Carlton Barnett Jr.
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-SRG |
Phone | 303/436-6502 |
Jones EL, Barnett CC. Response to the Comment on "Does Thermal Ablation Increase or Decrease the Risk of Tumor Local Recurrence?" Ann Surg. 2021 12 01; 274(6):e692-e693. PMID: 32427765.
Jones TS, Jones EL, Barnett CC, Moore JT, Wikiel KJ, Horney CP, Unruh M, Levy CR, Robinson TN. A Multidisciplinary High-Risk Surgery Committee May Improve Perioperative Decision Making for Patients and Physicians. J Palliat Med. 2021 12; 24(12):1863-1866. PMID: 34851187.
Robinson TN, Carmichael H, Hosokawa P, Overbey DM, Goode CM, Barnett CC, Jones EL, Jones TS. Decreases in daily ambulation forecast post-surgical re-admission. Am J Surg. 2022 05; 223(5):857-862. PMID: 34392912.
Halpern AL, Fitz JG, Fujiwara Y, Yi J, Anderson AL, Zhu Y, Schulick RD, El Kasmi KC, Barnett CC. Hepatic thermal injury promotes colorectal cancer engraftment in C57/black 6 mice. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2021 01 01; 320(1):C142-C151. PMID: 33175574.
Carmichael H, Samuels JM, Wikiel KJ, Robinson TN, Barnett CC, Jones TS, Jones EL. Surgical Smoke Evacuators Reduce the Risk of Fires From Alcohol-Based Skin Preparations. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2019 Dec; 29(6):e94-e97. PMID: 31633578.
Jones EL, Halpern AL, Carmichael H, Wikiel KJ, Jones TS, Moore JT, Robinson TN, Barnett CC. Hepatic Ablation Promotes Colon Cancer Metastases in an Immunocompetent Murine Model. Ann Surg. 2019 10; 270(4):675-680. PMID: 31348044.
Carmichael H, Overbey DM, Hosokawa P, Goode CM, Jones TS, Barnett CC, Jones EL, Robinson TN. Wearable Technology-A Pilot Study to Define "Normal" Postoperative Recovery Trajectories. J Surg Res. 2019 12; 244:368-373. PMID: 31323392.
Samuels JM, Carmichael H, Wikiel KJ, Robinson TN, Barnett CC, Jones TS, Jones EL. Carbon dioxide can eliminate operating room fires from alcohol-based surgical skin preps. Surg Endosc. 2020 04; 34(4):1863-1867. PMID: 31222632.
Hurt B, Schulick R, Edil B, El Kasmi KC, Barnett C. Cancer-promoting mechanisms of tumor-associated neutrophils. Am J Surg. 2017 Nov; 214(5):938-944. PMID: 28830617.
Pratap A, Fleming JB, Barnett CC. Right hemicolectomy using ileocecal pedicel flap-a new technique for ileocecal sphincter preservation in complex Crohn's disease with right sided colon cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2016 Sep; 31(9):1669-70. PMID: 27234040.
Bredbeck BC, Burlew CC, Weber SM, Barnett CC. Epigenetic alteration prolongs female survival in colorectal cancer. Surgery. 2015 Nov; 158(5):1165-7. PMID: 26094173.
Bredbeck BC, Moore EE, Barnett CC. Duodenum preserving pancreatic head resection (Beger procedure) for pancreatic trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Mar; 78(3):649-51. PMID: 25710441.
Howard K, Lo KK, Ao L, Gamboni F, Edil BH, Schulick R, Barnett CC. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 mediates murine colon adenocarcinoma invasion. J Surg Res. 2014 Mar; 187(1):19-23. PMID: 24360118.
Lo KK, Bey EA, Patra B, Benson DD, Boothman DA, Silliman CC, Barnett CC. Hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier mitigates transfusion-mediated pancreas cancer progression. Ann Surg Oncol. 2013 Jun; 20(6):2073-7. PMID: 23328973.
Pieracci FM, Witt J, Moore EE, Burlew CC, Johnson J, Biffl WL, Barnett CC, Bensard DD. Early death and late morbidity after blood transfusion of injured children: a pilot study. J Pediatr Surg. 2012 Aug; 47(8):1587-91. PMID: 22901922.
Pieracci FM, Moore EE, Chin T, Townsend N, Gonzalez E, Burlew CC, Barnett CC. The age of transfused blood predicts hematocrit response among critically ill surgical patients. Am J Surg. 2012 Sep; 204(3):269-73. PMID: 22465434.
