Ingrid A. Binswanger
Title | Affiliate - Kaiser |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-MED |
Research R01DA047537 (BINSWANGER, INGRID A ;GLANZ, JASON M)Mar 15, 2019 - Dec 31, 2023 NIH Assessing the Safety and Effectiveness of Opioid Tapering in Large Health Systems Role: Principal Investigator |
| R56DA044302 (GLANZ, JASON M)Sep 1, 2017 - Aug 31, 2019 NIH Applying Big Data Analytics to Study the Impact of Opioid Prescribing Policy Changes on Prescribing Behavior and Overdose Outcomes Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| U01CE002791 (BINSWANGER, INGRID A)Sep 1, 2017 - Aug 31, 2019 NIH Assessing the Unintended Consequences of Restrictive Opioid Pain Reliever Policies Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01DA042059 (BINSWANGER, INGRID A)Aug 1, 2016 - Apr 30, 2021 NIH The Safety and Impact of Expanded Access to Naloxone in Health Systems Role: Principal Investigator |
| R34DA035952 (BINSWANGER, INGRID A)Jun 15, 2013 - Apr 30, 2017 NIH Overdose Risk Assessment, Counseling and Naloxone Prescription in Health Care Role: Principal Investigator |
| R21DA031041 (BINSWANGER, INGRID A)Jan 15, 2011 - Dec 31, 2013 NIH Drug-Related Risk for Death After Release from Prison Role: Principal Investigator |
| R03DA029448 (BINSWANGER, INGRID A)May 15, 2010 - Apr 30, 2013 NIH HIV Risk Behavior in Drug-Involved Former Inmates Role: Principal Investigator |
Harding DJ, Morenoff JD, Nguyen AP, Bushway SD, Binswanger IA. Author Correction: A natural experiment study of the effects of imprisonment on violence in the community. Nat Hum Behav. 2020 09; 4(9):983. PMID: 32322092.
Finlay AK, Morse E, Stimmel M, Taylor E, Timko C, Harris AHS, Smelson D, Yu M, Blue-Howells J, Binswanger IA. Barriers to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Among Veterans Involved in the Legal System: a Qualitative Study. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 09; 35(9):2529-2536. PMID: 32583337.
Binswanger IA, Nguyen AP, Morenoff JD, Xu S, Harding DJ. The association of criminal justice supervision setting with overdose mortality: a longitudinal cohort study. Addiction. 2020 12; 115(12):2329-2338. PMID: 32267585.
Calcaterra SL, Binswanger IA, Edelman EJ, McNair BK, Wakeman SE, O'Connor PG. The impact of access to addiction specialist on attitudes, beliefs and hospital-based opioid use disorder related care: A survey of hospitalist physicians. Subst Abus. 2022; 43(1):143-151. PMID: 32267807.
Morse EF, Ross C, Clemensen S, Babbar S, Wisneski LA, Clune H, de Picciotto M, Xu S, Binswanger I. Exploring the Use of Complementary and Integrative Health Modalities in Urgent Care for Acute Pain. J Altern Complement Med. 2020 Jun; 26(6):537-540. PMID: 32167802.
Nguyen AP, Glanz JM, Narwaney KJ, Binswanger IA. Association of Opioids Prescribed to Family Members With Opioid Overdose Among Adolescents and Young Adults. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 03 02; 3(3):e201018. PMID: 32219404.
Boudreau DM, Lapham G, Johnson EA, Bobb JF, Matthews AG, McCormack J, Liu D, Campbell CI, Rossom RC, Binswanger IA, Yarborough BJ, Arnsten JH, Cunningham CO, Glass JE, Murphy MT, Zare M, Hechter RC, Ahmedani B, Braciszewski JM, Horigian VE, Szapocznik J, Samet JH, Saxon AJ, Schwartz RP, Bradley KA. Documented opioid use disorder and its treatment in primary care patients across six U.S. health systems. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2020 03; 112S:41-48. PMID: 32220410.
