Tamara Kay Oser
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-FM General Operations |
Title | Director-Faculty |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-FM General Operations |
Research G-2107-04767 (Tamara K. Oser, MD)Nov 1, 2020 - Oct 31, 2022 The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, Type 1 Diabetes Program Evaluating the Feasibility of Automated Insulin Delivery in Primary Care and through Telehealth Role Description: The goal of this study is to access whether a fully automated closed-loop bionic pancreas system will achieve similar outcomes (average glucose, time in range, time in hypoglycemia) when deployed through community-based primary care versus academic endocrinologists, and when delivered in-person versus telehealth. Role: Principal Investigator |
| R56NR019466 (LITCHMAN, MICHELLE)Sep 10, 2020 - Jul 31, 2022 NIH Adapting and assessing the feasibility of a diabetes self-management education and support telehealth intervention for rural populations to reduce disparities in diabetes care Role: Principle Investigator (MPI) |
| 3P50CA244688-01S1 (Russell E. Glasgow)Sep 1, 2020 - Aug 31, 2021 NIH/NCI Colorado Implementation Science Center for Cancer Control (COISC3) Role Description: This Alzheimer’s disease supplement to the COISC3 highlights specific aims of identifying relative value considerations and pragmatic adaptations to shared decision-making approaches to cancer screening and prevention in rural primary care settings. We interview rural-dwelling persons living with dementia, their care partners, and primary care clinicians and staff to understand costs, benefits, and value of translating evidence-based cancer control programs into real-world rural primary care practice settings. Role: Co-Investigator |
| (Daniel J. Cox)Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021 Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc. The use of Libre to educate, motivate and activate adults with newly diagnosed to improve metabolic control and reduce their reliance on medication: A pilot study. Role Description: This study will evaluate the use of a lifestyle intervention combined with continuous glucose monitoring on clinical and behavioral outcomes in patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Role: Site Principal Investigator |
| (Aleppo)Apr 30, 2020 - Apr 20, 2022 The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, Type 1 Diabetes Program Virtual Diabetes Specialty Clinic: A Study Evaluating Remote Initiation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (VDiSC) Role Description: This grant funds a clinical trial evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of a virtual diabetes specialty clinic to initiate continuous glucose monitoring in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Role: Co-Investogator |
| (Tamara Oser)Apr 1, 2020 - Nov 1, 2021 American Academy of Family Physicians Educating and Supporting Primary Care Clinicians and Practices in Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring for their Patients with Diabetes: Translating Evidence into Actual Practice Role Description: This educational grant develops practice transformation materials to assist family physicians in incorporating continuous glucose monitoring into their practices, as well as patient-facing materials in both English and Spanish. Role: Principle Investigator |
| (Tamara K. Oser)Oct 1, 2019 - Sep 30, 2021 The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, Type 1 Diabetes Program Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetes: Not Just for Endocrinologists—What Family Docs and Educators Need to Know Role: Principal Investigator |
| (Damiano, E)May 1, 2019 - Oct 31, 2020 The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, Type 1 Diabetes Program Comparing Safety and Efficacy of a Closed-Loop Bionic Pancreas System when Deployed by Community-Based Primary Care Physicians Versus Academic Endocrinologists Role: Site Principal Investigator |
| SB-HPRN1718 (Linda Zittleman)Oct 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2020 Peer Assistance Services, Inc. Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Role Description: The High Plains Research Network (HPRN) will identify clinics to implement screening and brief intervention surrounding disordered alcohol use. Role: Co-Investigator |
| R01HL136682 (Fernando)Sep 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2020 NIH The CAPTURE Study: Validating a unique COPD screening tool in primary care Role Description: Most COPD patients remain unrecognized and undertreated; these individuals experience impaired health status, acute respiratory deteriorations, increased mortality and high health care utilization. We have developed a simple case finding tool using five questions combined with selective peak expiratory flow measurement (CAPTURE) that identifies individuals with “clinically significant COPD,” those most likely to benefit from currently available therapies. Role: Co-Investigator |
| 1 DP3 DK104054-01 (Sean Oser)Oct 1, 2014 - Nov 1, 2016 NIH/NIDDK Analyzing Patient Blog Use and Provider Perceptions to Identify Barriers and Facilitators to Type 1 Diabetes Self-Management: An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study Role: Co-Investigator |
Callen E, Clay T, Alai J, Crawford P, Visconti A, Nederveld A, Cruz I, Perez B, Roper KL, Oser TK, Saint Laurent ML, Jabbarpour Y. Migraine care practices in primary care: results from a national US survey. Fam Pract. 2024 Jun 12; 41(3):277-282. PMID: 37221301.
