensteiner JG. Sex Differences in Physical Activity Among Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Across the Life Span: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Diabetes Care. 2022 09 01; 45(9):2163-2177. PMID: 36044665.
Presciutti A, Siry-Bove B, Newman MM, Elmer J, Grigsby J, Masters KS, Shaffer JA, Vranceanu AM, Perman SM. Qualitative Study of Long-Term Cardiac Arrest Survivors' Challenges and Recommendations for Improving Survivorship. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 07 19; 11(14):e025713. PMID: 35861822.
Stevens CJ, Shaffer JA, Edwards KS, Masters KS, Leon KK, Wood MJ, Pittman Wagers T. Younger Age Impacts Perceptions of Care Received in the Emergency Department Among Women with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2022 08; 31(8):1165-1172. PMID: 35172115.
Deng LR, Masters KS, Schmiege SJ, Hess E, Bekelman DB. Factor Structure of Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy: Spiritual Well-Being Scale in Patients with Heart Failure Depends on Method Used. J Palliat Med. 2021 06; 24(6):807-808. PMID: 34061665.
Deng LR, Masters KS, Schmiege SJ, Hess E, Bekelman DB. Two Factor Structures Possible for the FACIT-Sp in Patients With Heart Failure. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021 11; 62(5):1034-1040. PMID: 34019976.
Whipple MO, Masters KS, Huebschmann AG, Scalzo RL, Reusch JE, Bergouignan A, Regensteiner JG. Acute effects of sedentary breaks on vascular health in adults at risk for type 2 diabetes: A systematic review. Vasc Med. 2021 08; 26(4):448-458. PMID: 33977799.
Masters KS, Shaffer JA, Vagnini KM. The Impact of Psychological Functioning on Cardiovascular Disease. Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2020 08 09; 22(10):51. PMID: 32772177.
Yeary KHK, Alcaraz KI, Ashing KT, Chiu C, Christy SM, Felsted KF, Lu Q, Lumpkins CY, Masters KS, Newton RL, Park CL, Shen MJ, Silfee VJ, Yanez B, Yi J. Considering religion and spirituality in precision medicine. Transl Behav Med. 2020 02 03; 10(1):195-203. PMID: 31294809.
Masters KS. Potential Unintended Editorial and Scientific Impacts of the 2-Year Journal Impact Factor. Ann Behav Med. 2019 07 17; 53(8):691-692. PMID: 31260070.
Rush CL, Hooker SA, Ross KM, Frers AK, Peters JC, Masters KS. Brief report: Meaning in life is mediated by self-efficacy in the prediction of physical activity. J Health Psychol. 2021 04; 26(5):753-757. PMID: 30791727.
Rush, C.L., Hooker, S.A., Ross, K.M., Frers, A.K., Peters, J.C., & Masters, K.S. . Meaning in life is mediated by self-efficacy in the prediction of physical activity. Journal of Health Psychology. 2019.
Wagers TP, Stevens CJ, Ross KV, Leon KK, Masters KS. Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD): FEMALE SURVIVORS' EXPERIENCES OF STRESS AND SUPPORT. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2018 11; 38(6):374-379. PMID: 29939880.
Masters KS, Ross KM, Hooker SA, Wooldridge JL. A Psychometric Approach to Theory-Based Behavior Change Intervention Development: Example From the Colorado Meaning-Activity Project. Ann Behav Med. 2018 05 18; 52(6):463-473. PMID: 29718066.
Masters KS. Introduction to the Special Section on Behavior Change Intervention Development: Theories, Methods, and Mechanisms. Ann Behav Med. 2018 May 09. PMID: 29750245.
Brown CS, Masters KS, Huebschmann AG. Identifying Motives of Midlife Black Triathlete Women Using Survey Transformation to Guide Qualitative Inquiry. J Cross Cult Gerontol. 2018 Mar; 33(1):1-20. PMID: 29164497.
Caldwell AE, Masters KS, Peters JC, Bryan AD, Grigsby J, Hooker SA, Wyatt HR, Hill JO. Harnessing centred identity transformation to reduce executive function burden for maintenance of health behaviour change: the Maintain IT model. Health Psychol Rev. 2018 09; 12(3):231-253. PMID: 29402182.
Hooker SA, Masters KS. Daily meaning salience and physical activity in previously inactive exercise initiates. Health Psychol. 2018 04; 37(4):344-354. PMID: 29369678.
