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Leah Marchell Haverhals

TitleAffiliate Assistant Professor, Veterans Affairs
InstitutionUniversity of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus

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    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
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    1. Ersek M, Sales A, Keddem S, Ayele R, Haverhals LM, Magid KH, Kononowech J, Murray A, Carpenter JG, Foglia MB, Potter L, McKenzie J, Davis D, Levy C. Correction: Preferences Elicited and Respected for Seriously Ill Veterans through Enhanced Decision-Making (PERSIVED): a protocol for an implementation study in the Veterans Health Administration. Implement Sci Commun. 2023 Mar 14; 4(1):26. PMID: 36918996.
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    2. Cornell PY, Magid KH, Corneau E, Haverhals LM, Levy C. Decline in Veterans' Admissions to Nursing Homes during COVID-19: Fewer Beds, More Fear, and Finding Alternative Care Settings. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2023 04; 24(4):447-450. PMID: 36708741.
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    3. Haverhals LM. How Social Determinants of Health of Individuals Living or Working in U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Home-Based Long-Term Care Programs in Puerto Rico Influenced Recovery after Hurricane Maria. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 10 14; 19(20). PMID: 36293827.
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    4. Haverhals LM, Magid KH, Kononowech J. Applying the Tailored Implementation in Chronic Diseases framework to inform implementation of the Preferences Elicited and Respected for Seriously Ill Veterans through enhanced decision-making program in the United States Veterans Health Administration. Front Health Serv. 2022; 2:935341. PMID: 36925825.
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    5. Ersek M, Sales A, Keddem S, Ayele R, Haverhals LM, Magid KH, Kononowech J, Murray A, Carpenter JG, Foglia MB, Potter L, McKenzie J, Davis D, Levy C. Preferences Elicited and Respected for Seriously Ill Veterans through Enhanced Decision-Making (PERSIVED): a protocol for an implementation study in the Veterans Health Administration. Implement Sci Commun. 2022 Jul 20; 3(1):78. PMID: 35859140.
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    6. Haverhals LM, Manheim CE, Katz M, Levy CR. Caring for Homebound Veterans during COVID-19 in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Foster Home Program. Geriatrics (Basel). 2022 Jun 15; 7(3). PMID: 35735771.
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    7. Magid KH, Galenbeck E, Haverhals LM, Cornell PY, Moyo P, Mochel AL, Corneau E, Rudolph JL, Mor V, Levy C. Purchasing High-Quality Community Nursing Home Care: A Will to Work With VHA Diminished by Contracting Burdens. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 11; 23(11):1757-1764. PMID: 35429454.
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    8. Wyte-Lake T, Manheim C, Gillespie SM, Dobalian A, Haverhals LM. COVID-19 Vaccination in VA Home Based Primary Care: Experience of Interdisciplinary Team Members. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 06; 23(6):917-922. PMID: 35443215.
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    9. Carpenter JG, Scott WJ, Kononowech J, Foglia MB, Haverhals LM, Hogikyan R, Kolanowski A, Landis-Lewis Z, Levy C, Miller SC, Periyakoil VJ, Phibbs CS, Potter L, Sales A, Ersek M. Evaluating implementation strategies to support documentation of veterans' care preferences. Health Serv Res. 2022 08; 57(4):734-743. PMID: 35261022.
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    10. Haverhals LM, Magid KH, Blanchard KN, Levy CR. Veterans Health Administration Staff Perceptions of Overseeing Care in Community Nursing Homes During COVID-19. Gerontol Geriatr Med. 2022 Jan-Dec; 8:23337214221080307. PMID: 35187203.
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    11. Moldestad M, Stryczek KC, Haverhals L, Kenney R, Lee M, Ball S, Au D, Kirsh S, Sayre G, Young J. Competing Demands: Scheduling Challenges in Being Veteran-centric in the Setting of Health System Initiatives to Improve Access. Mil Med. 2021 11 02; 186(11-12):e1233-e1240. PMID: 33289838.
