Patrick M Krueger
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Denver Campus |
Department | CLAS-Health&BehavioralSciences |
Research R21DK089414 (REITHER, ERIC N)Aug 1, 2011 - May 31, 2015 NIH Sleep, Obesity and the Well-Being of US Adolescents Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R03HD057507 (KRUEGER, PATRICK M)Sep 1, 2008 - Aug 31, 2011 NIH Health and Mortality Risks among Co-Resident Grandchildren, Parents, and Grandpar Role: Principal Investigator |
| R03HS013996 (KRUEGER, PATRICK M)Sep 15, 2003 - Mar 14, 2005 NIH Race/Ethnic and Sex Disparities in Physical Activity Role: Principal Investigator |
Krueger PM, Goode JA, Fomby P, Saint Onge JM. Less Time for Health: Parenting, Work, and Time-Intensive Health Behaviors among Married or Cohabiting Men and Women in the United States. J Health Soc Behav. 2023 06; 64(2):280-295. PMID: 37052315.
Dehry SE, Krueger PM. Excess Deaths in the United States Compared to 18 Other High-Income Countries. Popul Res Policy Rev. 2023; 42(2):27. PMID: 36970708.
Boylan JM, Tompkins JL, Krueger PM. Psychological well-being, education, and mortality. Health Psychol. 2022 Mar; 41(3):225-234. PMID: 35157480.
Mollborn S, Lawrence E, Krueger PM. Developing Health Lifestyle Pathways and Social Inequalities across Early Childhood. Popul Res Policy Rev. 2021 Oct; 40(5):1085-1117. PMID: 34720278.
Krueger PM, Dehry IA, Chang VW. The Economic Value of Education for Longer Lives and Reduced Disability. Milbank Q. 2019 03; 97(1):48-73. PMID: 30883958.
Colen CG, Krueger PM, Boettner BL. Do rising tides lift all boats? Racial disparities in health across the lifecourse among middle-class African-Americans and Whites. SSM Popul Health. 2018 Dec; 6:125-135. PMID: 30258971.
Saint Onge JM, Krueger PM. Health Lifestyle Behaviors among U.S. Adults. SSM Popul Health. 2017 Dec; 3:89-98. PMID: 28785602.
Tran MK, Krueger PM, McCormick E, Davidson A, Main DS. Body Mass Transitions Through Childhood and Early Adolescence: A Multistate Life Table Approach. Am J Epidemiol. 2016 Apr 01; 183(7):643-9. PMID: 26984962.
Krueger PM, Reither EN. Mind the gap: race/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in obesity. Curr Diab Rep. 2015 Nov; 15(11):95. PMID: 26377742.
Krueger PM, Dovel K, Denney JT. Democracy and self-rated health across 67 countries: A multilevel analysis. Soc Sci Med. 2015 Oct; 143:137-44. PMID: 26356825.
Krueger PM, Reither EN, Peppard PE, Burger AE, Hale L. Cumulative exposure to short sleep and body mass outcomes: a prospective study. J Sleep Res. 2015 Dec; 24(6):629-38. PMID: 26211809.
Krueger PM, Tran MK, Hummer RA, Chang VW. Mortality Attributable to Low Levels of Education in the United States. PLoS One. 2015; 10(7):e0131809. PMID: 26153885.
Krueger PM, Jutte DP, Franzini L, Elo I, Hayward MD. Family structure and multiple domains of child well-being in the United States: a cross-sectional study. Popul Health Metr. 2015; 13:6. PMID: 25729332.
Binswanger IA, Carson EA, Krueger PM, Mueller SR, Steiner JF, Sabol WJ. Prison tobacco control policies and deaths from smoking in United States prisons: population based retrospective analysis. BMJ. 2014 Aug 05; 349:g4542. PMID: 25097186.
Krueger PM, Coleman-Minahan K, Rooks RN. Race/ethnicity, nativity and trends in BMI among U.S. adults. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2014 Jul; 22(7):1739-46. PMID: 24634406.
Fomby P, Krueger PM, Wagner NM. Age at Childbearing over Two Generations and Grandchildren's Cognitive Achievement. Res Soc Stratif Mobil. 2014 Mar 01; 35:71-88. PMID: 25767330.