Brown, C., S., Masters, K.S., & Huebschmann, A. . Identifying motives of midlife black triathlete women using survey transformation to guide qualitative inquiry. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology,. 2018; 33:1-20.
Pittman Wagers, T., Stevens, C.J., Ross, K.V., Leon, K.K., & Masters, K.S. . Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD): Female survivors’ experiences of stress and support. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2018; 38(6):374-379.
Hooker, S.A., Masters, K.S., & Park, C.L. A meaningful life is a healthy life: A conceptual model linking meaning and meaning salience to health. Review of General Psychology. 2018; 22:11-24.
Hooker SA, Ross K, Masters KS, Park CL, Hale AE, Allen LA, Bekelman DB. Denver Spirited Heart: Mixed-Methods Pilot Study of a Psychospiritual Intervention for Heart Failure Patients. J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2017 May/Jun; 32(3):226-235. PMID: 27076391.
Hooker SA, Wooldridge JS, Ross KM, Masters KS. Do Monetary Incentives Increase Fitness Center Utilization? It Depends. Am J Health Promot. 2018 03; 32(3):606-612. PMID: 29214817.
Steffen PR, Masters KS, Baldwin S. What Mediates the Relationship Between Religious Service Attendance and Aspects of Well-Being? J Relig Health. 2017 Feb; 56(1):158-170. PMID: 26895236.
Hooker SA, Ross KM, Ranby KW, Masters KS, Peters JC, Hill JO. Identifying groups at risk for 1-year membership termination from a fitness center at enrollment. Prev Med Rep. 2016 Dec; 4:563-568. PMID: 27818915.
Park CL, Masters KS, Salsman JM, Wachholtz A, Clements AD, Salmoirago-Blotcher E, Trevino K, Wischenka DM. Advancing our understanding of religion and spirituality in the context of behavioral medicine. J Behav Med. 2017 Feb; 40(1):39-51. PMID: 27342616.
Hooker, S.A., Ross, K., Ranby, K.W., Masters, K.S., Peters, J.C., & Hill, J.O. . Identifying Groups at Risk for 1-Year Membership Termination from a Fitness Center at Enrollment. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2016; 4:563-568.
Hooker, S.A., & Masters, K.S. Purpose in life is associated with physical activity measured by accelerometer. Journal of Health Psychology. 2016; 21:962-971.
Masters, K.S., Beacham, A.O., & Clement, L.R. Use of a standardized patient protocol to assess clinical competency: the University of Colorado Denver Comprehensive Clinical Competency Examination. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. 2015; 9:170-174.
Hooker SA, Masters KS. Purpose in life is associated with physical activity measured by accelerometer. J Health Psychol. 2016 06; 21(6):962-71. PMID: 25104777.
Masters, K.S. Cardiovascular reactivity to stress: A potentially important link between religion and cardiovascular health. Spiritual Care (German language publication). 2014; 78-86.
DeBerard, M.S., & Masters, K.S. Psychosocial correlates of the Short-Form 36 Multidimensional Health Survey in university students. Psychology. 2014; 5:941-949.
Hooker, S.A., Masters, K.S., & Carey, K.B. Multidimensional assessment of religiousness/spirituality and health behaviors in college students. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 2014; 24:228-240.
Jordan KD, Masters KS, Hooker SA, Ruiz JM, Smith TW. An interpersonal approach to religiousness and spirituality: implications for health and well-being. J Pers. 2014 Oct; 82(5):418-31. PMID: 24102448.
Masters KS, Hooker SA. Religiousness/spirituality, cardiovascular disease, and cancer: cultural integration for health research and intervention. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2013 Apr; 81(2):206-16. PMID: 23148874.
Masters KS. If God is in control of my health, what should I do? The importance of religious, ethnic, and social culture: a comment on Umezawa et al. Ann Behav Med. 2012 Aug; 44(1):3-4. PMID: 22570077.
Nash JM, McKay KM, Vogel ME, Masters KS. Functional roles and foundational characteristics of psychologists in integrated primary care. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2012 Mar; 19(1):93-104. PMID: 22415522.
Masters KS, Knestel A. Religious motivation and cardiovascular reactivity among middle aged adults: is being pro-religious really that good for you? J Behav Med. 2011 Dec; 34(6):449-61. PMID: 21604184.
O'Dell KR, Masters KS, Spielmans GI, Maisto SA. Does type-D personality predict outcomes among patients with cardiovascular disease? A meta-analytic review. J Psychosom Res. 2011 Oct; 71(4):199-206. PMID: 21911096.