Frank JW, Binswanger IA. Commentary on Rhee & Rosenheck (2019): Buprenorphine prescribing for opioid use disorder in medical practice - can office-based out-patient care address the opiate crisis in the United States? Addiction. 2020 04; 115(4):786-787. PMID: 31762128.
Lapham G, Boudreau DM, Johnson EA, Bobb JF, Matthews AG, McCormack J, Liu D, Samet JH, Saxon AJ, Campbell CI, Glass JE, Rossom RC, Murphy MT, Binswanger IA, Yarborough BJH, Bradley KA. Prevalence and treatment of opioid use disorders among primary care patients in six health systems. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020 02 01; 207:107732. PMID: 31835068.
Wenger LD, Showalter D, Lambdin B, Leiva D, Wheeler E, Davidson PJ, Coffin PO, Binswanger IA, Kral AH. Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution in the San Francisco County Jail. J Correct Health Care. 2019 10; 25(4):394-404. PMID: 31672075.
Loeb DF, Monson SP, Lockhart S, Depue C, Ludman E, Nease DE, Binswanger IA, Kline DM, de Gruy FV, Good DG, Bayliss EA. Mixed method evaluation of Relational Team Development (RELATED) to improve team-based care for complex patients with mental illness in primary care. BMC Psychiatry. 2019 10 15; 19(1):299. PMID: 31615460.
Loeb DF, Kline DM, Kroenke K, Boyd C, Bayliss EA, Ludman E, Dickinson LM, Binswanger IA, Monson SP. Designing the relational team development intervention to improve management of mental health in primary care using iterative stakeholder engagement. BMC Fam Pract. 2019 09 06; 20(1):124. PMID: 31492096.
Moore A, Cox-Martin M, Dempsey AF, Berenbaum Szanton K, Binswanger IA. HPV Vaccination in Correctional Care: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Barriers Among Incarcerated Women. J Correct Health Care. 2019 07; 25(3):219-230. PMID: 31242811.
Harding DJ, Morenoff JD, Nguyen AP, Bushway SD, Binswanger IA. A natural experiment study of the effects of imprisonment on violence in the community. Nat Hum Behav. 2019 07; 3(7):671-677. PMID: 31086334.
Binswanger IA, Maruschak LM, Mueller SR, Stern MF, Kinner SA. Principles to Guide National Data Collection on the Health of Persons in the Criminal Justice System. Public Health Rep. 2019 May/Jun; 134(1_suppl):34S-45S. PMID: 31059411.
Glanz JM, Binswanger IA, Shetterly SM, Narwaney KJ, Xu S. Association Between Opioid Dose Variability and Opioid Overdose Among Adults Prescribed Long-term Opioid Therapy. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 04 05; 2(4):e192613. PMID: 31002325.
Hechter RC, Horberg MA, Weisner C, Campbell CI, Contreras R, Chen LH, Yarborough BJH, Lapham GT, Haller IV, Ahmedani BK, Binswanger IA, Kline-Simon AH, Satre DD. Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures of alcohol and drug treatment initiation and engagement among people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and patients without an HIV diagnosis. Subst Abus. 2019; 40(3):302-310. PMID: 30908174.
Binswanger IA, Narwaney KJ, Gardner EM, Gabella BA, Calcaterra SL, Glanz JM. Development and evaluation of a standardized research definition for opioid overdose outcomes. Subst Abus. 2019; 40(1):71-79. PMID: 30875477.
Binswanger IA. Opioid Use Disorder and Incarceration - Hope for Ensuring the Continuity of Treatment. N Engl J Med. 2019 Mar 28; 380(13):1193-1195. PMID: 30811904.
Kline-Simon AH, Stumbo SP, Campbell CI, Binswanger IA, Weisner C, Haller IV, Hechter RC, Ahmedani BK, Lapham GT, Loree AM, Sterling SA, Yarborough BJH. Patient characteristics associated with treatment initiation and engagement among individuals diagnosed with alcohol and other drug use disorders in emergency department and primary care settings. Subst Abus. 2019; 40(3):278-284. PMID: 30702983.