Saint Onge JM, Krueger PM, Rogers RG. The relationship between major depression and nonsuicide mortality for U.S. adults: the importance of health behaviors. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2014 Jul; 69(4):622-32. PMID: 24569003.
Kruger AK, Reither EN, Peppard PE, Krueger PM, Hale L. Do sleep-deprived adolescents make less-healthy food choices? Br J Nutr. 2014 May 28; 111(10):1898-904. PMID: 24524288.
Reither EN, Krueger PM, Hale L, Reiter EM, Peppard PE. Ethnic variation in the association between sleep and body mass among US adolescents. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014 Jul; 38(7):944-9. PMID: 24480862.
Austin GL, Krueger PM. Increasing the percentage of energy from dietary sugar, fats, and alcohol in adults is associated with increased energy intake but has minimal association with biomarkers of cardiovascular risk. J Nutr. 2013 Oct; 143(10):1651-8. PMID: 23946345.
Rogers RG, Krueger PM, Miech R, Lawrence EM, Kemp R. NONDRINKER MORTALITY RISK IN THE UNITED STATES. Popul Res Policy Rev. 2013 Jun; 32(3):325-352. PMID: 25045194.
Haas SA, Krueger PM, Rohlfsen L. Race/ethnic and nativity disparities in later life physical performance: the role of health and socioeconomic status over the life course. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2012 Mar; 67(2):238-48. PMID: 22391749.
Pampel FC, Denney JT, Krueger PM. Obesity, SES, and economic development: a test of the reversal hypothesis. Soc Sci Med. 2012 Apr; 74(7):1073-81. PMID: 22341204.
Krueger PM, Saint Onge JM, Chang VW. Race/ethnic differences in adult mortality: the role of perceived stress and health behaviors. Soc Sci Med. 2011 Nov; 73(9):1312-22. PMID: 21920655.
Saint Onge JM, Krueger PM. Education and racial-ethnic differences in types of exercise in the United States. J Health Soc Behav. 2011 Jun; 52(2):197-211. PMID: 21673147.
Basu R, Krueger PM, Lairson DR, Franzini L. Lifetime medical expenditures among hypertensive men and women in the United States. Womens Health Issues. 2011 May-Jun; 21(3):246-53. PMID: 21521625.
Everett BG, Rogers RG, Hummer RA, Krueger PM. Trends in Educational Attainment by Race/Ethnicity, Nativity, and Sex in the United States, 1989-2005. Ethn Racial Stud. 2011; 34(9):1543-1566. PMID: 22649275.
Gorman BK, Read JG, Krueger PM. Gender, acculturation, and health among Mexican Americans. J Health Soc Behav. 2010 Dec; 51(4):440-57. PMID: 21131620.
Rogers RG, Everett BG, Onge JM, Krueger PM. Social, behavioral, and biological factors, and sex differences in mortality. Demography. 2010 Aug; 47(3):555-78. PMID: 20879677.
Pampel FC, Krueger PM, Denney JT. Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Behaviors. Annu Rev Sociol. 2010 Aug; 36:349-370. PMID: 21909182.
Basu R, Franzini L, Krueger PM, Lairson DR. Gender disparities in medical expenditures attributable to hypertension in the United States. Womens Health Issues. 2010 Mar-Apr; 20(2):114-25. PMID: 20211429.
Lopez WD, Krueger PM, Walters ST. High-risk drug use and sexual behaviors among out-of-treatment drug users: an aging and life course perspective. Addict Behav. 2010 May; 35(5):432-7. PMID: 20071098.
Denney JT, Rogers RG, Krueger PM, Wadsworth T. Adult Suicide Mortality in the United States: Marital Status, Family Size, Socioeconomic Status, and Differences by Sex. Soc Sci Q. 2009 Dec 01; 90(5):1167. PMID: 20161640.
Krueger PM, Bhaloo T, Rosenau PV. Health Lifestyles in the U.S. and Canada: Are We Really So Different? Soc Sci Q. 2009 Oct 14; 90(5):1380-1402. PMID: 20190868.
