W Perry Dickinson
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-FM General Operations |
Phone | 303/724-9754 |
Title | Director-Faculty |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-FM General Operations |
Biography Duke University, Family Medicine Academic Fellowship, Durham, NC | | 06/1983 | Family Medicine | University of Arkansas, Family Medicine Residency, Little Rock, AR | | 06/1982 | Family Medicine | University of Arkansas, School of Medicine, Little Rock, AR | M.D. | 05/1979 | Medicine | Tulane University, New Orleans, LA | B.S. | 05/1975 | Biology |
2022 | Mentor of the Year, University of Colorado, Department of Family Medicine | 2019 | Researcher of the Year, University of Colorado, Department of Family Medicine | 2018 | Curtis Hames Lifetime Research Award, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine | 2015 | Researcher of the Year, University of Colorado, Department of Family Medicine | 2017 | Song Jung Lifetime Award, Korean Academy of Family Medicine | 2003 | President's Recognition Award, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine | 2002 | President's Recognition Award, North American Primary Care Research Group |
Overview W. Perry Dickinson, M.D., is a Professor in the University of Colorado, Department of Family Medicine, and Emeritus Director of the Practice Innovation Program and the Colorado Health Extension System. He is Past President of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, the North American Primary Care Research Group, and the Council of Academic Family Medicine. Dr. Dickinson has led multiple studies investigating approaches to improving primary care, behavioral health care, and community health.
Ivey LC, Gilchrist EC, Dickinson WP. Behavioral health integration and specialty medical care: Opportunities for applying knowledge from primary care integration. Fam Syst Health. 2023 06; 41(2):278-281. PMID: 37338451.
Eiff MP, Ericson A, Dinh DH, Valenzuela S, Nadeau MT, Dickinson WP, Conry CM, Martin JC, Carney PA. Resident Visit Productivity and Attitudes About Continuity According to 3 Versus 4 Years of Training in Family Medicine: A Length of Training Study. Fam Med. 2023 04; 55(4):225-232. PMID: 37043182.
Gold SB, Wong SL, Green LA, Dickinson WP. Something Republicans and Democrats can agree on: Support for integrated behavioral health. Fam Syst Health. 2021 Dec; 39(4):665-669. PMID: 34914464.
Solberg LI, Kuzel A, Parchman ML, Shelley DR, Dickinson WP, Walunas TL, Nguyen AM, Fagnan LJ, Cykert S, Cohen DJ, Balasubramanaian BA, Fernald D, Gordon L, Kho A, Krist A, Miller W, Berry C, Duffy D, Nagykaldi Z. A Taxonomy for External Support for Practice Transformation. J Am Board Fam Med. 2021 Jan-Feb; 34(1):32-39. PMID: 33452080.
Carney PA, Dickinson WP, Fetter J, Warm EJ, Zierler B, Patton J, Kirschner G, Crane SD, Shrader S, Eiff MP. An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study of Experiences of Interprofessional Teams Who Received Coaching to Simultaneously Redesign Primary Care Education and Clinical Practice. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211023716. PMID: 34109864.
Dickinson WP, Nease DE, Rhyne RL, Knierim KE, Fernald DH, de la Cerda DR, Dickinson LM. Practice Transformation Support and Patient Engagement to Improve Cardiovascular Care: From EvidenceNOW Southwest (ENSW). J Am Board Fam Med. 2020 Sep-Oct; 33(5):675-686. PMID: 32989062.
Fernald DH, Mullen R, Hall T, Bienstock A, Kirchner S, Knierim K, de la Cerda D, Callan D, Rhyne RL, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. Exemplary Practices in Cardiovascular Care: Results on Clinical Quality Measures from the EvidenceNOW Southwest Cooperative. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 11; 35(11):3197-3204. PMID: 32808208.
Hessler DM, Fisher L, Bowyer V, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Kwan B, Fernald DH, Simpson M, Dickinson WP. Self-management support for chronic disease in primary care: frequency of patient self-management problems and patient reported priorities, and alignment with ultimate behavior goal selection. BMC Fam Pract. 2019 08 29; 20(1):120. PMID: 31464589.
Phillips RL, Cohen DJ, Kaufman A, Dickinson WP, Cykert S. Facilitating Practice Transformation in Frontline Health Care. Ann Fam Med. 2019 08 12; 17(Suppl 1):S2-S5. PMID: 31405869.
Kaufman A, Dickinson WP, Fagnan LJ, Duffy FD, Parchman ML, Rhyne RL. The Role of Health Extension in Practice Transformation and Community Health Improvement: Lessons From 5 Case Studies. Ann Fam Med. 2019 08 12; 17(Suppl 1):S67-S72. PMID: 31405879.