Loree AM, Yeh HH, Satre DD, Kline-Simon AH, Yarborough BJH, Haller IV, Campbell CI, Lapham GT, Hechter RC, Binswanger IA, Weisner C, Ahmedani BK. Psychiatric comorbidity and Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures of alcohol and other drug treatment initiation and engagement across 7 health care systems. Subst Abus. 2019; 40(3):311-317. PMID: 30681938.
Binswanger IA, Carroll NM, Ahmedani BK, Campbell CI, Haller IV, Hechter RC, McNeely J, Yarborough BJH, Kline-Simon AH, Satre DD, Weisner C, Lapham GT. The association between medical comorbidity and Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures of treatment initiation and engagement for alcohol and other drug use disorders. Subst Abus. 2019; 40(3):292-301. PMID: 30676892.
Weisner C, Campbell CI, Altschuler A, Yarborough BJH, Lapham GT, Binswanger IA, Hechter RC, Ahmedani BK, Haller IV, Sterling SA, McCarty D, Satre DD, Kline-Simon AH. Factors associated with Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) alcohol and other drug measure performance in 2014-2015. Subst Abus. 2019; 40(3):318-327. PMID: 30676915.
Campbell CI, Weisner C, Binswanger IA, Lapham GT, Ahmedani BK, Yarborough BJH, Haller IV, Altschuler A, Hechter RC, Loree AM, Kline-Simon AH. Predictors of Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) treatment initiation and engagement among patients with opioid use disorder across 7 health systems. Subst Abus. 2019; 40(3):328-334. PMID: 30676931.
Lapham GT, Campbell CI, Yarborough BJH, Hechter RC, Ahmedani BK, Haller IV, Kline-Simon AH, Satre DD, Loree AM, Weisner C, Binswanger IA. The prevalence of Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) initiation and engagement in treatment among patients with cannabis use disorders in 7?US health systems. Subst Abus. 2019; 40(3):268-277. PMID: 30657438.
Lyden J, Binswanger IA. The United States opioid epidemic. Semin Perinatol. 2019 04; 43(3):123-131. PMID: 30711195.
Metz TD, Silver RM, McMillin GA, Allshouse AA, Jensen TL, Mansfield C, Heard K, Kinney GL, Wymore E, Binswanger IA. Prenatal Marijuana Use by Self-Report and Umbilical Cord Sampling in a State With Marijuana Legalization. Obstet Gynecol. 2019 01; 133(1):98-104. PMID: 30531577.
Binswanger IA, Joseph N, Hanratty R, Gardner EM, Durfee J, Narwaney KJ, Breslin K, Mueller SR, Glanz JM. Novel Opioid Safety Clinic Initiative to Deliver Guideline-Concordant Chronic Opioid Therapy in Primary Care. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2018 Dec; 2(4):309-316. PMID: 30560232.
Kennedy LC, Binswanger IA, Mueller SR, Levy C, Matlock DD, Calcaterra SL, Koester S, Frank JW. "Those Conversations in My Experience Don't Go Well": A Qualitative Study of Primary Care Provider Experiences Tapering Long-term Opioid Medications. Pain Med. 2018 11 01; 19(11):2201-2211. PMID: 29126138.
Finlay AK, Binswanger IA, Timko C, Smelson D, Stimmel MA, Yu M, Bowe T, Harris AHS. Facility-level changes in receipt of pharmacotherapy for opioid use disorder: Implications for implementation science. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2018 12; 95:43-47. PMID: 30352669.
Binswanger IA, Glanz JM. Potential Risk Window for Opioid Overdose Related to Treatment with Extended-Release Injectable Naltrexone. Drug Saf. 2018 10; 41(10):979-980. PMID: 30073490.
Molero Y, Zetterqvist J, Binswanger IA, Hellner C, Larsson H, Fazel S. Medications for Alcohol and Opioid Use Disorders and Risk of Suicidal Behavior, Accidental Overdoses, and Crime. Am J Psychiatry. 2018 10 01; 175(10):970-978. PMID: 30068260.
