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Brisa Marisol Pena Castellanos

TitleAsst Professor-Research
InstitutionUniversity of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus
ORCID ORCID Icon0000-0003-4224-6626 Additional info

    Collapse Research 
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    K25HL148386     (PENA-CASTELLANOS, BRISA MARISOL)Jun 1, 2020 - May 31, 2025
    Injectable Carbon Nanotube-Functionalized Hydrogel for miRNA Delivery
    Role: Principal Investigator

    R01HL147064     (MESTRONI, LUISA)Jan 1, 2020 - Dec 31, 2024
    Cardiomyocyte phenotype and mechanotransduction in Filamin C gene variants causing arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
    Role: Co-Investigator

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    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
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    1. Peña B, Adbel-Hafiz M, Cavasin M, Mestroni L, Sbaizero O. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Applications in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy. 2022; 7(23):3700.
    2. Jeffrey DA, Pires Da Silva J, Garcia AM, Jiang X, Karimpour-Fard A, Toni LS, Lanzicher T, Pe?a B, Miyano CA, Nunley K, Korst A, Sbaizero O, Taylor MR, Miyamoto SD, Stauffer BL, Sucharov CC. Serum circulating proteins from pediatric patients with dilated cardiomyopathy cause pathologic remodeling and cardiomyocyte stiffness. JCI Insight. 2021 10 08; 6(19). PMID: 34383712.
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    3. Lachaize V, Pe?a B, Ciubotaru C, Cojoc D, Chen SN, Taylor MRG, Mestroni L, Sbaizero O. Compromised Biomechanical Properties, Cell-Cell Adhesion and Nanotubes Communication in Cardiac Fibroblasts Carrying the Lamin A/C D192G Mutation. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Aug 25; 22(17). PMID: 34502098.
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    4. Travers JG, Wennersten SA, Pe?a B, Bagchi RA, Smith HE, Hirsch RA, Vanderlinden LA, Lin YH, Dobrinskikh E, Demos-Davies KM, Cavasin MA, Mestroni L, Steink?hler C, Lin CY, Houser SR, Woulfe KC, Lam MPY, McKinsey TA. HDAC Inhibition Reverses Preexisting Diastolic Dysfunction and Blocks Covert Extracellular Matrix Remodeling. Circulation. 2021 05 11; 143(19):1874-1890. PMID: 33682427.
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    5. Mueller AC, Piper M, Goodspeed A, Bhuvane S, Williams JS, Bhatia S, Phan AV, Van Court B, Zolman KL, Pe?a B, Oweida AJ, Zakem S, Meguid C, Knitz MW, Darragh L, Bickett TE, Gadwa J, Mestroni L, Taylor MRG, Jordan KR, Dempsey P, Lucia MS, McCarter MD, Del Chiaro M, Messersmith WA, Schulick RD, Goodman KA, Gough MJ, Greene CS, Costello JC, Neto AG, Lagares D, Hansen KC, Van Bokhoven A, Karam SD. Induction of ADAM10 by Radiation Therapy Drives Fibrosis, Resistance, and Epithelial-to-Mesenchyal Transition in Pancreatic Cancer. Cancer Res. 2021 06 15; 81(12):3255-3269. PMID: 33526513.
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    6. Melissa Ronni Laughter, Anna Laura Nelson, Maria Bortot, Brisa Peña, Bolin Liu, Daewon Park. Multifunctional Fluorocarbon-conjugated Nanoparticles of Varied Morphologies to Enhance Diagnostic Effects in Breast Cancer. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering. 2021; 1(13):52-61.
    7. Peña B, Alegret N, Laughter M, Taylor MR, Mestroni L, Prato M. Chapter 7. Carbon Nanotubes for Cardiac Applications. . Carbon Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications. 2021; 223-256.
    8. R Amin D, Sink E, Narayan SP, Abdel-Hafiz M, Mestroni L, Pe?a B. Nanomaterials for Cardiac Tissue Engineering. Molecules. 2020 Nov 07; 25(21). PMID: 33171802.
