Fernando L. Rosario-Ortiz
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | CivilEng-Civil,Env&Arch Engin |
Phone | 303/492-7607 |
Title | Endowed or Named Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | College Engineering & App Sci |
Mihelcic JR, Barra RO, Brooks BW, Diamond ML, Eckelman MJ, MacDonald Gibson J, Guidotti S, Ikeda-Araki A, Kumar M, Maiga Y, McConville J, Miller SL, Pizarro V, Rosario-Ortiz F, Wang S, Zimmerman JB. Accelerating Environmental Research to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Environ Sci Technol. 2023 11 14; 57(45):17167-17168. PMID: 37961758.
Zimmerman JB, Alvarez P, Field J, Lowry G, Rosario-Ortiz F, Schlenk D, Wang P. The Butterfly Effect. Environ Sci Technol. 2023 Dec 05; 57(48):19065. PMID: 37955412.
Wang P, Rosario-Ortiz F, Giammar D, He H, Lowry G, Waite D, Westerhoff P, Zimmerman J. The Intersection between Materials Science and Environmental Applicability: Defining the Scope of ES&T for Materials-Based Research. Environ Sci Technol. 2023 08 22; 57(33):12135-12136. PMID: 37605609.
Rosario-Ortiz FL, Korak J, Mihelcic J, Guidotti S, Lowry G, Zimmerman J. Hearing All Voices: Environmental Issues and Opportunities in South America. Environ Sci Technol. 2023 09 05; 57(35):12933-12934. PMID: 37602672.
Du R, Zhang Q, Leresche F, Zhong M, Chen P, Huang J, Deng S, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Yu G. The determination and prediction of the apparent reaction rates between excited triplet-state DOM and selected PPCPs. Sci Total Environ. 2023 Jul 10; 881:163117. PMID: 37044337.
Buckley S, Leresche F, Hanson B, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Decoupling Optical Response and Photochemical Formation of Singlet Oxygen in Size Isolated Fractions of Ozonated Dissolved Organic Matter. Environ Sci Technol. 2023 04 11; 57(14):5603-5610. PMID: 36977057.
Mihelcic JR, Barra RO, Brooks BW, Diamond ML, Eckelman MJ, Gibson JM, Guidotti S, Ikeda-Araki A, Kumar M, Maiga Y, McConville J, Miller SL, Pizarro V, Rosario-Ortiz F, Wang S, Zimmerman JB. Environmental Research Addressing Sustainable Development Goals. Environ Sci Technol. 2023 03 07; 57(9):3457-3460. PMID: 36812397.
Harries ME, Allen DT, Adetona O, Bell ML, Black MS, Burgess JL, Dryer FL, Holder AL, Mascare?as A, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Stec AA, Turpin BJ, Zelikoff JT. A Research Agenda for the Chemistry of Fires at the Wildland-Urban Interface: A National Academies Consensus Report. Environ Sci Technol. 2022 11 15; 56(22):15189-15191. PMID: 36288208.
Brucker CP, Livneh B, Minear JT, Rosario-Ortiz FL. A review of simulation experiment techniques used to analyze wildfire effects on water quality and supply. Environ Sci Process Impacts. 2022 Aug 17; 24(8):1110-1132. PMID: 35789241.
D'Andrilli J, Silverman V, Buckley S, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Inferring Ecosystem Function from Dissolved Organic Matter Optical Properties: A Critical Review. Environ Sci Technol. 2022 08 16; 56(16):11146-11161. PMID: 35917372.
Yang X, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Lei Y, Pan Y, Lei X, Westerhoff P. Multiple Roles of Dissolved Organic Matter in Advanced Oxidation Processes. Environ Sci Technol. 2022 08 16; 56(16):11111-11131. PMID: 35797184.
Diamond ML, Rosario-Ortiz F, Field J, Leusch F, Lowry G, Mills M, Wang P, Westerhoff P, Zimmerman J. Hearing All Voices to Address Environmental Challenges at a Global Scale. Environ Sci Technol. 2022 07 05; 56(13):9147-9148. PMID: 35727233.
Bahureksa W, Young RB, McKenna AM, Chen H, Thorn KA, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Borch T. Nitrogen Enrichment during Soil Organic Matter Burning and Molecular Evidence of Maillard Reactions. Environ Sci Technol. 2022 04 05; 56(7):4597-4609. PMID: 35262343.
Couch K, Leresche F, Farmer C, McKay G, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Assessing the source of the photochemical formation of hydroxylating species from dissolved organic matter using model sensitizers. Environ Sci Process Impacts. 2022 Jan 26; 24(1):102-115. PMID: 34908096.
Leresche F, Vialykh EA, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Computational Calculation of Dissolved Organic Matter Absorption Spectra. Environ Sci Technol. 2022 01 04; 56(1):491-500. PMID: 34905334.