Pieracci FM, Barnett CC, Townsend N, Moore EE, Johnson J, Biffl W, Bensard DD, Burlew CC, Gerber A, Silliman CC. Sexual dimorphism in hematocrit response following red blood cell transfusion of critically ill surgical patients. ISRN Hematol. 2012; 2012:298345. PMID: 22536521.
Benson DD, Meng X, Fullerton DA, Moore EE, Lee JH, Ao L, Silliman CC, Barnett CC. Activation state of stromal inflammatory cells in murine metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2012 May; 302(9):R1067-75. PMID: 22422663.
Benson DD, Beck AW, Burdine MS, Brekken R, Silliman CC, Barnett CC. Accumulation of pro-cancer cytokines in the plasma fraction of stored packed red cells. J Gastrointest Surg. 2012 Mar; 16(3):460-8. PMID: 22246854.
Wohlauer MV, Moore EE, Haenel JB, Burlew CC, Barnett CC. Selective Intrabronchial Air Insufflation for Acute Lobar Collapse in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit. J Surg Radiol. 2011 Apr 01; 2(2):178-180. PMID: 21687834.
Nydam TL, Kashuk JL, Moore EE, Johnson JL, Burlew CC, Biffl WL, Barnett CC, Sauaia A. Refractory postinjury thrombocytopenia is associated with multiple organ failure and adverse outcomes. J Trauma. 2011 Feb; 70(2):401-6; discussion 406-7. PMID: 21307741.
Benson DD, Kelher MR, Meng X, Fullerton DA, Lee JH, Silliman CC, Barnett CC. Gender-specific transfusion affects tumor-associated neutrophil: macrophage ratios in murine pancreatic adenocarcinoma. J Gastrointest Surg. 2010 Oct; 14(10):1560-5. PMID: 20835771.
Barnett CC, Beck AW, Holloway SE, Kehler M, Schluterman MK, Brekken RA, Fleming JB, Silliman CC. Intravenous delivery of the plasma fraction of stored packed erythrocytes promotes pancreatic cancer growth in immunocompetent mice. Cancer. 2010 Aug 15; 116(16):3862-74. PMID: 20564095.
Benson D, Barnett CC. Perioperative blood transfusions promote pancreas cancer progression. J Surg Res. 2011 Apr; 166(2):275-9. PMID: 20828757.
Moore PK, Benson D, Kehler M, Moore EE, Fragoso M, Silliman CC, Barnett CC. The plasma fraction of stored erythrocytes augments pancreatic cancer metastasis in male versus female mice. J Surg Res. 2010 Nov; 164(1):23-7. PMID: 20828763.
Barnett CC. Experimental IPOM repair: an opportunity to translate. J Surg Res. 2010 May 15; 160(2):224-5. PMID: 20422757.
Roland CL, Dineen SP, Toombs JE, Carbon JG, Smith CW, Brekken RA, Barnett CC. Tumor-derived intercellular adhesion molecule-1 mediates tumor-associated leukocyte infiltration in orthotopic pancreatic xenografts. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2010 Feb; 235(2):263-70. PMID: 20404043.
Janis JE, Ahmad J, Lemmon JA, Barnett CC, Morrill KC, McClelland RN. A 25-year experience with hemicorporectomy for terminal pelvic osteomyelitis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Oct; 124(4):1165-1176. PMID: 19935300.
Kibbe MR, Troppmann C, Barnett CC, Nwomeh BC, Olutoye OO, Doria C, Kim RD, Mankani MH, Corbett SA, Biffl WL, Schwarze ML. Effect of educational debt on career and quality of life among academic surgeons. Ann Surg. 2009 Feb; 249(2):342-8. PMID: 19212192.
Barnett CC, Ahmad J, Janis JE, Lemmon JA, Morrill KC, McClelland RN. Hemicorporectomy: back to front. Am J Surg. 2008 Dec; 196(6):1000-2. PMID: 19095122.
Dineen SP, Roland CL, Toombs JE, Kelher M, Silliman CC, Brekken RA, Barnett CC. The acellular fraction of stored platelets promotes tumor cell invasion. J Surg Res. 2009 May 01; 153(1):132-7. PMID: 18541268.
Gonzalez RJ, Barnett CC. A technique for safely teaching major hepatectomy to surgical residents. Am J Surg. 2008 Apr; 195(4):521-5. PMID: 18304505.
Schumacher P, Dineen S, Barnett C, Fleming J, Anthony T. The metastatic lymph node ratio predicts survival in colon cancer. Am J Surg. 2007 Dec; 194(6):827-31; discussion 831-2. PMID: 18005779.
Roland CL, Harken AH, Sarr MG, Barnett CC. ICAM-1 expression determines malignant potential of cancer. Surgery. 2007 Jun; 141(6):705-7. PMID: 17560245.