Aleppo G, Gal RL, Raghinaru D, Kruger D, Beck RW, Bergenstal RM, Cushman T, Hood KK, Johnson ML, McArthur T, Bradshaw A, Olson BA, Oser SM, Oser TK, Kollman C, Weinstock RS. Comprehensive Telehealth Model to Support Diabetes Self-Management. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 10 02; 6(10):e2336876. PMID: 37792375.
Darby A, Parascando JA, Lipinski M, Lipinski C, Mendez-Miller M, Berg A, Rabago D, Oser TK. Awareness and interest in osteopathic manipulative treatment in allopathic medical students. J Osteopath Med. 2023 08 01; 123(8):379-384. PMID: 37159913.
Filippi MK, Oser SM, Alai J, Brooks-Greisen A, Oser TK. A Team-Based Training for Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetes Care: Mixed Methods Pilot Implementation Study in Primary Care Practices. JMIR Form Res. 2023 Apr 24; 7:e45189. PMID: 37093632.
Messer LH, Vigers T, Akturk HK, Forlenza GP, Huss KB, Karami AJ, Malecha E, Oser SM, Polsky S, Pyle L, Shah VN, Wadwa RP, Oser TK. Increasing Use of Diabetes Devices: What Do Health Care Professionals Need? Clin Diabetes. 2023; 41(3):386-398. PMID: 37456091.
Phillip M, Nimri R, Bergenstal RM, Barnard-Kelly K, Danne T, Hovorka R, Kovatchev BP, Messer LH, Parkin CG, Ambler-Osborn L, Amiel SA, Bally L, Beck RW, Biester S, Biester T, Blanchette JE, Bosi E, Boughton CK, Breton MD, Brown SA, Buckingham BA, Cai A, Carlson AL, Castle JR, Choudhary P, Close KL, Cobelli C, Criego AB, Davis E, de Beaufort C, de Bock MI, DeSalvo DJ, DeVries JH, Dovc K, Doyle FJ, Ekhlaspour L, Shvalb NF, Forlenza GP, Gallen G, Garg SK, Gershenoff DC, Gonder-Frederick LA, Haidar A, Hartnell S, Heinemann L, Heller S, Hirsch IB, Hood KK, Isaacs D, Klonoff DC, Kordonouri O, Kowalski A, Laffel L, Lawton J, Lal RA, Leelarathna L, Maahs DM, Murphy HR, N?rgaard K, O'Neal D, Oser S, Oser T, Renard E, Riddell MC, Rodbard D, Russell SJ, Schatz DA, Shah VN, Sherr JL, Simonson GD, Wadwa RP, Ward C, Weinzimer SA, Wilmot EG, Battelino T. Consensus Recommendations for the Use of Automated Insulin Delivery Technologies in Clinical Practice. Endocr Rev. 2023 03 04; 44(2):254-280. PMID: 36066457.
Lewis DM, Oser TK, Wheeler BJ. Continuous glucose monitoring. BMJ. 2023 03 03; 380:e072420. PMID: 36868576.
Radico JA, Parascando J, Oser TK, Riley TD. Assessment of a Recognition Program in an Academic Family Medicine Department. Fam Med. 2023 03; 55(3):180-184. PMID: 36888672.
Satriale F, Garman JC, Roy S, Parascando J, Berg A, Oser T. Understanding Nutritional Knowledge and Experiences in Families With a Child Newly Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Spectr. 2023; 36(1):52-58. PMID: 36818411.
Oser TK, Hall TL, Dickinson LM, Callen E, Carroll JK, Nease DE, Michaels L, Oser SM. Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Primary Care: Understanding and Supporting Clinicians' Use to Enhance Diabetes Care. Ann Fam Med. 2022 Nov-Dec; 20(6):541-547. PMID: 36443083.
Litchman ML, Kwan BM, Zittleman L, Simonetti J, Iacob E, Curcija K, Neuberger J, Latendress G, Oser TK. A Telehealth Diabetes Intervention for Rural Populations: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022 Jun 14; 11(6):e34255. PMID: 35700026.
Oser TK, Zittleman L, Curcija K, Kwan B, Burke S, Gonzalez S, Huss K, Johnson M, Sanchez N, Neuberger J, Iacob E, Simonetti J, Litchman M. Informing a Randomized Control Trial in Rural Populations: Adaptation of a Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Intervention. JMIR Diabetes. 2022 Jun 10; 7(2):e35664. PMID: 35687385.
Riley TD, Radico JA, Parascando J, Berg A, Oser TK. Challenges in Effective Faculty and Provider Recognition to Enhance Engagement. Fam Med. 2022 06; 54(6):461-465. PMID: 35675461.
Oser TK, Oser SM. Glycemic Targets and Glucose Monitoring. Prim Care. 2022 Jun; 49(2):213-223. PMID: 35595478.
