Russell E Glasgow
Title | Research Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-FM General Operations |
Research R01CA282292 (HUEBSCHMANN, AMY GROTELUESCHEN)Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2029 NIH Partnering with primary care to address goals of equity, value and sustainment for primary cancer prevention Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| P50CA244688 (GLASGOW, RUSSELL E)Sep 20, 2019 - Aug 31, 2024 NIH Pragmatic Implementation Science Approaches to Assess and Enhance Value of Cancer Prevention and Control in Rural Primary Care Role: Principal Investigator |
| K12HL137862 (GLASGOW, RUSSELL E)Sep 5, 2017 - Jun 30, 2022 NIH IMPlementation to Achieve Clinical Transformation (IMPACT): The Colorado Training Program Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01CA090974 (GLASGOW, RUSSELL E)Apr 1, 2003 - Sep 30, 2008 NIH RE-AIM Evaluation of Tailored Smoking Harm Reduction Role: Principal Investigator |
| R18HS010123 (GLASGOW, RUSSELL E)Apr 5, 2000 - Sep 30, 2005 NIH A PATIENT ACTIVATION APPROACH TO IMPROVING DIABETES CARE Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01DK051581 (MCKAY, H GARTH)Apr 15, 1997 - Mar 31, 2002 NIH COMPUTER MEDIATED SUPPORT FOR DIABETES SELF-MANAGEMENT Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R01HL052538 (GLASGOW, RUSSELL E)May 1, 1995 - Apr 30, 2000 NIH PLANNED PARENTHOOD SMOKING INTERVENTION FOR LUNG HEALTH Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL045548 (GLASGOW, RUSSELL E)Jan 1, 1991 - Sep 30, 1996 NIH WORKSITE ISSUES IN ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH PROMOTION Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01DK035524 (KING, DIANE K)Sep 1, 1984 - Dec 31, 2013 NIH Linking Self-Management and Primary Care for Diabetes Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R37DK035524 (GLASGOW, RUSSELL E)Sep 1, 1984 - Dec 31, 2011 NIH Linking Self-Management and Primary Care for Diabetes Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01AM035524 (GLASGOW, RUSSELL E)Sep 1, 1984 - Aug 31, 1987 NIH ADHERENCE TO NIDDM REGIMENS Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL033739 (GLASGOW, RUSSELL E)Aug 1, 1984 - Apr 30, 1987 NIH EVALUATION OF A WORKSITE SMOKING CONTROL PROGRAM Role: Principal Investigator |
Glasgow RE, Ford BS, Bradley CJ. Implementation science for cancer control: One center's experience addressing context, adaptation, equity, and sustainment. Transl Behav Med. 2024 Mar 21; 14(4):215-224. PMID: 38159246.
Maw AM, Trinkley KE, Glasgow RE. The Role of Pragmatic Implementation Science Methods in Achieving Equitable and Effective Use of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. J Gen Intern Med. 2024 May; 39(7):1242-1244. PMID: 38172408.
LaGrone LN, Glasgow RE, Haut ER. Dissemination and Implementation Science for the Trauma Provider: What you need to know to start doing and/or undoing the thing. Injury. 2024 Jan; 55(1):111251. PMID: 38135366.
Studts CR, Ford B, Glasgow RE. RE-AIM implementation outcomes and service outcomes: what's the connection? results of a cross-sectional survey. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023 Dec 15; 23(1):1417. PMID: 38102634.
Trinkley KE, Wright G, Allen LA, Bennett TD, Glasgow RE, Hale G, Heckman S, Huebschmann AG, Kahn MG, Kao DP, Lin CT, Malone DC, Matlock DD, Wells L, Wysocki V, Zhang S, Suresh K. Sustained Effect of Clinical Decision Support for Heart Failure: A Natural Experiment Using Implementation Science. Appl Clin Inform. 2023 10; 14(5):822-832. PMID: 37852249.
Trinkley KE, Glasgow RE, D'Mello S, Fort MP, Ford B, Rabin BA. The iPRISM webtool: an interactive tool to pragmatically guide the iterative use of the Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model in public health and clinical settings. Implement Sci Commun. 2023 Sep 19; 4(1):116. PMID: 37726860.
Ritchie ND, Gurfinkel D, Sajatovic M, Carter M, Glasgow RE, Holtrop JS, Waxmonsky JA, Kwan BM. A Multi-Method Study of Patient Reach and Attendance in a Pragmatic Trial of Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments. Clin Diabetes. 2023; 41(4):526-538. PMID: 37849523.
Easterling DV, Jacob RR, Brownson RC, Haire-Joshu D, Gundersen DA, Angier H, DeVoe JE, Likumahuwa-Ackman S, Vu T, Glasgow RE, Schnoll R. Participatory logic modeling in a multi-site initiative to advance implementation science. Implement Sci Commun. 2023 Aug 29; 4(1):106. PMID: 37644495.
Shakowski C, Page Ii RL, Wright G, Lunowa C, Marquez C, Suresh K, Allen LA, Glasgow RE, Lin CT, Wick A, Trinkley KE. Comparative effectiveness of generic commercial versus locally customized clinical decision support tools to reduce prescription of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for patients with heart failure. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2023 08 18; 30(9):1516-1525. PMID: 37352404.
Easterling D, Jacob RR, Brownson RC, Haire-Joshu D, Gundersen DA, Angier H, DeVoe JE, Likumahuwa-Ackman S, Vu T, Glasgow RE, Schnoll R. Participatory Logic Modeling in a Multi-Site Initiative to Advance Implementation Science. Res Sq. 2023 May 18. PMID: 37292912.
Gustavson AM, Lewinski AA, Fitzsimmons-Craft EE, Coronado GD, Linke SE, O'Malley DM, Adams AS, Glasgow RE, Klesges LM. Strategies to Bridge Equitable Implementation of Telehealth. Interact J Med Res. 2023 May 15; 12:e40358. PMID: 37184909.
Fort MP, Manson SM, Glasgow RE. Applying an equity lens to assess context and implementation in public health and health services research and practice using the PRISM framework. Front Health Serv. 2023; 3:1139788. PMID: 37125222.
Glasgow RE, Brtnikova M, Dickinson LM, Carroll JK, Studts JL. Implementation strategies preferred by primary care clinicians to facilitate cancer prevention and control activities. J Behav Med. 2023 10; 46(5):821-836. PMID: 37031347.
Gomes R, Nederveld A, Glasgow RE, Studts JL, Holtrop JS. Lung cancer screening in rural primary care practices in Colorado: time for a more team-based approach? BMC Prim Care. 2023 03 03; 24(1):62. PMID: 36869308.
Oh AY, Emmons KM, Brownson RC, Glasgow RE, Foley KL, Lewis CC, Schnoll R, Huguet N, Caplon A, Chambers DA. Speeding implementation in cancer: The National Cancer Institute's Implementation Science Centers in Cancer Control. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2023 02 08; 115(2):131-138. PMID: 36315080.
Estabrooks PA, Glasgow RE. Developing a dissemination and implementation research agenda for aging and public health: The what, when, how, and why? Front Public Health. 2023; 11:1123349. PMID: 36815160.
Cataldi JR, Fisher ME, Brewer SE, Spina CI, Glasgow RE, Perreira C, Cochran F, O'Leary ST. Motivational interviewing for maternal Immunizations: Intervention development. Vaccine. 2022 12 12; 40(52):7604-7612. PMID: 36371367.
Glasgow RE, Battaglia C, McCreight M, Ayele R, Maw AM, Fort MP, Holtrop JS, Gomes RN, Rabin BA. Use of the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance (RE-AIM) framework to guide iterative adaptations: Applications, lessons learned, and future directions. Front Health Serv. 2022; 2:959565. PMID: 36925843.
Rabin BA, Cakici J, Golden CA, Estabrooks PA, Glasgow RE, Gaglio B. A citation analysis and scoping systematic review of the operationalization of the Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM). Implement Sci. 2022 09 24; 17(1):62. PMID: 36153628.
Trinkley KE, Ho PM, Glasgow RE, Huebschmann AG. How Dissemination and Implementation Science Can Contribute to the Advancement of Learning Health Systems. Acad Med. 2022 10 01; 97(10):1447-1458. PMID: 35796045.
Brtnikova M, Studts JL, Robertson E, Dickinson LM, Carroll JK, Krist AH, Cronin JT, Glasgow RE. Priorities for improvement across cancer and non-cancer related preventive services among rural and non-rural clinicians. BMC Prim Care. 2022 09 09; 23(1):231. PMID: 36085005.
McCreight M, Rohs C, Lee M, Sjoberg H, Ayele R, Battaglia C, Glasgow RE, Rabin BA. Using a longitudinal multi-method approach to document, assess, and understand adaptations in the Veterans Health Administration Advanced Care Coordination program. Front Health Serv. 2022; 2:970409. PMID: 36925896.
Wagner NM, Kempe A, Barnard JG, Rinehart DJ, Havranek EP, Glasgow RE, Blum J, Morris MA. Qualitative exploration of public health vending machines in young adults who misuse opioids: A promising strategy to increase naloxone access in a high risk underserved population. Drug Alcohol Depend Rep. 2022 Dec; 5. PMID: 36687307.
Eisman AB, Kim B, Salloum RG, Shuman CJ, Glasgow RE. Advancing rapid adaptation for urgent public health crises: Using implementation science to facilitate effective and efficient responses. Front Public Health. 2022; 10:959567. PMID: 36091566.
Maw AM, Morris MA, Glasgow RE, Barnard J, Ho PM, Ortiz-Lopez C, Fleshner M, Kramer HR, Grimm E, Ytell K, Gardner T, Huebschmann AG. Using Iterative RE-AIM to enhance hospitalist adoption of lung ultrasound in the management of patients with COVID-19: an implementation pilot study. Implement Sci Commun. 2022 Aug 12; 3(1):89. PMID: 35962441.
Jones LK, Strande NT, Calvo EM, Chen J, Rodriguez G, McCormick CZ, Hallquist MLG, Savatt JM, Rocha H, Williams MS, Sturm AC, Buchanan AH, Glasgow RE, Martin CL, Rahm AK. A RE-AIM Framework Analysis of DNA-Based Population Screening: Using Implementation Science to Translate Research Into Practice in a Healthcare System. Front Genet. 2022; 13:883073. PMID: 35692820.
Huebschmann AG, Glasgow RE, Leavitt IM, Chapman K, Rice JD, Lockhart S, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Reusch JEB, Dunn AL, Regensteiner JG. Integrating a physical activity coaching intervention into diabetes care: a mixed-methods evaluation of a pilot pragmatic trial. Transl Behav Med. 2022 05 25; 12(4):601-610. PMID: 35312788.
Cox-Martin E, Phimphasone-Brady P, Hoffecker L, Glasgow RE. Psychosocial Interventions for Pain Management in Breast Cancer Survivors: A RE-AIM Evaluation. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2023 03; 30(1):182-196. PMID: 35562602.
Huebschmann AG, Trinkley KE, Gritz M, Glasgow RE. Pragmatic considerations and approaches for measuring staff time as an implementation cost in health systems and clinics: key issues and applied examples. Implement Sci Commun. 2022 Apr 15; 3(1):44. PMID: 35428326.
Guerin RJ, Glasgow RE, Tyler A, Rabin BA, Huebschmann AG. Methods to improve the translation of evidence-based interventions: A primer on dissemination and implementation science for occupational safety and health researchers and practitioners. Saf Sci. 2022 Aug; 152. PMID: 37854304.
Brownson RC, Shelton RC, Geng EH, Glasgow RE. Revisiting concepts of evidence in implementation science. Implement Sci. 2022 04 12; 17(1):26. PMID: 35413917.
Michaud TL, Hill JL, Heelan KA, Bartee RT, Abbey BM, Malmkar A, Masker J, Golden C, Porter G, Glasgow RE, Estabrooks PA. Understanding implementation costs of a pediatric weight management intervention: an economic evaluation protocol. Implement Sci Commun. 2022 Apr 05; 3(1):37. PMID: 35382891.
Kwan BM, Brownson RC, Glasgow RE, Morrato EH, Luke DA. Designing for Dissemination and Sustainability to Promote Equitable Impacts on Health. Annu Rev Public Health. 2022 04 05; 43:331-353. PMID: 34982585.
Holtrop JS, Nederveld A, Lum HD, Glasgow RE, Gomes R. Values and Meaning in Rural Primary Care Practices: Implications for Interventions Within Context. J Prim Care Community Health. 2022 Jan-Dec; 13:21501319221139371. PMID: 36433703.
Sandy LC, Glorioso TJ, Weinfurt K, Sugarman J, Peterson PN, Glasgow RE, Ho PM. Leave me out: Patients' characteristics and reasons for opting out of a pragmatic clinical trial involving medication adherence. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021 Dec 23; 100(51):e28136. PMID: 34941059.
Mehta AB, Lockhart S, Reed K, Griesmer C, Glasgow RE, Moss M, Douglas IS, Morris MA. Drivers of Burnout Among Critical Care Providers: A Multicenter Mixed-Methods Study. Chest. 2022 05; 161(5):1263-1274. PMID: 34896094.
Guerin RJ, Harden SM, Rabin BA, Rohlman DS, Cunningham TR, TePoel MR, Parish M, Glasgow RE. Dissemination and Implementation Science Approaches for Occupational Safety and Health Research: Implications for Advancing Total Worker Health. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 10 21; 18(21). PMID: 34769573.
O'Loughlin K, Huffstetler AN, Shadowen H, Brooks EM, Hinesley J, Huebschmann AG, Glasgow RE, Bohannon A, Krist AH. Stakeholder input on a care planning tool to address unhealthy behaviors, mental health needs, and social risks: The value of different stakeholder perspectives. J Clin Transl Sci. 2021; 5(1):e188. PMID: 34849263.
Glasgow RE, Gurfinkel D, Waxmonsky J, Rementer J, Ritchie ND, Dailey-Vail J, Hosokawa P, Dickinson LM, Kwan BM. Protocol refinement for a diabetes pragmatic trial using the PRECIS-2 framework. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Oct 02; 21(1):1039. PMID: 34598702.
Fort MP, Mundo W, Paniagua-Avila A, Cardona S, Figueroa JC, Hern?ndez-Galdamez D, Mansilla K, Peralta-Garc?a A, Roche D, Palacios EA, Glasgow RE, Gulayin P, Irazola V, He J, Ramirez-Zea M. Hypertension in Guatemala's Public Primary Care System: A Needs Assessment Using the Health System Building Blocks Framework. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Sep 03; 21(1):908. PMID: 34479559.
Glasgow RE, Knoepke CE, Magid D, Grunwald GK, Glorioso TJ, Waughtal J, Marrs JC, Bull S, Ho PM. The NUDGE trial pragmatic trial to enhance cardiovascular medication adherence: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2021 Aug 11; 22(1):528. PMID: 34380527.
Maw AM, Ho PM, Morris MA, Glasgow RE, Huebschmann AG, Barnard JG, Metter R, Tierney DM, Mathews BK, Havranek EP, Kissler M, Fleshner M, Burian BK, Platz E, Soni NJ. Hospitalist Perceptions of Barriers to Lung Ultrasound Adoption in Diverse Hospital Environments. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Aug 11; 11(8). PMID: 34441385.
Eisman AB, Quanbeck A, Bounthavong M, Panattoni L, Glasgow RE. Implementation science issues in understanding, collecting, and using cost estimates: a multi-stakeholder perspective. Implement Sci. 2021 08 03; 16(1):75. PMID: 34344411.
Holtrop JS, Scherer LD, Matlock DD, Glasgow RE, Green LA. The Importance of Mental Models in Implementation Science. Front Public Health. 2021; 9:680316. PMID: 34295871.