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    12. Magid KH, Solorzano N, Manheim C, Haverhals LM, Levy C. Social Support and Stressors among VA Medical Foster Home Caregivers. J Aging Soc Policy. 2022 Sep 03; 34(5):788-808. PMID: 34047675.
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    13. Magid KH, Manheim C, Haverhals LM, Thomas KS, Saliba D, Levy C. Who Receives Care in VA Medical Foster Homes? Fed Pract. 2021 Mar; 38(3):102-109. PMID: 33859461.
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    14. Marshall V, Stryczek KC, Haverhals L, Young J, Au DH, Ho PM, Kaboli PJ, Kirsh S, Sayre G. The Focus They Deserve: Improving Women Veterans' Health Care Access. Womens Health Issues. 2021 Jul-Aug; 31(4):399-407. PMID: 33582001.
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    15. Haverhals LM, Gilman C, Manheim C, Bauers C, Kononowech J, Levy C. Implementation of VA's Life-Sustaining Treatment Decisions Initiative: Facilitators and Barriers to Early Implementation Across Seven VA Medical Centers. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021 07; 62(1):125-133.e2. PMID: 33157178.
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    16. Haverhals LM, Manheim C, Gilman C, Karuza J, Olsan T, Edwards ST, Levy CR, Gillespie SM. Dedicated to the Mission: Strategies US Department of Veterans Affairs Home-Based Primary Care Teams Apply to Keep Veterans at Home. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 12; 67(12):2511-2518. PMID: 31593296.
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    17. Haverhals LM, Manheim CE, Mor V, Ersek M, Kinosian B, Lorenz KA, Faricy-Anderson KE, Gidwani-Marszowski RA, Levy C. The experience of providing hospice care concurrent with cancer treatment in the VA. Support Care Cancer. 2019 Apr; 27(4):1263-1270. PMID: 30467792.
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    18. Gillespie SM, Manheim C, Gilman C, Karuza J, Olsan TH, Edwards ST, Levy CR, Haverhals L. Interdisciplinary Team Perspectives on Mental Health Care in VA Home-Based Primary Care: A Qualitative Study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019 02; 27(2):128-137. PMID: 30424995.
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    19. Hale A, Haverhals LM, Manheim C, Levy C. Vet Connect: A Quality Improvement Program to Provide Telehealth Subspecialty Care for Veterans Residing in VA-Contracted Community Nursing Homes. Geriatrics (Basel). 2018 Sep 05; 3(3). PMID: 31011094.
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    20. Levy C, Haverhals L, Gilman C, Manheim C. The Veterans Health Administration's Medical Foster Home Program: Where Heroes Meet (Older) Angels. Generations. 2018 Sep; 43(3):47-50. PMID: 31660003.
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    21. Gilman C, Haverhals L, Manheim C, Levy C. A qualitative exploration of veteran and family perspectives on medical foster homes. Home Health Care Serv Q. 2018 Jan-Mar; 37(1):1-24. PMID: 29261436.
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    22. Jones J, Haverhals LM, Manheim CE, Levy C. Fostering Excellence: An Examination of High-Enrollment VHA Medical Foster Home Programs. Home Health Care Manag Pract. 2017 Oct 13; 30(1). PMID: 31660039.
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    23. Haverhals LM, Manheim CE, Jones J, Levy C. Launching Medical Foster Home Programs: Key Components to Growing This Alternative to Nursing Home Placement. J Hous Elderly. 2017 Feb 16; 31(1). PMID: 31659998.
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    24. Stevenson L, Ball S, Haverhals LM, Aron DC, Lowery J. Evaluation of a national telemedicine initiative in the Veterans Health Administration: Factors associated with successful implementation. J Telemed Telecare. 2018 Apr; 24(3):168-178. PMID: 27909208.
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    25. Haverhals LM, Manheim CE, Gilman CV, Jones J, Levy C. Caregivers Create a Veteran-Centric Community in VHA Medical Foster Homes. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2016 Aug-Sep; 59(6):441-457. PMID: 27598768.