Knierim KE, Hall TL, Dickinson LM, Nease DE, de la Cerda DR, Fernald D, Bleecker MJ, Rhyne RL, Dickinson WP. Primary Care Practices' Ability to Report Electronic Clinical Quality Measures in the EvidenceNOW Southwest Initiative to Improve Heart Health. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 08 02; 2(8):e198569. PMID: 31390033.
Fernald D, Hall T, Montgomery L, Hartman C, Jortberg B, Buscaj E, King J, Dickinson M, Dickinson WP. Colorado Residency PCMH Project: Results From a 6-Year Transformation Effort. Fam Med. 2019 Jul; 51(7):578-586. PMID: 31125420.
Jortberg BT, Fernald DH, Hessler DM, Dickinson LM, Wearner R, Connelly L, Holtrop JS, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Practice Characteristics Associated with Better Implementation of Patient Self-Management Support. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 May-Jun; 32(3):329-340. PMID: 31068397.
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Fernald DH, Cuffney M, Fisher L. A Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Strategies for Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 May-Jun; 32(3):341-352. PMID: 31068398.
Hester CM, Jiang V, Bartlett-Esquilant G, Bazemore A, Carroll JK, DeVoe JE, Dickinson WP, Krist AH, Liaw W, New RD, Vansaghi T. Supporting Family Medicine Research Capacity: The Critical Role and Current Contributions of US Family Medicine Organizations. Fam Med. 2019 02; 51(2):120-128. PMID: 30736037.
Bodenheimer T, Dickinson WP, Kong M. Quality Improvement Models in Residency Programs. J Grad Med Educ. 2019 02; 11(1):15-17. PMID: 30805091.
Fernald DH, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Wearner R, Dickinson LM, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Recruiting Primary Care Practices for Research: Reflections and Reminders. J Am Board Fam Med. 2018 Nov-Dec; 31(6):947-951. PMID: 30413552.
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Fernald DH, Fisher L. A protocol for a cluster randomized trial comparing strategies for translating self-management support into primary care practices. BMC Fam Pract. 2018 07 24; 19(1):126. PMID: 30041598.
English AF, Dickinson LM, Zittleman L, Nease DE, Herrick A, Westfall JM, Simpson MJ, Fernald DH, Rhyne RL, Dickinson WP. A Community Engagement Method to Design Patient Engagement Materials for Cardiovascular Health. Ann Fam Med. 2018 04; 16(Suppl 1):S58-S64. PMID: 29632227.
Knierim K, Hall T, Fernald D, Staff TJ, Buscaj E, Allen JC, Onysko M, Dickinson WP. Effects of Hospital Systems on Medical Home Transformation in Primary Care Residency Training Practices. J Ambul Care Manage. 2017 Jul/Sep; 40(3):220-227. PMID: 27893519.
Buscaj E, Hall T, Montgomery L, Fernald DH, King J, Deaner N, Dickinson WP. Practice Facilitation for PCMH Implementation in Residency Practices. Fam Med. 2016 Nov; 48(10):795-800. PMID: 27875602.
Jortberg BT, Rosen R, Roth S, Casias L, Dickinson LM, Coombs L, Awadallah NS, Bernardy MK, Dickinson WP. The Fit Family Challenge: A Primary Care Childhood Obesity Pilot Intervention. J Am Board Fam Med. 2016 Jul-Aug; 29(4):434-43. PMID: 27390374.
Carney PA, Conry CM, Mitchell KB, Ericson A, Dickinson WP, Martin JC, Carek PJ, Douglass AB, Eiff MP. The Importance of and the Complexities Associated With Measuring Continuity of Care During Resident Training: Possible Solutions Do Exist. Fam Med. 2016 Apr; 48(4):286-93. PMID: 27057607.
Dickinson LM, Beaty B, Fox C, Pace W, Dickinson WP, Emsermann C, Kempe A. Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Trials Using Covariate Constrained Randomization: A Method for Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs). J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Sep-Oct; 28(5):663-72. PMID: 26355139.
Dickinson WP. Strategies to Support the Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care: What Have We Learned Thus Far? J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Sep-Oct; 28 Suppl 1:S102-6. PMID: 26359467.
Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Nutting PA, Fisher L, Harbrecht M, Crabtree BF, Glasgow RE, West DR. Practice context affects efforts to improve diabetes care for primary care patients: a pragmatic cluster randomized trial. J Gen Intern Med. 2015 Apr; 30(4):476-82. PMID: 25472509.