Ayele RA, Liu W, Rohs C, McCreight M, Mayberry A, Sjoberg H, Kelley L, Glasgow RE, Rabin BA, Battaglia C. VA Care Coordination Program Increased Primary Care Visits and Improved Transitional Care for Veterans Post Non-VA Hospital Discharge. Am J Med Qual. 2021 Jul-Aug 01; 36(4):221-228. PMID: 32772849.
Maw AM, Morris MA, Barnard JG, Wilson J, Glasgow RE, Huebschmann AG, Soni NJ, Fleshner M, Kaufman J, Ho PM. Multi-Level Stakeholder Perspectives on Determinants of Point of Care Ultrasound Implementation in a US Academic Medical Center. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Jun 28; 11(7). PMID: 34203357.
Estabrooks PA, Gaglio B, Glasgow RE, Harden SM, Ory MG, Rabin BA, Smith ML. Editorial: Use of the RE-AIM Framework: Translating Research to Practice With Novel Applications and Emerging Directions. Front Public Health. 2021; 9:691526. PMID: 34178933.
Holtrop JS, Estabrooks PA, Gaglio B, Harden SM, Kessler RS, King DK, Kwan BM, Ory MG, Rabin BA, Shelton RC, Glasgow RE. Understanding and applying the RE-AIM framework: Clarifications and resources. J Clin Transl Sci. 2021; 5(1):e126. PMID: 34367671.
Tyler A, Glasgow RE. Implementing Improvements: Opportunities to Integrate Quality Improvement and Implementation Science. Hosp Pediatr. 2021 05; 11(5):536-545. PMID: 33910971.
Kepper MM, Walsh-Bailey C, Brownson RC, Kwan BM, Morrato EH, Garbutt J, de las Fuentes L, Glasgow RE, Lopetegui MA, Foraker R. Development of a Health Information Technology Tool for Behavior Change to Address Obesity and Prevent Chronic Disease Among Adolescents: Designing for Dissemination and Sustainment Using the ORBIT Model. Front Digit Health. 2021; 3:648777. PMID: 34713122.
Baker TB, Berg KM, Adsit RT, Skora AD, Swedlund MP, Zehner ME, McCarthy DE, Glasgow RE, Fiore MC. Closed-Loop Electronic Referral From Primary Care Clinics to a State Tobacco Cessation Quitline: Effects Using Real-World Implementation Training. Am J Prev Med. 2021 03; 60(3 Suppl 2):S113-S122. PMID: 33663698.
Thompson JS, Fitzgerald MD, Allen LA, McIlvennan CK, Glasgow RE, Wynia M, Morris MA, Beilenson J, Gherst C, Matlock DD. Shared Decision-Making for Left Ventricular Assist Devices: Rationale and Design of a Nationwide Dissemination and Implementation Project. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2021 02; 14(2):e007256. PMID: 33530698.
McNeal DM, Glasgow RE, Brownson RC, Matlock DD, Peterson PN, Daugherty SL, Knoepke CE. Perspectives of scientists on disseminating research findings to non-research audiences. J Clin Transl Sci. 2020 Dec 07; 5(1):e61. PMID: 33948281.
Brewer SE, Cataldi JR, Fisher M, Glasgow RE, Garrett K, O'Leary ST. Motivational Interviewing for Maternal Immunisation (MI4MI) study: a protocol for an implementation study of a clinician vaccine communication intervention for prenatal care settings. BMJ Open. 2020 11 17; 10(11):e040226. PMID: 33203635.
Kilbourne AM, Glasgow RE, Chambers DA. What Can Implementation Science Do for You? Key Success Stories from the Field. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 11; 35(Suppl 2):783-787. PMID: 33107001.
Trinkley KE, Kahn MG, Bennett TD, Glasgow RE, Haugen H, Kao DP, Kroehl ME, Lin CT, Malone DC, Matlock DD. Integrating the Practical Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model With Best Practices in Clinical Decision Support Design: Implementation Science Approach. J Med Internet Res. 2020 10 29; 22(10):e19676. PMID: 33118943.
Matlock DD, Fukunaga MI, Tan A, Knoepke C, McNeal DM, Mazor KM, Glasgow RE. Enhancing Success of Medicare's Shared Decision Making Mandates Using Implementation Science: Examples Applying the Pragmatic Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM). MDM Policy Pract. 2020 Jul-Dec; 5(2):2381468320963070. PMID: 33117890.
Fisher L, Glasgow RE, Huebschmann A. A Scoping Review and General User's Guide for Facilitating the Successful Use of eHealth Programs for Diabetes in Clinical Care. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2021 02; 23(2):133-145. PMID: 32865431.
Glasgow RE, Estabrooks PA, Ory MG. Characterizing evolving frameworks: issues from Esmail et al. (2020) review. Implement Sci. 2020 07 02; 15(1):53. PMID: 32611414.
Harden SM, Steketee A, Glasgow T, Glasgow RE, Estabrooks PA. Suggestions for Advancing Pragmatic Solutions for Dissemination: Potential Updates to Evidence-Based Repositories. Am J Health Promot. 2021 02; 35(2):289-294. PMID: 32602348.
Krist AH, O'Loughlin K, Woolf SH, Sabo RT, Hinesley J, Kuzel AJ, Rybarczyk BD, Kashiri PL, Brooks EM, Glasgow RE, Huebschmann AG, Liaw WR. Enhanced care planning and clinical-community linkages versus usual care to address basic needs of patients with multiple chronic conditions: a clinician-level randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2020 Jun 11; 21(1):517. PMID: 32527322.
Paniagua-Avila A, Fort MP, Glasgow RE, Gulayin P, Hern?ndez-Galdamez D, Mansilla K, Palacios E, Peralta AL, Roche D, Rubinstein A, He J, Ramirez-Zea M, Irazola V. Evaluating a multicomponent program to improve hypertension control in Guatemala: study protocol for an effectiveness-implementation cluster randomized trial. Trials. 2020 Jun 09; 21(1):509. PMID: 32517806.
Glasgow RE, Battaglia C, McCreight M, Ayele RA, Rabin BA. Making Implementation Science More Rapid: Use of the RE-AIM Framework for Mid-Course Adaptations Across Five Health Services Research Projects in the Veterans Health Administration. Front Public Health. 2020; 8:194. PMID: 32528921.
Shelton RC, Chambers DA, Glasgow RE. An Extension of RE-AIM to Enhance Sustainability: Addressing Dynamic Context and Promoting Health Equity Over Time. Front Public Health. 2020; 8:134. PMID: 32478025.
Wallace BC, Allen LA, Knoepke CE, Glasgow RE, Lewis CL, Fairclough DL, Helmkamp LJ, Fitzgerald MD, Tzou WS, Kramer DB, Varosy PD, Gupta SK, Mandrola JM, Brancato SC, Peterson PN, Matlock DD. A multicenter trial of a shared DECision Support Intervention for Patients offered implantable Cardioverter-DEfibrillators: DECIDE-ICD rationale, design, Medicare changes, and pilot data. Am Heart J. 2020 08; 226:161-173. PMID: 32599257.
Matlock DD, McIlvennan CK, Thompson JS, Morris MA, Venechuk G, Dunlay SM, LaRue SJ, Lewis EF, Patel CB, Blue L, Chaussee EL, Glasgow RE, Walsh MN, Allen LA. Decision Aid Implementation among Left Ventricular Assist Device Programs Participating in the DECIDE-LVAD Stepped-Wedge Trial. Med Decis Making. 2020 04; 40(3):289-301. PMID: 32428430.
Ayele RA, Lawrence E, McCreight M, Fehling K, Glasgow RE, Rabin BA, Burke RE, Battaglia C. Perspectives of Clinicians, Staff, and Veterans in Transitioning Veterans from non-VA Hospitals to Primary Care in a Single VA Healthcare System. J Hosp Med. 2020 Mar; 15(3):133-139. PMID: 31634102.
Kwan BM, Dickinson LM, Glasgow RE, Sajatovic M, Gritz M, Holtrop JS, Nease DE, Ritchie N, Nederveld A, Gurfinkel D, Waxmonsky JA. Correction to: The Invested in Diabetes Study Protocol: a cluster randomized pragmatic trial comparing standardized and patient-driven diabetes shared medical appointments. Trials. 2020 Feb 18; 21(1):195. PMID: 32070389.
Kwan BM, Dickinson LM, Glasgow RE, Sajatovic M, Gritz M, Holtrop JS, Nease DE, Ritchie N, Nederveld A, Gurfinkel D, Waxmonsky JA. The Invested in Diabetes Study Protocol: a cluster randomized pragmatic trial comparing standardized and patient-driven diabetes shared medical appointments. Trials. 2020 Jan 10; 21(1):65. PMID: 31924249.
Harden SM, Strayer TE, Smith ML, Gaglio B, Ory MG, Rabin B, Estabrooks PA, Glasgow RE. National Working Group on the RE-AIM Planning and Evaluation Framework: Goals, Resources, and Future Directions. Front Public Health. 2019; 7:390. PMID: 31998677.
Mould-Millman NK, Dixon J, Lamp A, de Vries S, Beaty B, Finck L, Colborn K, Moodley K, Skenadore A, Glasgow RE, Havranek EP, Bebarta VS, Ginde AA. A single-site pilot implementation of a novel trauma training program for prehospital providers in a resource-limited setting. Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2019; 5:143. PMID: 31844551.
McCreight MS, Rabin BA, Glasgow RE, Ayele RA, Leonard CA, Gilmartin HM, Frank JW, Hess PL, Burke RE, Battaglia CT. Using the Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) to qualitatively assess multilevel contextual factors to help plan, implement, evaluate, and disseminate health services programs. Transl Behav Med. 2019 11 25; 9(6):1002-1011. PMID: 31170296.
Kwan BM, McGinnes HL, Ory MG, Estabrooks PA, Waxmonsky JA, Glasgow RE. RE-AIM in the Real World: Use of the RE-AIM Framework for Program Planning and Evaluation in Clinical and Community Settings. Front Public Health. 2019; 7:345. PMID: 31824911.
Knoepke CE, Ingle MP, Matlock DD, Brownson RC, Glasgow RE. Dissemination and stakeholder engagement practices among dissemination & implementation scientists: Results from an online survey. PLoS One. 2019; 14(11):e0216971. PMID: 31721784.
Glasgow RE, Huebschmann AG, Krist AH, Degruy FV. An Adaptive, Contextual, Technology-Aided Support (ACTS) System for Chronic Illness Self-Management. Milbank Q. 2019 09; 97(3):669-691. PMID: 31424137.
Rosen GM, Lilienfeld SO, Glasgow RE. Psychiatry's stance towards scientifically implausible therapies: are we losing ground? Lancet Psychiatry. 2019 10; 6(10):802-803. PMID: 31326369.
Glasgow RE, Harden SM, Gaglio B, Rabin B, Smith ML, Porter GC, Ory MG, Estabrooks PA. RE-AIM Planning and Evaluation Framework: Adapting to New Science and Practice With a 20-Year Review. Front Public Health. 2019; 7:64. PMID: 30984733.
Huebschmann AG, Leavitt IM, Glasgow RE. Making Health Research Matter: A Call to Increase Attention to External Validity. Annu Rev Public Health. 2019 04 01; 40:45-63. PMID: 30664836.
Ford B, Rabin B, Morrato EH, Glasgow RE. Online Resources for Dissemination and Implementation Science: Meeting Demand and Lessons Learned. J Clin Transl Sci. 2018 Oct; 2(5):259-266. PMID: 31223491.
Tan ASL, Mazor KM, McDonald D, Lee SJ, McNeal D, Matlock DD, Glasgow RE. Designing Shared Decision-Making Interventions for Dissemination and Sustainment: Can Implementation Science Help Translate Shared Decision Making Into Routine Practice? MDM Policy Pract. 2018 Jul-Dec; 3(2):2381468318808503. PMID: 30560204.
Bradley CJ, Brown KL, Haan M, Glasgow RE, Newman LS, Rabin B, Ritzwoller DP, Tenney L. Cancer Survivorship and Employment: Intersection of Oral Agents, Changing Workforce Dynamics, and Employers' Perspectives. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018 12 01; 110(12):1292-1299. PMID: 30346557.
Glasgow RE, Kwan BM, Matlock DD. Realizing the full potential of precision health: The need to include patient-reported health behavior, mental health, social determinants, and patient preferences data. J Clin Transl Sci. 2018 Jun; 2(3):183-185. PMID: 30370072.
Jones Rhodes WC, Ritzwoller DP, Glasgow RE. Stakeholder perspectives on costs and resource expenditures: tools for addressing economic issues most relevant to patients, providers, and clinics. Transl Behav Med. 2018 09 08; 8(5):675-682. PMID: 29590479.
Battaglia C, Glasgow RE. Pragmatic dissemination and implementation research models, methods and measures and their relevance for nursing research. Nurs Outlook. 2018 09; 66(5):430-445. PMID: 30093135.
Glasgow RE, Huebschmann AG, Brownson RC. Expanding the CONSORT Figure: Increasing Transparency in Reporting on External Validity. Am J Prev Med. 2018 09; 55(3):422-430. PMID: 30033029.
Holtrop JS, Rabin BA, Glasgow RE. Dissemination and Implementation Science in Primary Care Research and Practice: Contributions and Opportunities. J Am Board Fam Med. 2018 May-Jun; 31(3):466-478. PMID: 29743229.
Rabin BA, McCreight M, Battaglia C, Ayele R, Burke RE, Hess PL, Frank JW, Glasgow RE. Systematic, Multimethod Assessment of Adaptations Across Four Diverse Health Systems Interventions. Front Public Health. 2018; 6:102. PMID: 29686983.
Allen LA, McIlvennan CK, Thompson JS, Dunlay SM, LaRue SJ, Lewis EF, Patel CB, Blue L, Fairclough DL, Leister EC, Glasgow RE, Cleveland JC, Phillips C, Baldridge V, Walsh MN, Matlock DD. Effectiveness of an Intervention Supporting Shared Decision Making for Destination Therapy Left Ventricular Assist Device: The DECIDE-LVAD Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2018 04 01; 178(4):520-529. PMID: 29482225.
Harden SM, Smith ML, Ory MG, Smith-Ray RL, Estabrooks PA, Glasgow RE. RE-AIM in Clinical, Community, and Corporate Settings: Perspectives, Strategies, and Recommendations to Enhance Public Health Impact. Front Public Health. 2018; 6:71. PMID: 29623270.
Holtrop JS, Rabin BA, Glasgow RE. Qualitative approaches to use of the RE-AIM framework: rationale and methods. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 03 13; 18(1):177. PMID: 29534729.
Glasgow RE, Estabrooks PE. Pragmatic Applications of RE-AIM for Health Care Initiatives in Community and Clinical Settings. Prev Chronic Dis. 2018 01 04; 15:E02. PMID: 29300695.
Luoma KA, Leavitt IM, Marrs JC, Nederveld AL, Regensteiner JG, Dunn AL, Glasgow RE, Huebschmann AG. How can clinical practices pragmatically increase physical activity for patients with type 2 diabetes? A systematic review. Transl Behav Med. 2017 12; 7(4):751-772. PMID: 28589531.
Hall TL, Holtrop JS, Dickinson LM, Glasgow RE. Understanding adaptations to patient-centered medical home activities: The PCMH adaptations model. Transl Behav Med. 2017 12; 7(4):861-872. PMID: 28620725.
Holtrop JS, Hall TL, Rubinson C, Dickinson LM, Glasgow RE. What Makes for Successful Registry Implementation: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. J Am Board Fam Med. 2017 Sep-Oct; 30(5):657-665. PMID: 28923818.