Deaner, R.O., Masters, K.S., Ogles, B.M., & LaCaille, R.A. Marathon performance as a predictor of competitiveness and training in men and women. Journal of Sport Behavior. 2011; 34:325-342.
Beacham, A.O., Kinman, C., Harris, J.G., & Masters, K.S. The patient-centered medical home: Unprecedented workforce growth potential for professional psychology. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 2011; 43:17-23.
Masters, K.S., Spielmans, G.I., LaCaille, R.A., Goodson, J.T., Larsen, B.T., Heath, E.M., & Knestel, A. . Effects of home exercise on immediate and delayed affect and mood among rural individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes. Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences,. 2011; 5:1-16.
Masters, K.S., & Knestel, A. Religious orientation among a random sample of community dwelling adults: Relations with health status and health relevant behaviors. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 2011; 21:63-76.
Gillum RF, Masters KS. Religiousness and blood donation: findings from a national survey. J Health Psychol. 2010 Mar; 15(2):163-72. PMID: 20207660.
Kapuscinski, A.N., & Masters, K.S. The current status of measures of spirituality: A critical review of scale development. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. 2010; 2:191-205.
Hyland, M.E., Wheeler, P., Kamble S., & Masters, K.S. A sense of ‘special connection,’ self-transcendent values and a common factor for religious and non-religious spirituality. Archive for the Psychology of Religion. 2010; 32:293-326.
Masters, K.S. The role of religion in therapy: time for psychologists to have a little faith?. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 2010; 17:393-400.
Masters KS. Milgram, stress research, and the Institutional Review Board. Am Psychol. 2009 Oct; 64(7):621-2. PMID: 19824756.
Masters KS. Religiosity/spirituality and behavioral medicine: investigations concerning the integration of spirit with body. J Behav Med. 2007 Aug; 30(4):287-9. PMID: 17541816.
Masters KS, Spielmans GI. Prayer and health: review, meta-analysis, and research agenda. J Behav Med. 2007 Aug; 30(4):329-38. PMID: 17487575.
LaCaille RA, DeBerard MS, LaCaille LJ, Masters KS, Colledge AL. Obesity and litigation predict workers' compensation costs associated with interbody cage lumbar fusion. Spine J. 2007 May-Jun; 7(3):266-72. PMID: 17482108.
Masters KS, Stillman AM, Spielmans GI. Specificity of social support for back pain patients: do patients care who provides what? J Behav Med. 2007 Feb; 30(1):11-20. PMID: 17082973.
Masters KS, Spielmans GI, Goodson JT. Are there demonstrable effects of distant intercessory prayer? A meta-analytic review. Ann Behav Med. 2006 Aug; 32(1):21-6. PMID: 16827626.
Masters KS. Recurrent abdominal pain, medical intervention, and biofeedback: what happened to the biopsychosocial model? Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2006 Jun; 31(2):155-65. PMID: 16868844.
Steffen PR, Masters KS. Does compassion mediate the intrinsic religion-health relationship? Ann Behav Med. 2005 Dec; 30(3):217-24. PMID: 16336073.
Masters KS, Wallston KA. Canonical correlation reveals important relations between health locus of control, coping, affect and values. J Health Psychol. 2005 Sep; 10(5):719-31. PMID: 16033793.
LaCaille RA, DeBerard MS, Masters KS, Colledge AL, Bacon W. Presurgical biopsychosocial factors predict multidimensional patient: outcomes of interbody cage lumbar fusion. Spine J. 2005 Jan-Feb; 5(1):71-8. PMID: 15653087.
Masters KS, Hill RD, Kircher JC, Lensegrav Benson TL, Fallon JA. Religious orientation, aging, and blood pressure reactivity to interpersonal and cognitive stressors. Ann Behav Med. 2004 Dec; 28(3):171-8. PMID: 15576255.
DeBerard MS, Masters KS, Colledge AL, Holmes EB. Presurgical biopsychosocial variables predict medical and compensation costs of lumbar fusion in Utah workers' compensation patients. Spine J. 2003 Nov-Dec; 3(6):420-9. PMID: 14609685.
DeBerard MS, Colledge AL, Masters KS, Schleusener RL, Schlegel JD. Outcomes of posterolateral versus BAK titanium cage interbody lumbar fusion in injured workers: a retrospective cohort study. J South Orthop Assoc. 2002; 11(3):157-66. PMID: 12539941.
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