Smith DL, Arens JF, Barnett CC, Izzo F, Curley SA. A prospective evaluation of ultrasound-directed transparenchymal vascular control with linear cutting staplers in major hepatic resections. Am J Surg. 2005 Jul; 190(1):23-9. PMID: 15972166.
Holloway SE, Beck AW, Girard L, Jaber MR, Barnett CC, Brekken RA, Fleming JB. Increased expression of Cyr61 (CCN1) identified in peritoneal metastases from human pancreatic cancer. J Am Coll Surg. 2005 Mar; 200(3):371-7. PMID: 15737847.
Lenert JT, Barnett CC, Kudelka AP, Sellin RV, Gagel RF, Prieto VG, Skibber JM, Ross MI, Pisters PW, Curley SA, Evans DB, Lee JE. Evaluation and surgical resection of adrenal masses in patients with a history of extra-adrenal malignancy. Surgery. 2001 Dec; 130(6):1060-7. PMID: 11742339.
Barnett CC, Moore EE, Silliman CC, Abdalla EK, Partrick DA, Curley SA. Cytosolic phospholipase A(2)-mediated ICAM-1 expression is calcium dependent. J Surg Res. 2001 Aug; 99(2):307-10. PMID: 11469902.
Barnett CC, Varma DG, El-Naggar AK, Dackiw AP, Porter GA, Pearson AS, Kudelka AP, Gagel RF, Evans DB, Lee JE. Limitations of size as a criterion in the evaluation of adrenal tumors. Surgery. 2000 Dec; 128(6):973-82;discussion 982-3. PMID: 11114632.
Partrick DA, Moore EE, Moore FA, Biffl WL, Barnett CC. Release of anti-inflammatory mediators after major torso trauma correlates with the development of postinjury multiple organ failure. Am J Surg. 1999 Dec; 178(6):564-9. PMID: 10670873.
Partrick DA, Moore EE, Fullerton DA, Barnett CC, Meldrum DR, Silliman CC. Cardiopulmonary bypass renders patients at risk for multiple organ failure via early neutrophil priming and late neutrophil disability. J Surg Res. 1999 Sep; 86(1):42-9. PMID: 10452867.
Barnett CC, Moore EE, Mierau GW, Partrick DA, Biffl WL, Elzi DJ, Silliman CC. ICAM-1-CD18 interaction mediates neutrophil cytotoxicity through protease release. Am J Physiol. 1998 06; 274(6):C1634-44. PMID: 9611129.
Barnett CC, Moore EE, Partrick DA, Silliman CC. Beta-adrenergic stimulation down-regulates neutrophil priming for superoxide generation, but not elastase release. J Surg Res. 1997 Jul 01; 70(2):166-70. PMID: 9245567.
Partrick DA, Moore FA, Moore EE, Biffl WL, Sauaia A, Barnett CC. Jack A. Barney Resident Research Award winner. The inflammatory profile of interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in postinjury multiple organ failure. Am J Surg. 1996 Nov; 172(5):425-9; discussed 429-31. PMID: 8942538.
Barnett CC, Moore EE, Moore FA, Carl VS, Biffl WL. Soluble ICAM-1 (sICAM-1) provokes PMN elastase release. J Surg Res. 1996 Jun; 63(1):6-10. PMID: 8661163.
Partrick DA, Moore FA, Moore EE, Barnett CC, Silliman CC. Neutrophil priming and activation in the pathogenesis of postinjury multiple organ failure. New Horiz. 1996 May; 4(2):194-210. PMID: 8774796.
Biffl WL, Moore EE, Moore FA, Barnett CC, Silliman CC, Peterson VM. Interleukin-6 stimulates neutrophil production of platelet-activating factor. J Leukoc Biol. 1996 Apr; 59(4):569-74. PMID: 8613706.
Biffl WL, Moore EE, Moore FA, Barnett CC. Interleukin-6 delays neutrophil apoptosis via a mechanism involving platelet-activating factor. J Trauma. 1996 Apr; 40(4):575-8; discussion 578-9. PMID: 8614035.
Biffl WL, Moore EE, Moore FA, Barnett CC, Carl VS, Peterson VN. Interleukin-6 delays neutrophil apoptosis. Arch Surg. 1996 Jan; 131(1):24-9; discussion 29-30. PMID: 8546573.
Biffl WL, Moore EE, Moore FA, Barnett CC. Interleukin-6 suppression of neutrophil apoptosis is neutrophil concentration dependent. J Leukoc Biol. 1995 Nov; 58(5):582-4. PMID: 7595060.
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