Andrew Lac
Title | Associate Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Colorado Springs |
Department | LAS-Psychology |
Phone | 719/255-4151 |
Title | Director-Faculty |
Institution | University of Colorado Colorado Springs |
Department | LAS-Psychology |
Neeley KM, Lac A. Experimental Effects of Substance Use Legality (Sober, Alcohol, Marijuana, Cocaine) and Sexual Crime (Indecent Exposure, Rape) on Attributions of Perpetrator Responsibility, Blame, and Punishment. Subst Use Misuse. 2024; 59(4):536-548. PMID: 38044493.
Okun ML, Lac A. Postpartum Insomnia and Poor Sleep Quality Are Longitudinally Predictive of Postpartum Mood Symptoms. Psychosom Med. 2023 Oct 01; 85(8):736-743. PMID: 37506301.
Lac A, Luk JW. The Alcohol Relief Questionnaire: Development and validation of a multidimensional scale to measure the psychological, interpersonal, sleep, and physical relief effects of drinking. Psychol Assess. 2023 Jun; 35(6):533-545. PMID: 36996163.
Lac A. COVID-19 Stress (Traumatic Symptoms, Compulsive Checking, Xenophobia, and Danger & Contamination) and Alcohol Use Uniquely Explain State Alcohol Cravings. J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 2023; 45(2):537-548. PMID: 37215643.
Lac A, Donaldson CD. Sensation seeking versus alcohol use: Evaluating temporal precedence using cross-lagged panel models. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 02 01; 219:108430. PMID: 33310382.
Lac A, Donaldson CD. Development and Validation of the Drama Triangle Scale: Are You a Victim, Rescuer, or Persecutor? J Interpers Violence. 2022 04; 37(7-8):NP4057-NP4081. PMID: 32917106.
Harvey AM, Thompson S, Lac A, Coolidge FL. Fear and Derision: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Provaccine and Antivaccine Internet Memes. Health Educ Behav. 2019 12; 46(6):1012-1023. PMID: 31789076.
Lac A, Luk JW. Pathways from Positive, Negative, and Specific Alcohol Expectancies to Weekday and Weekend Drinking to Alcohol Problems. Prev Sci. 2019 07; 20(5):800-809. PMID: 30685802.
Graham HL, Lac A, Lee H, Benton MJ. Predicting Long-Term Mortality, Morbidity, and Survival Outcomes Following a Cardiac Event: A Cardiac Rehabilitation Study. Rehabil Process Outcome. 2019; 8:1179572719827610. PMID: 34497458.
Lac A, Donaldson CD. Personality Traits Moderate Connections from Drinking Attitudes to Alcohol Use and Myopic Relief, Self-inflation, and Excess. Subst Use Misuse. 2019; 54(5):818-830. PMID: 30636496.
Lac A, Luk JW. Development and validation of the Adult Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection Scale: Measuring mother, best friend, and romantic partner acceptance. Psychol Assess. 2019 Mar; 31(3):340-351. PMID: 30520655.
Lac A, Donaldson CD. Validation and psychometric properties of the Alcohol Positive and Negative Affect Schedule: Are drinking emotions distinct from general emotions? Psychol Addict Behav. 2018 02; 32(1):40-51. PMID: 29419310.
Lac A, Luk JW. Testing the Amotivational Syndrome: Marijuana Use Longitudinally Predicts Lower Self-Efficacy Even After Controlling for Demographics, Personality, and Alcohol and Cigarette Use. Prev Sci. 2018 02; 19(2):117-126. PMID: 28620722.
Lac A, Donaldson CD. Testing competing models of injunctive and descriptive norms for proximal and distal reference groups on alcohol attitudes and behavior. Addict Behav. 2018 03; 78:153-159. PMID: 29175291.
Lac A, Brack N. Alcohol expectancies longitudinally predict drinking and the alcohol myopia effects of relief, self-inflation, and excess. Addict Behav. 2018 Feb; 77:172-179. PMID: 29049894.
Lac A, Donaldson CD. Comparing the predictive validity of the four-factor and five-factor (bifactor) measurement structures of the drinking motives questionnaire. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017 12 01; 181:108-115. PMID: 29040825.