Fernald D, Wearner R, Dickinson WP. Supporting primary care practices in building capacity to use health information data. EGEMS (Wash DC). 2014; 2(3):1094. PMID: 25848621.
Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Psychology and primary care: New collaborations for providing effective care for adults with chronic health conditions. Am Psychol. 2014 May-Jun; 69(4):355-63. PMID: 24820685.
Jortberg BT, Fernald DH, Dickinson LM, Coombs L, Deaner N, O'Neill C, deGruy F, Green L, Dickinson WP. Curriculum redesign for teaching the PCMH in Colorado Family Medicine Residency programs. Fam Med. 2014 Jan; 46(1):11-8. PMID: 24415503.
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Nutting PA, Emsermann CB, Tutt B, Crabtree BF, Fisher L, Harbrecht M, Gottsman A, West DR. Practice facilitation to improve diabetes care in primary care: a report from the EPIC randomized clinical trial. Ann Fam Med. 2014 Jan-Feb; 12(1):8-16. PMID: 24445098.
Dickinson WP. Building highly functional interprofessional teams in our practices. Fam Med. 2013 Nov-Dec; 45(10):689-90. PMID: 24347185.
Fernald DH, Wearner R, Dickinson WP. The journey of primary care practices to meaningful use: a Colorado Beacon Consortium study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2013 Sep-Oct; 26(5):603-11. PMID: 24004712.
Dickinson WP, Glasgow RE, Fisher L, Dickinson LM, Christensen SM, Estabrooks PA, Miller BF. Use of a website to accomplish health behavior change: if you build it, will they come? And will it work if they do? J Am Board Fam Med. 2013 Mar-Apr; 26(2):168-76. PMID: 23471930.
Jortberg BT, Miller BF, Gabbay RA, Sparling K, Dickinson WP. Patient-centered medical home: how it affects psychosocial outcomes for diabetes. Curr Diab Rep. 2012 Dec; 12(6):721-8. PMID: 22961115.
West DR, Radcliff TA, Brown T, Cote MJ, Smith PC, Dickinson WP. Costs associated with data collection and reporting for diabetes quality improvement in primary care practices: a report from SNOCAP-USA. J Am Board Fam Med. 2012 May-Jun; 25(3):275-82. PMID: 22570390.
Fernald DH, Deaner N, O'Neill C, Jortberg BT, degruy FV, Dickinson WP. Overcoming early barriers to PCMH practice improvement in family medicine residencies. Fam Med. 2011 Jul-Aug; 43(7):503-9. PMID: 21761382.
Dickinson WP. The imperative for residency innovation. Fam Med. 2011 Apr; 43(4):283-5. PMID: 21500007.
Dickinson WP. Is there room for the family in our medical home? Fam Med. 2011 Mar; 43(3):207-9. PMID: 21380958.
Dickinson WP. Sharing experiences and practical learning in practice transformation. Fam Med. 2011 Feb; 43(2):128-9. PMID: 21305434.
Fisher L, Dickinson WP. New technologies to advance self-management support in diabetes: not just a bunch of cool apps! Diabetes Care. 2011 Jan; 34(1):240-3. PMID: 21193622.
Dickinson WP. How Should STFM Respond to Political and Societal Issues? Fam Med. 2011 Jan; 43(1):54-5. PMID: 21213146.
Dickinson WP, Miller BF. Comprehensiveness and continuity of care and the inseparability of mental and behavioral health from the patient-centered medical home. Fam Syst Health. 2010 Dec; 28(4):348-55. PMID: 21299281.
Dickinson WP, Hepworth J, Steyer T, Streiffer R, Taylor D, Brungardt S. Response to "Let's break down the barriers". Fam Med. 2010 Nov-Dec; 42(10):743. PMID: 21061211.
Dickinson WP. Leadership for change: a vital area for faculty development, continuing education, and resident education. Fam Med. 2010 Oct; 42(9):659-60. PMID: 20927679.
Nease DE, Nutting PA, Graham DG, Dickinson WP, Gallagher KM, Jeffcott-Pera M. Sustainability of depression care improvements: success of a practice change improvement collaborative. J Am Board Fam Med. 2010 Sep-Oct; 23(5):598-605. PMID: 20823354.
Dickinson WP. How to build a medical home in your residency program. Fam Med. 2010 Sep; 42(8):577-9. PMID: 20830625.