Binswanger IA, Merrill JO, Krueger PM, White MC, Booth RE, Elmore JG. Gender differences in chronic medical, psychiatric, and substance-dependence disorders among jail inmates. Am J Public Health. 2010 Mar; 100(3):476-82. PMID: 19696388.
Binswanger IA, Krueger PM, Steiner JF. Prevalence of chronic medical conditions among jail and prison inmates in the USA compared with the general population. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2009 Nov; 63(11):912-9. PMID: 19648129.
Krueger PM. Invited commentary: toward a more comprehensive social epidemiology of marital trajectories and mortality. Am J Epidemiol. 2009 Sep 01; 170(5):556-8. PMID: 19584131.
Krueger PM, Friedman EM. Sleep duration in the United States: a cross-sectional population-based study. Am J Epidemiol. 2009 May 01; 169(9):1052-63. PMID: 19299406.
Krueger PM. The social and political functioning of states and the homicide of media workers. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2008 Aug; 62(8):666-7. PMID: 18621948.
Saint Onge JM, Rogers RG, Krueger PM. Major League Baseball Players' Life Expectancies. Soc Sci Q. 2008 Jul 17; 89(3):817-830. PMID: 19756205.
Saint Onge JM, Krueger PM, Rogers RG. Historical trends in height, weight, and body mass: data from U.S. Major League Baseball players, 1869-1983. Econ Hum Biol. 2008 Dec; 6(3):482-8. PMID: 18753017.
Krueger PM, Chang VW. Being poor and coping with stress: health behaviors and the risk of death. Am J Public Health. 2008 May; 98(5):889-96. PMID: 18382003.
Frosch DL, Krueger PM, Hornik RC, Cronholm PF, Barg FK. Creating demand for prescription drugs: a content analysis of television direct-to-consumer advertising. Ann Fam Med. 2007 Jan-Feb; 5(1):6-13. PMID: 17261859.
Malek F, Krueger P, Hatmi ZN, Malayeri AA, Faezipour H, O'Donnell RJ. Local control of long bone giant cell tumour using curettage, burring and bone grafting without adjuvant therapy. Int Orthop. 2006 Dec; 30(6):495-8. PMID: 16896875.
Jessor R, Costa FM, Krueger PM, Turbin MS. A developmental study of heavy episodic drinking among college students: the role of psychosocial and behavioral protective and risk factors. J Stud Alcohol. 2006 Jan; 67(1):86-94. PMID: 16536132.
Rogers RG, Hummer RA, Krueger PM, Pampel FC. COMBINING PREVALENCE AND MORTALITY RISK RATES: THE CASE OF CIGARETTE SMOKING. Popul Dev Rev. 2005 Jun; 31(2):259-292. PMID: 25035524.
Krueger PM, Bond Huie SA, Rogers RG, Hummer RA. Neighbourhoods and homicide mortality: an analysis of race/ethnic differences. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2004 Mar; 58(3):223-30. PMID: 14966236.
Denney JT, Krueger PM, Rogers RG, Boardman JD. Race/ethnic and sex differentials in body mass among US adults. Ethn Dis. 2004; 14(3):389-98. PMID: 15328941.
Rogers RG, Hummer RA, Krueger PM. The effect of obesity on overall, circulatory disease- and diabetes-specific mortality. J Biosoc Sci. 2003 Jan; 35(1):107-29. PMID: 12537160.
Roberts J, Sword W, Watt S, Gafni A, Krueger P, Sheehan D, Soon-Lee K. Costs of postpartum care: examining associations from the Ontario mother and infant survey. Can J Nurs Res. 2001 Jun; 33(1):19-34. PMID: 11928152.
Ounpuu S, Krueger P, Vermeulen M, Chambers L. Using the U.S. Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System's health related quality of life survey tool in a Canadian city. Can J Public Health. 2000 Jan-Feb; 91(1):67-72. PMID: 10765590.
Scholl TO, Hediger ML, Bendich A, Schall JI, Smith WK, Krueger PM. Use of multivitamin/mineral prenatal supplements: influence on the outcome of pregnancy. Am J Epidemiol. 1997 Jul 15; 146(2):134-41. PMID: 9230775.
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