Christodoulou J, Lac A, Moore DS. Babies and math: A meta-analysis of infants' simple arithmetic competence. Dev Psychol. 2017 08; 53(8):1405-1417. PMID: 28581312.
Lac A, Handren L, Crano WD. Conceptualizing and Measuring Weekend versus Weekday Alcohol Use: Item Response Theory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Prev Sci. 2016 10; 17(7):872-81. PMID: 27488456.
Lac A, Donaldson CD. Higher-Order and Bifactor Models of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire. Assessment. 2017 Mar; 24(2):222-231. PMID: 26336908.
Lac A, Donaldson CD. Alcohol attitudes, motives, norms, and personality traits longitudinally classify nondrinkers, moderate drinkers, and binge drinkers using discriminant function analysis. Addict Behav. 2016 10; 61:91-8. PMID: 27253155.
LaBrie JW, Napper LE, Grimaldi EM, Kenney SR, Lac A. The efficacy of a standalone protective behavioral strategies intervention for students accessing mental health services. Prev Sci. 2015 Jul; 16(5):663-73. PMID: 25728042.
Kenney SR, Lac A, Hummer JF, LaBrie JW. Development and validation of the Hookup Motives Questionnaire (HMQ). Psychol Assess. 2014 Dec; 26(4):1127-37. PMID: 24932650.
Lac A. A primer for using meta-analysis to consolidate research. Subst Use Misuse. 2014 Jun; 49(8):1064-8. PMID: 24779506.
Hummer JF, LaBrie JW, Lac A, Louie B. The Influence of Reflective Opposite-Sex Norms and Importance of Opposite-Sex Approval on Adjudicated Student Drinking: Theoretical Extensions and Implications. J Stud Aff Res Pract. 2013 Nov; 50(4):373-392. PMID: 34079615.
Kenney SR, Lac A, Labrie JW, Hummer JF, Pham A. Mental health, sleep quality, drinking motives, and alcohol-related consequences: a path-analytic model. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2013 Nov; 74(6):841-51. PMID: 24172110.
Napper LE, Kenney SR, Lac A, Lewis LJ, LaBrie JW. A cross-lagged panel model examining protective behavioral strategies: are types of strategies differentially related to alcohol use and consequences? Addict Behav. 2014 Feb; 39(2):480-6. PMID: 24229842.
Napper LE, Hummer JF, Lac A, Labrie JW. What are other parents saying? Perceived parental communication norms and the relationship between alcohol-specific parental communication and college student drinking. Psychol Addict Behav. 2014 Mar; 28(1):31-41. PMID: 24128293.
Siegel JT, Crano WD, Alvaro EM, Lac A, Hackett JD, Hohman ZP. Differentiating Common Predictors and Outcomes of Marijuana Initiation: A Retrospective Longitudinal Analysis. Subst Use Misuse. 2014 Jan 01; 49(1-2):30-40. PMID: 23905581.
Lac A, Berger DE. Development and validation of the Alcohol Myopia Scale. Psychol Assess. 2013 Sep; 25(3):738-47. PMID: 23647033.
Kenney SR, LaBrie JW, Lac A. Injunctive peer misperceptions and the mediation of self-approval on risk for driving after drinking among college students. J Health Commun. 2013; 18(4):459-77. PMID: 23379424.
Labrie JW, Hummer JF, Ghaidarov TM, Lac A, Kenney SR. Hooking up in the college context: the event-level effects of alcohol use and partner familiarity on hookup behaviors and contentment. J Sex Res. 2014; 51(1):62-73. PMID: 23127230.
Lac A, Crano WD, Berger DE, Alvaro EM. Attachment theory and theory of planned behavior: an integrative model predicting underage drinking. Dev Psychol. 2013 Aug; 49(8):1579-90. PMID: 23127300.
LaBrie JW, Hummer JF, Pedersen ER, Lac A, Chithambo T. Measuring college students' motives behind prepartying drinking: development and validation of the prepartying motivations inventory. Addict Behav. 2012 Aug; 37(8):962-9. PMID: 22564754.