Ayele RA, Lawrence E, McCreight M, Fehling K, Peterson J, Glasgow RE, Rabin BA, Burke R, Battaglia C. Study protocol: improving the transition of care from a non-network hospital back to the patient's medical home. BMC Health Serv Res. 2017 02 10; 17(1):123. PMID: 28183346.
Rossom RC, Solberg LI, Vazquez-Benitez G, Crain AL, Beck A, Whitebird R, Glasgow RE. The effects of patient-centered depression care on patient satisfaction and depression remission. Fam Pract. 2016 12; 33(6):649-655. PMID: 27535330.
Finney Rutten LJ, Hesse BW, St Sauver JL, Wilson P, Chawla N, Hartigan DB, Moser RP, Taplin S, Glasgow R, Arora NK. Health Self-Efficacy Among Populations with Multiple Chronic Conditions: the Value of Patient-Centered Communication. Adv Ther. 2016 08; 33(8):1440-51. PMID: 27357639.
Krist AH, Glasgow RE, Heurtin-Roberts S, Sabo RT, Roby DH, Gorin SN, Balasubramanian BA, Estabrooks PA, Ory MG, Glenn BA, Phillips SM, Kessler R, Johnson SB, Rohweder CL, Fernandez ME. The impact of behavioral and mental health risk assessments on goal setting in primary care. Transl Behav Med. 2016 06; 6(2):212-9. PMID: 27356991.
Rabin BA, Lewis CC, Norton WE, Neta G, Chambers D, Tobin JN, Brownson RC, Glasgow RE. Measurement resources for dissemination and implementation research in health. Implement Sci. 2016 Mar 22; 11:42. PMID: 27000147.
Mitchell NS, Prochazka AV, Glasgow RE. Time to RE-AIM: Why Community Weight Loss Programs Should Be Included in Academic Obesity Research. Prev Chronic Dis. 2016 Mar 17; 13:E37. PMID: 26986540.
Zoellner J, You W, Almeida F, Blackman KC, Harden S, Glasgow RE, Linnan L, Hill JL, Estabrooks PA. The Influence of Health Literacy on Reach, Retention, and Success in a Worksite Weight Loss Program. Am J Health Promot. 2016 03; 30(4):279-82. PMID: 27404064.
Lum HD, Jones J, Matlock DD, Glasgow RE, Lobo I, Levy CR, Schwartz RS, Sudore RL, Kutner JS. Advance Care Planning Meets Group Medical Visits: The Feasibility of Promoting Conversations. Ann Fam Med. 2016 Mar; 14(2):125-32. PMID: 26951587.
Johnson KE, Neta G, Dember LM, Coronado GD, Suls J, Chambers DA, Rundell S, Smith DH, Liu B, Taplin S, Stoney CM, Farrell MM, Glasgow RE. Use of PRECIS ratings in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory. Trials. 2016 Jan 16; 17:32. PMID: 26772801.
Harden SM, Gaglio B, Shoup JA, Kinney KA, Johnson SB, Brito F, Blackman KC, Zoellner JM, Hill JL, Almeida FA, Glasgow RE, Estabrooks PA. Fidelity to and comparative results across behavioral interventions evaluated through the RE-AIM framework: a systematic review. Syst Rev. 2015 Nov 08; 4:155. PMID: 26547687.
Sheps DM, Bouliane M, Styles-Tripp F, Beaupre LA, Saraswat MK, Luciak-Corea C, Silveira A, Glasgow R, Balyk R. Early mobilisation following mini-open rotator cuff repair: a randomised control trial. Bone Joint J. 2015 Sep; 97-B(9):1257-63. PMID: 26330594.
Solberg LI, Crain AL, Maciosek MV, Un?tzer J, Ohnsorg KA, Beck A, Rubenstein L, Whitebird RR, Rossom RC, Pietruszewski PB, Crabtree BF, Joslyn K, Van de Ven A, Glasgow RE. A stepped-wedge evaluation of an initiative to spread the collaborative care model for depression in primary care. Ann Fam Med. 2015 Sep; 13(5):412-20. PMID: 26371261.
Almeida FA, Smith-Ray RL, Dzewaltowski DA, Glasgow RE, Lee RE, Thomas DS, Xu S, Estabrooks PA. An Interactive Computer Session to Initiate Physical Activity in Sedentary Cardiac Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial. J Med Internet Res. 2015 Aug 24; 17(8):e206. PMID: 26303347.
Adams SA, Choi SK, Khang L, A Campbell D, Friedman DB, Eberth JM, Glasgow RE, Tucker-Seeley R, Xirasagar S, Yip MP, Young VM, H?bert JR. Decreased Cancer Mortality-to-Incidence Ratios with Increased Accessibility of Federally Qualified Health Centers. J Community Health. 2015 Aug; 40(4):633-41. PMID: 25634545.
Morrato EH, Rabin B, Proctor J, Cicutto LC, Battaglia CT, Lambert-Kerzner A, Leeman-Castillo B, Prahl-Wretling M, Nuechterlein B, Glasgow RE, Kempe A. Bringing it home: expanding the local reach of dissemination and implementation training via a university-based workshop. Implement Sci. 2015 Jul 04; 10:94. PMID: 26141909.
Shoup JA, Gaglio B, Varda D, Glasgow RE. Network analysis of RE-AIM framework: chronology of the field and the connectivity of its contributors. Transl Behav Med. 2015 Jun; 5(2):216-32. PMID: 26029284.
Carpenter CR, Neta G, Glasgow RE, Rabin BA, Brownson RC. Carpenter et al. respond. Am J Public Health. 2015 Apr; 105(4):e1-2. PMID: 25713956.
Almeida FA, You W, Harden SM, Blackman KC, Davy BM, Glasgow RE, Hill JL, Linnan LA, Wall SS, Yenerall J, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA. Effectiveness of a worksite-based weight loss randomized controlled trial: the worksite study. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2015 Apr; 23(4):737-45. PMID: 25678325.
Rabin B, Glasgow RE. An implementation science perspective on psychological science and cancer: what is known and opportunities for research, policy, and practice. Am Psychol. 2015 Feb-Mar; 70(2):211-20. PMID: 25730726.
Neta G, Glasgow RE, Carpenter CR, Grimshaw JM, Rabin BA, Fernandez ME, Brownson RC. A Framework for Enhancing the Value of Research for Dissemination and Implementation. Am J Public Health. 2015 Jan; 105(1):49-57. PMID: 25393182.
Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Nutting PA, Fisher L, Harbrecht M, Crabtree BF, Glasgow RE, West DR. Practice context affects efforts to improve diabetes care for primary care patients: a pragmatic cluster randomized trial. J Gen Intern Med. 2015 Apr; 30(4):476-82. PMID: 25472509.
Rubenstein LV, Danz MS, Crain AL, Glasgow RE, Whitebird RR, Solberg LI. Assessing organizational readiness for depression care quality improvement: relative commitment and implementation capability. Implement Sci. 2014 Dec 02; 9:173. PMID: 25443652.
Johnson KE, Tachibana C, Coronado GD, Dember LM, Glasgow RE, Huang SS, Martin PJ, Richards J, Rosenthal G, Septimus E, Simon GE, Solberg L, Suls J, Thompson E, Larson EB. A guide to research partnerships for pragmatic clinical trials. BMJ. 2014 Dec 01; 349:g6826. PMID: 25446054.
Krist AH, Phillips SM, Sabo RT, Balasubramanian BA, Heurtin-Roberts S, Ory MG, Johnson SB, Sheinfeld-Gorin SN, Estabrooks PA, Ritzwoller DP, Glasgow RE. Adoption, reach, implementation, and maintenance of a behavioral and mental health assessment in primary care. Ann Fam Med. 2014 Nov-Dec; 12(6):525-33. PMID: 25384814.
Phillips SM, Glasgow RE, Bello G, Ory MG, Glenn BA, Sheinfeld-Gorin SN, Sabo RT, Heurtin-Roberts S, Johnson SB, Krist AH. Frequency and prioritization of patient health risks from a structured health risk assessment. Ann Fam Med. 2014 Nov-Dec; 12(6):505-13. PMID: 25384812.
Alfano CM, Smith T, de Moor JS, Glasgow RE, Khoury MJ, Hawkins NA, Stein KD, Rechis R, Parry C, Leach CR, Padgett L, Rowland JH. An action plan for translating cancer survivorship research into care. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014 Nov; 106(11). PMID: 25249551.
Peek CJ, Glasgow RE, Stange KC, Klesges LM, Purcell EP, Kessler RS. The 5 R's: an emerging bold standard for conducting relevant research in a changing world. Ann Fam Med. 2014 Sep-Oct; 12(5):447-55. PMID: 25354409.
Sivaram S, Sanchez MA, Rimer BK, Samet JM, Glasgow RE. Implementation science in cancer prevention and control: a framework for research and programs in low- and middle-income countries. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2014 Nov; 23(11):2273-84. PMID: 25178984.
Gaglio B, Phillips SM, Heurtin-Roberts S, Sanchez MA, Glasgow RE. How pragmatic is it? Lessons learned using PRECIS and RE-AIM for determining pragmatic characteristics of research. Implement Sci. 2014 Aug 28; 9:96. PMID: 25163664.
Breen N, Scott S, Percy-Laurry A, Lewis D, Glasgow R. Health disparities calculator: a methodologically rigorous tool for analyzing inequalities in population health. Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep; 104(9):1589-91. PMID: 25033114.
Kaplan RM, Chambers DA, Glasgow RE. Big data and large sample size: a cautionary note on the potential for bias. Clin Transl Sci. 2014 Aug; 7(4):342-6. PMID: 25043853.
Ruiz S, Brady TJ, Glasgow RE, Birkel R, Spafford M. Chronic condition self-management surveillance: what is and what should be measured? Prev Chronic Dis. 2014 Jun 19; 11:E103. PMID: 24945239.
Glasgow RE, Kessler RS, Ory MG, Roby D, Gorin SS, Krist A. Conducting rapid, relevant research: lessons learned from the My Own Health Report project. Am J Prev Med. 2014 Aug; 47(2):212-9. PMID: 24953520.
Glasgow RE, Rabin BA. Implementation science and comparative effectiveness research: a partnership capable of improving population health. J Comp Eff Res. 2014 May; 3(3):237-40. PMID: 24969150.
Bayliss EA, Bonds DE, Boyd CM, Davis MM, Finke B, Fox MH, Glasgow RE, Goodman RA, Heurtin-Roberts S, Lachenmayr S, Lind C, Madigan EA, Meyers DS, Mintz S, Nilsen WJ, Okun S, Ruiz S, Salive ME, Stange KC. Understanding the context of health for persons with multiple chronic conditions: moving from what is the matter to what matters. Ann Fam Med. 2014 May-Jun; 12(3):260-9. PMID: 24821898.
Phillips SM, Alfano CM, Perna FM, Glasgow RE. Accelerating translation of physical activity and cancer survivorship research into practice: recommendations for a more integrated and collaborative approach. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2014 May; 23(5):687-99. PMID: 24599577.
Glasgow RE, Fisher L, Strycker LA, Hessler D, Toobert DJ, King DK, Jacobs T. Minimal intervention needed for change: definition, use, and value for improving health and health research. Transl Behav Med. 2014 Mar; 4(1):26-33. PMID: 24653774.
Stange KC, Etz RS, Gullett H, Sweeney SA, Miller WL, Ja?n CR, Crabtree BF, Nutting PA, Glasgow RE. Metrics for assessing improvements in primary health care. Annu Rev Public Health. 2014; 35:423-42. PMID: 24641561.
Glasgow RE, Chambers DA, Cynkin L. News from the NIH: highlights in implementation science from the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Mental Health. Transl Behav Med. 2013 Dec; 3(4):335-7. PMID: 24294320.
Sanchez MA, Rabin BA, Gaglio B, Henton M, Elzarrad MK, Purcell P, Glasgow RE. A systematic review of eHealth cancer prevention and control interventions: new technology, same methods and designs? Transl Behav Med. 2013 Dec; 3(4):392-401. PMID: 24294327.
Hessler D, Fisher L, Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, Dickinson LM, Arean PA, Masharani U. Reductions in regimen distress are associated with improved management and glycemic control over time. Diabetes Care. 2014; 37(3):617-24. PMID: 24170750.
Chambers DA, Glasgow RE, Stange KC. The dynamic sustainability framework: addressing the paradox of sustainment amid ongoing change. Implement Sci. 2013 Oct 02; 8:117. PMID: 24088228.
Rabin BA, Gaglio B, Sanders T, Nekhlyudov L, Dearing JW, Bull S, Glasgow RE, Marcus A. Predicting cancer prognosis using interactive online tools: a systematic review and implications for cancer care providers. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013 Oct; 22(10):1645-56. PMID: 23956026.
Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, King DK, Toobert DJ. Understanding who benefits at each step in an internet-based diabetes self-management program: application of a recursive partitioning approach. Med Decis Making. 2014 02; 34(2):180-91. PMID: 23913917.
Glasgow RE, Riley WT. Pragmatic measures: what they are and why we need them. Am J Prev Med. 2013 Aug; 45(2):237-43. PMID: 23867032.
Glasgow RE, Phillips SM, Sanchez MA. Implementation science approaches for integrating eHealth research into practice and policy. Int J Med Inform. 2014 Jul; 83(7):e1-11. PMID: 23910896.
Glasgow RE, Brownson RC, Kessler RS. Thinking about health-related outcomes: what do we need evidence about? Clin Transl Sci. 2013 Aug; 6(4):286-91. PMID: 23919363.
Krist AH, Glenn BA, Glasgow RE, Balasubramanian BA, Chambers DA, Fernandez ME, Heurtin-Roberts S, Kessler R, Ory MG, Phillips SM, Ritzwoller DP, Roby DH, Rodriguez HP, Sabo RT, Sheinfeld Gorin SN, Stange KC. Designing a valid randomized pragmatic primary care implementation trial: the my own health report (MOHR) project. Implement Sci. 2013 Jun 25; 8:73. PMID: 23799943.
Fisher L, Hessler D, Glasgow RE, Arean PA, Masharani U, Naranjo D, Strycker LA. REDEEM: a pragmatic trial to reduce diabetes distress. Diabetes Care. 2013 Sep; 36(9):2551-8. PMID: 23735726.
Ritzwoller DP, Glasgow RE, Sukhanova AY, Bennett GG, Warner ET, Greaney ML, Askew S, Goldman J, Emmons KM, Colditz GA. Economic analyses of the Be Fit Be Well program: a weight loss program for community health centers. J Gen Intern Med. 2013 Dec; 28(12):1581-8. PMID: 23733374.
Glasgow RE, Eckstein ET, Elzarrad MK. Implementation science perspectives and opportunities for HIV/AIDS research: integrating science, practice, and policy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013 Jun 01; 63 Suppl 1:S26-31. PMID: 23673882.
Glasgow RE. What does it mean to be pragmatic? Pragmatic methods, measures, and models to facilitate research translation. Health Educ Behav. 2013 Jun; 40(3):257-65. PMID: 23709579.
Glasgow RE, Askew S, Purcell P, Levine E, Warner ET, Stange KC, Colditz GA, Bennett GG. Use of RE-AIM to Address Health Inequities: Application in a low-income community health center based weight loss and hypertension self-management program. Transl Behav Med. 2013 Jun 01; 3(2):200-210. PMID: 23750180.
Samuel-Hodge CD, Garcia BA, Johnston LF, Gizlice Z, Ni A, Cai J, Kraschnewski JL, Gustafson AA, Norwood AF, Glasgow RE, Gold AD, Graham JW, Evenson KR, Trost S, Keyserling TC. Translation of a behavioral weight loss intervention for mid-life, low-income women in local health departments. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Sep; 21(9):1764-73. PMID: 23408464.