Leresche F, Salazar JR, Pfotenhauer DJ, Hannigan MP, Majestic BJ, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Photochemical Aging of Atmospheric Particulate Matter in the Aqueous Phase. Environ Sci Technol. 2021 10 05; 55(19):13152-13163. PMID: 34529399.
Vione D, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Foreseen Effects of Climate-Impacted Scenarios on the Photochemical Fate of Selected Cyanotoxins in Surface Freshwaters. Environ Sci Technol. 2021 08 17; 55(16):10928-10934. PMID: 34342987.
Ferrer I, Thurman EM, Zweigenbaum JA, Murphy SF, Webster JP, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Wildfires: Identification of a new suite of aromatic polycarboxylic acids in ash and surface water. Sci Total Environ. 2021 May 20; 770:144661. PMID: 33513501.
Kurtz T, Zeng T, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Photodegradation of cyanotoxins in surface waters. Water Res. 2021 Mar 15; 192:116804. PMID: 33494040.
Vialykh EA, McKay G, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Computational Assessment of the Three-Dimensional Configuration of Dissolved Organic Matter Chromophores and Influence on Absorption Spectra. Environ Sci Technol. 2020 12 15; 54(24):15904-15913. PMID: 33269593.
D'Andrilli J, Fischer SJ, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Advancing Critical Applications of High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for DOM Assessments: Re-Engaging with Mass Spectral Principles, Limitations, and Data Analysis. Environ Sci Technol. 2020 10 06; 54(19):11654-11656. PMID: 32941028.
McKay G, Hohner AK, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Use of optical properties for evaluating the presence of pyrogenic organic matter in thermally altered soil leachates. Environ Sci Process Impacts. 2020 Apr 29; 22(4):981-992. PMID: 32065181.
Wang L, Zhang Q, Chen B, Bu Y, Chen Y, Ma J, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Zhu R. Some issues limiting photo(cata)lysis application in water pollutant control: A critical review from chemistry perspectives. Water Res. 2020 May 01; 174:115605. PMID: 32078833.
Thurman EM, Yu Y, Ferrer I, Thorn KA, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Molecular Identification of Water-Extractable Organic Carbon from Thermally Heated Soils: C-13 NMR and Accurate Mass Analyses Find Benzene and Pyridine Carboxylic Acids. Environ Sci Technol. 2020 03 03; 54(5):2994-3001. PMID: 31985213.
Wang H, Lu L, Chen H, McKenna AM, Lu J, Jin S, Zuo Y, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Ren ZJ. Molecular Transformation of Crude Oil Contaminated Soil after Bioelectrochemical Degradation Revealed by FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. Environ Sci Technol. 2020 02 18; 54(4):2500-2509. PMID: 31986023.
Wang L, Zhang Q, Chen B, Bu Y, Chen Y, Ma J, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Photolysis and photocatalysis of haloacetic acids in water: A review of kinetics, influencing factors, products, pathways, and mechanisms. J Hazard Mater. 2020 06 05; 391:122143. PMID: 32045801.
Ulliman SL, Korak JA, Linden KG, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Methodology for selection of optical parameters as wastewater effluent organic matter surrogates. Water Res. 2020 Mar 01; 170:115321. PMID: 31877555.
Leresche F, McKay G, Kurtz T, von Gunten U, Canonica S, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Effects of Ozone on the Photochemical and Photophysical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter. Environ Sci Technol. 2019 05 21; 53(10):5622-5632. PMID: 31022348.
Hohner AK, Rhoades CC, Wilkerson P, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Wildfires Alter Forest Watersheds and Threaten Drinking Water Quality. Acc Chem Res. 2019 05 21; 52(5):1234-1244. PMID: 31059225.
McKay G, Korak JA, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Temperature Dependence of Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence. Environ Sci Technol. 2018 08 21; 52(16):9022-9032. PMID: 30028602.
?nnby L, Salhi E, McKay G, Rosario-Ortiz FL, von Gunten U. Ozone and chlorine reactions with dissolved organic matter - Assessment of oxidant-reactive moieties by optical measurements and the electron donating capacities. Water Res. 2018 11 01; 144:64-75. PMID: 30014980.
McKay G, Korak JA, Erickson PR, Latch DE, McNeill K, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Response to Comment on The Case Against Charge Transfer Interactions in Dissolved Organic Matter Photophysics. Environ Sci Technol. 2018 May 01; 52(9):5514-5516. PMID: 29659265.
Chin YP, McKnight D, Rosario-Ortiz FL. A Tribute to George R. Aiken. Environ Sci Technol. 2018 04 17; 52(8):4489. PMID: 29582998.
McKay G, Korak JA, Erickson PR, Latch DE, McNeill K, Rosario-Ortiz FL. The Case Against Charge Transfer Interactions in Dissolved Organic Matter Photophysics. Environ Sci Technol. 2018 01 16; 52(2):406-414. PMID: 29211464.