Huchting KK, Lac A, Hummer JF, LaBrie JW. Comparing Greek-Affiliated Students and Student Athletes: An Examination of the Behavior-Intention Link, Reasons for Drinking, and Alcohol-Related Consequences. J Alcohol Drug Educ. 2011 Dec 01; 55(3):61-81. PMID: 25698846.
Hummer JF, LaBrie JW, Lac A, Sessoms A, Cail J. Estimates and influences of reflective opposite-sex norms on alcohol use among a high-risk sample of college students: exploring Greek-affiliation and gender effects. Addict Behav. 2012 May; 37(5):596-604. PMID: 22305289.
LaBrie JW, Hummer JF, Lac A, Ehret PJ, Kenney SR. Parents know best, but are they accurate? Parental normative misperceptions and their relationship to students' alcohol-related outcomes. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2011 Jul; 72(4):521-9. PMID: 21683033.
Grant SP, LaBrie JW, Hummer JF, Lac A. Underestimations of blood alcohol concentration predict event-specific negative consequences. Subst Use Misuse. 2011; 46(10):1309-17. PMID: 21619446.
Grant S, LaBrie JW, Hummer JF, Lac A. How drunk am I? Misperceiving one's level of intoxication in the college drinking environment. Psychol Addict Behav. 2012 Mar; 26(1):51-8. PMID: 21604830.
Hemovich V, Lac A, Crano WD. Understanding early-onset drug and alcohol outcomes among youth: the role of family structure, social factors, and interpersonal perceptions of use. Psychol Health Med. 2011 May; 16(3):249-67. PMID: 21491334.
LaBrie JW, Kenney SR, Mirza T, Lac A. Identifying factors that increase the likelihood of driving after drinking among college students. Accid Anal Prev. 2011 Jul; 43(4):1371-7. PMID: 21545868.
LaBrie JW, Hummer JF, Lac A. Comparing injunctive marijuana use norms of salient reference groups among college student marijuana users and nonusers. Addict Behav. 2011 Jul; 36(7):717-20. PMID: 21397405.
LaBrie JW, Hummer J, Kenney S, Lac A, Pedersen E. Identifying factors that increase the likelihood for alcohol-induced blackouts in the prepartying context. Subst Use Misuse. 2011; 46(8):992-1002. PMID: 21222521.
Labrie JW, Lac A, Kenney SR, Mirza T. Protective behavioral strategies mediate the effect of drinking motives on alcohol use among heavy drinking college students: gender and race differences. Addict Behav. 2011 Apr; 36(4):354-61. PMID: 21215529.
LaBrie JW, Kenney SR, Millbury S, Lac A. Sexual Experience and Risky Alcohol Consumption among Incoming First-Year College Females. J Child Adolesc Subst Abuse. 2010 Dec; 20(1):15-33. PMID: 25392606.
LaBrie JW, Hummer JF, Lac A, Lee CM. Direct and indirect effects of injunctive norms on marijuana use: the role of reference groups. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2010 Nov; 71(6):904-8. PMID: 20946748.
Lac A, Unger JB, Bas??ez T, Ritt-Olson A, Soto DW, Baezconde-Garbanati L. Marijuana use among Latino adolescents: gender differences in protective familial factors. Subst Use Misuse. 2011; 46(5):644-55. PMID: 20977294.
LaBrie JW, Hummer JF, Grant S, Lac A. Immediate reductions in misperceived social norms among high-risk college student groups. Addict Behav. 2010 Dec; 35(12):1094-101. PMID: 20817409.
Labrie JW, Migliuri S, Kenney SR, Lac A. Family history of alcohol abuse associated with problematic drinking among college students. Addict Behav. 2010 Jul; 35(7):721-5. PMID: 20359831.
LaBrie JW, Kenney SR, Lac A. The use of protective behavioral strategies is related to reduced risk in heavy drinking college students with poorer mental and physical health. J Drug Educ. 2010; 40(4):361-78. PMID: 21381463.
Lac A, Crano WD. Monitoring Matters: Meta-analytic review reveals the reliable linkage of parental monitoring with adolescent marijuana use. Perspect Psychol Sci. 2009 Nov; 4(6):578-86. PMID: 26082797.