Winkelman TNA, Chang VW, Binswanger IA. Health, Polysubstance Use, and Criminal Justice Involvement Among Adults With Varying Levels of Opioid Use. JAMA Netw Open. 2018 07 06; 1(3):e180558. PMID: 30646016.
Peglow SL, Binswanger IA. Preventing Opioid Overdose in the Clinic and Hospital: Analgesia and Opioid Antagonists. Med Clin North Am. 2018 Jul; 102(4):621-634. PMID: 29933819.
Calcaterra SL, Scarbro S, Hull ML, Forber AD, Binswanger IA, Colborn KL. Prediction of Future Chronic Opioid Use Among Hospitalized Patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2018 06; 33(6):898-905. PMID: 29404943.
Glanz JM, Narwaney KJ, Mueller SR, Gardner EM, Calcaterra SL, Xu S, Breslin K, Binswanger IA. Prediction Model for Two-Year Risk of Opioid Overdose Among Patients Prescribed Chronic Opioid Therapy. J Gen Intern Med. 2018 10; 33(10):1646-1653. PMID: 29380216.
Loeb DF, Leister E, Ludman E, Binswanger IA, Crane L, Dickinson M, Kline DM, deGruy FV, Nease D, Bayliss EA. Factors associated with physician self-efficacy in mental illness management and team-based care. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2018 Jan - Feb; 50:111-118. PMID: 29156252.
Binswanger IA. Commentary on Hsu et al. (2017): A systems approach to improving health services for overdose in the hospital and across the continuum of care-an unmet need. Addiction. 2017 09; 112(9):1565-1566. PMID: 28778120.
Koester S, Mueller SR, Raville L, Langegger S, Binswanger IA. Why are some people who have received overdose education and naloxone reticent to call Emergency Medical Services in the event of overdose? Int J Drug Policy. 2017 10; 48:115-124. PMID: 28734745.
Binswanger IA, Morenoff JD, Chilcote CA, Harding DJ. Ascertainment of Vital Status Among People With Criminal Justice Involvement Using Department of Corrections Records, the US National Death Index, and Social Security Master Death Files. Am J Epidemiol. 2017 05 15; 185(10):982-985. PMID: 28387782.
Winkelman TNA, Frank JW, Binswanger IA, Pinals DA. Health Conditions and Racial Differences Among Justice-Involved Adolescents, 2009 to 2014. Acad Pediatr. 2017 Sep - Oct; 17(7):723-731. PMID: 28300655.
Calcaterra SL, Drabkin AD, Doyle R, Leslie SE, Binswanger IA, Frank JW, Reich JA, Koester S. A Qualitative Study of Hospitalists' Perceptions of Patient Satisfaction Metrics on Pain Management. Hosp Top. 2017 Jan-Mar; 95(1):18-26. PMID: 28362247.
Loeb DF, Crane LA, Leister E, Bayliss EA, Ludman E, Binswanger IA, Kline DM, Smith M, deGruy FV, Nease DE, Dickinson LM. Development and initial validation of primary care provider mental illness management and team-based care self-efficacy scales. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2017 Mar - Apr; 45:44-50. PMID: 28274338.
Metz TD, Rovner P, Hoffman MC, Allshouse AA, Beckwith KM, Binswanger IA. Maternal Deaths From Suicide and Overdose in Colorado, 2004-2012. Obstet Gynecol. 2016 12; 128(6):1233-1240. PMID: 27824771.
Mueller SR, Koester S, Glanz JM, Gardner EM, Binswanger IA. Attitudes Toward Naloxone Prescribing in Clinical Settings: A Qualitative Study of Patients Prescribed High Dose Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain. J Gen Intern Med. 2017 Mar; 32(3):277-283. PMID: 27798775.
Davis CS, Burris S, Beletsky L, Binswanger I. Co-prescribing naloxone does not increase liability risk. Subst Abus. 2016 Oct-Dec; 37(4):498-500. PMID: 27648764.
Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Forsyth SJ, Stern MF, Kinner SA. Epidemiology of Infectious Disease-Related Death After Release from Prison, Washington State, United States, and Queensland, Australia: A Cohort Study. Public Health Rep. 2016 Jul-Aug; 131(4):574-82. PMID: 27453602.
Frank JW, Levy C, Calcaterra SL, Hoppe JA, Binswanger IA. Naloxone Administration in US Emergency Departments, 2000-2011. J Med Toxicol. 2016 06; 12(2):148-56. PMID: 26621354.
Frank JW, Levy C, Matlock DD, Calcaterra SL, Mueller SR, Koester S, Binswanger IA. Patients' Perspectives on Tapering of Chronic Opioid Therapy: A Qualitative Study. Pain Med. 2016 10; 17(10):1838-1847. PMID: 27207301.
Calcaterra SL, Drabkin AD, Leslie SE, Doyle R, Koester S, Frank JW, Reich JA, Binswanger IA. The hospitalist perspective on opioid prescribing: A qualitative analysis. J Hosp Med. 2016 08; 11(8):536-42. PMID: 27157317.
Calcaterra SL, Yamashita TE, Min SJ, Keniston A, Frank JW, Binswanger IA. Opioid Prescribing at Hospital Discharge Contributes to Chronic Opioid Use. J Gen Intern Med. 2016 May; 31(5):478-85. PMID: 26553336.
Loeb DF, Bayliss EA, Candrian C, deGruy FV, Binswanger IA. Primary care providers' experiences caring for complex patients in primary care: a qualitative study. BMC Fam Pract. 2016 Mar 22; 17:34. PMID: 27004838.
Frank MR, Blumhagen R, Weitzenkamp D, Mueller SR, Beaty B, Min SJ, Binswanger IA. Tobacco Use Among People Who Have Been in Prison: Relapse and Factors Associated with Trying to Quit. J Smok Cessat. 2017 Jun; 12(2):76-85. PMID: 29430256.
Bartels K, Binswanger IA, Hopfer CJ. Sources of Prescription Opioids for Nonmedical Use. J Addict Med. 2016 Mar-Apr; 10(2):134. PMID: 26985647.
Binswanger IA, Stern MF, Yamashita TE, Mueller SR, Baggett TP, Blatchford PJ. Clinical risk factors for death after release from prison in Washington State: a nested case-control study. Addiction. 2016 Mar; 111(3):499-510. PMID: 26476210.
Bartels K, Mayes LM, Dingmann C, Bullard KJ, Hopfer CJ, Binswanger IA. Opioid Use and Storage Patterns by Patients after Hospital Discharge following Surgery. PLoS One. 2016; 11(1):e0147972. PMID: 26824844.
Binswanger IA, Gordon AJ. From risk reduction to implementation: Addressing the opioid epidemic and continued challenges to our field. Subst Abus. 2016; 37(1):1-3. PMID: 26820257.
Binswanger IA, Koester S, Mueller SR, Gardner EM, Goddard K, Glanz JM. Overdose Education and Naloxone for Patients Prescribed Opioids in Primary Care: A Qualitative Study of Primary Care Staff. J Gen Intern Med. 2015 Dec; 30(12):1837-44. PMID: 26055224.
Frank JW, Binswanger IA, Calcaterra SL, Brenner LA, Levy C. Non-medical use of prescription pain medications and increased emergency department utilization: Results of a national survey. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2015 Dec 01; 157:150-7. PMID: 26564754.
Loeb DF, Binswanger IA, Candrian C, Bayliss EA. Primary care physician insights into a typology of the complex patient in primary care. Ann Fam Med. 2015 Sep; 13(5):451-5. PMID: 26371266.
Gaskin GL, Glanz JM, Binswanger IA, Anoshiravani A. Immunization Coverage Among Juvenile Justice Detainees. J Correct Health Care. 2015 Jul; 21(3):265-75. PMID: 26084948.
