Cari Renee Levy
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-MED |
Title | Division Head |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-MED |
Division | Geriatrics |
Research I01HX003611 (LEVY, CARI RENEE)Oct 1, 2023 - Sep 30, 2027 NIH Palliative Care as a Parkinson's Disease Standard of Care Role: Principal Investigator |
| I50HX003177 (LEVY, CARI RENEE)Oct 1, 2020 - Sep 30, 2025 NIH Preferences Elicited and Respected for Seriously-Ill Veterans through Enhanced Decision-Making (PERSIVED) Role: Principal Investigator |
| I01HX002529 (LEVY, CARI RENEE ;MOR, VINCENT)Jan 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2022 NIH Are Veterans' Outcomes Better when VHA Purchases High-Quality Nursing Home Care? Role: Principal Investigator |
| R13AG058386 (LEVY, CARI RENEE)Aug 1, 2018 - Jul 31, 2022 NIH A Conference for Patient Centered Post-Acute Care Role: Principal Investigator |
| I01HX000973 (LEVY, CARI RENEE)Aug 1, 2013 - Jul 31, 2016 NIH Medical Foster Homes: A Safe, Cost Effective Substitute for Nursing Homes? Role: Principal Investigator |
Lam K, Cenzer I, Levy CR, Matlock DD, Smith AK, Covinsky KE. The Natural History of Disability and Caregiving Before and After Long-Term Care Entry. JAMA Intern Med. 2023 12 01; 183(12):1295-1303. PMID: 37930717.
Cole CS, Roydhouse J, Fink RM, Ozkaynak M, Carpenter JG, Plys E, Wan S, Levy CR. Identifying Nursing Home Residents with Unmet Palliative Care Needs: A Systematic Review of Screening Tool Measurement Properties. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2023 05; 24(5):619-628.e3. PMID: 37030323.
McConnell ES, Xue TM, Levy CR. Veterans Health Administration Models of Community-Based Long-Term Care: State of the Science. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 12; 23(12):1900-1908.e7. PMID: 36370751.
Plys E, Levy CR, Brenner LA, Vranceanu AM. Let's Integrate! The Case for Bringing Behavioral Health to Nursing Home-Based Post-Acute and Subacute Care. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 09; 23(9):1461-1467.e7. PMID: 35792146.
Haverhals LM, Manheim CE, Katz M, Levy CR. Caring for Homebound Veterans during COVID-19 in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Foster Home Program. Geriatrics (Basel). 2022 Jun 15; 7(3). PMID: 35735771.
Sloane PD, Portelli Tremont JN, Brasel KJ, Dhesi J, Hewitt J, Joseph BA, Ko FC, Kow AWC, Lagoo-Deenadelayan SA, Levy CR, Louie RJ, McConnell ES, Neuman MD, Partridge J, Rosenthal RA. Surgery and Geriatric Medicine: Toward Greater Integration and Collaboration. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 04; 23(4):525-527. PMID: 35379455.
Levy CR. Celebrating 25 Years of JPM: An "Alternative" to Standard Care Becomes the Gold Standard. J Palliat Med. 2022 04; 25(4):522-524. PMID: 35363069.
Presley CJ, Kaur K, Han L, Soulos PR, Zhu W, Corneau E, O'Leary JR, Chao H, Shamas T, Rose MG, Lorenz KA, Levy CR, Mor V, Gross CP. Aggressive End-of-Life Care in the Veterans Health Administration versus Fee-for-Service Medicare among Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer. J Palliat Med. 2022 06; 25(6):932-939. PMID: 35363053.
Haverhals LM, Magid KH, Blanchard KN, Levy CR. Veterans Health Administration Staff Perceptions of Overseeing Care in Community Nursing Homes During COVID-19. Gerontol Geriatr Med. 2022 Jan-Dec; 8:23337214221080307. PMID: 35187203.
Magid KH, Galenbeck E, Hazelwood J, Shanbhag P, Joucovsky AL, Levy CR, Lum HD. Sharing Space to Age in Community: A Mixed-Methods Study of Homeshare Organizations. J Aging Soc Policy. 2022 Sep 03; 34(5):809-837. PMID: 35129098.
Jones TS, Jones EL, Barnett CC, Moore JT, Wikiel KJ, Horney CP, Unruh M, Levy CR, Robinson TN. A Multidisciplinary High-Risk Surgery Committee May Improve Perioperative Decision Making for Patients and Physicians. J Palliat Med. 2021 12; 24(12):1863-1866. PMID: 34851187.
Jones CD, Thomas J, Ytell K, Roczen ML, Levy CR, Jordan SR, Lum HD, Gritz M. Is Health Information Exchange Participation Associated With Hospital Readmissions From Home Health Care? J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 01; 23(1):170-173.e2. PMID: 34480865.
Griffith MF, Levy CR, Lum HD, Teno JM, Dale CR. Trends in Advance Care Planning for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in an Integrated Healthcare System. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2021 05; 18(5):898-900. PMID: 33147425.