Blanchette JE, Tran MJ, Grigorian EG, Iacob E, Edelman LS, Oser TK, Litchman ML. GoFundMe as a Medical Plan: Ecological Study of Crowdfunding Insulin Success. JMIR Diabetes. 2022 Apr 15; 7(2):e33205. PMID: 35436214.
Hall T, Dickinson LM, Callen E, Nease D, Carroll J, Oser T, Warman M, Michaels L, Oser S. Relationship of primary care clinician characteristics with continuous glucose monitoring use and confidence. Ann Fam Med. 2022 04 01; (20 Suppl 1). PMID: 36701160.
Warman M, Fillippi M, Manning B, Oser T, Nease D, Hall T, Oser S, Carroll J. Continuous glucose monitoring for primary care patients with diabetes: Barriers, facilitators, & resources to support access. Ann Fam Med. 2022 04 01; (20 Suppl 1). PMID: 36857171.
Oser TK, Cucuzzella M, Stasinopoulos M, Moncrief M, McCall A, Cox DJ. An Innovative, Paradigm-Shifting Lifestyle Intervention to Reduce Glucose Excursions With the Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring to Educate, Motivate, and Activate Adults With Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: Pilot Feasibility Study. JMIR Diabetes. 2022 Feb 23; 7(1):e34465. PMID: 35050857.
Oser TK, Litchman ML, Allen NA, Kwan BM, Fisher L, Jortberg BT, Polonsky WH, Oser SM. Personal Continuous Glucose Monitoring Use Among Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: Clinical Efficacy and Economic Impacts. Curr Diab Rep. 2021 12 09; 21(11):49. PMID: 34882273.
Cox DJ, Oser T, Moncrief M, Conaway M, McCall A. Long-term follow-up of a randomized clinical trial comparing glycemic excursion minimization (GEM) to weight loss (WL) in the management of type 2 diabetes. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2021 11; 9(2). PMID: 34845062.
Ladwig MA, Sciamanna CN, Auer BJ, Oser TK, Stine JG, Agans JP. When American Adults Do Move, How Do They Do So? Trends in Physical Activity Intensity, Type, and Modality: 1988-2017. J Phys Act Health. 2021 09 01; 18(10):1181-1198. PMID: 34470912.
Diaz Del Valle F, Koff PB, Min SJ, Zakrajsek JK, Zittleman L, Fernald DH, Nederveld A, Nease DE, Hunter AR, Moody EJ, Miller Temple K, Niblock JL, Grund C, Oser TK, Greiner KA, Vandivier RW. Challenges Faced by Rural Primary Care Providers When Caring for COPD Patients in the Western United States. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2021 Jul 28; 8(3):336-349. PMID: 34048644.
Oser TK, Roy S, Parascando J, Mullen R, Radico J, Reedy-Cooper A, Moss J. Loneliness in Primary Care Patients: Relationships With Body Mass Index and Health Care Utilization. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2021; 8(3):239-247. PMID: 34322576.
O'Donovan A, Oser SM, Parascando J, Berg A, Nease DE, Oser TK. Determining the Perception and Willingness of Primary Care Providers to Prescribe Advanced Diabetes Technologies. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2021; 8(3):272-276. PMID: 34322581.
Stuckey HL, Oser SM, Miller EL, Oser TK, Peyrot M, Sharma A. "Not Today, Diabetes": Using Blog Analysis to Understand Emotional Interactions and Support Among People With Type 1 Diabetes. Front Clin Diabetes Healthc. 2020; 1:613569. PMID: 36993988.
Moss JL, Roy S, Clebak KT, Radico J, Sell J, Scartozzi C, Zhou S, Chi G, Oser T. Area- and Individual-Level Correlates of Self-Rated Health: Implications for Geographic Health Disparities. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211039715. PMID: 34412529.
Oser SM, Oser TK. Qualitative Content Analysis of Type 1 Diabetes Caregiver Blogs and Correlations With Caregiver Challenges and Successes. J Patient Exp. 2020 Dec; 7(6):957-963. PMID: 33457528.
Veldheer S, Scartozzi C, Knehans A, Oser T, Sood N, George DR, Smith A, Cohen A, Winkels RM. A Systematic Scoping Review of How Healthcare Organizations Are Facilitating Access to Fruits and Vegetables in Their Patient Populations. J Nutr. 2020 11 19; 150(11):2859-2873. PMID: 32856074.
Bogale KT, Oser TK, Zettlemoyer A, Parascando J, Silvis ML. Prevention of diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: Are certified athletic trainers an untapped resource? Endocrinol Diabetes Metab. 2021 04; 4(2):e00188. PMID: 33855200.
Kaleb T. Bogale, Tamara K. Oser, Alexander Zettlemoyer, Jessica Parascando, Matthew L. Silvis. Prevention of diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: Are certified athletic trainers an untapped resource?. Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. 2020.