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    9. Borin D, Pe?a B, Chen SN, Long CS, Taylor MRG, Mestroni L, Sbaizero O. Altered microtubule structure, hemichannel localization and beating activity in cardiomyocytes expressing pathologic nuclear lamin A/C. Heliyon. 2020 Jan; 6(1):e03175. PMID: 32021920.
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    10. Borin D, Pe?a B, Taylor MRG, Mestroni L, Lapasin R, Sbaizero O. Viscoelastic behavior of cardiomyocytes carrying LMNA mutations. Biorheology. 2020; 57(1):1-14. PMID: 32083564.
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    11. Joshua G Travers, Sara A Wennersten, Brisa Pena, Rushita A Bagchi, Harrison E Smith, Rachel A Hirsch, Lauren A Vanderlinden, Ying-Hsi Lin, Evgenia Dobrinskikh, Kimberly M Demos-Davies, Maria A Cavasin, Luisa Mestroni, Christian Steinkuhler, Steven R Houser, Charles Y Lin, Maggie P Lam and Timothy A McKinsey. Circulation. Abstract 15707: Histone Deacetylase Inhibition Reverses Preexisting Diastolic Dysfunction and Blocks Covert Extracellular Matrix Remodeling. 2020.
    12. Pe?a B, Maldonado M, Bonham AJ, Aguado BA, Dominguez-Alfaro A, Laughter M, Rowland TJ, Bardill J, Farnsworth NL, Alegret Ramon N, Taylor MRG, Anseth KS, Prato M, Shandas R, McKinsey TA, Park D, Mestroni L. Gold Nanoparticle-Functionalized Reverse Thermal Gel for Tissue Engineering Applications. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2019 May 22; 11(20):18671-18680. PMID: 31021594.
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    13. Martinelli V, Bosi S, Pe?a B, Baj G, Long CS, Sbaizero O, Giacca M, Prato M, Mestroni L. 3D Carbon-Nanotube-Based Composites for Cardiac Tissue Engineering. ACS Appl Bio Mater. 2018 Nov 19; 1(5):1530-1537. PMID: 34996204.
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    14. Laughter MR, Bardill JR, Ammar DA, Pena B, Calkins DJ, Park D. Injectable Neurotrophic Factor Delivery System Supporting Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and Regeneration Following Optic Nerve Crush. ACS Biomater Sci Eng. 2018 Sep 10; 4(9):3374-3383. PMID: 31431919.
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    15. Pe?a B, Laughter M, Jett S, Rowland TJ, Taylor MRG, Mestroni L, Park D. Injectable Hydrogels for Cardiac Tissue Engineering. Macromol Biosci. 2018 06; 18(6):e1800079. PMID: 29733514.
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    16. Daniele Borin, Ilaria Pecorari, Brisa Peña and Orfeo Sbaizero. Novel insights into cardiomyocytes provided by atomic force microscopy. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology . 2018; 79:4-12.
    17. Pe?a B, Bosi S, Aguado BA, Borin D, Farnsworth NL, Dobrinskikh E, Rowland TJ, Martinelli V, Jeong M, Taylor MRG, Long CS, Shandas R, Sbaizero O, Prato M, Anseth KS, Park D, Mestroni L. Injectable Carbon Nanotube-Functionalized Reverse Thermal Gel Promotes Cardiomyocytes Survival and Maturation. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Sep 20; 9(37):31645-31656. PMID: 28895403.
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    18. Borin D, Pecorari I, Pena B, Sbaizero O. Novel insights into cardiomyocytes provided by atomic force microscopy. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2018 01; 73:4-12. PMID: 28687239.
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    19. Brisa Peña, Valentina Martinelli, Susanna Bosi, Mark Y. Jeong, Matthew R.G. Taylor, Maurizio Prato, Carlin S. Long, Maria A. Cavasin, Robin Shandas, Daewon Park and Luisa Mestroni. Injectable Hybrid Nanoengineered Polymer for Cardiac Tissue Engineering. 2016.
    20. Laughter MR, Ammar DA, Bardill JR, Pena B, Kahook MY, Lee DJ, Park D. A Self-Assembling Injectable Biomimetic Microenvironment Encourages Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Extension in Vitro. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2016 Aug 17; 8(32):20540-8. PMID: 27434231.