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    26. Sayre GG, Haverhals LM, Ball S, Stevenson L, Battaglia C, Aron DC, Kirsh S, Helfrich CD, Au D. Adopting SCAN-ECHO: The providers' experiences. Healthc (Amst). 2017 Mar; 5(1-2):29-33. PMID: 28668200.
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    27. Manheim CE, Haverhals LM, Jones J, Levy CR. Allowing Family to be Family: End-of-Life Care in Veterans Affairs Medical Foster Homes. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 2016 Jan-Jun; 12(1-2):104-25. PMID: 27143576.
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    28. Haverhals LM, Sayre G, Helfrich CD, Battaglia C, Aron D, Stevenson LD, Kirsh S, Ho M, Lowery J. E-consult implementation: lessons learned using consolidated framework for implementation research. Am J Manag Care. 2015 Dec 01; 21(12):e640-7. PMID: 26760426.
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    29. Battaglia C, Lambert-Kerzner A, Aron DC, Sayre GG, Ho PM, Haverhals L, Stevenson L, Kirsh S, Au DH, Helfrich CD. Evaluation of E-Consults in the VHA: Provider Perspectives. Fed Pract. 2015 Jul; 32(7):42-48. PMID: 30766078.
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    30. Levy CR, Jones J, Haverhals LM, Nowels CT. A qualitative evaluation of a new community living model: medical foster home placement. J Nurs Educ Pract. 2013 Sep 05; 4(1):162-176. PMID: 31662814.
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    31. Davis LA, Cannon GW, Pointer LF, Haverhals LM, Wolff RK, Mikuls TR, Reimold AM, Kerr GS, Richards JS, Johnson DS, Valuck R, Prochazka A, Caplan L. Cardiovascular events are not associated with MTHFR polymorphisms, but are associated with methotrexate use and traditional risk factors in US veterans with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2013 Jun; 40(6):809-17. PMID: 23547211.
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    32. Main DS, Ware G, Iwasaki PG, Burry M, Steiner E, Fedde K, Haverhals LM. Taking Neighborhood Health to Heart (TNH2H): building a community-based participatory data system. Prev Chronic Dis. 2012; 9:E41. PMID: 22261251.
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    33. Caplan L, Haverhals LM. Barriers and facilitators for preventing adverse drug reactions of long latency: a qualitative study. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2012; 24(2):81-94. PMID: 22751190.
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    34. Ross SE, Johnson KB, Siek KA, Gordon JS, Khan DU, Haverhals LM. Two complementary personal medication management applications developed on a common platform: case report. J Med Internet Res. 2011 Jul 12; 13(3):e45. PMID: 21749966.
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    35. Haverhals LM, Lee CA, Siek KA, Darr CA, Linnebur SA, Ruscin JM, Ross SE. Older adults with multi-morbidity: medication management processes and design implications for personal health applications. J Med Internet Res. 2011 Jun 29; 13(2):e44. PMID: 21715286.
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    36. Siek KA, Khan DU, Ross SE, Haverhals LM, Meyers J, Cali SR. Designing a personal health application for older adults to manage medications: a comprehensive case study. J Med Syst. 2011 Oct; 35(5):1099-121. PMID: 21562730.
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    37. Zerzan J, Lee CA, Haverhals LM, Nowels CT. Exploring physician decisions about end-of-life opiate prescribing: a qualitative study. J Palliat Med. 2011 May; 14(5):567-72. PMID: 21413855.
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    38. Siek KA, Ross SE, Khan DU, Haverhals LM, Cali SR, Meyers J. Colorado Care Tablet: the design of an interoperable Personal Health Application to help older adults with multimorbidity manage their medications. J Biomed Inform. 2010 Oct; 43(5 Suppl):S22-S26. PMID: 20937480.
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    39. Ross SE, Nowels CT, Haverhals LM, Bull SS, Lin CT, Main DS. Qualitative assessment of Diabetes-STAR: a patient portal with disease management functions. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2007 Oct 11; 1097. PMID: 18694194.
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    40. Ross SE, Haverhals LM, Main DS, Bull SS, Pratte K, Lin CT. Adoption and use of an online patient portal for diabetes (Diabetes-STAR). AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006; 1080. PMID: 17238699.
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