Ulliman SL, McKay G, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Linden KG. Low levels of iron enhance UV/H2O2 efficiency at neutral pH. Water Res. 2018 03 01; 130:234-242. PMID: 29227872.
Silva MP, Lastre-Acosta AM, Mostafa S, McKay G, Linden KG, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Teixeira ACSC. Photochemical generation of reactive intermediates from urban-waste bio-organic substances under UV and solar irradiation. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2017 Aug; 24(22):18470-18478. PMID: 28646308.
Mckay G, Huang W, Romera-Castillo C, Crouch JE, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Jaff? R. Predicting Reactive Intermediate Quantum Yields from Dissolved Organic Matter Photolysis Using Optical Properties and Antioxidant Capacity. Environ Sci Technol. 2017 May 16; 51(10):5404-5413. PMID: 28391701.
Cawley KM, Hohner AK, Podgorski DC, Cooper WT, Korak JA, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Molecular and Spectroscopic Characterization of Water Extractable Organic Matter from Thermally Altered Soils Reveal Insight into Disinfection Byproduct Precursors. Environ Sci Technol. 2017 01 17; 51(2):771-779. PMID: 28032509.
Rosario-Ortiz FL, Korak JA. Oversimplification of Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence Analysis: Potential Pitfalls of Current Methods. Environ Sci Technol. 2017 01 17; 51(2):759-761. PMID: 28032506.
Rosario-Ortiz FL, Canonica S. Probe Compounds to Assess the Photochemical Activity of Dissolved Organic Matter. Environ Sci Technol. 2016 12 06; 50(23):12532-12547. PMID: 27736067.
Hohner AK, Cawley K, Oropeza J, Summers RS, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Drinking water treatment response following a Colorado wildfire. Water Res. 2016 Nov 15; 105:187-198. PMID: 27619495.
McKay G, Couch KD, Mezyk SP, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Investigation of the Coupled Effects of Molecular Weight and Charge-Transfer Interactions on the Optical and Photochemical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter. Environ Sci Technol. 2016 08 02; 50(15):8093-102. PMID: 27377760.
Rosario-Ortiz F, Rose J, Speight V, von Gunten U, Schnoor J. How do you like your tap water? Science. 2016 Feb 26; 351(6276):912-4. PMID: 26917751.
Arias-Paic M, Cawley KM, Byg S, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Enhanced DOC removal using anion and cation ion exchange resins. Water Res. 2016 Jan 01; 88:981-989. PMID: 26624231.
McKay G, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Temperature dependence of the photochemical formation of hydroxyl radical from dissolved organic matter. Environ Sci Technol. 2015 Apr 07; 49(7):4147-54. PMID: 25719947.
Korak JA, Wert EC, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Evaluating fluorescence spectroscopy as a tool to characterize cyanobacteria intracellular organic matter upon simulated release and oxidation in natural water. Water Res. 2015 Jan 01; 68:432-43. PMID: 25462750.
Shimabuku KK, Cho H, Townsend EB, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Summers RS. Modeling nonequilibrium adsorption of MIB and sulfamethoxazole by powdered activated carbon and the role of dissolved organic matter competition. Environ Sci Technol. 2014 Dec 02; 48(23):13735-42. PMID: 25371136.
Glover CM, Mezyk SP, Linden KG, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Photochemical degradation of Corexit components in ocean water. Chemosphere. 2014 Sep; 111:596-602. PMID: 24997971.
Dong MM, Trenholm R, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Photochemical degradation of atenolol, carbamazepine, meprobamate, phenytoin and primidone in wastewater effluents. J Hazard Mater. 2015 Jan 23; 282:216-23. PMID: 24798495.
Kover SC, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Linden KG. Photochemical fate of solvent constituents of Corexit oil dispersants. Water Res. 2014 Apr 01; 52:101-11. PMID: 24463172.
Korak JA, Dotson AD, Summers RS, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Critical analysis of commonly used fluorescence metrics to characterize dissolved organic matter. Water Res. 2014 Feb 01; 49:327-38. PMID: 24384525.
Glover CM, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Impact of halides on the photoproduction of reactive intermediates from organic matter. Environ Sci Technol. 2013 Dec 17; 47(24):13949-56. PMID: 24219140.
Wert EC, Korak JA, Trenholm RA, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Effect of oxidant exposure on the release of intracellular microcystin, MIB, and geosmin from three cyanobacteria species. Water Res. 2014 Apr 01; 52:251-9. PMID: 24289950.
Keen OS, McKay G, Mezyk SP, Linden KG, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Identifying the factors that influence the reactivity of effluent organic matter with hydroxyl radicals. Water Res. 2014 Mar 01; 50:408-19. PMID: 24246169.