Griffith MF, Levy CR, Parikh TJ, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Eber LB, Palat ST, Gozalo PL, Teno JM. Nursing Home Residents Face Severe Functional Limitation or Death After Hospitalization for Pneumonia. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020 12; 21(12):1879-1884. PMID: 33263287.
Lum HD, Dukes J, Daddato AE, Juarez-Colunga E, Shanbhag P, Kutner JS, Levy CR, Sudore RL. Effectiveness of Advance Care Planning Group Visits Among Older Adults in Primary Care. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 10; 68(10):2382-2389. PMID: 32726475.
Jones CD, Nearing KA, Burke RE, Lum HD, Boxer RS, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Ozkaynak M, Levy CR. "What Would It Take to Transform Post-Acute Care?" 2019 Conference Proceedings on Re-envisioning Post-Acute Care. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020 08; 21(8):1012-1014. PMID: 32192872.
Presley CJ, Han L, O'Leary JR, Zhu W, Corneau E, Chao H, Shamas T, Rose M, Lorenz K, Levy CR, Mor V, Gross CP. Concurrent Hospice Care and Cancer-Directed Treatment for Advanced Lung Cancer and Receipt of Aggressive Care at the End of Life in the Veteran's Health Administration. J Palliat Med. 2020 08; 23(8):1038-1044. PMID: 32119800.
Haverhals LM, Manheim C, Gilman C, Karuza J, Olsan T, Edwards ST, Levy CR, Gillespie SM. Dedicated to the Mission: Strategies US Department of Veterans Affairs Home-Based Primary Care Teams Apply to Keep Veterans at Home. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 12; 67(12):2511-2518. PMID: 31593296.
Jones CD, Falvey J, Hess E, Levy CR, Nuccio E, Bar?n AE, Masoudi FA, Stevens-Lapsley J. Predicting Hospital Readmissions from Home Healthcare in Medicare Beneficiaries. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 12; 67(12):2505-2510. PMID: 31463941.
Jones CD, Levy CR. Improved Communication in Home Health Care Could Reduce Hospital Readmission Rates. JAMA Intern Med. 2019 08 01; 179(8):1151-1152. PMID: 31380950.
Gustavson AM, Drake C, Lakin A, Daddato AE, Falvey JR, Capell W, Lum HD, Jones CD, Unroe KT, Towsley GL, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Levy CR, Boxer RS. Conducting Clinical Research in Post-acute and Long-term Nursing Home Care Settings: Regulatory Challenges. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2019 07; 20(7):798-803. PMID: 31248598.
Levy C, Abbott J. Two Physicians' Plan for the Possibility of Developing Dementia. J Palliat Med. 2019 02; 22(2):116-120. PMID: 30707079.
Jones CD, Jones J, Bowles KH, Schroeder S, Masoudi FA, Coleman EA, Falvey J, Levy CR, Boxer RS. Patient, Caregiver, and Clinician Perspectives on Expectations for Home Healthcare after Discharge: A Qualitative Case Study. J Hosp Med. 2019 02; 14(2):90-95. PMID: 30785416.
Falvey JR, Burke RE, Levy CR, Gustavson AM, Price L, Forster JE, Stevens-Lapsley JE. Impaired Physical Performance Predicts Hospitalization Risk for Participants in the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly. Phys Ther. 2019 01 01; 99(1):28-36. PMID: 30602041.
Gillespie SM, Manheim C, Gilman C, Karuza J, Olsan TH, Edwards ST, Levy CR, Haverhals L. Interdisciplinary Team Perspectives on Mental Health Care in VA Home-Based Primary Care: A Qualitative Study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019 02; 27(2):128-137. PMID: 30424995.
Dang S, Ruiz DI, Klepac L, Morse S, Becker P, Levy CR, Kinosian B, Edes TE. Key Characteristics for Successful Adoption and Implementation of Home Telehealth Technology in Veterans Affairs Home-Based Primary Care: An Exploratory Study. Telemed J E Health. 2019 04; 25(4):309-318. PMID: 29969381.
Hess PL, Gunzburger EC, Kini V, Liu CF, Jones J, Matlock D, Heidenreich PA, Levy CR, Maddox TM, Grunwald GK, Ho PM. National Trends of Hospital Performance in Acute Myocardial Infarction Care: Department of Veterans Affairs, 2011-2014. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2018 04; 11(4):e004282. PMID: 29650717.
Gillespie SM, Levy CR, Katz PR. What Exactly Is an "SNF-ist?" JAMA Intern Med. 2018 01 01; 178(1):153-154. PMID: 29297015.
Lum HD, Sudore RL, Matlock DD, Juarez-Colunga E, Jones J, Nowels M, Schwartz RS, Kutner JS, Levy CR. A Group Visit Initiative Improves Advance Care Planning Documentation among Older Adults in Primary Care. J Am Board Fam Med. 2017 Jul-Aug; 30(4):480-490. PMID: 28720629.
Ersek M, Miller SC, Wagner TH, Thorpe JM, Smith D, Levy CR, Gidwani R, Faricy-Anderson K, Lorenz KA, Kinosian B, Mor V. Association between aggressive care and bereaved families' evaluation of end-of-life care for veterans with non-small cell lung cancer who died in Veterans Affairs facilities. Cancer. 2017 Aug 15; 123(16):3186-3194. PMID: 28419414.