Isaacs D, Cox C, Schwab K, Oser TK, Rinker J, Mason MJ, Greenwood DA, Albanese-O'Neill A. Technology Integration: The Role of the Diabetes Care and Education Specialist in Practice. Diabetes Educ. 2020 08; 46(4):323-334. PMID: 32780003.
Gal RL, Cohen NJ, Kruger D, Beck RW, Bergenstal RM, Calhoun P, Cushman T, Haban A, Hood K, Johnson ML, McArthur T, Olson BA, Weinstock RS, Oser SM, Oser TK, Bugielski B, Strayer H, Aleppo G. Diabetes Telehealth Solutions: Improving Self-Management Through Remote Initiation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring. J Endocr Soc. 2020 Sep 01; 4(9):bvaa076. PMID: 32864542.
Oser TK, Oser SM, Parascando JA, Grisolano LA, Krishna KB, Hale DE, Litchman M, Majidi S, Haidet P. Challenges and Successes in Raising a Child With Type 1 Diabetes and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Mixed Methods Study. J Med Internet Res. 2020 06 03; 22(6):e17184. PMID: 32217508.
Litchman ML, Oser TK, Hodgson L, Heyman M, Walker HR, Deroze P, Rinker J, Warshaw H. In-Person and Technology-Mediated Peer Support in Diabetes Care: A Systematic Review of Reviews and Gap Analysis. Diabetes Educ. 2020 06; 46(3):230-241. PMID: 32321370.
Oser SM, Oser TK. Diabetes Technologies: We Are All in This Together. Clin Diabetes. 2020 Apr; 38(2):188-189. PMID: 32327892.
Oser TK, Oser SM, Parascando JA, Hessler-Jones D, Sciamanna CN, Sparling K, Nease D, Litchman ML. Social Media in the Diabetes Community: a Novel Way to Assess Psychosocial Needs in People with Diabetes and Their Caregivers. Curr Diab Rep. 2020 02 20; 20(3):10. PMID: 32080765.
Litchman ML, Oser TK, Wawrzynski SE, Walker HR, Oser S. The Underground Exchange of Diabetes Medications and Supplies: Donating, Trading, and Borrowing, Oh My! J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2020 11; 14(6):1000-1009. PMID: 31801370.
Warshaw H, Hodgson L, Heyman M, Oser TK, Walker HR, Deroze P, Rinker J, Litchman ML. The Role and Value of Ongoing and Peer Support in Diabetes Care and Education. Diabetes Educ. 2019 12; 45(6):569-579. PMID: 31617467.
Oser SM, Stuckey HL, Parascando JA, McGinley EL, Berg A, Oser TK. Glycated Hemoglobin Differences Among Blog-Reading Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Compared With Those Who Do Not Read Blogs: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Diabetes. 2019 Apr 02; 4(2):e13634. PMID: 30938693.
Oser TK, Minnehan KA, Wong G, Parascando J, McGinley E, Radico J, Oser SM. Using Social Media to Broaden Understanding of the Barriers and Facilitators to Exercise in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2019 05; 13(3):457-465. PMID: 30862185.
Litchman ML, Walker HR, Ng AH, Wawrzynski SE, Oser SM, Greenwood DA, Gee PM, Lackey M, Oser TK. State of the Science: A Scoping Review and Gap Analysis of Diabetes Online Communities. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2019 05; 13(3):466-492. PMID: 30854884.
Oser TK, Oser SM, McGinley EL, Stuckey HL. A Novel Approach to Identifying Barriers and Facilitators in Raising a Child With Type 1 Diabetes: Qualitative Analysis of Caregiver Blogs. JMIR Diabetes. 2017 Oct 26; 2(2):e27. PMID: 30291073.
Curry E, Oser TK, Oser SM. Electronic Health Record Impacts on Family Medicine Teachers: Survey of Third-Year Medical Student Clerkship Preceptors at an Academic Medical Center. Fam Med. 2017 Oct; 49(9):723-729. PMID: 29045990.
Hilliard ME, Sparling KM, Hitchcock J, Oser TK, Hood KK. The emerging diabetes online community. Curr Diabetes Rev. 2015; 11(4):261-72. PMID: 25901500.
Oser TK, Haidet P, Lewis PR, Mauger DT, Gingrich DL, Leong SL. Frequency and negative impact of medical student mistreatment based on specialty choice: a longitudinal study. Acad Med. 2014 May; 89(5):755-61. PMID: 24667501.
Oser SM, Oser TK, Silvis ML. Evaluation and treatment of biking and running injuries. Prim Care. 2013 Dec; 40(4):969-86, ix. PMID: 24209728.
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