Riley WT, Glasgow RE, Etheredge L, Abernethy AP. Rapid, responsive, relevant (R3) research: a call for a rapid learning health research enterprise. Clin Transl Med. 2013 May 10; 2(1):10. PMID: 23663660.
Gaglio B, Shoup JA, Glasgow RE. The RE-AIM framework: a systematic review of use over time. Am J Public Health. 2013 Jun; 103(6):e38-46. PMID: 23597377.
Glasgow RE, Doria-Rose VP, Khoury MJ, Elzarrad M, Brown ML, Stange KC. Comparative effectiveness research in cancer: what has been funded and what knowledge gaps remain? J Natl Cancer Inst. 2013 Jun 05; 105(11):766-73. PMID: 23578853.
Warner ET, Glasgow RE, Emmons KM, Bennett GG, Askew S, Rosner B, Colditz GA. Recruitment and retention of participants in a pragmatic randomized intervention trial at three community health clinics: results and lessons learned. BMC Public Health. 2013 Mar 06; 13:192. PMID: 23496916.
Dickinson WP, Glasgow RE, Fisher L, Dickinson LM, Christensen SM, Estabrooks PA, Miller BF. Use of a website to accomplish health behavior change: if you build it, will they come? And will it work if they do? J Am Board Fam Med. 2013 Mar-Apr; 26(2):168-76. PMID: 23471930.
Meissner HI, Glasgow RE, Vinson CA, Chambers D, Brownson RC, Green LW, Ammerman AS, Weiner BJ, Mittman B. The U.S. training institute for dissemination and implementation research in health. Implement Sci. 2013 Jan 24; 8:12. PMID: 23347882.
Elzarrad MK, Eckstein ET, Glasgow RE. Applying chronic illness care, implementation science, and self-management support to HIV. Am J Prev Med. 2013 Jan; 44(1 Suppl 2):S99-107. PMID: 23253770.
Rabin BA, Purcell P, Naveed S, Moser RP, Henton MD, Proctor EK, Brownson RC, Glasgow RE. Advancing the application, quality and harmonization of implementation science measures. Implement Sci. 2012 Dec 11; 7:119. PMID: 23231885.
Hall KL, Stipelman BA, Eddens KS, Kreuter MW, Bame SI, Meissner HI, Yabroff KR, Purnell JQ, Ferrer R, Ribisl KM, Glasgow R, Linnan LA, Taplin S, Fern?ndez ME. Advancing collaborative research with 2-1-1 to reduce health disparities: challenges, opportunities, and recommendations. Am J Prev Med. 2012 Dec; 43(6 Suppl 5):S518-28. PMID: 23157775.
Smith DH, Feldstein AC, Perrin N, Rosales AG, Mosen DM, Liles EG, Schneider JL, Lafata JE, Meyers RE, Glasgow RE. Automated telephone calls to enhance colorectal cancer screening: economic analysis. Am J Manag Care. 2012 11; 18(11):691-9. PMID: 23198712.
Fernald DH, Dickinson LM, Froshaug DB, Balasubramanian BA, Holtrop JS, Krist AH, Glasgow RE, Green LA. Improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care: lessons from the Prescription for Health Common Measures, Better Outcomes (COMBO) study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2012 Sep-Oct; 25(5):701-11. PMID: 22956706.
Glasgow RE, Kurz D, Dickman JM, Osuna D, Strycker L, King DK. Linking internet-based diabetes self-management to primary care: lessons learned and implications for research translation and practice implementation. Transl Behav Med. 2012 Sep; 2(3):313-21. PMID: 24073131.
Glasgow RE. Commentary: Electronic health records for comparative effectiveness research. Med Care. 2012 Jul; 50 Suppl:S19-20. PMID: 22692253.
Khoury MJ, Gwinn ML, Glasgow RE, Kramer BS. A population approach to precision medicine. Am J Prev Med. 2012 Jun; 42(6):639-45. PMID: 22608383.
Toobert DJ, Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, Barrera M, King DK. Adapting and RE-AIMing a heart disease prevention program for older women with diabetes. Transl Behav Med. 2012 Jun; 2(2):180-7. PMID: 24073110.
Glasgow RE, Green LW, Taylor MV, Stange KC. An evidence integration triangle for aligning science with policy and practice. Am J Prev Med. 2012 Jun; 42(6):646-54. PMID: 22608384.
Sanchez MA, Vinson CA, Porta ML, Viswanath K, Kerner JF, Glasgow RE. Evolution of Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T.: moving research into practice. Cancer Causes Control. 2012 Jul; 23(7):1205-12. PMID: 22674294.
Kessler RS, Purcell EP, Glasgow RE, Klesges LM, Benkeser RM, Peek CJ. What does it mean to "employ" the RE-AIM model? Eval Health Prof. 2013 Mar; 36(1):44-66. PMID: 22615498.
Glasgow RE, Vinson C, Chambers D, Khoury MJ, Kaplan RM, Hunter C. National Institutes of Health approaches to dissemination and implementation science: current and future directions. Am J Public Health. 2012 Jul; 102(7):1274-81. PMID: 22594758.
Stange KC, Breslau ES, Dietrich AJ, Glasgow RE. State-of-the-art and future directions in multilevel interventions across the cancer control continuum. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 2012 May; 2012(44):20-31. PMID: 22623592.
Khoury MJ, Coates RJ, Fennell ML, Glasgow RE, Scheuner MT, Schully SD, Williams MS, Clauser SB. Multilevel research and the challenges of implementing genomic medicine. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 2012 May; 2012(44):112-20. PMID: 22623603.
Estabrooks PA, Boyle M, Emmons KM, Glasgow RE, Hesse BW, Kaplan RM, Krist AH, Moser RP, Taylor MV. Harmonized patient-reported data elements in the electronic health record: supporting meaningful use by primary care action on health behaviors and key psychosocial factors. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 Jul-Aug; 19(4):575-82. PMID: 22511015.
Bennett GG, Warner ET, Glasgow RE, Askew S, Goldman J, Ritzwoller DP, Emmons KM, Rosner BA, Colditz GA. Obesity treatment for socioeconomically disadvantaged patients in primary care practice. Arch Intern Med. 2012 Apr 09; 172(7):565-74. PMID: 22412073.
Glasgow RE, Kaplan RM, Ockene JK, Fisher EB, Emmons KM. Patient-reported measures of psychosocial issues and health behavior should be added to electronic health records. Health Aff (Millwood). 2012 Mar; 31(3):497-504. PMID: 22392660.
Glasgow RE. Estimating population impact. Am J Prev Med. 2012 Mar; 42(3):e30-1; author reply e31-2. PMID: 22341177.
Glasgow RE, Chambers D. Developing robust, sustainable, implementation systems using rigorous, rapid and relevant science. Clin Transl Sci. 2012 Feb; 5(1):48-55. PMID: 22376257.
Gaglio B, Glasgow RE, Bull SS. Do patient preferences for health information vary by health literacy or numeracy? A qualitative assessment. J Health Commun. 2012; 17 Suppl 3:109-21. PMID: 23030565.
Glasgow RE, Gaglio B, Bennett G, Jerome GJ, Yeh HC, Sarwer DB, Appel L, Colditz G, Wadden TA, Wells B. Applying the PRECIS criteria to describe three effectiveness trials of weight loss in obese patients with comorbid conditions. Health Serv Res. 2012 Jun; 47(3 Pt 1):1051-67. PMID: 22092292.
Glasgow RE, Dickinson P, Fisher L, Christiansen S, Toobert DJ, Bender BG, Dickinson LM, Jortberg B, Estabrooks PA. Use of RE-AIM to develop a multi-media facilitation tool for the patient-centered medical home. Implement Sci. 2011 Oct 21; 6:118. PMID: 22017791.
You W, Almeida FA, Zoellner JM, Hill JL, Pinard CA, Allen KC, Glasgow RE, Linnan LA, Estabrooks PA. Who participates in internet-based worksite weight loss programs? BMC Public Health. 2011 Sep 20; 11:709. PMID: 21933429.
Glasgow RE, Kurz D, King D, Dickman JM, Faber AJ, Halterman E, Woolley T, Toobert DJ, Strycker LA, Estabrooks PA, Osuna D, Ritzwoller D. Twelve-month outcomes of an Internet-based diabetes self-management support program. Patient Educ Couns. 2012 Apr; 87(1):81-92. PMID: 21924576.
Samuel-Hodge CD, Garcia BA, Johnston LF, Kraschnewski JL, Gustafson AA, Norwood AF, Glasgow RE, Gold AD, Graham JW, Evenson KR, Stearns SC, Gizlice Z, Keyserling TC. Rationale, design, and sample characteristics of a practical randomized trial to assess a weight loss intervention for low-income women: the Weight-Wise II Program. Contemp Clin Trials. 2012 Jan; 33(1):93-103. PMID: 21930244.
Ritzwoller DP, Sukhanova AS, Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, King DK, Gaglio B, Toobert DJ. Intervention costs and cost-effectiveness for a multiple-risk-factor diabetes self-management trial for Latinas: economic analysis of ?Viva Bien! Transl Behav Med. 2011 Sep 01; 1(3):427-435. PMID: 22081776.
Toobert DJ, Strycker LA, King DK, Barrera M, Osuna D, Glasgow RE. Long-term outcomes from a multiple-risk-factor diabetes trial for Latinas: ?Viva Bien! Transl Behav Med. 2011 Sep; 1(3):416-426. PMID: 22022345.
Khoury MJ, Clauser SB, Freedman AN, Gillanders EM, Glasgow RE, Klein WM, Schully SD. Population sciences, translational research, and the opportunities and challenges for genomics to reduce the burden of cancer in the 21st century. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2011 Oct; 20(10):2105-14. PMID: 21795499.
Beck A, Crain AL, Solberg LI, Un?tzer J, Glasgow RE, Maciosek MV, Whitebird R. Severity of depression and magnitude of productivity loss. Ann Fam Med. 2011 Jul-Aug; 9(4):305-11. PMID: 21747101.
O'Connor PJ, Bodkin NL, Fradkin J, Glasgow RE, Greenfield S, Gregg E, Kerr EA, Pawlson LG, Selby JV, Sutherland JE, Taylor ML, Wysham CH. Diabetes performance measures: current status and future directions. Diabetes Care. 2011 Jul; 34(7):1651-9. PMID: 21709298.
Feldstein AC, Perrin N, Liles EG, Smith DH, Rosales AG, Schneider JL, Lafata JE, Myers RE, Mosen DM, Glasgow RE. Primary care colorectal cancer screening recommendation patterns: associated factors and screening outcomes. Med Decis Making. 2012 Jan-Feb; 32(1):198-208. PMID: 21652776.
Kessler R, Glasgow RE. A proposal to speed translation of healthcare research into practice: dramatic change is needed. Am J Prev Med. 2011 Jun; 40(6):637-44. PMID: 21565657.
Glasgow RE, Sanchez MA. News from NIH: Global Health. Transl Behav Med. 2011 Jun; 1(2):201-2. PMID: 24073041.
Toobert DJ, Strycker LA, Barrera M, Osuna D, King DK, Glasgow RE. Outcomes from a multiple risk factor diabetes self-management trial for Latinas: ?Viva Bien! Ann Behav Med. 2011 Jun; 41(3):310-23. PMID: 21213091.
Margolis KL, Solberg LI, Crain AL, Whitebird RR, Ohnsorg KA, Jaeckels N, Oftedahl G, Glasgow RE. Prevalence of practice system tools for improving depression care among primary care clinics: the DIAMOND initiative. J Gen Intern Med. 2011 Sep; 26(9):999-1004. PMID: 21598053.
Fisher EB, Fitzgibbon ML, Glasgow RE, Haire-Joshu D, Hayman LL, Kaplan RM, Nanney MS, Ockene JK. Behavior matters. Am J Prev Med. 2011 May; 40(5):e15-30. PMID: 21496745.
Glasgow R, Emmons KM. The public health need for patient-reported measures and health behaviors in electronic health records: a policy statement of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Transl Behav Med. 2011 Mar; 1(1):108-9. PMID: 24073037.
Glasgow RE. A model program for a devastating disease: important content and methods issues in translating research into practice: comment on "Translation of a dementia caregiver support program in a health care system--REACH VA". Arch Intern Med. 2011 Feb 28; 171(4):360-1. PMID: 21357813.
Feldstein AC, Perrin N, Rosales AG, Schneider J, Rix MM, Glasgow RE. Patient Barriers to Mammography Identified During a Reminder Program. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2011 Mar; 20(3):421-428. PMID: 21275649.
Glasgow RE, Christiansen SM, Kurz D, King DK, Woolley T, Faber AJ, Estabrooks PA, Strycker L, Toobert D, Dickman J. Engagement in a diabetes self-management website: usage patterns and generalizability of program use. J Med Internet Res. 2011 Jan 25; 13(1):e9. PMID: 21371992.
Paxton AE, Strycker LA, Toobert DJ, Ammerman AS, Glasgow RE. Starting the conversation performance of a brief dietary assessment and intervention tool for health professionals. Am J Prev Med. 2011 Jan; 40(1):67-71. PMID: 21146770.
Estabrooks PA, Glasgow RE, Xu S, Dzewaltowski DA, Lee RE, Thomas D, Almeida FA, Thayer AN, Smith-Ray RL. Building a multiple modality, theory-based physical activity intervention: The development of CardiACTION! Psychol Sport Exerc. 2011 Jan 01; 12(1):46-53. PMID: 22473308.
Glasgow RE. Planning models and theories: integrating components for addressing complex challenges. J Public Health Dent. 2011; 71 Suppl 1:S17. PMID: 21656944.
Hessler DM, Fisher L, Mullan JT, Glasgow RE, Masharani U. Patient age: a neglected factor when considering disease management in adults with type 2 diabetes. Patient Educ Couns. 2011 Nov; 85(2):154-9. PMID: 21112720.
Glasgow RE. Interactive media for diabetes self-management: issues in maximizing public health impact. Med Decis Making. 2010 Nov-Dec; 30(6):745-58. PMID: 21183760.
Toobert DJ, Strycker LA, Barrera M, Glasgow RE. Seven-year follow-up of a multiple-health-behavior diabetes intervention. Am J Health Behav. 2010 Nov-Dec; 34(6):680-94. PMID: 20604694.
Glasgow RE. HMC research translation: speculations about making it real and going to scale. Am J Health Behav. 2010 Nov-Dec; 34(6):833-40. PMID: 20604706.
King DK, Glasgow RE, Leeman-Castillo B. Reaiming RE-AIM: using the model to plan, implement, and evaluate the effects of environmental change approaches to enhancing population health. Am J Public Health. 2010 Nov; 100(11):2076-84. PMID: 20864705.
Glasgow RE, Kurz D, King D, Dickman JM, Faber AJ, Halterman E, Wooley T, Toobert DJ, Strycker LA, Estabrooks PA, Osuna D, Ritzwoller D. Outcomes of minimal and moderate support versions of an internet-based diabetes self-management support program. J Gen Intern Med. 2010 Dec; 25(12):1315-22. PMID: 20714820.
Estabrooks PA, Gaglio B, Morse EF, Smith T, Edwards A, Glasgow RE. Defining and understanding success at smoking reduction: a mixed-methods study. Addict Behav. 2010 Dec; 35(12):1113-9. PMID: 20807674.
Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, Kurz D, Faber A, Bell H, Dickman JM, Halterman E, Estabrooks PA, Osuna D. Recruitment for an internet-based diabetes self-management program: scientific and ethical implications. Ann Behav Med. 2010 Aug; 40(1):40-8. PMID: 20411443.
Toobert DJ, Strycker LA, Glasgow RE, Osuna D, Doty AT, Barrera M, Geno CR, Ritzwoller DP. Viva bien!: Overcoming recruitment challenges in a multiple-risk-factor diabetes trial. Am J Health Behav. 2010 Jul-Aug; 34(4):432-41. PMID: 20218755.