Finlay AK, Binswanger IA, Smelson D, Sawh L, McGuire J, Rosenthal J, Blue-Howells J, Timko C, Blodgett JC, Harris AH, Asch SM, Frayne S. Sex differences in mental health and substance use disorders and treatment entry among justice-involved Veterans in the Veterans Health Administration. Med Care. 2015 Apr; 53(4 Suppl 1):S105-11. PMID: 25767963.
Spaulding AC, Sharma A, Messina LC, Zlotorzynska M, Miller L, Binswanger IA. A comparison of liver disease mortality with HIV and overdose mortality among Georgia prisoners and releasees: a 2-decade cohort study of prisoners incarcerated in 1991. Am J Public Health. 2015 May; 105(5):e51-7. PMID: 25790417.
Mueller SR, Walley AY, Calcaterra SL, Glanz JM, Binswanger IA. A Review of Opioid Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Prescribing: Implications for Translating Community Programming Into Clinical Practice. Subst Abus. 2015; 36(2):240-53. PMID: 25774771.
Calcaterra SL, Keniston A, Blum J, Crume T, Binswanger IA. The Association Between Stimulant, Opioid, and Multiple Drug Use on Behavioral Health Care Utilization in a Safety-Net Health System. Subst Abus. 2015; 36(4):407-12. PMID: 25738222.
Kouyoumdjian FG, McIsaac KE, Liauw J, Green S, Karachiwalla F, Siu W, Burkholder K, Binswanger I, Kiefer L, Kinner SA, Korchinski M, Matheson FI, Young P, Hwang SW. A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of interventions to improve the health of persons during imprisonment and in the year after release. Am J Public Health. 2015 Apr; 105(4):e13-33. PMID: 25713970.
Binswanger IA, Glanz JM. Pharmaceutical Opioids in the Home and Youth: Implications for Adult Medical Practice. Subst Abus. 2015; 36(2):141-3. PMID: 25671706.
Binswanger IA. Commentary on Forsyth et?al. (2014): Subgroup differences in post-release mortality-implications for access to diverse and effective treatments. Addiction. 2014 Oct; 109(10):1684-5. PMID: 25163712.
Binswanger IA, Carson EA, Krueger PM, Mueller SR, Steiner JF, Sabol WJ. Prison tobacco control policies and deaths from smoking in United States prisons: population based retrospective analysis. BMJ. 2014 Aug 05; 349:g4542. PMID: 25097186.
Binswanger IA, Whitley E, Haffey PR, Mueller SR, Min SJ. A patient navigation intervention for drug-involved former prison inmates. Subst Abus. 2015; 36(1):34-41. PMID: 24960435.
Clark BJ, Binswanger IA, Moss M. The intoxicated ICU patient: another opportunity to improve long-term outcomes. Crit Care Med. 2014 Jun; 42(6):1563-4. PMID: 24836800.
Caverly TJ, Prochazka AV, Binswanger IA, Kutner JS, Matlock DD. Confusing Relative Risk with Absolute Risk Is Associated with More Enthusiastic Beliefs about the Value of Cancer Screening. Med Decis Making. 2014 07; 34(5):686-92. PMID: 24732049.
Calcaterra SL, Beaty B, Mueller SR, Min SJ, Binswanger IA. The association between social stressors and drug use/hazardous drinking among former prison inmates. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2014 Jul; 47(1):41-9. PMID: 24642070.
Broyles LM, Binswanger IA, Jenkins JA, Finnell DS, Faseru B, Cavaiola A, Pugatch M, Gordon AJ. Confronting inadvertent stigma and pejorative language in addiction scholarship: a recognition and response. Subst Abus. 2014; 35(3):217-21. PMID: 24911031.
Binswanger IA, Mueller SR, Beaty BL, Min SJ, Corsi KF. Gender and risk behaviors for HIV and sexually transmitted infections among recently released inmates: A prospective cohort study. AIDS Care. 2014; 26(7):872-81. PMID: 24266415.
Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Mueller SR, Stern MF. Mortality after prison release: opioid overdose and other causes of death, risk factors, and time trends from 1999 to 2009. Ann Intern Med. 2013 Nov 05; 159(9):592-600. PMID: 24189594.
Calcaterra S, Glanz J, Binswanger IA. National trends in pharmaceutical opioid related overdose deaths compared to other substance related overdose deaths: 1999-2009. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013 Aug 01; 131(3):263-70. PMID: 23294765.
Calcaterra S, Binswanger IA. National trends in psychostimulant-related deaths: 1999-2009. Subst Abus. 2013; 34(2):129-36. PMID: 23577906.
Thurstone C, Binswanger IA, Corsi KF, Rinehart DJ, Booth RE. Medical Marijuana Use and Parenting: A Qualitative Study. Adolesc Psychiatry (Hilversum). 2013; 3(2):190-194. PMID: 31440441.
Cropsey KL, Binswanger IA, Clark CB, Taxman FS. The unmet medical needs of correctional populations in the United States. J Natl Med Assoc. 2012 Nov-Dec; 104(11-12):487-92. PMID: 23560350.
Calcaterra S, Blatchford P, Friedmann PD, Binswanger IA. Psychostimulant-related deaths among former inmates. J Addict Med. 2012 Jun; 6(2):97-105. PMID: 22134174.
Binswanger IA, Nowels C, Corsi KF, Glanz J, Long J, Booth RE, Steiner JF. Return to drug use and overdose after release from prison: a qualitative study of risk and protective factors. Addict Sci Clin Pract. 2012; 7:3. PMID: 22966409.
Loeb DF, Bayliss EA, Binswanger IA, Candrian C, deGruy FV. Primary care physician perceptions on caring for complex patients with medical and mental illness. J Gen Intern Med. 2012 Aug; 27(8):945-52. PMID: 22370766.
Lim S, Seligson AL, Parvez FM, Luther CW, Mavinkurve MP, Binswanger IA, Kerker BD. Risks of drug-related death, suicide, and homicide during the immediate post-release period among people released from New York City jails, 2001-2005. Am J Epidemiol. 2012 Mar 15; 175(6):519-26. PMID: 22331462.
Binswanger IA, Redmond N, Steiner JF, Hicks LS. Health disparities and the criminal justice system: an agenda for further research and action. J Urban Health. 2012 Feb; 89(1):98-107. PMID: 21915745.
Wortzel HS, Blatchford P, Conner L, Adler LE, Binswanger IA. Risk of death for veterans on release from prison. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2012; 40(3):348-54. PMID: 22960917.
Binswanger IA, Mueller S, Clark CB, Cropsey KL. Risk factors for cervical cancer in criminal justice settings. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2011 Dec; 20(12):1839-45. PMID: 22004180.
Ahalt C, Binswanger IA, Steinman M, Tulsky J, Williams BA. Confined to ignorance: the absence of prisoner information from nationally representative health data sets. J Gen Intern Med. 2012 Feb; 27(2):160-6. PMID: 21922160.
Adams J, Nowels C, Corsi K, Long J, Steiner JF, Binswanger IA. HIV risk after release from prison: a qualitative study of former inmates. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2011 Aug 15; 57(5):429-34. PMID: 21522015.
Nussbaum A, Thurstone C, Binswanger I. Medical marijuana use and suicide attempt in a patient with major depressive disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 2011 Aug; 168(8):778-81. PMID: 21813494.
Binswanger IA, Nowels C, Corsi KF, Long J, Booth RE, Kutner J, Steiner JF. "From the prison door right to the sidewalk, everything went downhill," a qualitative study of the health experiences of recently released inmates. Int J Law Psychiatry. 2011 Jul-Aug; 34(4):249-55. PMID: 21802731.
Loeb DF, Lee RS, Binswanger IA, Ellison MC, Aagaard EM. Patient, resident physician, and visit factors associated with documentation of sexual history in the outpatient setting. J Gen Intern Med. 2011 Aug; 26(8):887-93. PMID: 21523496.
Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Lindsay RG, Stern MF. Risk factors for all-cause, overdose and early deaths after release from prison in Washington state. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011 Aug 01; 117(1):1-6. PMID: 21295414.
May JP, Joseph P, Pape JW, Binswanger IA. Health care for prisoners in Haiti. Ann Intern Med. 2010 Sep 21; 153(6):407-10. PMID: 20679542.
Merrall EL, Kariminia A, Binswanger IA, Hobbs MS, Farrell M, Marsden J, Hutchinson SJ, Bird SM. Meta-analysis of drug-related deaths soon after release from prison. Addiction. 2010 Sep; 105(9):1545-54. PMID: 20579009.
Binswanger IA, O'Brien K, Benton K, Gardner EM, Hirsh JM, Felton S, Belknap R. Tuberculosis testing in correctional officers: a national random survey of jails in the United States. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2010 Apr; 14(4):464-70. PMID: 20202305.
Binswanger IA, Merrill JO, Krueger PM, White MC, Booth RE, Elmore JG. Gender differences in chronic medical, psychiatric, and substance-dependence disorders among jail inmates. Am J Public Health. 2010 Mar; 100(3):476-82. PMID: 19696388.
Binswanger IA, Krueger PM, Steiner JF. Prevalence of chronic medical conditions among jail and prison inmates in the USA compared with the general population. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2009 Nov; 63(11):912-9. PMID: 19648129.
Binswanger IA, Wortzel HS. Treatment for individuals with HIV/AIDS following release from prison. JAMA. 2009 Jul 08; 302(2):147; author reply 148. PMID: 19584343.
Binswanger IA, Cowan JA. Firearms in major motion pictures, 1995-2004. J Trauma. 2009 Mar; 66(3):906-11. PMID: 19276772.
Wortzel HS, Binswanger IA, Anderson CA, Adler LE. Suicide among incarcerated veterans. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2009; 37(1):82-91. PMID: 19297638.
Baillargeon J, Binswanger IA, Penn JV, Williams BA, Murray OJ. Psychiatric disorders and repeat incarcerations: the revolving prison door. Am J Psychiatry. 2009 Jan; 166(1):103-9. PMID: 19047321.
Binswanger IA, Takahashi TA, Bradley K, Dellit TH, Benton KL, Merrill JO. Drug users seeking emergency care for soft tissue infection at high risk for subsequent hospitalization and death. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2008 Nov; 69(6):924-32. PMID: 18925351.
Binswanger IA, Stern MF, Deyo RA, Heagerty PJ, Cheadle A, Elmore JG, Koepsell TD. Release from prison--a high risk of death for former inmates. N Engl J Med. 2007 Jan 11; 356(2):157-65. PMID: 17215533.
Wortzel H, Binswanger IA, Martinez R, Filley CM, Anderson CA. Crisis in the treatment of incompetence to proceed to trial: harbinger of a systemic illness. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2007; 35(3):357-63. PMID: 17872559.
Binswanger IA, White MC, P?rez-Stable EJ, Goldenson J, Tulsky JP. Cancer screening among jail inmates: frequency, knowledge, and willingness. Am J Public Health. 2005 Oct; 95(10):1781-7. PMID: 16186455.
Binswanger IA, Kral AH, Bluthenthal RN, Rybold DJ, Edlin BR. High prevalence of abscesses and cellulitis among community-recruited injection drug users in San Francisco. Clin Infect Dis. 2000 Mar; 30(3):579-81. PMID: 10722447.
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Year | Publications |
2000 | 1 | 2005 | 1 | 2007 | 2 | 2008 | 2 | 2009 | 5 | 2010 | 3 | 2011 | 7 | 2012 | 7 | 2013 | 5 | 2014 | 7 | 2015 | 10 | 2016 | 15 | 2017 | 6 | 2018 | 9 | 2019 | 19 | 2020 | 8 |
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