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    21. Pe?a B, Martinelli V, Jeong M, Bosi S, Lapasin R, Taylor MR, Long CS, Shandas R, Park D, Mestroni L. Biomimetic Polymers for Cardiac Tissue Engineering. Biomacromolecules. 2016 05 09; 17(5):1593-601. PMID: 27073119.
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    22. Brisa Peña, Valentina Martinelli, Mark Jeong, Susanna Bosi, Romano Lapasin, Matthew R. G. Taylor, Carlin S. Long, Robin Shandas, Daewon Park and Luisa Mestroni. Biomimetic Polymers for Cardiac Tissue Engineering. Biomacromolecules. 2016; 5(17):1593–1601.
    23. Brisa Peña, Valentina Martinelli, Susanna Bosi, Carmen C. Sucharov, Mark Y. Jeong, Matthew R.G. Taylor, Maurizio Prato, Carlin S. Long, Robin Shandas, Daewon Park and Luisa Mestroni. Circulation Research . Temperature-responsive Cell Delivery Biopolymers for Cardiac Tissue Engineering. 2015.
    24. Brisa Pena, Valentina Martinelli, Susanna Bosi, Carmen Sucharov, Mark Jeong, Matthew R Taylor, Maurizio Prato, Carlin S Long, Robin Shandas, Daewon Park and Luisa Mestroni. Circulation Research. Temperature-responsive Cell Delivery Biopolymers for Cardiac Tissue Engineering. 2015.
    25. Brisa Peña, Daewon Park, Carlin S. Long, Valentina Martinelli, Susanna Bosi, Laura Ballerini, Maurizio Prato, Carmen Sucharov, Mark Jeong, Matthew R. G. Taylor, Robin Shandas, Luisa Mestroni. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. TEMPERATURE-RESPONSIVE MATERIALS MAY ACT AS EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX AND CELL VEHICLE FOR CARDIAC TISSUE ENGINEERING. 2015.
    26. Pe?a B, Shandas R, Park D. A heparin-mimicking reverse thermal gel for controlled delivery of positively charged proteins. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2015 Jun; 103(6):2102-8. PMID: 25294242.
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    27. Cinta Panisello, Brisa Peña, Guillem Gilabert Oriol, Magda Constantí, Tània Gumí, and Ricard Garcia-Valls. Polysulfone/Vanillin Microcapsules for Antibacterial and Aromatic Finishing of Fabrics. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013; 52(29):9995–10003.
    28. Brisa Pena, Tania Gumi. State of the Art of Polysulfone Microcapsules. Current Organic Chemistry. 2013; 17(1):22 - 29.
    29. Cinta Panisello, Brisa Peña, Tània Gumí and Ricard Garcia-Valls. Polysulfone microcapsules with different wall morphology. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2012; 129(3):1625-1636.
    30. Brisa Peña, Cinta Panisello, Gemma Aresté, Ricard Garcia-Valls and Tània Gumí. Preparation and characterization of polysulfone microcapsules for perfume release. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2012; 179:394-403.
    31. Pe?a B, de M?norval LC, Garcia-Valls R, Gum? T. Characterization of polysulfone and polysulfone/vanillin microcapsules by 1H NMR spectroscopy, solid-state 13C CP/MAS-NMR spectroscopy, and N2 adsorption-desorption analyses. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2011 Nov; 3(11):4420-30. PMID: 22008282.
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    32. Brisa Peña, Laura Ferré, Ricard Garcia-Valls, Francesc Ferrando and Tània Gumí. Study of the Mechanical Properties of PSf/Vanillin Films. Influence of Temperature Treatments. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2011; 4(50):2073–2079.
    33. Brisa Peña, Mireia Casals, Carles Torras, Tània Gumí and Ricard Garcia-Valls. Vanillin Release from Polysulfone Macrocapsules. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2008; 3(48):1562–1565.
    34. María E. Fuentes Brisa Peña César Contreras Ana L. Montero Russell Chianelli Manuel Alvarado Ramón Olivas Luz M. Rodríguez Héctor Camacho Luis A. Montero-Cabrera. Quantum mechanical model for Maya Blue. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 2008; 108(10):1664-1673.
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