Mosen DM, Feldstein AC, Perrin N, Rosales AG, Smith DH, Liles EG, Schneider JL, Lafata JE, Myers RE, Kositch M, Hickey T, Glasgow RE. Automated telephone calls improved completion of fecal occult blood testing. Med Care. 2010 Jul; 48(7):604-10. PMID: 20508529.
Solberg LI, Glasgow RE, Un?tzer J, Jaeckels N, Oftedahl G, Beck A, Maciosek MV, Crain AL. Partnership research: a practical trial design for evaluation of a natural experiment to improve depression care. Med Care. 2010 Jul; 48(7):576-82. PMID: 20508531.
Rabin BA, Glasgow RE, Kerner JF, Klump MP, Brownson RC. Dissemination and implementation research on community-based cancer prevention: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2010 Apr; 38(4):443-56. PMID: 20307814.
Fisher L, Glasgow RE, Strycker LA. The relationship between diabetes distress and clinical depression with glycemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2010 May; 33(5):1034-6. PMID: 20150291.
King DK, Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Strycker LA, Estabrooks PA, Osuna D, Faber AJ. Self-efficacy, problem solving, and social-environmental support are associated with diabetes self-management behaviors. Diabetes Care. 2010 Apr; 33(4):751-3. PMID: 20150299.
Kraschnewski JL, Keyserling TC, Bangdiwala SI, Gizlice Z, Garcia BA, Johnston LF, Gustafson A, Petrovic L, Glasgow RE, Samuel-Hodge CD. Optimized probability sampling of study sites to improve generalizability in a multisite intervention trial. Prev Chronic Dis. 2010 Jan; 7(1):A10. PMID: 20040225.
Glasgow RE, King DK. Implications of Active Living by Design for broad adoption, successful implementation, and long-term sustainability. Am J Prev Med. 2009 Dec; 37(6 Suppl 2):S450-2. PMID: 19944948.
Green LW, Glasgow RE, Atkins D, Stange K. Making evidence from research more relevant, useful, and actionable in policy, program planning, and practice slips "twixt cup and lip". Am J Prev Med. 2009 Dec; 37(6 Suppl 1):S187-91. PMID: 19896017.
Glasgow RE, Edwards LL, Whitesides H, Carroll N, Sanders TJ, McCray BL. Reach and effectiveness of DVD and in-person diabetes self-management education. Chronic Illn. 2009 Dec; 5(4):243-9. PMID: 19933245.
Osuna D, Barrera M, Strycker LA, Toobert DJ, Glasgow RE, Geno CR, Almeida F, Perdomo M, King D, Doty AT. Methods for the cultural adaptation of a diabetes lifestyle intervention for Latinas: an illustrative project. Health Promot Pract. 2011 May; 12(3):341-8. PMID: 19843703.
Fisher L, Mullan JT, Arean P, Glasgow RE, Hessler D, Masharani U. Diabetes distress but not clinical depression or depressive symptoms is associated with glycemic control in both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Diabetes Care. 2010 Jan; 33(1):23-8. PMID: 19837786.
Glasgow RE. Enhancing the scientific foundation of internet intervention research. Ann Behav Med. 2009 Aug; 38(1):46-7. PMID: 19816749.
Feldstein AC, Perrin N, Rosales AG, Schneider J, Rix MM, Keels K, Schoap S, Glasgow RE. Effect of a multimodal reminder program on repeat mammogram screening. Am J Prev Med. 2009 Aug; 37(2):94-101. PMID: 19589447.
Fisher L, Mullan JT, Skaff MM, Glasgow RE, Arean P, Hessler D. Predicting diabetes distress in patients with Type 2 diabetes: a longitudinal study. Diabet Med. 2009 Jun; 26(6):622-7. PMID: 19538238.
Lindberg NM, Stevens VJ, Smith KS, Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ. A brief intervention designed to increase breast cancer self-screening. Am J Health Promot. 2009 May-Jun; 23(5):320-3. PMID: 19445434.
Ritzwoller DP, Sukhanova A, Gaglio B, Glasgow RE. Costing behavioral interventions: a practical guide to enhance translation. Ann Behav Med. 2009 Apr; 37(2):218-27. PMID: 19291342.
Glasgow RE, Gaglio B, Estabrooks PA, Marcus AC, Ritzwoller DP, Smith TL, Levinson AH, Sukhanova A, O'Donnell C, Ferro EF, France EK. Long-term results of a smoking reduction program. Med Care. 2009 Jan; 47(1):115-20. PMID: 19106739.
Bennett GG, Glasgow RE. The delivery of public health interventions via the Internet: actualizing their potential. Annu Rev Public Health. 2009; 30:273-92. PMID: 19296777.
Best A, Terpstra JL, Moor G, Riley B, Norman CD, Glasgow RE. Building knowledge integration systems for evidence-informed decisions. J Health Organ Manag. 2009; 23(6):627-41. PMID: 20020596.
Beck A, Bergman DA, Rahm AK, Dearing JW, Glasgow RE. Using Implementation and Dissemination Concepts to Spread 21st-century Well-Child Care at a Health Maintenance Organization. Perm J. 2009; 13(3):10-8. PMID: 20740083.
Gaglio B, Smith TL, Estabrooks PA, Ritzwoller DP, Ferro EF, Glasgow RE. Using theory and technology to design a practical and generalizable smoking reduction intervention. Health Promot Pract. 2010 Sep; 11(5):675-84. PMID: 19116418.
Green LA, Cifuentes M, Glasgow RE, Stange KC. Redesigning primary care practice to incorporate health behavior change: prescription for health round-2 results. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Nov; 35(5 Suppl):S347-9. PMID: 18929980.
Hung DY, Glasgow RE, Dickinson LM, Froshaug DB, Fernald DH, Balasubramanian BA, Green LA. The chronic care model and relationships to patient health status and health-related quality of life. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Nov; 35(5 Suppl):S398-406. PMID: 18929987.
Fernald DH, Froshaug DB, Dickinson LM, Balasubramanian BA, Dodoo MS, Holtrop JS, Hung DY, Glasgow RE, Niebauer LJ, Green LA. Common measures, better outcomes (COMBO): a field test of brief health behavior measures in primary care. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Nov; 35(5 Suppl):S414-22. PMID: 18929989.
Glasgow RE, Estabrooks PA, Marcus AC, Smith TL, Gaglio B, Levinson AH, Tong S. Evaluating initial reach and robustness of a practical randomized trial of smoking reduction. Health Psychol. 2008 Nov; 27(6):780-8. PMID: 19025274.
Aragones A, Schaefer EW, Stevens D, Gourevitch MN, Glasgow RE, Shah NR. Validation of the Spanish translation of the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) survey. Prev Chronic Dis. 2008 Oct; 5(4):A113. PMID: 18793501.
Fisher L, Skaff MM, Mullan JT, Arean P, Glasgow R, Masharani U. A longitudinal study of affective and anxiety disorders, depressive affect and diabetes distress in adults with Type 2 diabetes. Diabet Med. 2008 Sep; 25(9):1096-101. PMID: 19183314.
Glasgow RE, Christiansen S, Smith KS, Stevens VJ, Toobert DJ. Development and implementation of an integrated, multi-modality, user-centered interactive dietary change program. Health Educ Res. 2009 Jun; 24(3):461-71. PMID: 18711204.
McCormack LA, Williams-Piehota PA, Bann CM, Burton J, Kamerow DB, Squire C, Fisher E, Brownson CA, Glasgow RE. Development and validation of an instrument to measure resources and support for chronic illness self-management: a model using diabetes. Diabetes Educ. 2008 Jul-Aug; 34(4):707-18. PMID: 18669813.
Li F, Harmer P, Glasgow R, Mack KA, Sleet D, Fisher KJ, Kohn MA, Millet LM, Mead J, Xu J, Lin ML, Yang T, Sutton B, Tompkins Y. Translation of an effective tai chi intervention into a community-based falls-prevention program. Am J Public Health. 2008 Jul; 98(7):1195-8. PMID: 18511723.
Glasgow RE, Peeples M, Skovlund SE. Where is the patient in diabetes performance measures? The case for including patient-centered and self-management measures. Diabetes Care. 2008 May; 31(5):1046-50. PMID: 18445728.
Fisher L, Glasgow RE, Mullan JT, Skaff MM, Polonsky WH. Development of a brief diabetes distress screening instrument. Ann Fam Med. 2008 May-Jun; 6(3):246-52. PMID: 18474888.
Feldstein AC, Glasgow RE. A practical, robust implementation and sustainability model (PRISM) for integrating research findings into practice. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2008 Apr; 34(4):228-43. PMID: 18468362.
Wamboldt FS, Balkissoon RC, Rankin AE, Szefler SJ, Hammond SK, Glasgow RE, Dickinson WP. Correlates of household smoking bans in low-income families of children with and without asthma. Fam Process. 2008 Mar; 47(1):81-94. PMID: 18411831.
Klesges LM, Dzewaltowski DA, Glasgow RE. Review of external validity reporting in childhood obesity prevention research. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Mar; 34(3):216-23. PMID: 18312810.
Glasgow RE. What types of evidence are most needed to advance behavioral medicine? Ann Behav Med. 2008 Feb; 35(1):19-25. PMID: 18347901.
Schmittdiel J, Mosen DM, Glasgow RE, Hibbard J, Remmers C, Bellows J. Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) and improved patient-centered outcomes for chronic conditions. J Gen Intern Med. 2008 Jan; 23(1):77-80. PMID: 18030539.
Williams GC, Lynch M, Glasgow RE. Computer-assisted intervention improves patient-centered diabetes care by increasing autonomy support. Health Psychol. 2007 Nov; 26(6):728-734. PMID: 18020845.
Fisher L, Glasgow RE. A call for more effectively integrating behavioral and social science principles into comprehensive diabetes care. Diabetes Care. 2007 Oct; 30(10):2746-9. PMID: 17901532.
Jilcott S, Ammerman A, Sommers J, Glasgow RE. Applying the RE-AIM framework to assess the public health impact of policy change. Ann Behav Med. 2007 Oct; 34(2):105-14. PMID: 17927550.
Glasgow RE, Fisher EB, Haire-Joshu D, Goldstein MG. National Institutes of Health science agenda: a public health perspective. Am J Public Health. 2007 Nov; 97(11):1936-8. PMID: 17901423.
Levinson AH, Glasgow RE, Gaglio B, Smith TL, Cahoon J, Marcus AC. Tailored behavioral support for smoking reduction: development and pilot results of an innovative intervention. Health Educ Res. 2008 Apr; 23(2):335-46. PMID: 17884837.
Brownson CA, Miller D, Crespo R, Neuner S, Thompson J, Wall JC, Emont S, Fazzone P, Fisher EB, Glasgow RE. A quality improvement tool to assess self-management support in primary care. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2007 Jul; 33(7):408-16. PMID: 17711143.
Glasgow RE, Nelson CC, Kearney KA, Reid R, Ritzwoller DP, Strecher VJ, Couper MP, Green B, Wildenhaus K. Reach, engagement, and retention in an Internet-based weight loss program in a multi-site randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2007 May 09; 9(2):e11. PMID: 17513282.
Glasgow RE. eHealth evaluation and dissemination research. Am J Prev Med. 2007 May; 32(5 Suppl):S119-26. PMID: 17466816.
Lichtenstein E, Boles SM, Lee ME, Hampson SE, Glasgow RE, Fellows J. Using radon risk to motivate smoking reduction II: randomized evaluation of brief telephone counseling and a targeted video. Health Educ Res. 2008 Apr; 23(2):191-201. PMID: 17426046.
Fisher L, Skaff MM, Mullan JT, Arean P, Mohr D, Masharani U, Glasgow R, Laurencin G. Clinical depression versus distress among patients with type 2 diabetes: not just a question of semantics. Diabetes Care. 2007 Mar; 30(3):542-8. PMID: 17327318.
Toobert DJ, Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, Barrera M, Ritzwoller DP, Weidner G. Long-term effects of the Mediterranean lifestyle program: a randomized clinical trial for postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2007 Jan 17; 4:1. PMID: 17229325.
Nutting PA, Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Nelson CC, King DK, Crabtree BF, Glasgow RE. Use of chronic care model elements is associated with higher-quality care for diabetes. Ann Fam Med. 2007 Jan-Feb; 5(1):14-20. PMID: 17261860.
Glasgow RE, Emmons KM. How can we increase translation of research into practice? Types of evidence needed. Annu Rev Public Health. 2007; 28:413-33. PMID: 17150029.
Glasgow RE, Fisher L, Skaff M, Mullan J, Toobert DJ. Problem solving and diabetes self-management: investigation in a large, multiracial sample. Diabetes Care. 2007 Jan; 30(1):33-7. PMID: 17192329.
Eakin EG, Reeves MM, Bull SS, Riley KM, Floyd S, Glasgow RE. Validation of the Spanish-language version of the chronic illness resources survey. Int J Behav Med. 2007; 14(2):76-85. PMID: 17926435.
Rabin BA, Brownson RC, Kerner JF, Glasgow RE. Methodologic challenges in disseminating evidence-based interventions to promote physical activity. Am J Prev Med. 2006 Oct; 31(4 Suppl):S24-34. PMID: 16979467.
Estabrooks PA, Glasgow RE. Translating effective clinic-based physical activity interventions into practice. Am J Prev Med. 2006 Oct; 31(4 Suppl):S45-56. PMID: 16979469.
Ritzwoller DP, Toobert D, Sukhanova A, Glasgow RE. Economic analysis of the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program for postmenopausal women with diabetes. Diabetes Educ. 2006 Sep-Oct; 32(5):761-9. PMID: 16971709.
Glasgow RE, Klesges LM, Dzewaltowski DA, Estabrooks PA, Vogt TM. Evaluating the impact of health promotion programs: using the RE-AIM framework to form summary measures for decision making involving complex issues. Health Educ Res. 2006 Oct; 21(5):688-94. PMID: 16945984.
Granger SR, Rollins MD, Mulvihill SJ, Glasgow RE. Lessons learned from laparoscopic treatment of gastric and gastroesophageal junction stromal cell tumors. Surg Endosc. 2006 Aug; 20(8):1299-304. PMID: 16865626.
Glasgow RE, Emont S, Miller DC. Assessing delivery of the five 'As' for patient-centered counseling. Health Promot Int. 2006 Sep; 21(3):245-55. PMID: 16751630.
Barrera M, Toobert DJ, Angell KL, Glasgow RE, Mackinnon DP. Social support and social-ecological resources as mediators of lifestyle intervention effects for type 2 diabetes. J Health Psychol. 2006 May; 11(3):483-95. PMID: 16774900.
King DK, Estabrooks PA, Strycker LA, Toobert DJ, Bull SS, Glasgow RE. Outcomes of a multifaceted physical activity regimen as part of a diabetes self-management intervention. Ann Behav Med. 2006 Apr; 31(2):128-37. PMID: 16542127.
Glasgow RE, Green LW, Klesges LM, Abrams DB, Fisher EB, Goldstein MG, Hayman LL, Ockene JK, Orleans CT. External validity: we need to do more. Ann Behav Med. 2006 Apr; 31(2):105-8. PMID: 16542124.
Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, King DK, Toobert DJ, Rahm AK, Jex M, Nutting PA. Robustness of a computer-assisted diabetes self-management intervention across patient characteristics, healthcare settings, and intervention staff. Am J Manag Care. 2006 Mar; 12(3):137-45. PMID: 16524346.
Green LW, Glasgow RE. Evaluating the relevance, generalization, and applicability of research: issues in external validation and translation methodology. Eval Health Prof. 2006 Mar; 29(1):126-53. PMID: 16510882.