Gallagher K, Nutting PA, Nease DE, Graham DG, Bonham AJ, Dickinson WP, Main DS. It takes two: using coleaders to champion improvements in small primary care practices. J Am Board Fam Med. 2010 Sep-Oct; 23(5):632-9. PMID: 20823358.
Dickinson WP. Residents as change agents in the transformation of primary care practices. Fam Med. 2010 Jul-Aug; 42(7):469-70. PMID: 20628916.
Dickinson WP. Practice transformation and the Patient-centered Medical Home as team sports. Fam Med. 2010 Jun; 42(6):391-2. PMID: 20526901.
Steyer TE, Dickinson WP, Fields SA, Dobbie A, Whiting E, Brungardt S. Response to the murder of George Tiller. Fam Med. 2009 Oct; 41(9):614. PMID: 19816819.
Main DS, Graham D, Nutting PA, Nease DE, Dickinson WP, Gallagher K. Integrating practices' change processes into improving quality of depression care. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2009 Jul; 35(7):351-7. PMID: 19634802.
Denberg TD, Myers BA, Eckel RH, McDermott MT, Dickinson WP, Lin CT. A patient outreach program between visits improves diabetes care: a pilot study. Int J Qual Health Care. 2009 Apr; 21(2):130-6. PMID: 19109334.
Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Rost K, DeGruy F, Emsermann C, Froshaug D, Nutting PA, Meredith L. Clinician burden and depression treatment: disentangling patient- and clinician-level effects of medical comorbidity. J Gen Intern Med. 2008 Nov; 23(11):1763-9. PMID: 18679758.
Nease DE, Nutting PA, Dickinson WP, Bonham AJ, Graham DG, Gallagher KM, Main DS. Inducing sustainable improvement in depression care in primary care practices. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2008 May; 34(5):247-55. PMID: 18491688.
Wamboldt FS, Balkissoon RC, Rankin AE, Szefler SJ, Hammond SK, Glasgow RE, Dickinson WP. Correlates of household smoking bans in low-income families of children with and without asthma. Fam Process. 2008 Mar; 47(1):81-94. PMID: 18411831.
Nutting PA, Gallagher K, Riley K, White S, Dickinson WP, Korsen N, Dietrich A. Care management for depression in primary care practice: findings from the RESPECT-Depression trial. Ann Fam Med. 2008 Jan-Feb; 6(1):30-7. PMID: 18195312.
Nutting PA, Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Nelson CC, King DK, Crabtree BF, Glasgow RE. Use of chronic care model elements is associated with higher-quality care for diabetes. Ann Fam Med. 2007 Jan-Feb; 5(1):14-20. PMID: 17261860.
Cain JJ, Dickinson WP, Fernald D, Bublitz C, Dickinson LM, West D. Family physicians and youth tobacco-free education: outcomes of the Colorado Tar Wars program. J Am Board Fam Med. 2006 Nov-Dec; 19(6):579-89. PMID: 17090791.
Nutting PA, Gallagher KM, Riley K, White S, Dietrich AJ, Dickinson WP. Implementing a depression improvement intervention in five health care organizations: experience from the RESPECT-Depression trial. Adm Policy Ment Health. 2007 Mar; 34(2):127-37. PMID: 16967338.
Rost KM, Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Smith RC. Multisomatoform disorder: agreement between patient and physician report of criterion symptom explanation. CNS Spectr. 2006 May; 11(5):383-8. PMID: 16641843.
Steiner JF, Kempe A, Davidson AJ, Dickinson WP, Westfall JM, Berman S, Kutner JS, DeGruy FV. The case for interdepartmental research in primary care. Acad Med. 2004 Jul; 79(7):617-22. PMID: 15234910.
Dickinson WP. STFM responsibilities for AFMO Research Strategic Plan. Ann Fam Med. 2004 Jan-Feb; 2(1):90-1. PMID: 15053290.
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, deGruy FV, Main DS, Candib LM, Rost K. A randomized clinical trial of a care recommendation letter intervention for somatization in primary care. Ann Fam Med. 2003 Nov-Dec; 1(4):228-35. PMID: 15055413.
Dickinson WP, Rosenthal MP. Research and the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Ann Fam Med. 2003 May-Jun; 1(1):58-9. PMID: 15043183.
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, deGruy FV, Candib LM, Main DS, Libby AM, Rost K. The somatization in primary care study: a tale of three diagnoses. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2003 Jan-Feb; 25(1):1-7. PMID: 12583920.
Dickinson WP, Rosenthal MP. Community research partnerships and social advocacy to accomplish change. Fam Med. 2002 Jul-Aug; 34(7):536. PMID: 12144009.
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