Lee E, Glover CM, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Photochemical formation of hydroxyl radical from effluent organic matter: role of composition. Environ Sci Technol. 2013; 47(21):12073-80. PMID: 24053683.
Mostafa S, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Singlet oxygen formation from wastewater organic matter. Environ Sci Technol. 2013 Aug 06; 47(15):8179-86. PMID: 23799636.
Wert EC, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Intracellular organic matter from cyanobacteria as a precursor for carbonaceous and nitrogenous disinfection byproducts. Environ Sci Technol. 2013 Jun 18; 47(12):6332-40. PMID: 23675656.
Wert EC, Dong MM, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Using digital flow cytometry to assess the degradation of three cyanobacteria species after oxidation processes. Water Res. 2013 Jul 01; 47(11):3752-61. PMID: 23726712.
Dong MM, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Photochemical formation of hydroxyl radical from effluent organic matter. Environ Sci Technol. 2012 Apr 03; 46(7):3788-94. PMID: 22352464.
Philibert M, Rosario-Ortiz F, Suffet M. Comparison of two polarity measurements of hydrophobic organic matter for the evaluation of water treatment processes: XAD resin and PRAM. Water Sci Technol. 2012; 66(11):2418-24. PMID: 23032773.
Wert EC, Gonzales S, Dong MM, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Evaluation of enhanced coagulation pretreatment to improve ozone oxidation efficiency in wastewater. Water Res. 2011 Oct 15; 45(16):5191-9. PMID: 21855954.
McKay G, Dong MM, Kleinman JL, Mezyk SP, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Temperature dependence of the reaction between the hydroxyl radical and organic matter. Environ Sci Technol. 2011 Aug 15; 45(16):6932-7. PMID: 21662387.
Dong MM, Mezyk SP, Rosario-Ortiz FL. Reactivity of effluent organic matter (EfOM) with hydroxyl radical as a function of molecular weight. Environ Sci Technol. 2010 Aug 01; 44(15):5714-20. PMID: 20608709.
Rosario-Ortiz FL, Wert EC, Snyder SA. Evaluation of UV/H(2)O(2) treatment for the oxidation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater. Water Res. 2010 Mar; 44(5):1440-8. PMID: 19931113.
Wert EC, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Snyder SA. Using ultraviolet absorbance and color to assess pharmaceutical oxidation during ozonation of wastewater. Environ Sci Technol. 2009 Jul 01; 43(13):4858-63. PMID: 19673276.
Mawhinney DB, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Baik S, Vanderford BJ, Snyder SA. Characterization of fulvic acids by liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 2009 Feb 27; 1216(9):1319-24. PMID: 19171348.
Wert EC, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Snyder SA. Effect of ozone exposure on the oxidation of trace organic contaminants in wastewater. Water Res. 2009 Mar; 43(4):1005-14. PMID: 19135696.
Trenholm RA, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Snyder SA. Analysis of formaldehyde formation in wastewater using on-fiber derivatization-solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 2008 Nov 07; 1210(1):25-9. PMID: 18834590.
Rosario-Ortiz FL, Mezyk SP, Doud DF, Snyder SA. Quantitative correlation of absolute hydroxyl radical rate constants with non-isolated effluent organic matter bulk properties in water. Environ Sci Technol. 2008 Aug 15; 42(16):5924-30. PMID: 18767646.
Vanderford BJ, Mawhinney DB, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Snyder SA. Real-time detection and identification of aqueous chlorine transformation products using QTOF MS. Anal Chem. 2008 Jun 01; 80(11):4193-9. PMID: 18465880.
Vanderford BJ, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Snyder SA. Analysis of p-chlorobenzoic acid in water by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 2007 Sep 14; 1164(1-2):219-23. PMID: 17689544.
Rosario-Ortiz FL, Snyder S, Suffet IH. Characterization of the polarity of natural organic matter under ambient conditions by the polarity rapid assessment method (PRAM). Environ Sci Technol. 2007 Jul 15; 41(14):4895-900. PMID: 17711199.
Rosario-Ortiz FL, Snyder SA, Suffet IH. Characterization of dissolved organic matter in drinking water sources impacted by multiple tributaries. Water Res. 2007 Oct; 41(18):4115-28. PMID: 17659316.
Wert EC, Rosario-Ortiz FL, Drury DD, Snyder SA. Formation of oxidation byproducts from ozonation of wastewater. Water Res. 2007 Apr; 41(7):1481-90. PMID: 17335867.
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Year | Publications |
2007 | 4 | 2008 | 5 | 2009 | 2 | 2010 | 1 | 2011 | 2 | 2012 | 2 | 2013 | 9 | 2014 | 3 | 2015 | 3 | 2016 | 6 | 2017 | 4 | 2018 | 4 | 2019 | 3 | 2020 | 7 | 2021 | 5 | 2022 | 7 | 2023 | 7 |
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