Alemi F, Levy CR, Kheirbek RE. The Multimorbidity Index: A Tool for Assessing the Prognosis of Patients from Their History of Illness. EGEMS (Wash DC). 2016; 4(1):1235. PMID: 27891527.
Arnett K, Sudore RL, Nowels D, Feng CX, Levy CR, Lum HD. Advance Care Planning: Understanding Clinical Routines and Experiences of Interprofessional Team Members in Diverse Health Care Settings. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2017 Dec; 34(10):946-953. PMID: 27599724.
Lum HD, Jones J, Matlock DD, Glasgow RE, Lobo I, Levy CR, Schwartz RS, Sudore RL, Kutner JS. Advance Care Planning Meets Group Medical Visits: The Feasibility of Promoting Conversations. Ann Fam Med. 2016 Mar; 14(2):125-32. PMID: 26951587.
Manheim CE, Haverhals LM, Jones J, Levy CR. Allowing Family to be Family: End-of-Life Care in Veterans Affairs Medical Foster Homes. J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 2016 Jan-Jun; 12(1-2):104-25. PMID: 27143576.
Mor V, Joyce NR, Cot? DL, Gidwani RA, Ersek M, Levy CR, Faricy-Anderson KE, Miller SC, Wagner TH, Kinosian BP, Lorenz KA, Shreve ST. The rise of concurrent care for veterans with advanced cancer at the end of life. Cancer. 2016 Mar 01; 122(5):782-90. PMID: 26670795.
Levy CR. VA Palliative Care: The Filling and Relaxing of Diastole. J Palliat Med. 2015 Oct; 18(10):818-9. PMID: 26439727.
Levy CR, Alemi F, Williams AE, Williams AR, Wojtusiak J, Sutton B, Giang P, Pracht E, Argyros L. Shared Homes as an Alternative to Nursing Home Care: Impact of VA's Medical Foster Home Program on Hospitalization. Gerontologist. 2016 Feb; 56(1):62-71. PMID: 26384495.
Levy CR, Zargoush M, Williams AE, Williams AR, Giang P, Wojtusiak J, Kheirbek RE, Alemi F. Sequence of Functional Loss and Recovery in Nursing Homes. Gerontologist. 2016 Feb; 56(1):52-61. PMID: 26286646.
Pracht EE, Levy CR, Williams A, Alemi F, Williams AE. The VA Medical Foster Home Program, Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions, and Avoidable Hospitalizations. Am J Med Qual. 2016 11; 31(6):536-540. PMID: 26250930.
Wojtusiak J, Levy CR, Williams AE, Alemi F. Predicting Functional Decline and Recovery for Residents in Veterans Affairs Nursing Homes. Gerontologist. 2016 Feb; 56(1):42-51. PMID: 26185151.
Lum HD, Mody L, Levy CR, Ginde AA. Pandemic influenza plans in residential care facilities. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Jul; 62(7):1310-6. PMID: 24852422.
Levy CR, Jones J, Haverhals LM, Nowels CT. A qualitative evaluation of a new community living model: medical foster home placement. J Nurs Educ Pract. 2013 Sep 05; 4(1):162-176. PMID: 31662814.
Radcliff TA, Levy CR. Examining guideline-concordant care for acute myocardial infarction (AMI): the case of hospitalized post-acute and long-term care (PAC/LTC) residents. J Hosp Med. 2010 Feb; 5(2):E3-E10. PMID: 20104634.
Levy CR, Radcliff TA, Williams ET, Hutt E. Acute myocardial infarction in nursing home residents: adherence to treatment guidelines reduces mortality, but why is adherence so low? J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2009 Jan; 10(1):56-61. PMID: 19111854.
Levy CR, Eilertsen T, Kramer AM, Hutt E. Which clinical indicators and resident characteristics are associated with health care practitioner nursing home visits or hospital transfer for urinary tract infections? J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2006 Oct; 7(8):493-8. PMID: 17027626.
Levy CR, Fish R, Kramer A. Do-not-resuscitate and do-not-hospitalize directives of persons admitted to skilled nursing facilities under the Medicare benefit. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005 Dec; 53(12):2060-8. PMID: 16398888.
Levy CR, Ely EW, Payne K, Engelberg RA, Patrick DL, Curtis JR. Quality of dying and death in two medical ICUs: perceptions of family and clinicians. Chest. 2005 May; 127(5):1775-83. PMID: 15888858.
Levy CR, Fish R, Kramer AM. Site of death in the hospital versus nursing home of Medicare skilled nursing facility residents admitted under Medicare's Part A Benefit. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2004 Aug; 52(8):1247-54. PMID: 15271110.
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2004 | 1 | 2005 | 2 | 2006 | 1 | 2008 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 2013 | 1 | 2014 | 1 | 2015 | 6 | 2016 | 4 | 2017 | 2 | 2018 | 4 | 2019 | 7 | 2020 | 4 | 2021 | 3 | 2022 | 8 | 2023 | 2 |
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