Glasgow RE, Nutting PA, Toobert DJ, King DK, Strycker LA, Jex M, O'Neill C, Whitesides H, Merenich J. Effects of a brief computer-assisted diabetes self-management intervention on dietary, biological and quality-of-life outcomes. Chronic Illn. 2006 Mar; 2(1):27-38. PMID: 17175680.
Glasgow RE, Davidson KW, Dobkin PL, Ockene J, Spring B. Practical behavioral trials to advance evidence-based behavioral medicine. Ann Behav Med. 2006 Feb; 31(1):5-13. PMID: 16472033.
Glasgow RE. RE-AIMing research for application: ways to improve evidence for family medicine. J Am Board Fam Med. 2006 Jan-Feb; 19(1):11-9. PMID: 16492000.
Glasgow RE, Nelson CC, Strycker LA, King DK. Using RE-AIM metrics to evaluate diabetes self-management support interventions. Am J Prev Med. 2006 Jan; 30(1):67-73. PMID: 16414426.
McCaul KD, Hockemeyer JR, Johnson RJ, Zetocha K, Quinlan K, Glasgow RE. Motivation to quit using cigarettes: a review. Addict Behav. 2006 Jan; 31(1):42-56. PMID: 15916861.
Hazlehurst B, Sittig DF, Stevens VJ, Smith KS, Hollis JF, Vogt TM, Winickoff JP, Glasgow R, Palen TE, Rigotti NA. Natural language processing in the electronic medical record: assessing clinician adherence to tobacco treatment guidelines. Am J Prev Med. 2005 Dec; 29(5):434-9. PMID: 16376707.
Glasgow RE, Whitesides H, Nelson CC, King DK. Use of the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) with diabetic patients: relationship to patient characteristics, receipt of care, and self-management. Diabetes Care. 2005 Nov; 28(11):2655-61. PMID: 16249535.
Spring B, Pagoto S, Kaufmann PG, Whitlock EP, Glasgow RE, Smith TW, Trudeau KJ, Davidson KW. Invitation to a dialogue between researchers and clinicians about evidence-based behavioral medicine. Ann Behav Med. 2005 Oct; 30(2):125-37. PMID: 16173909.
Fisher EB, Brownson CA, O'Toole ML, Shetty G, Anwuri VV, Glasgow RE. Ecological approaches to self-management: the case of diabetes. Am J Public Health. 2005 Sep; 95(9):1523-35. PMID: 16051929.
Woolf SH, Glasgow RE, Krist A, Bartz C, Flocke SA, Holtrop JS, Rothemich SF, Wald ER. Putting it together: finding success in behavior change through integration of services. Ann Fam Med. 2005 Jul-Aug; 3 Suppl 2:S20-7. PMID: 16049077.
Glasgow RE, Gaglio B, France EK, Marcus A, Riley KM, Levinson A, Bischoff K. Do behavioral smoking reduction approaches reach more or different smokers? Two studies; similar answers. Addict Behav. 2006 Mar; 31(3):509-18. PMID: 15979815.
Glasgow RE, Magid DJ, Beck A, Ritzwoller D, Estabrooks PA. Practical clinical trials for translating research to practice: design and measurement recommendations. Med Care. 2005 Jun; 43(6):551-7. PMID: 15908849.
Bull SS, Gaglio B, McKay HG, Glasgow RE. Harnessing the potential of the internet to promote chronic illness self-management: diabetes as an example of how well we are doing. Chronic Illn. 2005 Jun; 1(2):143-55. PMID: 17136920.
Glasgow RE, Wagner EH, Schaefer J, Mahoney LD, Reid RJ, Greene SM. Development and validation of the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC). Med Care. 2005 May; 43(5):436-44. PMID: 15838407.
Estabrooks PA, Nelson CC, Xu S, King D, Bayliss EA, Gaglio B, Nutting PA, Glasgow RE. The frequency and behavioral outcomes of goal choices in the self-management of diabetes. Diabetes Educ. 2005 May-Jun; 31(3):391-400. PMID: 15919639.
Glasgow RE, Price DW. Individualised treatment improves depression in people with depression and diabetes. Evid Based Ment Health. 2005 May; 8(2):40. PMID: 15851803.
Klesges LM, Estabrooks PA, Dzewaltowski DA, Bull SS, Glasgow RE. Beginning with the application in mind: designing and planning health behavior change interventions to enhance dissemination. Ann Behav Med. 2005 Apr; 29 Suppl:66-75. PMID: 15921491.
Glasgow RE. Tackling the hard problems: intensity of intervention and reimbursement issues. Curr Diab Rep. 2005 Apr; 5(2):114. PMID: 15794914.
Toobert DJ, Strycker LA, Glasgow RE, Barrera M, Angell K. Effects of the mediterranean lifestyle program on multiple risk behaviors and psychosocial outcomes among women at risk for heart disease. Ann Behav Med. 2005 04; 29(2):128-37. PMID: 15823786.
Glasgow RE. Tackling the hard problems: long-term maintenance. Curr Diab Rep. 2005 Apr; 5(2):113. PMID: 15794913.
Williams GC, McGregor HA, King D, Nelson CC, Glasgow RE. Variation in perceived competence, glycemic control, and patient satisfaction: relationship to autonomy support from physicians. Patient Educ Couns. 2005 Apr; 57(1):39-45. PMID: 15797151.
Glasgow RE, Nutting PA, King DK, Nelson CC, Cutter G, Gaglio B, Rahm AK, Whitesides H. Randomized effectiveness trial of a computer-assisted intervention to improve diabetes care. Diabetes Care. 2005 Jan; 28(1):33-9. PMID: 15616230.
Glasgow RE, Ory MG, Klesges LM, Cifuentes M, Fernald DH, Green LA. Practical and relevant self-report measures of patient health behaviors for primary care research. Ann Fam Med. 2005 Jan-Feb; 3(1):73-81. PMID: 15671195.
Glasgow RE, Nutting PA, King DK, Nelson CC, Cutter G, Gaglio B, Rahm AK, Whitesides H, Amthauer H. A practical randomized trial to improve diabetes care. J Gen Intern Med. 2004 Dec; 19(12):1167-74. PMID: 15610326.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Barrera M, Strycker LA. The Chronic Illness Resources Survey: cross-validation and sensitivity to intervention. Health Educ Res. 2005 Aug; 20(4):402-9. PMID: 15572438.
Dzewaltowski DA, Glasgow RE, Klesges LM, Estabrooks PA, Brock E. RE-AIM: evidence-based standards and a Web resource to improve translation of research into practice. Ann Behav Med. 2004 Oct; 28(2):75-80. PMID: 15454353.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Barrera M, Strycker LA. Assessment of problem-solving: a key to successful diabetes self-management. J Behav Med. 2004 Oct; 27(5):477-90. PMID: 15675636.
Dzewaltowski DA, Estabrooks PA, Klesges LM, Glasgow RE. TREND: an important step, but not enough. Am J Public Health. 2004 Sep; 94(9):1474; author reply 1474-5. PMID: 15333294.
Glasgow RE, Marcus AC, Bull SS, Wilson KM. Disseminating effective cancer screening interventions. Cancer. 2004 Sep 01; 101(5 Suppl):1239-50. PMID: 15316911.
Glasgow RE, Bull SS, Piette JD, Steiner JF. Interactive behavior change technology. A partial solution to the competing demands of primary care. Am J Prev Med. 2004 Aug; 27(2 Suppl):80-7. PMID: 15275676.
Glasgow RE, Goldstein MG, Ockene JK, Pronk NP. Translating what we have learned into practice. Principles and hypotheses for interventions addressing multiple behaviors in primary care. Am J Prev Med. 2004 Aug; 27(2 Suppl):88-101. PMID: 15275677.
Dzewaltowski DA, Estabrooks PA, Klesges LM, Bull S, Glasgow RE. Behavior change intervention research in community settings: how generalizable are the results? Health Promot Int. 2004 Jun; 19(2):235-45. PMID: 15128715.
Glasgow R, Boles S, Lichtenstein E, Lee M, Foster L. Adoption, reach, and implementation of a novel smoking control program: analysis of a public utility-research organization partnership. Nicotine Tob Res. 2004 Apr; 6(2):269-74. PMID: 15203799.
Glasgow RE. Practical, practice, and policy relevant trials. Curr Diab Rep. 2004 Apr; 4(2):111-2. PMID: 15035970.
Dzewaltowski DA, Estabrooks PA, Glasgow RE. The future of physical activity behavior change research: what is needed to improve translation of research into health promotion practice? Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2004 Apr; 32(2):57-63. PMID: 15064649.
Glasgow RE, Klesges LM, Dzewaltowski DA, Bull SS, Estabrooks P. The future of health behavior change research: what is needed to improve translation of research into health promotion practice? Ann Behav Med. 2004 Feb; 27(1):3-12. PMID: 14979858.
Haire-Joshu D, Glasgow RE, Tibbs TL. Smoking and diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2004 Jan; 27 Suppl 1:S74-5. PMID: 14693932.
Valanis B, Whitlock EE, Mullooly J, Vogt T, Smith S, Chen C, Glasgow RE. Screening rarely screened women: time-to-service and 24-month outcomes of tailored interventions. Prev Med. 2003 Nov; 37(5):442-50. PMID: 14572429.
Glasgow RE, Davis CL, Funnell MM, Beck A. Implementing practical interventions to support chronic illness self-management. Jt Comm J Qual Saf. 2003 Nov; 29(11):563-74. PMID: 14619349.
Bull SS, Gillette C, Glasgow RE, Estabrooks P. Work site health promotion research: to what extent can we generalize the results and what is needed to translate research to practice? Health Educ Behav. 2003 Oct; 30(5):537-49. PMID: 14582596.
Vogt TM, Glass A, Glasgow RE, La Chance PA, Lichtenstein E. The safety net: a cost-effective approach to improving breast and cervical cancer screening. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2003 Oct; 12(8):789-98. PMID: 14588129.
Glasgow RE, Fingerhut A, Hunter J. SAGES Appropriateness Conference: a summary. Surg Endosc. 2003 Nov; 17(11):1729-34. PMID: 14508670.
Garfield SA, Malozowski S, Chin MH, Narayan KM, Glasgow RE, Green LW, Hiss RG, Krumholz HM. Considerations for diabetes translational research in real-world settings. Diabetes Care. 2003 Sep; 26(9):2670-4. PMID: 12941736.
Glasgow RE. Translating research to practice: lessons learned, areas for improvement, and future directions. Diabetes Care. 2003 Aug; 26(8):2451-6. PMID: 12882877.
Toobert DJ, Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, Barrera M, Radcliffe JL, Wander RC, Bagdade JD. Biologic and quality-of-life outcomes from the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program: a randomized clinical trial. Diabetes Care. 2003 Aug; 26(8):2288-93. PMID: 12882850.
Glasgow RE, Lichtenstein E, Marcus AC. Why don't we see more translation of health promotion research to practice? Rethinking the efficacy-to-effectiveness transition. Am J Public Health. 2003 Aug; 93(8):1261-7. PMID: 12893608.
Amthauer H, Gaglio B, Glasgow RE, Dortch W, King DK. Lessons learned: patient recruitment strategies for a type 2 diabetes intervention in a primary care setting [corrected]. Diabetes Educ. 2003 Jul-Aug; 29(4):673-81. PMID: 13677178.
Estabrooks PA, Glasgow RE, Dzewaltowski DA. Physical activity promotion through primary care. JAMA. 2003 Jun 11; 289(22):2913-6. PMID: 12799388.
Stevens VJ, Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Karanja N, Smith KS. One-year results from a brief, computer-assisted intervention to decrease consumption of fat and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. Prev Med. 2003 May; 36(5):594-600. PMID: 12689805.
Glasgow RE, Boles SM, McKay HG, Feil EG, Barrera M. The D-Net diabetes self-management program: long-term implementation, outcomes, and generalization results. Prev Med. 2003 Apr; 36(4):410-9. PMID: 12649049.
Glasgow RE. Exemplary report and missed opportunities: the influence of worldview and the difficulty of overcoming our training. Diabetes Care. 2003 Apr; 26(4):1325-6; author reply 1326. PMID: 12663630.
Estabrooks P, Dzewaltowski DA, Glasgow RE, Klesges LM. Reporting of validity from school health promotion studies published in 12 leading journals, 1996-2000. J Sch Health. 2003 Jan; 73(1):21-8. PMID: 12621720.
Haire-Joshu D, Glasgow RE, Tibbs TL. Smoking and diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2003 Jan; 26 Suppl 1:S89-90. PMID: 12502627.
Glasgow RE, Dzewaltowski DA, Estabrooks PA, Klesges LM, Bull SS. Response from the Behavior Change Consortium Representatives and Translation Work Group: the issue is one of impact, not of world view or preferred approach. Health Educ Res. 2002 Dec; 17(6):696-9. PMID: 12508811.
Von Korff M, Glasgow RE, Sharpe M. Organising care for chronic illness. BMJ. 2002 Jul 13; 325(7355):92-4. PMID: 12114242.
Glasgow RE, Bull SS, Gillette C, Klesges LM, Dzewaltowski DA. Behavior change intervention research in healthcare settings: a review of recent reports with emphasis on external validity. Am J Prev Med. 2002 Jul; 23(1):62-9. PMID: 12093425.
Bonomi AE, Wagner EH, Glasgow RE, VonKorff M. Assessment of chronic illness care (ACIC): a practical tool to measure quality improvement. Health Serv Res. 2002 Jun; 37(3):791-820. PMID: 12132606.
Norris SL, Nichols PJ, Caspersen CJ, Glasgow RE, Engelgau MM, Jack L, Isham G, Snyder SR, Carande-Kulis VG, Garfield S, Briss P, McCulloch D. The effectiveness of disease and case management for people with diabetes. A systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2002 May; 22(4 Suppl):15-38. PMID: 11985933.
Norris SL, Nichols PJ, Caspersen CJ, Glasgow RE, Engelgau MM, Jack L, Snyder SR, Carande-Kulis VG, Isham G, Garfield S, Briss P, McCulloch D. Increasing diabetes self-management education in community settings. A systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2002 May; 22(4 Suppl):39-66. PMID: 11985934.
Eakin EG, Bull SS, Glasgow RE, Mason M. Reaching those most in need: a review of diabetes self-management interventions in disadvantaged populations. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2002 Jan-Feb; 18(1):26-35. PMID: 11921415.
Valanis BG, Glasgow RE, Mullooly J, Vogt TM, Whitlock EP, Boles SM, Smith KS, Kimes TM. Screening HMO women overdue for both mammograms and pap tests. Prev Med. 2002 Jan; 34(1):40-50. PMID: 11749095.
Stevens VJ, Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Karanja N, Smith KS. Randomized trial of a brief dietary intervention to decrease consumption of fat and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. Am J Health Promot. 2002 Jan-Feb; 16(3):129-34. PMID: 11802257.
Riley KM, Glasgow RE, Eakin EG. Resources for Health: A Social-Ecological Intervention for Supporting Self-management of Chronic Conditions. J Health Psychol. 2001 Dec; 6(6):693-705. PMID: 22049471.
Glasgow RE, Eakin EG, Fisher EB, Bacak SJ, Brownson RC. Physician advice and support for physical activity: results from a national survey. Am J Prev Med. 2001 Oct; 21(3):189-96. PMID: 11567839.
Glasgow RE, Swanstrom LL. Hand-assisted gastroesophageal surgery. Semin Laparosc Surg. 2001 Jun; 8(2):135-44. PMID: 11441402.
France EK, Glasgow RE, Marcus AC. Smoking cessation interventions among hospitalized patients: what have we learned? Prev Med. 2001 Apr; 32(4):376-88. PMID: 11304099.