LaBrie JW, Huchting KK, Lac A, Tawalbeh S, Thompson AD, Larimer ME. Preventing risky drinking in first-year college women: further validation of a female-specific motivational-enhancement group intervention. J Stud Alcohol Drugs Suppl. 2009 Jul; (16):77-85. PMID: 19538915.
Hummer JF, LaBrie JW, Lac A. The prognostic power of normative influences among NCAA student-athletes. Addict Behav. 2009 Jun-Jul; 34(6-7):573-80. PMID: 19406582.
Labrie JW, Cail J, Hummer JF, Lac A, Neighbors C. What men want: the role of reflective opposite-sex normative preferences in alcohol use among college women. Psychol Addict Behav. 2009 Mar; 23(1):157-62. PMID: 19290701.
Lac A, Alvaro EM, Crano WD, Siegel JT. Pathways from parental knowledge and warmth to adolescent marijuana use: an extension to the theory of planned behavior. Prev Sci. 2009 Mar; 10(1):22-32. PMID: 18989783.
LaBrie JW, Kenney SR, Lac A, Garcia JA, Ferraiolo P. Mental and Social Health Impacts the Use of Protective Behavioral Strategies in Reducing Risky Drinking and Alcohol Consequences. J Coll Stud Dev. 2009 Jan; 50(1):35-49. PMID: 25382937.
LaBrie JW, Feres N, Kenney SR, Lac A. Family history of alcohol abuse moderates effectiveness of a group motivational enhancement intervention in college women. Addict Behav. 2009 May; 34(5):415-20. PMID: 19162406.
Skenderian JJ, Siegel JT, Crano WD, Alvaro EE, Lac A. Expectancy change and adolescents' intentions to use marijuana. Psychol Addict Behav. 2008 Dec; 22(4):563-9. PMID: 19071982.
LaBrie JW, Kenney SR, Lac A, Migliuri SF. Differential drinking patterns of family history positive and family history negative first semester college females. Addict Behav. 2009 Feb; 34(2):190-6. PMID: 18992994.
Siegel JT, Alvaro EM, Crano WD, Skenderian J, Lac A, Patel N. Influencing inhalant intentions by changing socio-personal expectations. Prev Sci. 2008 Sep; 9(3):153-65. PMID: 18543103.
Crano WD, Siegel JT, Alvaro EM, Lac A, Hemovich V. The at-risk adolescent marijuana nonuser: expanding the standard distinction. Prev Sci. 2008 Jun; 9(2):129-37. PMID: 18516682.
Siegel JT, Alvaro EM, Crano WD, Lac A, Ting S, Jones SP. A quasi-experimental investigation of message appeal variations on organ donor registration rates. Health Psychol. 2008 Mar; 27(2):170-8. PMID: 18377135.
Siegel JT, Alvaro EM, Lac A, Crano WD, Dominick A. Intentions of becoming a living organ donor among Hispanics: a theory-based approach exploring differences between living and nonliving organ donation. J Health Commun. 2008 Jan-Feb; 13(1):80-99. PMID: 18307137.
Huchting K, Lac A, LaBrie JW. An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to sorority alcohol consumption. Addict Behav. 2008 Apr; 33(4):538-51. PMID: 18055130.
Pedersen ER, Labrie JW, Lac A. Assessment of perceived and actual alcohol norms in varying contexts: exploring Social Impact Theory among college students. Addict Behav. 2008 Apr; 33(4):552-64. PMID: 18068308.
LaBrie JW, Thompson AD, Huchting K, Lac A, Buckley K. A group Motivational Interviewing intervention reduces drinking and alcohol-related negative consequences in adjudicated college women. Addict Behav. 2007 Nov; 32(11):2549-62. PMID: 17628347.
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2007 | 3 | 2008 | 7 | 2009 | 6 | 2010 | 7 | 2011 | 10 | 2012 | 3 | 2013 | 7 | 2014 | 2 | 2015 | 1 | 2016 | 3 | 2017 | 4 | 2018 | 3 | 2019 | 4 | 2020 | 2 | 2023 | 3 | 2024 | 1 |
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