Glasgow RE, Orleans CT, Wagner EH. Does the chronic care model serve also as a template for improving prevention? Milbank Q. 2001; 79(4):579-612, iv-v. PMID: 11789118.
Visser BC, Glasgow RE, Mulvihill KK, Mulvihill SJ. Safety and timing of nonobstetric abdominal surgery in pregnancy. Dig Surg. 2001; 18(5):409-17. PMID: 11721118.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ. Brief, computer-assisted diabetes dietary self-management counseling: effects on behavior, physiologic outcomes, and quality of life. Med Care. 2000 Nov; 38(11):1062-73. PMID: 11078048.
Glasgow RE. Giving smoking cessation the attention that it deserves. Diabetes Care. 2000 Oct; 23(10):1453-4. PMID: 11023135.
Glasgow RE, Cho M, Hutter MM, Mulvihill SJ. The spectrum and cost of complicated gallstone disease in California. Arch Surg. 2000 Sep; 135(9):1021-5; discussion 1025-7. PMID: 10982504.
Lichtenstein E, Andrews JA, Lee ME, Glasgow RE, Hampson SE. Using radon risk to motivate smoking reduction: evaluation of written materials and brief telephone counselling. Tob Control. 2000 Sep; 9(3):320-6. PMID: 10982577.
Feil EG, Glasgow RE, Boles S, McKay HG. Who participates in Internet-based self-management programs? A study among novice computer users in a primary care setting. Diabetes Educ. 2000 Sep-Oct; 26(5):806-11. PMID: 11140008.
Hutter MM, Glasgow RE, Mulvihill SJ. Does the participation of a surgical trainee adversely impact patient outcomes? A study of major pancreatic resections in California. Surgery. 2000 Aug; 128(2):286-92. PMID: 10923006.
Glasgow RE, Strycker LA. Preventive care practices for diabetes management in two primary care samples. Am J Prev Med. 2000 Jul; 19(1):9-14. PMID: 10865158.
Toobert DJ, Hampson SE, Glasgow RE. The summary of diabetes self-care activities measure: results from 7 studies and a revised scale. Diabetes Care. 2000 Jul; 23(7):943-50. PMID: 10895844.
Glasgow RE, Whitlock EP, Eakin EG, Lichtenstein E. A brief smoking cessation intervention for women in low-income planned parenthood clinics. Am J Public Health. 2000 May; 90(5):786-9. PMID: 10800431.
Stevens VJ, Glasgow RE, Hollis JF, Mount K. Implementation and effectiveness of a brief smoking-cessation intervention for hospital patients. Med Care. 2000 May; 38(5):451-9. PMID: 10800972.
Eakin EG, Glasgow RE, Riley KM. Review of primary care-based physical activity intervention studies: effectiveness and implications for practice and future research. J Fam Pract. 2000 Feb; 49(2):158-68. PMID: 10718694.
Glasgow RE, Whitlock EP, Valanis BG, Vogt TM. Barriers to mammography and Pap smear screening among women who recently had neither, one or both types of screening. Ann Behav Med. 2000; 22(3):223-8. PMID: 11126467.
Toobert DJ, Glasgow RE, Radcliffe JL. Physiologic and related behavioral outcomes from the Women's Lifestyle Heart Trial. Ann Behav Med. 2000; 22(1):1-9. PMID: 10892523.
Glasgow RE, Anderson RM. In diabetes care, moving from compliance to adherence is not enough. Something entirely different is needed. Diabetes Care. 1999 Dec; 22(12):2090-2. PMID: 10587854.
Glasgow RE, Strycker LA, Eakin EG, Boles SM, Whitlock EP. Concern about weight gain associated with quitting smoking: prevalence and association with outcome in a sample of young female smokers. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1999 Dec; 67(6):1009-11. PMID: 10596524.
Noell J, Glasgow RE. Interactive technology applications for behavioral counseling: issues and opportunities for health care settings. Am J Prev Med. 1999 Nov; 17(4):269-74. PMID: 10606195.
Glasgow RE. Diabetes education research. Diabetes Educ. 1999 Nov-Dec; 25(6 Suppl):5-6. PMID: 10711079.
Haire-Joshu D, Glasgow RE, Tibbs TL. Smoking and diabetes. Diabetes Care. 1999 Nov; 22(11):1887-98. PMID: 10546025.
Glasgow RE. Outcomes of and for diabetes education research. Diabetes Educ. 1999 Nov-Dec; 25(6 Suppl):74-88. PMID: 10711087.
Glasgow RE, Boles SM, Calder D, Dreyer L, Bagdade J. Diabetes care practices in primary care: results from two samples and three measurement sets. Diabetes Educ. 1999 Sep-Oct; 25(5):755-63. PMID: 10646472.
Lee ME, Lichtenstein E, Andrews JA, Glasgow RE, Hampson SE. Radon-smoking synergy: A population-based behavioral risk reduction approach. Prev Med. 1999 Sep; 29(3):222-7. PMID: 10479611.
Glasgow RE, Vogt TM, Boles SM. Evaluating the public health impact of health promotion interventions: the RE-AIM framework. Am J Public Health. 1999 Sep; 89(9):1322-7. PMID: 10474547.
Ruggiero L, Rossi JS, Prochaska JO, Glasgow RE, de Groot M, Dryfoos JM, Reed GR, Orleans CT, Prokhorov AV, Kelly K. Smoking and diabetes: readiness for change and provider advice. Addict Behav. 1999 Jul-Aug; 24(4):573-8. PMID: 10466853.
Glasgow RE, McKay HG, Boles SM, Vogt TM. Interactive computer technology, behavioral science, and family practice. J Fam Pract. 1999 Jun; 48(6):464-70. PMID: 10386491.
Glasgow RE, Fisher EB, Anderson BJ, LaGreca A, Marrero D, Johnson SB, Rubin RR, Cox DJ. Behavioral science in diabetes. Contributions and opportunities. Diabetes Care. 1999 May; 22(5):832-43. PMID: 10332691.
Glasgow RE, Mulvihill SJ. Laparoscopic splenectomy. World J Surg. 1999 Apr; 23(4):384-8. PMID: 10030862.
Glasgow RE, Wagner EH, Kaplan RM, Vinicor F, Smith L, Norman J. If diabetes is a public health problem, why not treat it as one? A population-based approach to chronic illness. Ann Behav Med. 1999; 21(2):159-70. PMID: 10499137.
Glasgow RE, Barrera M, McKay HG, Boles SM. Social support, self-management, and quality of life among participants in an internet-based diabetes support program: a multi-dimensional investigation. Cyberpsychol Behav. 1999; 2(4):271-81. PMID: 19178223.
Toobert DJ, Glasgow RE, Nettekoven LA, Brown JE. Behavioral and psychosocial effects of intensive lifestyle management for women with coronary heart disease. Patient Educ Couns. 1998 Nov; 35(3):177-88. PMID: 9887850.
Toobert DJ, Strycker LA, Glasgow RE. Lifestyle change in women with coronary heart disease: what do we know? J Womens Health. 1998 Aug; 7(6):685-99. PMID: 9718537.
Glasgow RE, Foster LS, Lee ME, Hammond SK, Lichtenstein E, Andrews JA. Developing a brief measure of smoking in the home: description and preliminary evaluation. Addict Behav. 1998 Jul-Aug; 23(4):567-71. PMID: 9698987.
Hampson SE, Andrews JA, Lee ME, Foster LS, Glasgow RE, Lichtenstein E. Lay understanding of synergistic risk: the case of radon and cigarette smoking. Risk Anal. 1998 Jun; 18(3):343-50. PMID: 9664729.
Meenan RT, Stevens VJ, Hornbrook MC, La Chance PA, Glasgow RE, Hollis JF, Lichtenstein E, Vogt TM. Cost-effectiveness of a hospital-based smoking cessation intervention. Med Care. 1998 May; 36(5):670-8. PMID: 9596058.
Glasgow RE, Visser BC, Harris HW, Patti MG, Kilpatrick SJ, Mulvihill SJ. Changing management of gallstone disease during pregnancy. Surg Endosc. 1998 Mar; 12(3):241-6. PMID: 9502704.
Vogt TM, Hollis JF, Lichtenstein E, Stevens VJ, Glasgow R, Whitlock E. The medical care system and prevention: the need for a new paradigm. HMO Pract. 1998 Mar; 12(1):5-13. PMID: 10178378.
Taylor SM, Ross NA, Cummings KM, Glasgow RE, Goldsmith CH, Zanna MP, Corle DK. Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT): changes in community attitudes toward cigarette smoking. Health Educ Res. 1998 Mar; 13(1):109-22. PMID: 10178333.
Patti MG, Corvera CU, Glasgow RE, Way LW. A hospital's annual rate of esophagectomy influences the operative mortality rate. J Gastrointest Surg. 1998 Mar-Apr; 2(2):186-92. PMID: 9834415.
McKay HG, Feil EG, Glasgow RE, Brown JE. Feasibility and use of an Internet support service for diabetes self-management. Diabetes Educ. 1998 Mar-Apr; 24(2):174-9. PMID: 9555356.
Eakin EG, Glasgow RE, Whitlock EP, Smith P. Reaching those most in need: participation in a Planned Parenthood smoking cessation program. Ann Behav Med. 1998; 20(3):216-20. PMID: 9989329.
Glasgow RE, La Chance PA, Toobert DJ, Brown J, Hampson SE, Riddle MC. Long-term effects and costs of brief behavioural dietary intervention for patients with diabetes delivered from the medical office. Patient Educ Couns. 1997 Nov; 32(3):175-84. PMID: 9423499.
Eakin EG, Glasgow RE. Recruitment of managed care Medicare patients for a physical activity study. Am J Health Promot. 1997 Nov-Dec; 12(2):98-101. PMID: 10174668.
Jeffery RW, Boles SM, Strycker LA, Glasgow RE. Smoking-specific weight gain concerns and smoking cessation in a working population. Health Psychol. 1997 Sep; 16(5):487-9. PMID: 9302546.
Strycker LA, Foster LS, Pettigrew L, Donnelly-Perry J, Jordan S, Glasgow RE. Steering Committee enhancements on health promotion program delivery. Am J Health Promot. 1997 Jul-Aug; 11(6):437-40. PMID: 10168265.
Sorensen G, Glasgow RE, Topor M, Corbett K. Worksite characteristics and changes in worksite tobacco-control initiatives. Results from the COMMIT study. J Occup Environ Med. 1997 Jun; 39(6):520-6. PMID: 9211209.
Glasgow RE, Ruggiero L, Eakin EG, Dryfoos J, Chobanian L. Quality of life and associated characteristics in a large national sample of adults with diabetes. Diabetes Care. 1997 Apr; 20(4):562-7. PMID: 9096981.
Glasgow RE, Hampson SE, Strycker LA, Ruggiero L. Personal-model beliefs and social-environmental barriers related to diabetes self-management. Diabetes Care. 1997 Apr; 20(4):556-61. PMID: 9096980.
Ruggiero L, Glasgow R, Dryfoos JM, Rossi JS, Prochaska JO, Orleans CT, Prokhorov AV, Rossi SR, Greene GW, Reed GR, Kelly K, Chobanian L, Johnson S. Diabetes self-management. Self-reported recommendations and patterns in a large population. Diabetes Care. 1997 Apr; 20(4):568-76. PMID: 9096982.
Glasgow RE, Terborg JR, Strycker LA, Boles SM, Hollis JF. Take Heart II: replication of a worksite health promotion trial. J Behav Med. 1997 Apr; 20(2):143-61. PMID: 9144037.
Eakin EG, Glasgow RE. The Patients' Perspective on the Self-management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J Health Psychol. 1997 Apr; 2(2):245-53. PMID: 22013007.
Glasgow RE, Yee LF, Mulvihill SJ. Laparoscopic splenectomy. The emerging standard. Surg Endosc. 1997 Feb; 11(2):108-12. PMID: 9069137.
Glasgow RE, Cummings KM, Hyland A. Relationship of worksite smoking policy to changes in employee tobacco use: findings from COMMIT. Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation. Tob Control. 1997; 6 Suppl 2:S44-8. PMID: 9583652.
Glasgow RE, Buga GM, Ignarro LJ, Chaudhuri G, Heymann MA. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor as a mediator of bradykinin-induced perinatal pulmonary vasodilatation in fetal sheep. Reprod Fertil Dev. 1997; 9(2):213-6. PMID: 9208431.
Lichtenstein E, Hollis JF, Severson HH, Stevens VJ, Vogt TM, Glasgow RE, Andrews JA. Tobacco cessation interventions in health care settings: rationale, model, outcomes. Addict Behav. 1996 Nov-Dec; 21(6):709-20. PMID: 8904937.
McCaul KD, Branstetter AD, Schroeder DM, Glasgow RE. What is the relationship between breast cancer risk and mammography screening? A meta-analytic review. Health Psychol. 1996 Nov; 15(6):423-9. PMID: 8973921.
Glasgow RE, Mulvihill SJ. Hospital volume influences outcome in patients undergoing pancreatic resection for cancer. West J Med. 1996 Nov; 165(5):294-300. PMID: 8993200.
Glasgow RE, Eakin EG, Toobert DJ. How generalizable are the results of diabetes self-management research? The impact of participation and attrition. Diabetes Educ. 1996 Nov-Dec; 22(6):573-4, 581-2, 584-5. PMID: 8970287.
Hampson SE, McKay HG, Glasgow RE. Patient-physician interactions in diabetes management: consistencies and variation in the structure and content of two consultations. Patient Educ Couns. 1996 Oct; 29(1):49-58. PMID: 9006221.
Lichtenstein E, Lopez K, Glasgow RE, Gilbert-McRae S, Hall R. Effectiveness of a consultation intervention to promote tobacco control policies in Northwest Indian tribes: integrating experimental evaluation and service delivery. Am J Community Psychol. 1996 Oct; 24(5):639-55. PMID: 9145495.
Glasgow RE. Are research and policy advocacy two separate worlds? Diabetes Care. 1996 Oct; 19(10):1165-6. PMID: 8886568.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Hampson SE. Effects of a brief office-based intervention to facilitate diabetes dietary self-management. Diabetes Care. 1996 Aug; 19(8):835-42. PMID: 8842601.
Lichtenstein E, Glasgow RE, Lando HA, Ossip-Klein DJ, Boles SM. Telephone counseling for smoking cessation: rationales and meta-analytic review of evidence. Health Educ Res. 1996 Jun; 11(2):243-57. PMID: 10163409.
Hampson SE, Glasgow RE, Zeiss AM. Coping with osteoarthritis by older adults. Arthritis Care Res. 1996 Apr; 9(2):133-41. PMID: 8970272.
Glasgow RE, Perry JD, Toobert DJ, Hollis JF. Brief assessments of dietary behavior in field settings. Addict Behav. 1996 Mar-Apr; 21(2):239-47. PMID: 8730527.
Glasgow RE, Sorenson G, Giffen C, Shipley RH, Corbett K, Lynn W. Promoting worksite smoking control policies and actions: the Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT) experience. The COMMIT Research Group. Prev Med. 1996 Mar-Apr; 25(2):186-94. PMID: 8860284.
Glasgow RE, Boles SM, Lichtenstein E, Strycker LA. Tobacco policy rating form: a tool for evaluating worksite and tribal smoking control policies. Tob Control. 1996; 5(4):286-91. PMID: 9130362.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Hampson SE, Noell JW. A brief office-based intervention to facilitate diabetes dietary self-management. Health Educ Res. 1995 Dec; 10(4):467-78. PMID: 10159676.
Terborg JR, Hibbard J, Glasgow RE. Behavior change at the worksite: does social support make a difference? Am J Health Promot. 1995 Nov-Dec; 10(2):125-31. PMID: 10160046.
Glasgow RE, Lichtenstein E, Wilder D, Hall R, McRae SG, Liberty B. The tribal tobacco policy project: working with Northwest Indian tribes on smoking policies. Prev Med. 1995 Sep; 24(5):434-40. PMID: 8524716.
Glasgow RE, Anderson BJ. Future directions for research on pediatric chronic disease management: lessons from diabetes. J Pediatr Psychol. 1995 Aug; 20(4):389-402. PMID: 7666280.
Lichtenstein E, Glasgow RE, Lopez K, Hall R, McRae SG, Meyers GB. Promoting tobacco control policies in northwest Indian tribes. Am J Public Health. 1995 Jul; 85(7):991-4. PMID: 7604928.
Hampson SE, Glasgow RE, Foster LS. Personal models of diabetes among older adults: relationship to self-management and other variables. Diabetes Educ. 1995 Jul-Aug; 21(4):300-7. PMID: 7621732.
Strecher VJ, Seijts GH, Kok GJ, Latham GP, Glasgow R, DeVellis B, Meertens RM, Bulger DW. Goal setting as a strategy for health behavior change. Health Educ Q. 1995 May; 22(2):190-200. PMID: 7622387.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Hampson SE, Wilson W. Behavioral research on diabetes at the Oregon Research Institute. Ann Behav Med. 1995 Mar; 17(1):32-40. PMID: 24203500.
Glasgow RE, Terborg JR, Hollis JF, Severson HH, Boles SM. Take heart: results from the initial phase of a work-site wellness program. Am J Public Health. 1995 Feb; 85(2):209-16. PMID: 7856780.
Glasgow RE. A practical model of diabetes management and education. Diabetes Care. 1995 Jan; 18(1):117-26. PMID: 7698032.
McCulloch DK, Glasgow RE, Hampson SE, Wagner E. A systematic approach to diabetes management in the post-DCCT era. Diabetes Care. 1994 Jul; 17(7):765-9. PMID: 7924791.
Hampson SE, Glasgow RE, Zeiss AM. Personal models of osteoarthritis and their relation to self-management activities and quality of life. J Behav Med. 1994 Apr; 17(2):143-58. PMID: 8035449.
O'Keeffe ST, Tormey WP, Glasgow R, Lavan JN. Thiamine deficiency in hospitalized elderly patients. Gerontology. 1994; 40(1):18-24. PMID: 8034199.
Glasgow RE, Terborg JR, Hollis JF, Severson HH, Fisher KJ, Boles SM, Pettigrew EL, Foster LS, Strycker LA, Bischoff S. Modifying dietary and tobacco use patterns in the worksite: the Take Heart Project. Health Educ Q. 1994; 21(1):69-82. PMID: 8188494.
Glasgow RE, Mullooly JP, Vogt TM, Stevens VJ, Lichtenstein E, Hollis JF, Lando HA, Severson HH, Pearson KA, Vogt MR. Biochemical validation of smoking status: pros, cons, and data from four low-intensity intervention trials. Addict Behav. 1993 Sep-Oct; 18(5):511-27. PMID: 8310871.
Glasgow RE, Hollis JF, Ary DV, Boles SM. Results of a year-long incentives-based worksite smoking-cessation program. Addict Behav. 1993 Jul-Aug; 18(4):455-64. PMID: 8213300.
Dawley LT, Dawley HH, Glasgow RE, Rice J, Correa P. Worksite smoking control, discouragement, and cessation. Int J Addict. 1993 Jun; 28(8):719-33. PMID: 8349389.
Hampson SE, Glasgow RE, Zeiss AM, Birskovich SF, Foster L, Lines A. Self-management of osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res. 1993 Mar; 6(1):17-22. PMID: 8443253.
Glasgow RE, Lando H, Hollis J, McRae SG, La Chance PA. A stop-smoking telephone help line that nobody called. Am J Public Health. 1993 Feb; 83(2):252-3. PMID: 8427333.
Stevens VJ, Glasgow RE, Hollis JF, Lichtenstein E, Vogt TM. A smoking-cessation intervention for hospital patients. Med Care. 1993 Jan; 31(1):65-72. PMID: 8417271.
Glasgow RE, McCaul KD, Fisher KJ. Participation in worksite health promotion: a critique of the literature and recommendations for future practice. Health Educ Q. 1993; 20(3):391-408. PMID: 8307762.
Glasgow RE, Sorensen G, Corbett K. Worksite smoking control activities: prevalence and related worksite characteristics from the COMMIT Study, 1990. Prev Med. 1992 Nov; 21(6):688-700. PMID: 1438115.
Sorensen G, Glasgow RE, Corbett K, Topor M. Compliance with worksite nonsmoking policies: baseline results from the COMMIT study of worksites. Am J Health Promot. 1992 Nov-Dec; 7(2):103-9. PMID: 10148714.
Glasgow RE, Osteen VL. Evaluating diabetes education. Are we measuring the most important outcomes? Diabetes Care. 1992 Oct; 15(10):1423-32. PMID: 1425111.
Lichtenstein E, Glasgow RE. Smoking cessation: what have we learned over the past decade? J Consult Clin Psychol. 1992 Aug; 60(4):518-27. PMID: 1506500.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Hampson SE, Brown JE, Lewinsohn PM, Donnelly J. Improving self-care among older patients with type II diabetes: the "Sixty Something..." Study. Patient Educ Couns. 1992 Feb; 19(1):61-74. PMID: 1298950.
McCaul KD, Glasgow RE, O'Neill HK. The problem of creating habits: establishing health-protective dental behaviors. Health Psychol. 1992; 11(2):101-10. PMID: 1582378.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Hampson SE. Participation in outpatient diabetes education programs: how many patients take part and how representative are they? Diabetes Educ. 1991 Sep-Oct; 17(5):376-80. PMID: 1879279.
Glasgow RE, Stevens VJ, Vogt TM, Mullooly JP, Lichtenstein E. Changes in smoking associated with hospitalization: quit rates, predictive variables, and intervention implications. Am J Health Promot. 1991 Sep-Oct; 6(1):24-9. PMID: 10148681.
Dawley LT, Dawley HH, Glasgow RE, Correa P, Rice J. Smoking control and smoking rate: implications for worksite smoking cessation. Psychol Rep. 1991 Jun; 68(3 Pt 2):1191-4. PMID: 1924617.
Glasgow RE, Hollis JF, McRae SG, Lando HA, LaChance P. Providing an integrated program of low intensity tobacco cessation services in a health maintenance organization. Health Educ Res. 1991 Mar; 6(1):87-99. PMID: 10148728.
Biglan A, Glasgow RE. The social unit: an important facet in the design of cancer control research. Prev Med. 1991 Mar; 20(2):292-305. PMID: 2057475.
Toobert DJ, Glasgow RE. Problem solving and diabetes self-care. J Behav Med. 1991 Feb; 14(1):71-86. PMID: 2038046.
Glasgow RE, Hollis JF, Pettigrew L, Foster L, Givi MJ, Morrisette G. Implementing a year-long, worksite-based incentive program for smoking cessation. Am J Health Promot. 1991 Jan-Feb; 5(3):192-9. PMID: 10148668.
Mullooly JP, Schuman KL, Stevens VJ, Glasgow RE, Vogt TM. Smoking behavior and attitudes of employees of a large HMO before and after a work site ban on cigarette smoking. Public Health Rep. 1990 Nov-Dec; 105(6):623-8. PMID: 2124362.
Glasgow RE, Hollis JF, Ary DV, Lando HA. Employee and organizational factors associated with participation in an incentive-based worksite smoking cessation program. J Behav Med. 1990 Aug; 13(4):403-18. PMID: 2246786.
Ary DV, Biglan A, Glasgow R, Zoref L, Black C, Ochs L, Severson H, Kelly R, Weissman W, Lichtenstein E, et al. The efficacy of social-influence prevention programs versus "standard care": are new initiatives needed? J Behav Med. 1990 Jun; 13(3):281-96. PMID: 2213870.
Lichtenstein E, Biglan A, Glasgow RE, Severson H, Ary D. The tobacco use research program at Oregon Research Institute. Br J Addict. 1990 Jun; 85(6):715-24. PMID: 2198965.
Fisher KJ, Glasgow RE, Terborg JR. Work site smoking cessation: a meta-analysis of long-term quit rates from controlled studies. J Occup Med. 1990 May; 32(5):429-39. PMID: 2348259.
Hampson SE, Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ. Personal models of diabetes and their relations to self-care activities. Health Psychol. 1990; 9(5):632-46. PMID: 2226390.
Kingery PM, Glasgow RE. Self-efficacy and outcome expectations in the self-regulation of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Health Educ. 1989 Dec; 20(7):13-9. PMID: 2516067.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Mitchell DL, Donnelly JE, Calder D. Nutrition education and social learning interventions for type II diabetes. Diabetes Care. 1989 Feb; 12(2):150-2. PMID: 2702897.
Eakin E, Severson H, Glasgow RE. Development and evaluation of a smokeless tobacco cessation program: a pilot study. NCI Monogr. 1989; (8):95-100. PMID: 2716855.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Riddle M, Donnelly J, Mitchell DL, Calder D. Diabetes-specific social learning variables and self-care behaviors among persons with type II diabetes. Health Psychol. 1989; 8(3):285-303. PMID: 2767020.
Glasgow RE. Assessment of smoking behavior in relation to worksite smoking policies. N Y State J Med. 1989 Jan; 89(1):31-4. PMID: 2646557.
Glasgow RE, Klesges RC, Klesges LM, Somes GR. Variables associated with participation and outcome in a worksite smoking control program. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1988 Aug; 56(4):617-20. PMID: 3198822.
Glasgow RE, Terborg JR. Occupational health promotion programs to reduce cardiovascular risk. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1988 Jun; 56(3):365-73. PMID: 3294262.
Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ. Social environment and regimen adherence among type II diabetic patients. Diabetes Care. 1988 May; 11(5):377-86. PMID: 3391088.
Biglan A, Glasgow R, Ary D, Thompson R, Severson H, Lichtenstein E, Weissman W, Faller C, Gallison C. How generalizable are the effects of smoking prevention programs? Refusal skills training and parent messages in a teacher-administered program. J Behav Med. 1987 Dec; 10(6):613-28. PMID: 3437450.
Glasgow RE. Worksite smoking cessation: current progress and future directions. Can J Public Health. 1987 Nov-Dec; 78(6):S21-7. PMID: 3325160.
McCaul KD, Glasgow RE, Schafer LC. Diabetes regimen behaviors. Predicting adherence. Med Care. 1987 Sep; 25(9):868-81. PMID: 3320598.
Biglan A, Severson H, Ary D, Faller C, Gallison C, Thompson R, Glasgow R, Lichtenstein E. Do smoking prevention programs really work? Attrition and the internal and external validity of an evaluation of a refusal skills training program. J Behav Med. 1987 Apr; 10(2):159-71. PMID: 3612776.
Glasgow RE, McCaul KD, Schafer LC. Self-care behaviors and glycemic control in type I diabetes. J Chronic Dis. 1987; 40(5):399-412. PMID: 3549758.
Wilson W, Ary DV, Biglan A, Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Campbell DR. Psychosocial predictors of self-care behaviors (compliance) and glycemic control in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 1986 Nov-Dec; 9(6):614-22. PMID: 3803153.
Schafer LC, McCaul KD, Glasgow RE. Supportive and nonsupportive family behaviors: relationships to adherence and metabolic control in persons with type I diabetes. Diabetes Care. 1986 Mar-Apr; 9(2):179-85. PMID: 3698784.
Ary DV, Toobert D, Wilson W, Glasgow RE. Patient perspective on factors contributing to nonadherence to diabetes regimen. Diabetes Care. 1986 Mar-Apr; 9(2):168-72. PMID: 3698782.
Klesges RC, Vasey MM, Glasgow RE. A worksite smoking modification competition: potential for public health impact. Am J Public Health. 1986 Feb; 76(2):198-200. PMID: 3946702.
Glasgow RE, McCaul KD, Schafer LC. Barriers to regimen adherence among persons with insulin-dependent diabetes. J Behav Med. 1986 Feb; 9(1):65-77. PMID: 3517352.
Brownell KD, Glynn TJ, Glasgow R, Lando H, Rand C, Gottlieb A, Pinney JM. Interventions to prevent relapse. Health Psychol. 1986; 5 Suppl:53-68. PMID: 3582325.
Glasgow RE, Klesges RC, O'Neill HK. Programming social support for smoking modification: an extension and replication. Addict Behav. 1986; 11(4):453-7. PMID: 3812057.
McCaul KD, Glasgow RE, Gustafson C. Predicting levels of preventive dental behaviors. J Am Dent Assoc. 1985 Oct; 111(4):601-5. PMID: 3863862.
Glasgow RE, Wilson W, McCaul KD. Regimen adherence: a problematic construct in diabetes research. Diabetes Care. 1985 May-Jun; 8(3):300-1. PMID: 4006662.
Glasgow RE, McCaul KD. Social and personal skills training programs for smoking prevention: critique and directions for future research. NIDA Res Monogr. 1985; 63:50-66. PMID: 3934556.
McCaul KD, Glasgow RE. Preventing adolescent smoking: what have we learned about treatment construct validity? Health Psychol. 1985; 4(4):361-87. PMID: 4054080.
Glasgow RE, Klesges RC, Godding PR, Vasey MW, O'Neill HK. Evaluation of a worksite-controlled smoking program. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1984 Feb; 52(1):137-8. PMID: 6699244.
Malott JM, Glasgow RE, O'Neill HK, Klesges RC. Co-worker social support in a worksite smoking control program. J Appl Behav Anal. 1984; 17(4):485-95. PMID: 6441794.
Schafer LC, Glasgow RE, McCaul KD, Dreher M. Adherence to IDDM regimens: relationship to psychosocial variables and metabolic control. Diabetes Care. 1983 Sep-Oct; 6(5):493-8. PMID: 6336344.
Christensen A, Phillips S, Glasgow RE, Johnson SM. Parental characteristics and interactional dysfunction in families with child behavior problems: a preliminary investigation. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 1983 Mar; 11(1):153-66. PMID: 6853878.
O'Neill HK, Glasgow RE, McCaul KD. Component analysis in smoking prevention research: effects of social consequences information. Addict Behav. 1983; 8(4):419-23. PMID: 6677083.
Glasgow RE, Klesges RC, Vasey MW. Controlled smoking for chronic smokers: an extension and replication. Addict Behav. 1983; 8(2):143-50. PMID: 6613713.
Glasgow RE, McCaul KD. Psychological issues in diabetes: a different approach. Diabetes Care. 1982 Nov-Dec; 5(6):645-6. PMID: 6927735.
Schafer LC, Glasgow RE, McCaul KD. Increasing the adherence of diabetic adolescents. J Behav Med. 1982 Sep; 5(3):353-62. PMID: 7131549.
McCaul KD, Glasgow R, O'Neill HK, Freeborn V, Rump BS. Predicting adolescent smoking. J Sch Health. 1982 Aug; 52(8):342-6. PMID: 6922310.
Glasgow RE, Lichtenstein E, Beaver C, O'Neill K. Subjective reactions to rapid and normal pace adversive smoking. Addict Behav. 1981; 6(1):53-9. PMID: 7257917.
Lichtenstein E, Glasgow RE. Rapid smoking: side effects and safeguards. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1977 Oct; 45(5):815-21. PMID: 903443.
Glasgow RE, Zeiss RA, Barrera M, Lewinsohn PM. Case studies on remediating memory deficits in brain-damaged individuals. J Clin Psychol. 1977 Oct; 33(4):1049-54. PMID: 925162.
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